Make $500 Daily With Google AI Research – Easy Method Live Setup!

[Music] what if you could get paid up to $500 a day or more simply for researching things with AI yep that's right if you can use Google you can get paid this is one of the easiest ways to make money online I've ever seen and today I'm going to show you the whole thing step by step in fact in this live training I'm going to go through and set something up live for you so you can see exactly how it works start to finish with nothing left out in fact this is something you can do without a website without money and barely any experience you don't have to be some topnotch expert researcher all you need to do is know how to use Google and maybe a few AI tricks that you're going to learn in this video we're going to be taking a look at seven different tools that you can use to make this happen some of them are free I think the most expensive one is $30 and all of them will help you make money why because we're going to use these to research in a specific way if you're like me you're probably bombarded by all the information that's online how to make money news reports new tax info I mean it's overwhelming if you're feeling overwhelmed and like information is taking over let me know as a comment below because today I'm going to show you how to leverage that yep that's right you're not alone virtually everyone feels the same way and we're going to leverage that to put tons of money in our pocket and it's actually super simple this is something that I do every single day and every day like clockwork new money hits my bank account but there's a few things you need to know a few tools you need to understand and some simple steps you need to take to make this work for you so that you can make money but like I said if you can use Google and research a topic then I think you'll do just fine so come on let's hop over to the live set and get started and show you how to make money with AI Google and simple online research all all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we are going to go through and talk about how to get paid as an AI researcher this is a very simple task that literally anyone can do and uh we're going to show you exactly how to do it start to finish step by step and we're actually going to set it up live so how to earn $500 a day as an AI assisted researcher what we're going to be doing is we are going to go through and use what I call the piggyback method hopefully my screen is working here let's see here uh the piggyback method is where we're going to go through and actually piggyback on things that already exist it's super simple it's super easy don't over complicate it anyone can do this I don't care who you are so what we're going to do is we're going to use these AI tools to research topics and then we're going to talk about how to get paid so some of the tools we're going to use is chat gbt perplexity notebook LM by Google particle AI Feedly RSS feeds and napkin AI these are all really good tools I'm going to pull them open here for you uh napkin AI here we have Google Trends over here and we're going to show you exactly how all of these work it is super super easy hopefully I have all the passwords and everything got a little bit of a late start today but we're going to walk you through this and show you everything every step of the way now why do we want to use artificial intelligence or AI in our research first of all AI is revolutionizing market research by providing deeper insights into customer Behavior enabling businesses to capitalize on emerging opportunities faster so when we go through what we're going to do here is we are going to have ai and it's going to go out and help us with several different things it's going to help us with the research process the writing process the outline process and literally everything once you understand the power of what you have with a $30 AI tool it's pretty much game over you win so if I was to show you exactly how this works here on the Whiteboard hopefully we can get this whiteboard working here there we go what's going to happen is we are going to go out there and we are going to find topics that pay okay there are topics out there that will pay you money based on whatever they're about it could be something like Health it could be something like household products it could be something like housing prices it could be something like Finance anything you're interested in it could even be like toys or whatever if you're interested in that kind of stuff or Collectibles what we're going to do is we're going to find these topics that pay lots of money I'm going to show you how to find them I'm going to give you a list of them and then we're going to show you how to set it all up going through and using AI to research these topics is an absolute GameChanger so what we're going to do is we're going to have our finger on the pulse of what is going on in the market we choose and by market I know that sounds like a complicated crazy thing all it is is a group of info like it's it's something like a mortgage or um you know housing prices in Florida it's going to be something very small and tight-knit that we can use now what we're going to do is we're going to use AI to process large volumes of data where before in order to do this you needed a full of people you needed hours and hours and hours this is actually going to do it in minutes it's going to do it super inexpensively and it's going to help you make money what we're going to do is we're going to use it to make more informed decision-making for our people that we're showing this content to and we're going to use Predictive Analytics and Trend anticipation again sounds like big words don't worry we're going to show you step by step at the end of this you'll be able to set it up then we're going to go through and optimize it now some examples you might see here uh this is a video video that came out recently that was popular by I think it was Jake Tran and some other uh YouTube guy they were talking about how to do faceless YouTube videos and they were talking about these videos which basically piggybacked on other things what you're going to notice is that a lot of content will piggyback on other content the news does this all the time something happens they use it people use this all the time with YouTube you might have noticed a lot of people talking about certain topics recently and it goes crazy like a bunch one YouTuber gets a hold of it and the rest of them do it and the rest is history so what we're going to be doing is using that piggyback method why do we use the piggyback method that was mentioned up here well because when using the piggyback method what you're going to have is a lot of people and eyes interested in one thing right so like let's say there's a tropical storm coming okay use this ethically because it is powerful when there's a tropical storm coming everyone's thinking about homeowners insur insurance and different things like that very big that is something where a lot of people people will um watch videos a lot of people will create videos about it a lot of content will be created there's a lot of research that needs to be done now if you can Poise yourself which I'm going to show you how to research these topics in a specific way try to spell research right in a very specific way then you can get paid and yes thank you you are going to learn that here now okay very cool so when we're using this we're going to use the piggyback method we're going to use the AI method first of all what we need to do do is we need to understand how to research for money everyone can research we all wrote papers in school we researched them mine were pretty bad but you know I I barely graduated and you might know how to do this already what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to do this in a real world way I'm going to show you how to do research that will get you paid so you could go out there do the research and get the money and I'll show you how first what we're going to do is we're going to look for a unique angle or Micro Niche slant so if you were to go out there and use something like feedle to find out what topics are in a niche we can get these topics here like preparing today for tomorrow's AI Salesforce launches a new AI platform what you're going to see is there's lots of people doing this now a lot of these are faceless channels a lot of these are blogs very simple stuff okay what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to type something in like AI news you're going to see there are lots of people talking about AI news some of them are news places some of them are smaller channels like AI grid or this future guy or whatever it is all of them are making money okay how are they making money by doing AI researching this is one that literally does not use a face it is a AI research Channel here's a couple others uh that don't use a face again AI research channels so what they're doing is they're getting paid to research a topic in a different way if you understand how to do research the way that I'm going to teach you it is game over you win but first what we need to do is we need to understand how to talk to Ai and if you want notes from this video airofit we got a bunch of notes there for you the way that we're going to talk to AI is we're going to find different headlines and different things that matter that's why up here we had different tools like the um Feedly and RSS feeds okay using these you can set yourself up for success and I'm going to show you how to do this right here what we're going to do is we're going to do an example in the Florida housing market I'm going to show you how it works we're going to create some stuff and and we're going to go through and make this happen so that you could see how it works in a Micro Niche okay so how do we talk to AI first of all what we need to do is we need to have prompts that are going to give us something different so if I go out there and say okay Salesforce AI showed up here how do I make that interesting or Microsoft ignite productivity um some kind of Elon Musk thing with open AI right what we're going to do is we're going to feed it the stuff that looks interesting to us so could Google be forced to sell Chrome that's an interesting one okay that's something where yes people would actually be interested in that like how many of us use Chrome probably 90% so I could go through and say yes this is some kind of uh internet business news now what I would do is I would pair this with something like this I'd go to chat GPT type in the headline like that and then type in one of these so whatever our specific group is is this is going to help us adapt it to the group which is going to make our research in a specific way that's going to get us the money again all research won't make you money a lot of you guys have done research you do it for free you haven't made any money this is going to show you how to make research that's going to get you the money so what we would do is we would say how headline put our headline in here affect specific group okay so we would do um internet users or something like that or maybe Gamers or whatever it is okay whatever our group is that's what we're going to do so we could go through and say something like this if I was forced to if Google was forced to sell Chrome the impact would have this notice how it's doing the research in a specific way okay a lot of people this is where people get this wrong they think it's about just getting research getting more content getting