the information contained in the video you're watching right now is responsible for making me millions of dollars it's actually very simple it's very boring but it makes a lot of money so if you're excited smash a like button and let's dive into the basics of making money online this glossery list of terms will help you understand what's going on and how the internet works in terms of making money so that you can get money for yourself and it's actually very simple let's go ahead and dive in and talk about some of these general terms that have to do with making money online maybe you've heard some of them maybe they've been described to you and maybe some of them just don't make sense the goal here is to help you make sense of all the stuff that's going on because if you don't understand this you're going to be susceptible to pretty much anyone who talks about making money and some of the videos out there at best will waste your time and at worst are complete scams so we're going to dispel the myths and we're going to talk about how this actually works get ready get a notepad get some paper take some notes because this is going to help you make money in a super simple way first of all we have the term affiliate marketing a lot of people think affiliate marketing is something other than what it is in fact it's actually very very simple what affiliate marketing is is where you have a company over here and you have an affiliate over here and a consumer over here let's call this a business so there's no confusion we have the business over here that wants to get customers we have the affiliate here and the job of the affiliate is to get customers for the business what they have is an affiliate program or an affiliate link the affiliate link tracks people who click on the link and make a purchase or take an action this could be something like filling out a form calling a phone number downloading a product filling out a form or even buying something it's actually very simple and if you understand affiliate marketing in that way I think it's going to be a lot easier for you to make money the next term we're going to look at is Niche or need n what is a niche well a niche is quite simply a small portion of a market you might think that out there you have a niche like health and a lot of people think that health is a niche but health is a market so if we have the health Niche or market right like this you're going to have a subsect of that market maybe you have people looking for discounts on perscription drugs or people that are looking for ways to lose weight or people that want to know the best vitamins for energy that would be a niche best vitamin for energy is a niche whereas health is a market most people get this wrong and they go for the market rather than the niche which makes it much more competitive much less focused and a lot harder to get traffic and make money so focus on a niche or Niche and you will have a much better time trying to make money next up we have the word traffic traffic is something that's elusive to a lot of people because a lot of marketers think that traffic is hard to get when in fact traffic is not hard to get traffic is actually very easy to get you can go to Google MSN or any other network and you can buy traffic right now literally put your credit card in put your site in and you will get traffic within minutes however it does cost money which is why a lot of people don't do this they think that oh if I get free traffic from Google then all will be right with the world but what we have to understand is that all traffic is not created equal we need traffic that actually has the means to buy our product and isn't interested in what we're trying to offer this is why going through and looking at your Niche is super important if I get people that are just interested in health in general the amount of people interested in the vitamin portion is going to be very small however if all I do is focus on people who want vitamins now I'm going to get a much more targeted traffic and it's going to convert into money a lot easier and the way we convert it into money is actually pretty easy we can use affiliate offers our own products or anything of that nature next up number four we have the word conversion rate what is a conversion rate well a conversion rate quite simply is if you have 100 people that go to your website and one person purchases that is a 1% conversion rate I converted one out of 100 to buy the product and looking at this in the normal way a lot of people see a 1% conversion rate or less your conversion rate will go up if your product closely matches whatever your Niche is interested in if they're interested in vitamins and I'm selling vitamins that's going to work really well if they're interested in vitamins and I'm trying to sell them some kind of massage chair that's probably not going to work however if I get people that were interested in a massage chair then it would convert much higher it all has to do with the type of traffic and the type of offer if you get those two correct you win you will make money number five is our call to action this also will affect your conversion rate when we go through a lot of people really waffle it when it comes to selling they don't tell people hey click here to buy click here to sign up go here fill out this form they don't actually tell them what they want them to do we need to get in the habit of telling our visitors what we want them to do exactly and show them I have found that even though most of you guys know how to fill out an order form online I've found that if I show you the order form and walk you through it more people sign up even something simple like that can increase your conversion rate like crazy other things that will increase your conversion