faceless AI YouTube channels are they the cash cow that everyone's talking about or a complete waste of time well I got to warn you what the other gurus are teaching about faceless AI YouTube channels is a complete and utter waste of time why because they're focusing on creating content and not so much on the strategy and what you're about to learn in this training is all about the strategy because let's face it you can create content day in day out till you're blue in the face maybe you've done that you've made animated shorts AI videos you've even tried fancy keyword methods and nothing seems to work well friends that's because you have the wrong strategy So today we're cutting past all the fluff I'm going to show you how to know what content to create how it's going to make you money how to create that content with AI and how to upload it on the internet to make more money than you ever thought possible this is going to be a GameChanger and if you're excited smash a like button and let me know as a comment below because I'm going to show you everything the tools we use how we come up with ideas for videos that are virtually guaranteed to get tons of traffic what we promote that pays us way more money than the other guys are teaching plus my secret fact hook spin method that takes a boring mundane piece of content that gets no views and instantly catapults it in front of the eyeballs that you need to make money it's actually very simple and once you learn this you can't unlearn it I promise by the time you're done watching this video you're going to have an aha moment that changes the way you think about creating video content with AI online and this one secret strategy is something the other gurus are charging thousand thousands of dollars for that's if you're lucky enough to find a guru that actually knows why this works so I'm glad you found this video because today I'm going to teach you my faceless AI YouTube strategy right here right now come on let's dive in the computer and get started all right so let's dive into the secret to making faceless YouTube channels with AI that actually get views and make money part number one of this four-part video is the St straty we want to look at how the strategy Works what our niche market is are we going for keywords how are we going to do this whole thing and make money first off what we need to do is we need to find a niche that is suitable for a faceless type Market obviously there are some niches that will not work for this like entertainment and things like that unless you're going for like info about entertainment like celebrity stuff and things like that however we do need to keep in mind that there is a strategy behind the keywords we use and the the market we go into and the money we make it's actually very simple because often times you're going to see people talking about those big traffic niches but they don't talk about the money for example if we were going into the Celeb Niche celeb Niche right celebrities and things like that the amount of money these produce is very little take a look at a channel like Mr Beast Mr Beast is a very very popular Channel however the amount of money they make per view is actually very small if you had to rely on those numbers you need to get lots of views to actually turn a profit according to Forbes in 2023 the Mr Beast brand made $82 million and if you were to take a look at the number of views that they get it's something in the neighborhood of like 10 billion views a year and if you take the 82 Million number and divide it by 10 billion views you're going to see that the channels are averaging less than one penny per view and while a lot of people think the key is in getting lots and lots of views well not really the key is in getting the views that are going to make you money more about this in just a minute so first off what we want to do is we want to find our Niche you can use something like chat GPT to ask it for all kinds of different niches that you can use for a faceless video channel however remember there are lots of hidden niches that these tools won't show you more about that in just a minute but we could see here like meditation and relaxation sounds ambient sounds White Noise motivation quotes workout timers sleep meditations cooking tips and on and on we go and one of the ways that I like to find these niches is by saying now please find 100 top affiliate niches the reason I do this is because affiliate marketing niches tend to lead to things that pay more money where you might have like a cartoon fund channel that gets generic ads and lots of views we're going to go for something like maybe web hosting or CRM software that pays lots of money think if I'm out there showing travel tips versus how to save money traveling well a niche about money is going to make a lot more because it's going to tie into like travel rewards credit cards and different ads that pay more money and different things that I can offer that pay more money as well so picking your Niche is crucial what we're going to want to do is find something that we can actually dive into that we'll actually enjoy creating content about for for example if you like travel go for travel if you like different softwares and tools maybe do that or if you're going for like AI stuff or news go for that this is going to help prevent you from burnout and you don't necessarily have to be an expert in the niche you just need to be willing to find out the information so that you can make money again what we're going to do is a hybrid model of human and AI together to make good content that's going to put money in our pocket so first off what we we want to do is find a niche if you're stuck on this part I have some videos in the description that'll go through this in