more info getting more letters on a screen it is not about that if it was about that then you should be making 10,000 articles a day which some people do and that's called spam and most of the time it doesn't work so what we're going to do is we're going to say competition in the browser Market changes to Google okay how about maybe I can make this with a slant towards something that would make me money so I could say now make a semi clickbaity title for this okay now we want semi clickbaity or clickbaity we're going to back it down later but we want a title that's going to be like okay how can we use this and make it work Google forced to sell Chrome here's what it mean for your internet experience how about one for uh safety and viruses okay this would be something where it'll it'll change it okay could Google selling Chrome make your browsing less safe how many of you guys would read that be like yeah I'd read that that makes sense now we took a boring article could the Google be forced to sell Chrome the doj is reporting pushing for it that's boring I don't want to read that nobody cares about that they do care about this so what we're doing is we're taking things that are out there again the piggyback method taking things that are out there and making it juicy for the general public and then we're going to make money on it just by doing the research so next what we would want to do is you know you could take any of these what are the number of reasons behind headline maybe we can find a different one let's go to um let's go to Google news and we can do something like Florida housing prices okay so let's do Florida housing house market or something like that Florida real estate and what you're going to see is this is something that's trending it is something that a lot of people look for on a daily basis and now we could see that there are Peaks and valleys based on how the Florida Market's doing so what I could do is I could go to Google I could type in Florida real estate and then I could type in news okay you could even do Trends if you want we're going to do news and I could say home sales sink across Florida okay that's about the hurricane what makes Florida best place to retire asking there's a big house October starts slow on higher rates okay so that's talking about the higher rates uh the south Florida housing going downtown okay so Florida among the toughest real estate markets in the country this is something interesting I can go to chat GPT I could put this in here let's go to a new one I'm going to type in my title here and I'm going to take one of these uh headline joggers and these come from my jogger video if you want this list and the jogger video and the jogger list I will put those at airofit okay so we could go through put our Title Here how to action response to okay so let's put our headline how to make money in response to this okay now it's going to go through and it's going to tell me how to make money if I'm interested in the Florida housing market how many of you guys are getting this smash a like button if this makes sense to you very simple very basic again we're just doing research if you know how to research if you know how to search Google and use these things it's very very simple okay we have real estate side hustle um very interesting right and then we can go through and we could take one and take it a step further and say tell me more about real estate side hustles in Florida and people doing them okay now we're going to go through and we'll have real estate side hustles in Florida and we have like Property Management real estate photography notary public stuff like this okay so see how we're spinning it into a different way knowing how to do this research is key knowing how to ask the next thing is what's really going to help you so we're going to go through and we're going to talk to AI we're going to use this and we're going to look for ways to spin this stuff it's all about interesting facts if you can find something interesting that is trending or in the news or making videos about this can work in a very very very simple way like right now a lot of people on YouTube are talking about Mr Beast and stuff like that with all the crazy things going on what we could do is we could take one of these like this what opportunities does um stuff like the Mr piece headlines do for YouTubers right so what opportunities does a I create for specific group YouTube side hustle people boom now you're going to see it's going to make it in a specific way most people will go out there and say well I'm going to research and I'm going to do topic on how to make money on YouTube yeah good luck with that that's not going to work very good what we need to do is we need to get good at finding and pulling info and data from something specific and AI does this magically so how are we going to do this how do we set this up to make make it work first of all what we need to do is we need to plan what we want to find what do I need right if I'm doing real estate what's the end goal do I want them to buy something do I want them to read and click and add do I want to get them into a course whatever it is okay so when we perform these effective searches we need to know what we're looking for there's different ways people use Google most people use it the basic way which is just search for stuff and hope you find it there are other ways to use it there are joggers there are tools and when it comes to AI the same thing happens this is like the video I did on AI directives I believe it was where we went through and we talked about giving AI directives rather than prompts everyone's using prompts they're getting the same data we're using directives which is causing a different thing so what we want to do is Define what our goal is what do I want out of a piece of content if I was to go here and look at some of this this content from a the RSS feeds that I have let's say we have credit report okay average credit scores for five types of mortgage loans credit expert 20 years nothing good comes from maxing out your card interesting uh why fico's fee increase has angered the mortgage industry okay interesting so I could go through I can take this and say um let's get one of these titles here how is transforming the what role does it play in okay so we could do uh what role does the FICO one over here where did it go well I had it over here somewhere there it is um what role does the FICO have to do with the credit stuff I think there was right here okay so we'll put this in here what role does this play in or wait let's see specific stakeholders so we'll do um homeowners or mortgage holders right so what we're doing is we're adapting it we're doing research for a specific person because here's the deal there's a lot of information online there's a lot of information everywhere it's overwhelming it's crazy case in point let's have a little story time um back when I was doing my business I think it was like 2011 we got advice from a lawyer who told us to incorporate and pay taxes in a certain way and it was a complete mess it almost tanked our business just because of bad advice now we're in a place where it's doing much better we have good advice and uh saves us a bunch of money now when looking at that we have to understand that's information that that was very difficult for me to find I was talking to my cousin in Colorado who's a business owner also and we were like isn't it annoying how you have to make a certain amount of money to figure out that you can save more money right shouldn't that be for people that are struggling rather than like oh now that I make over x amount per year now I get the favors but unfortunately that is the way that our economy and our stuff works so what if you were able to adapt things to specific groups right what if I was able to go out there and say okay there's a bunch of busy busy dentists and they don't know about this certain tax write off therefore I am going to research it and bridge the gap between the dentists and the tax info and doing such I can make a ton of money okay does that make sense to everyone SM like button let me know if it does this is very important because if you can adapt and do the research for the people these dentists are busy they don't have time to do this they're too busy fixing people's teeth we're going to go out there we're going to do the research for them or people who are homeowners they need people to do the research to say here are 10 tax write offs for X Y and Z or people that need X Y or Z right you could do all that stuff as well so what we're doing is we are doing the research for a specific group we're taking something general and adapting it to specific what this is going to do is it's going to make something people actually want to read and it's going to Target a very very tight-knit Market what you're going to see is that when you do this where you have gigantic General sites they make very very little money in comparison to small specific sites right like if I make videos and content on web hosting that is going to make a lot more money do those videos do good no they do terribly but they make a bunch of money does that content do good no it's terrible but it makes a bunch of money so what do I do I then adapt the research adapt okay everyone knows you should have a website online if you don't know that um you know come on over here welcome to 2024 you know yeah I got to get out of the Stone Age everyone knows you need a website or a Blog so what if in instead I was to say okay well there's people out there that are doing like websites for okay websites for a tech writer or you know you can find all kinds of stuff websites for dentist or I think there's even like church websites a lot of churches want websites 1,400 people a month are looking for church websites if I could do the research right let's say I went out there and I was like okay uh tell me about the best types of church websites and why they help grow your congregation boom this is something we can go through and we can start to look at in a different way then if I can adapt it to something newsworthy something that I could research in a different way then I can go through and say okay now this content that's really about web hosting because it makes money is now focusing on a different group of people now my research is is different whereas I would be talking about just web hosting now I'm talking about what you would need for this okay very simple now going through we can look at this and say okay there are lots of ways we could search Google there's lots of ways we could research you could do an exact search searching in quotes you can search a specific site if I was to go through and say well I only want site because they're a stock site and Nvidia right see how many posts they have about Nvidia apparently they do one like every couple hours on Nvidia why because it works and it's trending this is what they're doing this is how it works if you were to go out there and look at Nvidia stock you're going to see this is showing everywhere now looking at this and understanding like wait a minute this is getting a lot of traffic here for these things there's 5,000 people watching this about Nvidia stock like it's only not that many people watching me he's got a lot of people why he's doing this on something trending same here are you guys starting to see the idea of how this works you could do this with faceless pretty much anything and so now what I would do is I'd say okay maybe I could do something like again this is about directing