yeah so I'm supposed to record this Fancy video intro about how you can make $250 a day or more show you some Yachts some Lamborghinis all of that crazy stuff but I believe you're smarter than that and that's why today I'm going to show you a foolproof way to make as much as $250 a day or more online we're going to use sites like Pinterest Tik Tok Instagram and we're going to get free traffic and I'm going to show you how to set this up without fancy website skills without fancy expensive software yeah this is something you can do for less than $50 so if you're tired of all the junk the people on Tik Tok telling you to go resell courses the people on YouTube trying to hocky some $10,000 course that teaches you nothing and you just want to learn something that really works then smash a like button I'm going to show you where to find digital products and how to sell them online so that you can get paid come on let's get started all right so let's get to it this is a complete step-by-step method and I got to warn you this process is kind of simple and it's not really going to look like some big money maker but it's going to make a lot of money and I'm going to show you how in just a minute first of all what we need to do is we need to do an overview of actually creating the content that is going to sell the stuff that we are going to sell I'm going to show you how to get that I'm going to show you how to get the rights to it and make it work in a very simple way or even create your own stuff it's very simple you're going to learn everything on this video first of all what we're going to do is we're going to go over to something like chat GPT right over here and we're going to ask it for something specific maybe something like please list the top 50 air fryer recipes and we're going to get these air fryer recipes and we're going to do something with them that's going to put a lot of money in your pocket but you got to pay close attention if you're paying attention smash a like button and let me know now we can see here we have air fryer breakfast potatoes French toast cinnamon rolls all kinds of things like this that people want to make in an air fryer I actually have a employee that works here that builds all of our websites she is an air fryer fanatic she basically makes everything in the air fryer so this would be a cool Niche for her so what we're going to do is we're going to take these and turn them into systematic content systematic content is what's going to put money in your pocket then what we're going to do is we're going to line everything up so it works for you that's right there's nothing to buy here there's no courses you don't need to spend a dime you don't need keyword tools you can set this up and start making money right now and the way we're going to do that is by taking this list here and turning it into bait for our content so let's say we wanted to go through and do something for air fryer veggie burgers I can go through and say now please visualize a Pinterest pin for air fryer veggie burgers and what we're going to do is we're going to create a little piece of content around air fryer veggie burgers we need to have some kind of infographic or some kind of recipe we can also say please make a simple recipe for this and it'll go through and make you a recipe for it now as you saw in the beginning of this video and there we go that looks kind of cool we can use that and it actually has all the uh the stuff correct there the fryer there We're Off to the Races now we can say please make a recipe for this and it'll make a little recipe about this veggie burger and how to use it in the air fryer and here we go very simple very easy now what we're going to do is we can actually also use other tools if you want to get fancy we can use something like open AI Sora which is what I used for the videos in the beginning of this right I made the little manifestation this guy here with the guru the yacht and everything like that now what I can do is I can say make a video actually I I don't even have to say make I can say a air fryer veggie burger and we could do something like this and it'll create the video for us now I can choose my size if I wanted to do Tik Tok or something like that I could do 16 by9 and then I can hit create and it'll make a little video that we can put some text on some music behind it different things like that and you're going to see that people love this kind of content they can't get enough of it they just keep scrolling and scrolling and watching this content all day every day now in addition to that so what we did already basically is we made a Pinterest pin okay I can actually go through I can copy this image right here and I can put that in something like Pinterest so if I wanted to change this image out I could just put my healthy burger here there we go we could put it right down here or whatever we want right there it is right there super simple and then I would just fill this in with the recipe and then instead of connect with us I'm going to say something like download the full recipe or download my recipe guide here or recipe book or whatever and then I'm going to put whatever my recipe link is there now if you don't have your own website don't worry you're going to put the special link I'm going to show you in just a minute if you have your own website you would definitely link to that because that's going to help with branding but if you don't don't worry I'm going to show you how to make that in just a minute so going through we can create these little bity type contents to get people into whatever it is we're doing so it's going to be in a tight-knit group now using this tight-knit group is what is going to make this sell and as you can see it is not difficult I can go through and say okay here's how to preheat it form the patties stuff like that and I can say okay let's put this text on the pin right like this okay and we're just going to fancy it up make it look nice and then of course the the important part is getting them to whatever is going to make us money and that's going to be where down here you might put like Lincoln bio or something like that and you can get them to the link in your bio very simple very easy tidy it up obviously change it to like air fryer veggie burgers right like this and you know if you want a little extra credit to do this right try these out you know you can