John cristani here why the heck does nordvpn sponsor so many YouTubers well first let's go into that I I've been doing affiliate marketing for a while nordvpn is famous affiliate program they work with tons of people so I'm very familiar with nordvpn and they absolutely crush it you know they have a very aggressive affiliate program but your question was why are they sponsoring so many YouTubers so let me break this down a little [Music] bit now the reality is 99% of the people you see on social media doing videos for nordvpn at the very least over 95% are actually Affiliates for nordvpn a very small percentage but still probably more than almost any other brand out there are sponsored by nordvpn now what does that mean okay well let me break this down because there's two different ways people are sponsor uh now you may be thinking nordvpn is approaching you know YouTubers or content creators and they're saying here's $10,000 can you talk about us in a video right it's not what's really going on you know maybe that happens happened a few times but what nordvpn is primarily doing with their few singled digigit percentage of sponsorships of influencers is they're actually paying a CPM meaning for every th000 views that you get the YouTuber gets $15 CPM so that YouTube pays about $5 CPM so it means you're making about three times more from you know in addition to your YouTube Revenue by talking about nordvpn so that's what a sponsorship is and keep in mind they're only paying after the fact so it's not like they're you know you know so there there there's a little bit of what do I call drisking there but the question Still Remains why do they sponsor so many YouTubers because they're making a ton of money doing it and and the other question is why are so many YouTubers talking about their product without even being sponsored just as an affiliate meaning they only get paid if they get signups nordvpn converts if you talk about it on your YouTube channel your Tik Tok your whatever you can make a lot of money they've one of the best affiliate programs in the world their Affiliates are making tens of millions a year and I'm going to dive into a stepbystep process for how you can sign up to be a nordvpn affiliate and get a part of this money and what you should do and I'll also go over the pros and cons of their program in just a second first let's break down some of the specifics of what you're getting paid with nordvpn's affiliate program 100% commission for the first month it's huge that's competitive you know most the brand out there like Nike and Adidas and all that stuff they're offering like you know at most 5% commissions you know Amazon offers uh two to 5% Commission on their products right North vpn's coming in with a like you know you know 100% commission that's crazy and then after month one 30% recurring so here's where we get into the beauty of affiliate marketing and working with software companies like nordvpn and why their program works so well is the recurring commission so first off they're coming in hard with a 100% commission for the first month that's huge okay but then they're coming in with 30% recurring for life that means if I can get a thousand people to sign up for nordvpn I can retire I mean I wouldn't live a great crazy life but I could retire so what you make with nordvpn is for an annual subscription nordvpn PN it's about $60 100% of the first month of this you know if you kind of do all the math but let's just call it 30% you're getting 100% of the first month but this is an annual plan so it's a little different but you're making about 20 bucks 20 bucks a year per person now you get a th000 people signed up to nordvpn you're making 20,000 a year but it's for life okay now it's not a lot but the point is you're getting recruit curring commissions for the lifetime and that's a great proposition you get 10,000 people signed up for an nordvpn you're making $200,000 a year and they have very low churn rate I I'm not sure of what the churn rate is but that's why their program pays out so much now the steps to get set up with nordvpn's affiliate program it's really easy search n nordvpn affiliate program sign up uh fill out their application to be an affiliate you know you have to put in your banking information you have to have a method of promotion and you can sign up it's not difficult from other affiliate applications obviously it's expected you're going to be posting on social media let's talk about the pros and cons of being a part of nordvpn's affiliate program and why why might you not want to be a part of their affiliate program now we already talked about a lot of the pros you know we talked about a lot of money they have one of the most competitive affiliate programs out there we talked about recurring lifetime commissions okay and ve very aggressive business practice but very good for you as an affiliate these are all great okay now what are the cons though now the cons are to really sell nordvpn you have to be creating content you can't just sit on your butt can't just hope for some magic internet button that you can press that's going to make you money the other con about their affiliate program is most of the money is made on the recurring it's not a lot of money in the beginning right because it's only like 12 bucks a month so even if you get 100% Commission on 12 bucks you're not making What I Call The Sweet Spot of affiliate marketing The Sweet Spot of affiliate marketing is between 50 to $150 commission day one meaning the first you know you put up your ad somebody clicks on your page an hour later you're seeing a $100 commission okay you're not getting that so it's I'd say hard if you're doing paid traffic I don't really see much of an opportunity with their affiliate program with paid traffic that's what I do for affiliate marketing I spend money you know I want to spend if I'm spending $100 promoting a product I want to make back you know 150 to 200 that same day it's what I teach in my mentorship program uh there should be a link somewhere below if you're just looking to learn a little bit about affiliate marketing I don't teach paid advertising in my book but you know I introduce people it's free and I introduce you to the affiliate model in my book it's in the description so hard for paid cons you have to create content constantly and I'd say furthermore it's not just about creating content but it's being you have to build trust you have to build trustworthy content because again you know the fact that most the commissions are recurring is that people need to stick you can't just get that money day one and be like haha you know people want to see that consistency they and but they need to trust you and that's why so many influencers promote it because influencers are trust trusted by Nature I'd say the other Pro with nordvpn is huge Market okay basically everyone who uses the internet cares somewhat about their privacy or being able to access content that might be censored in their home country in America we're censored a ton you know uh in a lot of countries around the world censored a ton I hope that was informative I hope you learned a little bit let me know in the comments what are your thoughts about nordvpn's affiliate program you're thinking of joining promoting not joining promoting why why why not let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you have any value to add to the discussion uh maybe there's something uh I was wrong about in talking about the program or maybe there's something you'd like to add information to post in the comments you know we're trying to build a community of uh space colonizing Christian cyborgs here you know the goal is to make a lot of money on Earth and then go colonize space and uh you know I'm trying to build a community so if you're with me you know add add some comments you know subscribe and uh like this video and I look forward to seeing you in the next one see you bye
Why Does NordVPN Sponsor So Many YouTubers?