Make Money With Google Search – Secret Codes = BIG Profits!

[Music] searching on Google seems like a simple enough task that all of us do just about every day only if you were to take a look at the amount Google made last year alone it was about $250 billion if you were to take that and divide it among 1 million of your closest friends each of those friends would have about $250,000 a year and that's just the amount Google makes alone that doesn't include all the people making money using Google to get search traffic yeah that's going to put us somewhere in the trillions of dollars but what does this have to do with you and can you change the way you search on Google to start getting paid big money well that's what this training is about today I am going to show you 50 search hacks that you can use on Google to start making money online right now and the cool part is you don't need any experience you don't need any money and quite frankly you don't even really need to know what you're doing in fact these Google gole search codes are so simple that it's going to be hard to believe that this is actually real but I'm going to show you ample proof because after all let's take a look at how Google actually gets paid Google is paid for one simple service they provide categorizing the world's information and since they categorize this information and make it easier for us to find well they get to cash really big checks but it doesn't just stop there there's people just like you and me that are cashing gigantic checks each and every day that you can take advantage of using the search codes I'm about to show you these codes are quite simply going to make it easier for you to do a better job of categorizing specific information so that you can get paid and before we get started I want to give a little shout out to two of our students that last week used the Black Friday video where I taught people how to make money on Black Friday and actually turned a profit the first one is Maddie F he's on our live streams just about every week and yesterday he crunched the numbers and found out that he made almost $400 on Black Friday alone 400 bucks profit in one day using one strategy without having a big audience a mailing list or any of that fancy Guru stuff the second one is ying ying also made a few hundred on Black Friday as well she came to me about 8 months ago and bought one of our high tick Niche websites she had been struggling to make money online for years and within a few days of getting her website she started turning a profit bigger than anything she'd ever seen before and this grew and grew and grew last time I heard she's doing about $100 a day on one of her websites alone but I want you to remember remember that these results are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so if you think you're going to watch a video click your heels up and get rich you got another thing coming however if you're ready to dive in and do the work and stick with it then I believe you can make tons of money online so smash that like button subscribe and let's hop over to the live set and I'm going to show you not only how to make money search in Google but 50 search hacks that you can use to start putting money in your pocket right now all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we are going to kind of chill out and talk about these 50 search hacks because I believe that they are game changers uh for those that are really paying attention now what we need to really look at is the fact that with Google and with search engines and everything like that what we're dealing with is a multi-trillion doll industry based on the fact that categorizing information is profitable now if you understand this if you get that categorizing information is profitable let me know in the comments and let me know uh as well and and let's look at this because if you get this there is a chance to make tons of money now what we're going to do here and I will have these notes available for you is we are going to look at the different what we call search operators now a search operator is something that allows you to search in a different way if I was go to go to Google over here and say something like mortgage mortgage res rates or something like this okay I'm just going to get standard old run-of-the-mill Google information however if I go through and use these different operators or search hacks or codes we need to look at this and understand that we can do all different things for example if we were to use all in title what that's going to do is it's going to show us websites that have it all in the title of the website so if I want mortgage rates like this we're going to see some news results we're going to see current mortgage rates current mortgage rates current mortgage rates so if I wanted something like all intitle and I wanted mortgage rates what that's going to do is it's going to show us just websites that have mortgage rates in the title okay this is important it's basic I want you to get this because this is something that has made me lots of money the fact that I know how to search Google in a different way than most other people and you are about to too is the fact that we can make money okay we need to understand this because if you get this then making money is going to get a lot easier okay so we have all en tile we have site colon so if I wanted to go through and say well maybe maybe I just want site WPC or new SUV or whatever and I want to see the different things on a website okay what site does is it shows me all the pages that are indexed on a website and this is a website that I purchased to show you how this works and we've been building it from the ground up and the rankings are actually doing really well again what is this website doing it's categorizing information about different WordPress things now when we go through and we look at this okay WP City what we can do is we can isolate and say well maybe I want something about AdSense right does this have anything about AdSense and we could see that a couple of the pages do about four pages mention AdSense in it from this website now why is this important Okay the reason this is important is because what we're doing is we are looking at categories and profit okay categories equal will profit when done correctly we need to understand that okay if I have the right categories and I'm