research in a different way how has the gains in Nvidia fared up against Bitcoin okay see how this works now we're going to go through and we're going to get something different that people will want to read if I saw this and I'm like should I invest in Nvidia or Bitcoin this is going to show us how to do it now please make a blog post about this very simple okay so now we go through it's got the blog post and it'll have some return info right this is where we're going to go through and we're going to combine our searches with the AI tools okay so we're going to combine it we're going to say chat GPT maybe Google bard maybe we'll go chat GPT notebook LM we're going to go through and generate keywords we're going to summarize we're going to base this on keywords and things people are doing now when we go through we're going to say okay well now I have this article maybe I could put this in something like napkin AI over here I hadp there it is right if we had napkin AI I can paste this in here and it'll actually go through and create nice little chart graphs based on my data it's very simple this is something where I am not an expert in the stock market I don't understand it at all I barely understand Bitcoin but this is something I can do research on understand it and get it ready for Market because it will make money okay so we're going to go through I could say okay well let's do the growth okay so bitcoin's growth maybe get a different chart here there we go that's a good one right stock price return then I can go through when I'm done I think we got to click it again sometimes it's a little funny there we go let's click that one I think yeah there we go and then you could go through and say okay well how about this one 2011 compared to 108 right like people would like to know hey Nvidia is actually outperforming Bitcoin interesting okay I mean that's something where I'd read it because why Bitcoin is buzzing right now if you go to Google Trends you're going to see Bitcoin Bitcoin boom now we have uh trending like crazy if you were to do like the past 12 months boom it's just breakout breakout trending right and if you go through and do Bitcoin right you're going to see news reports you're going to see stuff here Bitcoin versus Nvidia right and you could go through and you can make research based on this it's not hard to do people doing it all the time here's a guy doing it right there um and starting to understand like hey wait a minute I can do different stuff I can make unique stuff with AI that people never thought about before how does X relate to Y how does the growth of gold relate to this how does a money supply relate to this using this you can make content that people will want to watch because it's so interesting right look at this this is a video that's more or less about making money with AI but what I'm doing is I'm saying this is about research using that as the example changes the way that people people perceive the content they're like okay this is different and it is different because we're adding this in here okay so we can use questions and natural language we can filter and organize info and we can learn to spot Trends using AI now let's go ahead and talk about how to create the content again over at airofit um if you scroll below the video the video is about my new course that's like literally 30 cents a day or 50 cents a day or something like that it's crazy uh but if you scroll down you can get the uh notes from this free you just join the list and everything like that but what we're going to do now is we're actually going to create the content uh before I set this up just last night I was like okay well what if we went out there and we got Florida Market pulse and we were to make a site about what's going on in the Florida real estate market I mean you go over here Florida real estate you're going to see yes this gets a lot of traffic 15,000 views 22 hours ago top 12 Florida real estate markets crashing fast how hard would it be to do research and make that Florida home pric is falling back to reality fast new uh this is an ad why Florida might are you guys starting to see like oh wait a minute this works and it's not just in Florida it's not just in the other stuff this is something that specifically you can do in any Market if you know how to tailor it people are all over this stuff they're looking at it and it is getting a ton of searches I mean you look at this over the course of a year it's had some breakouts it's still 65 five which means super easy okay so let's dive in so what we're going to do here is we're going to go over to our C panel right here and I I already added the domain if you don't know how to add a domain I'll put some instructions over at uh at um AI profit scoop okay next what we're going to do is we're just going to install WordPress on this we're going to go to WP toolkit right here and it should install right on our site if it decides to load that would be good all right so we'll go right like this and I don't think she put it up just yet let's see Florida Market uh what was it Florida Market okay so let's see here so yeah right now we just have this here Florida market so we're going to go through and I'm just going to set up the base of this site I had Jesse our site Builder create um a really cool theme for this so we're going to use that again if you want to learn how to make a theme we have that over at um AI profit scoop as well so we're going to go to C panel right like this and we're going to install WordPress super simple it's a oneclick oneandone deal right here of course it does take a while a little bit longer than I like I'm a little impatient here so what we're going to do is we're going to go to Florida Market pulse right like this all right gota love the slow stuff here right um and then we'll go through and make this work okay so now we'll do uh installation directory we're going to do blank I want when they go to Florida Market I want them to see this blog we're going to do the website title Florida real estate investing news okay super simple then we're going to go through plugin theme we just leave that the same we got our admin and we will go ahead I think this is all good we'll hit install should do the work for us hopefully it doesn't cash the thing sometimes the caching is crazy think I might have Norton on here so I might be able to do I know if I have a VPN on it shouldn't cach it so we'll try to do that I'll have that over there all right doing these live ones are are difficult so if you do appreciate this uh let us know all right so now it's it's creating the site for us and we wait it's just going to download create the database and then I'm going to show you a tool that um will actually include in AI profit scoop if you join over there we'll give you this tool I was going to have it for just some other stuff but I'm feeling happy today so we'll do that all right so now we're going to do this it'll configure secure website now notice how my domain name is easy nobody's going to spell spell Flor to Market pulse wrong like they will get that right so I want something easy we're not necessarily doing an expired or auction domain because that's not the type of traffic I'm going for I'm not just going for SEO uh so we're going to use this for multiple different things okay and once it loads we'll show you exactly how to build this thing up securing website all right and any questions while we're going through this we can actually go through and look at like uh Florida real estate Florida real estate we can see what's going on here you can see some of the other uh subcategory words that will help us in our research as well I probably wouldn't want the loan stuff or the um licenses I would probably want like Clear Water I could do the state of the clear water industry things like that okay so once that's done which apparently it's taken its sweet time but there you go thank you Tony um and we'll go through and see if this decides to load looks like it's trying to all right and then what we're going to do is we're going to set something up on this blog and you're going to see how simple it is to stay on top of what's going on now while we're waiting for this what I'm going to do is I'm going to open a notepad and I'm going to start to collect different links of things that I want right so what I'm goingon to do is I'm gonna pick my market okay if you don't know how to pick a market I think we might have had some on the notes I didn't but we'll have them at AI profit scoop I'll I'll put them over here for you you'll be able to choose from markets what we want in our Market is we want to make sure that there is a good backend of money right Florida real estate yeah that's got some money I mean come on now um stock market stuff Bitcoin stuff there's money in that um you can even do like products sales deals jobs right like if you were to go out there and say okay well uh what what kind of AI jobs are out there AI jobs you go to news you can see all the different things how AI could break the career ladder AI making job applications easier all of this stuff has to do with jobs jobs point to money B bing bada boom if I make the content I will get the money okay so when we set this up it's securing right so we'll go through here and wait let's get some other links so what I would do here is I would find specific Florida stuff right so here's this guy boom and you can even use AI to research these if you want like I would go through and and go to like perplexity perplexity is fantastic for this find me 25 websites and YouTube channels specifically about Florida real estate and the market let's see if this does it should go through and it'll it'll create this and again like this is good content you go there you look at CNN you look at Fox you look at the news sites here's 10 YouTubers you need to follow about the Florida housing crash like they they make money on content like that that's why they do it um if you were to go out there and I think if we did CNN or one of the news outlets let's do um Google we'll go to news and we should be able to click news and then all the CNN ones will come up and you can kind of see what's going on here so like um patient stuff all this stuff and you can see they AFF to cut 4,000 jobs in in in Europe and you can actually do like CNN jobs okay here's all the news with CNN about jobs okay very simple very easy uh perplexity again is going to find a lot of them red finin Florida Realtors and then the YouTubers it's got this guy it's got a nice little link for me and it's actually linking to feed spot which means I could just throw this bad boy right into my Feedly boom it'll it'll feed directly off it another thing you can do is you can get the RSS uh which you can find anywhere so what we're going to do is we're going to set up our site right like this no thanks and we should have WordPress here everything did right let's try turning on the VPN just to make sure it's not caching did we lose Internet are we back it'sing it's working okay okay uh are we back I think we're back type 57 if you guys can still hear me what is going on with our internet okay are we working should be working let's let's double check the who is on the site sometimes these are a pain to create if it is a pain we'll just set it up on a different site and then transfer over uh let's see Florida who is just to make sure it is on the server it should be I put it up last night okay Florida Market pulse okay well apparently everything wants to be slow today internet speed test yeah I know our our stream's working