Lead Generation, Explained for Beginners

St here good to see everyone who's live and uh I'm going to talk about lead generation today and we're going to talk about how you can get leads without spending a ton of money uh we're going to talk about some funnel hacks I'm going to reveal a lead genen strategy that works and gets conversions for you guys and here's kind of the agenda oh it's on this side here's kind of the agenda of what we're going to go over today we're going to go over the lead gen process I'm going to Define it real briefly as well I'm going to go over the lead gen metrics that you need to focus on uh and these are some hidden metrics these are things that you won't find on any Google search okay I'm going to go over some traffic hacks as well as some funnel hacks and I'll explain what all that means if you're just completely new to this as we go along I'll show you the very best tools uh that you you need to use to get set up and how I generate leads and uh show you the best traffic sources well as some agencies that you can use so let's go right into things but first it's not just about how many leads can you generate or how cheap you can generate the leads I want to make this very clear it's all about generating high quality leads that turn into sales but how do you do that how do you measure the quality of leads what are the most valuable metrics there well uh I'll tell you I I have a presentation I'm going to go into in a second but I'll tell you a little bit about you know I was working for a gold Investment Company I made my first million dollars uh working for a gold Investment Company and I remember uh early on I was trying to generate just tons of leads uh you know the owner was giving me a commission and what I did was I did the cheapest I he said well I asked the owner I said what type of leads would be great leads and he said if their investment accounts are infidelity well you know that's a home run you don't need any extra people involved you don't need their wealth manager involved to have them transfer their retirement accounts over to our investment company it's just a it's just a deal it can happen the same day without any other approval and I said great that's great to know and what I proceeded to do was and let me know in the you know for the live audience here let me know if my audio is coming through loud enough now what I proceeded to do was one of was a traffic hack for sure and it was literally putting click to call ads on people searching for Fidelity login seemed like a good idea right I'm going to get the only people who were going to search that term are going to be folks that actually have retirement accounts and they have them at Fidelity I thought I was in for a home run hit right and sure enough what happened was we got an insane number of leads I mean the search traffic on this keyword um I mean screw it let's let's let's pull it up and I'll show you one of my favorite tools to actually use uh is the ahrs keyword generator and we'll look up Fidelity login right and we'll actually look at you know who look at the volume here over a million searches a month right there's you know how many customers does Fidelity have right so they have 19 million customers so of course you know I'm going to get into just retirement accounts retirement accounts retirement accounts and the salese hated it because what I did was I generated a lot of lowquality leads who were confused and what I'll go over later on is kind of a funnel hack that could have actually I didn't know it back then but I could have actually taken those people and turned them into good leads if I was just a little bit more of an experienced marketer and maybe some of yall watching can guess what I was to do you know what what I would have done okay but here's the most valuable metrics if you're actually doing lead gen um and the two most valuable metrics there's there's two of them one is one is this right here okay when you're dealing with generating leads for a company or for your own company one of the most important early metrics that you can look at to figure out if your leads are actually good is the noshow rate are people showing up to your call okay are people showing up to their appointment or whatever that lead is meant to do are they showing up to their second call or whatever those what whatever the process is for your company and in this case this is an example of an awful noow rate 50 rough almost 50% of people are not showing up to their calls I can guarantee you and and this is actually a real a real example from my own company when we had a very bad ad campaign and just by looking at the noow rate we can already figure out that the profitability and on this will be awful okay now of course you can make it back out but you're going to disrupt the entire company and the number you do want to aim for is somewhere between somewhere around 20% noow rate which means 80% of people show up to their calls now is this oh well I guess you going don't see this stuff and what is the other metric okay well the other metric ah let me get rid of this the other metric this is from my own uh this this is from my own company actually or one of my companies and the other very important metric here is and these are real sales dashboards that we've used in one of my companies is this sales conversion rate what percentage of leads are turning into an actual deal okay now the reality is is that folks don't want to do too much busy work anymore and especially if you're doing something with leads you want to make sure your sales team is motivated and if your conversion rates are too low nobody's going to be motivated and you're going to have lots of problems with attrition attracting talent and uh retaining Talent Etc