Qwen Chat Ai Update – China Ai Artifacts Will Make New USA Millionaires!

the China AI money grab continues and today we're talking about Gwen chat a new AI system put out by none other than the Alibaba Corporation but why would a company like Alibaba invest all this money in another AI tool lying deep inside the answer to that is your key to making tons of money online I believe that the China AI race is going to make ordinary people like you and me Millionaires and even billionaires but first we need to understand what's going on what this quen AI does that other AIS can't do and how you can use it to put tons of money in your pocket but first why would a company like Alibaba with hundreds of billions of dollars in Revenue each and every year invest in something like this is it just a glory showoff I'm better than you competition or is there something deeper going on well taking a look at how Alibaba works and its comparison to the Amazon Corporation we can see that this can help them improve customer support provide personalized shopping experiences boost the Alibaba Cloud environment which as we know Amazon AWS is a behemoth of a company and not only that but it can help them monetize B2B Services where they're working businessto business create AI powered virtual assistance for Enterprises Aid driven Market analytics tools and more so how does this stack up with the other tools well that's what we're going to get into because this tool is free and if we can use it to make money well then you can make lots of money online for free but you're going to need a big cup of coffee cuz this runs deep first of all Quin chat offers an HTML view first of all quen chat offers an HTML preview mode meaning we can actually write code and preview it right there on the spot it offers image and video creation up until now only sour allowed us to create images and it's a separate platform quen chat actually allows us to create images and videos based on the chat we're having currently so I can have a chat get an output and then say make a video or image that best suits what we just talked about this is a game changer and this will make you money more about that in just a minute we've also seen that quen chat has lots of different modes there's tons of different models you can use for various different things say you want to do coding article writing image and video or simply to help you understand a topic this is a game changer when it comes to making money online and not only that but right out of the gate this tool allows full PC access and it can perform tasks for you it took almost 3 years for chat GPT to come out with operators so this is a big deal which is probably why the United States stock market is scrambling as we speak but there is one limitation While most AIS are trained on up-to-date and even live information quen chat is using data up to December 2024 so it's a little bit behind and in the world of the internet just a few hours could mean the difference between making money and making nothing so what is all the hype around quen chat and how can you use it to make money I thought you'd never ask smash a like button let's hop in the computer and I'm going to show you how to use quen chat to make tons of money come on let's get started [Music] all right so today what we're going to do is we're going to look at quen chat and show you how to set up sales Pages that'll actually make you money in a very simple way we went over this in yesterday's video but we had a little bit of a glitch with the inmotion hosting caching I'm going to show you how to fix that and make this work in a very simple way now what we need to remember is that when it comes to Ai and using different AI tools like the Chinese AI tools the American AI tools and all the different ones coming out it is more about the process and the system than it is about the actual tool while you can have lots of different tools that do lots of different things what we want to do is focus on a process and a system that is going to make us money now you can learn this for yourself where you can set up these processes and systems for your own business so that you can get paid or you could set these up for other businesses we're going to see a lot of people become Millionaires and billionaires off of this stuff by setting up processes systems for themselves and for others now if you didn't see yesterday's video on the ClickBank Channel highly recommend you watch it I did a talk over there about using AI to make money as well I'll put some information about that in the description first of all what we need to do is we need to take a look at this tool and see exactly how it works and what it does one of the things that I saw with this is it actually got some of the spelling right even with cursive letters on images and different things like that also in order to use this you will need a GitHub account I had a little bit of a struggle signing up for an account with my regular email so I just used a GitHub account which anyone can get it's free you just sign up and log in with GitHub I'm a little leery about signing up with a Google email just because we don't know the company yet I don't know what they're doing with our data now going through and looking this you're going to see quen chat looks a lot like other AI tools you have your quen Max Plus instruct and several different models you can use here you will notice that with some of the models it will take away some of these things here like AR facts video generation whereas the other models will allow you to use them so let's go ahead and open up a new chat we can see on a new chat with Max all of the buttons do work we can