great detail so what we're going to do is we're going to find our Niche make sure that it's good for faceless video channels then we are going to pick our monetization methods we're going to look at direct versus indirect we're going to look at what does it look like on monetization are we going to be in the less than a penny per view bracket or are we going to be in a bracket where we're going to make a lot more such as web hosting software tool money Credit Finance different things like this that pay lots of money next we're going to look at the indirect methods which are the affiliate offers that's why I went through here and looked at the different affiliate offers because you could see here like hotel booking personal finance apps investment platforms these niches are actually much more tight-knit and it's going to focus our content around things that get lots of traffic for example if I do just investment or stocks I'm going to be competing with tons and tons of different videos however if I go for something like investment platforms I could go to chat GPT and say list the top 100 investment platforms it'll list these platforms and what you're going to notice is that there's lots and lots of views for these different platforms if I go here like this and type in Vanguard investment platform you're going to see lots and lots of people are reviewing this platform in talking about it and getting tons of views so we want a niche that ties into money but also has a deep volume of search what I mean by Deep volume of search isn't necessarily longtail keywords where people would think gardening best gardening ways to Garden gardening tips gardening tools but more in the nature of different things in that Niche I.E let's think about laptops instead of going for gaming laptops School laptops or or whatever it is we could go for like Lenovo 123 Apple MacBook Pro number 7 the Dell 5102 got it all right that's the first aha moment of the video so we're going to look at our Niche and the monetization method now in the laptop Market obviously we we be making money with the monetization and we could sell the laptops through Amazon Best Buy as an affiliate if we're going for something like the investment platforms then we could promote different invest platforms just make sure that whatever you promote is absolutely ethical and in the best interest of your user you want to make sure that you use this stuff in a good way to help people with good information that is what is going to separate you from the other people doing AI videos that are not getting traction you are actually going to go through and do the leg work of understanding the niche and helping people with information that they actually want to consume so we're going to look at this and we're going to say how are we going to make money now before you go dive into your ditch what I want you to do is I want you to go to YouTube and look at what else is out there notice how we went over here and we said okay what are people doing in the investment Niche what does this look like go in there and find at least 5 to 10 different channels doing what you want to do take a look at what they're doing what works and what doesn't work we're going to talk about some tools that you can use to look in these channels and find out what works and what doesn't because the key is in duplicating what actually works if you go out there and you create stuff based on what gurus say or what you think that's not making datadriven decisions we want to look at the data see what it says and follow that path to making money online next up what we're going to do is we're going to talk about that money stuff how are we actually going to get paid and what can we expect as we mentioned earlier the average Channel out there is getting less than one penny per view which means you need a lot of views to make a lot of money however there are other markets that trigger much more expensive ads and obviously make sure you're making good content and good stuff so that you're helping these people out you have to focus on good content not just the money you're going to make right we need to make good stuff that people actually want to consume so what we're going to do is we are going to pick a market that has that money and we want to also remember other ways that we can get paid so think like can you make a course can you promote affiliate offers are there different tools and software that your Market might use to get the desired result all these things can tie into the way that you are going to make money online then of course remember you can also get paid using YouTube courses you could get paid with super chats Community engagement and even having your own website which I think is an absolute GameChanger when you're doing a faceless YouTube channel so looking at this stuff and understanding okay here's the niche here's the way I can make content here's what other people are doing now you're already poised for Success let's dive in to part number two which is research and development this is key because what we want to do is figure out if this Market is going to work for us this is super super important for example if we were to go and look at this Vanguard one we want to see how many people are actually using Vanguard and if it starts to change up a little bit down here like different apps index funds things like that if they're going a different route or if the page is just littered with things about Vanguard only as we can see here the best index funds that's not particularly for Vanguard we can also see different news articles here um different apps and tools something about Black Rock company how to make 500 a week and on and on we go so we see that it's kind of starting to timeout which means there's not