able to categorize information better than the robots cuz let's face it Google Yahoo all these search engines are based on algorithms and robots now if you were going to go out there and say hey I want to watch a good movie you're probably going to listen to your closest friends more than you would listen to a search engine when a friend says hey go check this movie out I go check it out when Google says go watch this movie movie I'm like yeah I'd rather just scroll through Netflix for 2 hours and then it'll be too late to watch a movie anyway and I'll just go to bed does anyone else do that or am I the only person right so what we're doing is we're looking at the fact that we can do better than the AI and the robots and everything like that and we can do it in a specific way okay and the cool thing about this is the fact that when we mentioned earlier Google Revenue alone is $250 billion a year if you divide that by a million that's still 250 Grand which means we don't have to do some huge crazy task we don't need tons of crazy traffic we don't need to be super expert on every topic or some complicated thing all I need to do is do a couple of things really well right that's it people look at me they're like Marcus you're you get this you do so good at this and I'm like well I've been doing it 23 years and quite frankly I'm only good at about about three things right am I a good copywriter no am I good at Building Products no am I a good video editor mediocre right I'm only good at a few things that make lots of money and that's what I focus on and if you can focus on the things that are going to make you money this is key and that is going to be categorizing information what do you think this YouTube channel is about I am categorizing information about different ways to make money online in a very easy manner now can you Google and get the same information that I'm teaching you here yeah I mean it might take you about a year to Google all that or 10 years or something and by that time it might have changed but you can do that there are the info out there there is the info out there and we need to understand that and it's like I say all the time information structured differently can make you rich so what we need to do is we need to understand how these search codes come into play and how to find information I think it is the definition of IQ is um being able to figure things out it's the ability to figure things out and what we need to do is we need to have the ability to figure things out and if we're able to do that then it's literally game over we win right it's very simple it's not difficult at all so what we're going to do is we are going to be utilizing our AI along with this if it'll go up there there we go we're going to use uh 4.0 because we want the good stuff and we're going to look at the search operators now I have a list of 50 search operators and how to use them over at download we will have that available once all the notes are ready from this video but what we're doing here is we're like okay how is this helpful how many of you guys are stuck and you're like okay site colon WP City AdSense how's that going to help me how is that going to make anyone money Marcus it doesn't make any sense okay well what we need to understand is that we can actually go out there and we can find top sites and stay on top of information that's out there right now staying on top of information is a huge business all right when we look at it I mean what does the news do the news has those little things and it gets news from all over the world and they got a guy there reading it on a camera they're categorizing information that's all they're doing they're like hey we're the business news Channel today we're going to talk about business news and if I was to go out there and say okay well let's go out there and let's do site fool there we go here we go over here which is a huge huge um site about stock market stuff let's do and let's do AI okay what is this going to do this is going to give me all the information from the website that is about AI okay very simple AI stocks AI stocks AI stocks and on and on we go how many of you guys are like okay I see how this can work I see how this can be very very good okay simple and you don't need chat GPT paid account or anything I'm actually going to show you for this strategy I actually prefer Bing which is why we are in bing here right um very important so now I can go through and be like okay so yes I can isolate site I could go out there I can find info maybe I want to do Tesla what are all the reports that they've done about Tesla very simple and again it's going to show just this site this is very important let's say you wanted um financial information right you could go out there and use a financial site let's say we're going to use this or that or whatever it is okay and we're going to go through and be like okay this is pretty cool very simple okay you can also use something like quotes Okay what quotes will do is it will limit to the exact search okay so I could go through and say um Tesla stock AI okay have they done anything with Tesla stock AI all right here's something about AI optimism AI up so yes Tesla stock is talking about Ai and there are some reports on it okay so I can isolate information now again you might be saying Marcus this is all fine and good but I know how to search Google and this doesn't seem helpful well again remember we are in the business of categorizing information and finding things for a specific group of people and if you stick around long enough on this live stream I have a doozy for you that is going to blow your mind okay it's something that I thought of today I was I was getting all my notes ready for this webinar and I was like wait a minute I just thought of something crazy cool that's going to work really well so stay tuned for that you're going to love it smash the like button if you're excited for it all right again we can use minus if you want okay I want um stock market minus AI I don't want it to say AI in it right and that'll give me all the stock stuff without AI okay are you guys seeing how this is helpful just from a search standpoint right how many of you guys are looking at this and you're like okay these are things I might not have known before okay and again these are we're going to get to the money part but you got to get this part first uh