see with preview none of the buttons work so it's a little different of a model there and each of them do their own thing we're going to focus mostly on uh Q quen 25 Max right like this and using all of these now a cool thing about this is it works a lot like other AIS but I find that it has a little bit different of an intelligence so let's go through and dive in and talk about how this would actually make us money we showed in the Deep seek videos how deep seek was really good at making engaging pin ideas marketing messages and even sales messages so while we had something over here where I was talking about a specific offer which was the mly fool we're going to go through something different today and we're going to use a ClickBank offer so if I go through and I go to top offers on ClickBank these are ones that actually sell now I don't want to do a health offer so we're going to scoot past those Health offers and we might go for something like whatever this lost generator okay so this is some kind of generator for power or something like that so let's see how it do here now we know that this is actually selling okay so it's actually making sales here we could see 104 Affiliates in the last month made at least one sale and it's $46 conversion pretty cool we can even find like different Power offers and things like that let's go through and ask quen if they know about this so let's say tell me about this offer found on ClickBank and I'll put the URL let's see if it'll actually see the URL here and we're going to go through so it does not have realtime browsing interesting so that is kind of a a game Cher in and of itself let's see what would happen if I told it about the offer let's say it is for a lost generator okay let's say like this so we'll go through and say it is the Lost generator offer let's see if it can find info on this okay so it says done for you solution automated software tool okay so this is this is kind of missing the mark completely not really liking this so let's go through lost generator to Tool lost generator specific claims so it's kind of telling me what to do if I knew about this so I think the the ClickBank kind of threw it for a loop there let's try an Asen on TV product let's do leave anyway please tell me about the Blissey pillow case product and I'll show you why I'm choosing this one we're going to go to offervault over here here and we're going to use uh the Blissey silk pillowcase okay so let's see what it's saying now this one it actually did get so we are up to the minute on this it's saying what the Blissey pillowcase does how it works everything like that now let's ask it if I wanted to promote this with Pinterest how would that work so we could go through and see exactly what it's going to do if it's going to give us an outline so set up the account good understanding target audience and we're going to get to the artifacts in just a minute which is where I think the real money on this tool is but looking at this text overlays pin designs now let's say now come up with 50 compelling click baity Pinterest pin titles let's see how this does because if we can get these Pinterest titles and get good pins then we can promote a simple onepage website and make money which I'm going to show you in this video okay so really cool stuff again if you dig this smash a like button so now it has some simple pin ideas and now let's ask it for the 50 let's see how this works and how it goes while that's loading what I'm going to do is I'm going to fire up a website that I bought for this specific idea it's called clip.com I'm going to use it with onepage sales sites like we did here and I'm going to show you how we upload these on the Fly and how they work much like I did in my deep seek video so going through here we're going to have the 50 pin ideas which it looks like now list 50 Pinterest titles I can use did it did it do them it might have done them no it doesn't look like it did so let's do try it again okay here we go so secret to smoother skin the silk pillowcase wake up with glowing skin try silk so these are looking pretty good silk pillowcase is the ultimate skin care I think in our previous example we got a better result from Deep seek but this is doing okay discover the secret to restful sleep can you make them more shocking and interesting with weird facts something like that cuz if we can get weird facts what we want is something that's going to stop people so they're like oh hey I don't sleep because I don't know this one secret much like this here where it's like warning here you go you need to learn about this lost invention from Edison it's a weird fact it works so here we have this doing better did you know cotton pillowcases can agid you faster switch to Silk okay your pillowcase could be causing wrinkles here's the shocking truth so these are much better using these making pins would work pretty cool now one of the things that I saw with quen chat is we can actually have it make images right in here now please make a sample for sample image for pin let's say 41 okay and we'll turn on image creation and we'll also do some video generation as well now when I did video generation in testing it took a long time so I might just show you one of the ones that we already made so let's just open this one when we're done so we have cotton used uses 2700 L per sheet pre per water silk in it I don't know what that means but it's okay it'll give you an image maybe we could do it without text and see how it works or we could do video generation which you'll see with the video generation you're going to see like this here where I asked it for a video it was a little weird looks more like a pillow