an overwhelming amount of videos about this Vanguard so if we have a halfway decent video we should be able to get some traffic next what we want to do is we want to take a look at channels in the niche let's say we go to someone like this channel right here we want to look at their videos and see if they're all about investing and yeah it looks like it is primarily about investing it's not a super big Channel but they're doing a good job job they got some videos they got some subscribers they're out there making it happen what we can do is go to a tool like similar web or view stats we can go to similar web like this type the name in and kind of see what's going on they got over a th000 subscribers last month 109,000 views last month which is averaging like 3,000 views a day and in the finance Market even though that seems small that could equal a lot of money if done correctly let's head over to view stats and take a look at what it looks like over there and the reason we're going to use view stats is very importantly for this one metric right here it actually shows you the best performing videos from the channel out of the last 10 videos which means we can see switching from vo to CPX looks like some kind of stock thing and that one was a Jugger do most of her videos are averaging right around 5,000 views but this this one Came Out Swinging with 30,000 views in the same time frame then we can click on the video Tab and see exactly what's going on and find the outliers and here we could see that one is at 54,000 views already and it looks like it is related to some kind of stock thing ETF S&P 500 yeah this one is very Niche specific then we would want to do the same thing for other people in this Niche and as we can see small YouTubers are making this work and here's a video here that looks like it is a faceless YouTube channel and getting like 700,000 views in 4 months is going to put money in your pocket I don't care who you are so let's put this one into view stats we could see here almost 400,000 views in the last 30 days 3,500 subscribers and an average of about 14,000 views per day and since this is in the financial Market they're probably making some decent cash but again remember it's not just about monetization because in this type of Market you can have a course that you can create with AI to help these people out you could promote other courses you could promote a website with tips and stock info and whatever it is that this Niche is interested in another thing you can do is use the ahrs tool to find out what people are searching for because there's two different ways to get traffic on YouTube one is by Discovery meaning YouTube YouTu is going to show you in front of people they think are going to like it or search which means you're going to be in front of people actively searching for terms related to your video This is why having the right title is crucial but using ah refs we could go out there and let's say we want to do something like Law of Attraction a lot of money people are into law of attraction and this is a niche that makes a lot of money so we could see here there's lots of videos out there it's a pretty competitive Niche yeah it's going to be very difficult for your AI faceless channel to compete with the big dogs however there is a way to compete using Ai and the ahre Search tool and the way we're going to do that is actually very simple we're going to say now please list 100 authors that talk about the law of attraction and this is going to list out the authors that talk about this topic and again you're going to see much like we did with the finan Market these are actually going to get a lot of traffic and when we take this list of authors put it into the keyword Explorer over at ah refs we can see exactly how many people are searching these up and it's actually quite a bit James Allen has searched for over 12,000 times a month Neville Gard 59,000 and on and on we go and that doesn't include the names of the books they wrote the quotes or whatever it is people are looking up and if we're going to go to YouTube and look at something like Neville Goddard you're going to see there's lots and lots of videos about this including this one here again it looks like a faceless kind of video it's got over 2.3 million views here's another one with 1.1 million 6.7 and on and on we go and all they're doing is talking about this guy's take on the Law of Attraction which is very simple we can do this very very easy and we're not going to have a problem creating content because there's lots of other authors we can talk about again remember remember to always do a good job use your AI to create something that's going to be helpful based on what these people talk about maybe a compilation of quotes or a unique take they have or something interesting that law of attraction people might get value from it's actually super simple and again if we're going for something like Law of Attraction remember there's tons of courses and softwares and tools that we can sell as an affiliate to make tons and tons of money and going for YouTube search on this is actually really really cool and it Works in a simple way we can see this one was put up just a little bit ago here's another one 3 months ago 8 days ago they're getting quite a bit of traffic just talking about what these people talk about in relation to the Law of Attraction we can even look at something like deot Chopra and different things like this and this is something that I did on my addiction Channel where we talked about different authors in the niche and got traffic in a very quick way and built that channel super fast and when we look at this we're going to do a hybrid model of YouTube search where we're using something that is interesting about the people and