[Music] hey what's up everyone John christon here let me know if you can uh see me and hear me all right just type in like yes or the number one in the chat uh if everything's working properly you know I changed some settings on uh my streaming software uh so I want to make sure everything's looking it's not choppy it's the audio is not too high not too loud and that we are good to go so just give me a bunch of yeses or ones in the chat we have some cool stuff uh to go over today and uh yeah let's let's uh let's hopefully get started soon um now a few things that we're going to go over today we're going to go we're going to look at you know in the first in the first video in this series what we did was we started with creating a swipe file you know it's so when we're doing affiliate marketing you know we'll do affiliate marketing marketing plus paid advertising okay that's what I teach that's what I've been doing that's how I've been made that's how I've made over $30 million on the internet uh by you know maybe you know me from YouTube you see that I have like 600,000 subscribers and we're in the YouTube TV thing but that's not how I made my money that's not how I became a millionaire when I was 25 years old you know the way I was able to be very successful with you know an online business was without using my face at all you know my original intention was actually to become a ski B um you know never you know never show up in front of the camera you know stuff like that you know so I always made money by doing affiliate marketing plus paid advertising uh or paid ads to affiliate offers so I didn't have to constantly be posting content and this is my system right that I've gone by and that I I started teaching uh you know 8 years ago actually now the first way I start is by with a swipe file and that was in this video you know let's let's go over to my channel that was in this video here oh wait not this video where's my channel okay um and we'll look at so the first video in this series was how to start an affiliate marketing campaign and you can go to my channel you can look at the lives and we can see you know this was a few days ago and I went over how I start and the the setup of my affiliate campaigns now the second video in this series I went over how you know once I've done that competitive analysis and I've seen what other create you know what are other Affiliates doing what are other Affiliates putting in their ads what are other Affiliates putting on their landing page where what are they use doing I set up my traffic Source okay and I set up Rumble ads and we submit submitted a number of ads we submitted ads in two categories we submitted ads we submitted video ads and we submitted display advertisements you know like banners okay B I go to that under the okay banner ads so we tried two things we also tried other things within there we did uh and and I did a little bit of a live stream that was live only uh 2 days ago showing you a little bit of my optimizations and a little tweaks I did on this campaign um if you want to make sure that you are that you are seeing me go live uh because I'm not going to PO I'm not going to keep all of these uh you know as videos that you can always see uh some of the live streams I'm just going it's it's going to be live only make sure you subscribe to this channel uh if and and en able those notifications if you want to see me when I'm just marketing and you know doing stuff I'm not always going to have a prepared kind of presentation thing going on I'm just sometimes I'm just going to go and hang out you know I live in the middle of the mountains you know I have a couple acre horse ranch uh you know and sometimes I get lonely you know so I just want to you know I I'll help you know I'll I don't mind talking to folks and doing marketing so make sure you subscribe and enable notifications and if you are loving streams please give them some likes Okay now what's up Emanuel what's up Anthony Richard wolf Warrior Lynn AR Roots Michael Joanna Johnson everybody good to see you now in this video we're going to be doing what is the third the third pillar of affiliate marketing which is you know I I I don't have a sexier word for it I'll probably create a sexier word for it but data analysis or op you know otherwise known as optimization otherwise known as cut the red grow the green okay we want to cut what's not working and we want to expand on what is working and if what's if things aren't working we're going to cut them fast now the video I did two days ago we had only spent $2 on our marketing ads to get a sale you know I'll be happy if I spend less if if I spend $200 to get one customer uh I'm going to be happy and the reason for that is what we're doing is we are we are promoting let's let's get this up here uh we are promoting my product this oh oopsies ah what am I doing we're promoting my product right here which is called the super affiliate system this is my Flagship training course uh where I teach folks you know the marketing skills they need to succeed which is research copywriting and data optimiz data analysis or optimization and we teach people how to get offers from ClickBank and set up a landing page and promote them on ad networks we focus on Google and Facebook now the little magic sauce that I haven't really gone too deep into is how we create landing pages and how we create website domains and all that stuff and the the secret sauce There is where is it it's software that we use uh that we've built for our students called ad Zilla okay and you know it's it's not super beautiful yet you know we're actually we're actually doing much more efforts to make this a bigger P more more publicly available software but right now this software is only for the students in my mentorship program uh or students of uh my video training courses if you want to join there's links in the description I'm sure that you can click on but this this is our software where we we create landing pages uh our whole goal my whole goal has always been to make affiliate marketing easier uh and I'll I'll I'll I'll pin my life mission on that I believe everybody's going to be an affiliate in the future anybody who wants to make money will be an affiliate I believe the whole world will be affiliate marketers in the future because the reality is everyone talks about products or movies or books or TV shows or stuff they recommend things to other people and as we move into a digital economy everything's being tracked anyways why don't we get credit for the recommendations we're making anyways throughout the day or the month or the year now with this we've made software uh for our students we're just going to you know go on landing pages right you know we we can create a new landing page here which I'll show you and um you know this is how how we create landing pages so we launch the Builder and we have landing pages for all different sorts of products so but first let's get into let's get into a few things okay what we'll be talking about today first off I I didn't prepare that super well for this but we're going to look at you know we're going to look at our Rumble ads okay we're going to look at our Rumble ads we're going to uh we're going to look at our Rumble ads and see what areas for optimization we have we're going um and I'll kind of give you an update on where we are with every process we're going to look at some winning ads in our Niche for Affiliates we're going to look at real Affiliates real Affiliates who are making real money in one case [Applause] $3,100 in a single week okay we'll look at what the other folks are doing to be very successful um and we'll look at what else are we going to look at um look at some other affiliate offers [Applause] maybe and uh I will be here to answer your questions okay I honestly didn't prepare too much of a thing for this but I figured being live and I just bring you on automatic affiliate marketing business makes more money the more money his clients make with his P yeah is that a real automagic affiliate marketing business business I don't know what autom magic affiliate marketing business is but we're you know we're trying to we're we what our goal is is just to make affiliate marketing Easier by m you know what I saw with my students um and I I I I like that the you know it the everything's looking higher quality this stream around right I I hope so because we did a lot of tweaking on my setup and we got some uh Easter eggs right here for the uh for the uh for for Easter coming up but the biggest problem with folks getting started in affiliate marketing because what I've really focused on is helping a complete beginner somebody who doesn't have any technical skills and doesn't have any marketing skills make money on the internet that's how I've built my audience to over 600,000 uh subscribers see the YouTube plaque right there uh because I help complet complete beginners with no knowledge no experience making any money online make money make passive income and the biggest problem because I've been teaching students for eight years now actually like since 2016 I started I started teaching people 2016 i i in the beginning of 2016 I sold uh you know I sold my affiliate marketing business which was doing uh $6 million a year sorry 5 million a year um $5 million a year you know over a million dollar profit I sold that business and I had to do something else right I'd been making millions of dollars from affiliate marketing for years and I had to you know I had to you know and I I said I'll I'll I'll teach some people I have a huge amount of people asking me how to do affiliate marketing um now the hardest thing is folks post creating a website register registering a domain getting putting a website on there knowing what to put on their website like what words what images and getting their affiliate link on the button now to me all of that stuff was intuitive it's just how you make money it's kind of like well if you're going to ask people for money you should give them a venmo link right like it's just obvious sign up up for venmo and just send somebody a link you know you just do you just do it you know I just learned how to set up a website how to copy a website I learned how to pay somebody $20 to copy a website for me then and post it up on my domain but a lot of my students were failing were not even you know they were they would ask me for coaching and then they were failing they were not getting anything set up and it it bugged the heck out of me bugged the hell out of