rate are colors links different buttons and the Aesthetics of your site we want to make it very very clean and easy for people to order click or download or whatever it is our call to action is and next up we have the affiliate marketing terms these are terms specifically related to affiliate marketing we have something like an affiliate link if we were to go to something like ClickBank and then click on ClickBank Marketplace go to the products over here like this you can actually click on the promote button and get a ClickBank affiliate link right like this this link means when someone clicks it and orders I get paid and you could see that they pretty much track everything and you could see how much you make and everything is in one spot ClickBank is known as an affiliate Network there's many affiliate networks we'll talk about those in just a little bit next up we have the word commission this is the amount you're going to be paid you might go to a site like offervault and search for an affiliate offer right like this and you're going to see what's known as the payout when we have the payout this is telling us how much we are going to get paid on soda stream we are paid 70% of whatever they order on arteris plus we're paid a flat fee of $83 workers comp 80% this one here 54 cents and on and on we go there's lots of ways to get paid as affiliate marketers the next term we have is known as cookies a cookie is a little file that is dropped on a computer to say this person came from this or this person is interested in X Y or Z to show you how a cookie works you can take a look at my website talk over at talk I have a little calculator that calculates the amount of time someone has been sober now instead of having them enter in their sobriety dat every time they visit this site what we have is a cookie that remembers their name and the amount of time they've been sober it's actually very simple so the same thing happens with affiliate marketing when someone clicks on an affiliate link they are getting a cookie we'll try to draw a cookie here since we like chocolate chip cookies there we go right what the cookie does is it puts a file on the computer saying hey this person was referred by this affiliate Network and by this affiliate so what happens is when they get to the order page the landing page or whatever it is they're going to have that cookie fire which means you are going to get commission and you're going to get paid it's actually very simple next up we have a cookie duration this is the same as cookies but for how long if you have a cookie like Amazon that'll last 24 hours which means if someone doesn't order within 24 hours of clicking your link you don't get paid so that's an important one to know now Amazon is one of the shorter Cod cookies some places have lifetime cookies which is elusive because obviously if someone gets a new computer that's not going to fall within the lifetime of the person that's more of the lifetime of their laptop or whatever it is and of course if they clear their cookies that's going to exit out as well but the cookie duration is going to be the length of time from the click to the sale where you get paid next up we have the word affiliate program which is basically like any affiliate program Amazon ClickBank or whatever it is is then we have paperclick which is where you're buying traffic from a search engine or a website this is where you would go to Google and you might type something in like mortgage if you were to look at the word mortgage or mortgage calculator or something like that you are going to see that there are sponsored Links at the top this is known as payperclick these people are paying for each visitor that types the word in and clicks on their ad so you choose a keyword when you get a click you pay very very simple now on the flip side you also have a pay-per-click affiliate program where we get paid per click this is like AdSense aoic mediavine tabula or any other network that is paying us when we generate clicks to offers it's the exact opposite so where you have Google ADW where people are paying for traffic you have Google ad sense where we're being paid for traffic it's very simple then we have payer sale which is where we get paid for a sale let's say I sell a Swiffer WetJet cleaner if I get paid when someone buys it that is a pay per sale the action is the sale now sometimes as in number 13 cost per action you might see that we'll get paid when someone fills out a form downloads a product that's one of the methods I've made Millions off of or even stays on a website for a certain amount of time fills out a form clicks a button all different kinds of things that you can use in fact one of the offers we had years ago was just four drop down boxes it was for a mortgage offer where they would choose their state how much their house is worth how much they owe on their house and how good their credit was there was no personal information at all other than just filling out those dropdowns no name no email or anything and we got paid $7.50 every time someone filled out those dropdowns and hit the button next so yeah this can be super lucrative next up we have the content and website terms first up we have a landing page what is a landing page a landing page is quite simply a page that someone lands on so can a Blog be a landing page yes can a sales page be a landing page yes can a opt-in Form be a Landon page absolutely and what we have here is we have our traffic Source here and then we have whatever we send them to if it's your blog your landing page whatever it is all of that is a landing page so quite simply a landing page is the page that someone lands on if you're doing a banner ad and they go to a page that's a landing page if you have a Google ranking and they go to the