try having fun with it make some recipes and give them your thoughts on it hey you know I liked it or I didn't like it or it tasted like dirt or whatever right actually go through and make it good this is something that will work if you do it you just have to stay the course and what we're going to do is we're going to create a bunch of these now where our logo is we could put our website so let's say I had like you know fryer recipes or something like that I would put that there and I put that down here then when I'm done I'm just going to go ahead and download our image right like this and then I would upload it to my Pinterest it works super super simple right like this now I can put this on my Pinterest it's going to drive people to my website very simple or if you don't have a website it'll drive them to your secret link Now using the video method we can see here here's our air fryer they are making a burger in the air fryer and now we're ready to go like it's all hot and steamy flipping it over pretty cool right so that looks more like a turkey burger but that's all right it could be a veggie burger too now we're going through and we have content that we can create in a very very simple way again I'm just going to download this like this right over here then when it's done downloading I'm going to just throw that into my favorite video editing software for me I use Camtasia all right you could use whatever you want you can use cap cut whatever you want okay and then obviously you're going to have the sizing I'm set for this video which I'm recording which is widescreen but if you wanted it in in this type of long screen for Tik Tok Instagram reals Facebook uh shorts different things like that it'll work really well you can even do V uh videos on uh Pinterest as well then what you do is you just be like top recipe top Air fryer recipe 53 or whatever number it is in the queue and if you wanted to make it a little bit fancier you could go through and actually have a black border behind it or Black Box behind it we'll just move that down to the bottom boom right like this let's get this down here move this box here and then if I wanted to put some music behind it I could put some music and then of course what I would want to do next is actually brand it with my website or secret link so if I'm using my secret link I would say free download link in BIO or you could say get full full air fryer guide then you would have whatever your linked Link in BIO or you would have your actual website URL now if you have your website URL that's highly recommended I'll have instructions on how to start your first website in the descriptions below but if not I'll show you how to do Linkin bio very simple okay now what you're going to do is you're going to do the same thing for all of the recipes right so there you go cool easy simple we can even be a affiliate on Amazon for air fryers or we can promote air fryers at like Best Buy or whoever pays us the most money now imagine what's going to happen when you have all 50 of these out there getting you traffic watch what happens if you were to go over to like Tik Tok or Instagram or something like that and type something in like air fryer recipe you're going to see that that's exactly what these people are doing potatoes fried in seconds healthy air fryer I mean you could do this on your own and it's actually very very simple and you can see 3.7 million views on this one which looks like some kind of s'mores or something a little weird but all right here's some kind of weird I don't even know what that is but you can see there's lots and lots of stuff getting lots and lots of views and a lot of these what you're going to see they will have a link in their bio that leads to something you can do like this one has his actual full-f free printable recipes which is pretty cool right that's the idea here it works like crazy now I got to give you a little warning because there are people doing this in a bad way there are people out there that are Hawking affiliate courses like these here where it's basically buy my course and sell my course and they get you into expensive things that are not good we're not going to do that we're actually not even going to touch the money-making Market we're going to do this with recipes uh software different things like that what we're going to focus on is easy viral content very very simple then we're going to post our content on Pinterest Tik Tok Instagram YouTube shorts you're going to be very systematic about it you're going to ask chat gbt to get those specific recipes and what you're going to see is air fryer fish tacos if we put that is into Tik Tok or into maybe Instagram reals or whatever and I know a lot of people are talking about Tik Tok getting baned I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon but we shall see I have a video about that in the description so now we could see that just on fish tacos 24,000 2300 likes 752 and on and on we go even these people who are not that big are actually getting views using this method and look at this this is simple they're literally just showing the ingredients I can make this with AI if I want to it's not too difficult to do and people do watch this stuff super simple you can even have just like an outline of the ingredients and the things that you're going to put in now you don't don't just have to do the air fryer Niche you could do whatever you want let's say for example I wanted to get people into like this email sender or maybe uh WhatsApp something or other or some kind of uh software or tool okay very simple here's one that does Google my business or whatever it is okay here's a domain reseller plugin super simple so let's say you have people who want to resell domains or something like that I can actually go through and the systematic content I would do would just be domains that sold so I could go over to chat gbt and say list the top 100 domains that sold and what they sold for this would actually be easier than recipes because all you're going to do is talk about the 100 domains actually saw some guy doing this on YouTube and it worked really well this one actually sold really recently which is pretty cool so here's 2024 top 100 domains all you would do is show these and say hey if you want to learn how to buy and sell domains go to my website or my link or whatever it is okay very very simple very easy