I Used Chatgpt o3 to Build a Full Business – Make $1,000 today!

in this video I'm going to show you how I use chat gpt's new 03 model to make as much as $1,000 a day or more and this is all backed by 100% fact and proof we'll get to that in just a minute but first I want to show you exactly how this model works and why it's going to put money in your pocket it's actually super simple all you need to do is follow along with the instructions in this video contained in this video is everything you need using chat gb30 a simple free online software and business ideas I'm going to give you right here right now in fact what you're about to learn today is similar to a class I ran about 10 years ago where each member paid $55,000 or more to join because we actually built software that they could sell fast forward 10 years later we have ai to do this for us and I'm going to show you everything right here for free and to illustrate the point of how this works I want to bring up my cell phone years ago when I first got sober I started listening to audio recordings books on tape and different things like that every night when I go to bed and every night my ritual was the same find something to listen to plug in my headphones plug in the charger and go to sleep only a couple years ago the cell phone companies started to change things up and no longer do they have the headphone jack this was infuriate because now I couldn't charge my phone and listen at the same time which meant yeah I had to find a new solution the phone already existed the apps and music players already existed but I needed a way to have headphones without dealing with Bluetooth and all that fancy stuff I didn't want to have to charge them and deal with all that and several companies started coming out with headphones that go into this Jack right here the charging Jack and along the way some smart person devised a charging SL headphone plug-in and got insanely rich now I tell you this story for one simple reason that person who created that little tool made lots of money but it was all based on things that already existed I already had the phone I already had the software I just needed a little tool to make it do what I wanted and therein lies The Secret of today's strategy that guy who made that tool gets tons of money every day but don't worry we're not going to be creating physical tools I'm actually going to show you how to use chat gpt3 to create digital tools that will put money in your pocket each and every day and it's actually super simple if you can copy and paste you can get paid so come on let's dive into chat gpt3 and I'll show you exactly how to make simple little tools that make as much as $1,000 a day or more all right so today I'm just going to pretend you're here at work with me today and I'm going to build something to make profit for myself and show you exactly how it works now the goal is going to be to make $1,000 in 24 hours which I have done before we're going to show you some examples here's an example where I've made quite a bit of money on a simple little tool as an affiliate here's another one where I make these tools all the time by myself and you can see our biggest year so far was 131,000 although it's only the beginning of February and we're already at 8 18,000 so I think we're going to do a lot better this year showing you the stuff that I'm going to show you now because that is what the increase is based on also here's another little tool where I made like $3,000 on that one it was pretty cool these are very easy all you have to do is really focus and look at these in a very objective way so if you're ready to do that smash a like button and let me know as a comment below because today we're going to be using chat gp03 to build simple tools that make big money online we're going to go start to finish from the idea to the building the set set up the selling and the traffic and more nothing left out everything's going to be right here in front of you now in order to take a look at how this works what we need to do is look at the power of this industry which what we're doing the reason I mentioned my phone and the adapter is because that is something that is piggybacking on something else so being able to piggyback on something else is a lot easier than having to create your own industry altogether we're just basically finding something that works for something else we we sell it based on that brand and it works really really well as you can see here in the phone example if you were to look at USBC headphones on Amazon which is what that is a USBC headphone jack you can see that there's all kinds of different ones here with lots of reviews and lots of sales if we were to look at jungle Scout we can see that these are selling like a million dollars a month or more just on this one keyword there's lots of other keywords like ja duel all kinds of things like that so this is a multi multi million doll a month industry and again it's piggybacking on something else so that's very important now what we're going to be doing here is something that I did in one of my first videos if you were to go over to my affiliate marketing dude channel right like this and look at my most popular video to date it is the chat gbt video in this video over two years ago I actually showed this method and had you used that method back then you'd be making money by now how do I know because that's what I'm doing right now that was the first time I came across AI that was the first use case I saw because now I don't have to hire programmers and do all kinds of fancy stuff I could just have chat GPT do it for me now that was back with chat GPT I think it was like 2.5 or 3.0 or the first model that came out which was kind of buggy and it was a little bit difficult now you have no excuses you just go make these things and make money it is actually very simple so what we're going to do is we're going to be using these and looking at some of the businesses that are doing the piggyback method off of WordPress all right WordPress plugins are extremely easy to use WordPress powers like 40% of the blogs