but all this other stuff is not our Internet's like super super low let's see here let's see if we could get this on a different one we'll do um WB Claud I think hopefully we have the logins here and I'll show you guys how to set this up it's it's pretty simple um does anyone have the logins for WP City Claude do you remember those Elena okay bear with us one second of course what's that I don't you don't okay okay let me see if we can get in through this why is this one not working this is why we don't do these lives often because in addition to like nothing working I want to throw things across the room but at any rate I have zero patients um let's see so this one why is this not Florida Market pulse is the who is working on this seems that nothing is working yeah I don't know what is going on what's that to I don't think so I mean it's showing the internet's not super fast but like our our live is working it's just all this other you know what I'll bet that's what it is yep okay so it looks like it's the VPN that's that's causing in that but if we were to do Florida Florida Market let's see if the who is is is uh working there it's not the memory or CPU that this computer's got a lot there it's I think it's the VPN so here we can see it is going to In Motion Hosting so maybe it's the VPN being a pain which is probably the case thank you Norton um so whatever it is is is is causing this let's see if we could do WP admin okay okay so it is technically working um but there you go so let's see okay we're going to do I think I can go here and do um where' we go we'll go to In Motion there we go so in motion I should be able to go and log in through this I hope let's see okay and then we'll show what it looks like because it should do good let's see if our Internet's still good man this stuff is slow if you can't get into admin maybe you can do page priew Well what we'll do is we'll just set it up on the on the links so you can see it because if the admin's working we're fine so we'll go to let's see um let's do Florida like this and and set up so we should be able to go over here and I want to show you guys this because it's it's super important like setting this up is is a game Cher so let's see if we can log in there we go and like this and let's see if this wants to show as well okay so now we're logged in what we're going to do I'm just going to test one other thing real quick over here see if Firefox shows it because if we can get one to show then it we'll have something fora Market pulse okay yeah it's being funny um so what we're going to do is we're going to go into Florida real estate investing news this is on the site so what we're going to do is we're going to go to appearance themes we're going to add a new theme and we're going to add the theme that Jesse just made us with the logo that chat gbt made us okay so this is all 100% AI okay so we're going to go choose file and Florida Market pulse install and this will make the theme so what we're looking at now I think maybe I can get to a view okay so this is what we're looking at now okay what we're going to do is we're going to install this theme activate install plugins and this was created using nice page if you don't know how to use nice page we have tons of videos on it um we'll do import content and it should change the way that this looks see how that pretty cool right Florida Market pulse got the hello world got everything looking real nice now what we're going to do is we're going to use this as our Hub don't overthink it it doesn't matter how pretty this is nobody cares as you saw when everything was going crazy we actually got more people watching the live stream so maybe I should have more internet problems more often but at any rate um it's not how pretty the site is it's about the content because I like if I have information that you want do you care if it's on fine parchment with handwritten calligraphy no you just want the info if it's info that going to help you you want to read it like um how many of you guys get emails all the time from news outlets and they have a really good title and then you click it and it's like oh you need to purchase to be able to read the news and I'm like I ain't doing that news is supposed to be free what are you talking about ain't got to pay for propaganda get out of here but at any rate um they make me almost want to pay because it's a good headline so having the right info in the right headline is going to be everything so next what we're going to do is we're going to install this plug and for new people who joined the uh AI profit scoop this month I'll I'll give you guys this this month only uh so we'll do visit site or we'll close this next we're going to go over to settings we're going to go to reading and we're going to change okay that's good let's go to I think it's writing or general one of these reading that okay peral links that's what we want there we go it's been a long day we're going to do peral link to post name that way whatever our title is is the link okay super simple very easy so now we're set up what we're going to do next is we're going to go plugins add new plugin I'm going to install classic editor that way it's just easier activate it I'm going to install classic widgets activate it install activate boom then I'm going to add a new plugin this is the plugin that we have in AI profit scoop I have a free version so if there's people out there that are like oh my God everything on the earth should be free fine I agree with you but that's not the society we live in unfortunately um but I will have a free version for you it won't be as good as this one but it will be a free version I created it so we'll go choose file and we'll do Voodoo RSS and we'll install okay this is the voodoo RSS plugin it's a brand new plugin that I created to keep track of everything that's going on and when you're an AI researcher this is going to help you this is like your your whiteboard right we come in here we got the Whiteboard we have the list of to- do that's what this is going to be and you'll see that RSS Voodoo will show up over here and what this is going to do is it's going to allow you to put different feed URLs of things you want to follow so if I have something like an RSS feed over here maybe I want to do CNBC side hustles all right you don't think you can make money reporting on different side hustles people are doing well CNBC begs to differ that's one of their huge income streams that's where all their other stuff started from it's crazy and you could see here number one skill you need to run make a money-making uh side hustle uh being My Own Boss 30-year-old quit and you can talk about all these in a very specific way and make content about them obviously we don't want to plagiarize or anything we are going to research so what we're going to do is we can take a feed like this copy the feed let's say I want that side hustle one I'll throw it into here okay or if we're going to do Florida since we're doing this site let's let's keep on with the whole Florida angle here so I'm going to do a new feed and if you want you could do you know go to the news site they have a feed every site has a feed pretty easy okay so we'll go through here and we're going to do let's say um Florida real estate in quotes and then I'm going to do news okay this is a feed I can take this link make a feed it's like a Google alert but what we're doing is we're putting it on our blog this is all about Florida and now we're good to go so we're going to go through we're going to put this feed into our blog here then I could go through if I wanted to do a uh YouTube One let's say living in Florida or maybe there's another guy talking about Florida real estate or something like that okay I know this guy always talks about Florida real estate what I could do take his link boom and then I could probably just throw that thing right in into the RSS tool right over here and it'll get his stuff as well right super easy submit and we could say number of items to fetch 20 or 50 or whatever submit and then when we go in here imagine you have a bunch of channels you have a bunch of other things and you're good to go so now I could go through and hit fetch feeds and it's going to fetch the latest stuff from the people that I'm following right like it's like when you follow people on social media it's cuz you like their stuff but I follow follow people which means I'm following them with the purpose to get ideas and understand the market in a different way because sometimes someone will have something I might not think about like this one here about McDonald's I probably don't want that one so I would just uh clear that one or whatever now when I see some I want vacant homes and Rental tax coming for all homeowners interesting that's one that you know hey that's an interesting one save as pending we'll put that over there and then I could say I inherited millions and it ruined my life that's pretty good that's an interesting one or five things everyone gets wrong about home insurance save as pending boom uh Florida house pric is falling save as pending boom what this is going to do is it's going to give me some ideas okay so let's see if there's any other specific to Florida this has never happened outside of our session save as pending now what it's going to do is it's going to have all those posts as pending there they are so now what I do is I'm going to use this as my Hub okay it's not necessar I'm not trying to get traffic just yet I will but what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this for a specific purpose so vacant home and rental tax coming for all homeowners okay so let's do um we'll go to our chat gbt let's open a new one all right like this and I'll put my title in here I'll get one of those joggers up here how specific sector is is responding to headline good that's a good one so I can go in here and say how um how landlords are responding to vacant home tax coming well guess I could just delete this that would work okay so now it'll say how landlords are responding this is something completely different and it's going to direct our content in a different way so now this is something that would work right like a good article would be something like why are there so many vacant buildings I'd read that I'd be like yeah why are there I was looking over there they're vacant all the time so now we're starting to get this and we could say okay now please share how this will impact the average homeowner and people with rental properties and what this is going to do is it's going to do the research for us and it's doing specific research so see how we got that as an idea and now we're like okay here's the impact here's the increased cost and when you do this your grammarly and your plagiarism score should go way low because what you're doing is you're you're triggering the AI to give you something unique it's not something other people thought about I'm doing like how does Bitcoin relate to gold or Nvidia like if you were to look at that Nvidia versus Bitcoin all right if we do this in quotes there's probably not that much content about this doesn't look like there's much at all I'm sure this will time out looks like a lot of the content yeah there it goes it timed out so there's less than 12 pages of content most of them did not have the exact thing in the title I mean there's not much here so having that content could work um and going through this now we have our content I can go through and tweak it and I can even research even more the thing that most people don't want to do