blog post that is also a landing page it is quite simply whatever page your visitor lands on first number 15 we have the term SEO this is much like we talked about over here where you have these ads for the word mortgage you're going to notice that there are sponsored links and then down below bank rate is not sponsored what that means is that bank rate Wikipedia and these news sites are not paying anything for traffic so if you understand this pay close attention because what we have here is a term like mortgage where companies are paying as much as $40 for one click then we have an invisible line here this guy's paying a lot of money this guy's paying nothing now how does he get there that is what's known as SEO or search engine optimization this is where we would use tools like AHS or any other keyword tool to find the competition of a keyword obviously for the word mortgage that's a very difficult one but it's a ton of money in that market now there's other things people talk about like longtail keywords which would be like mortgage rates in Alabama for houses under 100K that would be a longtail keyword but often times there's not very many searches for longtail keywords and let's face it it's 2024 a lot of the longtail keywords are actually now more competitive so what we need to do is a different strategy based on why people search what they want and how we can give it to them in a very simple way getting ranked on Google has to do with two factors number one the keyword you're going for and number two The Power of your website if a keyword is less competitive you don't need that powerful of a website if a keyword is super competitive then you better have a very powerful website and what you'll notice is that the website power is listed in these tools so if we're were to take something like you're going to see that the Dr or domain rating or power of the domain is a 90 on a scale of 1 to 100 so the odds of beating them out for this ranking is pretty much impossible however there are lots of other keywords we could go for if you were to take a look at some of the ones they rank for CD calculator is actually quite a bit less competitive and if you go through and look at the ones that are like competition or below you're going to see they still have over a half a million keywords in the mortgage Market with a very low competition the key is in understanding how to take these keywords and turn them into money and that's what we talk about here on this channel so if you're not yet subscribed make sure you subscribe and click that like button next up we have content marketing what is content marketing content marketing is the idea that you can create content online maybe SEO articles to rank in Google maybe you're going to do some Facebook posts or some YouTube videos or Pinterest pins what happens here is you are going to use this content to get traffic to an offer you can do this as an affiliate you can do it as a drop shipper you can do it for pretty much anything you want content generates traffic if you learn how to build content you can make money because traffic equals money when done correctly and if you understand the basics of content marketing that we teach here on this channel it is going to be an absolute GameChanger the key is to make content tight-knit around what you're doing for example if you were the guy in the vitamin energy Niche you can go out there and make content about the top 100 vitamins and how they help you with energy different things like that and what's going to happen is you're going to have content that is forcefully driving people to things that put money in your pocket and next up we have what is known as a click-through rate this is very simple if I make content and 1,000 people go to my website and a hundred of those go to the affiliate offer well that is a 10% clickthrough rate 10% of the people who came to my website clicked airgo a 10% conversion rate now there's also an effective CTR which means sometimes people will click on different things on your website which means you have to add the 10% and another 5% and the 20 to figure out out of all the people that came to my website how many people actually clicked done something again that's known as the effective CTR next up we have what's called a bounce rate a bounce rate is a popular term that you might see on places like similar web if we were to go to similar web right over here like this you can see that this website is getting a th000 visitors a month and the bounce rate is 40% what does that mean that means 40% of the people who come to this website leave without doing anything which actually that's not terrible many websites see 70% or more meaning yeah most of the people are doing nothing and if they don't do anything you can't make any money so it's important to learn how to convert your visitors into money by getting them to click on things and do stuff on your website much like having a little calculator on the bank rate helps people stay engaged you want to make things that are engaging on your websites your blogs and your landing page and again if you want a full rundown of all these terms with the definitions and a video going through them check out airofit next up let's take a look at the mailing list terms mailing lists are where you're going to go through and actually build a group of people that have asked to receive communication from you in the form of a newsletter or email list this is like what we're doing over at airofit where I say hey if you go over to airofit you can put your name and email in and you're going to get all kinds of AI tools that will help you make money the idea here is to get you on that list so they could send you other helpful stuff the key is to be helpful don't just send offers and things like that