me that students were actually paying me money to learn from me and then they weren't even They Were Somehow stopping before they set up a website so what that's why we created our own software we started creating our own software to help students just get a website set up a web page on there easily you know we had to build landing page software to get their ClickBank Link in there without even having to to to to mess around with ClickBank just literally just put in your ClickBank ID and you have 150 websites all you know landing pages already pre-populated that made it easier and students didn't know what to put on their website so then what we did was we started offering our students all of our own internal top converting landing pages and allowing students to you know copy you know copy other people's Landing pages and post them on our website build so that's how we've created our software and that's how we've made it easier than ever for folks to be affiliate marketers and we're continuing to go down that route um so yeah take imperfect action right our software isn't perfect but it's it it it works now you know I actually just came off a um a a webinar with some of my students and we were looking at uh we were looking at a campaign a few different campaigns one in the weight loss space one in the one in the uh prostate uh like helping people pee people who have prostate problems who like pee too much or not enough uh looking at supplements like that and just to show you some examples of some really good affiliate landing pages that uh students of mine and other Affiliates are using you know here's an example of a good landing page um for affiliate marketing right and we found this out on Google search advertisements using my exact method 2024 is top five weight loss supplements okay right every one of these is an affiliate offer right this ain't just some random you know it says trusted top reviews right you know it isn't a real company it's it's it's an affiliate you know here was here was another website these are these are all kind of like reviewi type websites but another great affiliate website you have a discount you have the review it says it's a you know it says it's a review it makes it look like it's nonbiased all this stuff right and you go over to the affiliate offer and if whoever buys this the affiliate gets you know 100 bucks right another great landing page you know promoting a keto diet supplement and here is another uh great landing page promoting um another affiliate offer uh some what is this some keto some keto diet thing so that's what we were going over and I also want to start this off with some major motivation okay I'm going to start this off with some major motiv and hopefully you can hear what's going on the screen this is General uh or Admiral William mcraven he was the man in the US military he was commanding the squad that captured Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein uh now those guys were enemies of uh I just want to make clear you know those guys were enemies of the United States uh me I'm a huge fan of uh you know I I you know not that I need to be disclaimer I'm a huge fan of Muslims and in general and I'm uh you know I visited Morocco you know I spent time in Egypt I really want to go to Iran you know I've been to Dubai like five times uh and I really like the solid moral you know Osama Bin Laden isn't a good example but generally speaking I like that uh the Muslim Community is much more Godly in General I think than the uh uh than what has happened to you know I believe the United States is almost a you know we've got so many satanists uh and our laws actually protect you know Sinners uh it's it's disgusting uh and I won't go too deep down that rabbit hole I try not to get too political on this channel uh but uh you know Less on that let's go if you want to change the world start off by making your bet if you make your B every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day it will give you a small sense of Pride and will encourage you to do another task and another and another by the end of the day that one task completed will turn into task completed making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter if you can't do the little things right you'll never be able to do the big things right and if by chance you have a miserable day you will come home to a bed that is made that you made so that his speech goes on but this is one of the most powerful speeches I've ever heard this man was is a leader amongst men he led a 100,000 men he was responsible for the lives of a 100,000 men responsible for the lives his decisions affected if he made a bad decision if he was off that day if he made a bad decision men with families died every day people under his command or every week people under his command would die and how many died was based on the quality of his decisions but what he said is start off with the Small Things accomplish something small before moving on to the big things so many folks sitting here get wrapped up in the you know in in in in trying to do the big thing like I just want to make a $100,000 a month I want to make a million dollars a month I want to I want to you know I want the big hit I you know it's I'm going to put all my money in Bitcoin right now and I'm going to hope it explodes I'm going to put all my money in Dogecoin I see so many like kids gambling everything on cryptocurrency because they view that as the way to make big money and for some folks it is but for most folks they're gamblers and they're you're the your money is you you know you're you're the one going to be losing money you do not have a competitive advantage and a lot of trading is not skill-based it's gambling Bas I like how he says start with the small things and in business it's the same thing these small things what I'm teaching may not be always super exciting you know like what what are we doing we're you know we're talking about swipe files that that that doesn't you know that doesn't sound exciting we're starting out you we're talking about setting up an ad doesn't sound exciting we're talking about spending $2 you know well we're SP talking about spending you know a few days ago I was optimizing based off of $2 you know it it ridiculous small volume small beings but the small things you accomplish small things and you can get up your way up to the big things okay you accomplish the small things you learn about these swipe files you learn about how to set up ads you learn about what makes a good ad you learn about data analysis your building skills and and each day you're coming along with more and more knowledge to take towards those other areas of life okay so let's get into uh let's get into uh looking at our Rumble ads and seeing what improvements we can make and sorry for all the kind of like motivational stuff in the beginning but I I you know even a lot of people need it you know I needed it when I was beginning out um and for folks that are looking to go seriously into affiliate marketing I'm going to do one more plug I am not an affiliate for this uh although I highly highly recommend you go which is affiliate Summit if you want to be around if you want to get in this industry you want to break in this industry go to affiliate Summit East okay okay who here is going to affiliate Summit who here has been to affiliate Summit or who here wants to go just type in yes because this you know this event there will be about 25,000 attendees at this event who are full-time affiliate marketers there will be about 25,000 more people that will go to New York at this time you know but not even you know attend the conference they'll just go to New York just to be around the parties just to hang out in the lobby now to attend this event I think it's it's like $11,000 or something oh oh actually it's not that bad look at that it's like $399 okay $399 okay this takes place in New York City in Times Square uh what July you know at the end of July right now it's $399 I encourage you folks to go because this is what changed my life um this is what gave me the motivation and the drive to to really make it work in affiliate marketing and because once I was around so many other successful people you know once I was around folks that were spending $40,000 on you know bottle service and a a table uh you know $40,000 in a single night just to give their friends alcohol and stuff like that and I realiz you know and I started asking question like how do you make that sort of money or who are you or what is that guy doing to make so much money and once I started seeing in real life the am the the ridiculous the sick amounts of money I mean that's a sick for for somebody to be able to afford to spend $40,000 on bottle service in a single night and not care just on alcohol for their friends you have to be making a sick amount of money to spend what the average American earns in a year on a night out with your your friends a few hours at a club you have to be making a sick amount of money and once I realized how much money there was in this industry how easy it comes and how I I that that frustration actually helped D that frustration that anger I I don't know what it was but it helped drive me to become successful in uh this area thank you sir um so highly encourage highly encourage folks to go yo bro what's up tar Tariq from maruis where can I be an affiliate for the SAS platinum membership on ClickBank yeah go on ClickBank now the re the answer is that once you start making uh I I'll take you a little bit down the hole here um once you start making sales on my product on ClickBank uh and we have that let's let's bring it up right join ClickBank and then go to my product the super affiliate system once you start making sales on my product in the super affiliate system on ClickBank me or a member of my team will reach out to you personally and we will offer you additional income to make money from our mentorship if uh folks that buy through your affiliate link for the super affiliate system end up uh joining any of our other programs you will get a commission there uh which is uh yeah basically you can make an extra $2,000 uh if folks that you recommend to join the super affiliate system end up uh joining one of our higher uh you know like our mentorship program or anything like that uh so yeah we but we will reach out to you after you get 5 to 10 sales of the super affiliate system and uh so that's the way it works we do have a because our mentorship program is totally different from any