they think that AI you just turn it on and it does all the work and it'll make you rich we have our AI computer over there he hasn't made us any money yet but um you know it's all right now notice here right out of the gate straight out out of AI zero plagiarism right so now we're seeing okay this this is something that's giving us unique interesting good content people actually want to read and all we're doing is researching so I could say pressure to utilize or sell okay cool or if I wanted to stay on just the Florida stuff I could go through and do something like everyone gets wrong about home insurance so here we got this five things everyone gets wrong about home insurance in Florida be specific to uh hurricane insurance and stats and prices right stats and stuff are what's going to make it to where we can have all kinds of good stuff about these numbers here right for a home insured 6,000 related damages 544 annually this is pretty good right so now again let's see how it's coming out of the gate with the plagiarism might be more on this because it's not super unique but let's see how it does and again all our job is is to research on Google and Ai and find stuff that's going to help and I'll show you how to distribute it in just a minute so that you could get paid um one of the ways we could do this is with AI videos where there we go no play ISM there so like this is very simple five myths like this this would work if you were to do like myths about insurance you're going to see that there are uh contents that are getting views 17,000 Insurance myth uh myth about insurance let's go here uh 1.7 and on and on we go myth versus fact so if you did something about Florida homeowners insurance which is trend like all the time because Florida insurance is crazy right if you were to go Florida um her homeowners let's just do Florida Insurance okay what we're doing is we're we're taking our research and putting it into a little box so homeowners insurance Florida 15,000 searches a month now that's a high competition but are there lots of people doing this on YouTube probably not are there lots of people doing it like a year a month four months nothing super recent and they're not that great these are all just News videos so it's it's stuff that people are used to if you had a good um a good thumbnail and everything like that you could even say let's go to chat gbt please make a thumb nail image for this right and it'll probably do some hopefully it'll get like some myths or something like that and now we're we are on top of the game as a Content researcher our job research stuff put it out there five things everyone gets wrong about insurance uh make it real photo type okay and it'll go through and it'll have all kinds of cool stuff that we can use and then of course we can go through research it what did it look like here what does it look like there what is it compared to other stuff this is actually pretty good we can adapt that right uh let's do May it uh wide format let's see if it does this here and then all I would need to do is take our image put it on our site that's pretty cool I mean I probably have the five common myths a little bit bigger but you could save it and then you can put it on your blog super easy um and we can put it on our site so all we're going to do is click edit we're going to go through through delete this stuff here change our title right so you do five myths about Home Insurance Florida boom there we go okay so now we have this here obviously spell check it and everything like that then I would go through and I'd start to make the content and this is where like a lot of people think you need 5 million word articles you don't if you have good content people want to read you're going to win and this here you know here we go tidy this up a little bit and then I would just point to the things that get me paid or get paid with ads get paid with uh the video stuff like I could go through and say okay now make a simple short video script about this right and it'll trigger ads that pay money because you're in a market that works if you talk about you know um funny cat videos it's not going to trigger that expensive a market because that's not one that that has a lot but if we have something like this it will trigger trigger the higher paying ad so now we have premium stay the same regardless of hurricanes um all deductibles are the same flood insurance is included that is a meth that is not included um and all of these things so you can make a very simple video if you want to use your voice I would definitely use your voice um if if not you could use AI voice and what we're doing is we're going to take this and we're going to say okay what do I do well what I do is I research topics for a niche okay and to find interesting stuff I'm going to use it for AI to make a title and I'm going to adapt it for a group of people and when you do this people will start to get used to your content they'll start to want to watch it there are people that do this in AI all the time right you could go out there you could set up a an RSS for like new AI tool every time a new AI tool comes out boom you talk about it new AI tool rolls out I actually did this um earlier this week I had a video that kind of wasn't doing that great and then I made I I I noticed in the news there was an article about um perplexity shopping and because I was able to tackle that boom there we are there we got views it's doing pretty good and if you start to understand hey this is about staying on top of things and being top of mine a lot of people are just setting up a Blog putting AI content and hoping that it ranks what I'm doing is I'm deliberately going out there and researching based on what people want so now when we look at this we're going to start with our headline use chat gbt right now with chat gbt and perplexity and all these others we can actually go through take this from chat GPT I can go into something like notebook LM over here where is it there we go and I'll start a new notebook create new how often should we change or add to AI articles well it depends I mean if you're getting traffic and I mean you could change it all the time if you're getting traffic um but some of these are set and forget like I don't change my stuff too often let's say say why is there create new not working create new there we go um so what I could do here is I could even have like Google Docs or slides or I could just copy and paste text like this right then I can go through and say okay well maybe there's like homeowners insurance or real estate Florida I could actually go through and just start taking links throw these into notebook LM should be able to go through and do add a source YouTube boom insert okay I would I think I'd actually have to get the transcript for that one some newer videos don't have the transcript automatically just yet uh but going through we're going to go and we're going to be like okay how do I deep research this how do I go through and say okay how does this relate to um new Florida residence boom right and then we could start to make content that's for them like thinking about moving to Florida read this first something like that so here it shows the myths and things like that um and the more you give it the more you understand the better it's going to do so what we're going to do is we're going to use Feedly or RSS feeds like we have here with the uh RSS tool okay we just go in and every day I just come in here and I go to RSS Voodoo and I would go in and hit fetch feeds it'll find the latest feeds that come out I can make the content about got them and then I'm good to go very very simple very easy don't overthink it then we're going to go through and we are going to edit the content okay I go through I use particle notebook perplexity feedle napkin any of these tools and we're going to create the content now the types of content we can create this is important because a lot of people are like okay I could do the research right if you think you can do the research smash a like button type Research In The Box because if you can do the research that is the part that more or less takes the most time okay flipping it is where the money comes in so now I'm going to say okay well if I could do the research what if I don't have a website or I don't want to do blogging well what we could do is we could make a white paper a white paper would be a specific download like a PDF that you could host online free and it would have links to things that get you paid this is probably the least effective way to make money oh where did our notes go all right hold on of second got to get our notes back open open with chrome so that's probably the least effective way but you can do that right so I could go through and I can make a white paper Okay so let's let's go through and say okay well um let's go to this here let's make a white paper about why Nvidia is a better investment than Bitcoin okay now I'm not a broker or anything I'm just using this to show you how it works I have no idea which is better um personally I invest in things that I know I have control over like websites and domains and and businesses so now I'm going to go through and I Got This research why envid has a better investment than Bitcoin a comprehensive analysis executive summary so now we have this here and then I can say now please list some places with affiliate programs that I can link to that they can use to buy stocks or Bitcoin okay and it would go through and have those links there so what you would have is your affiliate Link in the bottom or your ad link or whatever it is and it'll probably add these to this okay so having a white paper is good what we're going to do is we're going to make a really good paper we can go if you're like okay I don't know how to get tra to it I can make a YouTube video about it just skim through it here's what this paper has go here to get it or you can make Pinterest pins about the white paper or you can go on forums and you can share your uh white paper whatever it is we can use this in a very very specific way okay so making a white paper is definitely a good place to go making an infographic also good I could go through and make a little infographic about Bitcoin versus uh Nvidia okay very simple like don't overthink this this is kind of thing that that people would want to look at and if you don't know how to do it you could probably use napkin AI right and like something like this this would get attention right so let's snooze that you could just go through take a snapshot of this make a little screenshot that's like hey Nvidia outperforms Bitcoin for the third year in a row or whatever it is okay making infographics short videos if you're going to make a short video what I would do is I would take my infographic and I would make it into a short video you literally just read the info on the infographic and make a video about it super easy you can use AI to do the voiceover as well um also you could do long videos right maybe I can go through and say okay well let's uh let's make a video about the entire white paper okay this is about stock stuff so it should trigger expensive uh advertisements okay obviously we want to make good content we don't want to spam we don't want to do junk that's where the research comes in right we're going to do research on this type of stuff and you see people are doing this all the time and it works really good now another thing I think if you're going through and creating a white paper infographic or short video you could probably go out there and