again super systematic so I could go through I could go over to something like Sora and I could say make a cool domain background with let's say we want to do with uh money and success stuff like that okay we're going to go through and I'm going to do six 16 by9 that way we get it wide that way it works on our specific example here and then I'm going to do let's just do 480 because when it gets shrunk down you're not going to notice anyway and that way it goes quicker 10 seconds that way we could crop the stuff we want we're going to hit create video it's going to create a video right like this like the one I did for manifestation right that would be kind of cool I can move her over and have the text on there maybe have a thousand manifestation type things and what we're going to do is we're going to use a method of reselling programs that people already have or books or whatever it is that we can get the rights to and this is something I've done a lot I've done it in the recipe Market I actually had a chili recipe book that I bought the rights to it worked really well I did that with prime rib I did it with many different things you can actually go over to like the plr store and get private label rights for these type things like healthy eating maybe you can have like content about the top 1,000 you know healthy fruits or whatever I don't know if there's that many but this here you could buy for like two bucks and you can resell it and you keep all the profit so it's very very simple very easy here's another one for juicing right common juicing mistakes stuff like that you can also use which is a buddy of mine site he does really well with very custom content or you can even create your own content and sell it as well and we could see here like smoothie boom here we go smoothies we wait there you go uh you have weight loss Coffee Day different things like that um here's another eating for happiness things like that or you could even do like smoothie recipe resell rights right like this okay and you could see here lots of people are doing this on Etsy however a lot of them struggle to get traffic that's why I'm showing you this systematic traffic like this here 30-day smoothie challenge what you can do is right here smoothie recipe plr you can buy the rights to this one and there's all kinds right so this one here 133 recipes bonus meal plan planner I don't know if this gives you the rights to it but I'm pretty sure you can find the rights to it somewhere because I'm I'm guessing that's where they found it also and here's another one with mm mrr which is Master resell private label rights um right like this so 60 protein snack ideas again what is is your content going to be please list 100 protein packed snack ingredients right like this so this is super simple super easy it does all the work for us and again all you're going to do is like okay here's 25 plant-based proteins boom boom boom list them out make your Pinterest make your Instagram make your Tik Tok whatever it is it's literally set them up and knock them down rinse repeat do it over and over and over again now if you're doing something like the domain reseller software you can sell the software and then you can probably even find like domain reseller domain course resell rights there's probably something out there for domains I I'm sure there are here's one for resell rights course some kind of trend or whatever it is and again keep it simple don't go out there with crazy stuff that's just promising the world just keep it simple like hey I got some some recipes for your insta pot I got some protein packed smoothie things and then of course you can link to ClickBank offers and things like that if you want to be an affiliate too very simple very easy and then I just make my content now let's see how Sora is doing looks like it is having a trouble here maybe we could do something else make a cool domain money success all right maybe because of the domain so we might have to go go through and do uh let's say a cool background with let's just do make a cool background with money and success and it'll probably do something good that we can use with the domain or we could ask it internet success again we're just using it as a background so that's what's going to be behind the domain text again very simple so I would just replace this with whatever video I get and I replace this with uh top domains sold 2024 and then whatever let's say we wanted to go to like domain toolbar.
comom that would be my site super simple super easy and then when our background's ready we'll put it up there and then it'll be like showcase number two this one sold for $90,000 here's what it was bought for doing the research and finding this stuff is actually the fun part I think and now we have our our download so we'll just download it like this video without Watermark and then download like that put it onto our timeline right like that and then of course I'm gonna make this big right like that and then we'll just put our domain box in here you know you can just put like the same kind of deal here put it right here and do um top or let's just do domain sale alert right like that and then you could put the domain right like this www. whatever and then you can put what it sold for sold for $1 19999 whatever right super simple and then you have that and that is going to be your content and it is interesting only to people who are interested in learning domaining so it's perfect for selling your stuff same with the uh Instagram for like having the different air fryer recipes recipes interesting to people that want to make air fryer recipes so very very simple then what we're going to do is we're going to use the sell more of the same principle where you're going to sell more of whatever you're giving them so if you're giving them one recipe for Tik Tok or one recipe for an air fryer then you're going to get them a book about recipes right so you just find the master resell rights or create your own product based on whatever it is and you can even sell them all the recipes that you have on your Tik Tok or your Instagram or your website or whatever it is very very simple you're just going to set them up Point them to the thing that makes you money and again that thing that makes you money is going to go to your money pile instantly it's not like an affiliate offer you're going to actually sell this product now the