this simple little button in Microsoft co-pilot can help you make lots of money and today I'm going to show you exactly how but first we have a lot of AI news to get through notebook LM just released a brand new feature that can turn any YouTube channel into your own personal Guru that's right it can answer questions about a niche create content about aniche and basically anything and everything you need to be able to make money online and it's actually super easy we also have some other news that Google Gemini is changing Gmail to add smart responses and make them even smarter this can also make you lots of money and we're hearing reports of udemy one of the most popular online learning platforms turning to AI to create content based on other people's courses that they can sell as AI content thus cutting out yeah the original content creator this is bringing lots of controversy in the field where they have a selective opt out process where you can choose not to have your content included but it was kind of vague and the window to opt out was pretty small now how does this news about you to me joining the online Creator industry with AI affect your ability to make money well quite simply they're placing a huge bet that says we think AI content is going to make a for forun and they're using courses that are already created to make this content which means this company that's at The Cutting Edge of online content and course creation is now saying they think AI is going to be a big course creator thus producing lots of money more about that in just a minute we also heard Sam Alman is saying that super intelligent AI is just a couple thousand days away but what does this mean and how can you use the next couple thousand days to put tons of money in your pocket well I'm glad you asked because there's a lot of misinformation out there including this guy here you might remember him as the guy who gave chat GPT $100 to start a new business well the results are in and he failed miserably So today we're going to take all this news we're going to cut past the fluff and I'm going to show you exactly start to finish how to use the new Microsoft co-pilot secret button plus how to pair it with notebook LM and use YouTube channels and other website content to create your own AI Guru that's going to put tons of money in your pocket Ah that's hot so if you're excited smash a like button let's dive in the computer and I'll show you how this whole thing works all right let's get started and show you exactly how to create your own AI Guru just like the one I made so that I can make money online it's actually very simple and what we're going to be using is co-pilot and notbook LM these are extremely powerful tools and not that many people know how to use them correctly to be able to profit so that's what we're going to show you today and by the way if you like this new news format type AI news as a comment below to let me know and I can start including AI news at the beginning of my other videos now what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to take a look at how this is going to make you money how to make your own Niche expert Guru if you're going over to something like the co-pilot tool right over here we can pull this up right here and take a look at what it looks like we can see here that we have the co-pilot tool over on the side if we were to go search on Bing let's say we wanted to search for money news you're going to see that it's going to have the co-pilot button right over here that's going to come up and then you can use it to create your own content ask questions and all different things like that now the first thing we're going to do is we are going to find a website within our Niche that is a very prominent big website I actually went through and I did this in chat gbt and got a list of different websites that are very popular in different niches you can see here we created a list of like a hundred of them so I can go through and say well maybe we have something like which I can go over to Bing co-pilot right like this and I can navigate to and now I can use this website by using this one button right down here and saying this website now what this is essentially doing is making chat GPT which is what co-pilot is powered by go through one website and answer questions using that one website so it's much like using Google only we're going to use chat gbt which is actually very smart to get the answers we want and it's actually super simple so if I go here and say something like how can I help my baby get to sleep it's going to go through and it's going to answer based on this website alone this is very powerful because what I can do is I can have multiple Ines contrasting and comparing different websites and the different answers so I can go through and say well maybe there's another baby website on this list like scary mommy or the bump or something like that and I can go through and open a another chat GPT or co-pilot as it were enter in the site like this and now it's going to answer based on what the bump says now use this website same question and it's going to go through and it's going to use this website and get the same question and now I can compile some answers and get an overview of exactly what's going on in my Niche are you starting to see how powerful this tool is and how other people don't teach how to use it the right way but we're going to use this to be like our own little Guru Now using these we can actually go through and find different questions and answers that people are looking up and provide stuff for them for example we can make useful tools for people in different baby groups on Facebook or even YouTube videos or short videos on Tik Tok and different things like that now it's very important that you don't plagiarize or copy work what we're doing is we are going to do a compilation based on the top five baby websites so I could do like here's what the top five websites about X say that is going to help you with B right so here's the top websites on psychology and what they say about this topic and we could see here stuff like psychology to go or psych to go which is a big example I'm going to show you in just