today I want to show you a very unique way to make a passive income using Chad GPT and a really cool and new affiliate program step one is to register for the affiliate program and for that type in audible affiliate program into Google and scroll down to the first result and on this page click on become an affiliate and on this page you can sign up to become an affiliate for Audible and the coolest thing is that to promote and make money with audible all you need to do is just give away from free trial membership so there are two options there is a Creator program and an Amazon Associates program if you go for the Creator program you can get paid $15 for each free trial membership of audible that you generate audible is a popular service where people can listen to thousands and thousands of audiobooks and with this affiliate program all you need to do is just give people a link through which they can sign up for a 30-day free trial of audible and on the Creator program audible will pay you a $15 commission for each free trial even if this person later cancels the trial within the 30 days you still get paid $15 so if you have any kind of a social media channel like Instagram or Tik Tok or you run a podcast go ahead and click here to sign up for the Creator program if you don't it's totally okay if you're just starting out brand new click on the Amazon Associates program and then click on become an affiliate go through all of the signup steps and and most of the time you get instantly approved to promote it using uh the Amazon Associates URL the only difference is that when you promote through Amazon Associates and you don't have any previous history you're not a Creator you're only going to be getting paid $5 for every free trial and if that person then ends up converting to a gold membership you'll also get paid $10 but you still get paid $5 for every free trial which is still really awesome because no sale actually takes place and you still get so go ahead and sign up for one of these two programs either Creator or Amazon associate so step two let's find the most popular books on Audible type in trending books on Audible into Google search and then you can click on this result bestselling audio books right now and you can see the top 100 best sellers now it makes sense to promote these books with a method that I'm going to show you I'm going to show you how to generate a ton of traffic for these books but it makes sense to promote one of the top uh and popular books just because people are going to be searching for these and it's going to be easier for us to get traffic okay so now you know how to find the top trending lists on Audible let's move to the next step which is step three and that's going to be research of the actual search volume for these books first let's Analyze This Book I'll explain to you in a second why I don't want to analyze nuclear war it'll make sense so let's go and look at Fourth wing and for this I'm going to be using a tool called Google key Keyword Planner tool so type that into Google sign up for it it's a really good tool to use now when you first get inside this tool it's important to make sure that you get rid of your local country it's probably going to get defaulted to that you want Global search volume and then let's type in fourth Wing which is the name of the book and I'm going to type in review and then click enter and search results now this is going to tell us how many people are searching on Google for a review of these books so fourth wi revieww they might also be searching for fourth wi reviews so let's just add that as well that's a good idea and we can see that between 1,000 and 10,000 people per month are searching for fourth wi review so there is very high search volume you want something that ideally has over 100 searches per month so between 1K to 10K is perfect and to promote the books we're going to be using this website vocal.
Media this is a very popular website which gets millions and millions of readers every single day and the coolest thing is that it ranks really highly in search engines because it has a very high Authority so if you place your piece of content onto this website you're very likely to get traffic and if you can get traffic then you can get the sales so here is how this is going to work now let me show you some statistics for vocal. media just to show you how powerful this website is so you can see it's Authority score 61 and it's getting 7 123,000 organic search visitors per month now this figure usually is a little bit lower their traffic is probably actually even higher but you can see that they're ranking for 1.1 million different organic Searchers and because this website is so strong if you place your review of this audible Audi book onto vocal.
Media you're going to be super likely to get traffic okay so we know that fourth wi review gets a lot of searches if there is already a review of this book on vocal. media the reason why we want to check is whenever you search for anything on Google usually you see that only one URL from each website comes up so hypothetically speaking if there is already a review of This Book fourth wi review on vocal. media it's probably already ranking and if you publish your review you're just not going to rank so you want to make sure that vocal. media doesn't already have a review of this book and the best way to do this is to enter this parameter site vocal.
