while China has been out there making all kinds of waves in the world of AI chat gbt secretly added a silent Money Maker right into the AI chat bot that's right you can actually use chat GPT to automate your Pinterest income and using this new Hack That virtually no one's talking about you can actually print money on demand but real money not trop money like this and it's actually super simple in fact in this video I'm going to use chat GPT to come up with an idea a niche market create my entire Pinter strategy make the images for the pins in bulk hint this has never been done before and use everything that's generated with chat gbt to make money on demand from scratch that's right we're going to start from nothing and make money on demand so smash a like button if you're it because this new add-on to chat GPT is a game changer we can use it for Pinterest images so that we can get tons of traffic to simple one-page websites that chat GPT actually builds for us and we can use these to make simple slideshow videos based on markets and niches that we know make money no we're not talking about faceless videos and images that don't sell stuff we're talking about a deliberate plan designed to put money in your pocket and since Valentine's Day is right around the corner we're going to use chat GPT to set up a brand new business that can make money super fast yep you can actually make money by Valentine's Day in fact I've used my simple Valentine's websites for many years to put tons of money in my pocket including a site about love Palms how to buy flowers romantic date ideas and more and using this chat GPT hack it's easier than ever before so let's hop in the computer and I'm going to show you everything start to finish I'm going to show you what this new add-on to chat GPT is how it's going to put money in your pocket and how we can literally start from nothing and ask chat GPT to start a business that makes money this is a video you don't want to miss so make sure you watch it at least one time all the way through welcome to automated Pinterest profits with chat [Music] gbt all right so let's dive in and I'm going to show you exactly how you can use chat gpt's new feature with Pinterest and other marketing tactics to actually make money online starting from zero so we're going to start with the idea of Valentine's Day and try to get something that would actually make money by like two weeks from now and we're going to do it in a very very simple way now two weeks is a short amount of time so we'd want to double up on the amount of stuff that we're posting with videos Pinterest images different things like that but again using AI it's going to be very very simple so let's go through and say I want to start a Valentine's site to make money selling flowers ECT what could I sell so we're going to start with the idea and one of the reasons I came up with this idea was looking at Pinterest if we were to look at Pinterest here and see what the trending results are let's do trending Pinterest right like this and we can go through and look at Pinterest Trend so trends.
Pinterest.com and you can see actually what is working now let's get rid of this little to T here close and we could see we have Valentine's Day Nails Nails we have Valentine's Day so all of this stuff is trending Valentine's gift for boyfriend Valentine nails so Valentine nails could be a good one we also see uh Valentine's Day nails again gifts I like the gifts Nails could work but it's going to be a little bit difficult to make money with so let's start with this it says flowers romantic stuff things like that okay so now let's start with square one we know we want Valentine's Day here's some things we can talk about let's focus mostly on Pinterest traffic that way we can have this generate images we can upload them with a little bit of text we can lead them to a website which I'll show you how to make in just a minute and it's going to show you exactly what you should do so we have best gifts last minute gifts under okay let's continue with gifts all right and we'll go right like this and then we have a little list of the gifts and things so uh luxury best Valentine's romantic personalized all kinds of cool stuff like this now we can go through and say now find me some affiliate offers for this and you can find different things like Tik Tok shops affiliate offers for necklaces custom things Etsy different things of that nature that would work really really well or even like printable letters things like that so we're going to go through and say now find me some offers for this and then right out of the gate I'm going to ask it to find me a domain name uh for this example you would want to use a domain with hosting which you can learn about in the links in the description but going through and looking at this now we have uh Pro Flowers 5% gift tree different things that we can use some memory uh affiliate program different stuff like this so looking pretty good now let's say now please list 100 short.com domains I could get that are probably not yet taken now we can also go to like spam Zilla and see if there's Valentine's domains there and and use those as well that would give us a little boost with backlinks so we could do Valentine's right like that and if you want to learn more about how I buy domains that rank check out the video in the description so we have on Valentine's Day we have all these others and you could sort them to see which ones have rankings or simply which one ones you like like Valentine's skin care uh we have Valentine's Day time Valentine's Day stress or Valentine stress that could be a good one or it could be Valentine's trees I don't know something like that but you can see here all kinds of different domains we can use or you could use the example that they give you right like this now list 100 examples and let's see if it gives us any good ones when we get these examples we can go to the GoDaddy bulk search or name Che bulk search we can type them in and see what is available sometimes it'll find you some really good ones you would be surprised so going through like this we'll get the idea we'll buy the domain once we get the domain we'll put it up and we'll put the magic secret Money Getting method on there I'll show you in just a minute so let's take this list here right