or a a uh what do you call it parachute that's the word then it does the other uh but it does go through and you can see I think here we had this one too where it had some images so this was one for like a harmful pillowcase not that great of a a Pinterest pin this one was okay this one it gives you an idea but it doesn't actually make the PIN for you so in terms of generating images I think it'll do a really good job so if you go through and say you know show a pillowcase that is harmful or something like that it'll save you from having to go over to something like clip art and do pillow case or something like that so it'll save you from that but again it's not too difficult and you know we can make these pretty easy now one of the things I'm going to do is I'm going to say let's go back to I think can we get out of this let's see here reload let's see if we can get out of image generation once we're in it that would be helpful if not that would be kind of a pain it looks like we can't okay interesting so let's say new chat we will do please make a sales letter pre-selling the blissy pillowcase with all the benefits bad sides of other pillowcases ECT and let's see if this does it we're going to go through we want to get a good hard-hitting pre-sales letter that way we can use this to promote our thing okay so transform your sleep experience with the blissy pillow say goodbye to ordinary hello to unmatch comfort imagine waking up every morning feeling refreshed okay it's decent and it's still going so once we're done with this beauty Amplified eco-friendly okay so it's doing okay what we're going to do next once this is done is we're going to convert it into an artifact and we're going to upload that artifact to our website so that we can make money this will work because if we went through and used the 50 pins or short videos or even content that we post on Facebook or something like that we can actually go through and use this to where it'll drive traffic but the key is we need to know where we're driving traffic too now I'm going to go over to artifacts and I'm going to say please make this and I catching engaging pre s page in HTML now the cool thing about this is it actually will read your HTML JavaScript and it'll show you on the Fly what it's going to look like we saw this with deep seek where it has preview HTML when you're writing code so if I say make a simple calculator web page it'll go through and it'll make that web page and then it'll say you know view the HTML I'll show you that in just a minute having to click the view is kind of a pain I like this where it makes it alongside it this is going to help us be a lot more efficient and see things as they're going and be able to change them and say oh we add this it's much like chat GPT has with the canvas only it's like a side by side which I like way better okay so with deep seek you can see we can click run HTML it'll give you a demo of what that looks like it made us a nice little calculator there and over here you can see this kind of thing here too so let's wait till it loads and show you so transform your sleep say goodbye to ordinary pillow cases and hello to this gentle temperature good okay so now let's say now now please make it a choice type website where they can choose the biggest issue they have sleeping maybe it's like they don't fall asleep enough or whatever it is or they don't wake up feeling rested let's see if it gets that because if it gets that I think this is going to be Game Changer now here's another thing I really like I didn't lose the old page when I'm using chpd canvas I lose the old page I'm up the creek without a paddle if I want to revert back this isn't reverting back this is actually giving us a new one which I really really like so let's see here it does have a choice card and I can even say so the href see that that's where we're going to add our affiliate link okay so while we're waiting I can actually go through let's see if there's a ClickBank offer for Sleep hopefully there's nothing weird but let's see if we have something so like breathing for sleep sleep like a rock until the sun comes up with sleeper viive so let's say I was going to promote this I would just get my affiliate link right like this copy and I could just give this and say now replace all links with this okay so this should do it so now we have what's keeping you up at night and make the colors more shocking and have some images I can add too okay so let's see how this does and again it's going to create another one and let's see if it actually has that example and we have the copy button here which is good let's get some coffee and see how we're doing and you're going to see how easy this is uh to make money because then we can do tools we can do all kinds of stuff say we were going to promote like a weight loss offer let's say we wanted to go here and do weight loss I'm going to show you how to do a couple of these really quick so like Slumber so here's one about like how to sleep your way to losing weight okay there you go that that's good it's better than going to the gym right I can just take a nap and lose weight that would be pretty good so now we have uh the images where it says what they are like hot sweaty nights wrinkles frazzled hair allergies good so I could literally make this in a super super simple way and the images are 350 so now I can go through and get our code it'll preview it while we're waiting for the preview watch how easy this is all I need to do is go over to my web host go to the C panel right like this and then I'm going to navigate to the website I want to work on by going to file manager and then I'm going to go over to