so looking at your noow rate and your sales conversion rate are very important now what what are the numbers to aim for there I would say depending on the industry somewhere between 10 to 30% okay now if you're above 30% it means you should probably loosen up your qualifications and if you're below 10% it means you don't have enough qualifications which leads us into you know our next Point uh and I'll go over exactly how you can set up your you know you need to set if you're not using qualifications you're going to destroy your efforts and I'll show you some really cool tools that you can use to make sure you're getting qualified leads in three two one let's go so some cool lead generation tools that I like to use are well let's let's look at this this is the first and most important one the software's name is type form and if you use my link which uh where was that over here John st.com backleads or forward whatever you'll be able to get a free trial of this so it's really cool and let me show you a little bit why it's so so epic and awesome um so I was uh little random thing so you know I got uh divorced again you know but my goal has kind of been to have a big family you know I want you know I see part of like my purpose in life is to uh you know lot of money and a lot of kids and uh you know I got some of both but after the second divorce I was like okay I'll just uh you know be a sperm donor I didn't even know that was a business I guess you can get money but this company is using type form and type form is the same software which I'm talking about now type form's really cool and I'll tell you why it's so good there's a lot of tools out there that do forms but no tools quite like type form and the reason why is because of how well it is at conversion okay and how well the UI Works no matter if we're on a mobile or a desktop computer look how beautiful this looks right so it still looks beautiful on on a mobile device this is you know I'm emulating a mobile device right here now here we go and we see there's there's a lot of there's a lot of fields here I'm not going to fill oh man this is I'm I want to give you guys a good demonstration but uh you know let's let's just go through this for a second just for the sake of it now as you see they have a lot of qualifications here right because you know whatever it is uh you know lesbians or I guess unmarried women who want children but don't you know well I guess they need sperm right they but they don't want to deal with the men I guess there's a lot of them and there's a lot of conditions that you have to fill out to even qualify to be a sperm donor now in this case and I'll go into the Hack That doing here but as you see they're qualifying they're qualifying you on a lot of different things four times per month you know are you willing to do it four times per month how tall are you right obviously women are going to want to go for the taller taller guys okay and so all of this information helps qualify the leads now the next tool the second tool in your to tool belt has got to be zapier zapier is a connection device that'll connect everything you want to do and all your softwares together um depending on what you're using in your current company to generate leads I mean who knows right but I'm sure you're working with a bunch of different softwares if you want to use one of these softwares that I'm talking about and they don't happen to integrate with whatever your CRM is or whatever your data management or cloud storage places you definitely will need to use zapier to get all of those connected and that's a big that's a big part of lead generation is that follow-up process but let's get into the next tool so the next tool we'll use for lead generation is calendly and calendly is simply it's a way to book it's it's a way it's it's so that people can book calls on your calendar it integrates with zoom it integrates with Google meet or Google Hangouts it integrates with goto webinar it integrates with whatever you need to actually get on the phone you can have and it follows up and it even has built-in software that follows up with you know reminders and emails and they have templates and these are absolutely phenomenal in today's day and age where folks are just glued to their screen and they have uh oh those are my daughters by the way we love skiing um that are glued to their screen and have a 5-second attention span you need reminders you need reminders okay which brings us to my very last my very last uh uh software tool that you need to complete the lead generation stack which is a CRM you need a place to house the leads you need a place to email the leads you need a place to keep them organized and keep them tagged properly which is an unbelievably important thing I'm going to go to right now so this is the the biggest lead generation hack there is and it's frankly one of the least least thought of and it's the most boring but if you're a professional marketer okay if you are working with in an organization or if you are just working for yourself if you are not tagging leads properly you're shooting yourself in the you're shooting yourself in the face okay okay who got scared there right it's not loaded but how to tag leads properly is simply this okay wait wait maybe that's not so simple let me get show you a tool that does this for you now what does this mean right well these are these are different ways that are already built in likely to your website these are the Google analytics UTM parameters these are the ways you tag this is the standard format for tagging just like we have the metric system and the imperial system you know which there's a standard you know a mile is this long you know there's standards there's rules and standards this is the