like this wait for it to be done and we'll just check the first bit that way we don't have to wait too long right like this so we'll take that list we'll go to to the bulk search paste them in here see if any are available cuz sometimes you could find some good ones this way or you could utilize this over here and it looks like quite a few out of the gate are so floral Ember that's a pretty cool domain or uh Lux gifter lavish gifted Royal scent that's an expensive one and we could sort these by price to see which ones are actually available we got uh quite a few different ones you know what I would want using Pinterest is I would want something very short so maybe something like vday store that could work or uh Valentine Nest or something like that something short something that'll look good on the pins right you want to think what they're going to look like now we have our idea we have domains we can use if this was me doing this example I would probably get one of these maybe like Valentine's Day time or something like that and see if it had anything in the rankings that we could use from before and it might you know you could look at the back link see if there's anything this one looks like junk so I'd probably keep going maybe do something like love something to find a domain that looks good or even Valentine stuff or a short one since I'm just doing Pinterest now once we're done we're going to choose whatever domain it is and we're going to we're going to Brand it so let's do let's try something maybe I'll go to GoDaddy and I'll look up something like maybe Valentine quiz maybe something like this because this could get us some traffic Valentine's quiz maybe maybe um romance quiz or something like that okay something engaging then what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to say now make me some sample images for pin what we're going to notice here if it does it correct I was able to do this on another site over here where I was able to get it to create multiple images at at once for the topic it wanted to promote so it knows it's doing the pins now I can say make some sample images let's see if it'll do more than one out of the get-go because I think that's where the magic in this lies um and what we want is images with no text we can put the text later so here's a sample let's say no words make five to six related images no words please we'll just reiterate that there or no text or something like that and it should be able to spit out a few as you saw here I was able to just keep going and going on this meditation site and make all kinds of pins that I could utilize and it was from a list of different pin and it actually understood them and created multiple images based on the Pinterest pin that it came up with so utilizing these and having like different meditation uh quotes or meditation tips or different things like that is a key like this is these are really really good images we can use right out of the get-go where I can turn this into a Pinterest pin with canva or or any image Creator very very easy so now we are seeing it is doing several check this out so we have candles with flowers flowers with necklaces and earrings candles um that's a pretty cool coffee like if I got that coffee I'd be like hey I am someone's Valentine look at that and those pancakes that's pretty cool that would be a pretty cool gift I would look at that on Pinterest I think that would make a lot of uh boyfriends and husbands mad because they didn't come up with the idea but at any rate we could see all these images here that are looking good and I can say more please and it's just going to keep going and keep going now I asked for five or six it did generate six I wonder if it would do more I wonder if we could do like 10 or 20 at a time that would be pretty cool so there's another one here we go here and what we're going to want to do is utilize the affiliate programs that came up with and notice on the same chat I got a domain I got a Pinterest idea I got plans I got products to use I have a deploy schedule if I want to do that and now I have the images I can use literally everything that we can use even the Valentine's chicken or whatever that is there right pretty cool stuff and these are engaging they're good if you were going to do Valentine nails now let's do images for Valentine's Day finger nails right and you can make this really fun and engaging and what we want to do is we don't want to just say go to our site to buy something we want to have something they can use on our site these are actually with the exception of the extra finger here these are pretty cool looking I think a lot of people wouldn't really notice that here these I'd probably use better right that's pretty cool and it is coming up with multiple images which is fantastic so what we can do here is we can now do maybe like a gift quiz or something like that now it does say we have limits on how many we can create so it looks like one per minute is about what the images can do and I think that also depends on the band with at the time right now A lot of people are using AI so you know we got to keep an eye out for that now looking at these is actually good look at the spelling on this this is perfect here love Valentine's Day these are really really cool now what we would want to do next is say now please make a HTML quiz for picking the right Valentine's gift think how long together man woman age what they like ECT and then we're going to say then have on the bottom buy them flowers here with my affiliate link and you can actually have your affiliate link there so if you were going to do like this one text the romance back I could promote it right like this or if you were going to do a flower offer like over at offervault you could do the flowers gift card that pays $180 per email or one of these other ones that pay as well and I mean generating a $180 per email this is what we call a single optin all they got to do is put their name and email in the Box email just email and boom we get we get paid a $180 so that can add up really quick especially on Valentine's Day when you know people are are looking this stuff up so the affiliate link you would put that in there if I was going to use a ClickBank I would use this one here and then I'll say use this link and it should generate