late last year chat GPT shocked the world of online money making with its productivity content writing data analysis skills and a whole lot more and unless you've been living under a rock lots of people have been using chat gbt to make tons of money online personally this year alone I've used AI to bank over 500 000 dollars and just a couple days ago Microsoft dropped a huge bomb with brand new updates to the Bing co-pilot chatbot this thing is a game changer if you want to make money online in fact today I'm gonna fire up the program and show you exactly how it works I'm going to show you not only how Bing AI will increase your productivity 100 fold but also how it's going to help you make money in 10 different distinctive ways that no one else is talking about so if you feel like you've been behind on the AI and money making craze get ready to watch this entire video because what you're about to learn can and will make you money when used properly guaranteed and in just a few minutes we're going to break this program down and show you exactly how it's going to help you put money in your pocket so if you feel like you've been behind on the AI and money making craze get ready to watch this entire video because what you're about to learn can and will make you money when used properly guaranteed and in just a few minutes we're going to break this program down and show you exactly how it's going to help you put money in your pocket but first a story when I was a kid I absolutely detested hated loathed cleaning my room or pretty much cleaning anything for that matter and the saying goes that if you give your job to a lazy person that person is going to spend tons of time figuring out how to make that job simple easy and dare I say effortless and that's exactly what I did when my mom told me to clean my room or sweep the floor I would walk around with a broom pretending that I didn't know how to sweep and eventually mom would come in and say that's not how you do it and then she'd proceed to show me how to sweep the floor while yeah actually sweeping the floor for me and then she was done and I'd go play with my friends and she was none the wiser and Mom if you're watching this video well now you know my little secret which probably wasn't that big of a secret but what it did is allow me to be more productive in a strange sort of way and today I'm using AI for the exact same thing utilizing AI over the last couple months has proven to be more profitable than having 10 15 even 20 outsourced employees which would cost five to twenty thousand dollars a month but yeah AI now does the work for you and much like me when I was trying to get out of cleaning my room or sweeping the floor what being just Unleashed is the equivalent of having like 20 moms to clean everything yeah it's that powerful and not only that but I'm going to show you how it is actually hooked up live to the web how you can get real-time data at the drop of a hat how you can analyze and sort huge pieces of information without even having to copy and paste yep it's all embedded in the brand new Bing AI co-pilot and ladies and gentlemen this is just the tip of the iceberg Bing AI chat gbt copilot is arguably one of the most powerful AI tools online today and guess what it's 100 percent free so get ready because this AI news update is something you need to pay attention to if you don't want to get left out in the cold and wonder why so many people are making money with AI and if you're tired of being left behind and wondering why you're not able to make money online smash a like button because we're starting right now and this is gonna be a game changer all right guys welcome to the show today what we're gonna do is fire up the old chat GPT Bing co-pilot which is powered by chatgpt now the cool thing about this is even if you don't have 20 bucks a month to get chat GPT this does everything for you this is actually a very very powerful tool and I think unlike a lot of other AI tools this does something a little bit different which we're going to get into which is going to increase your productivity so if you're out there looking for ways to make money online with AI and you're ready to get started we are gonna show you guys how to make money in a very simple way so we're gonna go through cut out all the fluff and talk about what actually works now I'm going to go through 10 ways that we are going to use AI to make money now not only that but we're going to talk specifically about the chat GPT powered Bing AI copilot now the reason I like the co-pilot in addition to other AI tools or even as a standalone is a fact that is browsing the web with you so a lot of other AI tools are looking at old outdated information this one is actually browsing the web with you and looking at what you're looking at in real time now I'm going to give you an overview of this so that you get the idea of the power of how this works because a lot of people they just go and look at chat gbt and AI to try to get more content or some kind of stuff written for them and they're not actually using the power of it and when we start to use the power of it what you're going to realize is like a guy I interviewed yesterday who was a student of mine from 2018.
He tested out one of my methods and used maybe one percent of what I taught maybe even less than that and he was able to make some money you guys will see that interview next week but he only used a little fraction and was able to make money now he didn't make much but he did make a little bit and where there's a little bit there's a lot and what this is gonna show us is that AI chat GPT and all these tools most people are only scratching the tip of the iceberg and I believe that if you use these in the correct way this is going to be a game changer when it comes to making money online so let me give you a little familiarity about what is new and how this works this is the Microsoft Bing chat now if you're using a micro soft computer I believe it logs you in but I'm not sure if you actually need a login to make this work I believe you can make it work separately which I tested on a different computer and that that was the case but if you need a login a login is actually free you just activate a Microsoft account or something like that now what we're looking at is the main co-pilot now the reason they call this a co-pilot is because it's kind of there with you browsing right like if you're in an airplane and you're flying around and your co-pilot is there he's seeing what you see he's dealing with what you're dealing with he's hearing what you're hearing and he's right there with you to help you so like if I was gonna fly an airplane which no one ever wants me to do I have enough trouble driving my car and so if I was there my co-pilot would be there to help me every step of the way without a co-pilot I wouldn't be able to make the thing work same thing here a lot of you guys are struggling when it comes to making money online a lot of you guys are struggling when it comes to the tools and all these things and info overload but this co-pilot I believe and dare I say at the risk of losing money because there's a lot of AI tools that I can tell you to go get and I could get paid when you buy them right I do I actually make thousands of dollars each and every month recommending tools to people however I don't think I'd be doing a Justice if I just promoted something to make money I want to show you something that you can use for free because I know if you get value out of this you'll smash a like button you'll watch my other stuff and you know all will be right with the world but we're going to start looking at this here and we can see that it has organized compare laugh shop travel chat and write these are all powered by the chat GPT engine and what's happening is it's allowing you to to do a