this video reveals the secret to unlock prosperity and abundance in your life regardless of what you're experiencing right now when I first learned these ideas I was fresh out of college I had $50,000 in student loan debt that I wasn't even able to pay on and I was working a series of rubbish jobs that I did not enjoy like waiting tables I was doing customer service getting yelled at for 20 bucks an hour and I was even selling cars on the side and boy did I not enjoy selling cars and from that state of being I was turned on to a series of ideas through some old books and that helped me change my mindset which ultimately changed my feelings and ultimately change my actions and that applied for a few years straight has helped me go on to build a multi-million dollar business and a lifestyle that offers me the freedom to go camping in the middle of the week to go have multiple million dollar homes to go enjoy paddle boarding and snowboarding and all of those fun things on weekdays when everyone else is stuck in a commuter lifestyle in a cubicle okay so what we're going to end with here is a series of five book recommendations that I have for you that I think are must read must listen that you need to get through so you can understand these ideas from the people who taught them to me but first I'm going to do my best right here and now to give you the basics the framework the foundation of this idea so you can right now in this video begin to shift your your entire life towards one that is filled with prosperity and abundance so the first thing that you need to really understand is that prosperity and abundance are states of being so is sadness so is lack so is frustration those are all states of being so what is a state of being ultimately it's comprised of three separate things it's your thoughts it's your feelings and it's your actions it's the things you're doing out in the world and right now most people are feeling broke they're feeling like they don't have enough money they feel lack they feel doubt and they feel fear and those feelings create more thoughts that are fearful thoughts that are doubt based thoughts that are fomo based thoughts the fear of missing out and these people get caught up in all these greedy Guru scams and they fomo into these weird Investments that are meme coins and they're doing all kinds of things that lead them down the path to reinforce the lack that is their reality so how do you shift yourself if your reality doesn't have a bunch of abundance in it if your reality isn't filled with prosperity how do you begin to shift yourself and shift your life the first place you have to start is with your thoughts now being aware and becoming aware of your dominant thoughts is not actually easy some people don't even realize that they kind of have this internal dialogue with the ego mind at all times during the day but once you start to realize that you and I and every human being on Earth has an ego mind that is ultimately asking questions and and guiding us in a very odd way you can begin to become aware of what that conversation is about of what those ideas are about and are those ideas currently like man I don't have enough or man I really want that but I can't afford that man I wish I had this and I wish I had that but I don't and boy my life stinks because I don't have all these external things that I believe will make me feel better well if you're sitting thinking those thoughts all day you're going to feel that state of lack and when you are feeling that state of lack and when you're thinking those thoughts of lack your actions in the world are going to be to chase shiny objects to go jump into greedy Guru scams that are enriching others at the expense of you to fomo into odd Investments and treat investing like gambling hoping that you get some random lottery ticket with some dog with hat coin thing hoping that that's your ticket to the lifestyle that you ultimately want but once you shift your mindset and you understand one of the great truths and the way that I like to share it is the way I learned it from Zig Ziggler who is a motivational coach he's a sales trainer and he has said that you can have anything you want in this world as long as you help enough other people get what they want now the first thing that you can latch on to when you hear this quote is that you can have anything you want in this world there's no reason that you can't have anything that you want in this world and if you ever study the biographies of entrepreneurs you will find people like Oprah Winfrey for example who grew up in with I mean all the cards stacked against her with with traumatic abuse experiences in her life every statistical data point says that that woman should not have created the success that she did but she went on to create amazing things in her life and she has created a massive amount of wealth of prosperity and abundance in her life and when you start to see like oh my gosh like people from rough neighborhoods from rough upbringings people with dysfunctional upbringings people with abuse and Trauma that they had to deal with have gone on to make millions and millions of dollars and gone on to create the life of their dreams I can do that too so that's that first part of the main of that main phrase that you need to grasp on to that it is possible for you to have anything and everything that you want in this world how if you help enough other people get what they want so this requires you to do two things number one you got to think about what other people want and you got to think about how you can help other people so this gets us into the world of choosing your Niche right like who can you help and then it's your content strategy or your marketing strategy what are you going to help them with and as you start to understand what people want and as you get good at helping people get what they