predictive lead scoring we're going to be talking about you know increase sales increase sales team morale better leads less wasted time endless segmentation I'll be addressing if this is all actually fact or fiction how to make this actually happen lead scoring oh we're going to be talking about you know increase sales sales team morale lead how do I have my oh my gosh I had my uh audio crossover sorry about that but we'll talk about how this actually can work how if you actually have to spend $40,000 a year to do predictive lead scoring like they uh like some of these companies are selling their software solutions for H some tools that you might be able to use that also use it and uh how you can build some of this stuff yourself what problems people run into in doing this I've run a lot of sales teams in my career I managed hundreds of salespeople uh over the last I don't know 15 years or so I've been involved in organizations that have worked with thousands of salespeople and I'm going to kind of go over how this can actually happen um so let's get into it so predictive lead scoring is one of the most powerful Tools in sales if you could figure out if a lead is going to buy what you're selling in advance before they've even bought bought you're going to make your sales team really happy and there's a lot of companies that are selling solutions to this we have HubSpot we have Microsoft we have Clay we have lean data and we have a number of other companies that are selling packages for as much as you know $40,000 a freaking year okay now the question is is it really worth that amount of money okay and frankly predictive lead scoring is very misunder um the first thing we need to understand is what is the difference between predictive lead scoring and traditional lead scoring and does a is AI actually going to lead to an increase in anything we're doing here so let's go into this so now traditional what it what it looks like on the ground is traditional lead scoring let me bring this up here traditional lead scoring is where you just SE segment well let's start with predictive scoring predictive scoring is where you actually create a number and you you you segment leads in a gray zone so maybe they have a little budget maybe they have a little intent and you're mixing and matching factors and you're not disqualifying people necessarily off of any individual Factor but what you're doing is you're kind of creating a correlation report now standard lead segmentation is simply asking PE is Simply Having clear questions in your forms in your lead forms and disqualifying people it's a it's a binary decision yay or nay do they have the money if they say they don't have money you kick them out whereas predictive lead scoring is trying to sum up all factors and not necessarily disqualifying people on any particular thing and what uh what I'm you know what I'm showing here is actually one of my type forms where we you know we collect leads for my mentorship program I have an affiliate marketing mentorship program where we ask people a number of questions you know to see if they're interested in our me my mentorship program to be an affiliate marketer I mean made tens of millions of dollars as an affiliate marketer and uh I still continue to earn a ton of money to this day with affiliate marketing um but we you know look at various factors to see if people are good fit for the program so we don't want to just rank leads you now my my opinion on this folks is you should be asking you you should be disqualifying People based on you you should be be able to ask the right questions to see if somebody is a good fit or not a good fit it's not a gray Zone predictive lead scoring operates on the idea that this is all a gray zone now predictive lead scoring is great for companies that have highly limited information they're receiving maybe you're buying leads from a lead broker ER or a lead seller and you really don't have you know you're working with these third parties and you really don't have enough information and you don't have control over your own marketing to figure out if a lead is actually good now later on I'm going to go into how we can actually enrich data and also the problems that come with enriching data because if you don't if you have limited information there are ways to get a lot more information I'm going to talk about soft credit polls I'm going to talk about like this um and apis in just a little bit and the other case where predictive lead scoring is will actually be beneficial is for these companies that operate with what I call risks and probabilities okay now what type of companies operate in this kind of zone of risks and probabilities well the types of companies you know so we said who does it work for limited data right leads coming from third parties and this gray Zone data and what I mean by that you know companies with if you're collecting leads based on risk factors such as lending companies okay or such as insurance companies okay now predictive lead scoring is going to work well for these cases because again you can't with insurance you can't necessarily fully disqualify people maybe on one factor it's kind of an amalgamation of factors and same thing with lending companies you're looking at kind of what is the probability you're going to get paid off on this loan but frankly a lot of this can be solved with organizing your data better and and asking the right questions when you're doing lead forms and just hello to everyone in the live audience how's it going can I get some uh likes and get some reactions I'll have time for Q&A at the end uh where yeah we'll we'll just be going over some more stuff some advanced stuff uh some really exciting stuff related to to lead scoring most companies operate off of leads so it's um this is a fascinating thing now let's get into this let me bring up one of my actual forms to show you guys what it actually looks like here we go so the factors that we want to actually you know the question is how do we how how do we get better data from our leads how do we organize data better how do we ask the