today you're going to learn exactly how I make as much as $687 a day or more using China's new money printer yep that's right we're talking about deep seek AI this thing spits out money faster than anything I've ever seen before and I've been making money online for over 25 years years but first there's a lot of misconceptions and different things going around about this new Chinese AI tool first open aai is saying that it has evidence that their AI model actually trained deep seek not only that but deep seek actually caused a 600 billion drop in nvidia's stock price in just one day and in yesterday's video I talked about how it's almost inevitable that this gets banned by some governments and many people in the comments said no you're wrong that's not right yet just today we see news of the US government Banning and restricting use for certain military personnel yeah this thing is huge but why and how is this going to help you make money online well first of all we need to understand a few key things obviously when AI got big at the end of 2022 a lot of people thought about ways to make money yet very few cracked the code I made this video in late 2022 showing you how to make codes with chat GPT and to this day it's my most successful video ever many people used what was taught in this video to make money by creating simple little codes and tools using chat GPT so that they can get paid in fact creating Tools in my business has been responsible for making me millions of dollars fast forward just two short years later and now we have deep seek AI a tool that codes better Works faster is smarter than many of the other tools combined and is prompt userfriendly what does that mean that means gone are the days of having to decipher and figure out prompts to get the output you want in fact deep seek AI is so powerful it creates its own prompts so all I need to do is say here's a thing how do I make money with it then it spits out a plan and I can actually have the AI create sales Pages for me on the spot it's actually super simple and in this live training we're going to fire up deep seek cross our fingers and hope that it's working properly today and I'm going to show you exactly how to create stuff that gets you paid no I'm not talking about flooding the internet with more AI content this is strategically designed content to put money in your pocket what you're about to learn in this video is responsible for making me millions of dollars and now that you have ai we don't need fancy coders programmers or a lot of money to make this work I mean you don't even need a web designer anymore I'm going to show you right here right now how to do everything you need to start making money with this free deep seek China AI tool that virtually guarantees you will make money online and it's actually very simple we're going to over the emotional intelligence aspect that is baked into this program showing you why it's important and how it's going to help you sell more product we're going to talk about the sales intelligence how it's going to create content designed to sell stuff but also engages the users getting you tons of traffic for your website we're going to talk about the conversion strategies the systematic engaging content output plan this is super important and lastly we're going to talk about how to code with conversion in mind because let's face it you can make a bunch of tools online get a bunch of traffic but making money with them is a completely different animal so welcome smash a like button let's hop over to the live set let's fire up deep seek Ai and I'm going to show you start to finish how to go from zero to profit super fast using deep seek AI come on let's get started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today we are going to be using the new deep seek tool which is making all the headlines everywhere and show you exactly how to make money with it now this is something very important because this tool is absolutely powerful it is getting the eye of the news governments AI companies everyone is up in arms about this tool and I'm going to show you how it is basically like a China money money printer right it's going it's going to go out there and teach you how to do this in a very simple away and it's going to level the playing field so while I have 25 years of marketing experience making money online experience behind my behind my belt a lot of people don't have that Advantage until now that's what this AI does so today right here right now live smash a like button because we are going to build a money getting business with deep seek we're going to go through we're going to start from the beginning and we're going to finish it and make the whole thing work now it's very important to understand how deep seek works and how it's different right now it is a little bit buggy there are times when it's down there's times when it works there's times when it's slow I have found a little hack that if you find it to be slow if you toggle off the search box that speeds it up quite a bit so we're just going to be using deep think R1 now you can use the search function if you want to you can also use upload files and different things like that but I find that more often than not if you're not getting a result it is because that search box is turned on now we are actually in the process of turning our old robot computer over here somewhere we have it over in the back there into a um deep seek machine as well so we're going to have that in the up and cominging videos for you now when looking at this we have to understand how we're going to make money okay first and foremost whenever it comes to an AI tool or a shiny new object or whatever it is we need to understand okay where is the money actually going to come from how are we going to get paid how does this work where is the money we're actually going to do different than I normally do where we are actually going to start with the money okay usually we're going to start with a niche market or something like that in this example we're actually going to start with the money so that we can understand exactly how this works and start from square one being here not knowing how to make money with a nice haird to being able to make money over here with an even better hair do so this is going to be very important this is going to be very systematic what you are going to learn today is very broken down and this AI tool is going to do it all for you so gone are the days of needing to spend a bunch of money yep that's right there's nothing to buy Here ladies and gentlemen if you want to work with me that's another uh topic entirely but there's nothing to buy here watching this you can use the free AI tool from Deep seek and you can start making money I'm going to show you how to do this right now now what we're going to do is we're going to look at the steps that we need to take cuz first of all we need to know how we're getting paid okay we're going to get paid with affiliate offers promotions Drop Shipping all that stuff okay a lot of people convolute this they think that drop shipping and selling your own products and affiliate marketing is way different they're not it's all driving traffic to an offer that gives you money that's all it's about that's all it's ever been about if you complicate it then you're going to have info overload and you're not going to know what's going on Drop Shipping ClickBank affiliate marketing regular affiliate marketing selling your own products plr all of that stuff is the same it's a product so we're going to look at that as the money method now in order to do this we need two things okay we need traffic okay so we need people to view what we're what we're putting out then we need conversion we need people to buy okay very simple that is what this tool is going to solve for you it's actually extreme simple and anyone can do it so what we're going to do here is we're going to start with an offer something like over here at offervault you could see here they pay $150 when someone signs up for door Dash as a as a driver right so if you like hey here's 50 ways to make money online or whatever um door Dash could be one of those options you get paid $150 now on offervault there's also lots of other offers so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with a high converting offer so we're going to type in As Seen On TV okay and I'll bring it back in in just a minute I just want to make sure that the offers are in fact clean because you know we got to have a family friendly show here all right now we see several offers that we've looked at before and what we're going to do is we're going to use deep seek to look into these offers and understand them so I don't need to go and do research like I used to for years and years and years I can actually hop in here and do this right away so if we were to say let's look at the mly fool stock and investing ad okay what does all this mean this means the mly fool offer is over at the network Max Bounty so if I go to Max Bounty ask for the offer I can promote it when I promote it and a action occurs which could be a lead a sale a download a phone call could be anything could even be a free trial then I am going to get $225 so if we need to get to the $700 amount we would need roughly three of those to convert not too hard to do out of the entire internet there's probably three people a day I mean all you would have to do right now is talk about deep seek and how it's affecting the stock market and then point to the mly fool if they're interested in the stock stuff it's very very simple it's very easy so looking at that I can go through to deep seek and I could say please tell me about this offer mle full Stock Investing okay and let's see what it tells me it should go through and give me some good details looks like it's going moderately fast so hopefully this will be a good training this is the whole the everything lined out with warts and all so we might have some errors here smash a like button if you're cool with putting up with those because we want to give you guys a show to show you exactly what I do on a daily basis to make this work so what we're seeing right off the bat is deep seek is actually going through and thinking in a different way where chat gbt would probably go and get some info on the thing strip it out and kind of reward it this is actually thinking about it right it's like okay what is this about it's much like you and me right if I remember something like okay I was at the store the other day and they had some new salsa or whatever okay what's going to happen is you're going to recall that in your brain and your brain's going to go through a process now you don't know that process because it's so fast split-second decisions it's like you know when you drive down the road and you're like I don't even remember driving here right you you were on autopilot this is what's happening behind the brain and this is what the China AI has actually nailed it's gone through and said okay we have we have nailed down the actual process so it's going through the process and it's like okay I need to explain what this is now let's go through and let's side by side this with chat GPT just to show you guys the difference in the output now in deep seek one of the things I really like is the fact that it gives you the thought process before the output okay what I would recommend everyone do is copy and paste these when you have a good one because you could use these as prompts with other AIS maybe if this one goes offline or you can't get to it you will have that database and you can actually sell it and make money with it now going through we can see it's got a money back guarantee it's got a track record of how their picks have performed good okay so now we're going through and it's like it's a wellknown financial services company offering investment advice stock recommendations here are the services okay so it went in those let's take a look at what chat gbt has mly fool offers a variety of services aimed two new stock picks each month Best Buys now investment research and guide access to online community so see how it's kind of like rehashing what's on the homepage with the promo code and things like that it's not thinking about it in that different depth right it's like when you have a a dish that you like and you're like hey this tastes great and then some Chef makes it and you're like why is this better than mine it's because it has depth of flavor What's Happening Here is you're having depth of thought you're having a different type of thought which is going to make what you build differently it's kind of like starting on the wrong track right if we're running a marathon and you're starting over here and going left but everyone else is going right you're never going to win the race cuz you're going left the finish line is to the right so that's what's Happening Here is deep seek is putting you on the right track it's putting you ahead of everything if you know how to use it so we're seeing here key services offered stock advisor rule Breakers other services offer details so now we're seeing it's got pros and cons and all this other stuff let's go ahead and say more details please let's see if it'll give us more details here okay so we're going to look at this um anime girl says do we need to pay to promote the digital product on offer Vault no so you should never be paying to promote affiliate offers it should be free because they want traffic if if they're charging you to join a network or be an affiliate it's probably not on the up and up there might be case there might be exceptions to that rule but I don't think so I've been doing this a long time I have never paid to join an affiliate program that would be like a network marketing program if that was the case and we're not getting into that so now we're seeing that yeah it's still kind of flat it does have some stuff it shows a video again kind of flat there whereas this is going through and it's thinking about it differently now when we do this I can go