want this is creating the content creating the emails creating the opt-in pages creating the sales letters creating the courses finding them as an affiliate and creating the emails that promote those things when you help those people actions in the real world when you help those people get what they want you earn the cash flow the income you get ad revenue from your YouTube videos you get commissions from your affiliate products you get the cash flow into your bank account from your shopping cart from selling the products that you want again you can have anything that you want in this world as long as you help enough other people get what they want so you need to a believe that it is possible for you which I can tell you as someone who was broke with $50,000 in student loan debt I grew up middle class on the lower end of that middle class spectrum and I've broken out to create massive amounts of wealth in my life it's possible anyone could do this so that's the first part the second part is you got to figure out who you can help and what you can help them with and then third you got to take actions in the physical world to go help those people get what they want and folks who are stuck in lack all they're thinking about is themselves they're thinking about their lack I can't make this bill I don't have enough for this man I don't know what's going on and they're thinking about themselves themselves themselves and this is where one of the more interesting things that some folks could do right now this week to start to instantly shift their thoughts and their feelings in alignment with more Prosperity is to go start volunteering to just go help others if you don't know consciously what Niche you can be helpful to what audience you're going to be of service to what kind of content you need to create go find something you can do in your physical world that's just going to help others and there are Community Food Banks there are there's so many things in your community there's so many ways the Big Brother the big sister the YMCA there's a million and one ways for you to just start go help other people in your community and what that does is it gets your thoughts focused in a New Direction you're going to feel good about yourself when you're helping others and it really puts you in a vibrational alignment with these core theories and philosophies that ultimately make up that idea of a state of being that is prosperity a state of being that is abundance okay so again your thoughts your feelings and your actions in the real world are the big key about everything now the biggest and most kind of prolific step that I took on my path to understanding this to get all my thoughts in the right way because I I grew up thinking rich people all took advantage of somebody those people in the MC mansions with the two BMWs in the driveway they're rich turns out they're broke they're cash flow paycheck to paycheck right um reading the books and really understanding and learning from the great philosophers and the great teachers of yester year I am not talking about the Hipster books that have been created since the year 2000 Beyond oh Lord I don't pay attention to any of those they're just gurus trying to sell you something on the back end of the book I'm looking for the folks who wrote books back in the 1900s the 1910s the 1930s the 1940s who were here to leave a legacy to show you the pathway of how to get your mind straight to get your heart your feeling your vibration straight and ultimately to get your life and your actions in alignment with that prosperity and abundance that you desire so book number one is by Jim ran and it's called the day that turns your life around now we're starting here at this book because I know a lot of you watching this and I know a lot of viewers of my videos they're struggling and you need to realize that change happens in an instant a lot of people drag this idea around for months or years I'm going to change I'm going to make that online business I've heard it from friends from family members for almost a decade from some people oh yeah someday I'm going to make a oh I'm G to do that business thing I'm gonna do that online business thing but they never actually shift and you need to understand how to actually create change to to put that flag in the ground and say today is the day that everything changes for me I'm done with this life of lack I'm done with the struggle I'm done with the BS that I've been dealing with I'm done with all the stuff my parents did I love my parents I'm so grateful to have been raised by the family I was raised by my parents are still together they raised me with love but they did not get the money game and I planted my flag one day and said you know what I'm figuring out this game I'm going to do what it takes to create prosperity and abundance in my life so you need to be able to put that flag in the ground and actually create change and that's what Jim ran covers now this is an audio book I don't know if it is in the format of an actual print book all of the links to these books some of them are free on YouTube Some of are on Audible all the links will be in the description to make sure you're getting the right ones um but the day that turns your life around by Jim ran is a fantastic resource for you if you know that you've wanted change if you've been dragging that idea of change around if you've been thinking about starting a business online if you've been thinking about doing things for differently for a long time go through this book you need to really get some leverage on yourself and I want to honestly say that Jim ran is one of those people that when you finish this book if you like his style go through all of his other books get an audible account to where you're paying what 15 16 bucks a month you get one credit per month listen to several Jim Rome books I also have