New DeepSeek China Ai + Pinterest = $1,000 A Week Easy Method!

in this video I'm going to show you exactly how this new AI tool put out by China is going to make you as much as $1,000 a week or more and yes this is all backed by data and proof in fact this new tool is beating the other tools when it comes to making money hands down and today I'm going to show you exactly how to use this new deep seek AI tool with Pinterest and affiliate marketing to put tons of money in your pocket So Gone are the days of guessing what's going to work wondering if your content is going to get traffic trying to think of ways to sell yep all that stuff is now done for you and it's actually very simple all I need to do is find an offer throw it in this tool and get paid so if you can copy and paste then yes you can make money and in this video I'm going to take you through the whole process step by step that way at the end of this video you can go and do what you learned and make money online smash a like button let's hop in the computer and I'll show you exactly how to use deepsea AI to put tons of money in your pocket come on let's get [Music] started all right so let's dive in I think you guys are going to love this one because it's very simple very straightforward and basic what we're going to be doing is looking at Pinterest traffic the first thing we need to know is how to create a pin you can use canva or any tool that you want now what we're going to do first and foremost is we're going to focus on the structure of the type of Pinterest pins we're going to make not all Pinterest pins are created equal and creating the wrong PIN will not get you traffic and creating the right pin might get you traffic but nobody clicking your link so we need to have a fine balance of both the way we're going to do that is by looking at first the size of the Pinterest pen now the normal size is 1,000 by 1500 so in our favorite image editor if you're using canva they'll have a Pinterest setting if you're using something like snagg it here you're going to have this setting here what we need to do is we need to look at the different parts of the pin and what we're going to do obviously there are different reasons to make a pin sometimes it'll be for information sometimes it'll be tips like five ways to save money or lose weight or whatever sometimes it'll be a comparison where you're comparing one product to another or one system to another or one idea to another sometimes it'll be a list where you're like here's the top five things you need for X Y and Z and sometimes it'll be just about a product now one of the things about Pinterest marketing that I think was made Popular by Gary Halbert back in the day or actually it was um Gary Vander too many Gary's around here but Gary Vander actually went through and said you know you need to mix up your social media content to where you might have some info some tips and then a sales pitch he called it like the right jab or the right hook where it's like you're going in and you're punching and then you go for the big one and then you go for the little one but all of it is going towards your goal so sometimes have little punches which are like the the info to get people to like stuff and then sometimes we will have the sales message so looking at the variation of those this is going to be very important so sometimes we'll have info tips or something like that what we're going to want to do is we're going to have different spots of our pin so I'm going to outline these for you first of all you're going to have your headline which is up here saying okay why are they looking at your Pinterest pin in the first place then down at the bottom you're going to have something here so if if I was going to have something like how to get a better night's sleep I would say something like you know five sleep tips for better sleep this would be my headline up here very simple so we're just going to make something like this again no matter what program you're using it's the same basic outline so we're just going to go through and Center this up right here like this and then you can pick your colors the best colors to use are always going to be like black with yellow or white with yellow or something that stands out a lot so it can complement what you're doing but having like cursive letters that are hard to see you want this to be very easy to see so at a glance they're like okay here's what I'm going to get by reading this information this is to get them to stop look at your pin and consume then what we're going to do is we're going to have something down here which is going to be our website URL if you don't have a website URL you could do a Linkin bio however I would recommend a URL and then what you're going to do is say something like for the full guide to better sleep something like that and then you'd have your website so we would do something like let's type this over again for the full guide visit www.