lot of the stuff that chachibiti does that costs money so if you don't want to pay 20 bucks for chat GPT you can get by with a lot of this stuff now we can do this and it'll create a table that compares top selling one women's running shoes okay it'll go through it'll make us a table pretty cool stuff how many of you guys are like that's pretty cool it's going to make a table now I can also do this on anything please create a table on the top AI tools let's do tools we don't do AI fools tools don't insult the robots there tools free and paid and please include the prices and features right and this will go through and it'll actually do the research for me it'll give me the searches and it will create content now what this is going to do is it's going to allow me to learn stuff very fast what we talked about earlier with being able to have something that's going to help us learn fast or create something better this is going to free up a lot of our time and time as an entrepreneur is super super super super important that's all you have they say time is money but in fact it's the correct use of time that equals money you can go sell your time for 15 an hour or eight dollars an hour or whatever it is or you can learn a skill that is going to pay you over and over and over again and what we're going to teach you here today is this skill how to use it and how to get paid now continuing on with the overview here we can actually go through and say now talk about consumer products and things like that and it will do a lot of different calculations and things like that we also see it has compare so we could do something like compare the difference between selling SEO skills on Fiverr versus selling SEO skills on your own website and the earning potential right this will go through it'll actually search the web now we're going to get into why the co-pilot version of this is an absolute Game Changer but first I want to familiarize your you guys with this because not a lot of people talk about Bing AI everyone's obsessed with chat gbt and Bard and all these other things but I think Bing's like sitting over there in the corner and it's like hey I could do a lot of things that you might not have thought about that'll make you a lot of money and this is something that is super super important we can see here it is generating answers with the sources okay again we're seeing this is doing a lot of things that chat GPT can do it's prompting us in a different way than chat GPT and other tools but it's also doing something bigger behind the scenes which we'll talk about in a minute and if you're excited about this smash that like button because this is an absolute Game Changer now some of the other things that you can do with this is like a to-do list okay now I could say now create me a to do list four starting and SEO business on Fiverr okay super simple and we can actually go through and show you how to create an SEO business on Fiverr so if you want a job where you you get paid pretty decent you could actually do this now it's going to go through and it's going to talk about these different things that we can do very cool and you could see it did you know several different sources and things like that what this is going to do which is super super important okay this is something that I had to pay a lot of money for to learn when I was getting sober in rehab this is a very very difficult lesson to learn and I want you guys to pay close attention to it because it can and will make you money when used correctly and I think we have a pen around here somewhere let's see where our pen is there we go okay so what's going to happen here is this and this is the lesson that I learned in the old rehab okay I want you to write this down very important the mind is like a lens and you get what you Focus on yes this is worth its own sheet of paper I guarantee because this is going to make sense in a minute and it's going to show you how to make a bunch of money and hopefully afford a money gun that actually works but what we're going to do here is we're going to take a look and start to understand what's going on here this is super important okay what's happening is when you have this on the web side by side with what you're doing now it's going to be like a lens and you're going to focus it on what you want it to focus on which is going to be a game changer all right this is super important as an entrepreneur things are fighting for your attention how many of you guys you feel this you're like okay I got info overload I'm struggling I got all this stuff going on Marcus how do I make this work how do I cut past all the junk and all the tools and all the stuff out there and get to where to make money this is where because what this is going to do is it's going to direct Focus you and you are going to direct focus it here's the deal AI is sitting there and it does nothing and it's worth nothing and it's completely useless unless you understand how to use it and that's what we're going over so when we have a tool like this we could say yes it's creating a little business plan here now I can say now please tell me some different skills I need before I start is going to go through okay very very important it'll do the skills it'll find the info there we go right like this and again this is the free Bing co-pilot I'm going to show you where this is going to get you guys are in for a treat if you smash that like button and stick around this is going to be a game changer now it says here are some skills you might need okay great now please make a table of these skills with websites to learn them okay it'll make a little table it'll show some websites now what we're doing is we are guiding this into what we're going to build to make money and it'll make a table right like this okay there you go it's going to show all the different places where someone can go and learn this stuff now if you do not understand the power of what we just did keep watching because what I just did we're actually going to have a separate video just about that which is going to show you why this right here is going to make me money okay so we have that we can go through and we can create a to-do list right we talked about the to-do list now make a to-do list for someone to start learning SEO with links please okay it'll go through and it'll do this now Valerie says there's too many options too many interests too much info too many niches all right here's the deal you need to pick one pick one that's all you need like any Niche will work if you have a good way to monetize it plain and simple and there's always a good way to monetize them so now we have a to-do list about how to learn SEO okay there you go it's got links and references and different things like that so we're seeing here that this is making things very simple for us now what starts to be a game changer and if you're excited about this smash that like button because ladies and gentlemen this is a game changer because up until now we have to use AI like a standalone and you're like man I I don't know what to ask the AI just like Valerie says I I don't know what to do there's so many options out there what am I going to do okay well what I want to do here is I'm going to notice that in addition to just going to and clicking on the chat button and looking at all this good stuff it has we also have what's known as the copilot the co-pilot is over here so if I go to a website like this that says 15 best ways to use Bing AI I can see over here sitting at the top of the screen over here this little b right do you guys see that I can click on this B and I can actually go through hopefully it'll reload for us I've been testing this thing all morning but what's going to happen is I can go through and I can say please summarize the page I am on it's going to look at the page