today I wanted to share how I'm simplifying showing up on YouTube now some of these are really small things others are larger mindset shifts but all strategies that I think you can incorporate into your content plans as well so the first thing I'm doing is creating a bank of videos so if there happens to be a week or two where I can't film anything I still have some videos ready to go so this immediately has taken so much stress off of creating videos because I know that I have a back log ready to go okay the next one is a really small thing and that is getting my hair professionally blowdried before I film videos so before this I would try to do my hair myself and it would inevitably look terrible be really flat and I would ruin it after going for just one walk so now that I've been getting it done it's amazing it lasts so much longer so I actually have a few days where I can film and have good hair without wasting too much time um of my own trying to get it to look good so if there's any little thing like that that's part of the filming process that is causing you unnecessary stress and could be fixed in a relatively easy way then I say go for it okay this next one is kind of similar and that's the fact that I have my filming set up at all times ready to go so that means that I have my camera my mic my sound my lights it's all just set up in my office so that there's very little resistance I have no excuses I can just come in sit down and get into filming so thinking about any little parts of the process that brings up some resistance for you and seeing if there are any ways that you can make your environment support you the next strategy is using the tool Assa to organize all of the to-dos from outlining the video all the way to publishing and sharing it out let me show you what I mean so whenever I decide I'm going to create a new YouTube video I come into a SAA and I click on the plus sign and then I click on the task template I've created for YouTube video I click on that that is automatically going to create a new task with all of the smaller task that I need right underneath it so this is a checklist of every single little thing that I need to do in order to get a video published which is fantastic because that means I never miss anything and I don't have to store that information in my brain what's also really convenient about this is I have all of the links that I need right here within the assana task so for example I have ADD final video to Google Drive if I click on that I have the link for exactly where to upload it right within the task so I'm not wasting any time trying to figure out okay where do I need to go where should I upload this same goes with any design assets that need to be created for example the YouTube thumbnail so then I click on it I have the Campell link right there and I can just click on it and very quickly and easily get that task done so this helps me feel organized and on track you'll see that when I post a YouTube video I also tag it as a real a story and an email that's because I'm taking the YouTube video which I'm considering the base of my content strategy and I'm making sure that I also distribute that in different ways so for every single YouTube video I'm also turning it into a real a story and an email okay side note I am obviously obsessed with the sauna if this is something you want to implement in your business and you want to know how this whole organizational system works click the link in the description below I have a training where I walk you through it okay the next tool that is made showing up on YouTube so much easier is descript that's exactly what I'm filming this YouTube video with right now and what I will edit with right after this the reason this tool is so amazing is because it makes the editing process so much faster so after you filmed your video it will automatically generate a transcript of everything that you've said so rather than having to watch your video back make cuts and make adjustments like that which can be quite time consuming you instead just read the transcript and highlight any that you don't want to include in your video delete it and it automatically cuts from the video so it's actually really really fast for me to edit videos now it's no big deal thanks to descript you can also add your graphics any text any stock footage that you want to include that's built right into descript so it makes it really easy to like Spruce it up as well okay one more part about descript I wanted to mention I like to take all of my YouTube videos and also share it on to my blog as well so that I give people the option to either watch the video or read the blog post because descript automatically generates that transcript all I need to do is copy that then I put it into chat GPT and I ask it to format it correctly for me for a blog post and then I'm done so it's much simpler and less timec consuming than that used to be so those are a few of the more tactical things I'm doing to make showing up on YouTube easier but I also wanted to share a mindset shift that has been really helping me lately and that's to take less pressure off of each individual video and instead think of them as part of your larger body of work so each individual video doesn't have to be the most unique or creative thing that you've ever created it's instead it's just a piece of your overall body of work which contributes so much so yeah that's really helped me and I hope that it helps you as well thank you so much for being here and supporting my channel if you have any questions at all let me know in the comments down below and I'll see you real soon with another video bye [Music]
Making YouTube Easier: Simple Tweaks & Tools I Love