right questions okay how do we get the right data to make decisions because whether or not we're using predictive lead scoring or just sort of standard lead scoring where binary where we're saying no you're not a good fit based on a response or yes you are a good fit how do we get better data and the bigger question is how do we ask better questions okay now this is the key in marketing we don't want to add too much inertia in our funnels because if we have to ask a million questions then what we're doing is we're going to ultimately lower our conversion rate if there's a better way to get the information we need with asking fewer questions then that's good now there are cases where we'd want to actually ask a ton of questions you know maybe I'm you know maybe I'm looking for somebody in the audience to that's interested in working for me and I I maybe I'll just make the form really long just to just to boil out all the folks that aren't really motivated so I'd ask like a hundred questions just to see if somebody makes it to the end of the form then I know they're highly motivated and the questions don't really matter it's just I'm forcing people to spend extra time in a funnel you know so I'm trying to add inertia in that case as a selection mechanism okay or sometimes you might ask other questions in your form additional ones that don't have a disqualifier because we're actually trying to help sell the person on the product itself it's like what are the reasons why you're interested in you know my mentorship or something like that what are the reasons you're interested what tell me why you need a business loan and maybe you just ask that question multiple times multiple ways so how do we ask B better questions well I go by the bant model OKAY bant stands for buyer Authority needs and timeline okay B now what we always want to do when we're collecting leads is we want to focus on the questions we want to initially build our lead form around questions that disqualify folks what types of customers do we need if we're only looking to work with companies that are doing over a million dollars a year in Revenue then we want to make sure to ask that question now let's go into this now buyer buyer goes into questions such as do you have the budget do you have the budget right now other ways of asking you know so the first thing it sorry it's budget Authority needs timeline sorry folks I messed that up but this is the most important question now it's not always this usually comes towards the end of whatever forms you are going to ask people for but in a lot of cultures it's not it's not like socially acceptable to ask people you know how much money do you have or what's your budget you know it's kind it's like how much are you going to how much are you willing to spend to solve this you know problem usually it that doesn't always work you know uh especially if you're in a niche where I don't know you just there's a lot of companies competing and you know maybe there's slimy salespeople or whatever so how what are other ways that we can ask this question of do you have the budget well you can ask about revenues you can ask about employees how many employees do you have you know uh you can ask other questions such as uh you know what is your job position okay now questions like this can get you in trouble though I've met a lot of single-person companies i' I've met a lot of people who consider themselves the CEO the chief executive officer the officer of all the executives you know and purportedly the executives are managing directors and the directors are managing you know uh managers and the managers are managing employees right you know you think a CEO is a big freaking deal right there's five layers of uh you know there's four layers of uh middle management there something like that right so that can be a false positive because I've met a lot of CEOs who literally have nobody in their company they don't have any managers directors Executives Etc they're just so you have to be careful about questions because you can get false positives if you're just looking to work with CEOs for instance right because people use this term in a different format now they don't use it in the way it was originally intended does that make sense folks guys slam slam the like button give me some reactions if this makes sense now other questions you can ask or uh you know other ways you can segment to see if folks have a budget is little sneakier ways you can ask them to use a business email right and if somebody doesn't use a business email well you can assume that they're not part of a very important company okay or maybe they don't necessarily work for the company they're just a sales agent or a contractor right so there's various ways we can figure out if our customer if our Prospect has the budget without even asking you know do you have the budget or using some weird predictive thing now the next thing is Authority uh to ask better questions we want to know if the person is is this person a decision maker okay and you can straight up ask folks do you make decisions on whatever the product or services that you're looking uh to actually sell maybe you're selling loans or payday loans or this or that right so how would you ask that in other ways well you can ask somebody straight up do you make the do you make the decisions on this product category for your household or for your company there's a lot of there's a lot of uh there's you you'll you'll save a lot of time if you make sure that everybody involved in making the decision gets on the phone or the zoom call or whatever whatever you do to generate leads in your company um straight up needs now the way we ask you know the needs question I'll show you an example from one of our own forms is uh and let me get up my little pen here let's see this so we you know when folks are interested in you know one of my companies is a mentorship company and we ask them you know do they have a need you know what what are you you know what's what what's the issue right so we're asking you know what are your needs what are your needs and I'm