Affiliat or something like that right and then you're going to fancy that up you're going to center it have the right font right like this and then make sure that this stands out as well so I'll just do like white like this here so aill I dude there we go so right like that now also one thing that helps is having these two different colors so like that makes the URL stand out better okay very simple then of course you would have your tips in here if you're going to have you know like a picture of a pillow and then have some text here and then maybe have a picture over here so it's staggered and looks nice and then over here like this and since this fits better I'd probably say three tips for better sleep or something like that okay very simple very easy some other ways to create pins that are actually pretty simple with AI is using this PowerPoint program where you can go through and you could say you know find me some some info on better sleep you could say make some slides about better sleep or something like that and it'll actually go through and make them for you and you can actually go through and and change the sizing of these so they fit Pinterest and it'll create them in an automated way now having these pins and everything is really good and easy but we want to go the next level and we want to have something that's actually going to sell and get the views that's where it's really important so you could see here it actually did you know here you go importance of sleep physical health importance better sleep for time different things like that so we're seeing that it is making these more or less but again it's kind of like what we call Flat content it's not going to go anywhere so what we're going to do is we are going to go through and we're going to pick our structures and we're going to get Pinterest pins that are going to get traffic and to show you that this works I mean we're looking at this one here 93,000 views a month here's another one with um 100,000 views a month I think we had another one down here with 2 million views a month and lots and lots of traffic here's another one so lots of traffic here this works like crazy and we're going to show you this in a specific offer now again remember we are going to vary these up info tips comparisons lists and some of them just directly promoting the product now in order to do this it's actually very easy with AI you don't have to think about it we're going to be using deep seek to do all the work all we need to do is find the money which is actually pretty easy we go over to offer Vault or ClickBank and we find an offer that pays US money that can have something that we can use Pinterest for so let's say we wanted to do like maybe the mly fool or Blissey which is a silk pillowcase all right so this silk pillowcase I could go out there and I could make a bunch of pins about silk pillowcases or different types of pillowcases but I need to go the next level and I need to have something that's going to specifically promote what I am wanting to promote so going through like this we're going to say right like this we'll take the name of the product and I'm going to go over to deep seek right over here which is free you can go and get an account I'm going to go through and say I want to promote this insert product on Pinterest please give me a plan now it's important that this is going to do two steps one it's going to give you the plan and as you can see it's actually thinking about it in a more detailed way than say chat GB where chat gbt would be like okay let's give you some ideas right so let's go over to chat gbt and I'll show you the comparison and I'm going to show you why this is a game Cher and I'll have some links in the description that are going to show you even more why this is a game Cher so going through here let's let's use the model that would be better comparison maybe chat gbt 4.0 that way it Compares because the other one cost $200 a month this one's only 20 comparing that with this free version I think it's going to be very Fair all right so now we see profile optimization again that's not really stuff I would want pin design strategy it does show you colors and things like that again this is useful information but it's not information that's going to make me money if you know the difference let me know below if you don't stay watching you're going to see the difference so let's go through and let's take a look at what deep seek has here so we're seeing it is giving the same kind of stuff content St strategy highlight key selling points hair and skin benefits hypoallergenic clean sleep temperature luxury durability customer love what they like we can have these ideas so now it's giving us the ideas which fits what we were talking about here very important so going through I can have before after carousels with hair smooth reduced acne sleep crease where you don't have that many infographics y silk versus cotton lifestyle showing fancy bedrooms and setups and things like that video tutorials how to care for not so much interested in that but let's keep going this is where it's going to get really good audience targeting now it's talking about who we're trying to reach then seasonal stuff SEO hashtags engagement Pinterest ads and on and on we go it's also giving us a sample posting schedule which is great now we're going to take it to the next level and say now schedule the first first month get me all the pins and ideas as if I was making three posts per day to promote this product okay let's see what it does here now while we're waiting on that let's see how chat GPT did seasonal so it's okay it's a little flat it didn't go through and actually go the extra level which we're seeing deep seek is actually going through and saying here's what would work versus here's what you could do okay very very important here so now looking at this did you know silk causes 43% less friction than cotton wake up to smoother hair and skin shop Blissey okay excellent luxury meet self-care so these are more or less selling it sleep wrinkles not anymore okay so these are all four Blissey let's do now make them more info related rather than just selling the product so notice how already it's giving us a lot of good stuff right this is stuff that marketers take a long time it's even giving us the hashtags and everything no more bed head so let's go through and let's do this now make them more info related not just selling the product now I want you to see the very very important distinction between just having a list