My New $150 – $400 A Day Ai Side Hustle – Copy And Paste + Free Tools!

today I'm going to show you a super easy AI powered s hustle that literally anyone can do I've done this and made lots of money in fact you can use this s hustle to make $150 a day $300 a day $350 a day or even more and the best part is there's no experience required and very little startup money you could do this free if you wanted to however if you want to make real money you will need to pay for stuff like chat GPT and maybe a main name or two but it's something you can start for less than $100 easily and this is a piggyback off a video I did about two weeks ago showing a super simple side hustle that anyone can do to make money and this one's actually even easier so get ready because what you're about to learn could put serious money in your pocket and I'm going to show you step by step how it works first what we're going to do is find people that are not monetizing their audiences this is something I've been mentioning for years which is the biggest opportunity in our lifetime people out there that are getting traffic they have a following but they're not making money and there's actually very easy ways to find these people and while some of these guys are making some money they're not monetizing to the full potential that's where you come in and that's how you are going to get paid take for example this guy here who has an anxiety channel on Tik Tok he's got 15 million likes over 700,000 followers and he doesn't even have a domain name related to what his videos are about in fact the website he's promoting isn't even loading so there's that so this guy's leaving a lot of money on the table here's another one talking about different Amazon discounts they're using a little link share kind of program but again they have a big following and they are leaving lots of money on the table and when you go to these people and say hey I know how you can monetize your audience in a better way and I'm going to show you how for free they are going to be super eager to hear what you have to say so step one is to find people that are not monetizing their audiences and don't worry in just a minute I'm going to show you a secret place where you can find these people till your heart's content it's actually super easy what we're going to do is use sites like YouTube podcast tikt Pinterest and other sites where people are creating lots of content but they're not making that much money yeah most of these people are making like $2 to $3,000 a month where they could be making like 20 to $50,000 a month if done correctly and the key is all in how they use their content because most people are just throwing videos and content out there hoping that it works in hoping that they make a few bucks and yeah a few bucks is where most these people are stuck and what we're going to do is help them duplicate their efforts without any extra work and don't worry I'll show you where to find these people in just a minute next what we're going to do once we find the person is sort and build content data sets this is where the the value is going to come in looking at the content these people have already created and making data sets on what the content's about what the topic is what the keywords are how many views they get and the whole nine yards and this might seem difficult but using a free tool we can do this in seconds all we need to do is take the YouTube channel the Tik Tok or wherever their content is scroll down to the bottom of their content right here then highlight everything on the page right like this then if you're on a Windows computer just hold contrl C if you're on a Mac whatever Mac's used to copy and we're going to come over here to the profits and we're going to scroll down to Content profit extractor we are going to paste the entire contents that we just copied right here like this and you can see it's going to copy all the info right here next what we're going to do is very important we're going to click extract this is going to to extract all the data from the YouTube channel the Tik Tok their website their blog or whatever it is in a nice tidy format it's going to have the title right here like this and the URL for the content right over here like this and we can see at a glance we got a lot of content to go through and using this free tool I can download all of these as an Excel file right like this in a super simple way and now I have a nice little spreadsheet of the content they created the UR L and I can add some other data as I go along next what I want to do is find some domain options for the people that are doing this content we want to buy some good ones that they might want to use now when we buy these domains we also want to think about the ability to resell them in case the customer doesn't want to buy them we still want to be able to make money on these so let's say I was going for this anxiety guy right here I can go over to spam Zilla and I can type in something like anxiety right here like this and I can find all the different domains related to anxiety knowing anxiety freet anxxiety ninjas online anxiety coach or even something like kill your which is the one that I got I paid about $40 for this domain however most of these if they have the little clock like this you can get for anywhere from like 50 cents to 10 so it's not going to break the bank and you'll actually end up with something of value if I was to look up kill your in the GoDaddy appraisal tool we can see that they have an estimated value of like $1,100 now remember this is an estimate it doesn't say we're guaranteed to make that money but I'm pretty sure I could sell this for more than the $40 I paid or you could take something like anxiety ninjas which I think is probably pretty fair in fact I think I could probably get more for this one and since I can buy it right here for like a penny yeah the odds of reselling it are pretty high so what we're going to do is get a domain name option that fits the niche of the people we're going to go for we can find something pretty easily using spam Zilla or other domain search tools then what we're going to do is pretty simple we're going to create keyword reports and Sample content so I can go over to that Excel file that I created right over here like this I can take all the titles of the content and copy them right like this then I'm going to put these into chat GPT and say please come up with keyword ideas based on these video titles we're going to paste the titles right here like this and chat GPT is going to go to work coming up with keywords that we can use to get these people lots of traffic and make more money and we could see here it's coming up with lots and lots of keywords we can use and putting these into our keyword tools is going to show us where the traffic is if we put them in right like this hit search we can see exactly which ones get the most traffic then the next part is super easy now please add the video links that fit each keyword best chat GPT is going to go to work and find the videos that match the keywords and now we can see automation Sid hustle Google AI profits and all we need to do is match the content with the keyword then we take the URL open up Google Gemini right here like this and say at YouTube please make detailed notes on this video then we paste the video right in here like this it's going to go through and make detailed notes on this video as we can see here it's going to work doing the whole notes with all the links that were mentioned in the video it's actually super simple then what we're going to do next is take the notes right in here like this hey apparently it thinks I'm Marcus aelius I'll take that as a compliment Google Gemini then what we're going to do is go back to chat GPT open up a new chat and say please turn these notes into a full article nicely formatted then we paste the notes in right like this chat GPT is going to go to work and make a title and then create the entire article for us now we can add to it and build on it and spend time and make something really good but really what we need is a good piece of content based on the content that this Creator made and as you can see it's doing a really good job and since this is BAS based on the keywords that get lots of traffic this has a high probability of ranking in the search engines and getting this guy tons of traffic for his website which we're going to build and show them how to make money with yep yep stick with me you're going to love this then we can take this piece of content right here like this run it through a plagiarism Checker and grammar and all that stuff to make sure it's good then we're going to paste this into Microsoft Word right like this then we can send it to our Prospect as a demo it's actually very simple next number five we're going to offer to build their site for them and the kicker is we're going to give them the first month of our services for free if they sign up for web hosting so bear with me a second we find the person creating content who doesn't have a website and isn't monetizing properly then we sort and build the content data sets three get domain options we want to find Good Ones based on what they're doing so like if it's this make money mining or body workout tips we can go through and look for things related to body workout and we can find good domains that have good value that fit whatever he's doing then we're going to email or direct message this person say I noticed you're doing really well with videos and I made a sample piece of content for you based on what I can do to help you get more business and if you want to hear about it I actually went ahead and got you a domain name share the domain name and the value and then then say you can try my services for free for one month if you sign up for hosting which is like $6 a month but don't worry that's going to pay us anywhere from $50 to $300 when they sign up you offer to give them the domain name for free so it's kind of a winwin win for them you get a little bit of money for the first month for very little work and then you offer to manage it for anywhere from $500 to $1,500 per month per person and you would make your price based on how much content they put out each month if they're putting out one per week that's really easy it's only going to take you a couple minutes maybe you can charge $500 if they're doing like five or six per week then you can charge somewhere like $1,500 per month and you make sure that they know that the content is based on what they're making already keyword loaded you set it up on the blog it's completely handsfree for them and you show them how to make money with their audience it's actually super simple and if you need help finding these customers you can go over to sites like link tree direct.