a minute we can see here that like asocial versus introvert we can get questions based on this keyword that actually has people searching for it or maybe different signs you don't like yourself or different stuff like that very important and when looking at this co-pilot is going to help us do the preliminary research to figure out what other websites are saying about XY or Z now you can take this even a step further and say well maybe we're going to do this for finance stuff so we could do like Dave Ramsey for finance and then we could say okay here's Dave Ramsey and then we can even say something like um who's that other gual Finance Guru I think her name is something like suie Orman there she is so we can go through and I can say okay let's use Susie Orman and say what does this site say about debt and we could figure out what she says about debt and then we could go on and figure out what Dave Ramsey says about debt then we can create some content maybe a PDF a short video something that's like what do the top five gurus say about debt bing bada boom and what's happening is co-pilot is now our Guru based on a certain website but it's going to get even better than this because now we can go through and say now let's use ramsy Solutions and get the same exact answer and it's very cool very easy and we can use the copy and paste buttons and plugins to add more stuff to this are you starting to see the power of it great wonderful awesome we are going to use co-pilot to be our own Guru now we're going to take this even a step further because one of the things I'm going to be introducing on this channel coming up very soon is my secret AI tool stack if you want to learn about my AI tools stack let me know as a comment below because I'm going to show you how I use different tools together to be able to make tons of money online and I have a secret announcement for you so stay tuned for that now using co-pilot you can see yes we can get different data from different sources and understand what they're about now using notebook LM by Google They just added this new thing where we can actually add a source based on a YouTube video alone which means I can go out here to something like maybe dating tips I can find different videos on dating tips like this one here I can literally just paste it right in here I don't need the transcript I don't need anything and I could put different videos from different people on topics about dating maybe I can find controversial issues and say Here's what someone says about meeting girls or texting them or meeting the right guy or finding Mr Right or whatever it is and I can go through and I can get all of that I can put them in here as videos here's one for uh dating advice so let's put this one in here right like this and we'll hit add Source right up here YouTube bada bing bada boom and what we're going to do is we're going to get different advice from different people right so here's like AI or arm wrestling or whatever now the key is in making this very tight-knit I want to find answers from different people maybe I could do the same thing like I'm doing doing with uh co-pilot with notebook LM where I'm like okay let's find the top gurus let's throw their videos about X Y and Z and get an overview now what we're going to do here is we're going to use this in a very very specific way and again remember since we know that udemy and other big companies are making huge bets that AI content is going to take over this is going to be very important because what we're doing is we're using human directed AI content which is better than just AI content content as it is so what we're going to do here is we're going to find a topic and we're going to find a topic that has a lot of info controversy or ideas around it so let's say like dating money Credit Finance whatever it is we're going to find this topic and we are going to find seven videos by seven different gurus what does Tony Robbins say about this what does uh Dave Ramsey say about this what does Warren Buffett say about this Bing Bang Boom there we go we're going to find seven videos and we're going to find five websites we're going to go through and use those seven videos in Notebook LM now in Notebook LM it can actually go through and create FAQ study guides table of contents and the whole nine yards so if I click FAQ it generates a little FAQ right like this based on the videos that we gave it very cool we can also go through and click on Notebook guide and generate a discuss where there's actually two podcast voices discussing something in great detail so we can hit generate it'll make a little podcast MP3 and we can use that on our website as content so imagine this here's what we're doing we are going out there and we are getting info we want to find things that people would actually want to read or listen to or consume based on the topic nature notice how in the beginning I talked about different AI news we had stuff like Gemini making Gmail smarter we had stuff like Sam Alman saying super intelligence we had this one here saying udemy AI now if I was to go through and say okay well maybe we want to use this Sam Altman one maybe I can go out there and find different things like Sam Alman maybe I can find other AI gurus that have different opinions and things like that maybe I can find some Doom and Gloom I'm going to find seven different sources talking about a similar topic then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say well what can I title this maybe something like here is what AI gurus don't want you to know that's something I'd probably read I don't know would you read it sounds pretty juicy we can put that on Facebook we can do a press release we can make a video about it video starts with a V we can go out there and we can create a blog post or whatever it is and we're going to use this content to drive people to stuff that makes us money now you can make money just on the content Alone by putting it on your blog which is going to be key but I would also take your content and take it a step further like here's what people are saying about debt then link to the top five credit cards as an affiliate or some kind of new savings account or