I'm on see it says searching your page for information chatgpt doesn't do this and this is a free tool now what we're going to see again ladies and gentlemen pay close attention this is where the money happens the mind is like a lens and you get what you focus on and dare I say in 2023 the AI is like a lens and you get what you focus on so we could actually go through you could be looking at a course you could be looking at a web page and what this will do is it will actually summarize the information that you are reading now how many of you guys see the power of this already if you see the power type power in the Box type power in the comments because this is something that if you get it if you get it this will make you money and we're going to show you how so now we're going through and I'm like okay this is looking pretty cool right it's summarized the page now we can take it a step further I could say now now turn this into and it even tells me select our to-do list now turn this into a checklist or list of uses boom it'll go through and it'll make a list of uses now what's going to happen is you are able to do research for your website for your content for your videos my snap must not be working we need a lot louder of a snap I know what we'll do we'll get this here this is this is how important this stuff is all right what we're going to do is we will use this there we go this is going to make things so much faster and so much easier it's not even funny right like Tony says you mean it'll summarize any page I'm on for free not just that but it's going to do everything that I'm talking about everything like literally I could go through and be like which Let's see we could type in there which of these tips is best for a dentist looking to build a following on social media it'll literally read this page and adapt it to dentists all right ladies and gentlemen if you don't understand the power of this there was a guy by the name of Dan Kennedy he was a good marketer and what he did is he said well what if we separate everything like I know marketing but dentists don't know marketing what if I can help them and that's what this is doing and that guy made obscene about some money he was actually one of the founders of Infusionsoft which I pay them a lot of money so I know that they they make a lot but we can see here that it's saying one of the best ways for a dentist to build a following on social media is to focus on the presence and we could say Okay um social presence now let's see here come on now using what this page says how can I do this with AI tools right and it'll go through and it'll actually do the work for us now notice how what I'm doing is I'm learning at a rapid Pace how this is going to work and I'm focusing on exactly what's out there right if you want to use this here's how to do it and it's very very simple but ladies and gentlemen again again this is the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg this is something that is about to change the world like we've heard a lot about Ai and I know a lot of people are getting left behind and they don't understand the power of it now you're going to understand it and we're starting to understand okay now it's going through and it's talking about all this stuff you can do okay now this is our to-do list you can also do a cheat sheet Okay cool so now let's let's do a okay we'll hit stop now turn this page into a cheat sheet I think I spelled it right there we go now turn this into a cheat sheet and what it's doing is it's looking at the page now I believe in the future very near future they're going to be able to compound because this is actually following me on different pages super important so it's following me on different pages which means I could say now compare it with this page now compare it with this now compare it with that now do this right and it's going through and it's talking about how this works right or let's say I go over to affiliate marketing dude okay this is my website we got a lot of stuff on there let's say we are going to do something about how to manifest money okay and see it actually does a little cheat sheet there and we could go through and say now please look at this page and make a checklist of how to manifest money online with AI or whatever okay and you can actually go through and extract things extremely quickly now what this is going to do is is going to allow you to create and segment content faster than ever before believe me I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on content creation I've had outsourced employees I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on outsourced employees one of the struggles that I have is getting someone to do exactly what I want the way I want it now it's game over usually I would go and I'd say okay I'm gonna pay an outsourcer a hundred dollars three hundred dollars to look at these web pages and strip out the content like just today let me get you an example here just today I went through and I printed a I actually paid someone to go through and make a transcript of the video because I wanted you know it was a technical video so I wanted um all the exact things and what I would do is I would pay someone you know a couple hundred dollars to go through this list and extract the info I want and find things that you can expand on and what's Happening Here is now it's doing this at the drop of a hat very cool and so we're starting to look at this and we're like okay this is going through it's talking about what the page is talking about you could do this with video transcripts you can do this with a code you could do this with all kinds of things and we're going to start to see the power of having AI right next to what you're doing and I have tested thousands of dollars in paid AI programs guys I think Bing you know Case Closed hit the nail on the head with this one and is talking about how to make money it's very simple and I think that this is an absolute game changer for people who are going to use it so we can do cheat sheets we can do find new ideas right so I could say and see how it's like copying it right Watch What Happens here copy boom it's going to put it over here okay and it actually changes it okay it changed it there find new ideas about this text or whatever let's let's see what it does and what's going to happen is it's actually going to what do you want to do with it revise expand let's expand on it it's going to expand on what's here and it's going to make you think in ways you might not have thought about before ways that other people would get benefit like how many of you guys are watching this training and you're like well Marcus uses AI in a way that's kind of different than anything I've ever seen most people are saying create content make this make that but like you're showing me something different and this is something that AI can do like we could see understanding the law of attraction or whatever and you could literally do this on any page any post let's say we want to go through and do a different one okay let's see here where's it there we go there's our list let's say we want to do a faceless YouTube channel ideas this was on the incense video right I can say now please summarize this page and make a checklist of how to start a faceless YouTube channel with incense burners okay right like this and we're starting to understand like oh okay now this is actually looking at the page with me and this is similar to being able to have someone right here in my office help me right and here it is saying here's how it works and since waterfalls this page explains the benefits and it's going to give us a summary and then I can take it a step further now I can also go through and utilize this with chat GPT like that would absolutely work and I can put this context in there and I could