his um the ultimate library of Jim Rome which covers a lot of his big topics personally I learned about Jim ran through network marketing when I used to be involved in the MLM and network marketing industry think that was the secret and the shortcut to my success it wasn't for me maybe it works for some people I don't know trying to pitch my friends and family and get three to get three to get three that is just not my uh alignment with the prosperity and abundance but what I learned in those years of doing network marketing is I learned how vital personal development is on my path and your path as someone going from growing up in an employee based household where everybody just looks to the corporation they look to these external things for the source of Supply to shifting and realizing that ah as an entrepreneur I have a different source of Supply I need to tap into a higher source of Supply I need to tap into something different that nobody I've ever known has tapped into which means I actually have to completely rewire my brain with new thoughts new ideas and Jim ran the world of personal development have been huge on my plate so if you've been dragging around the idea of change if you know you've wanted to change if you're not doing what you know you need to do and you're like oh I'm going to be an entrepreneur someday but you're not doing the things that entrepreneurs do please start there go through the day that uh turns your life around um by Jim ran number two is a book that's going back I think it was written in the late 1800s it might have been published like really really early 1900s so this book is over 100 years old and it is the science of getting rich by Wallace Waddles now the cool thing about this being a really old book is that it's available free you can get it on Gutenberg if you want a print book you can get the print book for like five bucks but there's also audio versions of this book on YouTube as well that you can listen to because it's in the public domain now about 10 years ago or so there was a uh marketing uh product out there called The Secret the secret DVD ultimately this secret DVD was all about the law of attraction and when you realize it was well if you do enough digging you will come to realize that everything that that book is about actually comes from this original document from Wallace wallet Waddles that is the science of getting rich and what it does is it helps you understand in maybe more of a spiritual Dimension how quantum physics Works how this universe that we live in is receptive to your thoughts it's receptive to your vibrations and this universe has the ability to align you with the ideas the people the resources the tools everything and anything that you need to accomplish your goals to achieve that Prosperity that you desire that abundance that you desire everything can actually show up for you in that right timing when you understand how to work with these spiritual laws of the universe now with it being a 100-year old book uh the language patterning right the words they use the pros that they wrote with is a little old and outdated I kind of think it's a little bit fun to listen to um I like hearing that style um but just you got to understand the core of where this all comes from because when you realize that you actually can impress your ideas you can impress your desires upon this universe and the universe itself begins to reorganize itself in a way to help you align with your desires wow that is a very powerful level of understanding and when you understand that when your thoughts really truly believe that you're going to feel like ah I am supported by this universe I have every I have access to everything that I need and it's going to take it's going to get you to take actions from a different standpoint and ultimately that's going to kind of rearrange your lifestyle in the direction of what you want this is how you shift from lack to Prosperity starting no matter what your bank account looks like right now no matter what your day job or your lack of job looks like right now no matter whether your business is cranking or your business isn't even started yet you can begin to make this change and the universe is listening and it's receptive and it's picking up on that change that you start to make right now from your internal state of being and I want to go as far as saying that quantum physics proves this okay so as science got better in the 75 80 years after writing this book we now have actual scientific studies that show through quantum physics that the Observer right when the Observer of an actual scientific experiment observed that experiment with an expectation the experiment results actually changed for example is it a wavelength or a particle if you zoom in on anything any matter in this universe if you zoom in on it enough you're going to find out with an electron microscope that everything is just wavelengths of energy at some point you zoom in enough and you see that there's like a molecule and there's electrons kind of floating around fluttering around popping in and out of existence and everything is ultimately some sort of a wavelength of energy but when scientists went to measure this wavelength it turned into a particle but when scientists weren't in the room trying to measure it and they just let the apparatus do the measuring it was a wavelength or a field of infinite potential and Quant physics if you want to go down that rabbit hole there is a DVD from like the late 90s called what the bleep do we know that really goes into this but quantum physics proves that you the Observer and what you think and what you expect to happen in this world literally affects and changes the physical world and I really personally appreciate deeply how Wallace watles covers this in the science of getting rich it's also a super short book I think it's like two hours