through and say how could I get social media traffic for this offer let's see here driving social media so content marketing organic let's ask the same thing over here in deep seek what we're looking for is the magic sauce of the specific stuff uh moo make money says which version of chat GPT is that 01 I think we're using four because 01 is quite a bit slower and this webinar would take forever and it's not that much different of a output from what I've seen okay so now this is basically more or less as if you took a blog post on how to social media traffic and you rehashed it for this stock market example me it's okay whatever let's see what happens with deep seek so now deep seek is saying choose the right platforms LinkedIn Twitter Reddit YouTube Instagram all this other stuff now it's saying tailor your content to educate Inspire or solve problems for investors okay now we're getting somewhere create engaging content tailored to social media that retail invested this is it's not giving me that oomph for those of you who are in AI profit scoop blog profit Network or any of my courses you know that my courses are great but the value isn't in the course so much as it is being able to ask me questions Matt's here he's on our calls all the time there are times Matt comes on and he's like what do you think about this page I tell him he goes and does it and then it does you know it performs way better the reason that works is because of the ins it chat GPT is falling flat on the Insight whereas deep seek is going depth into it and giving us that plan this is almost like the kind of stuff that I talk about on calls however there are some little tweaks and nuances that I know after doing this for 25 years uh that make it go right so looking at this creating engaging content educational posts success stories free value teasers so what it's doing is it's giving me an idea of what I would want to do okay so watch how we have this conversation and it tells us exactly what we need to do so now we have leverage paid advertising partner with influencers SEO so let's first focus on this stuff here and it even said hey watch out make sure you comply with FTC guidelines that's a good one most most AI is not going to tell you that and this is telling us which means now I can go through and and can have a disclosure where I might not have thought of that sometimes you know you forget or whatever it is so now going through we're going to look at this and say okay um let's see I'm going to go and do let's focus on step two educational posts now I know where I want to go and maybe I'll write it down let's write this down I'm going to try this here we'll do something fun it'll be like a little magic trick and maybe deep seek will get it okay I'm going to go where I'd want to go and we'll see if it gets it the way that I would get it so educational post what I would want to do I'll do it over here so that it does not see me I want to do let's see we'll put this here pins and posts okay so I'm thinking of something specific I want to see if deep seek actually gets it because if it does I'm a little worried for my job bad news for me good news for you you could go make money all right so let's see how it does so educational post please come up with 50 good headlines okay let's see how it does so how to start investing with 500 Good Very them please so what we're going to do is we're going to go here like this and we're going to see what's going on okay so the user wants from focus on step two mly Fool's Services let's see if it gets it ultimate secret proven so it has like those power words which is good thinking different okay then I need to vary the structure good good good so now it's giving us the examples why time in the market beats timing in the market mly fool strategy breakdown beginners 20 okay so it's got those those good words that are going to pop up and get us a lot of traction that's good chat GPT literally is not even close let's see let's do I think it didn't even give us the step so we're going to say now let's do educational post please come up with 50 good that should work okay so let's see how this does here are 50 varied educational post headlines and over here we have beginner friendly guides how to start investing with 100 that's okay it's interesting better would be what happened when I invested 100 or something like that okay investing 101 five simple steps to grow your money why time in the market beats timing the market okay now I do like that these are specific to mle fool because then when we go to promote it it's like they're already sold which is really cool okay let's see what else we have mistakes long-term wealth building stock picks this is what I want to do here this stuff here okay here's some success stories those would be good so notice how it's going through and it's doing like Gary uh vaner always says you know the the jab jab right hook where you're basically going through and you have your social media strategy where a lot of people are going to go out there and they're going to be like well let's just post a bunch of posts saying go to the mly fool and bada bang bada bang There You Go Hopefully someone will buy this is more or less spam that's what it is it's not good content nobody cares about it it doesn't even sell well it's just what people do because it's easy so what we're going to do is we're going to say well let's do one post about maybe the top tech stocks of 2024 then we'll do another one of maybe the Unseen tech stocks or whatever then we'll do another so you're doing value value value then instead of just saying sign up for mly fool or whatever what about the top 10 stocks that mle fool predicted that actually did well this would be a good one like if they knew Nvidia or whatever that would be pretty solid so now we're going through and we're like okay this is looking pretty good we have um all this stuff here why 72% of mly pool mle fool members outperform the market how to generate a th000 a month so it's getting there it's close I would say in terms of making money online it's it's right there okay it's it's very close there's one thing that I would add that would absolutely make this work and this is something we're going to get into in a minute which is called the uh systematic content okay let me show you what I wrote down so you can see exactly what I'm talking about what I wanted the AI to get was this here I wanted successful stocks pins and post Now ladies and gentlemen pay close attention knowing this what I just wrote down here this is the difference between someone who's making money and someone who's using chat GPT or even deep seek because it didn't nail it on the head to not get money okay smash a like button if you're following this is super super important because now I know an engaging piece of content for people that are interested in stock market type stuff is going to be stocks that performed well so what I'm GNA do is I'm GNA try to jog this in chat GPT we have investing 101 stock market Basics it's okay this that's good actually for chat GPT that's pretty nail on the head mle fool recommended Amazon in 1997 is that actually true that would be the question right so going through looking at this mle fool recommended in 1997 I'm going to search this in Google in quotes just to see if that's true or what actually happened so we'll do this they have some posts about it they have a lot about like this is like investing the rule Breaker by Amazon maybe maybe they do they do have a post from 1997 well okay that's that's pretty good I like that um I let's see this so that was updated but that is interesting so the fact that it found that is key that is key to being able to sell this stuff okay so I do like that so definitely chat GPT has a win there there's a win in the chat GPT column for that one specifically let's take a look at some others here what causes stock market crashes this is all flat don't really want that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say Now please find 100 stocks that mly fool got right let's see what we have here because if I can do this that's now systematic content that I can use to promote this notice how we're making content that specifically promotes something direct okay we'll do another product to show you how this works in a different niche as well I think this is super important because when we put this together yes ladies and gentlemen live on this training we are going to have deep seek actually build a website okay talking start to finish it's going to do the whole thing for us and I'm going to show you something that I saw in chat gbt that I just saw last night that's actually a game changer for making money with Pinterest all right so now we have this here Amazon recommended multiple times Netflix Tesla excellent can you find the date first recommended the price then and now this is going to be good because think about it if you were reaching a bunch of people who want to invest in stocks on Twitter Tik Tok Instagram or whatever going through and having this content they're going to be like oh Starbucks was actually predicted by a company back on this date it was a dollar now it's $40 whatever right do your do your numbers and and so looking at this we can see all the ones they did recommend and this ladies and gentlemen is how you make content that actually sells notice how we are starting we're getting the idea and then we're going to go into the emotional intelligence then we're going to build the website it's very important that you do it in this way some people are going to be like well you know I want to get to the nitty-gritty of building the website well ladies and gentlemen anyone and everyone can build a website it's not hard it's not expensive it takes a couple of seconds it's easy which is why I spend less time on the building and more time on the psychology and the understanding of the market behind it okay this is how this works this is why marketers are paid the big bucks I remember years ago I was at a conference and I met um one of the guys I looked up to back then Marlon Sanders and also Dean Dunn who I love Dean done work that guy's awesome um and I was talking to him about these little helicopters that just came on the affiliate networks and we were talking about how to promote them and you know everyone is talking about email and SEO and different things like that which we did that's how we started and Dean and I were talking about what if we made little videos of these helicopters doing crazy cool stunts and just promoted them that would be a GameChanger same thing we're doing here where we're taking the offer and we're making the content from the offer with the deliberate plan of making that offer work it is deliberate I'm not out there going I hope I get traffic I hope it converts no I am deliberately making each content with that in mind now let's see how chat CHT did okay so Advanced Micro PayPal it only gave me 10 Now find the price then and now so deep seek already did the work for me they found looks like 13 let's just do uh 20 more please and it's actually giving them this so we have C this is this is perfect ladies and gentlemen what you are seeing right here is money in the pocket to those know who know how to use it smash a like button if you want to learn how to use it again there's nothing to buy here you want to work with me there's a link there that's like super cheap but watch this training you can go take what you learn right now you can go make money and you could be like I watched the guru training free I made money I didn't pay the guru anything I win if that's your Forte if you actually want to do it a different way we have options for that too but looking at this this is money how do I know it's money well we can actually go over and we can turn each of these into Pinterest pins or videos imagine you have a short video stock prediction Netflix first recommended 2024 you show the DVD you show the logo back then $15 a share now 380 a share how much would you have gained 2400 don't you wish you bought a mly fool subscription you do this on all of them Amazon stock advisor report first recommended 20 uh 2002 less than $15 a share now 130 a share obviously fact check it how many of you guys are seeing Oh that'll sell all the people out there that're doing faceless videos about ancient stoic people who tied shoes that they didn't even have because they wore birken stocks apparently or something whatever the the uh ancient version of those were and this is why it's not working because you're going out there and you're doing faceless channels you're doing content without a purpose every piece of content needs to be focused on how you're going to make money and what I'm going to show you is this method I can have deep seek create me a onepage hard-hitting right hook sales page that is going to sell this like crazy okay so now we're looking at this and we're like okay Amazon Shopify good this is this is perfect content this is easy to make I could give this to my Pinterest team who makes Pinterest pins they can make all of these tonight I'll have them in the morning or if you don't want to pay anyone you can do this yourself with your favorite image editor or even using the AI in the um canva super simple okay so now we're looking at this and I'm like oh that's how this works now we ask for 20 more there's Salesforce recommended 2010 I mean it's basically like look at all this money you could have made if you bought this product now SpaceTime says what would you promote here wee bowl no we are deliberately promoting mly fool that's why we started with the offer and we asked it how to understand it okay so now we have stuff we can use so now let's go back to the board here over here somewhere now we're going through and we have stuff to get traffic and posting the is not a matter of if it's a matter of when I've tested this we have students who do this we have a guy who's doing this on Tik Tok with short videos right now started last month already made like or actually he started this month already made a