Make Your First $1,000 With AI: Step By Step (Make Money with AI)

here is how to make your first $1,000 with AI find a product to sell on Etsy people come to Etsy to buy all sorts of stuff it's huge 13.3 billion in Revenue let's type in coffee mug and Etsy will suggest the things that people are searching for if we type in coffee mug B we can see people searching for bicycle coffee mugs that looks cool let's see how many sales it made all right six reviews it's made about 60 sales find this same coffee mug when you sell it on Etsy for $18 printify will print it and deliver it for just $5 holy moly printify will handle everything including shipping for you next go to canva use magic media AI prompts to generate icons like this to create a similar design like this drag and drop it onto your design and it's done perfect list these on Etsy and make sales

As found on YouTube


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