I Used ChatGpt To Sell Print On Demand Products [$407 Day Ai Method]

I just used AI to crack the code for print on demand in fact I'm actually using this right now in one of my businesses to get tons and tons of sales for print on demand items and it's actually super simple but most people are trying to use AI to make creative cute little designs and hope they sell and this in my opinion after doing this for over 25 years is the wrong way to about it in fact one of the things I learned after talking to multiple Etsy sellers print on demand business owners and people making lots of money with print on demand is something very simple and that is customized products sell way more than just average AI designs but there's one big problem maybe you have a print on demand store an Etsy store and maybe you're even selling custom products already like a wristband a bracelet a t-shirt with someone's name on it or whatever it is but you're just not getting traffic yeah that is the conundrum if only we can get enough traffic then we could make tons and tons of money and what if I told you that this simple AI hack for print on demand has a builtin traffic method you see a lot of people don't know this about me but I actually own a business in the very competitive sobriety niche in fact over here in one of the rooms in my office house you can see it's set up for our sobriety Channel and this channel gets thousands and thousands of people that want to stay sober and while I could go and farm leads to rehabs I found a lot of those companies to be more interested in making money than they are helping people get sober and I wanted my channel to be for the average person not the healthy people that need to get sober the average vast majority that are struggling and dealing with all kinds of issues and so we built this business and catered to the everyday people and just the other day I thought well what if we created a custom mug that they can get with our logo on it and the amount of years and days they've stayed sober yeah a custom product I mean that sounds good and all we could set that up but again we're going to run into the problem of traffic according to this screenshot not that many people are looking up sobriety mug so again I would be a print on demand store owner with no traffic but lots of cool products which means I spent all this money and haven't made a dime well friends that's about to change right here right now whether you have a store don't have a store like print on demand or don't like print on demand this video is going to show you how to use AI to profit in a super simple way I'm betting that at the end of this video you're going to pinch yourself and wonder why didn't I think about that it's so simple it's almost diabolical and it'll put money in your pocket faster than anything you've ever seen before and it's 100% create ated with AI so forget about making all the designs and mid journey and canva and cute little dog purses and listen closely because what you're about to learn can and will revolutionize your business when used correctly welcome to the AI print on demand cash getting Revolution come on let's get started what you are going to learn today in this very video is going to change you as a marketer it's going to put you in a different Echelon of marketers that actually make lots of money so if you've been struggling with print on demand building websites all these site hustles and nothing's working listen up because that's all about to change right now due to this little AI code I'm going to show you exactly how I generated a simple AI code that led to this print on demand cup that sells like crazy and the cool part you don't have to rely on Etsy algorithms printify algorithms Shopify or any of that other stuff that costs lots of money in fact I started my store for free now there is a $30 option to have cheaper prices but you can start for free today get some sales and then pay for that later so this is something that works it's something you've never heard of it's something no one's talking about and it's something that can put tons of money in your pocket this is the print on demand custom AI tool hack now note this coffee cup here that actually has custom in the red okay this is what we're going to be focusing on today this is much like this coffee cup that my wife got me when I was seven years sober I think it was and it has the how long you've been sober date and it's custom for my date but it's not custom to me we want something that's custom to us and what you're going to notice is that if you were to type in like personalized or custom people are searching for all different types of personal ized things this is super important but I know what you might be thinking well you know if I go out there and make a personalized Christmas ornament or bracelet or coffee mug or blanket I'm just going to get mixed in with all the other competition what you're about to learn today is going to set you apart from everything you're going to be like in your own Island selling your own stuff to people that want to buy it this is super super important now when we go through it's actually very easy to create these things well what we're going to be using is printify again you can get a free account if you upgrade which makes sense when you get some sales then you can get cheaper stuff and you could see here they have everything from candles to mugs glassware tumblers and you know those fancy water bottles everyone carries around all kinds of stuff like that even stickers and magnets now if I was to go through and say I wanted to create a candle what we're going to see is the customization is going to be on the label so I'm going to be creating this here like that very simple I create a custom candle I sell it and you could see here what it's going to cost you so this one here is going to cost me I think $9 or $7 or something like that I think it's 16 shipped which means if I charge 29 I get the difference I'm going to make $13 profit it's it's a lot like Drop Shipping only print on demand same concept now what we're going to be doing is using custom mugs and we could get into stickers and things like that more about that in just a minute but let me show you how you