thousand bucks obviously results not typical lier guaranteed dude doesn't even have a website he's just posting videos very very specific if you build it they will come in this example why because we're building it with the specific plan of getting them to come you go to Pinterest you look at stock stuff they have stock market this stock market that we are deliberately making this so now all we have to do is keep doing this all day every day the problem is you're going to set up 10 and you'll be like well you know I haven't made a sale yet I mean I started this morning and and it's already noon and I haven't made a sale this must be a scam well if you give up by noon you're not going to get the traction you need I actually had a sourcer doing my Pinterest it took about 3 weeks for it to get traction once it got traction it got leads it got sales I wasn't even behind it I gave her access to a program to get data she got the data put it in a pin they weren't even that good of pins and they got traction this works if you do it and starting to understand okay looking at these different stock picks looking at this different stuff now I have traffic right so type traffic in the Box if you're like oh cool so now we got that problem solved right let's make some content now what I would do is I would go through and I probably build a mailing list with this but we'll show you how to do a sales page if you don't want to do the mailing list or anything like that now we have all this here let's see how chat GPT is doing me it's okay again I had to I had to know how to do that so it was a little bit more difficult but now we have traffic if you do this it will work you just can't give up you have to keep on it watch what does good watch your titles watch this that and the other you will get traffic and we know traffic is the first part of the equation if I can get traffic it can work you want to do this with videos we can go over there and do videos um a lot of the video add-ons that we had in the beginning of this training were created with Sora so you could go to Sora you could be like oh hey you know do Amazon stock video or something like that very very simple okay so going through and looking at that and making it work uh mind lift just reach out to our support team so going out there and looking at this now I have the plan literally this is what the pin would look like stock alert Visa first recommended 28 price then 15 here's what you would have gained very simple okay pin two pin three and you can even just keep going now 25 more and it'll just keep going and going and going which is pretty cool now you can also put some that they predicted that didn't do well I mean in transparency it doesn't matter it's all going to get traffic anyway and I think that having that will help with the transparency now what we would want to do is we could actually go through there's two things we could do here okay let's get the other chalkboard here we'll do this one here I think I have yes I do have a pen we got the pen all right how many of you guys are digging this smash a like button if you're digging this so we're going to go through and we're going to map this out and show you two things okay so where are we going to get traffic well stock traffic actually makes a lot of money so even if you don't have a sales page like this traffic will make money because it's stock traffic I know I'm in lots of different niches some niches make pennies some make lots of dollars stock is one of the ones that make dollars so now we're going to do this two ways one we're going to have hard hitting sales sales page okay hard-hitting sales page to get people to the mly fool now what we need to do is we need to think about why they would be on our page well they just watched a bunch of stock videos on Tik Tok they just watched a bunch of stock ticks on um on uh Tik Tok Pinterest Instagram whatever okay so we have that there so there's our traffic method good we got traffic now there's two things we can do we can go for the goal and and boom go for the hard-hitting sales or we could say calculate this against your favorite stock or something like that okay and in number two we can actually do like compare okay now compare would be easier because you'd get more traffic because they'd be interested in the tool and it's less salesy right like when I go and I do a training like this and I say hey if you want my notes go to airofit you go there to get the notes I do have a sales message on there but you get the notes I get a lead and it builds a business so looking at this you could either do the hard-hitting sales page or the comparison tool what we're going to do is we're going to start with the sales page the way we're going to do that is say now tell me about the emotions of the average stock person trying to build a portfolio and watching gurus and people online let's see what it gets this is one of the things that deep seek gets is emotional intelligence chat GPT so far is is way off the mark when it comes to this and by Off the Mark it's not wrong it's just not that Cutting Edge like anyone can write a sales letter you know Gary Halbert can write a sales letter so like while you can do something it's not going to make what the other thing would make so I need to think about the emotions average person let me start by putting their myself in their shoes empathy that is the first step to making a sale if you can be empathetic with your audience you will win I can't tell you how many people have read my sales letters watch my videos and you're like dude it's like you're talking to me it's like you wrote this for me yes because I listened and if I listen I will win PL plain and simple you could have a mediocre product and win because you listen to the market okay so let me start by putting myself in their shoes first one starting out they probably feel excited and also really overwhelmed okay there's so much information out there everyone seems to have an opinion they follow some gurus okay good so let's see excitement and overwhelm fear and anxiety mistrust and skepticism Euphoria stress and red good so let's do now based on this assuming they just looked at my and how was our audio is the audio quality good they looked at my videos about the Top mly Fool stock picks and now are on my page and I want to tell them to buy please make a sales page for me all right so let's see how this does all right so now we have okay user wants a sales page good first I need to structure it effectively okay looking great get some tea some water okay limited time offer unlock the Fool's greatest stock picks before the next Amazon or Netflix skyrockets without you boom fomo right up front like whenever I say hey do you feel like you missed out on chat GPT do you want the edge when it comes to deep seek that's why a lot of people are watching these videos right now because that's what they want they don't want to miss out they want to learn the stuff they want to understand how it works and they want to make money tired of missing life changing gains you've seen the videos you've watched the winners this is good Amazon Netflix Tesla Shopify but here's the hard truth you're stuck picking stocks based on Reddit hype or hot tips that fizzle out you're tired of second guessing every move While others retire early you're wasting hours scrolling Guru advice that never adds up to real profits what if you could stop gambling and start investing like the top 1% introducing the mly Fool's winning blueprint this is actually really good so good that you would probably need to run it by mly fool to see if it's too good because it probably is a little too good so now we're saying hey this is pretty darn good real people Real Results it went out found them don't miss the next am that's good don't miss the next Amazon you can put a picture of Jeff bezos's yacht or something obviously make sure you get the the the rights to it warning the expire the offer expires price goes up click here to lock in your deal now claim your spot here cool right so now we have a sales page this is pretty good now watch this now please make this a PHP website all fancy or let's do page page all fancy and nice and if you have images I should add make them image description PNG with proper sizing where description equals what it is no spaces on file names please okay so watch what this does we are literally going to do this boom ready to go we're going to upload it we're going to show you how it works now a couple tools that I'm going to use to make this work I'm going to use either h HML 6 or front page 2003 yes ladies and gentlemen I make a very good living and a lot of the pages I build are still with front page 2003 our biggest selling page on my website was built with front page 2003 you can use any HTML editor this one's kind of hard to find because it was out of print but that goes to show for people that say Marcus your sites don't look fancy you need a better site you're doing it wrong well my disagrees right cuz we are actually making money with this and that's what you need to understand it's not about the fancy it's not about the whizbang it's about simple every landing page that you see that's making big money is simple look at the mly fool could probably be built in front page or some other HTML now the reason we're going to use this and if you're new save yourself some time HTML 6 will be fine they have a free version I believe pretty sure they do and you can use it or any what you see is what you get editor the reason we're going to do this is so that we can see what this looks like okay so they actually split it into two three different files okay he gave me a little tree thank you for the little tree I feel like um what was it on uh the Black Sheep movie movie thank you little Roots he gave us some little Roots so thank you little Roots here if you remember the movie smash a like button best movie um so now we're looking at this we have mly fool offer includes okay so it's going to need to be in its own folder that's all that means so now what we're going to do we're going to get to the nitty-gritty showed you how to get traffic you build the content with AI super easy now what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to build a site I actually started testing it earlier we tested out um this tool here which was like a little exit pop generator oh it's working now it wasn't working earlier but now hey that's looking pretty cool it is actually working now I think it took a while for the uh API to work so now we're looking at this and we're like okay cool um the other way says Marcus there's a feature right in deep seek that allows you to look at the page H let's see where is that is it on the app it might be on the app okay so what we're going to do is we're going to start with the main page the big long one is always the main one you can actually put this into your HTML 6 to see what it looks like okay it's not going to show the footer because the footer is not uploaded yet um we can actually say can you make this all in one file please that way it's not the headers and stuff so now we're going to go through Foot logo so these are our images we'll need which is easy all you do is upload an image with the same name um let's see yeah if you can tell me where that feature is that'd be cool the other way okay here's a single fireal PHP version smash the like button if you guys are digging this that helps other people get the message okay so now we have Echo page title mly fool looking good video preview here nice rest of content identical to previous offer PHP okay so you would have to paste it in there can you paste all this in let's see if it'll do this because I don't I I just want it as one page so it's easy okay so we'll do like this right there just turn the air on a little it is hot in the air okay we're back all right so let's take a here the user wants me to do all this mly fo limited offer looking pretty good doesn't look like too much junk it does have like a little limited offer card thing cool this might be kind of fun um he says bottom line of the code box says run HTML it might be because these are PHP oh there you go so yeah so it is it is in the HTML 1es only so you would have to do HTML which you can I'm using PHP because I want to make it Dynamic we'll get to that in just a minute I can I can say now convert it to HTML that way we can test that feature because I think it'll be a fun feature for people okay so when it's done we'll ask that and if you guys have questions about what I'm going over type them in the box I I will be answering questions this is the real deal you want to do this and make a living this is what I've been doing for 25 years it's actually pretty basic and simple and now that we have ai it's ridiculously easy so what we're going to do is we're going to take the Big File here copy the code I'm going to go to my HTML 6 I'm going to put it in this this is the code over here is what it's going to look like so put that there okay so we have uh offer expires unlock the mly Fool's greatest stock picks proven performance there's the Amazon Tesla growth chart good real member results it has the names here's the price it's decent let's see here so there's that now it's converting to HTML so we see that that's okay let's let's have it build an actual now please make an actual let's say uh Gary Halbert style sales letter okay what I want is I I'm looking for like dear friend thanks for watching all my videos by this thing so that you can do stuff with with with the um mly fool or whatever it is okay we'll pick another offer in just a minute the next offer I show you is going to blow your mind because it's super super simple again systematic content with AI with a direct hitting sales page with AI deep seek Nails it all right so now let's do this here Gary Halbert style sales letter okay going through what he does right good good good secret stock picking system that turned 5,000 into 1.4 million and how you can steal it for less than 8 25 a month that's a damn good headline so let's go through how a lazy 47-year-old school teacher from Ohio retired at 54 using two simple stock picks per month and how you can copy and set and forget that's pretty good I like again be careful with promises if you promise something you need to say what the average person gets a lot of people they watch my trainings and they don't like it actually very few people don't like it most people are cool with it when I say hey the average person trying to make money online makes nothing that's because when you say a claim you need to say what the average person can expect the average stock market investor I don't know what's the average person get 8% or something he could probably use that but again this is saying the average stock investor that buys these kinds of products which is probably less okay so going through and looking at this Wall Street hates the secret how Ordinary People are quietly banking 1247 gains using a banned stock picking method you could hear about interesting okay so here's Amazon up Netflix so that reiterates it I like that Wall Street laughed at them the shocking truth they don't want you to know oh it actually talks about the people who started this that's pretty good stories sell stories sell and stories help us remember things stock market isn't random while Brokers push this ignore the noise buy these the results speak for themselves this is this is a this is a very good pre-sales page this is actually very good I could probably run a good amount of traffic to this and get some conversions so now we're looking at this real people real accounts the 3 a.m.