of pins and actually having the pins that will work so let's do this here and I want to show you the difference okay and now we'll go through so now we have skin isn't just luxurious it's science learn how Skin's natural properties protect your hair and skin so again taking that angle of the oil why silk is Nature's Smart Fabric that's a good one here's one for a video microscope of cotton versus silk how to sleep how sleep positions affect skin blissy as a solution good so we're entering introducing the product here on day one quiz pin what's your pillowcase doing to your skin that is good is your pillow case harming your skin take the quiz to find out that's a GameChanger because now I could go through I can have the quiz on my website sell the product this is actually really really good I'm going to get rid of the hint though because I don't want to give them the hint because I I want them to read here's another one with ph matching Your Skin Barrier um not all silk is real learn how to spot fake silk fantastic this is good this is stuff that's going to go through and have very important things that are going to get people interested and stop them in their tracks whereas a lot of times what I'm seeing with chat GPT again luxury you can feel the perfect pillowcase for sensitive skin and it's flat do you guys see how it's flat type exciting content as a comment below if you see that this is flat and you want exciting content now let's go through and give it the same exact prompt here where we are saying now make them more info related rather than just selling the product I want to show you the difference here and why this is going to help you make money now again I think doing this plan when you're looking at a product that pays you $42 a sale and the product I think it was $40 for them I think you're getting like 100% commission or very close to it maybe even more in some cases but we're seeing here if you were making $42 a sale in order to make $1,000 a week all you need to do is get about 24 sales or approximately four sales a day a little bit less like three and a half sales a day so looking at that we're like oh okay so all I need to do is get three and a half sales a day I'm making 1,000 bucks a week with this thing now remember results are not typical implied or guaranteed what I'm showing you is how to use deep seek to get a strategy to where you post get traffic and then there you go because in order to get those sales we would need to get custom traffic which is what Pinterest is doing now using this we see the difference here with the carousels how silk pillowcases reduce allergens here's one for cotton absorbing your serums oil silk keeps them on your skin so you could talk about like the different um serums that are on your skin or whatever it is or maybe maybe you could talk about like how whatever you're putting on your face when you go to bed Cotton's taking it off so you might as well just throw it away right hey you're F fantastic skincare routine is worthless because you have the wrong pillowcase that's the kind of stuff that stops people in their tracks now let's see with chat gbt how sleeping on silk help R helps reduce wrinkles very flat very Bland top five reasons to switch to Silk Bland does your pillowcase affect your Sleep Quality it's okay little Bland but see how deep seek is thinking like a marketer right we're going through I could give them these and say hey make these more exciting we could see here how to travel with silk pillowcases that's Bland I don't like that um yoga instructors pre-sleep wind down ritual mindfulness tip pair your routine with sensory friendly silk there's another one I wouldn't have known to think this here I can sell this to the ASMR Market people that are interested and and sensitive to this stuff would love this because it's like okay instead of your crinkly pillowcase use this luxurious one here's why bam opens a whole another market for me and I can do um you know the best ASMR things when you go to sleep or something like that here's one for uh take the final step so that's a sales one one is silk good for oily skin can it help with eczema silk is high maintenance there's like a myth silk is high maintenance um here's one for curly hair people where it reduces Friz so we're seeing that this is actually giving us a much better strategy and then all I would need to do is go through and make these pins it's very very simple so now we have something like your sleep environment matters I can go through how to style your bedroom so I could go through now say now 25 based on this let's see if it does them different because what I usually get with chat GPT is replications of the same so let's see what this does here tips for creating a better sleep sleep environment seven ways to make restful why your sleep environment so it's it's more of the same let's see if this does different okay excellent this did think different importance of pillowcase material benefits of silk room temperature control see how it's thinking completely different and giving me a plan that I can go to Pinterest I can make this here reducing allergens in the bedroom right here we have this I get my Pinterest pin and I start building it in a very simple way boom reducing allergens in the bedroom fancy it up a bit right like this all right and then I would talk about oh get a help a filter get this get that go to the full guide on the full guide I'm going to sell the HEPA filter I'm going to sell the the pillow case I'm going to sell all of this stuff that works really really well this is taking us to a different level now we can see not only did it give us these ideas but it's giving us the headline Five Pillars of perfect sleep environment how your pillowcase affects that hidden allergens notice how this is better than any of these the hidden allergens in your room like that that's going to make me read it right it's like the old uh I think they sold Kirby Vacuums by showing you the dust mites in your bed and you know now they make billions of dollars five minute bedroom refresher for better sleep ideal temperature that's controversial so that would work really well how to layer bedding for All Seasons what's your sleep environment score beautiful I love this one CU it's going to get people to think oh hey what's the score show the quiz show them where to get the quiz you can make the quiz on your site again in the description I'm going to show you how to make one to two page websites that sell like crazy and some of these you can even create