you want to always provide value in every email based on what the people want and going through and looking this we're going to take a look at these terms and say well what is an email list an email list is quite simply a list of people that you have permission to email that want something specific whether it's in the mortgage Niche whether it's the vitamins whether it's a AI money-making whatever it is now in order to get that mailing list you're going to need a a lead magnet what a lead magnet is is something of value so I'll say hey you want to get my new plug-in put your name and email in now when doing this it's actually very easy to convert people from just a looking person interested in something to an actual mailing list visitor and having those people on your mailing list can make you a ton of money when done correctly but what we need to understand is how to get them in how to use a program like aweber infusion soft get response or or other autoresponder service that we can use to get people in and Market to them over and over and over again what this is going to do is it's going to get you more traffic without having to go out there and do more things to get the traffic and more importantly this is warm traffic these are people who know who you are they like your stuff and they're interested which means they're worth more money to us next up we have the term opt-in which means they basically opted in to receive our emails this is when they put their name and email in versus just getting leads online which is not only unethical but it's also against many laws we don't want to do email that is not opted in we only want people who have requested to hear from us number 23 Is An Open rate what that means is if I send 1,000 emails and one person opens that's like a.
1% conversion rate or clickthrough rate much like in affiliate marketing where we send a th000 people to a website 100 click this is the open rate out of a thousand how many actually open the email and then we have another one which is CTR which is okay out of the people who open how many actually clicked very important your clickthrough rate is going to determine if people actually want your email and actually like it if you get a good clickthrough rate that means they like your content and they want more info if you have a low clickthrough rate well maybe it's time to clean out your list or figure out a way to give them stuff they're more interested in this is very important because if you don't have proper list hygiene you're going to burn out your list and eventually it will be completely useless so make sure you take care of your list and give them things that they want number 25 is a drip campaign a drip campaign is where you have an email let's say I say put your name in email for a free plug-in then what happens is the autoresponder such as get response a Weber or whatever we're using can send them a series of emails maybe every day for 5 days and that means automatically every day for 5 days they will get an email from me talking about something maybe a challenge hey day number one did you run a mile or whatever it is day number two are you drinking enough water day number three did you sign up for a gym membership day number four and on and on we go now if you pair each of these emails with a blog post with an affiliate offer you can can actually make a lot of money this is something I do all the time so yes having a mailing list will put more money in your pocket next up we have the monetization models we have display ads well what is a display ad let's map these out here if you were to have a Blog right like this and you had an ad over here on the side that was an image this is known as a display ad where you are usually playing for the impression which means if you pay for a million impressions that means your ad is seen 1 million times if you're paying on a clickthrough rate where you say I'm going to pay a penny per click or a dollar a click or whatever it is then you would only pay for people who click on your ad this is where people mix it up with Banner advertising is they think okay well if I'm paying for all the Impressions I should get traffic when in actuality most banners see less than a 0 2% clickthrough rate which means you know you got to factor that into what you're paying very very important next up we have what is known as email marketing email marketing is where we're building a list like we talked about in the last set next up we have membership sites membership sites are where you can get paid over and over and over again much like we have a pro version of our AI profit scoop which is $17 a month we are looking to get a bunch of people in there if I get a th000 members in there that's another $177,000 a month to my bottom line you could do this with anything I've had members ship sites in the alcohol recovery Niche I've had them in the recipe Niche I've had them all over the place even software niches so this is something that can be very very lucrative next up we have Drop Shipping which is where you can sell a physical product again a lot of people look at Drop Shipping as if it's this crazy different business model when in actuality all Drop Shipping is is a way to take your traffic and make money all it is is a profit Center much like affiliate marketing you're just going get paid more usually than affiliate marketing because you are Drop Shipping the product as a vendor so when you hear things like Shopify and Shopify stores and things like that again we're going to focus on the niche market first because if you're out there just doing Drop Shipping because some Guru told you drop shipping is cool well you know that's not always the best way to go what we want to do is find a niche first often times I've gone out there and I've found