Epiphany that changed everything this is way better now make this the PHP page all one file please now watch this okay here we go all right and self-mastery if that's true I'd be an affiliate and talk about that okay so now we have the complete Gary Halbert style sales letter right like this it's got our images so we just have to upload the images into the images folder it's got the dear friend that's pretty good how much longer will you keep throwing darts at the stock tips from Tik Tock gurus and CMB that's good that's very good because these people are jaded they've been watching stock gurus that are like you know just started trading and they haven't been doing it long and they're jaded from it and they're like dude okay here's these guys with their fake gurus and their fake Lambos and they're just selling some stock course or whatever they're not actually doing the stuff so looking at this this is going to address that a lot of people uh watch my videos and they're like hey you know is this all you do I'm like well I started doing videos in like 2017 my business has been open for 25 years you do the math I've been doing this a long time but as annoying as that is to hear that question over and over that is how some people feel address it I remember years ago when I first started I looked really young and uh one of my friends was like you need to address that when people see you on camera they're going to be like why should I trust this guy he doesn't look old enough to run a business of any kind I had to address it and addressing it is what helped sale uh so now looking at this let's copy here and then you can actually to show does run the HTML that's a cool little feature so thanks for that tip um I who was it who said that the other way thanks for that um so now let's go through and let's look at this in HTML 6 since we're looking at the PHP so it has the 47y old one so I'd probably change this let's do and we can ask it make this less hypy and more curiosity driven without implying they will get rich use others results this is key okay using this now we're going to see how the others results work so let's see here okay are waiting and again remember this tool is free like how much is it it's free 50 it's 3.99 it is 100% free don't cost nothing so now we're going to go through and we're going to take a look at this Amazon founded an online bookstore average investor okay so it's looking good now what we're going to do while I'm waiting for this we are actually going to open up our web server okay so I'm going to open up web server and file manager I have over here somewhere I think there we go oh that's the wrong one uh there it is so file manager where' It Go was there a minute ago um over here oh there it is it's up on this screen the joys of having a million screens open okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go to file manager right over here and we're just going to navigate to the site we're using I'm using clipper the reason I'm using the Clipper domain name is I thought that would be a simple short domain that I can use and it's kind of symbolic of like clipping stocks or clipping coupons or products or uh different things of that nature and that's why I picked it don't overthink it we're not doing SEO we're not waiting for Google you can do that later this domain is not for that if you want to watch that watch other stuff getting SEO traffic for the stock market is going to be like pretty much impossible so we're going to go a different route again knowing your traffic method is key and the AI tools will help you with that also if you're not in AI profit scoop we help you with that as well so what we're looking at here is a folder on the web that correlates to a website this is a website okay this is the back end so now if I go through and I copy or I do a new file and I call it index.php this will be the file that shows up when you go to the site which is Clipper which looks like this watch so now we have this here and you will see that file the new one index okay see right here actually let's do this side by side you guys could see the real deal right so we're going to go through and we're going to reload that index file should be in there hopefully let's see it should be showing up there any second now sometimes it cashes so we'll see uh let's see you know what we'll do index.php It Should Have Nothing see it's got nothing there so what we need is we need to add something what are we going to add well we're going to add this stuff that the AI gave us okay so now I can take this here our fancy page with our sales letter copy go over to our index paste right super simple how many of you guys are following along has anyone lost or you guys got it so we'll hit save and that should hopefully it doesn't cash if it does we'll just rename it something else it is caching so we're just going to rename it index one or something like that index one.
PHP all right so let's see index one. PHP and if it was not caching which just means it's remembering it would actually show up on its own okay come on now index one. PHP did we name it right index.php index 1. PHP it should be working here what do we got going on all right bear with me one second that's working test one test one is working test two is working why is this not working I'll try turning our VPN off sometime all right let's see so index it's doing something that wants to be funny oh there it goes it's trying it looks like a space where's the space I didn't see a space okay hold on one second Gotta Love In Motion Hosting is Wonder okay so let's see if we can get this going here let's do in let's copy and we'll call it index 2.
PHP it doesn't look like there's a space there okay let's see uh Clipper index index one do PHP actually you know what let me make sure I'm on the right one why is this being a pain got to love this right got to love all the the problems you get with doing this live everyone asks for live videos and then they get mad when stuff doesn't work right and I'm like well you know you want to lie that's what you get so we try Okay so let's go through let's see if we can get this working here uh let's see Gana says so let's see if I join your training I want toip my job if I buy your course will you help me make my product ASAP to make sales to my cold traffic if you join my course you are not going to you shouldn't quit your job um you should learn business and buying buying courses doesn't get you rich what gets you rich is understanding how to apply things so if you're buying a course to think you're going to get rich then don't buy the course my course any course don't buy any course if you think it's going to save you from your wos because they they will not let's see if we can get this on maybe over here I don't know what is going on with this page it might be the caching or something let me see if I have a different one we can use all right let's see if we have a different file setup here bear with me one second let's see affiliate help center is that one up affiliate help center okay uh maybe not let's try another one Clipper ebook dashboard is that one up ebook dashboard let's see ebook okay I think let's take a look or economics explainer that' be a fun one let's see if that's set up economics explainer that actually that domain would actually fit so let's try this one we'll do new file index.php create and the cool thing about these files is it doesn't matter where you put them it just matters that all the files are in that one folder okay so we're going to do this here and we're going to go index edit and let's let's pray and hope that it works fingers crossed economics explainer index.php I don't know yeah I don't know what's going on maybe it's our reload okay this does not want to work for what is is anyone else seeing this work let's see it's loading something okay use another browser I I did do that yeah there's that browser let's try Firefox Maybe let's see where's Firefox Firefox now we're getting exploded with Firefox here we go uh it's not the code it's something with the site economics explainer index okay so that shows something at least let's see that does have that there economics explainer save changes reload let's see view view so it's showing that and then we should be able to Port this in if not you can use WordPress let's see see the permission in the files is it a permission thing I don't I don't think so yeah I I don't think this would have anything to do with it well we'll try it you know try anything and that is on economics explained I think think yeah okay so we have this here project so these are tools we made in Bolt these are pretty cool um economics explainer index let's try make a new folder test create yeah I don't know why it doesn't want to uh reload here to complete pain in the NE uh let me try a different server got to love hosting right uh let's see C panel we'll try it on file manager H bear with me one second okay let's try this on okay this one maybe let's try this other one if not then I don't know what's going on here uh but yeah starting and building your sales page with these tools is key so let's go through let's do www index.php edit edit and let's copy this here should work so this is content mend just trying a different server I have no idea what's going on with this is it uh connection is not scar maybe it's htps www yeah I don't know um but yeah so let's try something else um let's see sidekick browser is the best I don't think it's a browser thing I don't know what's going on with this but it's something let's try in in private browser maybe no what this weird okay okay let's see here you know what maybe it's something in the file being flagged it could be that let's try that hi there Save which one's this Clipper okay that's not loading yeah so it's not something in the file it's something else in there that's not working I don't know if we have another server we could use let me see gotta love these errors smash the like button if you appre apprciate the live stuff here now it's not a tab issue index.php test.php so this is working this is actually a tool that I created in here so let's go through with the training we'll show you how it works and then go there um cash manager in cpanel yeah I don't know if I can get to all that while we're live that's uh something else let's see C panel where's that at Matt account manager cash let's try cash I wish they would just like turn off cash completely Purge full cash let's see Purge full cash let's see if that worked that got there but it's not showing the the index which is weird let's see if it shows a different one let's do okay this is here this is this one okay content mend yeah I don't know what is going on with this at any rate to show you how to make money with this what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to use maybe WordPress or something else this is why I use WordPress but everyone's like I don't want to pay any for anything so that's why we try to do this um websites internal server it's something else I don't know what it is maybe it's something on this computer but yeah we'll have to check it some other way maybe it's something like this um but yeah so what we're going to do is we're going to show you how to build this so that you can get by and actually make it work I'm sure a lot of you guys probably can see it as well um and go from here and look at it so what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we are going to build this thing out so what we have first and foremost is we have our planning with our um with our traffic method okay so we're using wherever it went uh let's see deep seek so we have our deep seek here so what we have is we have our traffic plan we have our sales page we can see what our sales page looks like in HTML all you would need to do is have a server that's not like my POS server and one that actually works and upload it in a very simple way if you didn't want to do that you could actually go and you can do um you can do a WordPress example so let's see if WordPress would actually install on that server that would be interesting we'll just take this a different route and we'll show you how that works so we're going to go see if WordPress would install so we're going to go here this is economics one economics one up a level go into our C panel bear with me oh you know what that was on the domain let's see if it does it at the Domain level one last try and then we'll go there Purge full cash okay there it