going to show a little analysis of the answers to this question um in just a second here I'll let you guys try to guess which one which one of these questions oh let me one two three oh my gosh which one of these questions do you think gets the best leads okay which one of these questions we have a b c and d which of these questions which answer do you think creates the most interested folks right which are these answers right I'll let you guys type it in type in the letter A B C or D in the chat to see if you can figure out what creates the best leads okay or who are the most motivated folks um now let's go into so let's go into uh now let's go into a little bit of an analysis here so here I'm going to show you let's bring up my thing yeah so here's the actual data so I actually ran data on you know what answers have the biggest effect here and we'll go in here and look at this so what you'll see is that the folks that are most interested in really learning how to do affiliate marketing are folks that are if you answered uh what was this answer if you answered I'm currently a business owner looking to create a new income stream those are the most motivated folks to learn how to do affiliate marketing whether they're looking to learn how to do affiliate marketing as a supplement to their own income in their business or you know as an additional income stream as a way of maximizing monetization in their business or they're just maybe their business is fading out or whatever it is you can see we ran just some simple numbers here and but what you'll also notice is that in really figuring out lead segmentation you have to take multiple factors into account you'll also notice that the the amount of people that are business owners looking to create a new income stream are very small compared to other segments so if we got rid of everyone you know we just have to if we got rid of everyone except business owners look that were interested in you know my mentorship program for instance we' we'd be operating a much smaller business so you kind of have to make these judgment calls based on your sales team capacity and who they're interested in talking to and stuff like that but what you also see here is that these numbers that if you look at leads and I I had to blur out my actual lead factors and and guys give me some reactions if you enjoy or like this video if you enjoy seeing data right real data from my businesses these are these are I did not prepare this I just blacked everything out for this presentation you know one of the things I'm trying to do with this channel is bring you guys deep into marketing right bring you guys into the into the data into the analysis I scored perfect on my SATs when I was going to college you know and sat is kind of like the the entrance exam that takes you into uh you know where it figures out how good of a college you can get to in America and I've always loved math my brain I've always been a left brain thinker uh and I've always been into math and when and and marketing it I approach marketing from a math mindset it's all about data and again it's why I'm going so deep on you know a lot of folks don't understand that you if you just understand third grade math multiplication addition and segmenting things properly and building things out properly you can really do any analysis you want in marketing and I I think so many folks I'm seeing it are just thinking of AI as this kind of like Jesus Take the Wheel sort of magical solution but it I it it isn't if you don't do your marketing right or set it up right in the first place now we were able to make some good insights based off of the responses and the variance in responses here now you'll see this for instance whatever this response is was very poor response and you'll see that it's a negative 50% these leads that answered whatever this question is are 50% less interested or over 50% less interested in getting our you know in in moving forward with our mentorship program so we have to take these things into account if we want to create a consistent lead but there's even bigger big ger problems um that can come into play if you don't know what you're doing and you're trying to do the Jesus Take the Wheel you know AI Jesus take the wheel on your marketing okay so how can everything go wrong with predictive lead scoring okay how can everything go wrong well everything can go wrong messy data what is messy data what is messy data well messy data can be such things such as people lying and saying they are a CEO when literally they are not the Chief Executive Officer of any other Executives or officers or directors or managers in a company okay and the the the reality is we live in a you know the world's been getting more more and more Godless over time and line has become you know almost commonplace in today's society we look at Instagram and we look at what people post and you know it's all false and veneer and all this sort of stuff so lying on forms is a very common thing nowadays so you can get messy data from people lying because it's very standard uh unfortunately in today's world is ly Haram is ly considered Haram uh Muslim my my my Muslims in the audience uh let me know uh I'm not sure I know in India lying is not considered a bad thing it's circumstantial right and I think that's kind of where Western Society is moving too how else can you get messy data um bad data Imports I know this sounds so benol but it's serious bad data imports not formatting files correctly and bringing those files in bad data Imports bad data Integrations right so this could be as simple as if somebody uses a comma in you know in a form and for whatever reason zapier or whatever you're using to integrate data doesn't pick up on commas or tabs or whatever correctly you could literally have just bad data going in and we know the saying right who who here who here can predict what saying I'm going to give you guys bad data in bad data out okay bad data in bad data out is kind of uh i' I'd say the uh that should be the thumbnail right it's it's that's I'd say the uh most important thing here you