we can also use in text this limits to Pages where the specified term appears in the body of the document okay not in the title in the body very cool uh file type this is a doozy all right I could go through this is something I did so a lot of people don't know this about me but uh when I got sober about 10 years ago I had I went to a rehab and I got out of rehab and for almost an entire year I didn't work what I did was I studied how to live a new life because I was like okay I I'm having trouble all this stuff here and so what I did is I had to learn new ways of thinking so I would study critical thinking I would study ways to be sober relapse prevention tips I read scientific documents on alcohol and emotions and all kinds of things like that okay now why is that important Marcus well here's what I did luckily I knew how to use Google back then and I used a lot of these things so one of the things you can do is file type and I can go through and I can do critical thinking skills file type PDF and what this is going to do is it's going to bring up PDFs these are all PDFs if you click them and and it's talking about critical thinking which is great so what we're doing is we're looking at this and we're like okay now I can categorize and I can save all these PDFs I can put them in Google bard I can put them in uh chat GPT and I can get data super quick now again why is this important how is this going to lead to you making money okay I got my notes here maybe they'll stay up here maybe not all right so what we're going to do here is we're going to look at this in terms of being able to stay on top of information learn things very quick compile info that is helpful right like how many of you guys you think that it's valuable that I'm going to give you this list of 50 search codes right how many of you guys are like dude that's pretty valuable thank you Marcus which is really cool and so we're looking at it and we're like okay this is looking good we got all these different things we also have uh link right links to a different site all in url this is an important one because now what this will do is Allin URL allows you to see what is actually in the URL so if I do all in url critical thinking skills that means it has to be in the URL see how it says critical thinking cuts it off there but it has to be in the URL right like that okay so it's very important we're looking at this and we're like okay this is good stuff this is making sense of how we can break up the internet in a different way because right now let's face it Google is pretty much a monopoly on search to fact right they own like 80% 90% some crazy amount and what we can do is we can make our own helpful information based on those searches okay very very important because all you got to do is one thing really good if you are the mortgage rates guy right you go out there you can make faceless YouTube videos about mortgage rates and you come on every day and you talk about what they do there's a very popular YouTuber who does this um his name is meet Kevin his content's okay some of it I'm like yeah bro no some of it's okay but what he does is he does like nine videos a day I don't know how he does it maybe you know because he's still in his 20s and I'm you know in my 40s somewhere may maybe that's how he does it but what he does is he comes out with new content every day and up until now in order to do this content I would have people on on staff that would they would literally their job was to go find me info to make content about that was their only job and you know I mean I had one earlier this year uh cost me about uh I don't know something like $2,000 a month just to have that person to to research the stuff now if we are using these with AI you could stay on top of it super quick we can stay on top of info we can find helpful stuff we can find PDF reports hey here's this link here's that and we can do this in an easy way another one is uh before if you want to find older results after want to find after results we have related list of websites related to theic specified website okay this is a good one I don't know if I've tried this one before let's try related okay um so mly fool okay yeah so here there's some related ones down here job sites um a lot of fool ones we could probably do minus that'll probably do all the yeah there we go that did the trick now we're seeing sites that are related but not including which now we're like hey cool this is looking pretty good okay again I know a lot of people well two but two people are saying hey get to the point trust me it's going to be worth following through this I put a lot of thought and effort into the videos I create if you're looking for a three minute video on how to get rich overnight this is not the place if you're looking for Real World stuff smash the like button that's all we do on this channel we do a lot of work in understanding what we're putting out there for you so now we're looking at this and we're like okay here are lots of similar sites to fool which is which is a good one all right or we could use info displays information about a website oh I didn't know that that exists let's see info okay so it's creating yeah okay so it's doing like the actual like socials and things like that in Anchor uh date range okay this would be hey I want um I want you know AI info okay so let's say I wanted to research what happened before AI right so I could do date range 1 uh 2021 to 1 1 2022 and I could say AI stats or something and I can get very specific things okay very cool we can also use public domain that's interesting a lot of people use public domain works for all kinds of different things language if you want to do you know hey I want this in cantes or I want this in uh Spanish or something like that we can do in title and in text this is a good one so this is hey these websites need to say mortgage rates uh AI right so it has to be in the title and it has to be in the text so like this site has to be the info I'm looking for okay and once you learn to search the web in a different way and you're like oh I can pull out things that are super super cool what you're going to learn is now you can do this with prices think last week Black Friday congrats to our students who made money with Black Friday but when you think about that now we can do something like um site blackf Friday slippers right now we see it's