online actually I think it's like 90% of the blogs 40% of the entire web and you could see there are businesses piggybacking on what WordPress is doing by making plugins tools add-ons and things like that we can see here Barn to plugins is averaging about 1.4 million uh per year it's actually probably a lot more than that cuz wuk Commerce is pretty big so I think AI missed the boat on that one here's another one paid memberships million dollars litter LMS and on and on We Go Again these are estimates and don't take them as oh I'm going to go do this and make $2 million tomorrow no but can you make a little content restriction plugin with chat gbt and make money yes can you make a plugin for selling digital products on WordPress yes and this one is actually making a lot of money these aren't that difficult to do and I'm going to show you how in just a minute and we went through and showed you some others WP forms all these others member press SMTP for email and if this stuff's over your head don't worry we're going to make this super easy so first thing first what we're going to do is we're going to go over to ahrs and we are going to do wordpress.org plugins this is going to show us all the things that WordPress ranks for in terms of plugins okay this is very important because it's going to give us ideas it's going to show us what people want so going through like this what we're going to do is we're going to go volume right here and we're going to look at the plugin so translate is a good one now remember there are studies that are showing that AI enabled plugins are going through the roof so when you see people making a million dollar a year a million dollars a month with simple plugins when you get to the AI realm it's easier for us to build it's cheaper and people love them so you could do like a translate plugin you can do a constant contact for email plug PL in MailChimp search console and on and on we go there are tons even a countdown plugin you can see this is like a little widget countdown plug-in over 10,000 installs and they are making some money it's actually very simple to make these here's another one with AdSense some kind of whatever that one is there uh profile picture and we it just keeps going it's crazy so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a plugin that I want to use for myself and it's going to be based on the idea of the infinite scroll okay what is the in in infinite scroll that is when you go to Tik Tok and you keep scrolling and keep scrolling and it never ever ends this keeps people addicted to content which keeps them reading more and I thought to myself well what if I had this on websites where I could post different niches different things that people are into that would keep people engaged a lot longer and it's a plugin I can actually sell so first we're going to check out the market demand let's let's do infinite scroll and I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong so we're just going to toss it and Google over here like this hey there you go I did it pretty good so here's the JavaScript plugin here here's an infinite scroll for Google on and on we go okay lots of cool stuff here this is a very very good market so let's go through and magically I did spell it right so a for me today right we can see infinite scroll and different things like this let's do infinite scroll WordPress see what the and is so only about 40 and I think that's cuz people don't know that this is a possibility but I think we can do pretty good because there's like a 100 people a month which means we can sell this pretty good now some other things you can look at if you want one with a huge demand you can do like an SEO WordPress plugin right like this or SEO plug-in some people don't type WordPress but we know it's for WordPress so you have best SEO plugin now again if you were to look at this this is all based on stuff I did if you go to the oldest videos one of my first videos that took off was a video about the allinone WordPress plug-in SEO something like that uh here's one for WordPress and aweber that didn't do that great there was one I had over here where I talked about let's let's try all in one there we go so this one here 11 years ago I've been doing this a while I've only been teaching here on YouTube for like since 2017 before that I used used it just to upload my videos but you could see here this is one I did 27,000 views it did pretty good and the 27,000 views were like in the first year so I got a lot of views very quickly and then I just didn't do a whole lot with it so if you wanted to do this let's say we wanted to make an SEO plugin all you're going to do is go to chat GPT we are going to go to three mini High okay you can use any of the other models if you want we're going to use this cuz it's got lots of reasoning and different things like that so we're going to say I want to create a WordPress plugin for SEO tips and redoing titles tags eect let's see what happens here it should tell us exactly what it recommends and it should make it fairly easy so now we're going to break down the task lay out the steps different things like that now what we need to remember is WordPress is actually extremely simple to work with all we need to do is literally create a file on a server so what we can do is I think we can probably create a dummy plugin and then edit that or we could just upload it as is and then edit from there let me show you how this works so here it says create your plug-in folder and file create your folder so all I'm going to do is I'm just going to go to my desktop over here I am going to create a new folder so we'll just go rightclick new folder right here here and we're going to call this SEO plug or something like that just for you so you remember it and then we're just going to put these files in there it's actually extremely easy if it decides to like load that would be fantastic let's see you got a little bit of a freeze up there we go SEO plug we'll open there you will learn that I am very impatient when it comes to this stuff so all we need is one file called SEO title tips.