know bad questions you're going to get bad prospects you know uh bad bad questions bad leads Etc where else can this go wrong okay well data enrichment gone wrong and we're going to go into a few data enrichment and who here knows what data enrichment is Type in yes if you do do type in no if you don't and if you don't run a Leen company don't respond uh because I mean you why would you know what data enrichment is if you're not running a company or working with companies that generate leads I don't know maybe you just like coming on this channel to learn marketing well touche thank you for being here um so bad data data enrichment gone wrong okay and we're going to go over some data enrichment companies right here let's go oh and one more Factor before I get in to data enrichment gone wrong because data enrichment is very powerful form spam form spam so predictive lead scoring can go wrong if people spam your forms now how might you get forms spam well if you have a large affiliate program uh if you allow any Affiliates into your program you're probably going to get form spam okay if you're working on a CPA Network or a paper call Network or some one of these sorts of things you can get a lot of form spam if you have a ton of competitors or if you have uh people that are using your form as a way to get deeper in contact with your company for whatever reason and you just have people spamming your forms this will throw off any predictive AI again you get bad data in you get people lying bad data Imports bad data Integrations form spam data enrichment gone wrong all of these things can lead to predictive AI actually working against you because again what you did instead of trying to ask good questions you let Jesus Take the Wheel the AI Jesus and you just mess and now everything's kaput so let's go into uh where were we going on a side note I found it really funny these companies you know these companies are selling date enrichment for $440,000 a year you know is what other folks are paying for data enrichment and I mean these are huge companies I was looking at some of the providers uh or some of the uh where where do we have it here well I was looking at some of the clients of these companies and it's Absol you know you have multi you know thousand person companies um using you know these really expensive you know data enrichment stuff or sorry predictive lead stuff and again you've heard my assessment of it I think there's a lot of ways you can just do it better you you can basically you basically don't need predictive AI to figure out if a lead is good Us in most cases you can just ask a better question and kick people out of your process if it doesn't make sense so how can we enrich our data what what if we want what if we are only getting maybe a name a phone number and an email from our lead provider for instance if you're buying leads you know if you're working with somebody that's maybe running a lead selling business through uh you know bobber do or uh you know if you're working with a lead provider that sells you leads through something like leads pedia right there's a lot of sales teams that are working with companies like these for I I don't even call these leads you know I call it data but a lot of people how can you make that better well we can make data better by using data Enrichment Services like piple okay now pull I was using this in one of my prior companies and what you do is you can upload you uh you can give them an email and let's see if there's any resources basically you give them an email and you can get credit score you can get the estimated credit score you can get the whether that person is a homeowner or not whether that person is uh owns a car you can get information on whether that person where that person lives what their address is what other emails are associated with their actual uh you know email address maybe you need to contact that person multiple ways you can you can figure out you you can ask pull you put in an email address of your leads and you can get who is their spouse right who are they married are they married or engaged or do they have kids all of this stuff happens again these companies this company that I'm showing you and many of the companies that I'm going to show you in these sessions are what I call behindth scenes companies that make marketing work you know you I I would be surprised if anybody here in this audience has ever heard of pit before but when you really get down in the nitty-gritty of marketing a lot of stuff is done behind walls especially stuff dealing with data because there are regulations there but the reality is data itself is a cowboy industry right now and uh you know it's it's uh it's it's it's a really powerful thing another interesting company that you can use to enrich data is something like like this which is called CRS and what you can do is you know a lot of a lot of businesses need to use you need to figure out what a person's exact credit score is and what this is called is doing a soft credit pull have you folks heard of a soft pull who here has heard of soft pull right type in uh type in yes if you have type in no if you haven't a soft pull on somebody's credit is for instance when you're going to get a loan or when you're going to get a credit card or something like this they're going to see they're just going to check they're going to Ping it's not going to affect your credit report if you actually have good credit and you can use apis like this right here to literally figure out somebody's credit to literally figure out how expensive their home is if they have a mortgage if they own a car if they have a loan on their car all of this information you can figure out working with some of these apis in the background of your business and with your data of course all this stuff takes custom development but uh again if you're running a company and you need better leads or you need your salese more informed of the leads this is going to be very powerful to helping you make your salespeople happier right get them better data give them more data better data more data more