SearchGPT Will Make You Money – Ai Search News!

search GPT is finally here and it's going to make you tons of money if you watch this entire video because as a 25-year search marketer internet marketer and after having made millions of dollars online yeah this is something very familiar deja vu in fact I've seen this before and the last time I saw this I jumped on it faster than anything I've ever latched on to before and because of this I was able to put millions of dollars in my pocket in fact some of the websites I built back then still make me money to this very day yep that's right billions of dollars are being paid to people just like you and me ordinary people sitting behind a desk often times working from home if you do some simple math you will have found out that since the beginning when Google was profitable in 2002 they've made over 1.9 trillion dollar yes friends that's trillion with a t but the question is how does a search engine make money anyway and why would they pay any of that to people like me and you well that's what we're going to uncover today because we're going to dive into search GPT we're going to look at where it gets its results where the data comes from and how it's poised to make money and of course this comes on the heels of two years of Bad Decisions by Google which begs the question should Google be worried is search GPT after The Golden Throne and what about that Google lawsuit claiming they're a monopoly yeah things are about to shake up big time and those paying close attention are poised to put tons of money in their pocket or you could just watch all this happen while people around you get rich and yet again you miss another huge opportunity because there's a few secret things that I found hidden inside search GPT that you can use right now today to start making money online with search marketing and not only that but we're going to take a look at some secret documents talking about how search works what people search for and where the real money is online so if you're excited to dive into search GPT and learn how this tool is going to make money smash that like button let's dive in the computer and I'm going to show you everything all right so let's take a look at how this whole thing works when we come over to chat GPT we're going to see this new button down here with a little Globe looking thing and the word search what you can do is actually click that and toggle back and forth between actual Ai and search Ai and you could see if we were to search for something like best New York restaurants you're going to see that it's going to go through and it's going to do a search like function now one of the interesting things I noticed is it is actually paraphrasing and making the search concise which is kind of interesting and on some of the local searches it actually includes a map now before you get too excited saying wow this is crazy technology I'd like to point you over to Bing where we could search for the same exact phrase so if I was to go here and search for best New York restaurants you're going to see the same kind of stuff with the map vur and some other timeout and different sites like this now if we were to go through we can actually see that a lot of these are being duplicated and over here one of the most important things I see with search GPT is it actually shows the search results side by side so essentially what this is doing is searching over in the sidebar and then putting it into a nice package over here in the AI portion which is interesting but again notice this is actually getting its results directly from MSN Bing so nothing groundbreaking here and this poises those that are ranking in bing to get lots of money really fast when this thing starts to take off so let's take a look at some of the other features we already mentioned that Google has made over $1.9 trillion doll and we also know that Google pays out billions of dollars each and every year but how does that work well if we were to go to Google and search for something like mortgages Orlando you're going to see that there's several different things that come up you have places you have a map and then down here you're going to notice that there are various different advertisements you're going to see sponsored that means these companies are paying Google big bucks to show up here and be seen by everyone who searches mortgages or land this is basically how Google has made almost $2 trillion and we can actually type this into a program like spy Fu and get an estimate of what these people are paying if we were to look up the word mortgages we could see they're averaging $736 per click what does that mean that means for one click to a website they're paying as much as $7 or more and some searches go over $100 per click yep that's not someone buying something filling out a form that is just for one click to a website so just imagine when chat GPT gets really big and their search function takes off like crazy yeah these companies are going to line up to throw money at them it's going to be like throwing Stacks up in the club and if you're paying attention you could get some of that for yourself but first let's talk about how search works if you understand the basics of a search engine you understand that it's kind of like a college paper when you were in school and I had to ask people about this because I never went to college but what I heard is that if you make a a college paper you're going to have references so let's say I make a paper about language and I say that these three references are the most popular interesting people that talk about language well what is going to happen is these are going to go in a database saying okay well all of these papers are talking about these three sources as the authority on language therefore these three people must be the key to understanding language this is much how Google works and how backlinks work the more people that link to your website the more you're going to get boosted in the search engines much like how the college paper Works where it's saying that these are important what the search engines are looking for is things that are important and that could be something entertaining something informative a big giant website a site with tools or simply something like Reddit and as we've seen Google is favoring Reddit like crazy they actually