worked okay we're in business it's the stupid C cash which in motion if you're listening take the cash and throw it in the toilet and flush it far away because it's a POS at any rate I will calm down what we're going to do is we're going to start this up with the caching okay now back here we're going to go through we are going to take our page that we created right here and we are going to change this page simply by going through and changing it on our C panel should be very easy you will not have the errors I had that was just for whatever reason in motion does not want to like me today um so let's see that's content men let's get back to our regular one over here and that was where in motion C panel okay so you'll get to see how it works here so we're going to go file manager we're going to go to the site clier clip clip clier where did it go okay right here we're going to take index edit we have our high there that's what we're seeing over on Clipper and it says hi there see that okay right here smash a like button if you appreciate seeing these with all the warts and everything and we're GNA we're gonna get this thing going I I understand your frustration when it comes to web stuff believe me all right so we're going to paste this in here save changes reload it's going to need to be cached again because apparently it does not want to actually show real life web pages it wants to cash it so we'll Purge the cache we'll refresh it okay try purging it again Purge full cash Clipper all right well I give up this thing's just a total POS there we go okay so now we have our page here okay how a 47-year-old got retired teacher retired blah blah blah blah blah okay now the simpler way to do this would be to go through and add WordPress on This Server that's what I would do if you don't want to use WordPress have fun doing all the other stuff with your host what we're going to do is we're just going to add WordPress because we can actually go through and build that out it takes a minute to dump the cash okay so there we go so for me I'm super impatient and I don't like dealing with this stuff so I would not wait a minute so now we have this here and we're looking pretty good you can add the images so all you would need to do for images is open image in a new tab so all I would need is teacher retirement proof.png so I could go over to chat GPT and I can do like um let's log in apparently actually we'll do it over here we'll go into chat GPT like this and I'll say please make an image of a teacher only the teacher retiring okay and we'll have it like this and then all I would need to do is file save as and that'll work for us okay so we'll wait for this here so you're not going to paste the PHP into WordPress you're going to paste the the text right so if you are using WordPress you're going to go through and you are going to use the file we had over here which was this one so you're going to paste this into WordPress with your other stuff let's see if we can get an example I'll get you guys an example Le here let's see affiliate help center I think I have one here just so I can show you uh let's see what's another one I have Okay cool so I have this one here which is same it was a sales site we were working on so if you were going to do WordPress you would just do a page page add new page and then you would post the content in the page right so you'd put this in here wherever your image is for your retirement proof you would replace that with the image and then when you're done you'd publish it and then you would have the page right and then obviously you would do okay um show show this right show this image of the stock gain or whatever it is so you would have an image of on growth and then all you would have to do is replace the images right so I would go through and say okay so I need the teacher okay so i' get the teacher from the chat GPT and then I would just file save as and I'd try to save it as like a PNG let's do uh teacher what is it you need to save it exactly so we'll do teacher.
PNG and then I would just get the name it should work let's see if it works here okay we'll just get a snagg it of it so we'll get capture right like this and then we're going to do capture here right like that and then we'll just save it so you're going to save this as whatever the file was named so here we could see the file was named retirement proof and it should be right here so teacher retirement proof.png so I just save it as that and as long as you upload it as that to the server save as right there and we're going to do I think it was PNG so we'll do PNG save right and then I can just literally put that into my WordPress or put that into my site and start building my sales page and having this sales page is going to be super simple because then I could go through and and drive all my traffic to it and save it uh one of the little tips if you're using Windows open up this quick access that way you could just drag and drop them right so we'll put our teacher here there we go you can shrink it make it whatever size you want super easy um I find that using the original WordPress designer is better so if you wanted to do that we'll just go to plugins right like this and you would just activate um let's go to add new plugin you would activate classic editor and classic widgets and then they should activate yeah activate and then let's do activate here that's just going to make it a little bit easier to edit as you can see here it's a lot easier uh to edit our posts and pages right so now if I was to go through here and edit this offer expired if there's an expiring put it there don't do fake Social proof so if it doesn't expire you don't need to it doesn't in incre increase the conversions that much so it's not that big a deal uh Joe says will you be adding an email name and capture form that is up to you if it if if it was me in this stock market Niche yes I would I would want the list and you will build the list this same thing I did so on my Pinterest we promote LOL which basically it's the same thing I do this is exactly what I'm showing you how to use um someone says use no code website builder I want the control of the website the way I want the control that's why I used WordPress okay very important so when going through here this is what I do like my Pinterest even though it's badly neglected I haven't touched it in like a year it still drives leads to this page and what it is is a very simple download a bunch of niches and the Pinterest pins are about NES right if you were go to LOL Biz Pinterest you would see those are the different niches there they are bada bing bada boom now I can make money with them so going through here this is the opt-in method this would be the sales method right very simple and then you could just get Amazon growth you know I just go to chat GPT and I do something like um show an image of you know uh chat GPT growth or something like that come on load so I do like this and I do please make an image of Che um Amazon stock growth since 200 or 1997 to today okay and this will make an image I can screenshot it put it into my WordPress there as well hey that's pretty cool that actually gives me a chart I wonder if hm I wonder if I could get that chart can you give me the code for this chart for my website I wonder if it'll do so it'll do Max 2013 oh nice so it is actually showing me yes I can put that on my website so let's see how this works copy and paste the code into an HTML file so again we're just working with these files there it is Amazon stock grow approximate key points see how cool this is it literally makes tools and all kinds of stuff and promoting this and getting all the traffic and and and the the tools and everything is key so now copy I could go through and be like okay so we got Clipper here let's upload this where' we go and now I had it here there we go um I think yeah so Clipper index so let's do Clipper copy let's call this um a chart.php Amazon chart.php just so I could remember it uh Denise I totally agree uh using WordPress is easier however even if you're using WordPress learn what I'm showing you here because this is stuff where you can do tools a lot of times in our tools class we're building a bunch of tools for people that wouldn't work in WordPress so we have them somewhere else so we're going to copy this AZ chart edit let's post that here and it should make a stock chart let's see let's Purge the cash of course because apparently we need to do that every five seconds all right C panel where did our cash purger go cash cash manager and we'll do calor Purge the cash and this should be chart there you go check it out so Amazon stock price growth 1997 to today so obviously we' need did it really no it didn't go down that much but you get the idea obviously um if you wanted to fix this it is in the code right like it says um where they are so if you were to go Amazon chart 2003 2008 so it has the prices I could just go and be like what was Amazon's price then and if I make this you know 150 it's going to make this change super easy understanding code is probably like the best lesson you can get in terms of making money with this stuff right and it'll change all this stuff obviously we would have to clear the cash because you know you'd look at that but now we're able to build these things and with deep seek we're able to understand them hold on one second so now we're like okay now we can understand it we can make it work um and we can be like okay now let's go to deep seek and say now please let's go to this here this is where we're selling this one here make this PHP page okay so now we can say now with what you know about this Market draft five emails I can send about top stock news and this is where you can actually get more content you can start building a mailing list and what I would do is just keep it casual just share them stuff right just share cool stuff like okay uh breaking this company stock surge is X so there's a template now make it for Amazon for today look at that this super super simple earnings season preview it's actually already making the five right so these are the different emails you can use if you were doing a mailing list it's literally building your business for you which is absolutely amazing right so now we can say now do it for Amazon today and I can get emails every day if I wanted to and I can promote this stuff right all you would need is a simple page so I would go through and let's say I was using this here I would just be like okay urgent here's the news about Amazon stock today put the chart put the sales pitch drive them to the offer wash rinse repeat it's about very simple content that goes to offers that actually work and this is why I like to use WordPress so much because WordPress you can go through and I can go and say okay let's add a new page or a new post Okay add new post let's go through and say um let's go deep seek now make it for Amazon today and make blog post content with the sales pitch for full product at bottom boom so now we're going to go like this right here uh handy says deep seek just got hacked yep we made a video on it yesterday okay so now we have this here um subject line Amazon Soares what's driving the rally that's a that's a pretty good subject line hi name Amazon NASDAQ Amazon NASDAQ Amazon is making headlines with shares up to 3.5 key Catalyst Amazon web yeah they charge me a bunch for Amazon web services so that's probably how it works now we're going through analysts are raving Prime day all Investments read the full analysis that's pretty good chat GPT does not give us that quality of stuff okay now here's our blog post how do we make it okay here's the title why Amazon stock is poised for another breakout we go to our WordPress over here where did it go right like this there's our title okay we're going to put this here so we we have it then we have our text obviously I would put this in the um grammarly just to double check for like plagiarism and stuff so I'd go here double check for plagiarism see if see if we're okay uh Amazon partnership Game Changer boom check for plagiarism and AI okay uh let's see 2% I'm happy with that good so now that we like it don't copy from here because it'll lose formatting we're just going to go to our blog post put this in here this is where you put your affiliate link I mean it's super simple you just have to go through and be like okay put affiliate link there put affiliate link here email to it you can even go through and maybe you're going to post about different Amazon stock breakouts or whatever you can point to the Amazon post on those now if you were looking at a different one because I kind of want to show you guys how to do this with a different one as well so post boom why Amazon stock is poised for another Breakout there we go it would have our affiliate links there you go right email blog post wash rinse repeat make the emails good make the content good make it unique think about different things you can do let's take a look at another one I want to show you guys a very very straightforward example so that you can understand this let's do as seen on TV in offer Vault and let's find some offers that we can use now with this using sales it's nice and short okay this is what nine letters I can use it on Instagram I can use it on Tik Tok I can use it on video it's short it's easy so I could go through and I can make this various different products so I can promote all kinds of different products using social media using faceless videos using AI content SEO whatever you want you can do all of it on one so you wouldn't have to buy a bunch of domains like other stuff that I talk about but but you could go through and say okay I want to promote one of these products maybe we're going to do I think there was an internet one I was looking at Icebreaker kitchen Cube there was one for some kind of clear sleep let me see what it was I think it was an internet offer or actually Let's do let's continue with uh let's see okay I think there was a like a kitchen knives or something or was