Play Your Advantages

and when you're setting up streams of income you want to play to your advantages not my advantage was from my job I was working for glenbeck and Rush limbo's advertisers I was working for these companies in the survivalism space they were selling seed banks they were selling preparation for the end of the world type equipment so I really had an understanding of what's called the survival audience so I understood this Market from my job and I leveraged my understanding of this Market to promote Survival Products on CL bank and I was promoting survive the end of the world preparation course which cost uh 40 bucks on the internet you know it's like a video and course and an ebook and I was able to get sales of this product that I would get $40 in commissions for I was able to get new customers for $20 and I was able to do that consistently on a Christian video sharing site called and I just let it run and I was making an extra $5,000 a month.

As found on YouTube


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