an HTML quiz for me let's see how this comes out it is doing the HTML right like this and then it oh it does have a preview button now which is cool so let's see how this looks when it's done so we can see kind of what it's doing like personalized watch whiskey set Smartwatch experience gift engraved jewelry so these are the different ones so like man all these okay and it shows all the the different quizzes how long they've been together who are you shopping for this is actually really cool and this would be something that would be fun whereas if I was to say go to my website to buy flowers the amount of people who click is going to be nothing however if all my content all of these Pinterest pins with all these beautiful images it made if they were going through and it's like take the meditation quiz or the The Law of Attraction quiz or whatever that's going to work and now I would have that so here's what it looks like three years woman uh 40 years old teeking gadgets boom okay so the recommendation the button isn't working for the result please fix that might be because it's not on an actual server that could be so we'll see how that works what we're going to do is we're copy and paste it on our server and then all you would do is every pin would link to take the Valentine's quiz here or take the meditation quiz here or whatever it is you're going to lead them to that quiz you can even use these images to make a simple love quiz or something like that let's do I want to make a Valentine's quiz video come up with 25 quiz ideas and then we can actually have it make the quiz and then just make the video these kinds of videos get tons and tons of traffic the problem is is people are trying to monetize where the amount you're going to make on ads on this is going to be like a penny whereas if you get them to go to your quiz all you would need to do is get a 100 people a day to get that gift card for the for the flowers and that's $180 a day right and that's not that hard to do with these obviously the results the results are not typical implier guaranteed but I think you get the idea of how this works so now let's copy this I'm going to put it on my server and see if it actually works so here we are are here on one of my domains we'll reload and now we have Valentine's 3 years let's see if it fixed it and it did so designer handbag buy them flowers here that has my affiliate link now I can go through and I can say now make it pretty and it'll go through and make the page pretty and you could see right on demand I could just copy this over to the server I have a page to send them to all I need to do is focus all my energy on getting a lot of Pinterest traffic which isn't that hard I mean you guys saw my Pinterest here which is going through it's not even in trending stuff I haven't touched it in over a year and I mean we're still getting like a thousand or so uh people a month something like that which is pretty cool and it does actually get me leads which is fantastic so let's go here I think this will show me how many views or whatnot somewhere in here um but looking at that is there we go 1,400 and Impressions you got engagement so it is getting clicks and I haven't touched it in a year which is fantastic I mean this is kind of thing that works like crazy if you do it now one of the other things I will tell you about this this is just this month okay if I was to do over time I could probably do like several months or something like that there we go let's do like a year there we go 24 and we can see this is when the outsourcer was doing it so we were up to like 4,000 and we stopped at I think 150 pens and it was an outsourcer and it's even getting more traction now so if you did this in a trending topic you will get traffic it's not a matter of if it is a matter of when so now it's going it's making it pretty and it looks like it's done just got to wait so we can copy it copy I'll paste it here let's see how our quiz looks right like this so you can put all kinds of ads for Valentine's this there we go there it is it's mobile friendly it's got the bu flowers it has the quiz you can make it more robust if you want but the problem is is people are trying to do this without a good domain they're trying to just Hawk affiliate offers by spamming a bunch of content rather than making structured content like little quizzes little tips little guides and leading them to something creative that they actually want these types of things get traffic if you were to look at the a HS Tool and type quiz you're going to see people look these up Harry Potter house quiz 133,000 sech es a month Earth Day Google attachment style I mean there's so many quizzes you could use here that are absolutely awesome five love language quiz spirit animal quiz uh you got um other weird ones Love Languages am I pregnant quiz all kinds of different things that people are looking up that is is crazy right we could even do like gift quiz see what kind of gifts people want um what is my spiritual gift quiz there you go that would be cool get them to some you know religious book or something like that and using this is absolutely key and some of these people are actually looking for the gift card so you could go out there and do that now using these things as a game changer have a good domain have a good offer if I pack this with you know maybe I could put email the results here and then send them to the offer or just have the offer there for the the gift or maybe you could go through and have a a quiz about what to text your wife or your girlfriend to get the romance back very simple stuff that anyone can do don't over complicate it the key here is in making the strategy that gives you the content and looking at this it's giving us the content it's giving us the ideas it's giving us the images it gave us the domain it gave us the quiz and all we have to do is make this work and you can go through and find all kinds of affiliate offers that will work with this so hopefully you enjoyed this video this is a game changer where it's creating multiple images at once we've never seen this before in AI so go use it make some money have fun check out the links in the description check out AI profit scoop.com if you want to work with me and as always smash a like button and I'll see you in the next video