Proof! Make Money Online With AI Content [$8,271 Month]

does AI content rank on Google because if it does then we can use AI content to make tons of money take for example this domain that is listed on sale for $20 as we could see it started out with pretty much nothing and then the traffic skyrocketed literally overnight but the question is was it using AI generated content or actual human writers here's another example again started off small and is now peing close to 45,000 visitors each and every month and not only that but we can see here that gained over 9 million organic Search keywords plus over 13 million new visitors each and every month since the last Google helpful content update that was intended to crack down on repetitive AI spam but is medium actually using AI generated content more about that in just a minute here's another example from LinkedIn as we can see here a major uptick in search engine rankings resulting in over $81 million a month in free traffic from Google So today we're going to put this to the test and show you a simple way to make tons of money with AI generated content so forget what everyone else is talking about because we're actually going to look at the data we're going to pull open the a content detectors and take a look at some of the top search engine rankings that are banking the most money so that you can use Ai and make money for yourself so armed with our keyword tools our AI content detectors and utilizing Google let me show you a simple way to make tons of money with AI generated content first let's have a look at this domain that's on sale on Goen auctions right now for like 20 bucks now I will warn you it does have a reserve tied to it so it's probably going to go for more money in fact it's at $40 now but we can see here it's got a reserve and it's been around a while and it actually ranks for quite a few things we can see that since uh around 2022 it wasn't doing a whole lot but since AI came out and even after the Google update it is rising very quickly now if we were to take a look at the keywords we could see that it gained almost 115,000 keywords and over 100,000 visitors a month for a traffic value of $36,000 now remember the traffic value is kind of elusive because this is more or less an infos site about birds which I mean you can make money with but it's probably not like $36,000 each and every month so take it with a grain of salt we can see here how much is a talking parrot it ranks number one for getting over 300 visitors each and every month and looking at this it's it's actually a pretty easy word to rank for let's go ahead and take a look and see what shows up in Google we can see some AI up here and then the first ranking is the hummingbird website but we want to find out is this AI or is this human generated content so I'm going to go through and take this content and put it into our AI content detectors we'll hit clear paste the text in check it and see if it's in fact wow it looks like 100% AI content let's try it in the content and scale check scan for AI content and we could see here this is more or less an AI generated piece of content and not only that but you could see here that a lot of the content on this website is generated with AI however this is a website about birds so it's not a super highly profitable Niche since most of the keywords are informational and people aren't actually looking to buy a peacock so there's not a ton of money even though there is a lot of traffic in this market but does it make money yes it probably does however let's take a look at some other keywords and see exactly what's going on and to do that we're going to look at medium because if you could rank a blog post on medium and link to things that pay you money well then you don't even need a website you take advantage of the huge growth that is happening on medium and you can get traffic super fast in fact if we were to go to AHS or whatever our favorite keyword tool is search use the keyword tab to say something like merchant account and the reason we're choosing this is because merchant account pays a lot of money as we can see here the keyword merchant account according to spyfu has advertisers paying as much as $22 a click or more compare that with something like hummingbird where the advertisers are paying just a couple Pennies A CL so need is to say if we could rank for something like merchant account we could probably make some decent money and we can see here medium is ranking for quite a bit of different things related to Merchant accounts which means this traffic is worth some serious cash reseller versus merchant account zenti Global Banks wait a minute here's medium let's take a look at this content and see if it was written by AI copy and paste it right into our AI content detector and we can see here most of the content is flagged as AI let's try another one copy this one paste it into our AI content Checker right like this and boom again 100% AI content ranking on Google via medium for a keyword that advertisers are paying over $20 a click for and a lot of people might might be saying yeah Marcus that's all fine and good but do they let you link to your site and the answer is yes we can see there are several links in this content to an outside website they're using to make money and it doesn't just stop there in fact take a look at LinkedIn since the last Google update it's gained a ton of search engine rankings over $4 million a month worth but let's see what it's actually ranking for and if there using AI since we know that Merchant accounts pay a lot of money let's try the same keyword here on LinkedIn premium Merchant funding high-risk merchant services Merchant Insurance here's one for high-risk Merchant accounts let's see if this one gets flagged with AI content again Almost 100% AI content we can also see this overview on a video about how to rank on Google listed by pippy ads is actually ranking in Google and mostly AI content here's some other keywords I checked out fourth stimulus check weighing in at over 600,000 searches a month we can see here ranking number 10 matrix Seb is this site here again if we were to take the content here and check it for AI we can see this thing is loaded almost 100% with AI generated content and as we can see AI content is showing up for tons and tons of Google search results which means tons of people are making lots of money using AI generated content but you got to be careful you want to make sure that your content fits the need of the person searching for the keyword we don't want to do spam or junk or anything like that and in in fact if you want to speed up the process you can even buy domain names like the bird one we talked about earlier load it with AI content and start making money almost instantly but again remember making money online is a business and most people trying to make money online make nothing so take this with a grain of salt and always treat it like a business be careful of risks and check out my other videos in the description to learn how to find keywords rank them on Google and make tons of money

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