a more informed salesperson or business development person is going to be a better closer at the end of the day now how else can we enrich data if we don't want to work with an API if we don't want to get custom programming and all this stuff well there are ways and I'll show you two of them right here so one of the ways is buying data okay so this is a company I've used a multiple times it's called us bizd okay and US Biz data and these this has some of the cheapest data I've ever seen for so for instance if I'm running let's say I'm doing a lead gen company that you know I want to I want to talk to uh you know the owners of uh you know boat deal I want to talk to boat dealers right I want to talk to boat dealers right we can buy that data we can buy that we can buy that data we have 40,000 business records here and we can buy that data for folks guess how much do you think we will spend to buy 40,000 records of PE of business owners oh oops I can't show it I just showed it sorry guys how much would you guess for those of you who didn't see the price how much would you guess we can buy 40,000 pieces of data on boat dealers with their the company name the contact information their street address their URL their phone number how much would you guess we could get all this data for okay well the answer is alow $27 okay right there $27 we can get all that data for and what I love about this site is almost everything is $27 okay it's kind of nuts um we can get lawyers and attorneys right we have 1.6 million business records and again $27 okay 1.6 million business records for $27 and you know now I don't know how they got this information but frankly I don't think they got it the traditional way but it's really useful and it's probably the best pricing I've ever seen on UND data the next level of actually getting data is it's not something you can use or you can sell to or anything like this again you always have to be compliant I'm not a lawyer you could be compliant with laws but there's a lot of data breaches and there's marketers out there there's big marketers there's startups that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars that have investors such as Google Ventures and stuff like that that are using breached data serious ly and all of this data is you know we have the LinkedIn database right we have the US voter database you know I'm not going to bring that up because I don't want to be ban right here's the Philippines voter database you know we have you know just zus you know 23 million records from the zus database we have 170 two million records from the Zinga database and you know uh it includes you know emails passwords phone numbers and usernames now I'm not going to go deep into this because frankly that data costs a quarter right these are breach data a lot of for free but the point being is there's a lot of dat there's a lot of ways you can enrich your data disqualify your data using questions and bet just creating better logic rather than having to go into gray zones but if you are a company doing funding or doing in R you know risk analysis like insurance or maybe cyber security or something like this where it's not a straight yes or no answer if somebody's going to be a good fit for your company then predictive lead scoring is going to work great for you and you can work with tools like HubSpot there's going to be a link in the description you can work with tools like uh type form with which again I showed earlier on um to actually figure out how to properly segment your data hope this has been a helpful lesson uh I get excited about lead scoring because I think it's you know my my personal view is I think there's all these big words in marketing that are used to sell softwar that cost unbelievable amounts of money when the reality is is people should really just become better marketers and have a better understanding of how marketing works and understand the basics of marketing rather than going for rather than allowing you know these beautiful big a words that have ai or predictive always attached to them we have to go down to the first principles of marketing and what works okay and uh not get caught up in some of these big words all the time and if we really understand as marketers how this stuff works we're going to be better now part of the reason I'm doing these long streams and uh and by the way any questions people have ask them in the chat one of the reasons I do these long streams is because I really feel that marketing knowledge has gone off and folks do not understand the nuances of marketing and any more like they used to so all I all the marketers I know are remote but there's something that's missing in learning the skill of marketing since everyone's moved to remote it's harder than ever for folks to actually get the knowledge to become skilled in crafts where everyone works remote because we're scared to ask those stupid questions maybe or because you miss out on some of the nuances that old only will come up in a video that's 40 minutes long rather than a 5 minute long video that from a YouTuber that's biased uh and and hitting a keyword or from a blog post that's biased and ranking because it's run by a company that has an incentive to sell you predictive lead scoring software for $40,000 a year I want to help folks actually understand the the little nuances and if you're interested in understanding those nuances and continuing to become a better more powerful marketer as a skill not just looking for hacks I've posted a lot of hacks um one hack is this the money gun I know you guys wanted that um one of the hacks is or what what was I talking about yeah learn a skill right so that was the big thing and if you if you like that if you enjoy it make sure to subscribe to my channel and enable all notifications because now they're making it harder for these things subscribe to my channel enable all notifications to get notifications in my future live streams if you want to learn how to do affiliate marketing there's also links in the description where you can apply uh and learn from me learn from former students