then also looking at browse where we're going to have something that would appeal to all the Law of Attraction people where we're going to start with the name and then we're going to Pivot over to something that is Broad enough to get other people into it as well because law of attraction is bigger than one author's name however all the authors's names together is going to equal lots and lots of traffic does that make sense let me know as a comment below so that you could start to get your content strategy on point next up what we're going to do is we're going to look at spyfu to see what the money would be like if we go over to spyfu like this we could see here that law of attraction is something that gets a lot of traffic however the amount per click on Google search isn't that much money which means it's not going to be a whole lot of money on our websites our videos and things like that however if we were to talk about something like therapy you're going to see that this is going to trigger a much more expensive click or maybe something like selfhelp seminars here we could see self-help seminars actually pays a decent amount however the clicks aren't that plentiful so we're going to have to vary it up and try to figure out how we're going to make money with this my best way to make money with every Niche is to start your own website and drive people there for printables and little helpful things based on your videos if you're making a video about law of attraction quotes what's better than saying go to my website to get the law of attraction quotes it's actually very simple and then you can build a mailing list and sell things based on what people want it's pairs perfectly with the video model and I've been doing this for a long time to make money on my own channels it's actually very simple so if you want to learn how to pair it with your own domain name what you're going to do is get a domain that works alongside your channel something that's very similar easy to type in very difficult to misspell and is a very good domain that you can buy obviously it needs to be available if you want to learn about that you can go to gohub site.com and I have instructions on how to get a domain name now let's get into part three which is actually making the content this is super important because a lot of people think that AI is easy and inexpensive so let's just go to a tool click a button get a video and we're going to get rich overnight which absolutely is not the cas case so let's talk about how to make content that actually works first of all we need to understand that we need to create our title and our thumbnail before we even start making the content so when we're out there doing research and looking at other videos that are doing well we need to figure out exactly what it is we're going to do that's going to get in front of this Market we want to take a look at other videos that are doing well and see why they're doing well so like this one here with 58,000 views did better than the others here's some others 35,000 here's one with 93,000 how do we make this work in a simple way what we need to do is we need to think about our content differently if we're going out there and we're looking at a stock platform or something like Neville Godard or whatever it is we want to think about what would get people to click how we could be truthful and deliver on the promise in our title and our thumbnail so what we're going to do is we are going to use the crazy fact hook spin method so if we go out there and we start with chat GPT and we say something like what are five things Neville Godard says about the law of attraction we're going to go out there and see what he says and then we're going to try to spin it in a different way that gets people interested so if we have like imagination creates reality or assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled or something else what we're going to do is we're going to try to make this something based on what people want to watch we're going to try to get attention it's like the old model of Aid attention interest desire action we want to take a look at this and say what can we do to make this work what's going to be different faith in the Unseen that's pretty run-of-the-mill everyone's heard it power of subconscious mind that's pretty much what law of attraction is about that's not going to Peak my interest assume the feeling living in the and out of this list I like the living in the end one because it's talking about something that people might not know about living in the end which is the idea of focusing on the end result this is akin to the idea of making success inevitable how is living in the end similar to making success inevitable so now we have this and we're going through and we're getting something very specific to one thing someone said and we can build an entire video around this and help people have an aha moment in their brain that's going to help them understand this and now you could see that this AI is actually creating the video for us this is a game changer how many of you guys just had another aha moment let me know as a comment below because now we could go through and in visualize what this is going to be like so looking at Neville godard's idea here living in the end how could we make a thumbnail that's going to fit this well we could actually use AI please make a wide format thumbnail for this video about living in the end and success now we're going to go through and we're going to make a thumbnail that's going to work and when we create our thumbnail we want to say say what we can't say in our title and what I mean by that is our title is going to be based on secret Neville garded success method or something like that what we want to do is have the