video courses or anything um it's oneon-one it's working with former students of mine who have uh been successful who are interested in like you know they're they're putting their time and their effort and all that stuff working oneon-one with uh with my students with my audience it's a it's a different commission structure it is Rev share uh 25% and we have a different platform which we will invite you into uh when that becomes applicable to you okay let's let's look at uh let me let me put a link for ClickBank here for folks who haven't signed up who here is already a member of ClickBank if you are typee in yes if you aren't type in no okay okay and I put in a link for ClickBank there uh I wish I got a commission recommending people I think I've re I think I've had over 50,000 people sign up to ClickBank uh and become Affiliates uh from you know I I don't I don't get any piece of things so um let's go into where are we okay so Rumble ads okay now so far today we've spent $10 it's that's good it's more than uh it's more than we had been spending we had been having issues with uh getting our spend up but this is this is better no conversions yet but that's fine you know given given that the average payout for this for my program the super affiliate system is $829 we can you know we we can uh we can afford to spend up to $400 on a conversion so you know if I'm spending $400 to make $800 I'm happy uh but right now we've only spent you know like 30 bucks but let's look now we have two campaigns we set up and for those that are for those that are just uh ah okay and for those that are just joining the previous videos are on my channel underneath the live the live tab okay so we did some previous videos in this series let me cut out some of these tabs because I have too many tabs going on okay so here's our rum here's our Rumble ads campaign now the reason I chose Rumble ads is because Rumble is a oh oops that's too big yeah it's working this time Rumble Rumble is a conservative video site that's been ganging an impos popularity because it is the one place that Donald Trump puts up his content and it's the place that Andrew Tate puts up his content so you have Trump you have tapate then you have a lot of other sort of like you know people who have escaped The Matrix uh posting content there such as Russell Brand and a bunch of conservative talk shows co-hosts Christian ministers War reporters that show footage that wouldn't be allowed to air on YouTube Etc so you have some big personalities big people who have escaped you know the Matrix so to speak that are on this platform so it's it's been gaining Steam and we are trying to advertise there so let's look at this campaign now one issue that we had I've I've been going back and forth over is so we have officially licensed footage from Trump uh which is really which is a really neat it's a really neat uh situation to be in because I spent a lot of money folks on licensing this money uh this this footage from Trump let's find this um we could see this here and delivery service can play in the weeks ahead I've officially licensed this footage and they have been fantastic wait this is the good part fantastic and they've been doing it already but uh they're keeping it open and uh doing it period now would say it's a 14-day period it's 15 days from yesterday and we're asking everyone to work at home if possible post we asking everyone to work at home if possible so I thought that was a great line that i' like to use my ads and I used it on my television ads and it worked really well and the good thing about this footage is that we can you know as Affiliates you can too I can use Trump images Trump videos in my ads who thinks that's an unfair competitive Advantage who here thinks that being able to legally use Trump's footage image video is an unfair Advantage when marketing a product well I do I guess there's a bit of a lag in the chat I certainly do and it's also an unfair Advantage for all of you because you can use it too if you are Affiliates of uh of my programs okay um John am I the only one that uses YouTube ads to run my program uh the the answer is I don't know we just relaunched our affiliate program uh we hadn't put a lot of effort into you know we we hadn't really been managing our affiliate program for a long time uh but we just so we just relaunched it and I I you know ClickBank does not tell me what Affiliates are doing to promote the program they just tell me how many clicks they got and how many sales they got so you know in the last week or two since we launched our since we relaunched our affiliate program maybe people are doing YouTube ads I'm not sure because I don't know you know I'm just here teaching folks how to do these things but I will you know I will post up uh YouTube ads for folks in the uh I will post up ads for folks to advertise on YouTube um us personally we're spending somewhere around $115,000 on ads every day and a lot of those are on YouTube okay most of that spend is on YouTube let's look at this so our Trump ads notice this folks our Trump ads got rejected okay rejected this creative has been rejected contact our support team you know all of my trump got rejected rejected rejected John affiliate marketing doesn't work that's what I was trying to tell you you can't use that it's it's it's barred it's blocked you know yeah that's proof affiliate marketing is dead no guess what we're legally allowed to use that footage so I'm going to get that stuff working and this is what I did was what I did was I I simply sent them an email you know I I did exact you know sometimes when you're trying to get ads approved uh and this has happened to a lot of Affiliates sometimes you'll get ads rejected it's part of the game um I remember having a you know I've had a lot of students over the years and I some students are like ah am I going to go to jail if my ad gets rejected you know and unfortunately you know just like sometimes you know if you're trading stocks you know you'll get you you get losers or your trade doesn't go through at the time you wanted to or whatever in affiliate marketing in any form of advertising you're going to get ads rejected you're going to get you're going to get accounts banned or suspended it's part of the game it's part of the learning curve uh it happens now the way I teach my students is I teach my students to be uh you know I admittedly the ads I put up were pretty aggressive and uh the initial ad you know so but but you know I did contact the support and as you see you know I just have to go through this sort of annoying corporate process you know uh I passed the ticket along to our other team who'll better assist you right so this person support at get ads help.com I'm assuming they don't even work for the company we go to this website and look there isn't even a website for get ads help okay we see this right get ads help there's not even a website okay so I'm not even sure this is necessarily part of Rumble so now I'm finally you know going to be able to send my official documentation or just plead my case with the rumble people and hopefully they'll just simply approve my ads uh but of course it took an extra couple days so that's what we're doing there it's not an optimization but I guess hopefully it gives you some it informs you that just because you get ads rejected doesn't mean you give up on that angle okay so that's what we're waiting on now what data do we have let's look at this we're going to look at statistics and we're going to look at this campaign and see how it performed and we're so what you always want to do when you're looking at data is you want to set your date ranges right so in our in our case we set up these ads on Monday so I'm going to set up in order to analyze my data I'm going to set my date range over here to the correct timing from the 18th to the 22nd so let's do it apply now there's a few things I'm going to want to look into here notice we have a lot of different a lot of different ways we can measure our campaign ah our campaign's Effectiveness we can look at our site Zone at type campaign country zip code carrier device creative OS conversion goal all these things now what I'm going to look at is I'm going to focus on a few different things one is I want to see the creative what the creative means who here doesn't know what creative means okay now what the creative is is it means the actual Banner ad itself so I'm going to look at how that Banner ad performs we're also advertising in multiple different countries so I want to see if any country um is not performing as well uh in my sort of hidden live stream that I did uh on Wednesday what we found out was that UK was underperforming and we simply got rid of it um we were able to double the amount of uh visitors to our landing pages simply by removing the UK because the UK was underperforming that bad so we doubled the volume with half the cross okay now the next thing I want want to look at is we said country creative um is there any other any other sort of thing I I don't know I think we removed language we'll we'll look at we'll look at uh language browser language so we'll look at a few different things to optimize by and I think I'm using a few different landing pages so we'll look at these [Applause] different optimization check checkpoints okay we'll look at these checkpoints and we'll see what's going on here does this make is this making sense to anybody type in yes if you know it is Type in like over my head or no if it isn't and please ask any questions as I'm going through this to see if uh um about affiliate marketing about making money here so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to look at let's look at the creative so we set our our date range right go here and we look at here but I'm interested is I'm interested in the click through rate and what we see here notice this and this is very typical for a lot of advertising um is we see that one you know we literally the the difference between our worst performing creative and our best performing creative is 10x 10x okay 10 freaking x uh now this is a hard concept for a lot of folks to understand who haven't been in marketing you know maybe came from sales or stuff like that but it's it's not a linear difference um the difference between a good Lander a good ad and a great ad it's exponential it's an exponential difference and it's one of the reasons why the core one of the core tenants of what I teach is optim is split testing is data optimization okay because you never know what's