last week we had some huge AI news announcements particularly with Google they introduced the vertex AI platform and the Agents AI Builder these are two programs that are going to revolutionize the way we do business online and also there's some hidden little trinkets in these programs that are guaranteed to put money in your pocket when used correctly more about that in just a minute because first we need to take a look at something hiding in plain sight that is a huge money maker and you can actually get started using it right now today with no skills yep some of these tools are almost like Google giving you a $250,000 a year job for free without any skills required and I'm going to show you exactly how this works and how you can use it to put money in your pocket and I'm sure you've probably heard all the news about how AI is going to replace jobs take over jobs and eventually put most human beings out of work I mean even Bill Gates says even I am at risk of losing my job but don't worry I think he's going to be okay and if you watch this video and learn about AI I think you'll be okay too because this stuff is on the Cutting Edge and the early adopters and people who learn this stuff first are the ones that stand to make serious money so let's take a look at what these updates are and what they're going to do first of all Google Docs had a major update where they're actually implementing Google Gemini 1.5 into the docs so much like where we have Microsoft Bing how co-pilot is actually inside the programs and the Excel files and word and all that stuff the same thing is happening with Google Docs only they're taking it a step further which is with Google Docs Enterprise this is actually touting that it's going to have the ability to do video creation scan all your documents give you output input and all kinds of crazy stuff that's going to help you manage data in a really robust way that used to take many many employees now with the click of a button and AI we can actually parse data super fast and as we can see lots of people are trying out the video tool I'm finding that it's not much more than something like Nvidia only a little bit more robust it's not really at the level of creating video to get traffic or build a business or anything like that but it will get better over time so we're going to keep an eye on that because eventually we're going to use that to make money as well and with all the updates they are adding AI to many of the different Google products that we use on a daily basis and the main ones we're going to talk about today are AI agents and Google vertex AI the others are good but they're not exactly what we're going to use to make money because they don't have what I call the hidden money angle or at least not just yet so first let me show you what this is how to work your way around it and everything like that first of all to sign up for agents and the Google Cloud AI what you're going to be doing is paying for the hours used with AI and if you're thinking it's going to be expensive don't worry from what I saw it's like 11 cents an hour or something simple like that which is super affordable so when we come over to the Google Cloud dashboard which you do have to sign up for and it does ask you for payment only it doesn't collect any yet because it's going to give you the $300 in credits for those 11 Cent hours I talked to you about just a second ago what we're going to do is we're going to see all different things we can do here from setting up our budgets to all kinds of crazy stuff you can even try out the Gemini 1.5 right over here and use that within the Google Cloud tool now this Gemini is different than the Gemini for consumers because this allows me to have a lot more input get a lot more output it ows me to create images some video responses I think are actually in here as well where you can upload a video and get a synopsis of it and all kinds of crazy things now this is just the tip of the iceberg obviously we've been using Gemini for quite some time it works really well and it can help us make money what we're more interested in is the stuff down here where we can actually create our own AI bot tools these are known as AI agents this is super important because what just happened and no one's talking about is any old person off the road with computer access can now be equivalent to like a quarter of a million dollar a year programmer that's right things that used to cost me thousands of dollars and months to implement can now be implemented in a couple hours or less yes ladies and gentlemen this is a game Cher and not only that but we can actually train our own AI within this system and use it for ourself and our websites and of course down here if we hit view all solutions we can see all the different solutions from creating a web application we're definitely going to use this one AI summarization loading balances Ecom generative AI knowledge base and more and the most important thing to remember here is that this is all based on AI and API API is application programming interface this is something where you can actually tap into a program let's say you're going to tap into like a hrfs GoDaddy auctions maybe some website with all kinds of info and data Amazon whatever it is you can actually tap into that API and use AI to make a tool of your own are you starting to see the power of this if you are smash a like button and type power as a comment below because if you're able to take data from ah hrfs or any any other tool online and parse that through Ai and have ai act as an agent talking to your website the people on your website yourself or whatever it is you can make a ton of money but it doesn't just stop there because using these models you can actually have one API AI talk to another API AI so let's say I wanted to go out there and I want to get the API for something like Expedia you can actually use the Expedia info on the API right like this we'll call it X for short we use the Expedia API which is now going to link to