Sora Video Generator = HUGE Money Loophole – OpenAI News

all right Sora let's do this make me some viral workout weight loss videos for YouTube and download whoa $424 in just one day using open ai's brand new Sora to create viral online workout videos all right we need to talk ever since yesterday the internet has been buzzing about open ai's new Sora apparently it's the latest greatest thing actually taking on Hollywood in terms of video creation and it looks fairly simple quite simply enter a prompt an adorable Dalmatian puppy peeking out a window in Italy whoa that's pretty impressive but how is this going to make you and any money and over the next couple months YouTube is going to be Ablaze with videos showing you how you can make tons of money using open ai's new Sora video creation tool it's as simple as typing a prompt and getting paid yeah that's what they're going to tell you and unfortunately these types of videos are going to distract you from the real way to make money using the new AI video generators like open AI Sora because friends there is a huge opportunity to make tons of money sitting right in front of our noses but it's up to you to avoid getting sucked up in the hype and focus on where the real money is and in this video I'm going to show you exactly where the real money is and yes this is based on things that I'm actually doing right now in fact over the last few months I've made thousands and thousands of dollars with AI generated video but not in the way you might think whoa in just minutes we got over 10 viral videos in the workout Niche that we can use to make money all right so there's three quadrants that are going to affect your ability to make money number one is the obvious one views making videos to get views and get paid number two business creating videos for businesses and getting paid by the business and number three is the biggest way to make money this is an opportunity of a lifetime creating rights videos with mrr so in just a minute I'm going to show you three killer ways to make money online with these new video platforms that are going to come out like crazy in the next few days weeks and months but you got to pay close attention because it's easy to get drawn into the hype of what's not actually going to put money in your pocket for example A lot of people are looking at this tool as a game changer for Hollywood and different things like that which really has nothing to do with your ability to make money while I will admit that this tool is amazingly cool and does have an application when it comes to making money online most people are missing the big picture and while you can create little videos like these mammoths here with a little prompt and get some amazing output these types of videos aren't really going to make you money unless you know what you're doing I mean here's a really cool video that they have on their site about footage during the gold rush and again remember this was 100% created by AI imagination all you have to do is put a prompt in like historical footage of California during the gold rush I mean that seems pretty simple right and as we can see this video tool is coming a long way however there are some flaws like this guy here running backwards on a treadmill with wheels yeah I don't know about that one however the ability to create videos on demand using nothing more than a prompt is something you can use to make lots of money now the first thing we're going to look at which is the most obvious is creating content for viewers we can use these AI tools to create videos in all kinds of niches and put content out there to make money now there is one caveat when doing this and that is that some platforms don't allow AI video content to be monetized and this is primarily talking about AI voices AI 100% created videos and different things like that that that is not to say that we can't compile these on our own in fact this is something I've been doing in my business for several years now we create videos on various topics and make them work in a very simple way and while we are using AI to create these videos we also have some human interaction so we can use these with like a faceless YouTube channel and different things like that and this method is definitely a way to make money but stay tuned for method number three because it's almost guaranteed to put money in your pocket and obviously if you're creating content for viewers you can do things like story books how-to videos educational art and animation music and soundscapes like those meditation things like motivation and stuff like that meditation videos travel videos and more you can get an entire list including all the notes from this video including links and everything over at download now the second way to make money is a little bit more detailed and you can get paid more money up front for the same type of work but pay close attention because this ties into part three which is the big Mecca money-making AI s hustle Extravaganza number two is to create content for businesses this is where you would go out there and do something like these people are doing on Fiverr where you get paid for a custom video only instead of putting yourself on Fiverr with all these other people that range from $5 to $50 what we're going to do is we're going to stand up out in our own brand the key is to specialize this is something I learned when I first started my business back in 1999 back then I was creating content for different businesses to get ranked on the search engines and instead of branding myself as the SEO guy I focused on something specific SEO for limousine companies SEO for magic stores SEO for people selling supplements and because I was able to specialize I charged a lot more money and all the customers were a lot happier and the testimonials actually fit what I was doing so it was a lot easier to get the next sale and using this strategy you can take a video that might be $30 on Fiverr and actually charge upwards of $1,000 for it customized for a specific business and remember a lot of these businesses don't know that AI exists so they're not going to know what's going on or how to create this stuff even though it's super popular a lot of people don't know how to use it properly to get a result that puts money in their pocket and that is what we're going to help these businesses with we can do this for limousine companies car dealers Health diet workout Realtors people selling travel event planning Consultants accountants Home Improvement and more again I'll have the full list for you over at download myy and lastly the Big Kahuna way that you can make tons of money online using AI generated videos is drum roll please creating specific content with Master rights now what does this mean well as we know there are lots of AI video tools out there Sora Runway invid clipchamp and on and on we go and the reason these video and the reason these platforms make so much money is because this video content is in demand in fact if you were to take a look at story or video you're going to see that those websites get tons of traffic and make tons of money but what is it they're doing well story blocks and video blocks quite simply allow me to download stock footage with the rights that I can use in my videos to create content and it's actually pretty cool we've used a few Clips in this video to show you exactly how it works and you can see that there's anything from like timelaps to Nature and you can basically get stock footage for pretty much anything here's a guy shoveling the snow or a train or even all these workout videos we talked about earlier and the way to make money with this is twofold one you can use AI to generate tons of different clips and sell the rights to them obviously making sure that whatever platform you're creating them with allows you to do so and you can create all kinds of stock footage and have a little membership site to sell the stock footage but there's one glaring problem and that is the word stock video and stock footage is super competitive if you were going to do this you'd be competing with all these giant businesses that already have a customer database and they're probably going to use AI to make even more stock footage so how are the little guys like me and you going to compete and make money well remember that story I talked about earlier where I said I started my business going after specific different types of businesses to help them limo owners magic stores supplement sellers yeah that's exactly what we're going to do in fact this is a business bottle that my friend Ronnie does with plr products he actually creates different plr products in different niches for businesses to use that way if I'm a dentist I don't have to come up with a bunch of different emails and PDFs and content around Dentistry he quite simply creates that content sells it to the dentist for a premium price and over the years he's made Millions millions of dollars and using AI tools we can create stock footage around a specific niche as you can see here one of the most popular stock footage sites doesn't really have all that many limo videos so if we specialize in creating content that people want to use I can quite simply have a limo stock footage membership website and as you can see here there's lots of people looking this up including stock fireplace video vintage vertical and on on and on we go and we can quite simply focus in on one specific Niche whether it's limos car dealers Health real estate or whatever it is create stock footage with AI around that Niche and sell it to the Realtors or limo company owners and make tons of money and not only that but we can also offer services to create videos for them so you charge like $97 a month for access to the limo stock videos and then when the limo owners decide hey I don't want to create these videos myself with stock footage why don't I just pay you thousands of dollars to create them for me and yes ladies and gentlemen this is a business model I've been using for years and you can bet your bottom dollar we're going to be using AI to make even more money faster and if you're tired of all the hype videos and you want to get to the Brass tax of what really makes money online smash a like button and check out the videos in the description

As found on YouTube


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