going to work is the reality you never know what's going to be the most effective and the difference between if you're not split testing you're leaving huge amounts of money on the table um for folks that are interested in going a little bit deeper into uh who want to be a part of like my mentorship or like go really deep into these things and creating campaigns our mentors will even set up ads for you and all that stuff you know we help people like create you know like we help people create their affiliate businesses you know create an income um you know watch this podcast and B you know I I put a link in below and basically you'll get a chance uh 30 minutes in you'll get a chance to apply for our mentorship program and fill out a form and all that stuff but save that link for later if you are interested or just go and watch it um let's go deeper into this so here we have oh we do have some conversions I didn't know we had conversions okay well it it maybe this just came in but we'll see campaign okay so I noticed that we're getting a mix of our video ads and our banner ads let's just look at our let's just look at our banner ads for now what we're going to do is we're going to click submit and we see okay our three banner ads that are running we have three of these one add and we see the difference between the lowest performer and the highest performer is almost 3x which is our lowest which is our highest so because there's no conversion events to look at yet see Zero conversions on our Banner ad campaign what we're going to look at we can't optimize by this okay typically what you're going to optimize by is your cost per conversion I want to spend $25 to get a $50 sale that's you know $25 is your cost per conversion cost per sale so we're going to get rid of that what we are going to look at is we are going to look to optimize by CTR which is Click through rate it means of the people who see our ads which is the Impressions how many people actually end up clicking on the ad so it's just this number over this number 30 / 2,000 and 7 77 okay and in this case our best performing ad is the one that we actually copied from a competitor and again this is what I teach in my program the super affiliate system this is what we teach in our mentorship this is what we do for you in the mentorship um this is what we do and typically we see that ads copied from competitors or ads almost exactly similar to competitors perform the best here we have it at a 2% clickr rate compared to you know less than 1% clickr rate for the ad I created myself I think that's sort of funny folks I'm not a great marketer I've made tens of millions of dollars I'm not a great marketer uh I'm I'm I have students making far more money than me uh you know I have students making tens of millions of dollars a year you know millions of dollars a month um uh I just know how to you know I'm pretty good at copying ads and that's worked out for me and it's still working out as you see my ad my ad sucked in comparison to uh uh to you know this this uh this other AD yeah this was the ad I created how do I how do I make money from home you know but this is the ad that I copied from a competitor and it's working the best I'll take it and no there aren't any there aren't any copyright issues with copying an ad okay like what like somebody like C submitted this to like the United States government and all the world governments to be like this is you know like I need a like none of these things are copyrighted like please I'm not a lawyer so don't listen to me for advice but uh if you're worried about copyright issues please uh unsubscribe and leave this channel uh it's affiliate marketing is not for you uh just being real here okay okay so what we're going to do is we're going to pause the two worst performing ads okay we're just going to pause these other ads so I'll go to my outline I'm just going to say okay pause two banner ads now let's look at let's let's change the campaign and look at our our video campaign okay and here we see let's see what happens I mean here we have a big difference between our top performer and low performer which ad is getting the best performance okay now what I was just doing was I was checking that my date range was set correct and my campaign was set correct okay now I want to see and also just to show you for folks who are like wondering is affiliate marketing with advertising super expensive do you have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to make it work um as you see here I've only spent like $6 on this campaign right I've spent $6 so it's not like I wait an unbelievable amount of time uh you know or like spend a ton of money uh I waste a ton of money before you know I can optimize campaigns but let's see which ones work here Impressions so wait what happened here so we see that this ad is performing the best because what we're looking at is we're looking at the click through rate right here this ad is the worst this ad's doing all right let's see what this ad is hey this is John and I want to invite you to an exclusive video series with me this week where I'm going to show you exactly how I built my internet business from now what's fascinating about this this was an old this wasn't my my beer the red is turned up in this so my beard looks especially Irish uh in uh in this video uh here's here's somebody who learn in this video there's also a guy who learned from me who's making millions of dollars a month uh right now his name is Carlos where is he yeah so this is a guy who spent some time learning from me and he's making Millions a month right now lives in Dubai all that stuff really cool guy uh but what's funny is this is kind of an older ad but it doesn't change whether it works or not I we we we've showed this ad to millions of people on YouTube but it seems to be working on Rumble so that's interesting it's getting the highest performance of any of these ads on Rumble so far so let's just make sure we make clear to pause this this add okay show us my most I'll I'll show I'll show you what I make I can't show you the I'll show you what I make a mon month show you what we did last month so we've created our own dashboard for things but um I'll show you what we did from our own efforts last month so this is this is uh yeah so if you could see the numbers here we've created our own dashboards at this point in my company with Google data uh studio so if you see that you can see collected total and so this is you know and you can see you know if if I were to I'll just you know so whatever that turns out to be uh something like 20 some thousand a day I could show you you know for the month of January uh what we [Music] do so we'll click that we'll click apply this was in January we did about this much um and this month we've already done about these numbers so just to give you an idea you know this is what we make or you know this is what we spend on ads and this is what we make okay so hopefully you guys see that hopefully that that helps let's go let me bring this screen back down to size okay there we go um but you guys can also see you know my house or all this other stuff you know you have I have these $10 million Awards s we've I've been doing I mean there's a lot of videos of all the stuff I've made and whatnot uh I I practice a lot of saving money uh I try to save as much as I possibly can uh because I you know the only way to make money is by keeping it not spending it you don't make money if you spend it just because you earned money doesn't mean you know I've seen a lot of folks in my in my 15 years I've been trying to do this online business stuff I've seen so many folks that were making millions and millions of dollars a year come and then fade away uh and I'm sure you've seen it with you know online gurus and YouTubers and stuff like that before you know there's there's there's so many stories of like professional athletes who have made Milli tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars actors athletes Etc that are dead de broke that are evicted from their houses folks and and you might think how can folks make over you know tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars and go broke it's real because what many folks don't understand is it's about keeping money uh there's a lot of mindset [ __ ] issues that people have once I notice it all the time people everyone has a level in their head where they're comfortable and they will stop working as much or as hard everybody has a level in their head everybody some folks you know let's for many folks it's $10,000 a month some folks it's $5,000 a month if they're not making $5,000 a month they're running they're spinning their wheels they're doing everything they're applying to jobs they're they're doing extra work they're they're trying different things uh until they get to $5,000 a month then once they're at $5,000 a month they slow down you know beyond that they they slow down they calm down they don't try to have that rabid urge to make money for some folks it's it's higher it's $10,000 a month they're going to work hard you know go crazy until they get to $10,000 a month and they're kind of you know but they're not going to do that try to get to 20 or they maybe they'll tell me they want to get to 20 but they won't put in the same sort of work for some folks it's different some folks they'll act crazy to get money until they're at a $100,000 until they're at making $100,000 a month and then there's some folks that are don't even look at their monthly income and they just work hard all the time and they're constantly trying to make more money and those people are billionaires okay uh that that is our combined dashboard winners club uh so that's that's uh most of the products uh that's SAS that's most of the products we uh do as uh an affiliate that it combines multiple things okay so now I'm going to look at the I'm just going to do some analysis here questions questions questions okay we see very few people so move this over again now we do see some people coming here from uh France right we have some uh French clicks here but it dwarfs you know it's it's not a big deal so it's not it's not too many um surprisingly surprisingly I mean look at this three are click through rate on French traffic is 133% compared to 1% for English-speaking traffic I don't know why that is but that's crazy I don't know why that happened okay uh let's look at our banner ads again very few French people okay let's look at this by country on our banner ads and what I'm