PHP so I'm going to copy this here right like that uh modify tag so this is the plug-in header okay great then we have this one which is document title Parts add SEO let's see if we can add it can you make it all in one file let's see if it'll do this because I don't want to have to copy all these I want it all in one file and we're going to call it SEO title tips let's see what the the main one was called here oh it is SEO title tip so it's just telling me to make the thing I'm going to get the whole Shang here because I don't want to have to mess with it so now we have this here which is head plug in all of this here and for example create a new PHP okay so we're going to copy this we're going to open up a notepad right over here Yonder right like this we'll just do new and I'm going to take this one here right like this and I'm just going to file save as and I'm just going to save it as SEO title tips PHP and I'm going to save it in that new one I have okay so there all files make sure you do all files and we're going to go to desktop and we're going to find our SEO plug and we save it right there you'll see bada bing bada boom there it is now all I need to do is go ahead and take this one we're going to go ahead and do compress to zip file and you just do it right like that now bada bing bada bang you now own a WordPress plugin yes ladies and gentlemen it is that easy this is one that I created that was responsible for I think about $40,000 and I just bought I just built it um I think it was last month or the end of November very simple plugin I have several of them and they go like crazy now what we're going to do is we're going to go to plugins right here add new plugin upload plugin choose file then we just navigate to the SEO plugin get that zip folder install and wait a minute activate Tada now we have our SEO plugin now on first glance you're going to see you might not notice where the SEO plug-in is and of course you change your name and your plugin site and stuff like that I'll show you all that in a minute but what we're going to do is we're going to see where this is It's usually going to be in the appearance or the settings let's see if it's in settings not seeing it there maybe it's on post let's see if it actually puts it on post should be be somewhere in here okay there we go so custom SEO so here it is right here it puts this block now I could go through and I can work with this right so now I got like the base level thing meta description we can have it do a meta title whatever you want super simple okay put it back up there now I could say you know make this make that whatever now let's go through we're going to go to the plugin and now all I have to do is edit it now make it where they can put the alternate title and tags with tips also on every new post please have an SEO checklist they can see let's see how this works okay so now what's going to happen is it should re-edit this file and we don't even have to upload it yet we're going to finalize it and and make it really fancy in here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to plugins plugin file editor very easy again don't worry you're probably not going to break anything as long as you follow what chat gbt tells you and we'll just load this here and then what we can do is we can toggle back and forth by going to SEO title tips select and you're going to see your file here so I can just toggle back and forth and see how it works this is really cool so let's go ahead and regenerate because it looks like it's getting a little slow and I find that chat gbt 03 is really good for this kind of stuff cuz it's going to reason it's going to think about what you would want to make so very basic very easy let's see here right like that and then I'll show you the infinite scroll one in a minute as well so here we have a Meta Box seio tips drink some coffee while we wait and yes my coffee has gotten cold let's see here weighing the options I like that it's going to add a checklist that would be something that would be very helpful now remember that SEO plugins are actually very popular and people love using them and I think you can even do like uh we had one over here where it actually created the prompts for them so like when it went through it would create the prompts uh for them so they can make SEO content with AI so it's really cool you can actually even you can tie these into an API where you just click a button to actually generate the content right in there with the API key which would be really cool that would be one you could probably charge for monthly and you could probably do really really well with it and the data is not that expensive when you do uh chat GPT I could easily charge you know 20 maybe even $50 a month for unlimited content because all it's doing is taking the post taking my Specific Instructions and making it posted in WordPress and you can even ask it like if we were to go to chat gbt right like this and say how can I make a WordPress plug-in that ties into my chat GP API and creates a post based on a prompt that is already in the post and they click generate this will actually show you how to do it it's literally like it will do what I want it to do and it does it very very well so that's something you could do if you wanted to get more advanced again that is a little bit more advanced one but I got to tell you you know the the G that's working here who um is on my other videos Alina she didn't know programming and coding she learned it all with AI and she's even getting better than me at knowing how like my SQL and apis and things work she did our video on make this is not that hard to do this is like if you want to make $1,000 a day you're not going to do it by farting around and doing nothing you have to literally create something that's going to make you the money and then