would make a mug what you're going to see here is that the one that I created which is the blue on the inside I like that one so I spent a little bit more money on it we're going to go ahead and click this here and then we're going to customize it and customizing is actually very easy all we're going to do is pick the one we want here's some Harrier or something let's just pick the cheap one here we'll click on start designing and we can actually design this however we want so if I wanted to go through and add something like a logo or an image I can upload a logo from my computer right like this let's say I wanted to have the AI profit scoop logo on this one here like that and maybe I'd have something custom like hey I've started making money since you know1 19.99 or whatever it is okay so you can have your custom message here with the text now you can make this to where it's semic custom like this one here where it's like 5 years sober or you can make it completely custom where we can actually have their name and different things like that now the name and stuff does take a little bit of work you have to go in and manually place the orders but it only takes a minute and if you can spend a minute and make an extra $12 would you do it let me know as a comment below sometimes you can make even more than that and once you get really good at this you can automate it super simple so what we're going to do is we're going to create our cup and then when you're done all right we could put some some text on here right like this and let's say Marcus or something like that right they could have their name in there you could change the font it's actually super super easy you just have to fiddle around with it and get used to it okay then we have like that AI profit scoop Marcus pretty cool right actually I would probably put the name all in caps because that looks a little bit better and then you can Center it you can have a date on it you can have whatever you want when you're done you go ahead and hit preview it's going to show you what the mug looks like so that you can adjust in different things like that at first I thought I was going to have one logo but I actually had several of them and this actually looks looks pretty cool I I would probably buy this coffee cup I think it's pretty cool and you can go through and edit the the color on the inside if if I wanted to go through and say well I want this to show up twice I could just go like this shrink this down a tad and then I think we could just upload again you have to upload again it doesn't save it but we could do something like this here and put another one and then put their name or you can even put like let's make money or some message or whatever it is you want it's actually super super simple you're just going to go create this and then when you're done again you can hit the preview and you can see an all around view of what this thing's going to look like very cool okay it'll load and you can see the images right over here like this and it even gives you little demos and different things like that super easy super simple and I know a lot of other people are talking about going to Ai and creating an image like this unicorn and trying to sell it which is fine but again you're going to be in all the competition you got to wait for the magic traffic to come your way and maybe just maybe you might get lucky with a design that sells a lot what this is going to do is it's going to get rid of all the guess work and it's going to get you something that sells like crazy again remember how we looked up the personalization stuff we're going to take this a step further by providing something of value that gives them that custom whatever it is so what we're going to do here is we are going to take a look at the AI tools and why they're the future of print on demand why I think people are not using this and there's so much money in it it's not even funny and what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you the tool that I created but first I want to actually show you why I created it how it works in sobriety I've been sober 10 years as my mug says I'm really proud of my mug but I'm more proud of staying sober so what we're going to do in sobriety is there's lots of people that look up apps and tools to calculate their sobriety date a lot of people calculate it down to the minute the day the hour whatever it is so what we're going to do is we're going to type in sobriety calculator I think that's the one that comes up sobriety calculator right like this what we can see here is the competition isn't that bad right if we look up coffee mug or something like that you're going to see that the competition is insane right you're crazy you're not going to compete with this even though it says 30 you're competing with like Amazon Etsy the front page is loaded with products you're not going to get there however if we look up sobriety calculator check this out in Google there's like nothing there's no ads there's no nothing there's a couple of apps and some sites about recovery now a little hint here this leads into the very expensive rehab Market we were to go over here to offervault you can see that some rehab lead offers pay as much as $825 for a phone call so this is a second way we can make money with this tool first coffee cup second rehab third we'll get to that in just a minute so now we have this people looking up this keyword in a highly highly competitive market see this here sobriety calculator if I was to go through and look up something like rehab I mean this is crazy it's super competitive you ain't going to get anywhere okay and you're going to see like different types of rehabs rehabs near me you're not going to rank for this stuff but this is a back door to a market that has tons and tons of money as you can see here this is going for like 80 cents a click or less probably like five cents if you do it right over here rehab keywords are going for over 8 so we can flip the market and make money with that and the way we're going to do it is by providing value and you might think well this seems kind of complicated so what I did is I actually did a little test and this is live and running on our website for my sobriety