Secret TikTok Ban Fund = Free Money – watch this now!

just yesterday president Trump said that Tik Tok could be worth as much as1 trillion but what does that mean for you how does that affect the Creator economy and how can you get some of the free money that is lurking on the heels of the Tik Tok ban because let's face it the Tik Tock ban and the Mad Dash to get Tik tok's traffic is worth a lot of money some might say it's the modern day gold rush but the question is are you going to get a piece of the action or are you going to sit by and just watch it happen this video is for people who want to make money and I'm going to show you exactly inside what's happening on Tik Tok how Tik Tok makes money how you can get money and a secret billion doll fund designed to siphon Tik tok's users to another platform yes ladies and gentlemen this is the real deal in fact according to Yahoo finance Tik Tok is touting a $24 billion impact to the US GDP this app is used by over 170 million Americans not only that but valuations are ranging anywhere from 20 billion to $300 billion and according to one report Tik tokers are earning an average of $131,000 a year just for dancing around and making content on Tik Tok not only that but bite Dan the parent company is saying that Tik Tok has been downloaded over 4 billion times so what does this have to do with you and your ability to make money well smash a like button and pay close attention because I'm about to reveal how the Tik Tok economy is putting billions and billions of dollars back into the hands of normal people just like you and me so if you want a piece of the action and you want to get some free money listen up cuz we're starting right [Music] now all right so how to get some of this free money first of all we need to understand the Tik Tok economy how does it work you have three parts to this moving machine that basically prints money first you have the influencers or the people creating the content that is what attracts the viewers that's the second part which is you and me the viewers of the content and then lastly we have the advertisers which many different things fall into advertisers it could be your own business you're promoting it could be Tik Tok shops it could be affiliate offers or it could be just getting paid from Tik Tok directly so there's a lot of moving Parts here that actually fuel this economy now it's very important that we differentiate the difference between an economy versus a platform a platform is like an Instagram or Tik Tok or something like that where people go to put content and it is like a platform basically now in addition to being a platform Instagram is also its own economy if you're to look at some of the estimates here one of the estimates said that the Tik Tok ban could affect small businesses collectively to the tune of about a billion dollars within the first month of a ban there are many small business companies like The Candle Company of Mississippi and others that are making money from this also the Ecom feature Tik Tock shops is also a GameChanger for small businesses gener ating $9.7 billion in Gross merchandise sales in 2023 I'm guessing 2024 that thing skyrocketed it's probably like double or triple the amount now so looking at this we have to understand this economy is generating a ton of money this is something that's big it's like looking at Google Google makes about $300 billion doar a year give or take a few billion but their reach is a lot more the impact they have to the economy is in the trillions of dollars why because people search Google they click on an ad and then they buy something so if someone searches Google that's worth pretty much nothing once they click on an ad that might be worth a dollar $1 for one click if that ad then sells a $3,000 computer or a $5,000 computer like the one I bought yesterday well then that ad is now technically worth $55,000 not the $1 they paid to generate the sale very important important that we look at this because the numbers are so far-reaching that I don't even think the politicians know what's going on here now when you look at these different platforms we have Instagram Pinterest Facebook and YouTube and we have to ask oursel companies like Tik Tok and rednote why are they worth so much money and they're worth the amount of money because of the people viewing because of the advertisers we have to look at that and understand exactly what's going on now this one article said goodbye to Tik Tok this is how much money influencers on the app make per year now one of the ways we're going to get into on how to make money has to do with the influencers and how I believe that this number is grossly underestimated what we're seeing here is that on average according to this research $131,000 a year is the average amount an influencer makes on Tik Tok now I believe that far more people are making less than that as we always say the average person trying to make money makes nothing but I think there's also people making more and worse than that I think there's a lot of people that could be making money or could be making a lot of money that are making nothing or even a very little amount now we have to look at this and understand that the vast majority goes to the biggest influencers and they're saying that the medium annual income of a content creator on Tik Tok is between 15 and $220,000 which isn't even like that's not really a slouch that's nothing to box at that's a decent amount of money for some people now noting it says only 133% bring in 100,000 or more I actually think that's a pretty good number 133% of content creators on Tik Tok are making over a 100 Grand a year that's better than most jobs I mean if you look at jobs and businesses and things like that that's actually not that bad now Goldman Sachs is saying that uh Tik Tok could be worth $480 billion to the Creator cont not just itself but to the Creator economy also in addition they have to like buy space to host these videos which is at the tune of about 370 million a year that goes to the US economy in the terms of like Oracle and cloud computing which I believe is a US company now another thing we have to look at here is the effect of small businesses because where you have lots of broad businesses small businesses are affected even more why because their profit margins are high when they're doing local business Argo let's say someone is advertising in a local area for their mechanic shop you might get a $2,000 repair job off of a couple of dollar ad well that's going in and looking at a couple of bucks to Tik tok's bottom line to the mechanic it's actually a lot of money so understanding that is key now again looking at how much Tik Tok generated in Revenue in 2023 was about 16 billion 2024 was way higher