you have to go out there and sell it it's not that hard you just got to do it so now we have this here I can just copy the new file paste it in here hit update and as long as there's no errors which it looks like there's not it should do all the work so now I should be able to refresh it and I should see in the post edit now it should have a spot for the title let's see where it went post template okay um in the title there maybe it's down on the bottom oh here we go so alternate title meta description meta keywords this is a lot like the all-in-one SEO and even there's another SEO one that's like this as well so now we're getting ahead here like alternate title use a catchy title that accompanies meta description meta keywords I could probably also tie this in with the API like here it's actually creating it and then it'll just ask you for your chat gbt codes there which I would say put in a different file that way they don't get hacked um but yeah that's going to do that for you so now I could go through and I could say okay uh now please add a settings box with a SEO must do checklist and settings of the plugin put it in the left menu bar watch how this works it'll actually make it to where they can click and get the settings of the plug-in this again it's something very simple yet it is it makes a lot of money these make a ton of money plugins are so overlooked it's not even funny um I know lots of people who make money with little simple plugins and things like that it's not hard to do you just have to focus and make it work here's one for email marketing and uh search engine optimization a which looks like I mean look at that that's huge and that ties into a giant money-making business right like you could just do an SEO plugin for dentists or something specific so what we're doing now is we're getting the idea and building the plugin kind of went through these in one and then we'll show you the setup and everything like that so it is looking pretty cool I mean this is good stuff and you have your SEO checklist here that's pretty cool that's a lot like um different SEO plugins I think there was one let's see SEO WordPress plugins paid there's some here I I forget what it was called like SEO math or rank math yeah I think it was rank math and you look at these here SEO WordPress plugin schema Pro 67 a year SEO press this one's been around forever super simple super basic uh WP meta uh ahrs you could even have it tie into ahrs and different things like that SEO plugin uh $21 a month SEO pack and what I would do is I would I would make it into like a club where they get a free webinar and you guys just talk about the plug-in every week and that adds Extra Value this is something that is so simple is a simple simple business so now we're going through and let's see how this is going looks like it's having a little bit of a struggle here let's give it a little refresh and okay still going let's see how it did on this other one here so that's got that let's go through and let's do another one please make a plugin with a sidebar menu where they can click enable and some settings and it will make all posts infinite scroll starting with the one they are on that way it's like oh it's going to start there it'll just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling this is going to be cool cuz it'll get people to read especially if you have really short content um and what I'll do is for everyone watching this we will have the infinite scroll plug-in basic version over at airofit scoop.com you can test it out you could see how it works and then you know if you want to fancy it up and sell it later you can do that you can start with that starting point I'm going to have a version and and we will be selling it as well but now we can see it's literally lining out how it's going to work now with this other one it looks like it's frozen let's see if we could reload it here stop okay it looks like it's frozen there but we can we can start with this model here now that we have the template let's see if we could get it to do in canvas and they actually added this deep research here okay so let's say can you add a sidebar left icon and have settings as well as a checklist for SEO and some prompt tips and we'll put that let's just see what it does there it should do it and I don't know why it's timing out it does time out sometimes here's our infinite scroll one so that one's like pretty much done already and if you don't know how to work with these being able to create stuff like this and then give it to a programmer I used to have to pay hundred hundreds thousands of dollars to create these where now I could just give my program I could just click the share button give this to my programmer and bada bing bada boom he'll fix it up for like 50 bucks or whatever it takes hours instead of weeks so looking at this now we have our SEO best practices it looks like it is creating and then again you know just changing it you change the name of your plugin your URI which that's your link to your website so you could sell the big version or something like that and it's very simple so let's go through copy this and again we're just going to edit right on the plug-in file editor wherever that went let's see plugins plug-in file editor choose our SEO select edit this here this should add the sidebar widget when we refresh it should be right over here let's see if it does that um okay did not add that let's see plugin editor settings SEO check there it is okay so it's up top so now we have SEO best practices and you could put like links like for me I could put click here to order SEO content and I could sell them content and fix their blog up so it could be like a sales message for other things or you could sell it um and just get the money by selling it or you can um update it whatever you want it's