an AI that is reading the data on Expedia and then I can say here are some parameters I only want vacations that are in Hawaii that are $11,000 or less that AI is now going to just find those vacations and then I could take it a step further and say maybe we want ones originating from the northeast or the Southwest or this Airline or that Airline or allinclusive or not inclusive then we can take it even a step further and say well now let's connect to Delta Airlines API and get all the flights that are going on there and bada bing bada boom now you have a recipe to make lots of money with customized data that's already online remember how I said years ago that information structured differently can make you rich well that's exactly what Google does on a day-to-day basis only now they're allowing you to tap it that's right just give it a little tappy tap tap taparoo and this can make you tons of money so having these API agents and AI talk to each other is an absolute GameChanger when you think of all the possibilities that are out there and I realize maybe you're looking at this and you're like Marcus this stuff looks a little confusing how am I going to make this work and yes it's going to cost a little money and yes it seems like it's geared to Big Enterprises like Travelocity and Amazon and Expedia and other gigantic companies and that is where you would be wrong you would be judging a book by its cover and yes I agree the cover looks super confusing understanding apis and Ai and calls and puts and all these things will literally make your head spin but don't worry your old buddy Marcus has got you covered because first let's look at the easy obvious ways to make money online number one you can learn to use these tools in a simple way and you could sell the service to clients we see this happen all the time with new technologies like keep or infusion soft or clickfunnels or whatever it is that's Ultra confusing to the end user but a select few people who know how to use it in a simple way can actually sell that services to businesses and make lots of money I have lots of friends that are doing this making hundreds of thousands some of them even over a million dollars a year and all you would need to do is learn to use the AI the apis and the Google vertex Ai and the Agents to create things for clients it's actually not that hard to do all you need to do is fire up vertex like this go into the agent Builder right here and you can create different apps for different things and it actually walks you right through them I can make a search app a chat box a recommendation engine or even a full-on agent and when you go through this and you say well let's create a chatbot it's actually going to prompt you through everything so I can put test here I can enable an API from whatever tool I want I can even have a different chatbot on my website that helps people understand search Market marketing it's actually super simple and as you go through you are going to see that it literally walks you through the whole process and if you ever get stuck Gemini is right over here to help you out it's super simple and don't worry we're going to have some more videos on this and notes and tools in some up and cominging videos so make sure you subscribe number two we could use this for our own websites we can actually have a chat bot on our website that answers questions from our website it'll actually utilize the data on your website with its AI to answer questions and help sell your products and those can even be affiliate products it might take a couple hours to get used to but once you do you'll have a skill that you can go out there and use on your own websites and make all kinds of money and the third Super obvious way to make money with this is to learn the AI and teach it as you can see there's lots of people making videos about this new AI tool and how to use it this reminds me of the gal who made videos on how to use Excel she real realized that Excel wasn't exactly userfriendly it was more for programmers and data people and not your everyday person who wants to make a budget calculator so this girl here known as Miss Excel actually went out and made six figures in one day just teaching all the different ways to use Excel and that wasn't the only day she made money she's actually made millions of dollars teaching people how to use Excel so all you would need to do is learn one specific way to use use Google vertex Google agents and then teach it over and over and over again to different businesses and how to use it the fourth super obvious way to make money is to use the output to get traffic we can actually use the output that we get from these AI tools whether it's text video images a search box or whatever it is and we can use these in a super simple way to get traffic to our website in fact just last week I talked about this new domain tool called just expire and how they're using AI to get the expired domain list yep those are apis then get data on them and give little rankings and things like that so that people can find expired domains that are worth money or good to build websites on and this tool got super popular super quick and the way they're making money is by being an affiliate of the place where you go and register the domains so yeah every time you find a good domain using the tool and register it then get paid and creating something like this used to take a long time a lot of money multiple programmers and tons of trial and error but now we can create something like this in an afternoon remember this one because we're going to touch on it again at the end of the video in one of the hidden money strategies and I'm actually going to show you how to make something like this number five we can make simple tools for business owners case in point years ago I created this house value calculator for realtors when I was looking to sell my house the number one thing I wanted to know was after everything said and done how much money am I going to put in my pocket so I