interested in is is there a significant variation in Click through rate looks like Irish people are clicking through about 50% more of the time than um Australians okay so I'll just continue letting that that run but let me see if the cost per click is significantly different so looks like the cost per click went down there but it's more expensive per click in Australia interesting generally speaking when I'm doing affiliate C uh when I'm doing any marketing campaign I like my traffic coming from the US and Canada because the US and Canada are huge markets that scale very easily okay so going to see uh 1.8% clickr rate and we're seeing most countries are falling within a certain range Australia's in here Australia we've only spent a150 on I'm not too concerned about it eating up a lot of our traffic uh I'm just going to leave it running okay let's see this do we have any other things to look at most of our clicks are coming from mobile devices as we see so we want to make sure our our our ads are looking good on mobile devices of course let's go in and optimize our campaigns questions for me questions questions questions questions folks you will not get answers if you do not have questions so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to edit the creatives here as you see I just went into the creatives and I will pause pause these creatives uh sorry pause this creative I pause this creative so we paused the two creatives that weren't working okay now let's look at our next campaign look at the video ads we'll look at our creatives and again what we will do is we will pause pause it says pause the 59 513 video oh this one okay and uh so I'm going to pause this video because of the low clickthrough rate and I just use this button to pause it there we go okay you just optimized the campaign um what I'm going to do is I'm going to upload some new ads from because some of these some of these ads worked so well I'm actually going to go to our uh JV page and upload some new ads so here was from the past live stream now if you want to get some of the JV uh swipes and stuff I didn't include the link in here okay well I'm going to go to this site I'm going to go to John christ.com JVS and I'll put that um okay and um so this is some information about promoting uh my training course which is uh the super affiliate system um what the super affiliate system is is uh that's our course you know it's $11,000 you get about $900 Commission on that um super affiliate system.com ah okay here it is um yeah I mean it looks like some some Affiliates and some stuff have done reviews or walkthroughs of it uh if you do have a YouTube channel that you are going to review it on I will give you free ACC access uh so you can review it Society so um so yeah what it is is basically it's we have a bunch of videos getting started doing advertising on U you know YouTube ads Google ads social media ads how to do the research create swipe files copywriting create ads analytics split testing um scaling up stuff like that and there's a lot of homeworks along the way so I won't go too deep into that but that's the course I'm promoting and uh what you're interested in is the JV page um we are going to find some of the videos that we offer to people so let's see this we have Facebook ads videos we want let's download this download download just download some of the videos that I mean are offered to use in affiliate but obviously I'm I'm going to use some of them too yeah I'm uh I'm an affiliate for my own uh I'm an affiliate for my own self which is like a real real thing um now on Rumble now on Rumble Rumble has a limit of 50 megabytes per video so you know in this particular ad the coffee shop YouTube ad it's two G it's 2 gigabytes so we can't really use this ad uh unless we downsize it which I just don't want to mess around with on the stream but we will use uh some of these some of these ads I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to throw up some other I'm going to throw up some other ads I have I have other ads I'll I'll post I'll post uh later on and make available um to y'all as Affiliates let's see I went from being homeless to becoming a multi-millionaire and I now teach others to okay these aren't edited yet uh let's find edited ads edited videos ads uh Reeves do you know you can sell oh none of these are small file sizes though okay I'll have to edit stuff to get them done with false s okay well we we we we'll go with that for now let's let's actually let let me search one other ad uh mash up going to stop sharing for a second give me give me a second I have to go and some other part of uh the internet computer stuff um and I'll upload these ads in our telegram group uh right after any of the ads I'm using in this I will upload immediately to our telegram group if you want to join the affiliate telegram group um uh make sure oh shoot uh ah make sure you join our telegram [Applause] Community here okay there we go um I did shut down Community chat in there because there were too many of so many of y'all are trying to get your affiliate links out there everybody was just spamming their affiliate links in the group so right now it's just me I can I'm the only person allowed to post I I give you guys assets as I across them okay we have Mammoth Mammoth MTH MTH do we have a low nope okay I'll render some of these as smaller file sizes later what we will do is now we will bring up and we will add some creative to this campaign because now we only have two we only have two creatives going so I want to get more ads to test more so much of video advertising is based on the actual uh the actual um the creative uh you want to split test as much as as much as possible um to get there so let's let's uh download let's look at uh um volume this is see which ones we can do too big okay well we'll try uploading some of these ads and see if they're the right side size and stuff okay um one 2 3 4 five and uh what we'll do is we'll click upload and we'll see if any of them get accepted as they upload okay if I advertise the same offer with this what is the deciding a factor of whose ads get shown uh um I don't know I don't know it's it's I mean it's one of the things I teach people and works pretty well so of these ads only one of them got accepted I don't know why uh as you guys see this so you guys see this uh error notification error notification error notification error notification um why did the ad not get accepted uh the video duration is longer than 3 minutes longer than 3 minutes longer than 3 minutes uh they only want videos under 3 minutes so we got one ad accepted so I'd have to edit the others which I don't want to do right now we'll do complete and what we will do is we will add this video to the campaign we will add this video to the campaign and see we will go here so we selected two new ads to add to the campaign and I will add them to the campaign here says we must assign a landing page see it says You must assign a landing page so I go up here and I will select uh I'll select our Lambo page okay update we'll do that here we go now I think that's a pretty good example of literally what I would do you know that is that is for years this has been about the amount of work about the amount of like what I call like hard work like hard focused work I'll do in a day managing an affiliate campaign the most leg work in managing an affiliate campaign is in the beginning when you're setting up the when you're doing the research setting up the landing page ordering somebody from Fiverr to do the landing page all that stuff now what I'm going to show you next will blow your mind I'm going to show you another affiliate marketer I came across this guy yesterday who had had an unbelievable ad and it's example of everything I'm talking about and he put up an ad and he made $3,100 in the span of one week seven days right just seven days made $3,100 pushing an ad but what he did uh he was a member of Andrew Tate's course the real world it's not oh shoot hold on folks uh I have to be right back I'm gonna some I think something blew over outside let me see it's getting a little windy up oh okay I have to get back on my we hey what's up okay where were we okay we put up some ads okay that's cool um Andrew Tate's course is not really good at all so who here is a part of Andrew who who here joined Andrew Tes the real world and all that stuff what uh for Red Rum what what campus were you in what campus were you in the Tates are goats I would I would say that they are they're very they're the super AFF Tariq Hussein bundu uh the super affiliate system it is designed for beginners but what you will learn in there is so important because it's it's skills there's also skills research copywriting and data analysis the other thing tar is that we give you access to our software ad Zilla which allows you to post landing pages High converting landing pages they're already created for you immediately it's going to it we make affiliate marketing much easier and if you're working with our landing pages for the top ClickBank products it's going to be much easier for you to make a lot of money uh you're going to get a lot around a lot of roadblocks so I'd say it's beginner to intermediate um that said you know the sky the limit you know uh to go from intermediate to Advanced uh there's there's some really interesting programs which I will uh uh I'm going to shout out one of my one of my friends who who is a super affiliate he's been making $100,000 a day some days and he's really good he's got a training course I think it's more expensive it's like 3,00 a month if you're looking for something that's like pretty Advanced but uh I will find um uh Alex M he's an awesome uh let me find it uh oh what he has a has a slightly different name on on YouTube what the hell does he go by on YouTube um oh shoot I'm forget what his name is on YouTube um let me find this ah Alex ml there we go this is it my so this guy's a badass um he has a course that's about $3,000 um I think it's $3,000 a month and I highly recommend everyone on this channel go just flood this guy's Channel with love he doesn't have a lot of uh you know he's not as goodlook as me uh he doesn't have that beard so I think that's why he only has 16,000 subscribers uh but he's one of the smartest dudes out there in affiliate marketing and I'd say he's got the best absolute best course for intermediate and advanced uh affiliate marketers or more for advanced um uh affiliate marketers what he teaches is AI ads uh you know or YouTube he teaches