of mine we'll help you set up campaigns we'll help we'll we'll show you the whole model we have soft softwares we're going to purchase the websites for you and do all this stuff and help you get profitable if you're interested in partnering with me on a business and you have time and you have a skill whether it's programming or preferably some sort of technical skill then there's a partnership form in the description too I'm looking to work with a few folks uh I now have this you know big mansion I live all alone in and uh I have a lot of time so I'm looking to crush and build software so let me check the uh chat and uh see what is and see what's going on in there let's go and let me know your thoughts guys um here we go where's my chat here's my chat doesn't that go against gdpr 20 okay can you buy that data and add them to a newsletter for pitching so if you are if you are uh so so dude uh you're asking you're asking questions that Pro like so can you buy breached data like this stuff or like this and just freely email them and Pitch them um the answer is like like no like I'm pretty sure no you know uh maybe if in your North Korea they don't care but you need I I I believe the the laws are like you have to have somebody opt in and there needs to be agreements if you're buying data you know I'm just showing y'all I'm I'm showing yall cowboys stuff here here in the world of marketing but if you want to act you know I'm showing this for data enrichment purposes not for actually messaging you know so I guess you guys are still getting some some hacky stuff here if we're if selling an MMO course a make money online so here I'll go into the other questions so we have okay questions questions if selling a make money online course in the ads could you even tell the tell them the price to pre-frame them or just ask the right questions in the forms you could do both you could absolutely do both it always depends on the level of trust that you have with people so for instance I'm willing to be very upfront and tell folks my mentorship program it starts at $5,000 okay we're people are not you know we're working we have students that the only folks people are working with are students of mine who are earning or who have earned over $10,000 in a month from affiliate marketing so but in some in some businesses right there's a lot of competition and you know if folks want to work with me they want to work with me and my team I'll be upfront about these things but for businesses where you're selling maybe a I don't know you know uh like yeah predictive these these predictive uh predictive lead generation software they're not saying the price here notice that they're not Salesforce will not tell you the price HubSpot is not telling you the price because it's a lot of money and some folks will get sticker shock right they're getting people into the process and the other reason why companies like HubSpot and uh sales force and you know Microsoft ignite and lean data and you know these companies will not tell you the price is because often times the person that fills out these forms is not actually the decision maker okay they need you know and and and this person would get sticker shock so in this case these companies need to get up to the sea level so they're trying to attct a marketing manager and they're trying not to scare that marketing manager away or that product manager or the You Know Chief Revenue officer they're trying not to scare these folks away saying hey we're $50,000 a year right and people say ah they're trying to get folks in the process so they can work up to un unveiling the price okay it's very similar to dating okay now if you if you went out to the bar and every girl you met you said hey I'm looking to get married I'm I'm only looking for a long-term relationship I'm only looking to get married you might scare off some folk you know some women that you know or if you ask them the question are you looking for a are you looking to get married with whatever man you meet you might scare away a large part of the audience that might actually be interested if you hadn't asked them that question does this make sense folks does that make sense type in type in type in a hurah if it makes sense right so that's the other trick with doing lead generation is you want you you don't want to scare away these folks okay so it's a balancing act again it every situation I'm sorry for that answer winners Club but it's a balancing act if you have trust right it's fine right uh it it changes things um can you run a lookalike audience to it so good question so uh guys I need some more reactions okay so can you run so the question was can you run a lookalike audience to data that you buy I mean again I'm not a lawyer and I think there's like if you read the terms and conditions of Facebook and and uh Google they'll say that you actually need to this data needs to be data you own but I'll tell you from my perspective I've I've absolutely bought data uh and and used it as a lookalike audience and done great now the best the best some of my early success in affiliate marketing actually came from uploading data and using lookalike audiences and this is when I was doing affiliate marketing for uh skin care products and I didn't know the targeting I didn't I don't use Skin Care uh I um actually recently started uh part of my morning routine is I'll wash my face with soap and when I go to bed I'll wash my face with soap again my my honest opinion is like most skin care you don't need you just need to wash your face with soap you know in the morning at 9 you'll be fine but I think a lot of skinc care is like to I I don't don't get me started I think there's a lot of consumerism that just doesn't make sense honestly but at this time I was selling skincare products I didn't know who to Target and and what I did was I asked I met an offer owner an offer I met the owner of a skin care company at affiliate Summit and affiliate Summit is a conference I encourage everyone to go to let's bring this up here um affiliate Summit is the biggest conference in affiliate marketing in the