a niche like gas powerered scooters and I've done really well with dropp shipping but that's not because Drop Shipping is some magic bullet it's because I found the niche first so understanding that Drop Shipping is just one piece of the monetization puzzle you're going to be light years ahead of the other people who just think Drop Shipping is a business model which in actuality it's not all of these are tied to getting traffic without traffic it's not going to work so I don't care who you are you need to learn how to get traffic and how to convert that traffic and it doesn't matter if you're using affiliate marketing dropshipping ads or any anything like that it's all different sides of the same coin and that brings us to the next one which is digital products you might see people out there on Etsy udemy school and all these other places with digital products or courses again a digital product or course is nothing more than a profit center that is how you're going to monetize your traffic it's not a magic business in and of itself without traffic it will not work so I think the key is in learning how to generate traffic which lucky for you we talk about it all the time here on this Channel smash a like button check out the videos in the description to learn more about how we get traffic next up let's talk about tech and analytics this is where we're going to get into some of the more detailed stuff like a tracking pixel a tracking pixel is much like a cookie only it's an invisible pixel on a website it's like a one by one pixel that you can't even see but the computer sees it and it'll track the marketing performance this is like those things where it says are you sure you accept cookies yeah because they're tracking what you do you need to have consent for that but be careful some tracking pixels can actually be dangerous number 32 is analytics this is where we're measuring our website analytics is a fancy way of saying what are people clicking on how much am I making that's really all there is to it when you look at analytics what we're doing is we're looking at what keywords are coming in how many clicks come in what people are doing how long they're staying on our site and different things like that don't let this confuse you it's just a fancy way of tracking what people are doing number 33 is a testing this is where you would compare two different things maybe two landing pages or two different emails or two different subject lines or two different thumbnails on a video you're doing this to test and see what works best you find one that's good you try to do better and then you try to do better than that one that is the essence of AB testing next up let's Dive In to the AI tools again don't worry if you're a little lost we have all the stuff over at airofit AI tools and their uses you might be getting hyped up with all the different AI tools and it seems like a new one is coming out every 5 seconds so let's go through and let's talk about what these are used for number one a lot of people don't believe this because it's a simple tool but we actually use chat gbt here in this business more than anything else there isn't even a close second and yes I'm still on the small $20 a month plan so chat GPT is good for generating content ideas content structures writing blog posts answering questions understanding content and even writing code we can do all kinds of things in chat gbt that you would never even imagin before back when I first started with affiliate marketing we had to write our own content we had to hire programmers we had to do all these things that cost a lot of money and time now with AI you have no excuse you can make content like that it's actually super simple next up we have Jasper AI which is another content creation system canva which is for images you can use canva AI to create all kinds of images Pinterest pins visualizations and anything of that nature grammarly which is great to look at plagiarism to see if the AI plagiarized stuff right we don't want to do any of that make sure it's Unique grammarly is a great tool for checking your grammar and plagiar is you have mid Journey which is a fancy AI art generator Surfer SEO which is to help you get ranked on Google copy AI which helps you write headlines copy and email sequences which yeah a lot of this can also be done with chat gbt if you know what to ask for more about that in just a minute we have descript which is good for editing videos audio and transcriptions zappier which automates workflows so you could do hey connect my Shopify to this and make it work with AI very very simple pictory which is good for images and videos Synthesia Synthesia however you say that which is good for video presentations avatars and explainer videos next up let's dive into the affiliate networks a lot of people get confused when it comes to what an affiliate network is and what an affiliate network does a lot of people think that offervault is an affiliate Network often times they ask us how do I get accepted at offervault and the answer is you don't offervault is nothing more than a search engine for offers however if we were to look at some of the other places like Amazon Associates this is an affiliate network based on Amazon where you could get paid when people buy literally anything and everything on Amazon and while it doesn't pay that much and the affiliate cookie is only 24 hours Amazon converts like crazy so the amount of money you're going to make is actually much more than if you were to make the same amount on a smaller known site because Amazon is a power house there are people making hundreds of thousands of dollars promoting Amazon affiliate links some people even making a million dollars a month or more next up we have ClickBank ClickBank is actually one of the