turn in the dark •meme• /furby animation/

Original https://youtu.be/QwPjolhJ0Ho 💋

Ok so basically I thought it would be fun to animate some of my old furby ocs because wow

fun suprise I used to animate furbies for 3 years and that's one of the biggest reasons my anatomy Is still fucking trash


Here's a channel full of old videos if you want to see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCat6zxTs6ErAoRQK5UA8dcQ

Basically I have a love hate relationship with these things. Because 1 : I wouldnt have a hobby without them. And 2 : now my art is garbage and I need way more fucking practice and I'm really slow lol fjslnpdjs people love to beat my ass for my half shit art Haha

Song https://youtu.be/5zi0WFL8ANA

Programs: flipaclip and powerdirector

Tools: Samsung Galaxy s9 and my finger

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