Clipper right here and then I can edit these pages and again all we need to do if you don't have anything in here just click new file and just call it test.php and that blank file is all you need okay super simple so now we're going to go through we're going to see what's keeping you up at night select your biggest sleep issue below and discover how Blissey can help there we go pretty cool so now it's going to go through and do that and you can even change it to how something else can help now watch how easy this is I'm going to hit copy I'm going to go over to my web server I'm going to edit index.html right like this just going to paste this right in here save that should change it right over here so what's keeping you up at night select your biggest sleep issue below and discover how blissy can help Okay this is looking pretty good we can add the images in here again all we need to do is remember this is the image so now I can say now make this image oops let's say it now make this image please there we go let's do like this and see if it'll do it it's okay so we need to toggle so let's open up another Quin Quin chat and let's see if we can get in here so I'm going to open a new one make this image for a site about can't sleep dramatic image of someone not sleeping or something like that okay and we can actually make the images in here if you wanted to do it a different way all you would have to do is take an image any image that fits would work and then just save it as the image name and replace it as long as it's in the same file uh folder you are good so let's see how the image works okay so let's do image generation try now and it does have some some stuff there so let's see if this will work it actually gave us the The Prompt which is kind of cool and once we edit the image and create it we could just save it right in the in the page so here we have this and let's see here okay that works file save as hopefully it'll save it as PNG excellent I like that most other AIS do not do it as PNG so we'll call this hot sweaty sleep something like that okay hot sweaty sleep.

PNG now let's get the next one the next one would be where did we go it was in our code so the next one would be waking up with wrinkles now waking up with wrinkles and we'll get our next one cued as well and then all we're going to do is replace them and while that's going I'll show you exactly how to do it we're going to go to our folder we're going to hit upload and we're just going to upload that image that we created uh sweaty sleep. PNG then all we got to do is is go to our site so we have clip.com this should work boom it is working now you'll probably want to shrink it down because if I just add this right in here it's going to be a pain so let's save and watch it'll make it ginormous oh actually it did size it perfect so this is going to be even easier than I thought so here's the next one of this guy waking up he's got quite a few wrinkles all right so file save image as let's call it uh wrinkles right there and we'll upload wrinkles over there boom right like that and then we just take our our link here and do a wrinkles and all of these will go to our affiliate link which will be really cool this is how you can create a really simple choice-based sales page in minutes right so the wrinkles one did we upload that okay it wasn't uploaded yet let's see okay did we type it wrong wrinkles wrinkles Clipper wrinkles.

And if you want to test them you just go to the link so there it is there it is actually working it might be let's just add an S there that way it has something to save and change and it notices okay that one's being funny did we type wrinkles wrong all right let's go to the next one here and we will do this here and then you'll just do this on all of them it's it's pretty simple so that one's having a little bit of an issue Choice Card alt waiting up wrinkles image source okay so we'll figure that one out in a minute it's probably has to do with something else re Lo rename rename rename so we'll just go ahead and rename this one actually we'll just resave it file save as we'll just call it old.png or old.png like that and let's see that should fix the issue hopefully old.png and then if it does give me the issue we could just re um ask the AI to fix it it's not too hard so we'll just upload this one right hereo upload and let's see so old PNG should work let's see there it goes okay so now it looks like there it goes so now it's got that one now we'll do the frazzled hair one right and we could do these all along frazzled hair right like that um and it should make all the images like that and all of these are linking to my affiliate link right so that's pretty cool like there you go it's the crazy thing what's keeping you up at night that would actually fit really really well and then all I would have to do is promote this site and I'm off to the races super simple and this is something that AI is doing 100% so now we have this here okay there's frazzled hair save image as we'd save it as frazzle right like that and then just add all of these images now very simple very cool another thing we can do which I really like with quen chat is we can actually make tools so I can go through and I can do artifacts which a tool would be considered an artifact and say please make a quiz for why you have trouble sleeping and this will work really good let's see how much of it it understands because it could be kind of like the the bridge between bolt AI which creates robust tools and maybe just creating simple tools where we can see what they look like right at a glance and then obviously if I had a bunch of videos that talked about you know a hundred