say okay here's our checklist is being a little slow I think the AI Bots are like dude Marcus you're asking us too many things but we could see here it's going through and it's edit your videos okay and then I can say Okay um now please add five examples of video editing software that would be good for this okay there we go and then it's going to add this and what's going to happen is you're going to learn how to expand and write in a different way and understand what other people are talking about let's say you were in you know the Bible Niche or philosophy Niche and you're like okay I go to an article about Plato and then I go to an article about um you know Socrates or Socrates or however you say it I don't know I watched a movie and then it ruined the way I said it if you know the movie type that in the box but we realize that okay we can look at all these things we can look at stoic philosophy modern philosophy and we can learn different things that other people wouldn't normally put together and this is an absolute Game Changer absolute Game Changer uh Valerie says Bing AI needs to be renamed to Rosie from The Jetsons yeah I think it is pretty close right we're going through and we're seeing how this works all right Maddie got the uh movie reference a great movie I didn't see part two that it looks kind of lame but at any rate we could see here that we can create new ideas out of this okay so now it read this right and I could be like okay now please well let's type in the box now please come up with 10 similar niches based on little products like this that you can film and make a channel out of Boom it's going to go through it's already analyzed the text Lily got the movie reference as well excellent and now it's going to go through and go through Zen Gardens fidget toys desk toys kinetic sculptures snow globes didn't I didn't even think about that one that's actually a good one and notice how we are going side by side and it's like okay now I can go here I can type in snow globe right like this I could see what the keywords are like now again if you want to do this just on free stuff we can use the Hoth and type in snow globes all right so now let's see if it'll do this I noticed that some web pages it gets a little tripped up on which it's going to be corrected in the future don't worry about it and this is also going to be included in Microsoft Suite of tools so like not only are going to have the co-pilot on web it's going to be in Excel it's going to be in word it's going to be in all this stuff so now we see origami that would be a great one now I can see here okay now let's type in here now look at the keywords on this page and find me 10 snow globes to purchase and come up with video titles that will gain lots of interest and I'll bet you I'll bet you that this just did my job and upstaged me and found you a niche for snow globes all right let's see here let's go over here I'm gonna go to YouTube I'm gonna type in snow globes I'm going to pull it in here snow Globes right if you guys liked my incense waterfall video which if you didn't see it yet go go watch it this is the same kind of thing right it's the same Niche and you can see here snow globes actually does get lots and lots of traffic right they're just filming snow globes and it's like oh hey here's a Jurassic Park snow globe here's a National Lampoon's that's a fantastic one and what's happening is it's giving you the idea and giving you all the stuff based on what the page was about do you note ladies and gentlemen stop right here for a second smash the like button if you got it if you did not get it type lost because what I just showed you is something super super important okay very very very important and when we start to understand that this is a game changer all right if you got it type Got It smash the like button smash the like button even if you're lost but type lost so I know that you're struggling with this because there's something so important that I just mentioned that a lot of people are going to overlook a lot of people just whiz by it saying well it's just you know Mark is talking it's just a lot of stuff but there's something subtle going on here and what's going on here okay and a lot of people missed it a couple people didn't so if you missed it don't worry maybe I just need to explain it better what it is is the mind is like a lens and you get what you focus on what did I just do I just went to a page about how to how to make money with faceless YouTube channels in the niche of waterfalls then I said okay summarize the page and and tell me what you think okay good then I said now come up with 10 similar niches okay so what are we doing we are focusing the AI where we want it to go and it came up with a snow globe Niche I'm like wait a minute so I could literally go out there there's lots of traffic four snow globes and it's telling me literally how to start a business is I always pick one of these or let's pick snow globes Disney snow globe Harry Potter snow and we go through and I can do the same thing where I'm making videos on the products wash rinse repeat I have a business and what happens is we are now able to allow the co-pilot to be alongside with us and this this is something that nobody talks about everyone talks about AI great wonderful it's going to revolutionize and it will that's fine but up until now you got to go here and you got to think of what to give it right so now I can go through and be like okay well now I got this and I can go over here and say please make a YouTube video script about 10 product oriented niches for faceless YouTube channels use this content as a use this content put the content boom Watch What Happens now now we're looking at it hey there YouTube fam welcome back to our Channel today we're diving into this it's going through segment here's the Disney uh music snow globe here's the Harry Potter here's the solar system here's I mean are you guys seeing the power of like hey now we're making it think different because a lot of people are just going to use AI to oh hey write me an article about X Y and Z okay fine great we need to think differently we need to understand that we can literally change the way AI directs its thinking which is going to change our output right it's like a lens it changes our output and we're like oh hey this is pretty cool and maybe just maybe it'll do this um let's see use the content on the page to come up with some royalty free videos I can use okay let's see what it does it's searching the page and let's see if it's got like some snow globe videos or whatever so instead of struggle with it but it'll it'll probably figure it out okay and Roberto great great question he says how can I use this in the divorce Niche I'll show you in just a minute this is an absolute Game Changer because now we can go through now it had a little trouble with that one which I get right it's it's still in its infancy but we could see that it's actually going through and finding the data we want we can go through and say um okay so did it come up with the titles it did cool right and we can have it create uh transcripts or whatever for the video right very very very important now when we go through we can also say well what about formatting tables and charts all right so let's say like that guy in the divorce Niche okay let's go and say okay well let's do um pros and cons divorce money okay something like that and we can go through so here's news Financial benefits of a divorce okay make a type in the Box make a quick chart outlining these pros and cons and how much they can save and how they work okay so we're like okay this is looking good it'll read the page chart there we go okay so it's going to look at the page okay let's say using you have to kind of reset it so it knows you're on a different page using the page I am on