Media fourwing review like this and this is going to give us any Reviews of This Book and we can actually see that there's already a review of fourth Wing So if this is the case we're just going to need to work our way down the list and then go and continue this research until you come across a book that doesn't already have a listing on vocal. media so here I found one this audiobook called remarkably bright creatures has got really good search volume look at this between 1K and 10K but when I check on vocal. media yes there are a couple of search results however none of them actually have remarkably bright creatures review in the title which basically means that they were not specifically targeting this search term see if I open them and look at them it's not here in the title and it's also not here in the title so no one has actually published a specific review of remarkably bright creatures on vocal.
media which is perfect for us it means that we can easily Rank and once we publish our article over time we'll have a really high chance of ranking here on page one whenever someone types in remarkably bright creatures review we'll have a really good chance of ranking here on page one getting the traffic because we're going to have between 1,000 and 10,000 people every single month searching for it and from there we can earn our either $15 for each trial membership or if we promote on Amazon Associates program we can get the $5 for every free trial and then if they upgrade we get $10 so let's see how we can get the traffic so once you've logged into vocal. media click on create a story and in the title we want to put in this keyword search term so remarkably bright creatures review let's copy that let's paste that in here you'll want to make sure that you put in the actual keyword search term that you're targeting right into the title to make it relevant so that Google can actually rank your review okay and then from here you can start writing to help us I recommend that you use Chad GPT so go to Chad and let's give a com and let's give a command the Chad gbt I'm going to say write me a 2000w review of remarkably bright Creatures audio book okay and now we've got the review of course I know that it is better if you're able to write your own review and give your own thoughts but Chad GPT at least can give you some structure now if you're so inclined of course you can go and you know research some reviews or remarkably bright creatures and write your own review but for those of you who want to skip some of this work you can get Chad GPT to write you a draft review and it's always a good idea to go through it make sure that you're happy with it that everything there is correct write and rewrite some of the parts that you would like to make it less uh AI like and more humanik but for the purposes of this video I just want to show you a simple way to get this done okay so we've got this now you can also use a service like stealth writer to rewrite this content to make it sound less like AI so just copy all of these and then paste it here into stealth writer with a free plan you can do up to 300 words at a time so you can just split it up and do it several times once you've got that just take all of these and now you're ready to paste it into vocal.
Media so here in vocal. media just make sure that you format this to make it look nice so each of these headings make it an actual heading now you'll need to add an image so you can even just go and add an unsplash image all right so this image will do now we just need to add some links into the text so that people can actually click through buy and so that we can make money so we're going to insert this click here to read remarkably bright creatures for free with a 30-day free trial in a few places throughout this review and to make it a hyperlink just highlight all of this then click here to make it into a link to get your link you can either get it from Amazon if this is where you're registered to promote or through the creative program from right inside audible I'm going to show you how to do it from Amazon so once you've found this book on Amazon make sure that you're on that page and then go to this which says s stripe okay so once you're pref Amazon you're going to get this s stripe and then it says get link so click on get link and it will give you this link over here so just go and copy this link and we'll get back into vocal media click link and we will need to add this link so this has now become a clickable link anyone who clicks on it will get taken via your link to Amazon to that audible book if they sign up then you get paid simple as that let's just insert it a few more times throughout this text so I've now got it in four places here then a few paragraphs down few more paragraphs down and then at the very end so anyone who's going to read my review has now got a chance to actually click on the link which is great so let's click save changes and from here you can now submit this for review choose a community it'll be book club and go ahead and publish this once it's submitted and published it will take a few days to get picked up by Google but then anyone who searches for remarkably bright creatures review will have a high chance of finding your review clicking on it and then signing up for the audible free trial VI your link and you will get paid that commission if you thought this video was cool then drop me a comment below say nice video And subscribe to my channel drop me a like as well I'd super appreciate it I teach many other cool strategies to make money in my community to which you can get access for free if you just go to faster you land on a page like this just enter your email click this button button and then you'll get redirected to this page over here and you can get access to the course for $0 on a 7-Day trial just see if you like the course the focus of this course is we're going to show you how to make 7c videos you don't even have to show your face for this and get millions of viewers and generate tens of thousands of dollars per month this is our proof there is a ton more proof from our students as well we've got students from the course making thousands of dollars in commissions we've got students in the course getting tens of thousands of viers thousands of in ad Revenue 40 million views and 50,000 subscribers in a few months so what we sure works and if you'd like to grab access just go to fast and from here you can get $0 trial on this course and if you want to learn one more way that you can start promoting audible free trial then make sure to watch this video next this is also a very powerful way to drive more traffic to pretty much any affiliate link that you can imagine so go ahead and watch this video next and if you enjoy this video drop me a like and a comment below I'd super appreciate it thank you so much I'll see you in the next video