specifically like YouTube ads you know to ClickBank products he's we're we're we you know good marketing it's it's pretty consistent we're teaching a lot of the same stuff but what he really focuses on is he focuses on getting home run hits now if you're a beginner and you go into this it's going to be a much higher chance of failure uh in my eyes uh because what what he what when you're going to display traffic sources guys and subscribe to this channel Alex is dope at yeah Alex came over to my house you know a little story about Alex I'll I'll I'll uh put up uh let me let me put up uh let me put up Alex over here because Alex is a stud Alex came over to my house uh I was connected through the uh one of the the the CEO of Digi store hit me up and he said yo John we have a major affiliate and uh a good friend of mine who's interested in meeting with you he wants you know he wants to launch a YouTube channel and a course would you be open to meeting him and I said sure man you know I said no problem yeah tell you know connect us through WhatsApp or whatever and Francis connected me and Alex through WhatsApp Alex had just gotten done skydiving uh Alex skydives around the world um this guy makes millions of dollars you know take home a year sometimes even a month you know he'll net over a million I mean this guy's this guy's crushing it and so he comes over to my house and we're just hanging out and we go around the area you know I have I have a cool pad you know I have I have a couple acres out here in uh Malibu I you know it's it's a nice spot and we hung out and we just masterminded together and I love doing this with marketers I'll I'll I'll travel to different states or even countries just to hang out spend a couple days with a marketer uh and just you know see where I can help them out with tactics and where they can help me out with different tactics and ads and stuff and Alex was asking me about how to start a YouTube chel you know how to get into that YouTube Stuff how to get into uh you know how to run a course you know how to make students happy and I thought it was really neat that he didn't just go out there and say oh I have knowledge to share I'm just going to do he he's he was really interviewing people like me to figure out how to best you know create an educational experience because it's a whole different thing to be a teacher uh through video and to help especially when you know there's folks out there that are forking over what's maybe a significant amount of money to them to uh you know pinning their hopes and dreams on their teacher right you know um you know it's a responsibility you have so I showed it to him and you know sure enough he's he's you know doing his thing he has a really great course uh and he's created some really great success uh some of my students have gone into his program and you know it's helped them out a ton so I'd say definitely check out Alex's stuff he's better for I'd say more intermediate or Advanced affiliate uh uh folks but here I'll show you the thing that I was mentioning I would go over there's something I I mentioned I was going to go over earlier and what that hey this is CHR wait let's find it let's find it let's find it I was going to show you an ad a really great ad that another affiliate put up that's crushing it let's find it I got you give me one second last week I tried it okay so here we are with Andrew so this is this is a guy named Logan ski finance and I also recommend I highly recommend you follow this guy this is also a you know a great marketer and a little bit under the radar okay great marketer is a little bit under the radar not as under the radar as Michael uh or Alex Alex michol is uh this guy's got 215,000 subscribers but the dude's an absolute beast at marketing so let's check out this video of his so he joined Andrew Tate's course and he set up an ad to promote it red rum Red Rum what what what campus were you in yeah trist Tristan yeah Red Rum Tristan is Tristan's really eff and smart triffin Tristan's really eff and smart um low ticket versus high ticket is all the same amount of effort you just have to sell more lower ticket items to get pay super system okay I'm leing through some of the comments okay now this ad blows the socks off and this is the sort of ad that you are you want to try to create right now then play it for check this out check this out folks watch this is a this ad made Logan $3,100 profitably in a week he was promoting Andrew Tate's course which gives 25% commission less than 25% commissions only on the first month this guy was able to make we offer a 50% commission just to give you and higher just to give you comparison okay there's a lot of programs that offer far more commissions than Tes but Logan created an amazing ad here and also he utilized the best part of Andrew Tate's training which is the AI and content creation campus which I will show yall if I get enough yeses if I get enough you know yeses or show me you know show me the content I will show you uh on the a little bit on the inside you know not nothing that'll like make the Tes mad I don't want them [ __ ] like killing me or something you know like but uh I'll show you a little bit of the inside of the AI and content campus if I get enough show me or like yes okay but let's see this ad for a second because this ad this ad is literal genius this ad is literal genius notice they blurred out the image for YouTube I don't think this was blurred out um when he actually ran this as an ad Actually I don't even know if you ran it as that it might have just gone viral on its own but this content is genius and for any folks out there looking to become successful in affiliate marketing I want you to really just take a second and try to understand that this works and you guys Andrew Tate doesn't have an affiliate program anymore he doesn't have an affiliate campus anymore because I guess supposedly they uh the affiliate campus wasn't working to make people money uh I would encourage you guys to do the same ad for the Tates or something like that if if I was shown this because it was originally for them but I'd encourage you guys to do this ad for the super affiliate system uh to make some money so let's check it out let's check this out Red Rum and spend $150,000 on a degree about business learning from a dude who doesn't have a business who doesn't have any money but when a multi-millionaire says I will teach you how to make millions for $49 you're worried about a scam how stupid are you how much Social proof do you need that he knows how to make some [Music] money late first so fire that is fire baby that ad is fire baby who T guys TP type in fire if that ad is if you guys can see that that ad is absolute fire okay I want youall to understand you're getting the sauce here okay you're getting the sa we call it the sauce the secret sauce Special Sauce everybody in every business there's a you know in any successful business there's a secret sauce all y'all know that oh yall can go to ClickBank you can post links but y'all want to know the secret sauce right I share it with you on this channel so I need to get some likes or some fires or some reactions or emojis or whatever because this is fire this is fire th this is fire this ad I just showed you and wh why is it fire though like y'all saw that ad and y'all are probably thinking wow that's a freaking great ad but let me explain to you why in my opinion that ad is fire first off Trump never said that stuff okay folks that's called a deep fake and there are literally deep fake generators you know deep fake Trump you know I I've talked a little bit about deep fakes and stuff on the uh you know on this channel and how you can create deep fakes I tal you know Trump's uh Tate's course you know I learned how to do deep fakes and stuff from Andrew Tate's course you know I've told y'all guys some of the stuff here you know stable diffusion face swap you know I even have my own art I I actually I actually made it really easy for you guys to if you want to deep fake me you know uh with creating a Laura of myself so if y'all want to deep fake me you know you guys can deep fake me I don't care but what youall probably want to do is you want to deep fake Trump okay and here's Aur uh I'm just going to put up deep create a deep create a deep fake of me right you guys can create a deep fake of me I don't care okay um but let's talk let's talk more about the sauce here where where we wherever we were I don't know okay so the reason in my view why this ad worked is a few reasons one Trump right it's a deep fake of trump it sounded just like Trump too didn't that didn't that ad sound exactly like Trump right that ad sounded exactly like Trump so I'd say reason number one Trump reason number two Trump video reason number three Trump audio okay sounds like Trump okay uh you know and there's other reasons right Trump tells people you know become rich you know Tate tells people you know me I tell people to become rich Tate does you know what else worked about that ad well you know basically Trump and testimony okay that was that's in my view that's the sauce now there's some other little things that we can pick up on in the ad of why it creates such high quality folks okay now Andrew Tate's you know landing page there isn't much sales material to go off of you know he has he has a two-minute video talking about his program and then you know it's literally a button that says you know give us 50 bucks okay give us 50 bucks he doesn't have I I mean it looks pretty and there's a lot of social proof but in my view it's not the strongest affiliate you know it's not the strongest marketing funnel that could be created but that said you know all his other marketing is genius but you know I'm not saying Trump he's Tate's not good at marketing because he's got he's got you know look he's got 250,000 people paying him $49.95 a month and he's paying out he doesn't really pay out much in affiliate Commission so the dude's making $12 million 500,000 a month a month a month and he's really not given much or any of that away at this point it's just all coming into his bank accounts you know he has to pay some server fees but I'd imagine his server fees are less than you know at this volume 20,000 a month so he's still making about 12 million 12.5 million a month so I can't hate you know I can't hate you know I can't hate on a player uh and what the ad did really well is that the ad calls out it says stupid are you how much Social proof do you need that he knows how to make some