make a blog post on it as well right so I could say now turn this into a blog post make the blog post again something specific for a specific group of people based on what they're already thinking about you can do social media content right have have a big image of this and then have a post of of why it's good right I could literally make a infographic out of this put it on Facebook or whatever share that and talk about why it's helpful boom there we go just go there make it work okay and then the best thing to do is to go and make these in conjunction with every blog post because if I could go through and have each of these fit a blog post now I have somewhere to lead them right it's like double dipping um and if you can do this it works like crazy we can also do a newsletter right having a newsletter where you know maybe you're posting all of this stuff on social media you're like okay every day I am going to come out with something that is like Bitcoin versus this stock right it's super easy we go through open a new chat GPT right like this uh what are 100 stocks or coins people often compare with Bitcoin boom all you would have to do is say Bitcoin versus whatever coin this versus that and you can go through and make a graph about ethereum versus um whatever gold there you go so you could do uh Nvidia versus gold uh let's see where we go um chat jpt so we do Nvidia versus gold share the growth stats over the last 100 years right this is stuff that would be interesting how many of you guys if you saw this you'd be like yeah I want to see that chart everyone talks about this how would this work um and what does it look like so now we have this here we put this into our napkin AI boom well let's open a new napkin apparently that napkin needs to be like this and then I could go through and do the performance so it went from 20 bucks to 25 there we go that's better and maybe we can make it with like even the numbers on it or whatever it is uh very simple okay and maybe we could do let's do this one here we'll just let it do one and then we'll do this one and then that's the kind of content people actually watch where it'd be like hey check this out um you know this is how much gold grew over the last hundred years this is how much this did uh Christine says can you host multiple websites with one hosting package yes so for the same $10 I have a bunch of sites on there so when we were going in and you saw those other sites on my account um that's one $10 a month account so very easy uh you can also do a news/ tools website so one of the things you can do is what if you you had the content or the videos and you could do how does gold Faire up against whatever you're thinking about investing in this is where you could get a little bit fancier and actually do something like let's make a gold overtime calculator that they can put in the date and see how it would grow or something like that and we can actually make a tool and say hey go to this tool to see gold versus Bitcoin or or whatever it is right this is kind of thing that I do all the time and AI codes this for you right we did this just last week with the talk website which is my sobriety website and we literally made a little sobriety calculator where they can come here and it'll track their sobriety date they could buy a custom cup all kinds of stuff so making these is also really big now how are we going to get paid for this well the way we're going to get paid is several different ways if you're to look at examples like the uh guy who was doing the AI uh videos right researching and he researches makes a video he does do the voice over so you know you would have to do that but or have ai do it personally I think we need to get over using our own voice like just use your voice unless it's terrible which is probably not use your own voice um because then it opens you up to new monetization methods you probably wouldn't have before and it's Unique right so those are important um and we can go through this guy was making the content where he just finds something interesting piggybacks on it look at the piggyback like okay Graham Steven Graham Steven um ex exposing the truth behind smma why this YouTuber the absur business of banking so there's a lot of different things that are like oh this is piggybacking on other stuff now when you piggyback my advice would be not to step on people's toes but to maybe just talk about something like in the News That's not necessarily a person CU if you're talking about people it could open you up to lawsuits and different things like that whereas if we're talking about like Bitcoin or new AI tools that's something we can do but piggybacking works like crazy if you were to look at um even like Graham Steven that guy in the example watch how he started this is what he did he did the the um piggyback method in the beginning so if you go videos you go back to his oldest videos when he started taking off is when he started talking about other stuff what does this guy say about x what does this guy say about Y and what you could do is you could set up your RSS feed this is something that I do you could set up an RSS feed based on the top people so if I go through and I say who are the top investor investing gurus offline or whatever like Warren Buffett Warren Buffett right what we can do is we can get all kinds of different things so now now just list their names like this and then what I could do is set up an RSS feed whenever something like this pops up because watch this this is going to give you news in a different way for a different group of people so if I do quote Charlie news what does he say about all this stuff one day one month two days three days see how there's something all the time you're going to see the same thing with all the other guys uh Ben Graham or let's do Ray doio I know that name I think he was the one who was in The Big Short Ray doio um there's that one right so I could go through and I can set up my RSS on this so we'll do new feed um let's do URL generate right like that uh save so what I could do is I go over to my tool let's clear everything clear uh select all remove boom I'll go to settings put in this one put in this guy Charlie Munger so go to our RSS and create it and there's free tools out there where you can create an RSS feed uh this one cost me like I think I just got the bill and it's like 110 bucks a year so we'll go through this will make the feed for this one and while we're waiting for that because I literally have no patience we'll get the next one so here where did we go feed okay so there we have that One sav to my feeds let's put this up here copy this so I'll put this one in our blog and watch how easy this is to just you're literally just staying on top of everything that's going on get this one new feed boom generate now saved in my feeds copy so now with just these three I could go in and be like okay 50 feeds submit I'm going to get 50 different feeds from different new different times these people appeared in the news and now I can make content hey here's what you know uh Carl Ian says about whatever so we'll do fetch feeds boom okay and now boom bets Trump uh something there uh Bridgewater I can reduces stake in Southwest Gas Holdings I mean this is content like it obviously works because they're talking about it uh I can tells this so here's one about this guy selling gas and I can go through and I I don't know anything about this stuff but I could go through and be like tell me about Carl I can reduce a stake and gas gas Holdings what would this mean for the average investor okay so Market sentiment and stock price volatility change in company strategy evaluation buying opportunity interesting um and then there we go very simple right or we could go through and look at some others this is going to be like your roadmap uh we'll Change the World um billionaire sold that so lots and lots of stuff here's Charlie Munger extreme brand loyalty people have for ketchup interesting so like if you're doing marketing tips you could do hey this is the the ketchup marketing strategy or whatever um America post election both candidates worry me says it's weird so like that what do the what do the presidential elections mean for stocks okay um something that's in the mind like okay stocks took off after the election what's next with like you know some kind of interesting picture or something like that um Insider confidence a big problem so we're seeing lots and lots of different things that actually work really good like if you were in the Bitcoin Market we could set this up for Bitcoin you can take your your your top uh YouTubers or whatever you get info from them and what this is going to do is it's going to set you up to where all you're doing is finding good things you know the market wants Based on data based on AI and you're doing the research on how does this apply to this because for me I mean I read something about that guy dumping the gas stocks means nothing to me right I I don't know what it does nothing so going through I would have to say how would that fix how how would that fit what my people would want how would that fit what the average person would want right or you could do inflation and home prices right that's a big one so you could do um we know inflation's big it would show up on the news stuff how does inflation how is inflation impacting Florida home prices okay so we could see here what's going on in the last 30 days has Zillow seen a drop okay so now we're doing this research here right there and you can see the average prices and things like that that's okay we don't want that that's about the stock I mean Zillow home prices and then it'll go through and do all the work for me so there we see as of October 30 home value was this increase we probably need to go to perplexity this is where your job as a researcher comes in where it's like okay I need to know the tools that are going to help so if I do in the last 30 days has Zillow seen a drop perplexity is most likely going to do a better job of of recent SE to do in November so that's the Zillow stock I mean house prices on Zillow let's see if this does it so there we go so now we're seeing a drop increase decline so we can use this data and start to make sense of it use it in in our um notebook LM put it all in there get the info and now we would literally be a researcher for house prices in Florida real estate in Florida insurance in Florida investing in Florida all different things like that and the way we're going to get paid sponsorships if you're big enough usually this is for like video channels if you're doing faceless videos uh on your website you can do paid ads AdSense you can do affiliate Market marketing you know go through show them other Investments um membership site if you wanted to be like hey behind the scenes you can join my membership site just last week we started a new membership site over at AI profit scoop literally took minutes to set up it's selling like crazy why I'm literally reporting on AI news and I give them behind the scenes of what I think in there along with some tools and other things like that great way to make passive income this is something a lot of people do it's so big that even YouTube got in on it where you can run a member ship on YouTube people can pay get some special info behind the scenes uh different things like that if your Niche fits you could do print on demand now in terms of making money with affiliate offers you could do ClickBank you could do jvu you could do uh offervault they have tons of different CPA offers um if you're