Make Money with Deepseek AI: $3,000+ a Day w/ a Secret Prompt

here is how you can make thousands of dollars in commissions using deep seek I've personally got insane results from Deep seek already it has helped me make thousands of dollars in earnings so far and I'm going to show you how so personally I use deep seek AI to make money with affiliate commissions this is one of the examples of one of the affiliate programs that I'm promoting I also sell some of my own products using deeps AI you can see some of the examples of the sales here so you can literally sell anything using deep seek AI you can sell your own dig digal products you can sell your services or you can make money with affiliate marketing or CPA so probably one of the best ways to get started is to go to ClickBank and ClickBank is an affiliate marketing Network which means that you can promote products in a variety of new shes on ClickBank earning commissions for any product that you refer they have products in all of these different niches so you can definitely find something that you like and you can earn commissions for any product sales that come via your link ClickBank is especially awesome if you're a total newbie it's an easy way to get started you don't need to create your own product it's super super simple and fast to get started here once you've logged into ClickBank go to the marketplace and you can filter the different offers that you can promote by category or you can just go and select view all offers if you don't even know what Niche or category of products you would like to promote and now you can sort results either by rank so that's by popularity or by one of the other metrics but starting with sorting by rank is actually a good start there you can read about different offers so for example take a look at this Java burn offer it pays $159 on average for any sale that you refer you can also pay attention to this called the gravity score and gravity score just shows the popularity of this product any gravity score of over 10 is actually really really good it means that at least 195 Affiliates have made sales in the last seven days of this product so it means it's converting basically for a a huge of people so you can go through and choose which offer you would like to promote there is offers in The Woodworking Niche there are offers in various health and fitness niches in self-improvement niches for the purposes of this video today let's focus on the smoothie diet it's an offer which is really really has got a broad appeal I think and it shows how people can lose weight and get healthier by following a smoothie diet so this is an offer we can make an average of 20 $1 per sale once you've selected the offer it's a good idea to just grab your affiliate link for that you can click promote I'm going to enter my affiliate nickname and then let's click continue and you're going to get your affiliate link so you can see here encrypted hop link okay so you can click the copy button to actually copy this into your clipboard and let's just start taking notes so this is going to be our affiliate link and it's quite long and quite difficult to kind of pronounce or memorize so you can use a service such as bid.

Le to shorten your affiliate link so just once you've logged in go create new link and this will create a short version of your link and you can see that you've actually got an option to customize your short link which is awesome and it will tell you if this exact link already exists and cannot be duplicated all right and here we go I found something that is not taken so bid. lget my smoothie and there we go we've got we've created our link so now it looks a lot better it's get my smoothie so let's just put that into our notes this is going to be our affiliate link and if we click this affiliate link then the ClickBank off will get opened via our affiliate link and let's say if you share this with someone or you share it anywhere online on YouTube on Instagram on social media on your email wherever it is whenever someone clicks this link and they end up going to this product page and buying this product you will get paid an average of $21 per sale as we know from the statistics of ClickBank so we're now ready to start promoting this is going to be the link that we're going to try to drive all of our traffic to so let's talk about how you're going to get traffic the first way I'm going to show you how to get traffic is from threads.