standard okay and if you are not using these tags in your Marketing in your advertising in your links you're crazy now I'll show you what how I tag my leads or how I tag my links and then I'll show you a tool that can do it even simpler so one of my companies we advertise on TV for my mentorship program I teach people I've taught thousand tens of thousands of people how to become affiliate marketers and right now we we have advertisements you know these 30 minute infomercials running on late night TV and we've tagged our leads as follows so the sorry the source will be the actual station we advertise on so it might be you know Bloomberg let's just call it you know uh CBS Okay CBS okay that's the station that's the source right all these terms are kind of wild the medium is TV in this case the campaign we might say is you know 2024 1108 right the actual date that I'm airing the the show the term well we don't really have a term but we what we could put in here we're not going after keywords but we do have an actual descriptor in the show and people are looking scrolling around and it's make money online right and the content we would just say you know The infomercials name which is jcpm V1 and there we go right now what this allows us to do is at a glance myself or anyone in the organization can actually be able to optimize the data in another way right I'm sure everyone has various tracking platforms but organizing your links and organizing your information properly is the single biggest traffic hack and the single maybe most boring one that is important segmentation with parameters now some other traffic hacks the next traffic hack is always made make sure you're sending sms followup messages if you're not doing this oh are we going cool if you're not sending if you're not following up with leads through email or text messaging you're missing out on an unbelievable amount of people okay but the most the next hack which is the funnel hack is the most important is after somebody completes your form where's a form where's a form I after somebody so here's here's the form here's the uh oh wait here's the form for my mentorship program which we advertise on late night TV okay and if anyone here is interested in being an affiliate marketer I uh encourage you to fill out this form right this is uh here I'll put it in the chat now what we do at the end of this form though is a very important funnel hack now what do most people do when they actually fit fill out a form what happens what happens at the end of the form right we got an audience here let's go let's go Friday night good to see everyone so what are most what what do most forms look like after you complete the form nothing right thank you for submitting thank you for submitting right it's like first off as a marketer and as a copywriter and as somebody who's very particular about word smithing word smithing is is you know looking at every single word and seeing if you can drill things down a rearrange word as somebody loves word smithing I hate the word thank you for submitting think you know like I I think that's an awful an awful uh way to end end an interaction what we do want to do is we want to actually bring up some sort of educational video like the one I'll share with you at the end of this video is you know I'm not going to say I'm not just going to end this video and say okay and that's it I'll give you guys a playlist that you can actually go if you want to learn how to generate traffic from Google AdWords which is one of my favorite places to generate Google ads I mean generate traffic okay and I have a whole course that's free that goes over all the meat and potatoes of how to do Google ads okay with a lot of examples and with a lot of in-depth stuff what you want to do with your audience is you want to give them more in information relevant to exactly what you're talking about exactly what they submitted a lead you know to your company or on your form for you want to give them more information the hardest thing to get in this world is attention especially in the Tik Tock world of Instagram world of scrolling scrolling scrolling so when you get attention when you get some somebody that actually fills out your form okay whatever that form is I had other forms here right you want to keep them on and interacting and you want to continue to give them information if they want more information that's the biggest funnel hack never have an that your funnel should literally never end now there's one other graphic ha I was going to think I I was I was going to go over but I let me actually look at my notes Here ah oh I have two good ones so in our previous example too I was showing you guys uh like this this form right so this like sperm donor form kind of wacky right so you know don't judge me right but um you know I I I think there's some like you know un married women who you know I I think a good-look guy maybe some unmarried women like it but I you know I got this idea late at night you know to you know be a sperm donor and then I saw this form and I was like H you know this is way too much information you know uh you know and I just didn't complete the form look this form is unbelievably long it's like 50 questions long or something like that so I left the form I clicked off and I forgot about well the beauty of what these folks did is they because I already entered my email address because I already entered my phone number even though I didn't submit the form and this is one of the reasons why I like this company type form and if you want to get them too I would you know go right here is they texted me and they said hey you know they texted me the next day they said hey I noticed you didn't complete your form you know this idea I got it you know 1:00 a.m.