website I actually have a YouTube channel about sobriety where we talk about all this kind of stuff and what I did is I created this little calculator that calculates their sobriety date it works on mobile it works on computer it works everywhere now when I created this what I wanted them to do is be able to put their name in the box enter their sobriety date 524 2014 I believe that was the day and we hit calculate now what this does is it says a little message hello Marcus you've been sober for 10 years 5 months 38 28 days and the total minute sober wow that's a lot of minutes 5 million minutes without a drink that's pretty good so what we what we have here is this tool that actually helps them out now what I wanted is I wanted this to update so that they don't have to enter their date every single time they come to the site so that they have a tool they can look at it say hey I've been sober this long they go back to the tool it says whatever whatever the day is that day so very simple and it updates automatically now next time they come to this site even if they close it out they're going to go through and it will have their sobriety date saved okay now more importantly down here what we have is a custom coffee mug with their sobriety date on it so they could get Milestones they can get that date or they can get day number one it's like a little momentum that you know tells them how sober they've been or how long they've been sober and we could see here it has the name and the days very simple then all I do is I have the button so this is a tool that people are going to use over and over and over again it leads to a custom button and the cool part about this I made this thing with AI which is insane right I actually went through I created this in AI uploaded it and it was actually very simple I don't understand coding I know a little bit but not anywhere near enough I know like if an image is there I can change it like when we used to mess around with our Myspace pages and stuff like that but the cool part is is that AI made this entire thing so we have this sobriety calculator let's take a look at some other examples and why this works the reason this works is you're going to stand out from your competitors you're going to be in a market where there's tons of traffic whether it's sobriety pregnancy anniversaries fitness goals whatever it is imagine having one that's like hey congratulations on losing 50 pounds or 10 pounds or whatever it is and this is something they're going to keep so they'll be like hey it's time to order a 10year or something like that okay and these are very easy and you can repeat you can encourage repeat purchases really cool so we're going to use printify I'm using a custom link you can use whatever you want printify even as a shop you can use Shopify I'm personally just going to use a Blog with a link we can actually go there and we can go to gohub site.com get webhosting and we can host our tool and have the link right on that as you can see here on my tool right here uh they can click and they can actually order it right here on the site very simple now we're going to customize it later once the order comes in it'll have the sobriety date and everything coded automatically very simple and then I just go in and I do a personalized order I change the name to their name the sobriety date to theirs literally takes 3 seconds I enter their address and boom there we go very very simple and if you use PayPal you can even like PayPal the difference and then whatever's left is your profit it's super easy super simple now let's take a look at some others and actually create an example of this what I did is I actually started using AI to think about different things people would want like day of remembrance anniversary uh year without X Y or z um all kinds of different things like that apparently AI went a little dark and it was all about remembering things but we could do like photo frames candles and all kinds of stuff if for that it works it actually works really good I mean remember when our dog passed we got like this giant custom blanket it cost a fortune but we loved our dog so it didn't really matter so we went through and made that now when we look at the different personaliz things here and then we start to look at the tools people are looking up like an anniversary calculator a lot of guys forget their gals anniversary and they get in hot water we can actually make this to where it will remember watch this I could go through to chat GPT what I'm going to use is chat GPT 4 with canvas I'm going to go new so click the little new button and I'll say I want to create a anniversary calculator that cookies this is important this is why the tool updates every time they go to the site if I didn't have it cookied they would have to enter in their anniversary date or their sobriety date every single time which gets old so we'll have it that cookies the date for every time they visit so they don't have to enter it again so this is very simple we're just going to go through and utilize this okay so now we have it's going to tell us how it does it and now it's going to code it very simple if you wanted it to have a logo on it let's say we wanted to use the talk sober logo I could just go through and say hey uh use this as a logo we'll open the image in a new tab that gets us the image here you can create an image in AI I did this earlier this week I'll put a link to that video in the description so now I'd say now please put this logo at the top right like that then you can have your disclaimers on the bottom and what you're going to see is this is going to create right on demand now if you have a web host which you can get over at gohub site.com which you can learn about how to set up over at airofit scoop.com very simple what we're going to do is we're going to copy this code we're going to go into our server right like this it's very easy we just go right like this this is the talk sober server and we'll just click on file manager and then I'm going to have all my tools in some folder I think in this one I called it test right here and we'll just go ahead and hit copy right here and we'll name it let's call it anniversary we'll just call it annie.