created this little calculator where you could say what's the low sales estimate 500,000 what's the high the mid sales ex then you put the mid sales estimate 550 and on and on we go and what's going to happen is this thing's going to calculate take off all the closing cost the realtor fees and tell you at the end end of the day what you are going to get when you sell your house but the problem is this thing took me a while to create I had to code it I had to upload it to my site and yeah it was kind of a pain but now using the Google agent Builder I can actually make a little agent that'll give them that info and then say if you want to get close to this number give me a call and I'll help you sell your house and these are the kind of little tools you can create for businesses and get paid big money and now drum roll please let's get into my favorite money method using Google vertex Ai and the agent Builder and that is create helpful shortcuts and tools much like how we talked about in four and five above we're going to use the output to get traffic and we're going to make simple little tools for business owners and people on our website if you were to go out there and look at all the different things people are searching for like Checker plagiarism check Checker grammar checker AI Checker and 75,000 other keywords related to Checker essay Checker sentence Checker email Checker backlink Checker and on and on we go we can see that there's lots and lots of tools that people are searching for every single day and I know for a fact that the keyword AI content detector drives tons of sales to businesses like this one content at scale run by my friend Julia where they have a little AI content detector that's free and then of course you can sign up for their service to get undetectable AI content but the problem is again creating a tool like this cost a lot of money or so you might think AI content detector API wait a minute all these AI content detectors have apis that we could tap into yep that's right so I could actually go in and make a chatbox or an agent around the API of content detection they can put their content in it'll tell them if it's Ai and why what to fix and then I can sell them AI content tools AI content yeah the whole nine yards and you could see here this gets quite a bit of traffic and not only that but there's tools like paraphrasing tools rewarding tools video creation tools summarizing tools Google Keyword tool and all kinds of different tools that help people get some kind of output paraphrasing and on and on we go and you can see here that keyword tool is actually looked up over 29,000 times a month which is why companies like semrush ahrs and all these other places make make tons of money in fact let's take a look at the first result on Google a very simple keyword tool that is using apis of different data to allow you to find different keywords that'll help you get traffic to your website this is a lot like the simple little tools that have made me millions of dollars we can see over here that if you click on money getting tools I have a little power search box where you can enter in the keyword let's say money and you can get all kinds of data on on your keyword so you could go through and find affiliate programs Google competition payperclick competition Google Trends yeah pretty much the whole 9 yards it's going to run the reports for you and the cool thing about this is these are kind of yeah I kind of cheated and the way that I made this was based on a URL so if you were to click on something like domain names right here it's going to take your keyword it's going to put it into the URL right up here and it's going to find the different domains with the word money in them and of course if they click on research the keyword it's going to take them over to a different keyword tool and again all I'm doing is putting that keyword in the string to make it easy and quick for people to find what they want we did the same thing with the domain tools over here where you could put a domain in let's say you want to do Mak it's actually going to go through and it's going to change the links so that people can find their esot value right like this they can find the GoDaddy value super quick right like this and use all these other tools to get information about their domain name and again I'm not a programmer or coder but I thought this tool was pretty helpful if you think it's helpful let me know in the comments below and imagine how much more helpful it's going to be when I'm actually able to tap into apis and get custom data using AI to figure out what that data is about because instead of just having a little tool that shows them what the value of the domain is worth our tool can actually tap into multiple AIS and go out there and find all the different domains that sold recently comparable domains if that specific domain ever sold yeah pretty much the whole nine yards and to show you how this works I actually started creating an app called The Domain searchbox this was a simple little test and I'm actually very impressed with the result right here I was able to create my own search box that uses AI to search in a specific way and what happens here is I can go through and type in the word moneymaking and it's going to go and search the top domain sites that recently sold with the keyword make money in them and what I did was simple I just configured our tool and told it what I wanted it to search for now I can take this a step further and actually have the AI go through and start making more sense of this data for the people visiting my website that's where this search tuning comes in handy and remember right now finding the right product the right information help with something is a huge business in fact Google Amazon YouTube and countless other companies are making trillions of dollars helping people find what they want now am I going to use this tool and make a trillion dollars no but can I specialize this tool using the keywords people are searching for help them find something they want in an easier way and train my AI to help them in that specific area and the answer is yes in fact this is something I've been doing for years only I've had to have a full staff a programmer a writer someone to help me Implement them yeah it's cost me a lot of money and now using the Google Cloud agent Builder we can actually create whatever we want at the drop of a hat and you can see here under the data tab this is where we put in the different websites we wanted to search for and here we have different domain websites right like this I just did a simple little test and we can go through and say well let's look for giraffe and see if any domains sold with giraffe and we could say that giraffe.