outline the pros and cons of the divorce stuff right and it's going to go through and it's going to do this and if you don't see the power of this I don't know if I can help you make money because this is something that is is so powerful it's not even funny okay so okay how about a list okay so we'll go through and again you just got to kind of prompt it and go from there and what will happen is it'll do okay how about a list and it'll make a list and then you go to the next page get content from the next page go to the next one get the next one and you're going to start to understand exactly what you're looking at okay so let's see answer from this page instead okay there it goes yep so I just had to kind of go through so there we have the financial benefits of this stuff okay now make a chart with the pros and cons and whatever okay did you make a chart with the pros and cons and it'll start to go through yes if you say please it does help um so here we go there you go very simple and we can use this for infographics which it's gonna it's gonna get big because infographics they are utilizing images right so one of the things a lot of people don't realize this is why I say Bing is over there taking a nap in the corner and people aren't paying attention to it but it's powerful it's very powerful because if I go through here and I say please create me a logo with an elephant for an incense waterfall business watch this a lot of people have been asleep at the wheel when it comes to this Watch What Happens it's actually going to go through and you don't have to pay 60 a month for something like dolly or something like uh mid-journey this is doing it for you and it is an absolute Game Changer and you can use what you're learning here to do things on like Fiverr and and on your websites and things like that and if you want to use Fiverr to start making money until you build an actual business that's paying you you can do that it'll help you learn skills when I first learned marketing I went through and I learned and I sold the skills as I was learning as a way to kind of put myself through the School of Hard Knocks right and it worked and we could see here okay it does these things or I can say create some funny smiley face emoticons or create you know whatever it is you could have it create mock-ups for cups or mugs or whatever it is and it's very simple and when you start to understand it's a game changer as far as copyright for that stuff it's kind of a gray area right now I know that Bing is very liberal on sharing stuff that was created and you can see here that hey my uh smiley faces are looking pretty good which is pretty cool let's see let's see there we go um and we can see the smiley faces look pretty good and if you guys want to know if this stuff works let me show you a website I've been working on that's getting tons and tons tons of traffic using AI this is a 100 percent AI driven website and it's getting tons of traffic and it's ranking that's the overview oh there we go organic keywords it's ranking for keywords that are like this one gets 30 000 searches a month we're ranking number seven and you can see that I mean there we are and I can create this stuff in a very simple way I don't know where we list on Bing but I'm sure it's probably somewhere in the same kind of neighborhood of uh what's going on there it is a little new and Google does pick up stuff quicker but I think on Google we're like number seven or something like that but what you're going to see is that this is a complete and utter Game Changer and again here we are we are looking at I Emoji stuff and there we are right there using Ai and guess what ladies and gentlemen when I say you can create little templates and stuff and little tables that's what we're doing and look it I select text and it's going through now I could say send okay um send and I could say make I don't know if it does images in here let's see are you guys digging this smash the like button if you're like hey this is cool I'm liking this um come on come on go in there there we go please make little image Smileys for each of these okay let's see let's see if it does it I don't know if the images do it yup okay it did there we go they're a little small maybe I should ask for bigger ones but we could see okay there it is and I can go through I can take this text I could go into the bang over here and again this is all free now make now make some smileys for these terms and let's see how it does and we can see okay this is like completely changing the game for us because now my content is is going to be on the next level and I'm able to learn at a rapid Pace I'm able to understand in a different way I'm able to go through and look at things at a glance right how many of you guys are like wait a minute Marcus are you kidding you just like literally made these with your co-pilot and this is nobody's talking about this I watch a lot of AI videos nobody is talking about this one in the way of making money everyone's talking about other stuff right and now we're seeing okay it makes a little things like that and there you go that would be a pretty cool coffee mug and actually purchased a smiley face coffee mug there you go makes it the coffee taste a lot better I'll tell you what but we look at this and we're like okay so now this is helping us we can do tables and charts then we can also assign roles wait a minute Marcus what does that mean well what that means is I can go here okay so let's go and we're going to do a new topic clears everything out now we're going to say act as a person who is a first time home buyer and struggling with a down payment and summarize how this calculator can help them calculator on the page I am on Boom watch how this changes the way it directs our information I say it time and time again and if you have not written it down or you're new here smash the like button and write this down information structured differently can make you rich let me say it again information structured differently can make you Rich if you train something into video that wasn't a video it can make you right so now we can see here I'm a first time home buyer and I'm struggling with the down payment I want to know how this calculator will help me this calculator can help me in the following ways estimate the private okay great now please come up with an Excel formula that will help me with these things a calculator okay it's going to go through and we're like here we go bada bing bada boom and it's doing the magic and it'll actually go through and it'll find the calculator right there we go now I can go through and I could say let's copy all this chat GPT I'm going to go into chat gpt4 okay if you use this alongside like literally it's 20 bucks I use it alongside Bing I go to code interpreter please analyze this stuff okay there it goes so it's going to summarize it and then we're going to have it make us a calculator for this now how many of you guys are like yeah I'd like to read a book about how to calculate my mortgage versus yeah I'd just rather kind of have a calculator that'd be a little easier but up until now you couldn't do it like up until now I had to go to excel create a calculator buy a fancy program export it and make some crazy thing now what look at it it's calculating it it is literally extracting everything based on the page and here it is I get copied over I could have just like drug it over there right this is saving so much time and so much money is crazy okay now I says Google Bart is just as good it is but it's not browsing the web with you this is the difference between Bing and other tools this one is browsing the web with me which allows me to seamlessly transfer data from to analyze calculate now I can say now based on all this make me an Excel calculator okay and it's going to go through and