just going to pull up results Black Friday slippers how many of you guys see the value of this type value if you do if you don't type type no because I I want you guys to tell me where you're at so I can adjust and help you in a very very very specific way uh Happy Channel says where can I get the list of the 50 codes uh we're going to have that at download myn so let me know if you guys are following let me know if you see how this is going to work because now what I can do a glance here is I can keep scrolling down because luckily the search engines now will put like a bazillion results on one page if you just keep scrolling okay you can even more if you want more now what I can do watch this I go to the old Google B up here or co-pilot as it were click co-pilot based on these search results on the page please get the product names of the Black Friday slippers now what's going to happen is Boom at a glance what used to take me forever to do it's going to do this right at a glance it'll find the prices there's the prices right there and we're like whoa wait a minute are you kidding me this is super simple and what's going to happen is it's going to go and do this Isotoner slippers that reminds me of of uh Ace Ventura isotoners how many you guys like that movie great movie all right now we're going to do this and then I could say now please put them in a table with prices okay and links boom so when this is done again ladies and gentlemen we are using the free Microsoft co-pilot doesn't cost anything and we're getting a list of the slippers that are available exactly Maddie says uh like a deal finder gone crazy exactly and we look at that and it's like hey here we go this is doing the results for us so if you're going to do deals if you're going to do content if you're going to do information what's going to happen is it's going to work in a different way uh by says how do you get co-pilot in Google you don't uh I mean there is an add-on but like I'm just going to use Microsoft because there's is it's a Microsoft product so I use Edge and I just went to on edge right so you're using Microsoft Edge go to use your your triggers that we're talking about here and now we can get the info in a very good way and this is I mean this is exhaustive it is doing a crazy job of finding this stuff here now please put them in a table with prices and links what we're doing is we're going to show you how to categorize stuff in a very very simple way so now it's going to go through and it is getting this stuff here right like that and the link should I think it's probably going to have like a list of links on the bottom um which is really cool so now it's going through and it's like okay this is something that's going to work really well uh D Silva yes Bard is excellent as well so now what we're doing is we're seeing okay I'm getting the lay of the land this is looking pretty good now if I wanted to do this with different types of things like let's say siten I can go here or there's a popular news site uh what is it it's CNBC money or uh something like that that does side hustles all the time let's see if we can find it here um and I'll I'll show you where this would come in handy uh let's do side hustle news site I think it's like CNBC there's a couple of them out there CNBC I think is the big one um and there's YouTubers that do this all the time they're literally just you know going through and looking at s hustles and updating you on what's going on so if I wanted to go here I would just clear this out I would go Sid hustle news site so we have uh CNBC site hustle advice okay so here we have this CNBC make it so now I can go here I can go to Google and I could do site colon CNBC make it side hustle watch this okay very cool because we can get info so quick I mean this is so profitable if you guys are digging It smash the like button let me know you're getting this because if not I'm going to stay here and I'm going to try to describe it till you guys get it or maybe we'll have another webinar I don't I'm kind of tired today but now we're looking at this and we're like okay site CNBC make it site hustle so now I can go through and I can scroll down here okay and I could say please get the list of side hustles from these search results okay I can even do hey here's the ones that uh you know do this or here's the one that do that and we look at this and we're like okay freelancing okay uh let's see get them from the page please so I'm going to stop and I want them from the page page so hopefully it'll do that okay we got to wait till it stops there but what we want to do is we want to make sure it gets them from this page here we can also go through and one of the queries you can do is I believe it's news colon or something like that let's see news news news Pinterest uh group where's our news one there it is uh so news yeah entitle news okay so we can do entitle news side hustle okay and what this will do is it'll help us get the info on side hustles and different things like that which is pretty cool so now we're seeing okay we're getting all kinds of stuff like that please get the side hustles from from this page okay very important very easy it's going to go through and it's going to do all the stuff here for us which is really cool now what we're going to do is we're going to say okay well what other things can we use we can do stack Overflow we could do um Med stuff which I wouldn't go into the medical industry but you could see here that a lot of this stuff does work case law there are literally people out there that update on different laws and things and you know um cases going on and stuff like that um Pinterest Wikipedia all different kinds of things like that in author okay so we can go and say hey now so yesterday on U my sobriety Channel um Talk sober this one here we we covered this Andrew huberman guy so like if I wanted to find info which I actually did do this yesterday because I didn't have time to watch a bunch of his videos so I watched a couple of them on my bike ride over here and then got some notes from others but I can go through and do um in author so we go in author Andrew huberman okay this will go through it'll get all the stuff from him specifically which is pretty cool you can even do like Andrew huberman in quotes and then we can find um file type PDF okay I can find PDFs from Andrew hubman and I could literally go