In the morning right and uh you know I totally forgotten about this at this point and I went and I completed the form right and now I'm you know I'm I you know they're they want they're going to pay me money and you know they they'll probably make like way more money but just to show you I would have never gone back to that form if it hadn't been for the kind of partial you know them sending emails and text messages to partial submits and you want to do this no matter what you're selling uh Shopify has this inbuilt into their you know their software Shopify doesn't do leads they do sales but still people have the same sort of lack of commitment when they're filling out information f a lot of folks will fill out a partial amount of information so if you're not set if you're not following up with those people who didn't complete the lead submit who didn't complete the sale you're missing out on let's just say a lot of profit margin okay so what other uh now oh and the very last lead generation hack I was going to go over absolutely absolutely is video okay it's video so video having a long video before people even submit a lead will is is going to be very helpful to making the quality of your leads higher okay so if you're getting leads that aren't buying you need to add what we call more inertia to the funnel you need to you need to put up more blockers you need to slow people down you need to qualify people more often and how do you you know the the the easiest way to do that is just ask them questions you know if if what why are people not buying maybe they're not motivated by your product then ask them if they truly need your product right ask them if they actually are the buyer if they're just doing research for somebody else you know are is this person able to make a decision for themselves or for their company right A lot of people aren't right A lot of people aren't so you need to ask as many questions as you can you know does this person have the budget to afford whatever the product is does this person qualify in you know my CA in that the sperm donation case we were looking at uh you know like how tall am I like have I uh you know have I had relations with men you know in that way or you know they're asking do I have tattoos you know no tattoos right because I guess all of these things would disqualify me from being an actual lead you know what is my blood type all these things so the first thing is block them with a video and I'll show you an example from my own funnel right so when I was testing out TV advertisements on Late Night TV my first ads were awful on TV and what I had to do but I had all but the thing with TV is you're you spend you know I spent money a month in advance right so I can't change you know once I you know I spend my money for the next month right that's how TV works it has like a long lag it's not like the internet which is so cool you know you just pause and start and stop things willy-nilly TV you have to to buy in advance and so I couldn't change my ads once I realized they were awful and I was you know I'm like here losing money right I'm losing tens of thousands of dollars you know like a week and I'm just like how do I make this funnel better right how do I not lose so much money because we're getting the worst leads well the answer was doing exactly what I did here is is it it actually was this this page over there which is weird because it's actually on my screen which is over there but I have to point like this on YouTube uh but what I did was I put up a a time what's what we call a Time gated video right in order to increase the quality of our leads I put in a Time G video so people have now what we're qualifying you on is a few different fact they have to watch this video in order to even see in order to even submit things and what I'm doing in this video is I'm just reigning and I'm saying hey look don't apply for my mentorship if you're broke you know don't apply for my mentorship if you have no time right don't apply for my mentorship if you're not even the per you're not even able to make decisions for yourselves right and it fixed and what I did was well it was a Band-Aid on the problem but what ultimately fixed it was new creative at the end of the day um now let's go into the next point so what do we have uh the next the next traffic hack so the next traffic hack is going into you know there's obviously there's a ton of ways you can get traffic uh you know Google Facebook YouTube You Know YouTube ads Instagram ads Rumble ads Twitter ads organic blogging youtubing uh tweeting Linked In starting a group right there's a gazillion different ways you know to actually get traffic you know the organic methods are going to take time right the paid traffic methods are going to take money you know and uh that's the reality of the situation um but what if you just wanted to pay somebody to get leads for you what if you just wanted to pay people to get leads for you right well that brings us two what I consider is the future of all marketing the f future of the world really now I make some crazy predictions on my channel you know I'm big into you know educating and I'm big into thinking outside the box and you know marketing's you know I I tell people to be a good marketer you have to be able to you have to speak to strangers and you have to speak to strangers often and you have to be open-minded and ask lots of questions because being a marketer from the way I see it it's about understanding people it's about understanding what makes them tick right it's about understanding their pain points their spec what specific problems what even going deeper what are specific things that annoy them throughout the day right what are specific things that annoy them throughout the day getting so deep into their lives what are their hopes what are their Joys what are their worries what are their pains right and to be a marketer you have to meet a lot of people to be an affiliate and I've done very well you know I've done very well with this now I've I made