This Ai Tool Will Make You Money – Yet No One Talks About It!

today we're going to be looking at an AI tool that does all the work for you and is virtually guaranteed to put money in your pocket but unfortunately for most people this AI tool yeah nobody's talking about it so today we're going to cut past all the junk and show you how this tool is going to help you make money in four different ways it's actually super simple in fact this can work if you're a Blog if you're creating a faceless YouTube channel looking to make money on Pinterest Instagram Facebook or even just putting content online and yeah this literally does all the work for you I'm talking put a category in and boom boom boom it spits out content that's going to put money in your pocket faster than ever before so today we're going to go over what this tool is how it's going to make you money and exactly how to get the proper response from the AI tool to give you the right answers to set up a profitable business in just a few days so if you're excited smash that like button we're going to dive in the computer I'm going to show you what this tool is how it works and how to use it properly to put money in your pocket step by step with nothing left out and by the end of this video you'll be able to create content so fast you'll be wondering where this AI tool has been your entire life come on let's dive in and show you exactly how this AI tool is going to help you make money online okay so first let's go through and talk about the money getting methods and what we need to do to make money online now some of these are going to seem kind of big or confusing and maybe like it's going to take a lot of work however the AI tool I'm going to show you in just a minute does all of these for you it's actually super simple and you're not going to believe how easy it is and fast it is to create content that makes money first of all what we want to do is look at maybe creating presentations into webinars where you could take something like a simple PDF or a checklist or a stepbystep list and turn that into a full-blown webinar where you can make money and we can actually use AI voices to run webinars where we're not even interactive in them we can just have it automated with AI and maybe answer questions by typing very very simple also we can go through and turn ebooks into affiliate Revenue machines going through and looking at maybe plr content or content that's available online structuring it in a different way to create an ebook that would make affiliate sales another thing we can do is create social media campaigns and affiliate promotions where instead of just posting something automatically generated by AI that is run-of-the-mill that people really don't care about we're actually going to get a structured presentation super fast that can make us lots of money it's super simple we can also transform boring blog post into affiliate review sites videos checklists presentations slideshows and the whole nine yards and you don't have to do any of the tech stuff like before AI also we can monetize short form videos with affiliate links create digital products with embedded affiliate offers this is something that until using AI most people weren't able to touch this monetization method because they weren't able to create their own products now with the tool I'm going to show you it is a breeze it just takes a couple of seconds and you can create products super fast we're going to show you step by step how this works we can also go through and build little resources for our niches to promote different affiliate offers links that pay us money and all kinds of different things next we can go through and create a tutorial series with step-by-step guides using affiliate links and different things like that that are guaranteed to drive people to the things that make us money also we can make lead magnets with affiliate call to actions we can launch a membership site using AI content and more now I know you've probably seen this stuff online and someone talks about oh hey you know you can make this and here's my 500 step process that's not what this is about the tool I'm about to show you in just a second is going to do all the heavy lifting for us we can go through and prompt our way to profits it is super simple and what we're going to be using today is Powerpoint and co-pilot this is something that is super underutilized a lot of people talk about chat GPT L and different various AI tools but they're not talking about what Microsoft has built by having the tools embedded in programs like word excel and PowerPoint using this in PowerPoint is an absolute game Cher I mean watch how easy this is I go to file new blank presentation and where before I'd have to go find clip art and make notes and all kinds of research to create something I could actually go over here click on co-pilot right like this and say please make a presentation about the top WordPress plugins enter and this is going to go to work and make a complete presentation it's going to do the research it's going to find the plugins it's going to find the images the links and the whole n yards yep that's right this is doing everything for me and as you can see here we have a full 12 slide presentation about the top WordPress plugins you can see it goes through why WordPress plugins are important what they are and then it tells you the top different plugins for each different category I mean this is the next best thing to having AI just run your business for you and the cool part is it's actually interactive so where chat GPT you're having a conversation and you build on it and you have to kind of past things together I could actually go here and say now add three slides about contact form 7 and it's going to go through and add slides about exactly what we want and yeah I could make like a 100 slide deck in less than 20 minutes let's see how it did contact form 7 customizing installing and even how it works with WP forms are you starting to see the power smash a like button and let's continue on as you can see here I use this to create a slideshow about the Google antitrust lawsuit it did all the research and made all kinds of good information for me I even made one just this morning about AI based WordPress plugins for Content creation and enhancement and you can see again it does all the work for me but note this one I actually made for social media as you can see here this one's wide format and this one is in a smaller format so that I could create Tik Tok videos Pinterest images posts for Facebook and pretty much anything I need to make money online and we could see here that pairing these as one of those scrolling slideshow type Facebook posts is going to get a lot more engagement than just having some random image or post that you generate with AI this is actually thinking on a different level where we're getting a presentation rather than just content and the cool part about it is I can actually click on the co-pilot button at any time and say now create a voiceover script for this slideshow and it's going to go through and make a voiceover script that I can use an AI voice to put on top of this and create a video super fast and as you can see here it's generating a full-on script that I could put into an AI voice Creator and then just show the slides with the voice and boom I got a video or if it's a long enough presentation I can use it as a webinar and since I created this in the wide format this is going to look perfect for a Tik Tok Instagram video or even YouTube short and this is the kind of stuff that works like crazy so I could just take the voiceover script here right like this throw it into something like 11 Labs right here and generate a voiceover that I can match with each of the slides and create a full-on video it's actually super easy and now we can do these in minutes rather than taking days and days and days to create a good video presentation and now anyone can do this All You Need is a voice generator which you can find free online a editor which you can also find free online and the PowerPoint tool which I think is like $20 a month so essentially you have the tools to start a business and it doesn't cost that much money and this tool is going to help you draft out text content summarize complicated topics and do a complete