it's going to tell you how it does it and then it'll give you a little download link and it's very simple and we start to understand okay using this alongside what we're doing is a complete Game Changer and we can use this to assign roles okay a signing row we assigned a role as you're a homeowner make a calculator make this work we can also go through and we can assign roles in different ways where we're like okay maybe we have a calculator maybe we want to extract data in a different way maybe we'll want to use it in a different way we got it we gotta look at that and interpret it and this is going to help us so we have this here it's still going it's rambling on and on but we start to understand okay check this out what if I did highest let's do domain sales 2023 expense most money okay so I can go here I can look at like okay what are the domain sales here's the top 100 domain sales of 2023 okay I'm gonna go like this and I could say based on the domains on this page what are the similar features of domains that sold it's going to go through it's going to look at this okay very important now a lot of people are saying Google bard is more robust you can use whatever you want what we're talking about with Bing is the fact that it's right here with you right how many of you guys see that type with me if you see that that's valuable because otherwise if I'm using Bard or I'm using something else let's see how Bard Works actually I don't know if I have barred on this computer I don't think I do because I have to log in in a different thing yeah maybe let's say try try okay yeah it's not on this one um but what will happen is you could go through and use it in a different way now when we're looking at this normally you would have to copy all this and go through and do it on your own what this is doing and by all means use it alongside bar use it alongside chat use whatever you want but what we're doing is we're using this to say Okay um which of these domains confuses you like why did it sell for so much okay and we can see okay what is it okay and not just real time but it's also like looking at that stuff answer from the page instead and this is something that's super important because it's going to go through and and help us okay so on this page yeah okay let's see okay there you go so now it's going through and it's saying okay this is the ones that are weird exactly like before anybody says Bard is solid but Bing is analyzing sites as a sidebar and what this is going to do it's going to save you time right so now I can go through and say okay this is cool and then I can go to another one and say um come up with 50 domain name only 12 letters or less for some of the keywords on this page try to not use trademarked terms boom this will actually read the page and it's going to be like okay I'll come up with some domain names based on the page right does that make sense to everyone okay search in the page and let's see how it does here goes I mean when you start to see the power of this it's real time and it's looking at this keyword Pro essay okay so it looks like a lot of SEO stuff so I might have to go in and say stop okay try based on the snow globe keywords on this page see how this is like oh now it's going through and looking at it because normally what I would have to do is I'd have to go up here I'd have to go to view Source right I'd have to where's view Source somewhere in there and I have to get the content of the page now I'm skipping so many stuff look at this so it's going to go through and it'll be like okay here we got some some ideas here and there you go and you can even use this with tools that I have like the Hoth or the the so if you go to you can take my domain extractor watch how easy this is like having it in the sidebar watch okay so it's going to do these 50.
and watch how simple this is okay so there's our let's just say this is 50. yay wonderful that's 50. um we can put those up there we go we could put these and we have to wait till it's done so well wait a minute but how many of you guys are digging this smash that like button if you're like I see how this is a game changer this is something that well absolutely help you in terms of making money now I know which domain to buy and I could probably use this to purchase snow globes and actually make this thing work so let's let's just stop it there so we get the idea but I could go here I could put these in here extract just the domains there we go boom I could go over to like GoDaddy bulk tool and the GoDaddy bulk tool I could be like okay let's put all these in here see what's available let's see does it let me do it I don't know name Jeep bulk some of these do all right well there's a bulk tool out there it's on my other browser but you can type them in at a glance see what's available and go through let's can you do it here let's see domains I don't know why beast mode maybe it's beast mode there we go boom so like this I could put these in here generate it's going to go through and tell me which are available at a glance snow globe snow globe gifts I mean look at that most of them are available so it went through and it's like okay this is pretty cool I could go through I can make this work in a very very simple way and we start to understand okay this is a game changer simply because of the speed right I could literally go to Amazon and I can do snow globe and I could go here and say which of these items on the page have over 200 reviews okay it's going to go through and if you are you guys seeing this are you guys getting the power of like hey check this out none of these items have over 200 views okay uh some of them do so it's having a little struggle let's say using the list using the items on this page which ones our most popular okay and then we could say now come up with some keywords and then we start to understand exactly how we're going to think differently okay very important we could do prices right I could go through and say which of these Pages has the cheapest whatever and we start to understand how this works now another thing we can do is prompting follow-up results prompting follow-up results is very cool because now I can be like oh well let's think different and say what types of snow globes are used for relaxing and ASMR or something like that right and we can go through and we can see exactly what's going on and it's stripping out the data for us which is really cool now looking at this and saying prompting follow-up responses this is an absolute game changer okay and so I can say what are some that are used for ASMR okay it's it's finishing Takes a Minute which is cool we like it nice little computer right and now we can say what types of snow globes are are best for this boom and then it's going to go through and do this even more and we're like okay this is cool let's see here okay so it's talking about videos you can make what types of snow globes okay positive memory stuff like that okay pretty cool now when we talk about prompting follow-up questions we can go through let's say you want to take a product let's say we want to do Elgato capture card okay so Elgato capture card I can go over here I can find this capture card it's got 3600 reviews let's go down to the reviews down here way down to the reviews there we go so we have our reviews here and I think we can just do more reviews okay look at the reviews on this page and make an FAQ about the product right then we can go in we can look at the FAQ we can ask follow-up questions and we can make it even better okay so we'll go through let's see okay so it's going to go through and go even deeper based on the current page what are the main features there's the answer so it's actually doing the Q and A at no extra charge but wait there's more right and now we're like okay this is actually doing um a lot of