PHP just so I don't have to spell anniversary I am very spelling Le challenged then we're going to click on edit and I'm just going to replace whatever is in that file with whatever chat GPT gave me right over here so let's put this right here so you can see I just copy this right here and then if we go to talk so.com / test.php we should have our anniversary calculator with our logo super simple right so they could put in what's our day ' 05 05 2011 whatever okay and it'll actually do your next anniversary is in 171 days now this is where it gets a lot better because this thing's kind of wonky looking it looks like it's from 1902 so I'm going to say now make it pretty and please have a timer counting down as well okay so there we go it's going to go through and it'll edit it right on the fly like this you don't even need to know code this stuff used to cost thousands of dollars to do now anyone can do this for free let's have a cup of coffee while this is loading ah there we go so now once it's done with this takes a little minute we'll go ahead and hit copy and then we'll edit this page right here and then we'll just edit this page here click save and it should update it right on the Fly there we go so now it's looking pretty cool so now they put their day 55 2011 save anniversary date so now we have that and it has a time remaining looks like it's a little weird so we would just ask it to fix the time remaining one and then it should work it should cookie them let's see if it cookied them it did not or no it did okay so it's down here so let's have it put the date at the top please put the date at the top and just a second get ready I'm going to show you how this relates to print on demand demand in a minute so there we go it's going to put the date at the top bada boom bada bang right like this save and we're just saving right on the Fly and upload loading right like this so there we go now it should have the date at the top messed up our our title or our heading so we'll just it we tweak it a little bit from here 2011 there we go so we'd have to tweak it a little bit um if I wanted to revert back I can just do contrl C or contrl Z rather save and it'll revert back right like that uh please revert back that did not work okay now what we're going to do it sometimes it gets a little weird coding in here you just got to toggle with it again this is stuff that's going to make money so it's pretty easy to do and the time spent is way better spent than making a million different mugs that you hope will sell this is making something we know is going to work now what we're going to do is we can go through and actually upload to our server right here a picture of a blank coffee mug so if I went through and I said okay chat gbt uh please make a picture of a blank coffee mug or whatever okay I could even go through and create the mug in here so like let's say I wanted to uh customize this one here or whatever okay I can just take this right here let's see okay get rid of that there so we could take this image here open image in a new tab and then I can save this so file save image as we're just going to save it as uh mug one.png okay PNG just a image file that's all it is like I know this stuff seems uh kind of fancy let's do mug one one I know it seems kind of fancy but it's actually not okay so we're going to go through we'll just do upload and then we'll just get our mug right here and upload it here okay what that'll do it's just going to put it on the site so talk so.com test/ mug1 one.