have a giant deal going on with them that's why they're appearing in the search engines more than ever before so that's something to watch out for and if you understand what brings things to the front of the search engines you can tap in on a multi-trillion doll industry this is an industry I've made millions of dollars in and it actually wasn't that hard all you need to do is understand a few things so when looking at this we want to understand how search works and again if you want to learn more about how search works I'll have some videos in the description now let's go through and take a look at the differences between what types of searches work best where now we know that search GPT is working off of Bing which I think is super important I don't think a lot of people have caught on to that yet but let's take a look at some of the top searches that are done each and every day on Google we're going to use Google because they get like 95% of all searches and the other search engines like share the other 5% but that's about to change with search GPT now you're going to notice something interesting and that is that most of the top searches done on Google are actually for websites so people go to Google to find YouTube which is interesting wouldn't you just go to YouTube yeah but I digress if we were to go through and look something up like Amazon Prime let's do this in let's do this in search GPT we're going to see that it's going through it's got Tom's guide Prime Video Amazon Prime some news websites and different things like that and it's also going through and actually giving us an overview of what the perks are and what it's good for which begs the question is this now making all of these websites obsolete I mean what would be the purpose of visiting websites if search GPT is going to give me all the info right up front yeah this is where it starts to get complicated because we've seen in addition to making over $1.9 trillion Google has also paid out a lot of money to people like you and me how does this work well what happens here is Google had what is known as the adword program the AdWords program is where people go on Google and they bid on terms that people search for mortgage restaurants how to tie a tie and basically every search term out there and what happened is Google said well you know only 10% of the people who search on Google actually click an add which means yeah we're losing 90% of the revenue we could be making so someone at Google said well what if we introduced an ad sense program this is the opposite of AdWords instead of paying for clicks you are now going to put the code on your website and get paid when people click on the ads on your website this was a genius move by Google why because now 90% of the people that are searching are going to websites and blogs which now have those Google ads on them and thus the Google Monopoly was born but what about stuff like perplexity and search GPT I mean aren't they just xing out all the Publishers together and keeping 100% of the ad revenue for themselves is this going to be a bigger Monopoly and where do people like you and I fit in the equation to be able to make money well I'm glad you asked and we're going to address that in just a minute but first let's take a look at what a search for Amazon Prime would look like on Bing my guess is pretty much identical to what we're seeing in search GPT and yep you guessed it it's pretty much the same stuff however let's see what happens when we search on Google Amazon Prime via Amazon Amazon Amazon Prime Prime pretty much dominated by Amazon itself no opinions no websites just Amazon this goes into what is called search intent why is someone searching for Amazon Prime are they searching because they want to sign up or are they searching because they want information by a third party on how it works and opinions well Google is saying they just want to sign up MSN Bing is saying we think they might want different information like news and search GPT is saying we think they want a summarized version of all the different things that people are saying about Amazon Prime including Amazon themselves starting makes sense if it is let me know as a comment below because understanding search intent is the key to making money online and we can see here that chat GPT is actually passing some of this traffic to other websites and of course you can see that these websites are running ads which means we can make money now this is going to lead to a new phenomenon in search marketing what's going to happen is you are going to have deeper more qualified clicks to your website why because people are going to use chat GPT to learn about a topic and then get the reference to learn even more so instead of going to Google and searching and clicking one two site number five and site number six you're actually going to get an overview and click the exact result you want thus limiting the amount of wasted time and wasted clicks and of course those who have a website that pois that's positioned correctly can cash in big time now let's take a look at what this would be like in perplexity if we fire up perplexity and type in Amazon Prime we are going to see that it's one of the slower search engines yeah this thing's really slow but it is searching lots of different resources and now we can see it gives a little overview of Amazon Prime it's got a link to a book that we can purchase about everything you need to know about Amazon Prime and then it talks about all the different memberships that you can get with Amazon Prime it's actually starting to look like they have some kind of agreement or some kind of AD share with Amazon but that's yet to be determined however we do see lots of products and different things that are actually showing up within the search this is a Game Changer this is something we saw Google do where they actually have sponsored products right there directly in the search which elevated the income of many stores but knocked out a bunch of bloggers that talked about this stuff in a real world way so there's kind of a give and take here where Google might have been in this more for the money rather than actually providing relevant results that people actually want to read however Studies have shown that Google's search traffic hasn't really gone down they're still getting like eight and a half