Net threads is owned by Instagram it's a very powerful and very efficient way to get traffic because a lot of the content on threads is text based look at all of these threads it's kind of a little bit similar to Twitter I guess I would say and not many people are using it to make money but a lot of people are out there looking for information on threads so it's literally just a few lines of text and you can see that these few lines of text get great engagement I have personally been on threads for a very short amount of time but I have already had 106,000 total views in the past 30 days and this has come mostly from non-followers so only 18,000 from followers you can see I've had quite a lot of interactions and you can see that some of my posts have had 27,000 views 8,000 views you know I'm building up followers quite quickly and there are people looking for all sorts of information on threads for example since our Niche is going to be smoothie Niche if you go into search bar and you enter smoothie you will see all the different posts and all the different profiles that talk about smoothies and look at how much interactions they're getting 5 days ago this was posted and they have had 108,000 comments this means that they have had probably tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of views okay so you can see there's a lot of interaction around the smoothies and if we open up this profile we will actually see that they've had 54,000 followers which is insane and guess what they're doing they're promoting the Smoothie program as an affiliate okay so if we click on here you can see that this opens up the page where there is an offer with a smoothie diet to lose weight burn belly fet Etc so they're doing exactly what we are trying to do in this tutorial okay so you can of course you can learn from from this profile do what they're doing post similar content but I'm actually going to show you step by step how to use deep seek to do this the second type of content that I'm going to show you how to create is faceless short form videos so I've been doing a lot of this myself I'm going to show you how to create these exact types of videos so take a look at this one for example it has had 7,000 it has had 7,288 views and this was created fully by using deep seek a and another free tool that I'm going to show you okay but this type of content absolutely works I just wanted you to be confident that the method I'm going to show you actually works this here is another video that was generated This Way Again 8,000 views and it literally took just a couple of minutes to generate and the idea on both platforms is the same so you can see this profile for example they are essentially just posting content and then they're directing people to click their filet Link in their profile and it would be the the same idea on Instagram you would set up your profile you would insert your affiliate link here into the description and you would post content that I'm going to show you how to create and then you're going to get a ton of people clicking this affiliate link because they're interested in smoothie recipes and losing weight using smoothies and they're going to click your affiliate link and they're going to make sales for you when they buy the product that you're promoting all right so first of all let's talk about setting up your threads profile so for this you will want to set up a profile of course that looks similar to this and guys if you're promoting another Niche you just follow the same steps okay if you're promoting your own service your own product or a different Niche just follow the exact same steps I'm only using this because this is the example that I'm going with go and register your account with deep seek and then I'm literally going to start interacting with deep seek and I'm going to say I want to create a profile on threads.

Net posting content about health benefits of smoothies please help me create a threads. net profile for this account please suggest the profile handle profile name write a bio and clickable link and a clickable call to action for people to click that link so I've asked them to do all of this for me nice and easy let's click enter and just like that deep seek has done this for me they've suggested a profile handle okay smoothie benefits profile name smoothie healthhub bio a clickable call to action and you can now go ahead and just set up this profile and basically copy and paste all of the information that deeps has given you and where you're entering your profile link make sure that here for the link you insert your link from bitly so get my smoothie okay our profile is done so now we can ask deep seek to help us generate the ideas for what to post and guys look threads okay is about volume you can post 15 20 30 posts per day on threads it's not a problem and I use AI for a lot of my posts almost all the posts that I post are done using Ai and look they get a lot of traction some of them do some of them don't but this is all a numbers game like any content production it's a numbers game look at this post 37,000 views and this was written by AI another cool thing is that on threads you can include clickable links okay so there are you can insert your affiliate links into threads and people will be able to click them just while they're browsing they don't even have to go to your bio now let's ask deep seek to create those posts for us so I'm going to say write me 100% posts to promote this smoothie di program on my threats profile make it a mix of educational promotional finding and engagement posts make the post short and snappy friendly tone let's say between two to four sentences some a little longer in about 20% of the posts encourage people to click this link and I've inserted the link and in others just make it a value post without asking people to click let's submit this all right awesome well guess what we've got our threads posts and they're categorized here into educational promotional funny posts and engagement posts just how we've asked and as you can see these kind of posts actually get so so much engagement it's insane how much engagement they actually get they get they get so many hearts so many comments it's really crazy so this is absolutely something that can work so you can pretty much just take these and start posting them on your threads profile make it a mix and sometimes insert these links into your actual posts so you see there it says here link posts okay so just mix it up make sure that you you promoted your offer directly as well as just making some motivational and posts without the link and guys just so that you believe and understand that this is not BS of some sort okay I am saying this because I am doing this myself yes in a different Niche you can do this in a business Niche like me if you want to but I'm doing this myself in my Niche and you can see so this is a post written by AI 5.7 th000 views this was written by AI guys I did not write this I just basically did the same thing that I'm showing you how to do I asked AI to write this for me and I copied and pasted this onto my threads profile and yes it might not seem kind of like promotional but it engages the right people and then what they do is they will check out your profile and they will take a look at what are you all about uh and they a lot of them will end up clicking the link that you're recommending for them to click the other very important thing is for you to have a pinned post so make a