out there and be like hey let's talk about the different things that this guy shares we'll break it down for people and we'll help them out Andrew hubman actually has quite a few searches okay so if I went through and I'm like okay uh maybe there's something about Andrew hubman and alcoholism maybe I can do that how many of you guys are seeing how this would be valuable um sleep stuff all kinds of different things that he has okay and we start to look at that and say oh okay I get it now we can categorize things in a different way and I can find related info and I can find related reports and related things and and make it in a very simple way or you could do music or Maps stocks uh stock is a very good one where you could be like okay I want stocks from you know the top 100 tech companies or or whatever it is okay now once we start doing this and we understand how to search in a different way then what we're going to do is we're going to say okay well where does the money come in well what we're going to do is we're going to find our group and our keywords okay we're going to be like okay well what is it we're going to talk about all right let's switch cameras I think we're on the wrong one here there we go that one's a lot clear but what we're going to do is we're going to go through and be like okay so now I'm going to pick a topic maybe you're going to go out there and do exercises running or maybe you're going to do um different meditation stuff right like watch this so here's another one let's go through and let's say you want to be in the meditation Niche right I could go through and I could be like okay file type MP3 and we'll do meditation file type MP3 okay let's see file type meditation file type MP3 what did I spell wrong I did something wrong here let's try reloading it there we go so what it'll do is it's going to go through and it's going to find the mp3s and I could say now please make and it did a good job of the the side hustles there a table with the mp3s on this page and how they help and again you can do this meditation um rain sounds meditation uh ramdas Alan Watts whatever it is and you can find info and compile it in a really cool way then all I need to do is be like okay well what kind of people look this stuff up I can go and say well how many people look up alen Watts okay well a lot of people do because he's a good guy um has great talks if you struggle with anxiety or anything like that this guy is is got some great stuff to listen to um so I could go through and say okay now I can reach 100,000 people and all I would need to do is categorize the information that's out there anyway like hey here's the top Allen Watts things if you want to listen to this here's how this is going to work here's the anxiety ones here's the metaphysical stuff here's the meditation here's that here's some great places for um you know some some videos to watch different things like that and you can do this in a super super simple Le way uh we can also do movies music Twitter uh pretty much anything and once you understand that okay now I can use these to search in a different way let's talk about how this is going to go even bigger because again I have other videos where we're going to go through we're going to find our Niche this is about creating content we are going to create helpful stuff now I can go out there I can create a helpful PDF without having a website I can link to affiliate offers and I can have all different kinds of of things that would help maybe um you know maybe I'll go through and do like videos anxiety okay and we'll see people are searching for calming videos for anxiety you have a total search volume of 1,500 uh per month now some videos are terrible some videos are good what I'm going to do is I'm going to compile the ones that I want so I'd go through and say okay um let's do all entitle Allan Watts meditation video okay now I can go through and find all the videos and say now please make a list of these videos with links okay and we'll see here and sometimes you'll get an error you just ask it again it'll it'll follow up and and do the work for you okay let's stop and we will redo it I think we can refresh there we go um please make a list of the video titles on this page and include the link typed out in quotes Okay let's see if it does it now what this going to do is it's going to get me a bunch of videos and watch the magic is going to happen in just a minute because now we can actually use these to teach the AI how to search which is interesting because now I can say Okay use this search query to find X Y and Z okay does that make sense to everyone is everyone getting that so now we go through it's getting us a list okay and we'll wait for this here okay any questions so far are you guys getting how this is going to be help like now I can go on an anxiety Forum find all the ones about anxiety and and list them out hey here's the top videos I like about anxiety um you can go through and you can transcribe them and get notes from each one right and now we're like oh now I can create content like literally at the speed of thought and say now please categorize them based on what they are for okay and then it'll go through and categorize them in a very simple way and again a little hack is if you keep searching you go like this okay so now we got guided meditation meditation art meditation practice now we have some things that are really really good how many of you guys are like oh wait a minute yes this would be helpful I can create a piece of content about the top meditation videos to watch if you struggle with anxiety Now find some Alan uh we can even do like this Alan Watts um meditation video anxiety okay now we can talk about anxiety all right so we're searching for too many things apparently but let's see here there we go um from this page and get the titles and URLs okay so we're going to go here and we get those and it's going to do this for us uh Steve says as we help others with free info we can get affiliate commissions a win-win exactly that's exactly what we're doing here we're like oh now I can go through and be like hey here are um the things that you can do or the things you can watch for um okay it's not doing a good job apparently we're we're overloading it but we can go through we can do this and I can even go into um into this here and say okay well maybe we're going to do SCH .