thumbnail say here's something you may not have thought about so let's do yeah it didn't do that great of a job so let's go through and ask it now make it more simple and eye-catching and curiosity provoking I.E this one secret we could see it's getting a little bit better maybe say now without words what I'm thinking of is something that other people don't think about maybe a brain with an arrow or eyes looking at something with an arrow or something like that that they're going to be like wait a minute what is this secret that I don't know about the law of attraction that this guy said in a book in 1902 too that's kind of what we want to lead towards is something that's going to Peak curiosity maybe something like this would work that's actually you know you're like hey wait a minute what is the secret so you want to get kind of interested in these things now one of the places that I like to go to look at different thumbnails is Creator hooks which is pretty cool you can go to Creator Hooks and they have all kinds of different uh tools and different thumbnails and things like that that have worked really well and using their database will help you find different ideas and see the differences like here's a weird Pokemon you can see it's pointing there fortnite big mistake here's something about stock markets and things like that so what we want to do is we want to think about this in a specific way and really hone in on what is going to make people click what is going to make them interested in what we have to offer maybe we could say now put a bunch of books and point to one secret book and maybe it'll it'll do something like that where they're going to go through and be like oh hey I need to read this one thing that's the key here is this one thing will help you notice how in this video what I did is I said hey this strategy is what's going to take you from getting no views making no money to actually making an AI faceless video channel that'll work and as you can see here it's getting closer so we can mess around with this and we can get all kinds of thumbnail ideas that can work really well we could put these into our tool and create something that'll actually get the clicks and my favorite tool for thumbnails is the snagit tool because I could just snag a screenshot right like this and boom there we go now another thing to note is that with AI as far as YouTube is concerned they don't usually monetize AI voice videos you would need to use an actual human voice or your own voice which you could still do a faceless Channel with that you would just read the voice yourself or hire someone to read the voice for you so using something like this you could go through and maybe have x's on all the books like this saying oh hey these books don't have the answer uh this one does have the answer right like put little X's here stuff like that then you could say something like after 100 books I still didn't know this and you could kind of make this look good like this Center it up make it fancy and then what I usually do in snagit is I'll just copy this and then add a color here and then it'll give us like a nice little background like that um and then you can have an arrow you know pointing at whatever the secret is or something like that and the idea here is okay it's talking about Neville Godard and his secret to Law of Attraction then it's saying all the other books didn't teach it thus saying yes I need to watch this video so that I can learn the secret that Neville Goddard had that all these other books didn't have that I'm missing out on that is going to change my life that's the idea behind how this works and I do this all the time on my channel where I talk about different ideas of how to make money and I show results that I've used or results that other people have gotten and different things like that so that I get the interest of people and then show them the truth about how it works much like this video here so we could go through and make titles and thumbnails that are going to get atted attention we need to really focus on getting the attention and one of the best ways to get the attention is by using crazy facts we could go through and use Ai and say now please list 100 facts about the law of attraction and if we can go through and say like oh 9,000 people use the Law of Attraction but they didn't know this or 99% of people with the law of attraction fail here's why that's going to get a much better much more interested person to watch our video so we could see different facts here that work really well we can also go through and use this in different niches like the stock market list 25 stock market weird facts and it'll go through and find the weird facts and these are great to get people interested all we need to do is Tire fact to something that works really well like this one here the Buttonwood agreement this is something where we could be like okay what's the button wood agreement and how does it you know change your investment strategy again we're just going to go through we can use chat GPT ask it what is this and it'll go through and give us an overview of what it is we could go to our search here see if people are searching for the Buttonwood agreement and we could see yeah they actually are and then we go through and say okay Brokers would only deal with each other commissions on trades would be set at a standard rate interesting so now knowing this I could say commissions on trades would be a standard rate that reminds me of apps that have a flat fee for investing so we could talk about the Buttonwood agreement and how there's only five apps that fit the Buttonwood agreement okay now I'm not a stock broker I don't know anything about the stock market but I hope you're getting the idea of how this works