Was for sale different Emoji domains and all kinds of crazy things like that just related to The Domain market now again once we get into this even deeper I can go into configurations Integrations add some apis I can add all kinds of other things that will make this even more robust and the cool thing about this is this code right down here can be placed on my website and within seconds people on my website can be using this tool and I could be making money again think the example like the just expired domain site where they're just making search easier they didn't come up with anything new they didn't invent new domain names or anything like that all they're doing is using the data that's out there anyway let me show you how this works and we can see there's all kinds of different API tools that'll get you inspired domains including this one here which has all kinds of expired domains we can see it's got 623 million total domains we can click on expired over here then I can go through create a new app right like this we'll use a chat app app let's call this one expired domain finder we'll go through right like this and then we can create our data store we'll use a website URL right like this cloud storage or API cloud storage could get pretty cool because for me I have thousands of videos available on my Simple Sites course my boot camps and all kinds of things like that and I can actually use a Search tool to find Whatever video people want based on the text in the the video it's actually pretty cool let's go ahead and use website URL we're going to put expired domains we're going to hit continue right like this data store name we'll call this expired domain tool right like that and we'll hit create now I have that data store right here and I can create a new app right like this let's call this domain name chat let's call this one on DN chat put our agent name Marcus and we'll hit continue now we have our data here and we can hit create okay so it looks like I do have to verify the domains that we're crawling which is fine we can actually use an API or we can get that data on our website as well or we can even create our own data Store where the domains are going to go into the cloud and we use our Cloud to pull those domains out it's actually pretty simple and the cool thing about this is I could go through and I can create data on pretty much whatever I want I could link to Google Drive website URLs cloud storage apis my sqls or Cloud sqls databases and all kinds of crazy things and I can make these chat box in a super simple way and creating these tools is going to get easier and easier as AI evolves and as we see these tools get more integrated with apis and different things like that this is going to be off the chart I mean in a a couple of months I see that we could probably create our own AI content Tools in an afternoon and make tons of money and we can create all different kinds of tools from how to find a limousine after you land at the airport to whether Uber or lyt is going to be cheaper I mean this literally lets the cat out of the bag and now any old Joe like you and me can create things that used to cost millions of dollars and utilizing tools on my website has been one of the ways that has made me lots of money why because having tools increases trust by having little button generators and tools that people can use like I have over here at the profit scoop we can see that this stuff gets used all the time in fact one of the most recent ones I had was a domain extractor where people can go and d and extract domain names from any website or list of code or whatever it is this is one that I use all the time and now having these tools and using them can help you make tons of money and lastly another way you can make money is to sell related info or help you can actually go out there and use these tools mess around with them document what you learn and show people how to use them much like the Excel lady who made millions of dollars or the people teaching clickfunnels or infusion soft or whatever it is this tool is new and confusing which means people are going to be looking for help and again instead of being the Google vertex a a trainer why not train something specific how to use vertex AI for this business or that business how to make a chatbot on your website something very simple that you can do over and over and over again that puts money in your pocket and if you want to follow along with how I'm using this tool to make money check out download where we're going to have notes followup videos and I'll email you as I come out with new videos about this tool and of course if you want to follow along and make money with me check out blog profit where we go through these tools and teach money-making methods each and every week yep that's right if you need help with your websites making money with AI side hustles domains the whole nine yards you name it blog profit network has got you covered in fact every Tuesday we have a call where all our students can jump in and get answers from me directly so I hope you enjoyed this video smash a like button check out the videos in the description including a video I did a year ago showing how to create these little tools with chat gbt check it out it's actually very simple