Or allmy what you want to do here to find these people is go to your keyword tool maybe you're using ah refs or semrush go to the site Explorer type in the site like link tree right like this and you can see the keywords they rank for which are based on people that have big audiences I would just go down the list right here and find people who have a good amount of volume look at their link tree see if they have a website see how they're monetizing and if they fit the criteria of no website and poor monetization they are a perfect candidate for our help and there's actually a list of over 25 of these different Linkin biotype sites and you can get the full list over at download myn but remember this is something very simple that anyone can do and you're going to offer your services taking their video or short form content and turning it into blog post and as you can see here this is a screenshot from a website that would be perfect for this example they have lots of Tik Tok videos lots of content on YouTube and even a podcast but when you look at their website they're only ranking for like 38 keywords and most of them are the guy's name and since this guy has like 471 videos and a ton of people watching his videos on YouTube this one would be perfect and his site is about communication coaches and we can find domains that would fit build them up and bada bing bada boom we're ready to go and again all I need to do is copy and paste the info right like this put it into the profit scoop content profit extractor right here hit extract and we get a list of tons and tons of content I match that content with keywords use Gemini to create the notes chat GPT to make the full report and bada bing bada bang I'm in business and since AI is using the content of videos that already exist this is going to be custom content for each of your clients it's actually super easy tight-knit and super focused on what they're trying to do and doing this kind of service can make you a lot of money but remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing however I think if you're a go-getter you can actually make this work and the last tip I'm going to give you today is the people that have lots of followers like this make money mining guy that are using a referral link as their Link in bio as an affiliate marketer this is probably the worst thing you can do because you're just sending people to a website hoping that it sells and you're losing most of your audience however if I take that URL site Sim markf equals I can actually search Google and find all the people that are promoting this program and reach out to them and help them with the same process it's actually super simple diversify their content get more traffic and ultimately make more money and a lot of these people don't have the time to do this themselves which is what makes you in high demand and using this method alongside my podcast method check out the link in the description you can build a business and get paid super fast for my notes on this method including the links and more check out the info in the description

As found on YouTube


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