for content type Game Changer as a comment below if you're starting to see how this is going to change your content and the sky is the limit I mean we literally go here we say okay what about chaos theory and markets again this is going to tie to stuff that actually gets traffic which is built in for us to build on and we can see yeah it gets a lot of traffic again what is the chaos theory in stocks and we can see here context of stocks refers to the idea that small changes in the initial conditions of a system lead to vastly different outcomes this reminds me of AI stocks how can one small thing change a big thing starting to get the idea here or let's do what are 100 what are 25 interesting facts about people about working out to lose weight and it'll go through and it'll talk about interesting facts like maybe most people don't do it or calories burn after exercise I mean think about this if you had a video that said why neglecting the afterburn effect is keeping you fat I mean that's something I'd probably watch or all these other ones here like plateaus why are you plateauing even though you work out every day and on and on we go if we could use interesting facts to create videos on that is the key then what we want to do is take that interesting fact and turn it into a hook what is the hook that you're going to give your viewer to keep them watching and get them to stay on your video if you're using the law of attraction or stock market maybe you tell them right up front here is how X is going to help you why here is why not knowing X is going to hurt you in the future so having that hook is absolutely key then what we want to do is think about our video in terms of how we're going to spin it into our narrative if we're using the workout one we want to find a product a service a book a course or something that's going to help them with maybe not having the plateaus in weight loss and getting where they want to go or if it's in stocks maybe we'll sell them a guide on all the different stock hidden investment glossery terms or whatever it is and again this could be something we sell very inexpensive it could be a fancy course or we could link to affiliate offers but knowing these things before we start creating videos is going to change the way that we do everything because now instead of making aimless content with AI we have a direction we have a focus we know what we want to accomplish why and how we're going to do it then it's actually pretty easy all we need to do is create the content we can go over to Ai and say something like now I want to make a video about the chaos theory and how it stops people from making good Investments and it's going to go through and talk about this and we can turn it into a video so we have video title chaos theory and its impact on making smart investment choices we are not going to use this title we are going to use something much more focused maybe something like this one theory changes the way you invest in stocks or something like that and we can see it starts with the whole video it's making like a 5 six minute video pretty cool stuff very easy we could also use this for the workout Niche where we're going through and saying now please come up with a very interesting video title about fat oxidation even if the word is not in the title think curiosity and this is going to go through and come up with some titles for us unlocking the secret how your body transforms fat into fuel interesting more please and it'll go through and what we want to do is we want to get something we're going to click on burn brighter how your body converts fat into Pure Energy discover the true power of your metabolism Melt Away pounds what really happens to fat when you exercise that is the winner now we can say now using the fat oxidation let's make this video transcript right like this and it's going to go through and make the transcript now what most people are going to do at this point is they're going to throw this into some Ai and get some run-of-the Mill junky content that's not really going to do that good what we're going to do is think different we can use tools like notebook LM to throw different videos about fat oxidation into the tool and get other notes we could right like this and say new notebook and then we can add different links so if I was to go over here and say fat oxidation workout I'm going to get all the pages that are about fat oxidation and workout so I could take a page like this here put that into our notes right like this take this one here put this into our notes and I can get an overview of what these are talking about and why obviously we don't want to plagi your or copy we're just going to use this to learn about our market so that we can get information that's going to help people and what notebook LM is going to do is give us notes on what all these people are talking about and make a deep dive conversation about this now sometimes if we're not using the exact same info obviously we want multiple sources we want to give it our own info we can actually click generate and create a podcast that we can turn into a video now if you want to learn more about that I have a video on that in the description definitely watch that one but we're going to see here it'll give us a little study guide or a brief or whatever it is based on all of the info we give it we can give this to our chat gbt and it's going to create a much better output and we can see here it's giving us a little overview and a quiz of how this stuff works and I could pop this into chat GPT and say now use this and remake the notes boom and it'll go through it'll read that it'll talk about the different things and again notice how here we can see like gastric imping and different things like that which are