in the last 7 days I've earned over $7,000 by posting super simple 10-second videos on Instagram and then reuploading those exact same videos onto my Facebook page here is exactly how you can do the same here is my Instagram account you can see that I upload very simple videos that don't look like they get a lot of views I mean a lot of my recent reals these short videos only get anywhere from 2 to 10,000 views which is not a lot for Instagram but the way that these reals are moned ized and the way that I'm going to show you in this video how to monetize them I'm still able to make really decent money from this low number of views I also make some posts on my Instagram profile so posts are just these images that you can see here on the screen I take those same exact videos and same exact posts and I upload them onto my Facebook page this method will work exactly the same way in any other Niche you don't have to be in make money online or in any kind of investment niche for example this is uh an account that is in the relationship advice Niche and it works the exact same way they've got reals that are getting a few thousand views up to you know maybe 10 20,000 views per reel the reels are very very simple they don't require you to be on camera and everything will work the exact same way so you can totally do this in basically any Niche you can it can be a recipe Niche a workout Niche anything that you can possibly imagine this model has three main components one is content the second one is email subscribers and the third one is monetizing those email subscribers so I'm going to take you through it one by one through each of those components so make all of those reals and all of these posts and in each of these posts in the description of the post I invite people to comment let's go Greg and when they comment let's go Greg so I'm getting a bunch of comments here let's go Greg I get um anywhere up to you know 4 to 500 comments on each of these reals once they comment let's go Greg I've got an automated program that comments back to the user and says awesome just dm'd you please check did you get it and there is an automated direct message that goes directly into the inbox of each of these users so you can see here are all of the direct messages that are constantly going out by my automation software and in each of these messages I'm basically sharing a link this link is the same as this link in my bio so I just from all of my content I basically want people to be able to click this link or or that link into their browser and get to my opin page and in the opin page enter their email and get something that I'm promoting like a free offer so personally I'm promoting a $0 trial access to my course but for you or for other niches it can be something like a free checklist a free report or free guide on how to do something it can be something as simple as 10 best plans for how to build a chicken coup or 10 best woodworking projects or 10 best tips on how to invite out a woman or a man of your dreams and once a person enters their email address from there on they basically give you permission to be able to Market to them anything that you want it can be affiliate offers it can be you can try to sell your own products to your email list and you can see that in this autoresponder account in this particular Niche I add anywhere from about 100 to 200 email subscribers per day so I've got a mailing list of 82,000 subscribers right now so this is my audience to which I can send out emails every single day with either some helpful advice perhaps with links to my videos or to promote certain offers my own product or affiliate offers all right so first let's talk about content the best way to get started with uh your account creation and content creation is once you've registered an account is to follow some of the larger accounts in this Niche that are clearly doing well so you can go on to Google and just type in Instagram and then your Niche for example relationship advice and just open some of these accounts that have got over five or over 10,000 followers and check out their content follow them and you will notice that when you follow them you'll get some more popups here as suggestions for you to follow so open up each one of them and if they look good then follow them as well so this one has got 71,000 followers so we can follow them you know follow these guys 18,000 followers okay if this looks good then follow them as well so what that's going to do is once you're following all of them then whenever you go into your explore feed it will give you a list L of constant list of ideas and reals and posts that these particular accounts are posting so that you can get some ideas for what kind of content to create for you so here we can see for example an account with 279,000 followers all they're doing is just they're making these reals that all it is is just text okay and they're getting tens of thousands even sometimes hundreds of thousands of views on these reals and then whenever someone likes this content they will go and check out this URL and they're promoting something some kind of an affiliate product for which they get paid a commission anytime someone ends up buying this product so this is a very good example of if you wanted to go into a relationship Niche this is the type of content that you can make some of the best type of content that is doing well right now is so-called b-roll content which is this type of content where you're not actually on camera it's like footage of you doing something and then some text on screen it literally needs to be just about you know anywhere from 7 to 15 seconds and you generally ask a person to comment to get some more information or to DM you to get some more information I don't want to overwhelm you with content Creation in this video because I want to cover a bunch of other stuff but if you really want some in-depth information on what kind of content and how exactly to create you can get free access to my training course for 7 days if you just go to faster or click the link in the description I'm going to show you a lot more uh in that training I've got over 80 videos there covering every single step for the purposes of this video let's just talk talk about once someone someone comments smart like I'm asking them to what happens with them how do you then monetize this comment so you'll see there is a bunch of comments here they're saying smart and they've got replies from me now I don't send those replies manually I actually use a program called chat fuel to automate this chat fuel has a free plan if you want to start with that just to try it out and it allows you to set up these automations so you can see that I've got comments Oro reply whenever someone replies to a comment Chatfield does two things one is it sends a public reply to that person after 47 seconds and it just says hey thanks just sent you a DM one of these responses and sends a private reply private reply is just a direct message into the Inbox and I'm just going to zoom in here you can see that this is what I'm sending I'm just basically sending this message with a link where they can opt in to get my training so in my case when they Type in Fast they get redirected to this kind of opin page where I'm inviting them to get instant access for $0 to my training that's a 7-Day trial in your Niche or for your specific circumstances you can you don't have to create your own course you can basically just set up uh some kind of like a maybe a three-page or a five-page mini guide for your Niche if you decide to go into the relationship advice then you can just create a simple but quality three-page PDF guide and you can instead give away that in your videos because a lot of people will still want to get that as long as it's something useful and sounds like it can help them and of course you you can always see what other accounts are giving away in your Niche so for example this relationship account you can click the links in their bio and you'll see exactly what they're doing they also have this invitation for you to join the email list so once you've started other successful accounts you'll get a pretty good idea of what works for that audience okay so what do you use to build an email list I currently use convertkit myself I'm really really happy with them and they have a free plan so convertkit is a platform that will allow you to um build your Rema list and also to send information out to your EMA list perhaps to sell your own products or to promote things as an affiliate they have a free plan and it's free for up to 1,000 subscribers once you've got 1,000 subscribers generally you can make at least a couple of hundred a day from your email list so at that point in time you can afford to upgrade to one of the paid plans so that you can start building a larger list but once you start getting reg regular subscribers you can start sending out promotional emails to your subscribers of course you should also send out some useful information but when you send out promotional emails you can promote various items as an affiliate so that you can earn commissions a good way to find programs to promote is to go to these other accounts so for example this account love seek relationship just click on the URL in their bio see what they're promoting scroll down there may often be a link that says something similar to this Affiliates and then from there you can sign up to promote this exact same product we can see that this particular one for example is on ClickBank but there may be other offers on other affiliate Network so just check what other people are promoting and try to see if there is an affiliate sign up link there so you can promote it as well ClickBank is a huge network if you go into the different types of offers you can see all the different categories of different products that you can promote and the reason I personally like click bank is because it offers really high percentages for any sales that you refer because these are digital products which basically have a very high profit margin so if you go into uh say the relationship Niche so let's go into self-help and and then we're go marriage and relationships you can see some of the top products here so in general um this rank high to low this will get it sorted in terms of the volume of sales so you can see here the top relationship products his secret Obsession The X Factor Etc they pay really high commission so $61 per sale $45 per sale on average $50 per sale so you can promote all of these in the relationship Niche and if you guys want to learn every single step in a lot of detail then go to faster videos you'll end up on a page that looks like this you can enter your email address and it will take you to this page which will give you 7day free access to our course you can see it's a $ Z trial so just click get instant access if you thought this video was cool then I'd super appreciate it if you can subscribe to my channel just below hit the like button and after you've done this go ahead and watch this video next this is another really cool way to make money with AI and video and I really hope you're going to enjoy it thank you so much I'll see you in the next video