slide structure for you simple prompts plus the right offers is going to equal money in your pocket and here's the ways that you can use this to turn a profit online you can build slides for online courses let's say you go out there and you want to create a course about how to train your dog you could literally go to the PowerPoint tool click on co-pilot and say let's make slides for a course about how to train your dog and it's going to go through and make all the slides for you but remember this is just the beginning we can actually make a slideshow on each different slide within this presentation so it's kind of like chapters of a book the first slideshow tells what the book's about the second one is the chapter about what that was about and on and on we go until we have a complete course that we can use to make money and my advice here would be create something simple and free then you can lead them to the bigger course later and actually charge money and we could see here it does a fantastic job of showing you exactly how to train your dog but that's not all we can actually click on the designer button over here and it's going to show us different designs and layouts that we can use with all the different social media platforms so first we create an outline then we use co-pilot to fill in the content design everything in PowerPoint add an audio or video narration and bada bing bada boom We're Off to the Races with a full-on course we can give it away build a list and make money with affiliate sales or we can build a big product and actually sell it down the road and the key is to start simple start with something that you can sink your teeth into without trying to LEAP the whole staircase in one go if you're focusing on dog training maybe you can have one about how to train a certain type of dog or different ways to train your dog and using tools like the AHF keyword difficulty Checker which you can use the free version it'll work just fine we can type something in like train dog and we can see all the different things that people are interested in when it comes to training your dog you can also use AI to figure out what different topics people talk about different things you want to include in your product and pretty much anything you need and you see here the different things people are interested in when it comes to training your dog how to board and train your dog potty train your dog how to train your dog not to jump tons and tons of things and this is kind of like the brain behind what people actually want it's telling you what to go deeper on so that you can tell the PowerPoint tool what to make slides about so that you can make content that puts money in your pocket we can also use this to make short form videos for social media maybe you're going to make a simple video with slides about how to potty train your dog or how to act on a first date or whatever it is people are searching for the key is to focus on what people want make it engaging and entertaining using these AI tools and again the steps are very simple start with a script from co-pilot break the script into slides which it's going to do for you add animations and transitions if you want to make it more entertaining and then go through and record a voiceover with yourself or using something like 11 Labs if you don't want to use your own voice then you simply export it as a video file and one of the pro tips is having your own website if you have somewhere to take these people you can make money by driving them off platform and getting them to sign up for affiliate programs click on links that make you money join a mailing list and actually start to build a business of your own this is super important we can also use this to create high converting Pinterest pins with PowerPoint as you can see here we are creating different images and slides in minutes based on one topic and each of these slides can be used as a Pinterest pin so I could either export these or simply capture these with a Snipping Tool right like this and then it's going to pull it up in my image editor and I could turn this into a Pinterest pin in literally minutes and again remember how I said it's very important to have your own website we can actually go through and brand each of these pins with our website so everyone who sees them is going to go to our website to get more information on the pin they just looked at so we could go through and put something like AI profit shrink it up right like this Center it and then we can add a call to action like get my list of 100 WordPress plugins and now each of these slides gives them information about a WordPress plug-in and then each one says go to my website to get the big list of all the plugins it's actually super simp simple it's the exact same thing I do here on YouTube where I teach you different things and then I say hey for more information go to my website to get the notes we can also use this tool to design engaging client presentations and upsell your services maybe you're out there on Fiverr or you're selling little services and you want to create a slideshow that's going to get people to buy something bigger if you're a freelancer offering design consulting or marketing Services you can be able to create a presentation in AI in minutes that'll upsell them on different services you offer maybe you're creating images and now you can create videos or you could simply create these slideshows and sell them to your clients maybe you have a client who's an expert in cutting down trees in a certain area you can make a slideshow about how to remove trees in New York City and use that to help get clients for the business or if you don't want to talk to businesses you could simply point to different people who do these services and get paid per lead yep that's right some of these people are paying like $50 for a lead $30 for a lead $20 and even as much as $300 and imagine if you had a simple slideshow about how to get rid of water damage yeah that can make some serious money but remember this is very powerful so we always want to double check our Ai and make sure we're providing good information don't just take it at face value even though this is a tool that makes things way easier and does the research we want to go the extra mile and make sure it's really really good content and again the steps are simple create the presentation with co-pilot and PowerPoint add some graphics and visuals where you see necessary include some animation and boom you're ready to go next we can actually create digital products as I showed earlier where we're creating the dog training course one of the most powerful ways to make money with co-pilot and PowerPoint is by creating and selling these digital products whether you're making a small product that leads into something bigger or making a fullon product that you're going to charge money for this is something where you can take your time and make a really good output think about the market what do they want what are the steps they would take ask the AI what are things on Amazon what kind of chapters do the books have what kind of authors are out there dig into your Niche and find where the money's at again those of us who go the extra mile are going to make the extra money if you're wondering why AI isn't making you money it's because most people expect to just click one button and get rich and while AI does do a lot of the heavy lifting for us we need to figure out how to use it and get the right output for our market so that we can make money and the steps to creating the course is to generate content ideas with co-pilot go in there and ask it what do you think about this what would be a good presentation on X Y or Z format it add visuals and icons export it as a PDF or image file include that in your course and if you want to see more videos on how to do this stuff in a more robust way I have some links in the description and if you want to get the notes from this video and take the AI challenge where I'm going to help you every step of the way hop on over to airofit I'll have notes from this video a full list of niches that you can use co-pilot and PowerPoint to make money with and tons of other tools to help you get started and make money online

As found on YouTube


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