interesting things that the average person doesn't know about now disclaimer don't use this if you are not a doctor I would not recommend going into the health or workout Niche if you are not a professional stick to niches that are easy and harmless stuff like you know learn new languages or prepare for a test or different things like that there's plenty of things that you can get into from solar panels to coffee makers to whatever it is that you could use to make lots of money with and again remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but I think you're starting to see here that this can work in a very very straightforward way next what we're going to do is we're going to use a tool like Camtasia to actually create our videos in again I have videos below that talk about how to create these we're going to go through we're going to follow along with our notes and our guide here so we're going to see what our guide is looking like right over here and we can see here it is doing a good job of making our video and we can run this through an audio Creator and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to use story blocks to get videos that relate to the audio now I could go through and use something like in video or pictur but what you're going to see is that more often than not it's going to be very literal so putting this in here it's going to be like here's a shoe being laced up here's a guy working out here's a brisk walk and it it's going to be too literal which means we're not going to get an output that we actually want to use now if we take the extra time and go through and create the video on our own I could go through and I could do like something like weight loss or a calculator or something like that running I can get all kinds of videos that I want and it's going to be in a much more strategic easy way that focuses on what this content is about and I'm going to compile content with my end goal in mind this is key because again these automated tools are not really going to do the job so using the strategy here is going to be Game Changer in terms of creating content now you can use in video and pictory however everyone's using them meaning you're going to get a very similar output that everyone else is getting and you're not really going to get the essence of what you want your video to be about and if the video is no good it's not going to make much money at all so we want to focus on things that'll actually work and when we go through you can actually record the audio of this into Camtasia and use that as your own audio which is a game changer because now you'll be able to use it and make money in different ways that you wouldn't be able to if you were using just Ai and we can see here that if we look at the video the way that this created it I bet you didn't know that your body becomes a fat burning machine the moment see how this is not really what we want sers and start your this is not at all what I want in terms of making a good video I want to have something that really really fits maybe we have a quote and we show the the person in the quote or we have it on the screen or something like that we want to make sure that our video does a good job and really speaks to them don't go literal like you know someone tying their shoe maybe you could go through and do like oh hey foods not to eat and you you show the foods or whatever it is or this one food or this one secret maybe you have a secret right and you can talk about that top secret uh weight loss or whatever it is right looking at this and and having it thinking thinking about what your Market is going to be interested in is key we want to go through and we want to make a video that people actually want to watch we can use AI to do it but the idea of creating a bazillion videos in 5 seconds is not going to cut the mustard because that's what everyone's doing we I would rather see you do the work spend an entire day and make a really good video about a topic use your hook use your format where you're getting people in and looking at those interesting facts can you put interesting facts throughout the video maybe you can have interesting facts like the top 10 weight loss facts you didn't know or things you need to know about the stock market or things you need to know about reading books or the law of attraction or whatever it is thinking different about your content is what is going to make you stand out and actually make money and yes you can use AI to help you with this I do it all the time and it is a game Cher and understanding this and going through and using video blocks and other video creators even if you're using a free video creator we want to go through and make this work think about what you would actually watch what would you consume put it to the test if you were watching a video about how to make money online do you want another boring video that just talks about a method that doesn't work or do you want me to talk to you directly and say hey here are the flaws that don't work here's what does work and here's how to do it that is a formula for Success that works each and every time looking at how I can structure my content differently is everything if you're not doing this yeah that's why you're struggling and that brings us to part number four which is deployment how do we deploy our video in a way that's actually going to work we want to look at our title and our thumbnail and see where it's going to fit this is why in part one we looked at other videos that are getting traffic because if we can piggyback on what else is popular that is going to be key just a couple days ago I put a video up about notebook LM because it just came out people were talking about it because people were talking about it my video did really really