doing the paid ads type stuff what I would recommend is maybe having two websites one where you're talking about the new stuff and another one that talks about something else what we can do is have our main news site that gets traffic here okay news or update site or whatever you're going to research all the topics and then you're going to have a common theme there will be a theme in your site maybe it's like hey um buy real estate okay maybe you'll have something where it'll lead to a website about how to buy Florida real estate or uh best mortgages in Florida or something like that where you're leading to something that is specific specific that is about the topic at hand that's actually going to help them what you want to do is have ads and stuff that people actually want to consume based on what they're reading the problem is is everyone wants to just throw ads on and make money but what we need to do is we need to think about what our Market wants how can we get them in there like the example I showed earlier where maybe you're talking about uh different WordPress sites for churches okay maybe I can get them into web hosting rather than just WordPress stuff web hosting is going to pay a lot more money and this is a kind of thing that works like crazy we're actually doing this on my WP City site although we haven't had much time to do it um but on WP we're going after all of the different Trends and different things like that to get the traffic and the site gets traffic every day again I've badly neglected it but what we're doing is like okay translate press versus this and just host discount Astra versus Elementor and these the kind of things where you know we can go and say okay versus element or maybe there's a news report about WordPress or something like that which I know WordPress has been in all kinds of crazy news here right different things like this it's stuff that happens all the time and what you're going to do is instead of going out there and trying to be in the niche of make money or health or Wellness or whatever you're going to go into something specific I'm going to be the guy who reports on news about WordPress if there's a hack I'm going to report on it if there's a vulnerability I'm going to report on it if there's a plugin that's bad I'm going to report on it and if you keep doing that over and over your job is then I just research this stuff and I point to the things that make me money that's all I do um there's all these WordPress lawsuits and things like that there's all kinds of crazy stuff going on with WordPress and you know it gets a lot of views WordPress uh news right you'll see all this stuff um word press ecosystem has lost its mind WordPress situation is crazy what happens here is you are going to piggyback on what is known as Dynamic inventory you see on YouTube on Google in all these places there is dynamic inventory okay what does that mean that means when people are interested in something they are looking at it and that drives the keyword through the roof case in point there was a terrible program on TV the other day it was on Netflix it shut down Netflix I wish I could have my 3 hours back it was terrible it was the Jake Paul fight a year ago Jake Paul or if you do Paul versus Tyson a year ago this didn't exist now it exists or maybe a year ago I don't know when he said he was going to fight him but what happened was it spiked okay so Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul spiked okay that traffic is worth a lot of money if you know how to do it right there was a lot of people whose internet was buffering and stuff like that we figured out how to get it working we had to watch it on our phone it was terrible right yeah exactly it was not a fight it was a nothing but at any rate um what we have here is a lot of people searching it which boosted the dynamic inventory up same thing now when you have all this stuff um I did a video about a certain political comment person the other day and his stuff spikes when certain stuff trends like you see when uh there's a lot of news about Democrats certain news stations Spike when there's news about Republicans those Spike Dynamic inventory is key for the last four years people didn't really think about Trump all that much in terms of searches right um but if we do Trump if we spell it right right here you're going to see yes it is now spiking Dynamic inventory it'll be like that for the next four years you do Biden same thing if you do Harris since she just kind of like came out of nowhere you're going to see she spiked right when she came out of nowhere and was there and so now you're seeing this is a spike in Dynamic inventory and if you can go out there and piggyback on things that are working the views will go up the people reading your content will go up the money will go up and if you're using different models of stuff right maybe you use different models where you're saying okay um can I do a membership site this is the kind of thing where when Bitcoin spikes like crazy right Bitcoin boom this spikes like crazy you could literally pack your mailing list overnight I can't tell you what happened and I'm going to I'm going to be honest with you here when I made my video on make money chat GPT I don't know if it's still up there it was like a couple years ago I didn't know chat GPT was coming out I just happened to follow one of these things and I saw it and then I went out there and because of that it actually became one of our biggest videos ever and what that did to my mailing list was insane if we to do popular it's still the top video right and you could see here like I don't get that many views there's Channels with millions of views per video 531k is my my top it's the best I've done but I've made a lot of money with this stuff and starting to understand that this one hitting this the right way got more traffic than this got in seven years and it worked Dynamic inventory and now when we start to look at this and say okay I just research stuff and I get on it fast okay the faster I get on it the more the dynamic inventory is going to be there and I'm going to build all my other stuff right let's say you're in the affiliate Market I mean offervault literally does this by updating affiliate offers I could go out there and I can do RSS feeds for different affiliate companies and say oh Max bounty has this new offer for Affiliates here's this new offer there's people that do this all the time and they're getting tons and tons of traffic uh GPT says Dynamic beats static inventory content because it updates automate the process to schedule sending your leads exactly and you could go out there and it's going to build and grow if you do this with a newsletter which we actually have a a video coming out on this if you do this with a newsletter and you're like hey I'm going to update you on all the stuff that's happening with WordPress we the news uh video people for WordPress boom boom boom I'm going to hit all those topics or Florida real estate hey I'm a Florida real estate investor I would love that kind of info where it's like hey now it's time to buy all the prices are down um that kind of stuff will really really help and what you got to do is learn how to research in a specific way how can I find Florida real estate news and talk about it Florida mortgage Florida mortgage go to news um 90% Cash out refinance interesting okay so I could do Florida homeowners can get 90% of their Equity Cash Out cool okay and you can talk about that or you can do uh work at home jobs this will show you all the jobs you could just literally be the guy who reports on it um there was a guy years ago I met at uh I think it was affiliate Summit years ago and um he had what was his name Matthew leco this guy literally went to the library and learned about govern grants that's what he did and the guy's a genius right he's like 80 something years old he's still crushing it and what he does is he finds government info that's free online anyway shows you how to get it right and you could go through and say okay well let's do uh government news uh let's do what would that be called government help program or something like that right free grants and programs for small business uh how much comes from this how much here this is stuff that would actually be interested interesting to these people and starting to understand that our job is to research it here's some wasteful programs um energies tuition assistance there you go so I could go through and say okay now what if I did this about school loans there you go there's one I could just be the uh student loan guy and all I'm I'm going to do is talk about student loan okay pulling incorrect payments um student loans cost 340 billion more than expected okay so what I would do is I would say how does this apply to the average person how does this apply to the average student loan holder and how much extra please find stats and all I'm going to do is research this topic get something good I want to make something really good that that's going to help them the more time you spend on it and the better you make it the easier it's going to be okay so now we have uh 340 44 million so the average borrower there you go owes approximately this the typical monthly payment so what would that equal so 340 billion so how does the 340 billion average out okay yeah he had this the question marks and money's on his suit that guy was awesome yeah I don't know about his programs but the guy's his marketing model is amazing um and those are the kind of people that you know that's who I learned from when I first started was like okay how do we do something that's going to help people and you know people I got to tell you you know I I I deal with a lot of the public and I got to tell you that people don't know how to research like how many of you guys are like um you know my wife will be sitting there and someone from her family will call and be like what's the cheapest flight to American Airlines or to to Florida and she's like do you not have Google like I mean do you not have Google most people don't know how to research just like Matthew leco most people don't know how to go and find government grants that will help them or a guy years ago he did Extreme Couponing right now like you hear everyone in the news talking about grocery prices watch this you can do this in a super simple way you're going to go through and you'll do like uh grocery prices you talk about um Dynamic inventory this was all over the election grocery prices right like this boom so you got grocery prices look at that spikes Okay cool so now let's go here I could literally make content a short video bananas are now $3 a bushel I don't know how do you buy bananas however you buy them you know they're three bucks and I talk about it and then I talk about what to do why Trump's tariffs could raise grocery prices and what that means to you I added that because that's what we would want to do so I could go through and find stats okay tell me about extreme couponing and groceries and what the a average person saves per year or whatever okay so now we're going through and I'm like okay boom here we go uh yeah like by says people call him about veteran information because he's a veteran so there you go you would talk about that all the news stuff about the benefits and things so annual savings could be this much okay how much have grocery prices grown in The Last 5 Years four years all right there you go political people would like the fouryear number and so we'll do this so the average went from so 27% price increase