a little quiz or a tool and get them over to your sleep quiz and sell that way here's another one why blue light ruins your sleep how Blissey transform my nighttime routine so we're seeing here this is working really good and it's based on the offer so we're creating Pinterest pins around a specific offer using deep seek to come up with the ideas to think differently the next thing I can do is I can actually go through and say now make a onepage simple sales pitch for these people viewing my pins to buy the Blissey boom it's going to go through and it'll make a really hard-hitting onepage sales pitch which I haven't seen anything come close to the power that this thing has and now all I have to do is post the pins get the traffic lead them to my site the site is going to do the selling wake up to your best hair and skin yet why blissy glowing skin smoother hair cool this is super easy like I could just post this set it and forget it focus on the Pinterest plan this page will do the selling I can even go and say now do direct response story style a little longer and I can post these in a super simple way I can even post this as a pin right very very simple and then all I'm going to do is make these pins drive them to it and notice how deep seek is thinking differently it's almost like having a marketer in your in your office telling you what to do and a lot of this is really good now make sure you fact check it make sure you have all the affiliate disclosures and disclaimers don't tell them that their entire life is going to change with a pillowcase or don't tell them it's going to cure things it won't cure fact check do all the due diligence make sure the offer is good but looking at this I mean it's pretty solid it's actually finding testimonials different things like that and it's very small very easy and having the pins I mean if you had this much traffic you know let's say 5% of them went to your website that's a lot of people going to your website that's about 7,000 people if you got a one % conversion right you know that's that's some decent sales I don't care who you are um and usually we can get more than that and sometimes we can get even more traffic doing the different models then what we're going to do is we're going to point them to the one to two page sales the websites you can build a mailing list you can sell directly you can do a download offer all kinds of things what this is doing is it's creating the plan that will give you traffic so if you've tried things and they didn't work maybe you uploaded videos and they didn't get traction maybe you tried Pinterest and you didn't get that many views or you didn't get people to click on your links and buy this is why this is the missing piece that's going to show you okay here's how to make the pins that will actually work here's how to make the things people will actually engage with this is something we do here on YouTube all the time where just a couple weeks ago I posted this video which is one of my least performing videos ever and the reason we went through this video is I was comparing a video I did four years ago which got 120,000 views with a video that was very similar in content it was a better video but it was very similar and looking at why did his get 16 million views in a couple of weeks and mine got 120,000 over the course of four years because if you crack that code and I highly recommend everyone go watch that video because what you're learning here with deep seek that is explained there it's talking about the why does some content do good and some does not understanding that watching this and understanding why some videos go viral and others don't why some pins go viral and others don't why some sales Pages work and others don't that's what deep seek is showing us and I think this is a tool that a lot of people are not talking about but it's a GameChanger using this you can make pins that work and you can make a sales page that works also looking at the amount of traffic that is out there on Pinterest for this stuff it's a game changer I mean here's one with 93,000 9 million monthly views and I picked these accounts because they're specific to silk pillowcases so does this work yes they are building their brands based on this and then you can even have you know like this one best pillowcase for acne normal sensitive oily dry right looking at that is like okay these are very very specific and they work and using deep seek we can create a plan deploy it watch what works which pins do good which don't I have students that get millions of views every month on their pins get lots of traffic and it works like crazy and pairing this with the methods we teach in the description it's game over you just go in there and you're like okay we're going to talk about pillowcase is all day every day and that's what I'm going to sell and you do this on Pinterest it will work it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when now obviously the money is not guaranteed the average person trying to make money makes nothing but I think understanding this at a different level from a marketing standpoint and understanding that now you have a tool with deep seek AI that cost nothing that literally does the marketing for you and I've been working with AI all day every day for the last 2 and 1/2 years or longer probably closer to 3 years all day every day and I've never seen anything that answers the questions that I usually answer when I'm when I'm reviewing someone's marketing and this is it's actually going through and it's thinking about it in a different way so while chat GPT is a great marketing tool I think compared to this it's like a kindergartener versus a PhD who's hundred years old who has been a PhD his entire life it's a GameChanger and I think using this with your Pinter strategy posting those pins and making this work focusing on things that are getting engagement understanding your offer and letting the AI understand the offer and understanding what makes content do good this is going to set you up for Success so if you want to make money on Pinterest with AI use deep seek and if you want to make money in general make sure you check out airofit and the links in description watch that video I told you about watch the follow-up video that's going to be on my other channel where me and Alina just break down the Deep seek tool it is a GameChanger thanks for watching smash the like button and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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