stuff here which is cool then I can say now make a table with this versus a cheap version or something like that and it'll make a table of it and it'll make content of it or a follow-up question could be um what is the best capture card that that has a volume control and see how I learned that I learned people were interested in the volume control that's what they're interested in so what's one that has and when you start to understand oh I can make the FAQ then I can prompt and say now make some cards that has volume control okay Ron says could one tap into multiple sites to gather data on the on some topic like how some exactly that's exactly what I'm talking about so you go there you get info on um remodeling you get info on how to get a new roof you get all this so This is actually going through and it's showing me which ones allow the the audio adjustment right and then I can say okay which are best for a laptop and notice how now I'm creating content that people are really going to want to read rather than just going to chat GPT and saying right three thousand words on video capture cards right this is this is not beneficial this is something that's like okay you know it's not going to work for us so we're gonna look at this and bear with me one second I think I may need to sign for something hold on one second we're going a little bit over but I'll be right back all right I'm back now does everyone hear me still I just had to get our new video editing laptop for uh someone who's coming back on the team she worked for us a long time ago and she's coming back now which is cool um so you can see here this is giving us the data but this is like what is a video capture card and a lot of people miss the boat when it comes to this stuff right when it comes to this they're missing the boat because they're like oh this looks like good content how many of you guys if you're honest you think this looks like good content right type good content if you're like okay you know it's it's okay right to be honest I want to see I'm going to do a little test here and tell me if you think this is good content okay and tight on a scale of 1 to 100 100 means you're ready to put this content on your website one means now okay and be honest with your answer because this is super important that you get what I'm talking about here um hey can't wait to get my laptop because of this video thank you you're always consistent all right thanks no problem um so we're going to take a look at this and be like okay is this cut so yes most people are saying this is good content most people and some people say it's a thousand okay I'm sorry wrong okay someone says you just add pictures it's good content this content here in my opinion is not good this is probably I'm gonna say it two okay get ready to smash a like button because this is going to change the way you think and it's going to make everything you just watched make sense in a big way and if it didn't make sense to watch it again because this is important so Valerie says you're talking about the video capture card not the content you're sharing yes so like here this content in my opinion is terrible why is it terrible if I do keyword Explorer video capture card okay this is more or less pretty competitive Watch What Happens here okay you're gonna see a nine but Amazon's our top result it's going to be competitive video capture card you got IGN that's a big site you got Bing videos you got all this stuff there's no way with a new piece of content and a new site this is going to work for me okay I hope you guys were talking about my content okay well I appreciate that you said my content was good we're talking about this content right so with this content I don't think it's good and I don't think it's good because what I would envision let me show you guys what I would Envision here first of all I'm gonna go through and find a better pen because that was a dry erase pen and we need a different one hopefully you guys can still hear me while I'm walking around the office here here we go cool excellent so pens we're good okay so we're gonna go through and we're going to talk about why this is important okay why is this important to us well we need to take a look here okay when I am creating content one I don't want this to fall one I don't want generic okay no generic I don't want run-of-the-mill run Mill what I want is something specific based on the way people search so instead of video capture cards a definitive guide I want something based on which card best or Elgato 60 S60 something like that right then I want to go through and I want to think about content that is going to be most helpful to my users and that is why pick up what I'm putting down that is why when you use the Bing co-pilot it's a game changer because what's going to happen is a perfect piece of content is going to be about the topic they want Elgato best for Nintendo best for streaming best for laptop whatever okay specific also a good piece of content is going to answer questions in the user's mind or the reader's mind does this work with this does it have that can I plug multiple in can I do this and what this is doing is it's coming from the FAQ and you are literally going to be like a mind reader of the people on your page which is going to make your content far better than everyone else's a lot of people used to ask me they're like Marcus it seems kind of like you read my mind it's like you know I'm struggling you know how I feel you know what I'm struggling with and a lot of people will be like you're brilliant you read my mind and it's like no I didn't read your mind I read your comments that's what I did I read your comments and I learned about it and I was like okay let's do this now with AI you can do this without being me and you can do this on any web page and analyze them at the drop of a hat and when we start to understand oh now I understand how to make good content and I could go through in any Niche and say okay well maybe we're going to go into a niche about um how to divorce without spending money it's probably going to say it's impossible but you know to each his own we'll figure it out so we could go to some of these sites and we can go ahead and clear the search okay looks like that's a sales website let's try LegalZoom okay now I can go through and clean this up ignore there we go back to normal look at this page and summarize it boom right like this okay now it's going to summarize and we wait okay and while we're waiting I think yeah it does keep on there we can go to the next one okay uh let's see now this one now on come on there we go yeah it's gonna go in there now this page please okay now it's looking at that one while it's doing that one let's go okay maybe it might have missed it go back come on this one this is that that's the same one so we'll do it was down here there we go this page I am on summarize okay and now I'm gonna go through and get all the info on what people are looking and like Jay says you could create courses from the most asked questions exactly and again it's all about directing your your mind and directing this so now we have all these okay look at that I don't know some of these are kind of shady but we can go through and look at some of these not recommended to do some of those but we're going to go through and we're going to start to understand exactly what's going on and then I can say now now based on these what are the most common questions about divorce people have okay and we're going to go through and we're going to start to make it understand and again the speed of this alone is what is really going to do the trick okay and then I could say now summarize the other articles and now make a blog post on these articles summaries and questions and luckily it has a built-in spell checker but we're starting to