that I'm going to do kitchen just bear with me a second we will find this kitchen and it was like kitchen scissors or something like that mini food chopper so there's like a food Chopper multi cutter I think it was one of these scissor ones and I did a deep seek on it already and it was showing different ways to build it up let's see tell me about the benefits of Goji berries I know there was one okay so vacuum clean let's do new chat I want to promote the as scene on TV and it pays $40 I'm just having trouble finding it right now uh I want to promote the As Seen On TV kitchen scissors product tell me about it please now remember we get $40 every time this thing sells it is cheap it's cheaper uh through the affiliate Network I think than Amazon so going through now we can see multi-functionality Sharp blade comfortable grip great now what are some feelings and frustrations this the people who would want to eventually buy this have let's see what kind of feelings they'd have okay fear of accidents difficulty cutting cluttered kitchen inefficient tools good so now desire for convenience need for efficiency frustration with waste desire for safety okay good excellent and this is the kind of stuff my clients and I sell all the time it's super easy and As Seen On TV products sell because those people know how how to convert cold traffic airgo as seen on TV okay so now we have this now please tell me a strategy to make faceless videos to promote this product keep them safe and clean please just because we don't want anything like oh hey be shocking or whatever um yes Mo make money add the emotional element is what's going to make this cell so now we're going to get the strategy so we have Define video style stop motion text overlay so it gives us the other ones time lapse okay problem solution good create engaging faceless videos here's how to do them and what we're doing is we're asking it the the how and the why first and then we're going to get the plan this is important because it's kind of like it's going to be front of mind right like if I ask someone how was the weather yesterday and then I say how do you feel when it's cold out I'm going to get a different response than if I just say hey how do you feel when it's cold out does that make sense it's like a a primer so now we're going to go through and say now share 50 things these scissors can do and or yeah let's just do they can do okay all all kitchen related okay and then we could think about like okay what is the price of the knives it would replace what are the price of this so cut chicken okay good so there's your video list so we could literally go through and create videos in a very simple way you can do them yourself in your kitchen you don't have to be on camera that would be faceless is it 100% Ai No could we do that with AI I don't know let's try Sora and then you know even if you use like story blocks or video blocks or something but I mean let's face it most of us are cooking every night anyway why don't we just go through and do that okay so let's go did I have deep think yeah it was on before um I don't think it's a whole lot different I think it's just that's what it uses um so now now make them video titles engaging and curious okay let's see here and then while we're waiting just for people that are like no I don't want to make videos of any kind I want AI to do all of it which you can let's say we want to do like shellfish would probably work remove let's see I'm going to do it offc screen because you know you might get some weird stuff you you never know with the old AI sometimes it is quite interesting so let's do this here and this is a plan if you make this content and you point to your page to sell the scissors it will work like it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and you could see Sora works really good this is where I got uh the videos in the beginning okay so let's do this here I'm going to create in Sora remove shrimp or tails with kitchen scissors it might come out weird I don't know but you can do this I mean this can all be done with AI it just depends on the type of Market you're going into if it's more of like an educational Market you could probably get by more with AI whereas this like I don't know if you really wanted to do it you go get the stuff you test it out obviously safely and show how to do that this is what people are watching on Tik Tok all the time like I watched a video the other day um because I got stainless steel pans and I was like okay why do they stick sometimes and sometimes not so I watched a video I think it was like I forget what it was called some kind of effect where at a certain temperature a stainless steel pan becomes non-stick I was like okay so now we have two videos they actually yeah I mean this would work as a clip you know you can fix them up a little or a little weird but as a if you could see the part you would actually use you know like have the shrimp there or something and then just stop it there before it gets all weird um that would actually work so you could actually go through and do all this stuff um and let's see now please make the video titles based on the uses and he does have some stop wasting time chopping veggies do this instead um pretty good let's do what are all the features let's get all the features think you could do this on Pinterest you could absolutely yeah you would do like um an image where on Pinterest it would be the proper tool right so you'd be like you know cutting a carrot here's our carrot right carrot don't use a knife here's our knife he's using a butcher knife Right Use the scissors there we go how's that for drawing and then your PIN would be proper proper ways to cut and if you don't think this works watch what happens when we go over to a HS I'm going to do let me just log in and you will see in a minute how this works it's actually very basic and very easy you just have to think about it different um and that's a problem is everyone's thinking how do I just Spam all my affiliate links you don't that doesn't work what you do is you make systematic content you let AI do that for you so let's do how to slice or let's do how to dice there you go so now we have how to dice an onion how to dice a tomato and we have all this stuff so people are looking this up how to dice an onion how to dice a tomato how to dice tomatoes onions and on and on you go how to chop let's do how to chop I just want to make sure that we don't get anything weird because people do search for weird things from time to time how to chop an onion how to chop cilantro like look at that how to chop cilantro how hard would it be to make a little video or whatever like you could even go into um chat GPT or whatever tool you want to use and actually get a picture of it let's see actually you know what I'll bet Sora would do that let's see how you guys want to see how Sora works for it and again notice how we're using different AI tools for different reasons this is what you guys want to do because it's your business you have to treat it as such and treat it like a business you actually want to make money with let me see if I can get back into Sora let's do chop Sal how to chop cilantro I'm just going to do chop cilantro and it'll do that how to cook a pork chop how to chop cabbage how to chop green onions on and on we go so like literally you could just get all this traffic all these people would buy the uh Scissors because it's helpful it's a numbers game you just go out there and do it and using this what's going to happen is deep seek is going to go through so here's all the stuff here and now say now make a blog post selling the scissors outline all the things it chops benefits money saved ECT it'll go through and it'll do this for you because now it knows what these people are looking for okay so the cilantro is okay we got this one here I'd probably use this or maybe a part of that like that right there but like when he starts trying to chop his knives yeah we don't want to do that but it's okay right cool stuff um so now we can go through and do this and Clive says unfortunately Sora is not available in Australia or Austria just go get some cilantro like literally chop it it would take you less time to just chop cilantro than it would to have ai do it that's where a lot of people are like oh my gosh it's you know I can't get this you're spending all the time trying to do something that's a shortcut that's not really a shortcut so now we're looking at this and we're like okay um why every kitchen needs these scissors 50 uses endless savings clutter-free life now we go here go to our blog and we're just going to post this up and boom here we go dashboard I'm going to do this as a page just so I have more control add new scissors again I'm not worried about SEO content I'm worried about going through and and and selling it that's what I'm worried about now write the page in the as if it is a blog post the reason I'm doing this is because it's giving me a lot of options so we wanted to actually write it okay what's that Harold okay so now we're doing this intro picture this okay so now we have this here why every kitchen needs this the kitchen tool you never knew you need it picture this okay so it's got like a little sales page section one ways these scissors blow your mind section two how they save you $100 a year it's pretty good this would sell the product especially if I could embed like their sales video on there it would sell like crazy or you could even have like I could go through and I can ask deep seek um I I'll do this in a minute let's do this here snag you free this that and the other so even got an FAQ okay so here we have this and it tells you the images so all I would do is replace the images why every okay so intro right here let's put this on the page boom and then I would just replace the images where it says to put the images it had like a hero image why every kitchen needs these scissors 50 use uh uses endless savings and clutter-free life I would just do why every kitchen needs these scissors you don't need the extra kitchen tool you never need meat and this actually pretty solid like I me even if you put this on Facebook like it would probably convert on Facebook talking about um the scissors and stuff and there we go now you promote it and you get your $40 a sale I would go through and have a sales link here um T ldr colon click here to get the the scissors right away right the more links you have to the product the more times they have to click the more times they can buy super simple so going through and looking at that is key then I can go through and I could say now please make a HTML web page with options like click the food you use most and learn how to properly chop it right um icons and it would actually go through and make like little icons of like oh hey you know here's the cilantro here's the onion here's this here's that and the and we could go through and actually use that in a very very simple way let's see how this works and then we're going to run the HTML when it's done a knife cutting a knife yeah that's maybe he's sharpening them I don't know but looking at this like how many people are there on the internet that are obsessed with cooking videos they're watching them on Tik Tok they're watching all this stuff and again all you would have to do is systematically make that content how to chop this how to chop that how to chop this how to chop that what chefs don't teach you about cutting this um very simple stuff right obviously disclaimer it for people that you know don't take care of their stuff but here we have this okay so it does have the icon herbs poultry vegetables fish Pizza we'll see okay so run HTML there we go so kitchen scissors master that would work this would absolutely work traffic coming from Tik Tok Instagram Pinterest coming to this would absolutely work and then you would just say here's how to use the scissors to cut the herbs the poultry the vegetables um very simple and you can even say cuz I'm kind of a nut when it comes to um to equal amounts so I'd say 1 2 3 4 five add four more icons so it's even and it even have the sales pitch on it which is really cool can you physically set up can you physically step by step how to put the affiliate offer including the plugin so you're just copying and pasting it and it it's different based on whatever Network you're in let me see if I can find like a ClickBank one real quick and I'll just show you so we'll do like this and then what I would do is just give it to the to the tool and it'll make it so if I do affiliate Marketplace in ClickBank let's see here let's say at a kitchen see if there's a kitchen thing so like if I wanted to promote this fat burning anti-aging okay I would go through click promote click here okay put your nickname generate this is your link so I could just go to the AI and say now make the page with this as my link to the offer and it'll actually do that for you and it should do it in HTML yeah it knew so watch this uh let's see so you do a post per icon yeah I would uh and if you wanted to just like we're not doing SEO traffic for this I mean you could but in this example I'm just going to use um social so like you could just have those icons lead to the affiliate offer because what's going to happen is this and I learned this with my Lottery site my Bible site and many other sites I I mentioned those because those are sites where I had millions of visitors going to them so that's where I tested them I do this on all of them at a football site um um when you have icons where people can choose it's kind of like when people need to choose they will choose it's very simple like if you're like hey let's get in the car and go yeah they're going to get in the car but if you're like do you want to sit in the front or back now they're going to choose not that they have to they could have just gotten in the car they will choose so if you have like here's how to chop fruit vegetables cilantro chickens steaks whatever what's going to happen is this if you have a landing page and