pinned Post in the n that you're promoting like this just like this profile has done where you've got a nice picture and make sure that you insert your affiliate link there as well because from all of these posts they going to be putting out people will come and they will check out your link and many of them will start clicking this link as well as the link in the pinned post okay so how do you make the post well you literally just take this copy and paste on your profile click this plus button and you will be able to start a new post and you can paste that in then you can go to a site like pixabay or pells and you can search for Smoothie images and all of these are free for you to use so this looks pretty delicious let's download this image and then click this image button to add your image and then we're ready to post so here we go we've got our text we've got our image just click post and that'll go up onto your threads account I just want to stress there is nothing more to it than this you literally just put up posts and the relevant audience will find your posts via the threads algorithm so the second source of traffic that I want to show you is Instagram and to make content on Instagram it's a really good idea to actually create reals you can see that reals on Instagram do get a lot of views so here is an example of a profile that promotes a smoothie diet okay so you can see that's the affiliate link so this is where you would insert your affiliate link that we created together and the idea is basically the same get people to watch your real and then in the real you can tell people to click your affiliate link which is going to be in the bio now the big question in your mind of course is a does this really work and B how can I make these kind of videos that are actually getting views well I want to reassure you once again that AI generated faceless reals actually work extremely well I post them on all of my social media profiles you can see this one here 7,288 views 7,742 views these are faceless reals that have been generated by AI and we can create those rails using deep seek and another free tool that I'm going to show you so I'm going to ask deep seek to write me a video script for an Instagram Real showing how to make a smoothie with ginger make it short 90 words or less here we go deep seek has produced this for us and we can copy all of this and you can use this tool called Osa AI they actually have a free forever plan which allows you to create five faceless short form videos per month for free per account now of course potentially you could have more than one account I'm not suggesting you do this but this is one of the ways that people on a budget actually do this and of course if you like this tool then you can sign up to one of the free plans and then you get a lot more credits but basically you can start for free if you want to what I'm showing you here I'm doing on a free plan as well and I have produced my reals on a free plan as well once you log in you go here if you're in a free plan then switch to classic mode and this is where you can enter all of the details about the Reel that you want to make for The Voice we can choose this voice Daniela this sounds good to me you've got a lot of different choices for styles of the video and you can actually take a look here at the Showcase and these are all the different videos that are being produced by Osa so this is kind of like a feed of all of the different things that people are making right now and that will give you an idea on the kind of stuff that you can expect in your video and what kind of settings you might want to use so if we want a realistic video and that's what we want basically for smoothies we can find a realistic looking video like this here you can preview this okay just to see how it looks now guys this is all made completely in an automated way using OA you don't need to touch anything you don't need to do anything and you can check what settings were done here so style here is DSL Punk okay that's the voice that they used and the font is generic so we know that we can probably use the diesel Punk set for a video so let's go over here okay you can find diesel Punk if you want but I will probably go with Hyper realism let's see how that goes and for the subtitle fonts I will probably choose let's leave it a generic I quite like this font this sounds good but I will just change the color of it to be yellow okay so yellow generally I prefer as the subtitle colors and this is where we're going to insert the script now and there we go we've got our script pasted in here and let's now click create video our video is ready I've downloaded and let's just preview this make your own super healthy ginger smoothie start with a thumb-sized piece of Ginger for a zesty kick add a handful of spinach Frozen mango and a cup of almond milk blend until smooth enjoy your refreshing immune boosting ginger smoothie now guys this was pretty awesome okay this is autogenerated you don't need to do anything you literally just get your scribed paste it in download the video and it's done and you might think you know maybe this is not the best video in the world but content production and short form content is all about volume some of them will do well some of them will not do well but I can guarantee you that some of these videos are going to do really really well for you they're going to take off and get you a lot of views and a lot of traffic don't discounted this is a real thing this is something that I personally do myself you I've shown you examples you know 7,288 viewers so clearly people watch this guys there are whole channels that do this look at this channel 69,000 subscribers from just 7 one videos and all of these are made in a very similar fashion they're faceless videos produced by AI Queen Cleopatra the last pharaoh of Egypt was actually Macedonian in 1908 a massive explosion occurred near the tong so basically this is doing the exact same thing that I've just shown you how to do and your goal with all of this of course is to publish this content whether it's on threads or on Instagram and to get people to click this link and the more people are going to click the link the more sales you got to make of the fet offer that you're promoting if you seriously want to grow your business online with short form content and AI then go to faster and this is where you can get free access for 7 Days on a trial basis to my course where I'll show you how I personally make an average of $928 per day using 7c videos without showing my face so faster then enter your name and email and click the button below and from this next page you will see how we've got got tens of millions of views with short form content using Ai and generate tens of thousands of dollars per month so just click this button over here to get your $0 free trial access you'll get all of the training as well as direct access to me and my business partner Allan where we provide you with ongoing coaching and support everything that you need to succeed online with short form content if you guys found it useful then please like this video subscribe to my YouTube channel and here now you've got two options you can download My Guide or on how to make money with AI videos or you can watch this next video that's going to show you another way to make money with AI thank you so much like subscribe and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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