more popular affiliate networks and I've actually had my ClickBank account since the year 2000 in fact next week ClickBank is having me speak at their virtual Summit so that'll be pretty cool ClickBank is mostly for digital products however they do have some supplements and vitamins and a few different physical products that's something new that they added over the years I've made a ton of money with ClickBank next up we have CJ affiliate CJ affiliate is a more Niche type affiliate Network where you might find stuff like custom jewelry fonts boots for Cowboys all kinds of random different things from small to large sometimes you'll even see some big places on there like Best Buy and Target and different things of that nature now CJ is different from ClickBank and Amazon because with CJ it is the responsibility of the business to pay you they're not like an intermediate they're just providing the software and the billing and different things like that so sometimes it's difficult to get paid by some certain networks but overall I would say 95% of the time they're usually on the up and up and provide a very good service again it's vendor directed so you're at the mercy of the vendor whereas with an affiliate Network they're making sure you get paid and it's their job to get paid from the vendor so very important share a sale is the same way much like CJ just a little bit smaller and again you're going to have like little softwares and tools and different things like that it's good to have all of these in Your Arsenal because if you start to get traffic for something specific you want to make sure you have the offer that's going to pay you money and using these different affiliate networks will have that there next up we have rutin which I'm sure you've seen the commercials for rutin rutin started out as link share and then turned into this gigantic affiliate conglomerate coupon moneysaving tool they make billions of dollars now it's also an affiliate marketing company and an affiliate Network rutin took it to the next level by providing different services that is a company to definitely watch in the description I have a video where I break down their business model that is a very very recommended watch if you're interested in making money online number 51 we have offervault again just a search engine and then we have Flex offers which is more of a traditional CPA affiliate Network which focuses on CPA offers CPA offers again are those ones that pay you for a lead a sale a call or whatever it is and you can actually go to offervault and find these if you were to go to categories like this you can actually scroll down and say Hey I want email submit what does that mean that means these offers pay me just when someone puts an email and hits submit so like this one is like a Dunkin Donuts coupon they put their email in hit submit I get a buck 50 or something about a New Year's resolution they put their email in to get the New Year's resolution I get 225 they don't have to buy anything I get paid there's also install which is pretty cool because with install we get paid when people download things like a chrome add-on the honey toolbar the Capital One shopping app whatever it is they download it and we get paid again they don't have to buy anything next we have partner stack which is another affiliate Network mostly for subscription stuff and software as a service Max Bounty which I recommend to all beginners if you want to get accepted to Max Bounty call them up tell them what you're doing they just want to know you're legit and if you were to Google Max Bounty offers you can click on the top result and see all 1500 offers like this one here that pays on a lead for mobile car repair or this one for insurance you can see they have tons and tons of offers which means more ways for you to make money and some of these pay as much as $100 $131 or more for a simple lead some of them pay as much as $800 a lead or more often times those are pay per call in the addiction Network or house building Network or something like that next up we have impact radius impact radius I've been using for many years now they are very good for CPA and regular affiliate networks I use them right now for a lot of the hosting Affiliates we do they pay us every month on time on the dot and it's very easy to work with again the benefit of an affiliate network is all of my links and all of my checks are in one place then we have Awin which is a popular affiliate Network for fashion Tech and travel Warrior plus which is more for make money online products there's a lot of controversy surrounding this one because sometimes there's less than Stellar products promoted there although some of the products are actually pretty legit you just have to pick and choose which ones you want to promote because as affiliate marketers we are responsible for what we promote so we want to make sure we're doing good by our visitors and only promoting things that are good and then of course we have JV Zoo which again is another popular platform for make money online software type stuff again I've made lots of money with lots of these different networks the key is an the key is an understanding how to drive traffic to an offer that they want if you have that mismatch where the traffic doesn't want it or the offer doesn't fit you're going to struggle we have have to make sure that all of these pieces of the puzzle fit directly and I hope you enjoyed this video if you did Smash a like button let me know your questions about this stuff as a comment below we'll have a live stream here on the channel talking about all things affiliate marketing again if you want to download this list and get the training check out airofit thanks for watching and check out the videos in the description to learn more