well and again what I did is I said here this is what you need to know about this and this is why it's a game changer this is how it's going to help you and I've done this countless times and it works like crazy including our super popular chat gbt video that got over 500,000 views the first month out of the gate so matching the title with something that's out there working right now and the thumbnail was something that's going to get curiosity about that like oh hey this new law means AI is going to change here's how or this new weight loss method is not what everyone thinks click here to find out how or this news is going to make waves in the stock market here's how think about how this is going to work for your Niche and if you're not creative don't worry AI can handle that for you just ask it the right questions instead of going to Ai and saying make me a video script now make me a video we want to think about how this is going to change the way that we make content and we want to use human directed AI where we're going through and we're overseeing the process AI is like someone who works for us it's not going to do the entire business for you it's a terrible Master but a fantastic employee and if you can think in a different way and how to use AI to get the outcome you want then my friends you can virtually write your own paycheck disclaimer the average person makes nothing but you get the idea of how powerful this is then we want to use our thumbnail to say what can't be said next when we upload our video we want to make sure that our title has our keywords in it now a lot of people think that the Holy Grail is showing up number one for the keyword you want this is not true this is elusive everyone has different results on their YouTube based on their history which means if you show up number one on your screen it doesn't mean it shows up for everyone so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we hit enough topics that are going to go through and get recommended think law of attraction is the recommendation Neville Goddard is the keyword does that make sense all right good so utilizing that and understanding that we want the broad term but we also want the keyword and we want to have both of those in our title boom that's where the game starts to change next when we put our tags again tags are kind of elusive if you're using something like the name of a software or a tool yes that would make sense to have in the tag but if you're using a tag like make money or Law of Attraction you're going to be competing with thousands and millions of other videos you're never going to show up tags are not super important they just help people find what they're looking for in the case of misspellings and different things like that so don't rely on tags like they're the be all end all because at the end of the day they don't mean much at all next we want to have an end screen an end screen is a video that pops up at the end of your video showing your viewer what to watch next this is important because if YouTube sees that people are watching One video of yours and then another video of yours that triggers the algorithm and says this guy makes content people actually want to watch let's promote this because at the end of the day what does YouTube want well they want people to stay on YouTube and if if you help them by having them watch multiple videos then you are going to be promoted in the algorithm you're going to get more views and everything will be right with the world and that brings us to our description we want to make sure that our description has the proper disclaimers has related videos and links they can go to that are going to help the viewer out the key is getting people to stay on YouTube and getting them to watch more of your content because if you watch five or six videos of mine it doesn't take long for you to be like hey I want to learn from this Marcus guy maybe I'll go over to blog profit network.com yeah it's actually that easy and then of course we're going to look at our metrics and stats and learn from what does good if you had a video that doesn't do good don't fret we're going to look at that for metrics and say why didn't it do good and how do I do better next time when you have a video that does good why did that do good and how do I do more of that it's a learning curve it's a process don't expect AI to spit out videos and make you rich this is something that you need to actively be part of make it work now using AI it's easier than ever before and you don't even have to be on video but again you do have to do the work making these nface YouTube videos with AI can work really well if done correctly but think of yourself as a director the manager the one going out there and getting the info and thinking about the market and giving it what you want the AI to create a video about this is absolutely key and if you want to learn more about this check out download notes.com I'll have a breakdown of the videos and how I create them including the tools the links from this the notes from this and the whole nine yards and if you're interested in learning more about this check out blogr because this month I'm going to be throwing some videos in blog profit Network that talk about how to use AI to create videos and get traffic to make money it's actually very simple it's very straightforward and if you're in blog profit Network you can actually ask questions every Tuesday you can bring your videos say why didn't this work why did this work what's a direction I can go in to make more money and get more traffic we are there to help you every step of the way and if you enjoyed this video smash a like button and let me know as a comment below
Stop Making “These” Faceless Ai Videos – Do This To Make Money!