so it's one that I've personally gone through at least a dozen times why because I gotta get my head on straight right because I grew up thinking there's not enough month at the end of the money money doesn't grow on trees rich people all stole from somebody to get rich right rich people are bad and like if I think rich people are bad am I ever going to allow myself to become rich like no that mean I've become bad but I'm a good person therefore I can't be rich no dangerous dangerous thoughts so I had to rewire all of these old disempowering thoughts that reinforced a state of lack in my life up until my mid 20s I had to rewire those and install a new operating system that was more empowering to help me realize that I can affect the world and as I help enough other people get what they want I can get anything that I want and as I start to go look around for things that people want and look around for ways that I can possibly help people the universe actually begins to give me the circumstances the coincidences The Inspired ideas the intuitive nudges that I need to say miles go make that YouTube video you know I think I'm going to make a YouTube video in fact I'm going to make a YouTube video every day for the next 90 days and here we are like 8 years after that and I've made 800 videos and I've made over a million dollars with this YouTube channel right and those ideas are the kinds of things that pop into existence when we get this going in the right direction so number two is the science of getting riched by Wallace Waddles I think it's a fantastic book everyone must read it it is you you'll notice I think the entire New Age world is essentially just biting off this guy bit and I like to go to the original source of where all of this comes from because I feel like just the the eloquence the succinctness how simple it actually is but boy when I applied it to my life I've I've been able to do things that no one in my family has ever no one in my bloodline no one in my wife's family nobody's been able to accomplish what we've been able to accomplish because nobody took time to get their head on straight to get it all all these thoughts focused in the right way to start feeling like it's all possible to then take all those actions to create wealth and prosperity in abundance um number three is a book called you too can be prosperous this is by Robert Russell he was actually a prophetic author he there's like a part two to this book he's got all kinds of content out there but I really think that this YouTu can be prosperous is one of the best summations of these same types of ideas now he takes a little bit more of a Biblical Slant with this now I am not I didn't grow up religious um I've never read the Bible uh I'm I'm was agnostic at parts of my life I was baptized Lutheran but we never really went to church so when I started to realize how some of the texts of the Bible and some of the teachings of the Bible are right in align with the same thing that those the new thought movement people are talking about the same thing that's in alignment with the law of attraction aha it's just another data point to me that says for centuries people have understood this and maybe somehow there are these mechanisms of control that are designed to keep you stuck in lack so you just keep heating that feeder bar you keep going to that day job the people at the top who get this stuff earn all of the outsized rewards while your life energy is drained for their profits because they get this stuff and you don't and another one of those books that helped me really really open my mind and open my understanding to how this all works is you two can be prosperous another relatively short book it is available on YouTube it's also available on Audible and it's one that I've gone through at least a dozen times I mean uh when I say I've been through this dozen times I've probably been through the science of getting rich with Wallace Waddles probably 50 plus times it's one of those things I just listen to this stuff on repeat while I'm making coffee while I'm doing dishes I want to really rewire my brain and my thoughts into a level of belief with this stuff and repetition is the number one way for me to do that number four is Grow Rich with Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill now you've probably heard of other people recommend Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich which I think is a good book it's a little uh uh lengthy in its style but what I really like is that this book The Grow Rich with Peace of Mind by Napoleon Hill was written at the end of his career whereas thinking Grow Rich was like the first thing that he put together when he was challenged by the wealthiest man in the world at that time to go study how wealth works so he could put a manual together how anyone could create wealth and riches in their life Think and Grow Rich was that book I think it's worth reading I've been through thinking Grow Rich 89 10 times I don't even know it's one of those books that an investor gave me and I've listened to it over and over and over and over again I do a lot of road trips and when I'm on road trips I listen to these kinds of books but Grow Rich with peace of mind has some modesty built into it it has some realism built into it because what Napoleon Hill did in his life after he understood these things with thinking Grow Rich is he ended up buying this gigantic home he had multiple rolls-royces he began to live lavishly and he began to live outside of his means and what you might learn about uh Napoleon Hill he almost died flat broke and the only reason he didn't die flat broke is because I believe it's w Clement Stone who ran an insurance agency actually put him on the payroll at the end of his life to just coach his insurance salespeople so these thoughts these ideas this world of prosperity and abundance can