actually very easy to create these and it's very easy to work with them so now we have that let's see what the post looks like we're going to do edit right over here and let's see it look like it moved it down to the bottom post template categories okay so now I would just say now please add back in the on poost items for SEO title ECT it should have them there let's see so plugin settings page and then and then once it's done we'll just copy this replace our file over here okay let's see does this the one we'll reload this I think this was gone so that was gone so we're going to go ahead and go back to our are plugins plug-in file editor right like this and usually it's easier if you just keep this toggled open I just keep closing it because I'm doing other things here update and that should add it right back in the post there it is there okay so there you have that so pretty cool now when you get more detailed in this sometimes you will have multiple files so it might say oh hey you now now you need this JavaScript thing or now you need this API file all you're going to do is add them in this area exactly how it tells you and then just zip all of them up and upload that as the plugin and you can even go in and disable a plugin and then re-upload it if you wanted to it's actually very simple don't over complicate it just really look at okay what are we doing here how is this working how can I make something simple and looking at the guide of what plugins people want like a PDF viewer plug-in okay there's there's a simple one embed PDF viewer this has 20,000 views and it looks pretty simple what I would do is make it to where they can download it also and going through you just go through uh start your chat GPT I'm going to use three mini High there we go we'll use that one and we'll say let's create a PDF downloader plugin that allows you to download the post as a PDF and has them opt in in first so it be like a mailing list one and this would actually be a pretty good one and again we're building it based on the fact that that has 20,000 views just for this and if you were to go through and look at like okay keyword Explorer let's do PDF WordPress boom you're going to see people are in fact looking this up you can even do like um you know sidebar WordPress or whatever it is and these types of businesses make a lot of money so what you're going to do is you're going to get your plugin work with it a couple days make it the way you like it make sure that you edit the files so that you have your name on it and everything like that make sure you obviously disclaimer them and stuff like that you know if anything happens to your site we're not responsible which it's pretty rare but sometimes that does happen so you just do want to have like a at your own risk kind of thing um this has your titles and everything like that here we have our our plugin for um this is a PDF one which has a downloader and then you know we have the one we were doing with the infinite scroll and different things like that so lots of ideas you can do and these do make a lot of money you could see WordPress viewer you can even do like on WordPress to see the issues people have on WordPress or you can even do like maybe you could do an AI where it turns the blog post into a MP3 or something like that um and using these things has never been easier so what you're going to do is you're going to get the idea you're going to build the plugin once you have the plug-in the way you like it you're going to make it a zip file brand it everything like that you can put your affiliate links in there if you're giving it away you can put a link in there if you want to upsell it different things like that now the setup is actually very easy you can create a PayPal button you can create a ClickBank button you can sell this on anything really you can sell this on JV zoo and get Affiliates to promote it people do this all the time they make millions of dollars even though the amount of traffic isn't that high on some of these you can make a lot of money with traffic like I know for mine which is the profit Voodoo right there are people out there that are selling these types of plugins and they're making a fortune millions of dollars with them again results not typical emply to guaranteed but you get the idea so having something like this and selling it to the mass of people that don't know like a lot of people don't know the infinite scroll would help them get more money right how many of you guys are like hey I never thought about that before that's kind of cool so being able to sell that to the masses is very easy when you go through and you do this on you could do Thrive cart you could do JV Zoo you could do a simple PayPal button all you do is you set up the PayPal button there will be a thank you URL and then bada bing bada bang there you go you can even have chat GPD say help me make a PayPal button with a thank you page after order where they can download now if you wanted to do this even bigger you could do like a membership site like over here on this one I showed you this is just using a member which is $150 for the software you pay one time you get the software forever it runs it all in there I just go through and I say okay where's the product I want to sell and then I set the parameters of of what it is so like this one here you set the parameters you say where are they going to go after they order it does everything for you and you could sell multiple on one this is something I do all the time and that's using the a member software we teach you that as well I'll have uh videos in the description about membership sites and different things like that next up what you're going to do is the selling so you just have a sales message so now you could say watch how easy this is now make a sales page for this plug-in and you