Stop Using Chatgpt o1 to Make Content – Do This To Make Money!

stop using AI to make content if you want to make money online here's what you need to do this is actually super simple and we're going to be using chat GPT version 01 right like this and just about 10 days ago I made this video here showing you the chat gpt1 strawberry new version and what I believe is one of the easiest ways to make money online and today I'm going to give you a deep dive into how this works we're going to talk about how to make simple calculators and tools with chat GPT 01 strawberry this is actually unparalleled it's going to make so much sense you're going to say Marcus why didn't anyone teach me this before and before anyone asks yes this is something I've been doing for many years to make money online I've had mortgage calculator websites I've had websites with different tools and generators and all kinds of things that up until now I had to pay a programmer to build but now you can actually make these in minutes upload them and profit sometimes the same day it's actually super simple and just to show you how much traffic is out there we can see here mulch calculator gets like 21,000 searches per month we can also see diaper calculator people looking for how many diapers they need real estate calculator more stuff for baby calculators in fact here's a website just dedicated to landscape calculators getting an average traffic value of near nearly $1,000 a month and if you were to take a look at these sites you can see that the calculators are actually pretty simple as we can see here the mulch calculator is literally just one little input and watch how easy this is if we go over to chat gpt1 preview and say let's create a PHP mulch calculator for my website make sure you ask PHP because it's going to be a lot easier for you to upload manage and use more about that in just a minute but we can see here once I hit enter chat gp1 strawberry is going to go to work and do the heavy lifting and as you can see here it creates the pages and puts them in a very very easy to use format and if you don't understand what all this means don't worry neither do I all we have to do is follow the instructions what we're going to do is take these files right like this here's our form hit copy code then we're just going to open a notepad folder right like this paste the content in the notepad and then save it whatever the tool says to save it we can call this one file save as mulch.

PHP then very important make sure we save as file type all files right like this then we get the next file this one we're going to call mulch calculator. PHP make sure that that the naming of the file is exact copy code put it in our notepad right like this copy the file name file file save as again make sure we use all files save and that looks like it's about it now we should be able to upload this to our website in a super simple way and have a calculator that's actually working and in order to set up so you could do this on your own you will need web hosting which you can get over at gohub I have instructions to where you can be set up just like me so that you could do this super fast then we just go to our host like this click on file manager and you're going to see all your files here like this we're going to click on public HTM add new folder let's call this mulch right like this then we quite simply hit upload drag our two files right like this and if all was done correctly we should be able to go to our website WP mulch mulch.

PHP now we can see we have our mulch calculator which is better than the other website length of area let's say it's 12T width of area 8 ft how deep do we want it let's say 6 in bada bing bada boom we need 1.78 cubic yards of mulch see how easy that was we literally created something that someone else is using to make a bunch of money super fast and we actually made a better version in seconds but wait there's more I actually used this yesterday to create a little calculator to give a domain estimate based on different prices you find out there so let's say GoDaddy has your domain at $11,000 esot has it at $50 and dinod do has it at $20,000 and maybe the person wants to figure out what an accurate appraisal would be for their domain I went through and added some simple calculations based on my years of being a domain and I put them into this tool using chat gpt1 strawberry and as you can see here it's going to calculate the estimated value of the domain I even went out there and made an iframe Creator so that we could put these on our websites as you can see here they put the URL they want to embed with the iframe the width the height the Border size and color and bada bing bada boom it's going to create an iframe and give you a little preview including the code this is super simple and since over 75,000 people a month are searching for iframe generators this has a built-in audience and I can make tons of money using it and before I get into the cool simple ways to make money with your new calculators and tools let's talk about why these are better than standard run-of-the-mill AI content first they're easy to make and upkeep as I just showed you using chat GPT we could create these things in seconds second we can share them everywhere whereas regular content looks spammy if you share it on Facebook and make a video about it this is something where I can make a video showing how to use the tool and people are going to love it I can post it in a Facebook group where people can calculate their tax returns or something like that and again since it's a free tool they are going to love it and share it number three it's super easy to drive traffic to these because you can get Social Links and bookmarks and forums and all kinds of places to link back to your tool driving traffic to you so that you can make money and number four or it has value built in a lot of people struggle with how do I make content that has value what is value and how do I create it well these tools have inherent value in them having an iframe generator well the value is yeah the iframe generator having a calculator the value is the calculator but we need to find a way to make money with these in a super simple way so let's say we have this one here which is a workout planner how am I going to make money having this workout Planner on my website well what we want to do is go over to Amazon and maybe find some workout planners that we can sell as an affiliate then we can go over to a place like offer and type in workout and find different types of workout things so we could say well right here is a workout planner that pays me $75 and since our tool is a workout Planner yeah this thing's going to fit perfectly we can also do pre-workout and post-workout different supplements and things like that where we can say well before you work out take this or after you work out take this or let's say we're in the tax market and we have a little tax calculator we could lead people to all these tax offers that pay tons of money or Marcus what about that one where you're calculating diapers and different baby things well we could lead to something like the Gerber growup life insurance plan and get paid tons of money as you can see here $30 a lead $100 a lead and on and on we go there is is tons of money for those that learn how to create these simple little tools using Ai and use them to get traffic to drive people to the things that make money it's actually super simple and you could see lots of other examples here like building materials where it's different things you can put on your floor your walls and all kinds of things like that in fact just the other day I used a building calculator to build the new talk sober set which I'll show you now luckily using the calculator we bought exactly as much as we needed and we didn't have to make extra trips to the hardware store we also have health and fitness you can see lots and lots of calculators in the health and fitness Market including like a burpee calculator where you can calculate how many burpees you need to do yeah I don't know what that is but if you needed to calculate it they've got calculators for it we can also see Home Improvement and interior design which is great because we could go to offeral and we could do something like carpet maybe they're looking for different carpets and things like that where you can do carpet cleaning carpet flooring installation repair men and on and on we go or wall paint paint calculator which we could see here gets thousands and thousands of searches each and every month and we can lead them to Home Depot or wherever the pain is and then we can even have them get handymen like this here where you get paid anywhere from $2 to $30 when they call a phone number yeah they don't even have to buy anything and since they're calculating this stuff anyway chances are they're going to need help painting here's a a finance calculator a loan calculator debt calculators even people looking to calculate sod and as you can see here thousands and thousands of people each and every month searching for sod calculator and since that ties into Lawn Care look at all these offers related to lawn care including some kind of True Green Lawn Treatment and even some kind of robot automatic lawnmower so the possibilities to make money here are endless and the calculators yeah you could make them pretty much on anything like a wedding drink planning calculator or a traveling calculator the list goes on and on and on and if you want this entire list check out the link in the description and if you want to learn more about this method I put some videos in the description as well and if you want to work with me check out blog profit in fact just today I'm uploading a a deep dive training on this exact method so if you're exced excited about this let me know as a comment below smash a like button and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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