you're like hey these kitchen scissors are great click here to get the scissors those are pretty good right click here to get the scissors all right you're going to have probably if you're lucky 20% click that means 80 people left without doing anything okay that's G to affect your bottom line if you do this and you're like hey what kind of food do you want to cut this is going to get 70 to 100 yes ladies and gentlemen I said 100 my Bible site cracked 100% clickthrough meaning 100% of the people clicked on an icon it's kind of like Google how many people that go to Google actually search something in the Box all of them so that's what we're learning from so now we're looking at the HTML page this will get clicks right it's missing one there but at any rate it could add the nuts in later uh why these scissors dominate so this is good that is a darn good landing page people will click this guaranteed you're out there doing link tree and you're like check out my favorite scissors nobody cares about that this will convert this is what makes it work um combining your stuff with tools and different things like this and if you can put this into your WordPress which you probably could now make the the code for the icon for the page so I can paste it and have it work in WordPress let's see if it works because if we could do this I mean it's going to be super easy so now we're going to go like this and let's see if you guys are digging this smash a like button and we'll keep going usually these are two hours but we can keep going if you guys got questions okay so now we have this here let's copy so this is the script switch to custom HTML okay so this should work let's go to our WordPress somewhere over here and okay dashboard page add new and we'll do let's do kitchen scissors tips text uh looks like it might be t 10 divs from the previous answer okay so the divs we got to get the divs I know why it doesn't do it for me like you should do it for me AI so we would do other tip so these are the tip boxes okay so this here I think that's it pretty sure I'm put these in here paste these I'm just going to put space holder and we'll do like this find our space holder there it is so we'll do right here food grid so we're going to do that publish that should work kitchen scissors okay so it did a little weird I if it was me I'd probably go through and just take a screenshot of them or figure something else out I could even say like the icons didn't work can you give me the code for those and have all of them link to my affiliate link okay here we go and let's see JavaScript okay so it's doing JavaScript testing code in WordPress okay so it's doing this here I don't know maybe it needs the whole thing it did get my affiliate Link in them that's cool and let's see and then all we're going to do is make that content and load it up right load up the content lead them to our site that's why having a good easy domain is easy and and it'll work because it's you don't want to confuse people okay so now we have ultimate poultry fish pizza and it should link to the affiliate offer it does get your kitchen so that would be this would actually convert pretty good because you would get a lot lot of people to click and that's what we want so let's see if it'll work in WordPress just for laughing purposes let's do add new page test publish n let's see not that we want back here pages where' to go do we do it as a post pages kitchen scissor tips was that it view dashboard let's do new post uh new page add new page oh there it is test that was it edit so this should work hopefully it's got the icons it's just lining them up funny if you ran into this problem what I would do if this was me I would hit run HTML I would take a screenshot of this and I would just have them link because they'll click them it doesn't have to have that little effect it does not affect clicks having that effect um and then they would get their scissors and all you would do is promote that systematically um doing the same thing you know you look at like uh the pillowcase okay maybe you can do um you know 100 tips for acne or whatever it is in a very very simple way okay um very very easy and let's see here you could also do the internet one spoon buddy that's like a spoon thing um and on and on we go there's also like an internet one that works good but going through and using these and understanding what the market wants getting it to create the whole thing right like I have an internet extender affiliate offer I want to promote tell me about this offer and what it does As Seen On TV version okay let's see how this does and what we're going to do is we're going to start with having it think then thinking about what the struggles are like there's a reason as scen on tv offers work the way they work where it's like oh do you feel sad at night when you can't fall asleep it shows it in black and white and then it goes to color and they're like now that I have the new pillow I sleep better than ever before so now we have this Wi-Fi extender here right like s and let's keep going here it's showing me the commission structure and then so there we go persuasive angles that's what we're looking for this is the magic juice that chat GPT usually doesn't get and most people don't know how to do it here's a sample pitch okay cool excellent if I wanted to promote this with Tik Tok videos what could my first 50 videos be let's see here yeah exactly Trevor I would actually make a a icon WordPress app that's actually I wrote a note to have my um to have to have that built uh do we need WordPress no you don't need WordPress you can do this with regular HTML um or PHP or just notepad um you can use either or but we're using tools like HTML um six like this one here to see what they look like and also using front page as well so let's see how this went there we go so set up in 60 seconds unboxing as seen on TV that would probably work when your Wi-Fi can't reach your porch trying Tick Tock with one bar uh why my smart home devices kept failing that's actually pretty good that would that would get you traffic um this this is how to get traffic that's what we're showing right now and so looking at this spotty Wi-Fi in the garage fixed a ruined home movie night looking at that like I mean that's something you can do with a very simple way like let's say Now list 50 WiFi tips to get a better signal like this will get traffic it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when you just go out there and you you look at these and you're like okay I'm going to list the tips Argo they want better wi-fi this gets them better wi-fi it's very simple we're not over complicating far too many people are like we need this content strategy that is based on whatever and it's like you don't need that make your content strategy based on what the people want make it based on their it's already in their mind what most people are doing is they're trying to get people who don't want what they have to offer and they're trying to make them want it that is the worst way to Market po possible like if I have ice water to sell I'm not going to go to the North Pole I'm going to go to the desert in the desert they want ice water North Pole I'm going to sell some hot chocolate and coffee looking at these far too many people are going for the wrong Market they're they're taking the wrong traffic they're going for the wrong people there is a difference between the amount of traffic and traffic that actually converts there's a video I did about viral videos a couple of weeks ago watch it it's uh here on the channel it was called like how to make your YouTube video go viral there's some people that get a lot of views but the amount they make per view is actually pretty low why it's an offer audience mismatch if you match them together in the right way it's magical you don't even have to be that good of a salesperson if all I do is have all these videos about hey your Wi-Fi and this is something I know about I literally just bought a $5,000 custom laptop and the Wi-Fi card wasn't working and I was like I don't want to ship this back I don't want to go through the pain it was custombuilt and so I I looked up some things online I found out how to get the Wi-Fi card working and fingers crossed I think it now works but looking at that and understanding the frustration I mean these people are wanting that stuff anyway right upgrade to mesh install Wi-Fi and all you're doing is like you would have like Wi-Fi or whatever is available obviously I don't know what that domain is but looking at that you can make it work like you don't think beer can reflector I mean you don't think of video about how this old beer can made me get 1 Gigabyte instead of a megabyte I mean I would watch that i' be like what are you doing man I don't know uh repurpose old routers use a fan okay so like put a fan on your router like this is all stuff that is super easy to make video about um and you can use tools to make them now make these click baity Style video titles or Pinterest titles or whatever okay and it'll go through and it will make it very very simple so now we're going to go through we're going to get this content here and see how we do router placement hacks where you put your router matters I was shocked and then like you could put the router like have some guy putting it next to his shoe or something that were like why why' you put it next to his shoe um this spot kills your Wi-Fi I put my router in the wrong place for years banned by isps this mirror trick doubles Wi-Fi why your fish tank is ruining Netflix that I mean I'd watch that I don't even have a fish tank I'd be like why my dog house is ruining Netflix or whatever uh five settings you must change now why F that's a good one this hidden button fixes lag you're not I mean these will work I've been doing this 25 years I know what works if you want to know what works go to the Bing MSN Yahoo homepage any um search engine that has ads on it and just scroll through the ads and look at them you will see that this stuff works hackers hate this simple Wi-Fi trick why 5G Wi-Fi is a scam interesting okay why is that tell me about it okay now tell now make a 30 second video script for that and then all we're doing is pointing at the same product over and over and over again don't even like just promote one thing and do it really really good when you get enough sales then promote something else but far too many people they come to me all the time and they're like I bought this $10,000 Drop Shipping website with all of the pet products you could imagine and I'm not getting sales and I'm like okay well first of all you got ripped up on your website second of all you're not getting sales because you're doing too many things find the one dog bone that fixes the teeth of the dog or whatever the one angle promote that over and over instead of like trying to sell a bazillion different things to a bazillion different pet owners you say are your dogs teeth too sharp get the teeth bone or whatever it's called and and you just do that okay here's a hundred tips on taking care of your dog's teeth hey by the way here's a teeth bone by the way here's the teeth bone I'm going to tell you about the teeth bone until you're absolutely tired of it because that's what's going to sell it again it's not spamming we're making helpful content each piece of content is going to have help like this one here we have um fastpaced dramatic overlays and sounds why 5G is a scam don't fall for it you look shocked holding a router and these are all things you can have ai do wait this is why your Wi-Fi sucks cut to a buffering Netflix screen that that would hit the pain point that definitely hits the emotion of I'm annoyed you're sitting there you finally after 500 years figured out what the heck to watch on Netflix cuz there's too many things and it's buffering and you're like I'm ready to throw my TV out the door they told you 5G faster but nope it's not you're only 10 ft away from the router why is it not working 5G dies through one wall that's actually true found that out the hard way one wall Dead Zone basement forget it then you show the tip how to fix it the product name this $30 Gadget I mean this is selling I wish I knew how to sell this good back in the day this took me years hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn hundreds of thousands and now deep seek for the amazing price of $0.0 does it for you and then all you do is you make your pins you make your videos mix them up have a 50 pins make a video 50 more make a video real life says how do you make money you're going to make money by selling this as an affiliate or you could drop ship it if you want although I would not want the tech headache of dropping it uh Drop Shipping it I would just do it as an affiliate cuz we probably get paid more anyway um very very cool so starting to look at that is is key like this is doing the work and then you could say um what would 50 engaging pins look like for this then have it make the sales page and it will do all the work for you you could even give it your affiliate link and say put the affiliate Link in there and then there you go um very very simple uh traveling Allen I I have courses on the psychology of how it works but in effort of making this a free video about a free AI I'm going to show you a little hack that you can learn fast okay then if you want to thank me later you can buy something and learn my take on it but what we're going to do is after we're so let me show you in a minute I'll put this over here so I remember we're going to go through and say now please write the simple pre-sales page then I'm going to say um now tell me the psychology behind how this how and why this works so this is going to be my follow-up boom okay so we're going to do this here and if you guys want to join my course airofit it is a whopping 53 cents per day um we do have upsells later if you want to buy some something later but a lot of people just join that course and they love it we actually have a um call on Friday I think it might be pushed