PHP or PNG there we go and there's our mug okay super simple now this is where the magic happens watch this now please put this mug and have the date on the mug okay very simple now we probably wouldn't do this for anniversaries because nobody wants a mug that's like 10 days till your anniversary that's kind of silly but we could have the years or something like that okay again this is for an example and I'll show you some others to show you how it works so right there we just literally made the mug it took 2 seconds we'll edit the page save let's see here edit the page like this copy and it should save unless we have an error we might it's it's being kind of funny today let's see here it's being a little funny but it did keep the mug there let's see if it puts the day on the mug 2012 uh looks like it's having trouble putting the day on the mug but tweaking it a little bit you could just say um that didn't work please fix it that gave errors please fix and then it'll go through and it'll fix the code let's see if it does it here and then once you have it it should do really good and what it is is it's just like a little thing that says hey this is the name and and this is that so here we go right like that it's going to have the the name on The Coffee Cup I think that's like down here or something and you can kind of find it as you're going along let's see if this worked anniversary and it should cookie it so there we go so anniversary dates down here I would say please put it on the image so I'll go through and say please put the date on the image and it'll go through like this it should fix it it takes a little bit it took me about an hour and a half to fix the one on my to oversight but I'm glad I did because now I have something custom that'll work that's super easy and it'll make me money day in and day out so now we have this here again I don't know what this code means if you if it's over your your head don't worry over at airofit scoop.com I will have an example of the code and some tools on how to use it with a long video on how to make these things as well so now we have the code updated let's put it over here save and we should have hopefully now there it goes so it's closer so now I can either edit the image of the mug or I can edit the image or the text and it you know put it down into the left or whatever it is okay so very very easy very simple you could do this with t-shirts you could do it with plaques you could do it with any of the stuff that they have over here when you go to the products it it's super easy you just need to be a little bit creative and if you're not creative don't worry we can actually have ai do this for us so like here if you wanted a custom mouse pad or something like that or maybe you can have a custom pretty much anything really let's go to the catalog you could do holiday stuff embroidered shirts wrapping paper pretty much anything right wrapping paper would be cool like we've been married 25 years Vanessa or whatever her name is right or uh phone cases that'd be good for sobriety candles different things like that now getting into this is is the tip of the iceberg so knowing how to build these codes is super easy again I have a big video in the description that's going to go through these in detail all you would need is a web server uh which which is cheap you can get them for like n bucks a month over at airofit scoop.com I have all the details there and then what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at different things we can do I.E if we were to make a pregnancy countdown let's say now make a pregnancy countdown generator with the mug as well now what I could do is I could actually go to chat gbt and I could say please make an image of a c car tonish easy um 3mon pregnancy what that looks like okay and then you can have like actual size right that'd be kind of cool like you can get one for each of the nine months like my baby is this big now it's this big now it's this big um that would be something people would actually buy and it's custom it could say Hey you know whatever your baby little alley is is this big or whatever uh now please like a sonogram I would do it like a sonogram kind of deal here let's see how this looks and then you would have these custom on the page it would say Hey There we go that's actually pretty cool right so you could actually put this there and then on the page you'd say put image 3.png which would be three months four.

PNG would be four and it would automatically update so now if I was to have this here I can go through and I can just save this image save image as and I would save it as a PNG or whatever and then boom it would actually make it now 4 months and then it would make it each and every one which would be really cool and be like Jessica's coming in five months you know whatever right super easy it would be a pretty cool t-shirt again I like this better just a little bit of tweaking would work be pretty simple okay being creative is the key to making this work now having this calculator we can go through if I edit this it'll change it into a pregnancy calculator boom there we go pregnancy calculator generator day uh let's say five month one year 2009 there we go so um I already had my baby apparently so we got to do 20 24 okay so uh let's do man apparently everyone had their babies already there you go so due date is in uh 31 days pretty cool it's got a timer this is pretty cool right and then of course you would have the image of the shirt with the picture of the the thre Monon and then the name and everything like that very simple again thinking different the way you're going to get traffic is by having these tools if we do pregnancy countdown or pregnancy calculator right you could even sell custom stuff a custom journal for your third month pregnant or whatever pregnancy due date I think it's actually due date calculator um so you have due date calculator 250,000 searches a month I mean that's more than any mug this thing is absolutely crazy and now we can get this traffic in a very very simple way we can run a press release to our site we can get some Google traffic we can pay for traffic we do whatever we want we can even make a video showing how it works which is what I'm going to do on talk sober it's actually very simple so going through and looking at these and understanding okay I could do pregnancy one I could do a fitness debt-free wedding anniversary pet adoption pretty much anything the sky is the limit and when we go through and we look at the different ideas that this came up with I actually went through and and I thought about a Bible one right A lot of people like the Bible they love the Bible they do all kinds of stuff with the Bible and what we can do is we can have a Bible verse generator based on how they feel right and I mean you look at