peer-to-peer lending what that means is you are lending to other just like kind of like normal people and businesses like I was looking on uh the other day and you know there's some uh Mexican uh guy who wants to start a food cart you know he needs like $2,000 to uh buy equipment to start a little like food wagon that he rolls around the streets of Mexico City and he said he'll pay back the investors within 6 months of purchasing his food cart so this is a very risky investment for a number of reasons it's a small investment it's a person I mean who says they don't just take the money and run now the way Keo works is there's a reputation systems and all sorts of stuff there's ways you can evaluate these Investments so there's there's a lot of research you have to do into these Investments but you can make really good Returns on your money 20% 30% 40% even 50% in a year but you can also lose the money you invest in these companies much more readily than if you invested in AT&T