way you're going to sell the product you could go out there and you could use something like um 500 recipes or whatever or using Etsy or you could even use something like stand store a lot of people use stand store although it's not my favorite but you could see there are a lot of people going through and like okay how to sell digital products um some kind of stuff here I think this is looks like this is some kind of a recipe one or whatever it is and you could see that people are actually using this and it does actually work like here here's some kind of template course and on and on we go so you could see here's here's one for the southern sourdough uh this is for southern sourdough Co so now I want you to to pay attention here because the southern sour Doo 1,700 searches a month and I would I would venture to say a lot of these are probably coming from people looking this stuff up here you go 640,000 visitors a month let's Google this see how this works it's a Shopify it's an Instagram so they don't even have their own website so all of The Branding all those, 1700 people that are literally going to Google and searching for this are from social it's from this thing and all they're doing is showing how to make sourdough and then I'm sure you have like a guide here's your sourdough starter your printable sourdough log this is actually really cool it's a very simple business model and it works like crazy and you could go through and sell these in a super super simple way but again looking at that The Branding that she did for the sourdough is amazing right she did a fantastic job and that's not even having her own website not even having like a recipe restaurant or anything like that right it's just literally social media traffic and you're going to see that social media traffic drives a ton of stuff and all you have to do like here's one here where people are looking up this person where she's talking about Instagram prompts or whatever and she's selling her online teacher business or whatever very simple it is straightforward if you do it it will work the only reason it wouldn't work is if you were not consistent got to be consistent you got to make good content use chat GPT to find what people are looking for you don't even need a keyword tool this going to go through it like okay shrimp cocktail here's people over on the Instagram reals here's people over on the Tik Tok that are literally finding shrimp cocktail recipes and like literally what is a shrimp cocktail recipe you just put shrimp and sauce or something like that but look at this they're getting tons and tons of views here's one where they're doing uh this one here and you can see tons and tons of recipes and they just link to their Link in the bio now I would highly recommend having your own website and domain which will cost you about $100 a year if you can't do that don't worry you can link them to a PayPal link that takes them directly to the order form for your course you can do ClickBank if you're doing ClickBank all you need to do is put the download link in your product so they're going to go through and when you make your link it's going to have edit and it'll have a custom thank you link which is going to be right over here thank you page URL so you just put whatever your link is there like the download to the PDF or whatever it is that means they buy it you get the money they get the product everyone's happy you could do this with PayPal where you specify a thank you page or you could deliver it manually or you can use some fancy software like we do all the time it's actually very very simple we can also go through through and use something like stripe where you would have a thank you URL there as well really any payment method would work if you want to use stand store or JV Zoo you can do that as well again if you want to set this up and just make money without paying anything set up a simple PayPal link just make an Instagram video that they all go to that's like here's what you're going to get here's how to fill it out here's refund policy all of that stuff very very simple and then what you're going to do is just make the content for them based on this simple stuff and then lead them to the thing that makes you money this is how you get into digital products it's very very simple you can see over here at jungle Scout people are buying this stuff all the time here's a air fryer cookbook air fryer magnets for air fry Ido it's making like 450 Grand a month now those are actual magnets which are pretty cool but it shows that people are buying stuff in this market here's some kind of green pan something brother uh here's a let's see Joy kitchen when we go down to the lower amounts you'll see the cookbooks start to pop up here's a cookbook here um let's see another one recipe book here's some others here recipe book here I think that's to write your own recipes but you'll start to see that these will pop up here's a suid one um and on and on we go so you would just go through look for the cookbooks here's a sell Pont cookbook um sourdough starter kit so that would work for that that other person $20,000 a month this is stuff that works if you do it you just need to really focus on getting good stuff I mean you could literally go out there get the resell rights to whatever product you want let's say uh you do or maybe over here smoothie recipe so if I wanted to do this one it's a digital download I guarantee you can find something similar or the rights to this somewhere okay then we could go through and obviously see make sure that you specify hey this is a download not a book make sure you specify that so that people know and this person is doing the same thing it looks like a a library of books and then we go through and we would sell this and every time it sells you get $4.90 less the fees I'm going to say probably around three bucks we're going to sell ours for a little bit more I'd probably sell mine for 12 since we're doing all the work of uh getting them into the St via Tik Tok and things like that but this one they are actually making sales this is this works it's something that that works like crazy um when I did the model with the chili recipes again I used PayPal very simple we sold it for I think $12 at one point and $9 at one point and we sold them every day it was very easy and getting to $250 a day all you would have to do is have you know 25 sales or