understand okay this is what works um affiliate marketing with William says so you're saying instead of the GPT article published the output that copaya gives no I'm saying use them in conjunction right so go here get the content here and then go into Bing and say new chat I am going to send you some text okay there's one here's two here's three okay now we're going to stack these on top of each other right we're talking about these 10 ways we're on number six right now but we're going to stack them on top of each other and say now base on this text act as a person scared of divorce for financial reasons and write an article 3 000 words with the most common asked questions about divorce okay so now it's going to go through and it's going to write this content for me and I'm going to start to understand oh hey this is pretty cool um Tony great example um so will it so you can go to forums and analyze posts yeah absolutely so you could do something like let's do SEO ranking forum okay so you can go to like an SEO ranking forum right here here you go and you can say new topic please make an SEO cheat sheet FAQ from this page okay it's going to read all this which there's a lot of stuff and it'll get me the top stuff right at the drop of a hat how many of you guys are seeing the power of this smash that like button if you're seeing this right now can you use okay cool so some other things we wanted to look at is using these in conjunction also what we can do is something like dumb it down or teach me so you can actually go to a page so let's say you want to go to can you explain the importance of backlinks so this is probably a really big article I can go through let's clean this up please dumb This Thread down for me so I can understand in simple terms with a checklist or cheat sheet okay so we'll go like this up here we go all right text stuff there we go so now we can go through and I can have it dumb this down in a really simple way okay and it'll go through and it'll answer from the page instead and there we go so it's going to summarize and dumb down all of the info on this stuff right does that make sense or like that and then you can do this on like gigantic threads too let's say there's one with lots of content get one with lots of thumbs I think the ones with lots of thumbs will work maybe this one why is my domain Authority drop okay so this one I could say now this page and see like see how this is thinking differently what is a spam score how do I create create links it's coming up with questions based on the page and I think this is why this is so much more important than just standard chat GPT Ai and let me see does anyone know the time stamp when the audio went bad I think it was like 118 or something I'll just send that to our editor so she can fix that okay but that's the idea is now it's going to go through um let's see answer from the web the page I'm on like this does it go through all the pages of threads you can click through manually there's probably a way to get it to go through all of them like maybe with a site colon site and then put that thread in there and probably come up with it which I think would be really cool so see how this is actually going through and making content and it's talking about domain Authority okay that's pretty cool so it's it's going through and it's getting the questions and things like that and you can do this on products and and different things like that very important when you start to understand what a game changer this can be right now we're like oh hey now I can summarize things quick another one would be a summary or notes now let's see let's see what it does when I put summary notes let's say make notes there it goes so it'll make notes on it really cool you could use this for quick learning if I want to say hey get the topics that I want like one of the things that that I learned early on is is how to skim books and content very fast and learn things really quick like before this video I read a nine page document in about three minutes because I knew what I was looking for and not a lot of people know that because you might not be an expert in the topic that you're trying to learn about and so using this you can strip out exactly what you want right does that make sense very cool and then another thing okay I didn't get to this one yet but those who stuck around smash the like button this is a doozy another thing I can do is I can actually go through I think I can go through and say what let's let's clear it out come on now what theme is this blog using we could probably determine which theme this is we're using simple Blog theme which is created by Mark I mean that's pretty cool like it does all the stuff you could say um you know what plugins are used on this page for WordPress and you can get lists of plugins people are using um you can go through and you can get code right if you see something that you like maybe you can go and get code or whatever um and this one is having a little trouble but again it's going to get better that's why I wanted to do this video sooner rather than later we can even go through and say you know how do I get the code from this page or how do I create an algorithm from this or whatever it is and we'd start to see like okay mortgage calculator right we could go through and say okay well here's a nerd wallet mortgage calculator is this a this is a comparison that's not a calculator what are we talking about we want a calculator let's go down here there we go we can use something like what what script is this page using for the mortgage calculator right and it'll go through and it should be able to dissect the code because I think that's what it's actually looking at which is cool right there we go and let's see does not provide any information you probably have to go through and do via web page Source it might do it now try now try now that I am on the source code okay so I might have to switch to source code and it'll probably figure it out hopefully and in upcoming ones it'll probably have that as well but we're starting to understand exactly how this is working there it goes so there it is it's showing you exactly how it works and then you can say okay how do I integrip the script onto my website it shows how to make it for our website and are you guys starting to see the power of this and if you want follow-up videos on this let me know because I think that this is an absolute Game Changer and it it's literally getting the script and I can use this in a simple way it's giving me an iframe for it which is pretty cool and I start to understand like this is this is a big deal right and I can see how this works where'd it go well it was going I could see how it works and the code is actually where did it go let's answer again the code actually had a um the stuff in it right it had like five hundred thousand five percent and those are the variables that I can change right which is cool because now I know I can utilize that and if the site allows it I can iframe it and make it work in a really really simple way right and we start to understand oh I get it this is game changing info and using this alongside I think that this is probably one of the most powerful tools that ai ai has seen this year and I know that's a bold statement because there's a lot of stuff but a lot of stuff is really fun and cute not really going to help us make money this is stuff that is going to help us make money and if you want to learn more about it check out we hang out every Tuesday and talk marketing with my students in if you want notes from this video check out and guys I think this is absolutely game changing let me know what you think in the comments below let's make some money and I'll see you guys in the next video Friday's video is gonna be a Zinger smash the like button and I'll see you Friday