could say for dentists or for whoever right for affiliate marketers make it Dan let's do make it uh Gary Halbert style and then obviously if you wanted to get traffic you could just do a YouTube video showing hey here's the SEO plugin as I did you saw that one got traffic and I'm a small fry if you go through and do uh SEO plug-in you're going to see there are people 43,000 27,7 ,000 there 61,000 look at that uh 4,28 on and on we go so there's lots of traffic here if you do it right and it's it's getting into the SEO Market which is expensive but you're getting in in the back door by having your own plug-in which makes you money that is the traffic so all you're going to do get the idea I'll get a list of ideas over at airofit scoop.com you're going to build it that'll show you exactly how to set this up how to build it how to compile it package it then you're just going to sell the zip file right you can code it if you want you make make a you know put your your code in here bada bing bada boom there you go very simple okay um then you get traffic you drive them to your sales page and you make money now a little note on getting to $1,000 a day what you're going to want to do is be very deliberate with your traffic method and your sales method if you want to get to $1,000 a day fast there's two ways to do it either sell a lot of this plug-in so let's say your plug-in was $25 you would need 40 sales per day if it's $50 you'd need 20 sales per day so that's route number one and in order to do that you don't need a whole lot of traffic because people are looking for this stuff anyway but the other method would be to have an upsell where you do the service for them maybe you sell them content or maybe you sell them an SEO audit or SEO services or something like that that way you can take probably like one out of 25 people and upsell them to something really really big now sometimes I've seen numbers as good as one in five upgrade and obviously this upsell would be like you know $500 $250 or even $11,000 or more it's a great way to find SEO clients now in order to get a bunch of traffic for this what we're going to need to do is be very deliberate we want to go out there and say okay uh deliberate that says deliberate right um what we want to do is want to go out there and look at where the traffic is make YouTube videos on plugins around plugins in your nit so if I was doing SEO I would find all the different SEO plugins I would make tutorials and video on them and make it super easy um same thing with with other plugins maybe I can do the top 100 WordPress plugins and say you know this is a must have Plugin or something like that also we can go out there we can do Pinterest we can do SEO with articles and different things like that you can do a press release and as always if the numbers fit you can even buy ads now what I would recommend doing is use all of your content and your ads to build a mailing list that way if they don't buy right away you can email them tip and guides make money and sell them later this is something that works really good where what you have is what's called an SLO or self- liquidating offer where you would just break even selling the plug-in on the front end and then sell other stuff or break even on web hosting or some kind of affiliate offer and then sell otherwise but in order to get to $1,000 a day um if you're doing 40 sales you would probably need I'm going to say roughly let's say 2,000 clicks a day to get that if my math is correct let's do 2,000 let's get the calculator here it would be 2000 over 40 okay 2000 over 40 that would be roughly uh 1 in 50 clicks so 2% I think that's doable um at a 1% you'd be you'd need 4,000 clicks a day uh which again in this market is not that hard because there's so many WordPress users now alternatively you can get Less sales and and focus more on the upsell or you can focus on a recurring Revenue model I did this with that plugin you showed that I built with AI where I went through and I did a $17 a month recurring Revenue where I had webinars and tools and things like that and promise them other plugins you can have like a little plug-in Club where you make these you can buy the rights to them all kinds of different things like that and then the $17 when they're on the the webinars they upsell to other stuff as well so getting to $1,000 a day you got to be aggressive but it's not as hard as people might think so hopefully you enjoyed this video on how to do chat gp3 mini and how to use it to do codes and plugins and tools this is a business that's simple don't overlook it you can create these plugins just think about what you would create them for and be very specific instead of an SEO plugin make an SEO plugin for a specific group of people and what I'll do is I'll go put a list of these over at airofit scoop.com so that you can go there and you can download a list of ideas we'll have aamp sample plugin that you can kind of use and tweak and see how it works to learn on that plugin so you don't have to mess things up on your own and you can go out there and make these and make money some other places you can sell them would be over on um code Canyon or other places where you can sell different plugins and you can see here on Flippa there's lots of tools and apps that are making money this one does 2,000 a month thousand a month and on and on we go so this is a business that makes a lot of money don't over look it don't let the complexity of ooh it's a plugin get you away from it cuz this is something that I never thought was as easy as it actually is so thanks again for watching hopefully you enjoyed the video smash a like button check out the videos in the description and as always go to airofit scoop.com for the notes and the stuff that I promised in the video

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