get some people out over their skis and you see it sometimes some of these gurus they go out and they buy millions of dollars worth of cars and dozens of millions of dollars worth of real estate and they get that treadmill turned up that they have to sell another course they have to sell another thing and at this point their intentions get a little out of alignment with what's in the best greatest service for Their audience and if we go back to that main quote um You can have anything you want in this world if you help enough other people get what they want they stop focusing on helping other people get what they want and they start getting for themselves and when we try to get from the universe when we try to take from this world when we try to hoard riches from this world for um personally gratifying things you will find that the Universe finds ways to take from us and Napoleon Hill experienced that distinctly throughout his life so the last book that he wrote that very few people know about surprisingly um I've read this one several times Grow Rich with peace of mind it takes those core ideas that he taught in thinking Grow Rich but it runs them through that lens of the opulent lifestyle that he was living at some point in time and it really helped reinforce the um the why behind living a reasonable life within ones means instead of perpetually turning up the treadmill oh I got more money coming in for my online business let me go buy that new Tesla oh I got more money coming in let me go buy that new thing I got more money coming and buy that new thing one shift in the economy one shift in user Behavior it all goes kaput and this is why and how so many entrepreneurs end up going bankrupt within their life which is just not something that's in alignment with where I'm at my my state of vibration or my thought pattern um and why it's because I understand the risks involved with this how do I understand that it's through books like these it's through reading the biographies and then number five is the abundance book by John Randolph price now I've talked about this in another video where I did have a book list but I'm mentioning it again because this is a tiny book it's it's like this big and honestly I've given away all of my copies I keep buying more copies and I give them to friends who are personal friends who want to change their life and who want to kind of live more of a lifestyle like Melanie and I live this is the book that I hand to each and every one of them it's tiny you could read the whole thing cover to cover in like an hour hour 20 but the cool part is he recorded an audio book of this and he also has a meditation of this and I will put both of those in the description as well and I just want to cover two last things before I let you go number one you can have anything that you want in this world if you help enough other people get what they want that's what all my other videos are here for to help you figure out who what's your Niche right search miles Beckler how to find a niche online you'll find it search miles Beckler how to make 10 grand a month online you'll find it so that's the first key is that you need to figure out how you can go help other people get what they want and when you get good at helping others get what they want you will find that the cash flow that the prosperity that the abundance that the wealth that the riches flood to you in a way that still for me personally I mean is mindboggling I'm still earning so much more than I ever thought was possible and I'm only working 3 four hours per week at this point in time and I mean tens upon tens upon tens of thousands of dollars per week each and every week whether I'm working or playing or camping or road tripping this stuff works you can have anything you want in this world if you help enough other people get what they want and then number two is that you got to get your thoughts your feelings and your actions all in alignment and the best way for you to get your thoughts going and that's going to help you feel better is by going through these books um I I think you should listen to these books over and over and over again find one of the authors find one of the books find one of them that really resonates with you and listen to it until you can practically regurgitate the thing that's when you know your subconscious mind has taken this on it's one thing to read a book or listen a book like oh yeah yeah I know that stuff it's another thing to go through it over and over and over again and the neuroplasticity in your mind your brain literally rewires itself to believe that and when you rewire yourself to believe that you can have anything that you want in this world that you can help other people get what they want that is when you start to really take those actions confidently that's how we get out of lack and doubt and fear and looking for these lottery tickets and these greedy Guru pitches and these these MLM schemes and these these dog coins and these whatever meme coins people are trading people get out of this like Lottery oh I hope I can get rich with this and you realize no no no there's a proven process I need to upgrade my mindset I need to upgrade my state of being and I need to go up upgrade my actions to be of Greater service in this world and when you align with that greater service that thing that you are here to bring through you in this world you will be amazed at what comes out I hope this has been helpful for you I hope you go through these books each one of the books is linked in the description below leave me a comment leave me a question I look forward to connecting with you on this video and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video thank you very much for your time give me a thumbs up like it subscribe do what you do and I'm going to do what I do and I'll see you on the next video till then be well