whatever it is okay then we're going to go through and we're going to use different websites and sources to make our own little Guru and what's happening is now I have a guru here in Notebook LM and I have gurus over here AI gurus that are answering questions based on websites I can combine these together to make perfect content that people would want to read that points to things that make me money it's actually very very simple what we're going to do is we're going to use this to help us with content we're going to find out what questions people ask and what they want to know about a topic now another bonus tip that you can do if you're doing this with a blog post method is you can actually put live chat on your blog and you can respond in real time by just asking questions I could say okay what is the common theme about too much debt and this is going to tell us what it says the common theme about too much debt is and it's probably going to give us advices on how to get out of debt so we could see here doesn't contain it we'd probably need to create other stuff since I was talking about dating here what is the common theme about dating so make sure you have the right Guru right this is our dating Guru they're not going to know much about the debt situation so we could see here that it's saying the common themes are uh emphasizing knowing yourself the importance of honest communication and different things like that now I can say what are some affiliate programs related to this and it'll actually go through and show me affiliate programs related to this and now I can use this and create the podcast put it on my website I can create content share it on Facebook or whatever it is and this is a kind kind of thing people do all the time it's very very very important and notice here that it's actually not giving us affiliate networks and programs that's because our Guru is only trained on the data we gave it so we would have to go outside maybe to something like chat GPT and say what are some affiliate programs for this and it'll find stuff on ClickBank and different things like that which is pretty cool and it's going to say okay relationship advice and ebooks ClickBank udemy hey there's udemy again dating sites and apps e-harmony and different things like that so we're finding different ways we can make money and what we're going to do is compile content and create stuff that people actually want to read maybe a dating checklist now we could go through and say okay Guru now make a dating checklist and it'll go through and make a little checklist based on this information alone now I think you can add up to like 20 different sources which is pretty cool and we can have those sources in there to create different content about we can even use the different names like here's what this dating website says here's what this one says and that would work in a good way as well and we could see here is our dating checklist bada bing bada boom now I could put this wherever I want I can make a video hey use this checklist before you date and different things like that and what you're going to see if you do dating checklist you're going to see that lots of people are using this and it works really well this guy's got 13,000 views 2,000 you got a couple with 61,000 31,000 and on and on we go so it's something that can work really well next what we're going to do is we're going to use this to elicit a Content strategy so I can go over here to the co-pilot wherever it is down here somewhere and I can say what is the content strategy of this website and I can get different content strategies of what they're doing then could turn it into like a Pinterest strategy or whatever it is and we could see here educational content actionable advice engaging formats and we're seeing it's giving us a full rundown on the content strategy now I can use this to create q&as that I can use for Pinterest YouTube or whatever I can create an FAQ using uh the faqq tool here and using chat GPT to compile it and all kinds of different things like that and then of course I can use it to make audios about the topics and create fast content one of the things that we're going to need to do in the upand cominging AI age is we're going to need to do work fast AI is threatening a lot of jobs and those who don't keep up are going to get left behind so what we need to do is we need to understand how to make very fast content get it out there in front of people quickly and monetize it in a very very simple way and going through and using that and looking different websites and understanding exactly what's going on is going to be key and some of those fast contents you can create are blog post Pinterest pins videos audio talks such as the ones created by notebook LM which I tested and they do actually help move product think infomercials and watch those other videos in the description below I go into that in detail we can also make reports PDFs checklists and more and this is a GameChanger when it comes to being able to profit with AI and that brings us to my big announcement which is the opening of AI profit this is a website and a challenge I'm putting together to give you information on how to make money with different AI tools because let's face it AI tools are extremely profitable when used correctly and over at airofit we are going to have a 7-Day AI profit challenge that's starting very soon we're going to show you the tools we're going to get in there and create content and checklists and websites and all kind of things together nothing left out you're going to be at the Forefront seeing exactly how we use these tools and AI to make money on a daily basis and this challenge is going to take you start to finish to actually getting a result and if you're excited about that smash that like button and hop on over to airofit all you got to do is put your name and email in the box and we're going to send you details when that challenge starts live it's very cool it's awesome it's going to be a GameChanger and if you want to learn more about how I create content with AI to make money online check out the video videos in the description
This AI Guru Will Make You Money – Notebook LM And Copilot