have a more expensive product um you can also pair this with this stuff that I teach about WordPress plugins where you would go through you would make content about different WordPress plugins and you'd sell your plugin super easy puts you in the software business super fast going through and doing this is a game Cher and I've made WordPress plugins with chat gbt I've made them with bolt I've made um different things that you can sell with chat gbt like if you wanted to go through and do your own book with chat gbt you can do that as well um very simple this is something not to overthink this will get you traffic super super fast again Pinterest Instagram I got students getting lots of traffic on Pinterest and Instagram but again remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed well this is straightforward you're selling something direct with traffic that's direct the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so don't think you're going to set one video up one Pinterest pin up and get rich can that happen yeah is it a long shot yeah but I think looking at this you can actually make it work and a lot of these people are using the free version of xand store um again I'm not a big fan I would I would rather see you just use PayPal I think that's probably the easiest way to go um and again making that content where it's systematic and doing that you could see lots of people search for recipes over here um same kind of thing with Instagram reels just go through and literally do the work and you can make the money now a little couple of tips tips to go through and make this work I would say recipes smoothies probably a good one uh maybe you could go through and find software that's going to be a little bit higher priced item or you could go through and look at different resell right stuff like protein snacks or smoothies or whatever it is looking at what other people do is is key and then don't look at what others are selling it for because you're in your own nich so like this one here for the green smoothie lifestyle they're selling it for a dollar because they're not getting traffic using the method that I'm teaching when you use the method I'm teaching you're standing apart from the crowd and you're giving something of more value therefore you can charge more or you can even add something to it maybe share your favorite smoothie recipes or your favorite softwares or your favorite whatever it is and looking at these sites if we were to go to let's say um private label rights maybe a site like this the plr store you can go through and you can find these and do it for anything so if we wanted to go through and say well let's find self-improvement okay a hundred ways to improve yourself there you go very simple traffic funnel a hundred ways to get traffic online maybe you have something like um let's say bankruptcy tips or understanding crypto crypto investing Outsourcing there's one you can talk about a hundred different things you can Outsource looking at this as systematic content and selling that direct product is key now some things that I would do I would probably a th% have my own website I'd also go for a mailing list that's going to be key because obviously not everyone's going to buy right away so if you had your own mailing list that would be key as well if you want to learn more about this method check out the links in the description I have some videos on Master resell private label rights how I made money with JV Zoo but again this is something you can do on your own that's why I deliberately had no links in this I'm not telling you about affiliate stuff because you know what a lot of people get mad when I do that so go and do this you can make money without buying anything else you don't even have to smash a like button unless you really enjoyed the video this is something that works if you do it we do it all the time it gets traffic it makes money now now if you do want to learn the other stuff I'll have some links in the description or you could go over to airofit and get the notes with the links and everything like that but don't underestimate it it works if you do it it's systematic it's based on fact make good stuff watch what does good duplicate what does good keep selling your product over and over imagine what would happen if you spent all the time and energy you spend trying to watch these videos or commenting how you think they won't work or whatever ever it is and all you did every day was make five pieces 10 pieces of content about the product you're selling as a reseller or on your own this is key but stay away from those other people who are doing resell and junk where they're teaching you knockoffs and illegal stuff and scams and ripoffs and stick to things that actually work this works like crazy if you do it heck you could even go out there and find someone who has a book that doesn't sell you can use this method sell it for them or buy the rights to it or split it with them the sky is literally the limit all you have to do is ask chat gbt what are 100 different things that would promote this right if we said what are 100 selfhelp terms you go through and you're like okay here's term number one betterment here's tool number two you make a pin a video and you set them up and you knock them down and you sell your stuff and you get paid I've done this many times throughout my 25e career I've made lots of money with resale stuff one time I actually bought the resale rights to a bunch of WordPress templates and we sold them like crazy I made a lot of money doing that I think it was close to like a half a million dollars and it was very simple one of the ways you could do that you could go out there and do resell wrs WordPress template right like this or website templates or whatever and you can go through here you go template monster here's resell rights one you can get the rights to them and then just like literally you go through and you're like okay what are 100 tips to make my WordPress site convert you just make content about that point to your resell rights theme boom you're done you're ready to go here you go here's tip number 15 optimize for accessibility tip number 20 make a sticky called I mean it's so simple I hope you're seeing how simple it is if you do type awesome simple method as a comment smash a like button check out the links in the description and let's make money online together