tens of millions of dollars as an affiliate marketer and the future of everything where it's all going is oh I was talking about my predictions is basically the internet's going to collapse the power structure is going to collap not the internet's going to collapse but consumer internet is going to be taken people are going to actively go against some of these companies like Google and Facebook around the world you know the power structure of the world is going to shift in the next couple years but at the end of the day most marketers are going to be out of a job AI is taking over there's a lot of crazy things but affiliate marketers you know as you know 80 80% of marketers will be laid off by 20 the end of 2025 80% of tech workers will be laid off by the end of 2025 and 80% of salespeople will be laid off by the end sorry that was 2026 80% of salespeople be laid off by the end of 2027 where does everybody do what what what does everyone do if they don't want to be a door Dash driver an Uber driver it's affiliate marketing and if you want to if you're taking your company seriously if your products if the products you're selling uh if you want to get them out there you're setting up an affiliate Network okay so the easy the easy button is going to be uh everflow so the easy button is going to be you need to start with where is this link here we go sorry I was looking for links I'm doing a little bit of multitasking here so I'm uh trying to stay focused but I've got so many screens going on I'm still figuring out my uh kind of YouTube setup uh but I'm a big F I always like doing stuff on the screen so this is everflow and everflow is uh affiliate network software it's it's about five about $900 a month okay so they're not showing what's they're not showing the price because they're they're nerd but uh it's $900 a month and if you're taking your company seriously set up everflow okay set up affiliate network software so that you can get your product out there you can have build an affiliate program for your company or for your products or services and that you can transact in this crowdsourced world with there's tens of millions of affiliate marketers out there if you are not using if you have not set up an affiliate program for your company yet either setup everflow or contact acceleration Partners okay acceleration Partners is one of the oldest companies in the space and they will actually set up your affiliate program for you they'll reach out to all of the you know to Affiliates in your Niche they do proactive Outreach I i' I work with these guys because I like that they actually do proactive Outreach they're not just milking their current relationships which is I've hired a bunch of affiliate uh management agencies and frankly they were just trying to move around their relationships oh we know you know they'd say oh we know some people doing you know you know seven figure you know we have a bunch of Affiliates doing six figures seven figures a month you know and we'll uh talk to them about your offer it's not it's it's it's it's not just about your relationship there's so many PE there's so many Affiliates out there there's so many an affiliate is any can be anybody it can be a YouTuber right it can be a person that has a Twitter following it could be somebody with a lot of telegram Channels with a lot of members in them Affiliates are all over the place and you never know you know and and affiliate marketers do the job of marketing better than in-house teams because they're subscribed to this Channel or uh sorry but Affiliates have to be Cy and they're making a lower percentage so of course they have to be better marketers to be successful so set up an affiliate program for your company and if you're if you're watching this and you are an affiliate and you want to join uh my affiliate Network well come on over okay come on over because we're going to we're I'm starting an affiliate Network and uh I'm going to put a link in the chat for y'all if y'all are interested in being a part of my affiliate Network okay I actually just recently started this affiliate Network it's been an idea for a while to relaunch an affiliate network uh but I've started this with a friend and student Brian Gonzalez who uh who's doing over a million dollars a month with one of his offers he's an offer owner so here I am and Brian we have some exclusive offers I can't really talk about them uh not just yet because they're kind of in an adult Niche but you join our Network and you'll get high payouts and stuff like that so and finally if you want let's say you don't want an affiliate Network and you just want an agency the agency I would recommend are these guys um these are guys I work with as an agency on my side and they're pretty darn good at what they do they do Facebook ads they do Facebook ads in some crazy niches they don't prefer to do that they do ads for uh they do Amazon you know they've been doing our Google ads they've been doing our Facebook ads and uh I manage our TV so not too much so with that being said um you know why why why is uh you know how do you create an actually good affiliate program right so how do you act you know there's hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs out there I'm sure I could do a search there's like let's actually ask let's let's see let's see how many affiliate programs are there we're going to Google this together and I'll take some questions in a second I'll keep it open for any sort of questions how many affiliate programs are there let's see yeah I mean like look at this this is insane right 100 100,000 107,000 company how do you distinguish yourself from the mix right how do you and from what I've seen as somebody who's an affiliate an offer owner now a network owner again um how do you how do you separate yourself out how do you get Affiliates when there's so many programs out there right other than talking to me and like getting me to like promote your program or something like that how do you do it right how do you stand out it's too many well