billion searches each and every day yeah this is big money if you're paying attention so we see the difference here we see how search makes money we've compared the top searches with search GPT to see which ones measure up but the question is which search engine is better well because of Google's complex algorithm I think they are going to stay at the top however we are going to see a huge increase in MSN Bing searches because of search GP T because let's face it they are pushing this on everyone if you were to look down here every time we search with search GPT it's asking us to use chat GPT for every search by downloading the Chrome extension this is kind of like the Google Monopoly stuff where using Chrome is the default and that's why they got big we can also see the different things that search GPT is good for like if we were to search for best performing cryptocoin it's going to go through and analyze it now this is where we want to understand where it works because this is again the reverse of a search engine we can see the search engine the reverse of it is how is it working like I mentioned with the college example the pages are linking to your site which boosts it up in the rankings this is why we buy auction domains and websites that already exist and this is why having a website is key to making this work so we can see here by asking search GPT how it works it is first going to do a query analysis which means it's going to understand what you're searching for as opposed to Google which is more or less like here's the word show me things that relate to the word this is actually going to understand it in a different way now we've seen Google move towards this but it's not quite where search GPT is first it's going to say I identify what is best performing and crypto coin actually mean then it says I recognize you're looking for current information on showing the last 24 hours 7 days and year to date this is interesting it's actually showing us what it's doing then it goes through and does a live web search obviously using Bing MSN then it's going to choose some sources like coin market cap financial news crypto and on and on we go then it's going to give you the information verify the sources and give you a response now the very important thing we want to look at is that it's actually verifying the sources this is the first time in AI history history that it's actually checking its own work to make sure that the sources are legit all right this is one of the ways we can make money because what we have here is an ability to use search GPT at an extremely fast rate thus saving us time giving us better output and helping us make money by providing content to people that are searching for it looking on YouTube Pinterest social media yeah you get the idea content marketing makes big bucks and understanding how to spit out content is super important now we can also go through when we use search GPT and search for something like money you're going to see that it is actually going to give us the search results right here in the sidebar I like this because I can actually go through and open these in a new tab and do research with AI imagine putting these sources into things like notebook LM and get an actual podcast about them or a summary FAQ anything like that or going through and having a conversation with chat GPT while searching and learning more about a topic this is an absolute GameChanger and that leads us to the secret builtin monetization when we're using tools like search GPT we're going to have built-in monetization from the company itself which means this is new advertisers aren't going to latch on as quickly for many of the keywords if we were to look at Google as a whole I think they're saying that something like 75% or more of the searches they get are not really monetizable searches there's stuff like you know gum is stuck to my shoe how do I remove it not really something people want to buy I mean you can try to sell them new shoes but that's kind of a long shot they just want to get the gum out of their shoe that's the end of the story and 75% of these keywords are basically non- monetizable what most marketers would deem junk traffic but for you your old boy Marcus has been doing this since the dawn of time which means I've made lots of money with junk traffic including keywords like smiley faces how to tie a tie playing different games online and the whole nine yards so if you can understand how to monetize this traffic you can be poised to make big money so we already got three ways we can make money with search GPT one hyperfocused research two being ranked on Bing which will show up in search GPT and get us tons of traffic and number three when the ad platform comes out because last time I checked MSN Bing has its own ad platform I've used this lots of times to get traffic super super cheap it's actually quite a bit cheaper than Google much slower and easy to use so if you can understand how to monetize paid traffic that is a GameChanger for your ability to make money online generate leads and build an entire business from scratch and if you want to learn more about that I'll have some videos in the description talking about that as well so we can see that there are lots of things that we can do the next thing that you want to do to be able to Poise yourself to make money with search GPT is understanding how the Bing algorithm Works use tools like the free keyword IO tool where you can actually search and see how many people look things up on Bing make money how many people on Bing are looking up make money we can see right here here in a super simple way and it looks like about 4,000 per month make money online about 26,000 per month and we can also see that the amount paid per click 37 cents a click over here on Bing yet over here on Google we're seeing it's over a dollar so yeah you can exploit this Gap in a crazy way and get tons of traffic super cheap so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and overview on search GPT and how you can make money smash a like button if you want to learn more and if you want a deep dive on search GPT let me know as a comment below and we'll have a live training on this next week and be sure you're subscribed to stay on The Cutting Edge of how to make money online with AI

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