okay so 7% cool so on average for the General's Chopper using coupons they save 7% so what if I made a report and I was like I found out how to get your 22.7 % back here's how to do couponing there you go and you could do um Extreme Couponing affiliate program or you can find like the honey app or something like that and then bada bing there you go coupon affiliate programs Extreme Couponing pretty sure he was like one of the first drop shipper people I know I drop shipped it back like in 2003 um but yeah like this is the thing where you've got to you have to find something and stick with it right so you're going to be like okay I'm the coupon guy and specifically grocery right or I'm the one uh telling people how to save money on cars and boom you're going to go through and this is your ticket okay this is your ticket grocery coupons that's all you're going to do you're like Marcus I thought about this new Niche are you making money with grocery coupons no okay well yeah when you make money with the groceries then tell me because this will make money if you do it is it going to make it right away is it guaranteed are you going to get rich as soon as we stop this video no you're not if if that's you you're going to be sad because it does take work but you know what people we got AI we got Ai and I can do the research and I can go through and I could say okay uh what are the top things like watch this you literally go to Pinterest you're like okay what are the most affected groceries in the what do you call it infl boom you go through you're like okay here's my Pinterest there's a picture of a banana was $2.99 now $5.99 uh which is actually interesting I was looking for a barbecue that I bought years ago it was 299 years ago now it's like 600 bucks like barbecue didn't get any better it's the same thing but at any R so bananas um have been stable okay what about eggs eggs got a lot I know I buy eggs and they're like 12 bucks or something it's like a dollar an egg those chickens are you you should probably listen to the chickens about how to make money on the farm all right the jokes are free sit down calm down uh how about eggs so we'll do eggs um and this will show I think quite a bit so $3 so it went down so like if you just reported on food prices and you set yourself up for a back end which would be um maybe a Rewards Card actually yeah I have a card that I use at at Whole Foods and gives me uh 5% back we get like a bunch of money CU I use it for everything um but it gives you a bunch of money back so 5% back plus the 7% on coupons now we're up to 12 I'm sure you can find other things like uh ways to write off certain amounts of groceries or whatever the key is get creative and get creative in a specific market right get creative in a market that you know people are going to want to read or listen to very very important and you start to understand this works if you do it and my job research that's it you don't even have to know about these I don't know about inflation I mean I know a little bit but I don't know about grocery inflation I couldn't tell you how the bananas get there all I know is they're there and sometimes they're too green I don't know but you go through and you use it and it's really cool um yeah those are great stats for uh the the other one so you could go through and do like this you put it in napkin napkin AI where's napkin this one one no one of these there it is new napkin put it in there there you go you could have like a white paper on you know what not to buy or something like that there you go egg Trends over time so from there to here it's almost doubled I told you those hens are getting rich there you go so understanding this and looking at it is like okay now I know what I can do all I do is I find the stuff I research it and spin it in a way that's going to help me and then I make money uh would you put this in a membership site it depends like a grocery one yeah you could do like an all over $7 a month membership site where it's like hey every week we're going to have a webinar or something about how to save money on groceries uh or whatever it is very simple right don't don't need to overthink this stuff um would that be hard to sell probably a $7 save money thing you're probably better off getting them into credit cards and doing it free um which you can make a free membership site come in free we'll show you ways to save money um it's not that hard to do credit you know you can talk about different credit laws and different things that come out a lot of people I mean we're all overwhelmed with information like you're not alone if you feel overwhelmed when it comes to making money online if you feel like there's too much info with AI everybody does so what you're going to do is you are going to isolate a group and do the research for them make it easier you want to provide value there's our V for Value right the way you're going to provide value is by taking all this information that's all confusing and you're going to make it easy that's it and you research ways to make it easy right I mean think about it like every year we have to sign up for health insurance every year it's just as confusing as ever like I think that was the most expensive it ever or something like that the five5 billion Health Website that the government made um and it's it's hard to understand it's like what do you put there what do you put here um info overload is crazy and your job break down one thing and do it good and do it over and over and over this works it's not glamorous it's not pretty but it puts a lot money in people's pockets and if you want to get paid to be a researcher learn how to research learn how to get what you want and as I always say information structured differently can make you rich if you position it in front of the right people if you get the wrong people it's not going to work a lot of people think it's about views all right I've had videos that do really good with views they don't make me nothing nothing like they they make me Pennies A lot of people think oh you know you put a video out you got lots of money I don't some videos make very very little money some make a lot some videos with 100 views can make more than a video with 10,000 views it's all about knowing the right thing a lot of people think it's about lots of traffic I don't need a lot of traffic if they're out there and they're struggling with um grocery bills electric bills whatever it is and I have a solution super simple I don't need to do that much but the problem is is people are going to go out there they're going to put content five people will read it and they'll be like this don't work and then they'll go to the next thing and the next thing instead of being like well that one got five maybe my next one will get 10 and then maybe this next one will get whatever and you look at mine right that one there 500,000 that was the first one I did that got to 500,000 I've been running this channel a long time now some of them like this one did 147 in 3 months some of my blog post the same way and over time what it's going to do is it's going to build up if I have one little piece of content that I researched in one day and that can make me a dollar a day every day right that's $365 a year most people will look at the dollar and be like what am I going to get a I don't even what can you buy for a do one egg you can get one egg from the chicken okay or the hen all right um but 365 adds up because if I told you I'll give you 365 if you go to work today most people would run be like yeah I'm going to go run and get that here 's this dude running he's running fast with his Fancy Shoes why cuz he sees that 365 would he do that for the dollar no he's going to sit there and say a dollar that's a waste of my time not me because a dollar a a day every day adds up and if you do that every day for a year now I got something making me 365 a day all day every day right you say well micus why did you start that little $17 course well one because I want something inexpensive where you can learn to make money with AI lot of people are struggling a lot of people are having trouble with with finances I'm like hey let's come out with an easy course let's give you some easy stuff that'll make money now how much did I make on that the first day I came out with it I don't know 200 bucks does that even register no I didn't even notice it in my bank account but guess what it's a monthly thing so that's 200 every month that's $2400 a year you say oh well Markus you know 2400 that's not even that's not that much okay well well did you know that uh times 365 that's nearly a million dollar so if I could do that over and over and over again there you go and starting to understand okay well you know maybe I can build and grow and build and grow and content is like that if you research it correctly and it goes out there you might make a little bit of money on the on the first day but over time it will aage out and the averages are what we go off of right A lot of people think that internet marketing and business is all about there's this one thing Marcus only does videos well no I've been doing this for 25 years since before videos were even a thing but that's one of my Revenue methods okay what about other stuff well I also have a Blog I also have an affiliate program that pays me anywhere from 9 to $27 a day it's a rough roughly around 5,000 a year I think it is and that's one thing I don't do anything on I get 5,000 a year automatically from research I did years ago okay there's another one that averages about $4,200 a month it's one thing now are these results typical implier guaranteed no most people make nothing most people do not make anything and if we understand hey wait a minute these little things add up over time but a lot of people don't want to do it they look at $27 a day and they're like oh well you know what I'm going to get a Happy Meal I don't even think you can get a Happy Meal anymore maybe a sad meal but going through there's your sad meal um going through it's like well if I look at it a different way that $5,000 adds up if I can do that times 20 all I need is 20 of those I haven't thought about this site and how it makes money in probably 3 four years still make some money over and over and if you realize that if I make 20 of these well it's 100 Grand a year all I got to do is set it up and researching right what was that it was research I researched that was before AI but I researched it and it worked and if you can research the right topics and lead them to something that works you can make a lot of money and we'll close with this uh GPT says AI is truly amazing for brainstorming ideas for Content utilizing information and transform it all in seconds exactly and if you want to learn more about how to make money with AI my super inexpensive course that I talked about earlier is at airofit there's also free stuff over there just for the people who want free stuff uh can you do this on your phone probably not I I don't think that would be a good idea get yourself a laptop um it's just much easier if you can get yourself multiple screens we need to focus on our productivity and we need to focus on things that make money research the right stuff and it makes money if done correctly so hop on over to airofit I will give away the the the free plugins over there and then the big ones there if you join uh for the RSS Voodoo and um we'll go from there but yeah make content research and get paid thanks for watching and we'll see you Friday

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