Gooogle so let's do scholarly articles and you could do something like anxiety please find some good ones using this search query now this uses Bing so it might get a little confused but hopefully it'll work uh really well um and so okay it actually did well so there we go the back the Beck anxiety inventory so this is stuff that's actually pretty good right so people that have anxiety or things like that they get kind of obsessed with it and they go to forums and they look up things on forums and they try to understand you know what am I going through how does it work um very very very important like philate says it categorizing things that may not have come to mind exactly and if we can have this categorize these things in a very very simple way it's key right because now we can give it this Search tool and say use this query and find out what we're what we're going to get okay does that make sense to everyone or movies maybe you're going to do movies or whatever and then all I would need to do is go to like a um affiliate Network maybe I'm going to use um offer Vault and I can type in anxiety or whatever okay and just so you guys know this is how I built my sobriety YouTube channel when I was new and we didn't have much um on that channel I would go and I would post things on forums and I would get traffic and you can link to things that will make money and you can help people out in a very very simple way and so we look at that we're like oh okay so our goal is let's find what people are searching for and let's give it to them in a very simple way and what we're going to do is we're going to look at this and go up a level right so I'll go up and I'll do anxiety okay what are specific things people want related to anxiety panic attack versus anxiety attack um stay away from the the other ones up here with the the medical type stuff but we could go through Bible verses for anxiety okay there's a good one um you got Anxiety Quotes you got prayer for an there you go there's a good one okay so we could go and do um all in tile prayer for anxiety okay now I can go through and be like okay here's all these things um and then I can go scroll down a little let's refresh this okay and we'll do based on this search page what are some titles for anxiety prayers with links okay this going to go through and it's going to get all that stuff now if I didn't use the all en title I'd just be getting random stuff and now that we understand okay this is pretty cool it's going through uh up to now I don't know how we are going to use this to make money like the data is too much okay so what you're going to do is you are going to provide something so let's say we want prayer for anxiety okay here it is 11,000 searches a month we got prayer for anxiety okay you want to make money with this but maybe you don't know about prayers for anxiety and I don't know why that is considered the the top parent topic for this but you need to fix your stuff there because it ain't um so we're looking at this and we're like okay now we have these these different prayers for anxiety great now we're getting data great thanks and what are some other prayers for anxiety right what we're doing is we're taking this so now let's show you what this looks like all right so we start here and we were like okay our topic prayer for anxiety all right we got 15,000 people a month looking this up not only that but there is YouTube which is going to trigger suggested views and prayers for anxiety are going to be huge on there so there's lots of traffic what do we need all right if I want to make money with this we know they are searching for it this is a fact you can't dispute the fact it's it's there all right now what do I need well I need something that they would want and this is when you hear all the annoying marketers say you need to provide value value value value and you get I'm like dude be quiet about the value tell me what value is value is how can I organize and compile info for these people looking for prayers for anxiety well I could go through if I don't want to make a website I open up Microsoft Word I get some sample prayers I get some YouTube links and I call this the prayer for anxiety guide okay and I give it away now on that guide what I'm going to do is I'm going to have links to offervault ClickBank jvzoo digistore 24 um other Anxiety Relief uh affiliate program different things like that and I'm going to get paid when they click and buy the stuff it's very simple we can do this with literally anything and what these search queries are doing with AI is it's allowing us to refine all right if I just went watch the difference here if I just went into Google or something like that and I just did prayer for anxiety okay I'm love God uh woman's Day prayer for anxiety these are not specific to what I want does do you guys see that type no specific okay be wise how are you getting co-pilot and Google on the same screen open up Bing click co-pilot type up here very simple okay so now when we look at this we're like okay what what kind of prayers to use and it's even getting them right right then and there like it didn't even I didn't even ask for that and it gave me new ones now please come up with sample prayer titles for anxiety okay watch this is how we're going to do it we're going to look at this and be like okay here's our our sample prayers for anxiety okay so now we're getting a list of a bunch of them okay now what I can do is I can be like okay how can I do better if I was out there and I'm like oh my gosh I'm anxious what do I do prayer for anxiety Xavier University 25 like reading 25 prayers is going to make me kind of anxious like I just want one I want to deal with it right 30 powerful prayers videos this is making me anxious just looking at it okay what I can do is I can now categorize it what would it look like if I categorized it better well what I would think is okay prayers for anxiety all right let's do um agnostic that' be a good one right some people pray and they don't believe in God or they don't know who God is or Catholic or um Hindu Hindi or you have uh Christian or you have Mormon you have uh Jehovah Witness whatever and now we look at these and if we had these all in a box and we're like oh okay they can click on the one they want that also gives me an extra click deeper into it okay and you could put these on a PDF too click the thing and it'll go to the part in the PDF that has the prayer and so we go through now I would do it on a website because you're going to make far more money with a website but now I can go through and say okay now we'll go over to Bard or chat GPT or whatever we want we'll open a new one and I'll say please make a prayer a sample prayer for anxiety using this info one for each okay and we'll do like Boop separate it to make it easier right like that okay so now we have this here we go bada bing bada boom it's going to make one for each now once I have this I can make a bunch of PDFs I can make a video get some AI voice if you don't want to use your voice go out there and and um