there's a few few rules of thumb very simple very simple let me let me go bring up this thing yeah there we go okay what are the tricks one high commissions now this is where I'm going to go into one of my other crazy predictions which is I well I already told you I think sales most sales jobs are done okay by 2027 by the end of 2027 there will be 20 the 20% of salespeople will still have their jobs why why because I think affiliate marketing is taking it over remember marketers are going out of business first AI is replacing all these you know 80% of marketers first because frankly most marketers suck and they don't care and a lot of marketing has been fueled by nepotism within corporate cultures which is a longer story but High commissions how high I literally mean marketing commissions marketing commission should be as high as sales people get that's a bold statement because I go on affiliate networks like impact right I go on well I'm actually not going to show you all my information I go on affiliate Networks like impact and I I know salespeople who work for Google Cloud one of my buddies is a salesperson working for Google cloud and he trains people on uh he trains people on sales I'll plug him I'll plug him he's a good guy Chris busing he teaches people high ticket he teaches people high ticket sales closing how to get a high how to get a not just High ticket sales closing he teaches like super high ticket sales clothing for Tech like tech companies so he shows how to get 100K deals you know working as a salesperson in the software industry and he told me you know the commissions they get at you know for Google cloud and let's just put it and I've seen the affiliate commissions Google Cloud offers and it's disgusting the disrespect that companies give to affiliate marketers it's always been like quote unquote a dirty indust it's it's had a reputation because I don't know why you know uh you know that Affiliates are just young kids out of their mom's basement M or you know whatever making young kids making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month going to Vegas blowing it all on cars and J Jets and you know all this stuff and doing Shady tactics and spamming hundreds of millions of emails and you know hijacking Facebook accounts and running their ads spend through them and then ditching you know Affiliates have a reputation and you know you know in the there's certainly are every you know people in any industry which given but the disrespect that these companies still pay to Affiliates is awful because affiliate marketers Affiliates are going to take over and we're seeing this with YouTube we're seeing this with even you know uh you know even in this video right we had some affiliate links um now the next so pay commissions as high as sales commissions go now the next thing is the way to run a successful affiliate program is Lifetime commissions okay folks should you know as Affiliates and as if you're an affiliate you know watching this look for programs like this right now the third thing is email attribution if you're working with a lead generation affiliate program Affiliates want email attribution to their leads not a freaking 30-day cookie not a 60-day cookie not a 90-day cookie we want that lead tied to us no matter what okay we want it in the CRM and finally what I've seen you know uh what I see work great is a custom dashboard okay I'll show you one of uh my you know lead generation uh I'll show you one of our custom dashboards from back in the day I I found a video for y'all um this was an old training video I did you know I I I don't know how much y'all know about me but I got started on um YouTube by accident I had a bunch of internal trainings for my team you know I had I I as I started making you know 25 $50,000 a month um this is back in my early 20s I said I'm making 50,000 a month I'll hire some people right I was I'd say in my earlier 20s I was fluctuating between $25 to $100,000 a month so I said okay I'll you know like that's the thing to do you hire people you know like if you make money like start a company and I hired people and I would shoot training videos for them and by accident by complete accident I accidentally left one of my training videos public on YouTube and that you know I guess they were really good trainings on Google AdWords and it wasn't until years later in around 2014 2015 that I actually found out that I had a couple couple thousand subscribers you know this is in 2014 I I had posted videos in I think two it had been two years since I accidentally left one of my some of my trainings public and you know not that many people used YouTube at that time you know 2012 or whatever maybe I just didn't know the interface but those videos got me thousands of subscribers and I realized that's you know when I realized sort of the power of YouTube now now let's see where's the uh ah yeah so here's here's an example of one of those Custom Custom dashboards from way back in the day I don't know if we can zoom uh we can't I can't zoom in here but what I really liked about this I really here let me see if I can ah there we go okay I can go like that so what I so this was way back in the day but what was great so this is the gold Investment Company I was talking about now what I loved about this custom affiliate dashboard is that they actually showed they actually showed the information and they showed the status of the lead right are my leads not interested do they have IRA accounts you know what's the status of each one of my leads where are they moving to how much money did I earn you know Etc so that was really that was really helpful especially when you're deal you know because affiliate marketers we're spending money we're spending money we're spending time if we're working with a lead generation program we're spending money and time before we really know if the leads are working out for the company and that's kind of a risky place to be because as an affiliate you don't know if you're just going to get kicked off of the offer because