United States and every year they have a conference in uh in uh Las Vegas and one in New York the other big affiliate marketing conference is affiliate World Summit and uh for folks interested if you are a company watching this and you're interested in starting an affiliate program find a way to get in contact with me because uh you know we're building an affiliate Network and I give a lot of help on that I also have a big audience of Affiliates now I met this offer owner at affiliate Summit and I asked him if he could give me some of his customer data for a lookalike audience I was surprised he did he gave me a few thousand records of skincare buyers and I uploaded them to Facebook and I to my disbelief it worked and I scaled that campaign from a few hundred dollars a day to sending over 30 thou sorry to earning over $30,000 a day from promoting a skincare product and all I did was I moved up from a 1% lookalike audience to a 3% to a 5% to a 10% and just uncapped budgets and that that campaign changed my life I remember I was I was living in an apartment at this time with my best friend in Santa Monica his name is uro and we were uh you know we we were going to the bar with some of our Buds and uh you know we're waiting for our buddies to come over to our uh to our spot we had a pretty nice spot and I was just checking the phone and one of my broke friends came by and he's like what are you looking at I'm like oh this is this is this is uh I'm looking at my earnings how much I made to how much I made and I said look at the number and I showed him the number it was something like you know maybe it was like 7,000 and I said just wait five minutes wait five minutes and let ju like I'll show you what's going on I refreshed it I refreshed it five minutes later and it was like 7,300 it was like I made $300 or couple I was making a couple hundred dollars every few minutes um and you was like is that is that how much money is in your bank account I said no dude that's how much money I earned today right that was my first $10,000 day that's how I remember it my first dude shut up that's how I remember that day because it was the first day I'd earned $10,000 let me tell my dog to shut up and I'll answer a few more questions dude no shut got to be firm with these dogs so I'm a big proponent of that using a lookalike audience with actual dat and I showed you a couple spots you can get some great data um Huda what other questions are going on otherwise I'm going to end this stream I'd love to get some of your reactions and your honest thoughts on how you like the format of these this we're going into deeper topics of marketing with this channel moving forward uh because I love marketing but I think the basics and understanding the basics of marketing as well as the nuances within the basics because so much of this is nuances is the most important thing anybody can do and I encourage everyone to subscribe to this channel if you're not if you're watching and you're not subscribed because you know the algorithm okay I'm not seeing any other questions did you have gen zers or bringing their parents are you using AI chat bots in your business okay so another question is are am I using AI chat bots in my business and I have used AI chatbots in my business particularly in integration with uh Goa go high level and Instagram DMS but I found Instagram has a lot of low quality prospects and I didn't really want to go there um it just wasn't backing out well enough but AI chat Bots are great but again if you're doing a complex sale you know in my business you know my I'd say my one consumer facing business is the mentorship program I offer to aspiring affiliate marketers and that business is a life decision it's a life decision uh whenever folks are trying to think of a new career or something like that a path to go on they it's a large life decision it's a relationship and using chatbots would demean the value the there uh I'm I want to be honest with people in my business and I have seen other people in the space what the business opportunity space use chatbots for these purposes but you have to really push the line and become uncompliant to have these chat Bots do what you know have the intended effect um I I I prefer to to stick to long form advertising podcasts infomercials and stuff like that okay um instead of a lead form you can have an AI chatbot qualify leads it would be more human for the prospect absolutely a using AI chat Bots as a lead form basically because that's what you're saying you'd use them for you're still going to structure the data in a certain way is a very interesting idea uh and and and a lot of people are using chatbots for these purposes one company I highly recommend for chatbots is BB9 now this is going to cost set you back about $1,000 a month to work with uh this but from what I've seen this is the only effective chatbot that can actually get the job done and convert Prospect to buyers okay if you don't have a th000 bucks a month to afford on software you're probably not running a company right and you know everything's going to buy for Kate soon either you're going to be rich and making a lot of money and have a big company or you're not uh the the world is going to get harder and harder to become quote unquote independent in either you're going to scale the middle the middle ground is being cut out by a Ai and as jobs and layoffs continue to go away so either you're you're figuring out how to scale up quickly you know this whole idea of Lifestyle businesses is going to get more and more and more difficult as Time Marches forward okay so the time to strike and make it big is now go beyond your number right live epically okay apart from the data look like can you combine that data with results to see results in affiliate marketing okay I'll I'll do some I'll do some affiliate videos soon folks great to talk to everyone I hope you enjoyed this slam that like button make sure you're subscribed I'll uh I'll maybe the next VI I'll do I'll see you guys in the next video all the best let's go peace
Predictive Lead Scoring Explained for Beginners