to Monday but so far it's Friday 11 where we're going to go over this so if you're an AI profit scoop we are going to go over my product centered AI profit plan you could go in there you can join that call you get the replay it's amazing um Pinterest is super easy you just post pins and get traffic it literally is that easy um so let's go through on our deep seek we had this one yeah so here we have the pins '90s called they want their Wi-Fi back as seen on TV but actually works gift no one asked for but everyone needs that's kind of cool so it gives you good ideas now we're going to do now write the pre-sales page okay then we're going to go here like this all right and it should line it up for us product pre-sales Asen on TV Wi-Fi extender tired of Wi-Fi dead zones finally get full bars in every room without buying a new router the problem tried everything the this is pretty good now we're going to do the psychology behind it for those that want to learn um the calls for AI profit scoop we usually have them Friday and it's usually in the morning and you can ask questions you can bring on on our paid calls I have the ability to like look at your websites and stuff where on these I can't because I don't know what's going to come up and having it public here there's a lot you got to watch like doing these live with the training where we're building things live as you saw today is an utter pain in the neck um but we do them sometimes because people like them um on the paid calls which AI profit scoop is 17 bucks like literally it's less than a Big Mac meal right um and it goes through and shows you all this stuff so now looking at this let's ask it now tell me the psychology behind it and we have this here and a iprofit scoop also has notes from videos a bunch of tools and tons of cool stuff it is well worth it I think it is the best bang for the buck ever so pain agit agitation solution social proof herd mentality scarcity urgent so there you go that's why it works and what I would say do is go get yourself a deep seek and have it write sales letters for different people with different products and study them learn I mean you will learn faster than watching a lecture because you're going to see why it works and how it works why does this work why does that headline work over this one why do stories work and understanding this stuff is absolutely 100% % key okay so cool stuff um I'm going to let's take some questions if you have questions I'll be back in just a few minutes oh hi there today I'm going to show you exactly how you can get tons of help support and guidance in your journey to make money online with AI and it's actually super simple in fact I've been making money with AI for over 2 years and there's some Secrets hacks and shortcuts that I've learned along the way that have put tons of money in my pocket with very little effort but maybe you want more help maybe you're struggling and you need someone to come alongside and show you exactly what to do step by step and you're probably asking yourself what's with the Big Mac meal I mean why would you have the MacDonald's on a video about making money with AI well let me tell you in some areas of the United States a Big Mac meal is over $17 and if you were to get a Big Mac meal every single month and eat it well at the end of the year you probably wouldn't feel that great and you might even gain a few pounds but what if I told you that for the same price as this Big Mac meal I will teach you everything I know about how to make money with AI yep I'll show you hundreds of different side hustles you can start and put money in your pocket with AI I'll show you the tools and programs I use some of them free some of them very inexpensive I'll show you some of the websites that are actually making money right now we'll show you examples of affiliate marketers getting results we'll show you some rapid methods if you need to get some fast results and put money in your pocket today and we'll keep you updated on everything that's happening in the AI world so yeah you can either gain some weight and feel tired all the time or you can invest in something that's going to help put money in your pocket I mean think about it $17 a month is just over 50 cents a day and if you watch my videos for quite some time I'm sure you believe I can help you make at least 50 cents a day or more in fact some of the strategies you're going to learn have made me over $10,000 a day in profit and I'm going to show you exactly how all of this works step by step nothing left out no filler no fluff just you and me talking about about how to make money with AI and maybe you feel left out you feel like you've missed the wave and it's hard to keep up and that's why I hired Alina Alina is our assistant AI director here that is going through all the different AI tools and Reporting directly to me so I can show you how to make money with them so not only are you going to use this $17 and learn to make money with AI but you're also going to save a ton of money in letting us make the mistakes for you so we'll go out out there and overspend On Tools in fact just last year I spent over $100,000 on AI tools testing them so that I could show you what works and what doesn't so armed with this information at AI profit scoop all the up-to-date tools programs and resources and with Alena by our side this is guaranteed to put you ahead of the race when it comes to making money with AI so if you're tired of struggling info overload side hustles that don't work money methods that take too long then I would urge you skip the junk food once a month and let us show you exactly how to make money online with AI all right guys so we are back with you let's do some rapid question answer here uh what is the best affiliate Network for a new person to sign up for um it doesn't matter what you want is you want the one that has the offer that will work for you so whoever has the offer you want that's the affiliate Network you need to be joining um let's see other questions in the age of AI what is the answer to life liberty and everything and universe I have no idea that's a philosophy Channel you need that um let's see how to earn money using deep seek for a student um so for a student it doesn't there's no difference like you're going to make money the same way a non-student would uh but if you wanted to maybe you can do like teach people how to get scholarships or something that's a pretty good um way to go right you could do like a scholarship thing but again it doesn't really matter um I want to start my own Community uh if you're going to start your own Community I would do like a membership site that that could work um but yeah that's pretty cool okay um any other questions I don't think there's a whole lot of other questions there so I think we answered a lot of stuff here hopefully you guys enjoyed this uh how can you tell what offer to choose it's going to fit your market so if your traffic is like for um cooking or chopping or whatever then you would need an offer that fits it you're not going to do life insurance that doesn't fit um if you're doing you know how to buy a car maybe you'll do car loans you probably wouldn't do how to change your tire right it has to fit what your traffic is about okay very important um awesome stuff I think that's uh solid the easy social media to the easiest social media to start is Pinterest yeah I think because it doesn't have a lot of you don't need a lot of content you're just making images uh will you have a deep seek training to create an AI automated Pinterest Marketing System yes that's the one on Friday it's going to be about how to make systematic content Pinterest will be part of that uh so AI profit if you want that one uh what would you do for your own books you write in Romance depends on what type of Romance Books if they're like novels then I would write or create content about other novels and and talk about them and then point to yours we have a whole system for that um in AI profit scoop you can actually show us your books we'll show you how to do that we'll give you a plan uh deep seek currently doesn't have access to the APA site API site what to do is it important the only reason you would need API is if you were going to make your own tool based on um deep seek or if you're going to use another tool but here I'm not using the API please choose a niche that's flaming hot and let's do it well it depends on I mean all niches are flaming hot if you do them right like that's the thing is like the niches that we choose are based on what people look up and what the offer is so like you can have a redh hot Niche and it might not have a good offer there therefore it's a dud Niche um so looking at that you got to understand and there are some niches we showed here that I mean depending on what you think a lot of people are looking for the hype headline and it's like who really cares about that like who cares if a niche is red hot I I just want to make money so does the traffic match what makes money that's what I want to do uh streaming Friday we're either going to start 10: or 11: I'm not sure yet uh you cannot connect deep seep with local vs I've never tried that um if you're a developer definitely use from Deep seek yeah the apis are good if you use them the Big Mac make you understand how this can change your life signed up awesome good to see you there I think you guys will really like it um it's it's got a lot of stuff it's kind of a no-brainer price makes sense um Tony I sell handmade soaps on Amazon how to use deep seek to promote um so what I would do if I was going to do soaps I'd do tell me different scense for feelings or wellness and I would I would Market it based on the scents and then I would link it to whatever your soaps do right so um Citrus or orange or whatever and then systematically do that we've done this for a couple people where it's that content that's like chamomile soap at night and obviously I don't know what types of soaps you have but this is kind of the direction I would take um and again AI profit scoop you can ask about your sites if you have your your soaps on Etsy or whatever you can send them to us and say hey here's here's the Soaps how would you do this and we will show you we have uh plans for everything and we have domains where you could go through and use a domain to get more traffic um often times like we had one guy use all AI content for those that don't think that this works a lot of people a lot of people like to argue with what works and what doesn't even though they've never tried it and I've done it 25 years I mean I don't know this stuff because I'm some genius I just know it because I've done it that's it like whatever you did for the last 20 years I'm sure you're smarter than me and um but a lot of people want to argue with it and it's like the results work if you look at um the content and what is working with AI I mean it's it's a game changer this is one of our our sites here 22,000 visitors a month um or 22,000 rankings in Google right now ai content it works and it's systematic um so going through this maybe you can go through and talk about the different soaps or what are common ingredients in soap list 50 right and start talking about this and make it a very specific thing to go um I find it hard to follow a lot of this stuff regardless of my interest what should I do I mean I I can't change the way you learn I can just show you the way what I would do is I would pick one thing and do it really really good pick one product promote it as good as you can and go from there like if you were doing these these soaps go down the line use a polym oil here's is this here's that they put lard and soap that's weird but yeah looking at that is key best sites for AI video editors I have not yet found a video editor and so what you're doing he's asking for a best site for video editors to take long form video and make it into short clips if you're using AI to do that you're going to be um losing a lot of the power that your videos could have if you do it yourself I have not found an AI That's going to chop it and make it engaging that's what we need we need it engaging so what I would do this is what I would do if you have to use a video you have like today I was featured on uh clickbank's live video they had their ClickBank Summit I don't know if you guys watched it it's over there on their Channel they flew me out to uh Idaho and I spent the week there and we recorded it went really good I think it was pretty cool you can watch it more free training happy birthday right um so going through that um where was I going with that yes so it was a it was a long video what I would do is I would take the transcript of my part and I would put it into Ai and say find the viral content in this now title it now show me where to cut it and then cut it manually because a lot of people are cutting corners and trying to save time on the stuff that is the money stuff don't do that save time on the busy work most people spend days on busy work and when it comes to marketing they waffle it we have to really really focus and start that is going to be the key so looking at that I mean Follow The Line chop it up you know um I haven't found a good AI video editor yet I use Camtasia we do our video editing in-house um but if I was going to do it I would do it with the transcript first that's going to be key all right other questions so get me a niche give me a super homeboy special again make it engage it okay I mean there's lots of niches you can use it depends if you want to check them out we have um High ticket or you can check out the as we have uh we have domains available I would start there and look at what uh works there if I'm interested in AI should I start mining with gpus I I don't know much about that so I don't know Lance says that's why I'm learning digital marketing so from so many months ago I don't know what that means all right guys well thanks for being here hope you enjoyed this training smash a like button um subscribe check out the other videos and