this and you're like okay Bible vers about boom here we go so now we do like Bible verses about strength okay so you would go through and you would say let's make a tool so we'll do open a new chat GPT please make a tool that makes random Bible verses about strength okay and you could say have five at a time have the user put their name in first and make a line like this maybe we find a strength Bible verse again this is all about you know thinking different so here we have this one uh make a line like this stay strong name then it lists the verses that apply like this or if it's about being patient it would say be patient name okay it's going to go through and it's going to do the whole nine yards for me this is crazy I mean when you start to look at this it is an absolute GameChanger so now it's making the tool and it's doing python I actually want please make PHP because I don't understand python at all um I barely understand PHP but I know how to upload a PHP is pretty easy so we'll wait for this to go and then we'll say just make it PHP and it should generate the PHP and it should open in a new tab or it's actually in 4.0 I wonder if we could switch doesn't look like it's letting us switch here but we can do this I should have been in canvas it'll be okay so what we're going to do here is we're going to have this and then we can have a mug that says Be Strong Tom and then it has the verse on it with like maybe a little cross or something it's very simple very easy this is a kind of thing like they're going to impulse by because they're in the heat of looking this up they're like hey I need strength Bible verses or whatever and you could see here updating it now we have Bible verse generator Marcus choose a theme strength or patience and now we have be patient Marcus with all this now I could go through and tweak it and say okay let's do where did we go right here now please make make it pretty and have some Bible images and have the line above each verse and then I would go through and say now make the candle or the coffee mug or whatever it is okay and then I could say you know now make a coffee mug and candle images with the name and verse on them okay and then this will go through and it should cookie their name so like every day they could come in and get a daily Bible verse which would be super simple so let's see how this does again it does take some tweaking but then I would just go and make the mug put a picture of it and now I can sell mugs to all these people looking up Bible verses due date calculators I mean literally everything so where I was in a market of like I hope Etsy and Shopify give me traffic now I'm in my own Market I'm making and this stuff nobody competes with me because nobody is doing this and this will convert like crazy so what we're going to do here is we're going to copy the code all right so we should have the code there and we can update it save right like that and let's see how it looks Bible verse generator continue now it looks pretty put their name Marcus Marcus and it did it did cookie it so there we go be patient Marcus um generate coffee mug image okay it's it probably just needs an image but there we go it's actually pretty simple and as you go through you can make more stuff that's going to help you get more traffic okay one of the things that I added on The Talk sober one was the ability for people to take a screenshot and share this on social media right and what happens is they take the screenshot it saves the image they can now put this on social media and Link back to me other people will go they'll get mugs it's a big self-serving wonderful way to make money and help people get inspired about staying sober and of course I had a little reset button which is the relapse if they ever relapse it'll go through and it'll uh start it over from day one I believe it is yeah right like that and then bada bing bada boom we're ready to go and using this as an absolute Game Changer we're going to choose a niche so choose one of these things maybe something you like maybe you like anniversaries maybe you like sobriety maybe you like Bible verses inspirational quotes whatever it is then we're going to make the cup over at something like printify take take an image of it put it on our tool and then Market the heck out of our tool we can make videos I mean I could literally make Bible verse videos and Lead everyone back to the Bible verse generator getting tons and tons of traffic people do this all the time if you were to go out there and look at bible verse generator right like this you're going to see like this random Bible verse one this is literally what they're doing and you can make this in two seconds I mean I could go here and say um now let's open a new one please make a random Bible verse generator and if they see one they like they can they could use it right and then we can say oh have the custom you know thing on there um now I could say now make it in PHP and have them put their name in and save it and put a line above the verse saying something like be strong Marcus or whatever the verse is about and you can program these it's not hard to do you can actually make a custom where you would put them right like here they are I just put bong name or whatever it is see here's the verse and then it has the name that's what's making the name and so we just copy that like that boom save and bada bang bada bang now we have a random Bible verse generator be strong Marcus enter your name Bill get verse and there you go it's like literally generating over and over now again I don't like the way it looks so I would say uh make this pretty and have a button they click to get a new verse and then you can say now make a sticker now make a coffee mug or ever and then you just order these things all day every day and bada bing bada bang you have cracked the code to making money on print on demand which nobody talks about it's super super simple um and now we go through update this save and we could see if it's pretty it is enter your name Marcus get verse be strong be strong so we'd have to change the be strong it wouldn't take very long and then imagine if it had the mug there this is something that is so simple it works so if you want to learn more about this um you can go over to airofit scoop.com we have tools we have a complete list of example sites that you can use for this we'll have notes from this video and the whole nine yards including some sample scripts that you can test out on your site and instructions on how to do it so if you dig this smash a like button let me know create some custom stuff make some money with print on demand thanks again for watching check out the videos in the description to learn more and and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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