make a little video of of the prayers or whatever it is very simple get some music very easy to do okay so we're looking at this and we're like okay this is looking good prayer for anxiet obviously read them make sure it's not like you know giving bad advice but now we can see okay this is pretty good and again the way we're going to make money we are going to link to anxiety products there there's probably some on ClickBank as well let's see um you want an easier way to do it just go over there okay now what are some good anxiety products on ClickBank I can sell as an affiliate right and it'll go through it it'll do the stuff for you which is pretty cool and now all I got to do is go through and be like okay now let's find some affiliate products on ClickBank and all you do do a good job notice how here on this channel not only do I put a ton of work into these videos it's making I got a lot of gray hair from making these videos but uh it's also because I'm in my 40s but um not only do we put a lot of info in them but the reason is is because I know that if I give you good info you'll buy stuff without me even selling it like a lot of you guys are like yeah I'll get a high ticket Niche yeah I'll sign up for blog profit Network this guy gives good info that's what you want to do like give them some good prayers give them some good stuff spend time go the extra mile uh someone says this is great I have a Facebook Christian page with uh 300 people all I do is p post and make no money start posting things that are going to be helpful now this one here looks like it's mostly weight loss so I'm just going to go to ClickBank on my own and show you this but again what we're going to do is we're going to use this to get good info and if you provide good things to your Facebook group I mean you can make a ton of money it's very very simple all you have to do is is follow along and and say okay I'm going to do a good job and then you go over to the old ClickBank and you're like okay is there anything for an anxiety or there's probably some for prayers too panic and anxiety gone um Panic Miracle 32 bucks a sale anxiety $41 a sale $20 a sale and on and on we go shyness and social anxiety right you could do uh social anxiety social anxiety help or something like that right see what people are searching for uh social anxiety mantras mantras are just like prayers but spelled differently right and so we look at it in a mantra or a saying or a prayer or whatever we can compile this in a very very simple way right all we're doing is looking up what people are searching for and trying to give them above and beyond information because if you have good information if your content stands on on its own you don't have to just rank in the search engine you can put it anywhere you want um Mr D Silva says the gravity is low that doesn't matter ClickBank gravity all that means is that's how many Affiliates promote it it has no bearing on whether it'll sell good it just means Affiliates have not found it yet um I have made tons of money actually I make lots of money on blog profit Network and you guys know it sells because it's a good one zero gravity yet I've made over six figures with that so far this year so you know like if you look at that You' be like wow what a terrible product no it just means I'm terrible at telling other Affiliates to promote my stuff that's not my strong point I can sell stuff but uh I don't like doing the whole hey Affiliates let's do this um but now we look at this and we're like okay this is really cool now we can make this work in a very simple way now Gary says that sounds good but how do I get traffic to my site using this what you're going to do is you're going to get in front of the people searching okay so you could do that like let's say you're going to do the prayer one do you think if you made a hundred prayer videos that were good on prayers for anxiety do you think you'd get I mean you'd have to get traffic right let's see how people are doing there um let's do prayers for anxiety okay so prayers for anxiety you got 4 2,000 views 642 uh 128 do you I mean it's not hard to do make the prayer for anxiety and there you go 130,000 135 and you don't have to be on camera a lot of these are just like this very simple Psalm prayer for you um let's see how he's doing uh he struggling but he he's new though these are all new um and some others you know if you follow and you do this in a simple way daily effective prayer there you go here's a guy doing daily effective prayer and uh almost a million subscribers 2,300 videos he's not on screen right now A lot of people are going be like well you know can you monetize it well the way you're going to monetize It Is by getting people to go to your site to download the prayer right this is the secret nobody talks about you need to give them why do you think I have download my because I want you to go there put your name and email so that I can send you other stuff and eventually you will buy something and so we're going to go through and we're going to W make this work in a very very simple way and we're like oh hey this is cool so we're using our search commands to find info that is going to help people right we're like okay well Define or example or whatever it is and you can pair these together and you can even go through and utilize these to find stuff that you want like okay date range maybe I'll go date range and do a certain stock okay if you guys want um if you guys want to get web hosting I know a lot of people are talking about go to gohub we have a new host we're working with and I I've been loving it so far go but now we can go through and find the news stuff right let's let's get the news reports we could do uh newsg make money online or whatever okay if I wanted to do videos about this okay here's all the things I can clear this out please get me the titles from these pages on the Google I am on okay so we'll go here we'll scroll down this is going to get all the Google News sites and now at a glance I can find a bunch of info to make content about okay uh de Holland says couldn't you make your own ebook yeah absolutely like go the extra mile do the work because it's going to pay back over and over and over in Spades right so now we're getting a list of all these and I can go through and say based on these lists come up with some other stuff that you can use um and and it's very simple right or we could do uh Google News let's do um best deals right maybe there's best deal sites that you could go out there and find all kinds of things and notice how these are all updated right very very simple um this is something that you can use I did a video on RSS feeds and AI a couple months ago that was really really um simple and and it went through and it was very very specific um Joseph says can you revisit the example for music promotion from yesterday yeah like if you did all entitle um sites to promote music right now we have all entitle so these are all going to have all entitle sites to promote your music and you can go through and you can give