than that they are reaching roughly I think a third of China's users and roughly a half of United States users which is a lot and like I said earlier it's been downloaded over 4 billion times now if you were to take the number of us users divide it by the average amount they say that this thing's worth in the US you would get a per user amount of $141 per user per year which is outstanding a lot of other platforms don't make that much per user let alone what we would call junk traffic Tik Tok is more or less junk traffic quick traffic or what we would say non- monetizable traffic however they're doing a fantastic job of monetizing it we can also see that when the ban happened dualingo switched over to red note and started making a lot more money based on the band which is interesting this is actually a video I talked about a couple weeks ago talking about how to make language influencers with AI highly recommend you watch that in the description below it's going to go over that and how you can create it we can also see Tik Tok touting the $24 billion impact to the US GDP which is where I came up with the 141 number we can also see lots of other news happening with this stuff like here's one that says tikt band would greatly affect my life here's another one talking about the amount of active users and on and on we go the global impact of a Tik Tok ban is going to be crazy do I think it's going to happen maybe maybe not probably more leaning toward the not but I think what this is doing is it's showing us that there's a gap in the marketplace where people don't know how to make money and if you can show them how then you can make a lot of money and the first way you can make money is actually very simple what's happening right now is Facebook and Instagram meta is offering a Creator swap fund this is something I've seen teased at I've seen them do it before one of my friends made a fortune on this and actually built his audience at the with the pocketbook of Facebook imagine Facebook paying you to build your audience that's what they did for him and he's making a fortune now what happens here is Facebook and Instagram want the traffic from Tik Tok so they are offering money to creators even with small followings to come over and be on platform now from what I know and what I've seen I have friends that are making upward of 7 to $100,000 a month simply posting content on Instagram and Facebook and getting engagement they're not even creating a lot of their own content some of it's reaction videos some of it's reposting some of it's just text content or images or memes we've talked about that I'll link to the video over at airofit and in the description so one of the things you could do is switch your audience over to Facebook and Instagram because they have Deep Pockets and they're paying a ton of money for this stuff the second thing thing you can do is create your own following I did a video yesterday that talked about how to sell your own products using social media using Pinterest Tik Tok Instagram Facebook creating short viral content is actually very easy especially now that we have ai you can create your own following on these platforms especially Facebook and Instagram because they're rewarding new creators right now and you can actually make a living the key is keep it tight-knit again I refer you to yesterday's video number three you can help user migrate to other platforms a lot of Tik Tok users don't even know how to like download their videos and they don't know how to add captions or change them or switch it and what you can do is offer a service where you're helping them migrate to other platforms and building an audience over there you can say hey for x amount of dollars per month I will migrate your stuff over to Instagram or Facebook or Pinterest or we'll turn it into a podcast or whatever it is this is a service business I've talked about before and I'll link in the description to do more with this you can use AI it's actually very simple it doesn't take a lot of work and you can make a lot of money number four and my personal favorite is to set up websites for influencers a lot of people on Tik Tok are using different things like link tree or stand store or Lincoln bio and these services in my opinion from a business standpoint are absolutely terrible why because they're not branding you and they're not getting people to think about your brand and your name notice how on mine I use either affiliat affiliatemarketing or airofit the reason I do this is because every visitor that comes to my website or goes to a link in BIO service is a visitor that you can monetize and a visitor that's going to know you like you and trust you which is the most valuable type of visitor so if you can brand yourself instead of saying go to my link bio and click this weird link instead let's say you're a recipe person and you say go to recipe guide or whatever it is you choose to get that matches your brand you can set these up for influencers and make lots of money in fact you can set them up for free as long as they get web hosting and pocket a $100 commission from the web hosting company I do this all the time I just got a deposit in my PayPal this morning from doing this exact thing and it was over $3,000 and I just offer them free tools I don't even set up the sites anymore very very simple next up we can help influencers monetize better you can go out there and teach influencers how to make more money with their traffic this is a super under tapped Market where a lot of people just don't know how to monetize I've been doing this for 25 years and monetization is my specialty as you can see from the video in the description we talk about how to monetize with your own products your affiliate offers your own website and even building a mailing list doing this for influencers can make you a ton of money you can like I say in number six become your own agency where you're helping influencers get brand deals helping them set up their websites helping them negotiate more payments from more advertisers and stay away from the junk that doesn't pay this is a huge opportunity and the fact that the Congress and the United States government and Chinese government is talking about this means that it's a lot of money there is so much money at stake here it is probably bigger than the gold rush because there's so many eyeballs and so many advertisers that want to make money money and whether Tik Tok gets banned or not you can go out there and use these six strategies to start making money don't underestimate it this stuff works if you do it if you want to learn more about how to make this work check out airofit smash a like button and watch the videos in the description

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