money how much but when a multi-millionaire says I will teach you how to make millions for $49 you're worried about so he's already telling you that it's going to be $49 and what's great about that is that when if a if folks click on that ad they already know what the pricing is now you can do this with some programs especially ones that have an ideal good pricing so because he calls out in this particular instance he calls out pricing pricing in the ad because honestly $49 a month you know is is is is a pretty good deal um for stuff like this okay for business advice so this ad is just fire okay high enough brand in your marketing can be virtually non-existent yeah you know because Tate everywhere he doesn't need to have the most aggressive landing page now if y'all were to do this for super affiliate system the way to do this would literally be as follows ah where is my uh where did my where my other ah here we go y'all would create a deep fake of trump okay deep fake Trump software um You' find I I'm forgetting the names of the deep fake softwares now but there are some deep W fake soft generator free online I would find a trump voice generator okay now what you you could do is you could literally take video footage of trump blur out his face and just mimic his audio okay just mimic his audio with uh you know something like this like speechify okay Trump voice generator and just blur out part of his face okay so that is an option just deep fake the audio blur out his face and have him say whatever you want and then you can look on my channel and you can find a bunch of you know our student testimonials you see we have a whole Archive of student testimonials here uh of success stories of students who've become successful with uh super affiliate system I don't even list them all out but as you see there's just tons of tons and tons of students that have become successful with uh our program um where's the funniest one the funniest one is this kid hi there my name is James mlin and I'm coming from John cristan's internet Jet Set I wanted to say that it works I'm 15 and within one day I made my first commission granted it wasn't so in 15 and in one day he made his first commission I mean that's you know I think that's a good you know but you take a couple audio clips like that you post them after the Trump and you make you make money uh promoting this so just throwing out ideas out there to you guys um let's go deeper what what else were we going to talk about we going to talk about anything else today um optimization I don't know also I was wondering if you guys would be interested you know I I can you know I think in some future sessions I'm also going to bring this out you know I've been I've been working on my studio a little bit and uh you know I could do some like teaching sessions kind of like kind of like my old style my normal style of YouTube videos I can actually do that with with this thing too to explain some of those like marketing concepts so I was thinking of also doing some some programs like this you know data analysis you know 101 you know affiliate marketing you know step one you know join ClickBank you know stuff you know more stepbystep stuff where I'm using the Whiteboard too it was just sort of an idea that I had and I brought I got I bought this thing to work on that I'm trying to I'm trying to be more engaged on uh this channel I apologize for all the breaks I've been taken it's been uh a little bit of a wild a little bit of a wild few years for me uh post divorce um you know I got divorced from my uh first wife I I still consider her wife of mine I have two wives now I just have you know one that one that uh let's say one that I get to have I have one wife that I get to have fun with uh so um but I got divorced from my first wife uh couple years ago but now I have a second wife uh so there was a period there where I was dealing with a lot of legal stuff and then there was a period where you know I was also out trying to find who my next wife was going to be um you know I've been traveling around a little bit uh I ended up spending some time in you know Central and Eastern Europe and uh you know just wasn't conducive to doing a lot of interneting so stuff like that do we as Affiliates okay so let's go over some questions here um cool stuff do you'all like these streams should I go live more consistently or should this just be a oneoff tell me in the comments because I'm uh I'm I I I sort of like you know it's more convenient for me to go live and hang out and and if I you know if I do more lives what do you guys want to see do you want to see me just mucking around on my computer like this uh or do you want me to train on topics or should I I I don't know um what's going to be most valuable to you you know so we got a question from uh rapid profits do we as Affiliates join rumbles as creators John so that's absolutely that's absolutely an option um a really good option for you as an an affiliate would be to take M you know to take content from one platform and upload it to another so an example is this exact live stream you can download this live stream you know after I you know after I end this video you can download this live stream and then just go to rumble as a Creator and post my content it should get some views I do believe that you will see there are some other folks that go on Rumble and repost my content and get you know get views let's see let's see if there's any John christani stuff in here [Applause] uh I I did I did see some people posting reposting content of mine on Rumble at some point let's see whatever I don't know like here's an example somebody just reposted a video of mine they're getting ad Revenue they're they've gotten uh you know they're getting what over a hundred you know over 100 people saw this video so it's absolutely possible to join Rumble as a Creator and sign up you know you know sign up here what I'm what I'm encouraging folks to do is actually sign up uh sign up for uh Rumble ads and Rumble ads you go to ads.
Rumble.com okay because what I actually want to do what I I don't make my living from creating content um advertise on Rumble go here okay I don't make my living as like an influencer talking about affiliate marketing like this I make my living because I'm advertising products and I'm helping teach people okay and it's not from like these live streams or anything like that so what I would encourage you to do is actually go on become an Advertiser on Rumble let other people create the content let Andrew Tay create the content let you know Tristan or Donald Trump or Russell Brand or all these conservative people create the content but you sell sell sell stuff to Their audience buy traffic for a dollar and make double that that's what I'm advocating that's what I teach with affiliate marketing I say hey you don't need to rank on Google for SEO keywords just go on Google and when say people say I have problems urinating advertise the product to them buy traffic buy attention for a dollar and sell get that get $2 for it it's the same as anything it's you know it's the same as somebody who runs an ad agency and says oh I'm G to I'm G to you know I'm going to spend you know couple hour you know I'm going to spend a $100 of my time trying to find a client and then you know I'm going to get a client that pays me you know $11,000 and then I'm going to Outsource that work for $200 it's an Arbitrage any business is an Arbitrage cocacola is an Arbitrage you know they're buying sugar you know and flavors for you know a quarter and then they're selling the soda for a dollar does that make sense what we're doing is we're arbitraging attention we're saying we're going to buy attention for a dollar and we're going to you know we're going to make $2 from it okay okay alternate between McKing around and training I like that okay that's that's uh that's a good one um live your streams are fire let's go let's go I I I there's not a lot of people on these streams honestly you know it's like 40 people or something is on right now like I don't know I'll try to be more consistent with them maybe I should do a schedule all that stuff frankly you know I I I I don't want to have my life scheduled out you know like so you know I understand folks want like a schedule but you know like this is this more like I I view this more as a public service uh or public you know or just hanging out with friends you know it's not like it's like you know like hey do you want to hang out like yeah come over at this you know I don't know we used to just you know when I was hanging out with friends we used to just you know we just hang out it's it's just like I'll come over in the afternoon you know like I do give a little bit of a noticed when I do these streams but it's you know when I'm hanging out with friends I'm like ah you know hey I'll come over sometime after I eat lunch so okay go live more consistently okay in the SAS ad do we would we say anything about price I don't think so uh because what the super affiliate system ad you know most people haven't heard of me like they've heard of Andrew Tay and what I would do is I'd just say go to the freaking webinar you know like watch the webinar uh because what we're really trying to do is uh get people to watch watch a webinar uh and if folks watch the webinar learning about what I do for affiliate marketing how affiliate marketing works you know most people are not like you 40 folks here that understand what affiliate marketing is what network to sign up for you know what how to place ads all this stuff you know maybe some of y'all don't know how to place ads but what y'all are looking for here I'm suspecting is you're looking for some sauce you're looking for some nuggets you're looking for some stuff that you can go and apply that's absolute fire and I think we we did a little bit of that today you're also looking to upgrade your skills you're already you're already a little bit past that totally unfamiliar phase 99.9% of the world isn't though they've just maybe they've heard of the word affiliate marketing but they've never really gone so you know gone deep or truly understand the business model so what you're trying to do with your ads for super affiliate system is get people to watch the webinar because if folks watch the webinar and they learn the business model of affiliate marketing how it works how they make money how cash gets deposited how much is actually possible to make how much you know what they do have to do and what they don't have to do like do they