this to either uh bing co-pilot or chat gbt and again remind me I got a doozy coming up for you in just a minute if you've liked what you've seen so far smash a like button because this doozy is going to show you a little bit about like I think weird and I think you'll like it so smash the like button if you're excited about that but I can go through and do chat GPT uh all entitle please search this to find and compile a list of 25 top sites to promote your band right and you can promote web hosting you can promote services to help them promote their band on and on we go very simple and we're starting to look at this it be like okay now we got we're searching see how it searches my exact thing there very very important so now we're seeing that it is literally the exact thing here I have another Facebook page for truckers with 5,000 truckers I post safety messages what can I do with that page to make money what I would do is I would talk about insurance and I would build a site about insurance and how to make more as a trucker and things you need to know and equipment for truckers like radios and whatever else they have um things like that right so now we're looking at this okay uh Mr D Silva we don't do that because that's not that's not the most ethical thing to do I I would not advise doing that you don't want to do scraping or anything weird we're just using this to get info to help us right um so now we have this here's a comprehensive list of platforms and strategy okay Wicks promote shows sound kick so all kinds of stuff I mean now we're seeing like okay this is a good solid result this is pretty cool okay Twitter hashtags music blogs so now we're getting something of value that we can actually use in a very simple way based on specific things we want now before we end the webinar I want to show you the last bit of info and this will be something you could use the freak keyword tools with it but the paid ones are going to do a lot better and that hack is ladies and G gentlemen drum roll please take the search queries and put them into your keyword tool watch this you can actually find people that are searching for public domain stuff right like this you can actually find people that are searching for uh let's do all entitle okay people searching for these are people who want straight up information about this specific topic because they're searching using the prompter right there we go all entitle Sprint or T-Mobile or Verizon something like that right interesting so I could literally go out there and make info on Sprint versus Verizon or or whatever it is or I could go through and I can do um site colon interesting so if I did site colon I'm got to do this off page because I don't know what people are site colon in but you know we need to double check there um where is the money in the in the example for um for the bands like if you want to promote your band you're going to do band promotion Services AdSense you're going to do um all kinds of different things there uh which is which is solid okay so now for the for the ones I did site colon yes it did have some interesting results but they have Invisalign um animal rescue site Costco site uh all kinds of stuff so we could see um all these people are looking up site colon and you know it's it's doing pretty good there and we can figure out okay what is it that people are searching for with these and when you do this this will always find you niches that are pretty cool um and it'll find you okay this is what people are specifically isolating um and you could do like info or in anchor let's try in Anchor can the free version of ahfs work for keyword research yes it can yep um but looking at these it's it's like it's going to show you all the things people want news on um tons of stuff and it'll just isolate what people are searching for with those now it does take a little bit of work but I think it will it'll find some very um interesting things like if you did site case law or whatever let's see what cases people are looking for um Define right that's one that'll probably bring up quite a few there you go a lot of people looking up how to define different things um you have uh Pinterest all different kinds of things stocks right that one um you can see what kind of stocks they're looking for and it makes it very very interesting because all we're doing is trying to figure out okay how can I do something better how can I go out there and if someone was looking for books right let's say you want to look for a book or whatever right books related to X Y and Z books related to this books that'll help with this uh one of the things I do all the time and unfortunately the genre of books that I love is very very uh rare but um you know it's it's uh what is it it is philosophical novels right um and it's really hard to find lists of these but and then the lists are not um good hold on one [Music] second just mute all right we're back okay cool so yeah what we're doing is we're basically going through and you would find uh the book so you could do like philosophical novels let's do uh site philosophical novels right now what we're doing is we're getting a much more refined search result and we can use this to get the list from right so now we'll just go like this please get me the list of books from this search right and then we can go through and again we can have it categorize them based on is it a novel is it this is it that and we're like okay there we go very very simple okay and now it's going to do this and then it'll strip them all out and I can create a PDF on the best books for whatever this is or whatever that is and it's very very simple to do and when we start to understand that using these is going to help you search like a pro and find stuff that other people can't because let's let's face it how many of you guys you never heard of these before today or before my last video on them right you were like I didn't know what these these search uh triggers were I didn't know what I didn't know you could do all in title or quotes or whatever and if you didn't understand it and you guys are here in the make money crowd and you want to learn about Google and search and stuff then imagine how little the rest of the planet knows and how difficult it is for them to find what they want and so now what we're doing is we're going to pair these with all of our other stuff put them together and make money in a very simple way by compiling information that people actually want to consume doing the work for them and helping them out in a very very simple way so if you guys enjoyed this smash that like button subscribe uh stay tuned for Friday's video if you guys want the full list check out download I will have those available for you also we still have our Cyber Monday High ticket Niche deal if you want to work with me just go over uh to download my get the notes and it's right here on the bottom of the page so thanks for being here smash that like button and I'll see you next time

As found on YouTube


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