your leads suck or if uh you know if it's a REV share affiliate Pro lead gen affiliate program you don't know if you're going to get paid you know and in this case this program was a combination of rev share you can see you get one this was a combination revshare and uh just CPA you know pay per lead right I got $100 per lead and I got 3% of the total investment amount so taking it you know creating a custom dashboard will be very helpful okay now let's go back now folks I hope you enjoyed this training right uh that's about it I hope you all go out and find find you know either find more leads you know use these tactics use these hacks Implement them and if there was something that stood out the most like throw it in the chat if you guys like this video just smash that freaking like button I'm going to be putting out more videos more regularly let me let me let me it's getting hot in here I got this uh I got this light you know I got this big light going on here so it's getting a little hot but uh I'll take any questions now if there's any random questions uh youall have specifically geared towards lead generation preferably and uh then we'll then we'll call it a day how do you guys like the video too I love your feedback I'm uh you know I'm it's been taking me a little bit while to figure out kind of how I'd get back on YouTube and kind of what my angle would be what my audience would be and in my case of kind of Shifting audiences which is fun um let's see this nice to see you again audio's more low yeah audio is more clear need more audio okay I'll fix that next time weird service evening anyone hope zacher hope you are all well and have a good day I know you're happy I could see your teeth do you run your ads okay so question is do I run ads to software B affiliate offers or just promote through YouTube um so I as an affiliate as an affiliate I'm I'm just talking about them here uh I'm not running ads to any of these things no I'm just I'm just talking about here but the the kind of the kind of idea as an affiliate is is and the idea of if you're just a marketer in general is anything you do anything you talk about and this is actually going to be the future anything you talk about you should get a commission for okay how many if you mention a movie if you how many times here has somebody you know who I'm assuming everyone here has said oh I love this book you should go get it or you should listen to uh this this you know CD or you should go watch that movie you should buy this product you should anything you talk about should be monetized we have the technology we have the tracking it just hasn't all been figured out yet right it's not it's not there's nothing that breaks the laws of physics anything you talk about should get monetized especially if you're talking about it on the internet so really what I've done uh with this channel uh or what what what I do with you know like these software plugs is you can't you know as and my my ideas around this have evolved over time but I truly believe you know if you're if you're going to be a a YouTube channel with a face you need to be able you need to be talking about stuff that you love talking about and you need to care deeply about your audience so if you're going after organic traffic talk about focus on the audience focus on what focus on what you love talking about right focus on what the audience is going to love and what you love talking about affiliate marketing is easy right anything you know like as long as you're as long as you know you're getting the traffic right you know if people are watching about lead generation right they're interested in tools so of course some of those were affiliate links not all of them were affiliate links though mind you because at the end of the day if what if I just focused if I focused my pure you know just everything on Shilling products uh even how do I get this back down sorry this is all like wonky um after resizing everything oh my gosh but basically talk you know when you're doing organic talk about what what you love first talk about what you love first then find a way to monetize that right but not the other way around right if you don't care about your audience people will notice that whether you're blogging whether you're running a group whether you're doing YouTube anything right uh now notice these are not affiliate links but these are valuable you know these are highly valuable these are part of the whole stack that you want to create a properly generation program so I hope that answers your question um yeah okay what other questions do we have uh 27 yeah yeah man go to sleep uh found your videos from someone else who's sharing them that was three to four years ago shoot work that way retail Hardware I'd be rich hey great talking everyone hopefully everyone enjoyed this video I'll see y'all in uh uh the next video make sure to subscribe enable notifications and if you all want to generate traffic I highly encourage you watch my YouTube My YouTu my series on advertising on Google ads Google ads is very powerful I have a very extensive course here uh that goes over I mean it's like three hours of targeting baby you know and we're going we're going deep I go deep into the structure of targeting we go super deep in here we go into copywriting we go into research we go into a lot of fun stuff so if you're interested in upleveling your skills if you're interested in taking your marketing and like truly learning a skill a software something the probably the most powerful platform for influence in other people that has ever existed check out my free course on Google ads it's listed on my channel homepage as well if you go down right to the bottom where we have Throwbacks and random other playlists and that one is right here okay folks I'm going to go feed my dog now but it was great hanging out with y'all I hope everyone here is a little more stoked on marketing and what it can accomplish for them and peace

As found on YouTube


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