need a business license do they need to show their face on camera all this all these questions that folks have when they're first getting into it and you know they're going to you know they'll they'll sign up so the thing is you don't need you know Andrew Tate's course basically takes you straight from an ad to an order form uh but Tate also has that recognition what Tate's done really well is what I called branding I've never done good branding I mean my course is named super affiliate system you know my first you know it it's it's never been like you know the real world or like the you know Hustlers Club or I I've never been good at Brand bring and that's I I'd say has been a big drawback in my life is that I'm really good at marketing products I I'm just not good at creating a brand um you know arguably I'm you know maybe I'm My Own brand I don't know but I I don't even think I'm My Own brand you know most folks haven't heard of me before they uh you know they they decide to learn from me or subscribe or whatever so I don't know you know keep in mind I'm not perfect either you know I'm not a billionaire yet you know if I had it all figured out I'd be a billionaire but I'm working towards that uh one of the ways I'm working towards that is just simply by doing what I'm best at which is making affiliate marketing easier um and being the best of the best at what I can do uh we raised some money from uh Venture Capital we I think we're going to do an investment round we're going to raise like $5 million just to throw dump into software development I mean you saw my numbers my business my business does you know you know upper upper seven figures a year right now but I want to go to the Moon and what I've seen from studying other billionaires uh is that people who are billionaires now they actually had successful folks they had they had other billionaires or Ultra highet n worth people like people who had net worths of hundreds of millions of dollars vested in their success early on in their career before they became a billionaire in almost every single case today's billionaires were mentored or invested in by some other billionaire and that helped them get up to that level as well Elon Musk his first companies had investor you know PayPal he had Peter teal an unbelievably successful person invest in his company and Peter teal was a billionaire and he invested in or at least he was a 100 millionaire and he invested in Elon Musk and helped take Elon Musk to the top right we have Bill Gates Bill Gates had some of the had had had billionaires the people who founded intel was e or sorry it was either Intel or IBM invested in the success of his company now if you have the one of the you know intel was one of the biggest if not the biggest computer company in the world at the time if you have the biggest computer company in the world vested in your success is not the results of that like just inevitable is it not inevitable if the biggest computer hardware company in the world invests in the success of a little software company is Success not inevitable at that point Mark Zuckerberg also famously had very successful folks in invest in his own success so I you know and I I but I've studied hundreds of billionaires I can't help to think that there is something about having an ultra Ultra rich people either mentoring you or vested in your success somehow and that's one of the that's one of the reasons I was really excited when I came across this site the other day which was intro intro uh intro is a site where you can pay money to book calls with uh with like successful people or with or just with people in general but it's it's interesting now this is why it caught my eye so who here heard that Reddit recently ipoed Reddit recently ipoed its market capitalization is $10 billion okay that's what the market is valuing Reddit at $10 billion well guess what I can talk I can schedule a oneon-one call with the founder who's with the founder of Reddit I mean I'm assuming that he owns anywhere from you know even though it's ipoed and all that stuff I'm assuming he owns at least 10% of the company and he's a billionaire okay I can have a one-on-one conversation with the founder of Reddit for $776 right and who said you had leave your home to meet billionaires $776 I can be speaking with the founder of Reddit I don't know what i' talk you know I'd figure out something to talk about oh it looks like he's already sold out look at that sessions are sold out join the weit list I'll join the weit list I'll join the weit list to hang out with billionaires I'll absolutely join the weit list to hang out with billionaires because you know what the thing is right you know yeah and we have all these religions saying a you shouldn't you know it's it's it's not having money that's bad it's you know loving it too much but here's the thing about money that's very important it's an enabler you want to build wells in Africa well you either got to move yourself to Africa or you got to spend some money you want to buy a jet ski you got to have some money you want to you want to you you want to create a space company and help the world help the human race reach the next Pinnacle of achievement by colonizing Space by taking the human population in space from what it's currently at which is like I think the human population in space is like five like you know however many people are up at the the one space station right now right it's like five I mean we're going to populate the the cosmos we're going to go everywhere this is the beginning of the human race the next episode of the human race is happening right now and to buy a ticket into the game to accelerating the future it costs about $100 million to start a space company get all these spam calls still uh um a ticket to go to space is about I think it's like $5 million or something so the point is you've got to get those numbers up if you want to participate in the future which is happening right now every one of you can I am not the smart I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed I'm not the smartest guy around as evidenced by my students being more successful than me but gosh darn it I am you know I'm not going to stop and the fact that I've become successful as successful as I have been making tens of millions of dollars right there's a $10 million plaque there's another $10 million plaque here's a bunch of million doll plaques for all my earnings and stuff here's some my ClickBank Platinum affiliate Awards you know so the the point is I'm trying to get to that level y'all can get every one of y'all can get to the millionaire level and I hope that these streams and that I can be one part of it and that if yall ever see me at one of these affiliate Summits or conferences or whatever yall just buy me a beer you know so uh that's that's that's my rant for the day I'll I'm going to check some comments and then I'm going to head out uh it's been great uh hanging out with everyone money is a tool yeah I thought in in Reddit IPO is wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of gem awesome the mentors make a huge difference in a person's trajectory absolutely absolutely I struggled with affiliate marketing for like three and a half years I met a I met a mentor I met a guy who gave me some personal advice who who who took an interest in my success and I succeeded I made it Happ you know like but I do believe there's this intangible element of having somebody like like not like not like a group webinar right not like this where you know like I I remember some of y'all's names right you know wolf Warrior you know Red Rom I'll remember you Lily free I saw you you know a few days ago stuff like that but there is an intangible when you have a highly successful person that cares about you getting there too and you have to work with somebody one-on-one to do that it changes the dynamic and it puts it it it makes success more inevitable more in your favor even in spite of yourself so I'd encourage folks to do that and if y'all want to join any of my programs right there are links in you know the description if you want to know get my book $7 my course you know my you know our mentorship you know that's variable all that stuff right but whatever it is find those people when you're out this weekend when you're at a bar you know when you're at a restaurant when you're at a family gathering right you could you know let's say there's 15 people 20 people from your family there think about who you spend your time with because who you spend your time with is very indicative of where you'll go do you spend time with you know I I I'm going to be I'm going to be nice here I'm not going to take it to an extreme but do you spend time with your loud crazy fun but not very successful Uncle you know who's the who's the life of the who's the life of the family the life of the party and and you know the and he loves you and he takes an interest in you and he's always complimenting you or do you spend time with your other with your aunt who's a multi-millionaire but quiet and old and boring and doesn't like spending her money but she owns a a million dooll house in the nice area of town and she doesn't get along with many people who are you going to spend your time with because who you spend your time with who you ask questions to even in this Bol family gathering situation will say a lot about where you will go in life so think about that this weekend I go facts we got facts facts so let's make it happen um I will do a quick poll uh what what what could be the possible I don't know what the I I don't know what I'll live stream about but I think I will do some live streams next week and uh you know this series as far as I'm concerned we did a good you know good kind of skill-based series I wanted to touch on co uh research copyrighting data optimization I'm going to continue on these campaigns either way you kind of saw the things I'm working on but I don't know I might mix it up a little bit next week we'll see what we do but I hope you guys all have a great weekend I enjoyed spending the time with you I hope yall take some stuff away from this I shared some sauce with you you can make a lot of money if you take what the advice I've been giv you and put it into action all the best see you Lily free see you trippy Scott see you wolf omoa BL Red Rum saian all all all you other folks all the best all right bye oh and join the telegram group there there's a link in the description um if you want to be updated about our affiliate stuff bye