reasons you can't sleep and I send them over here to take the sleep s quiz and the Sleep quiz eventually takes them to my affiliate link bada bing bada boom there you go and you can have different um different results where it's like oh hey if you can't sleep at two do this if you can't sleep at three do this or whatever it is it'll make it uh very easy and having these quizzes is absolutely cool because now we will have something that we can use do you have trouble sleeping how often sometimes occasionally whatever we'll just answer these see what it looks like your result okay cool thanks now in the result lead them to the affiliate offer and let's get the affiliate offer over here which is the Sleep offer over here like this so we'll say with this text there and this link and then we'll give it the link for our sleeping offer here I think it was where was it okay this offer here so we'll get the affiliate link for that one we'll click promote right like that continue or actually I think it was a different offer let's do sleep I think it was sleep like a rock this one so we'll do promote right here continue right like this and you can use the to say oh hey this one came from the quiz this one came from the mailing list or whatever it is so we use that link in a new window right like that so now it's going to create that HTML and I'll have something to promote where I could go and say now come up with 100 or 50 short video ideas that are based on simple okay we might have to yeah we're going to have to go to a new one we'll go like this new chat short video ideas based on simple facts about why people cannot sleep and that's going to go through like that so now I'm going to get my plan where I can make the little videos I can have it make the scripts I can go make the scripts in the video one if you want to learn how to make videos as a um with AI look in the description I have all kinds of stuff there for you so now we have these facts and we can say now turn them into video now make them engaging video titles okay and while we're waiting for that let's take a look at our tool over here which is the Sleep quiz and we wait there we go so now never occasionally whatever whatever and people will take this this is much better than like go to my site to buy something you're like hey take the quiz see why you can't sleep boom it'll tell you this 15c second Dutch sleep trick boom now it goes to the affiliate link awesome so now I can copy this go back to my files over here you can add images if you want let's call this one we'll do new file we'll call it quiz.

PHP okay create new file it's going to be blank and we'll rename It Quiz I put Quicks quiz there we go rename and we'll do quiz edit and paste our stuff in here we should be able to go to clip.com quiz. PHP should be our tool yep looking good you can get rid of this probably very easy to see where that is right up here there it is right there boom get rid of that save that just cleans that up it will eventually clean that up and then you're just going to go through let's see we'll just do put a www it should refresh it and then once that's gone you would just through and do the quiz right like that so this will get a lot of traffic a lot of people will use it because people love this stuff hit submit your result you may have some minor issues here's the 15sec goes to the affiliate link bada bing bada boom we are in business with a website I completely built with quen chat now make them engaging video titles this is going to give me the plan to get the traffic I could just go through your coffee addiction is ruining your sleep the shocking truth about working out before bed blue light these are fantastic this is stuff where it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when make the little videos make the Pinterest pin lead them to the site do you have trouble sleeping take the quiz Everyone likes to take a quiz I mean you look at those ones where it's like which Mary Poppins character are you which Disney person are you you know all these different ones uh which Harry Potter person are you those work like crazy and they get a lot of traffic and using this method it's a very mellow way of selling right it's like hey just check this out we're just sharing the quiz with you the quiz has the result and you can even go through and say hey if the result is you know minor then you give them this if it's a lot then you give them this offer and it'll go through and you can do all kinds of stuff and you can promote whatever you want this works like crazy you can be building sites in minutes as you see you just toggle it through copy and paste test it out make sure you have an affiliate disclaimer which it will add for you if you have a logo give it the logo you could say now now make a logo for this site very simple this is a game Cher I think using this making tools making pages will help you make money if you use it so check out the links in the description smash a like button and as always if you want to learn more about how this works which I think the benefits are content and the thought process about the content sales Pages page building coding and tools if you want to learn more we actually have a special call coming up on Monday where we're going to go through and we're going to show you AI processes that make money we're going to go through lay it all out for you over at airofit scoop.com so go over there check that out and check out the links in the description including my video on how to create AI videos and AI Pinterest pins that will make you money thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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