can you drag and drop a file right like this H great then you can make money online because I just created a $5,000 a month business using nothing but Ai and today I'm going to show you exactly step by step how you can create these little businesses in minutes and get paid big money but first we got to go over some of the AI updates and AI news that have everything to do with your ability to make money online only so far nobody's talking about him yeah these pretty much flew under the radar I'm talking major changes to Google Gemini chat GPT and bolt.
New in fact this one little phrase that we started putting in bolt. new creates software businesses on demand so if you know how to drag and drop a file well then you can get paid and it's super simple so smash a like button because in this video I'm going to take you step by step even if you've never done computer programming you don't know how to upload a file don't worry there's no skills needed to make this work so if you're ready to make money and cut past all the fluff and get to what really works pay close attention because after this video you'll be able to use AI to create little micro businesses that make as much as $150 a day or more and you can set these up in an afternoon so So Gone are the days of having to spend lots of money time and effort to build your business thanks to these AI updates you can get started today come on let me show you how this whole thing works all right so let's first go over some of these updates first of all we saw Google Gemini the AI tool actually came out with some new feature called gems what these do is allow you to create your own gem much like how the chat GPT custom gpts work where you can go through and create a custom GPT now so far Gemini doesn't allow you to share those with the public but you can use them in your business internally so that you don't have to keep typing the same prompts over and over and over again this actually makes things very simple next up we saw some advancements added to chat GPT where we have various different models and also we're seeing it take code and generate code in a much simpler easier way and I think in the future they're actually going to have the ability to preview the code which is going to be a game changer and that brings us to bolt.
New which is the biggest change of the week when I was going through and creating tools with my assistant Alina we actually found a secret code that you can type into bolt and get a drag and drop custom software that you can use as a business to make money pretty much right out of the box I'm going to show you how that works in just a minute but first we need to understand the basics of how this stuff works first of all we have files we all know how files work they're different fil that are in folders on our computer much like this we can see here the file for the notes here that I'm reading right on the screen we can also see different zip folders regular folders and different things like that all of these have everything to do with our ability to make money once you understand this in a very simple way you will be able to make money faster than ever before because AI has leveled the playing field and now even simple computer users can do things that used to cost a lot of money and actually help us make money so next thing we need to understand is how folders work primarily we need to understand folders and zip folders now a zip folder is actually very simple if you wanted to go here and unzip a folder it is actually a compressed bunch of files let me show you how that works in bolt.
New if I was to go through here and look at this little background remover that I created and I wanted to export this it is going to export it as a zip folder now up until this update it was a file that had to run within the bolt. new platform or it had to be deployed onto the bolt server it wasn't something that we could actually use on our websites now we can and this is an absolute GameChanger so going through and looking at that we need to understand how these files work when you get a zip file from bolt. new if we were to unzip it you are going to see or extract it as it were some programs say extract some say unzip when we unzip it you're going to see that it's going to take all those files and put them right like this and you could see that these actually look very similar to the ones in the code so you have like app index Main same thing that you're seeing over here once we unzip the file very very simple very easy now understanding what to do with this is key so let's go back to the drawing board here and let's talk about scripts and codes when we're talking about scripts and codes these are different files that talk to each other a script is a series of files and code is something within a file so this whole thing would be called a script whereas something like this would be called a code Got It smash a like button if you got it and let me know as a comment below because once you understand this you can actually put these on a website and make money right out of the gate much like this one I did right here where I actually created it in bolt.
New and put it on my website and is a fullon background remover where someone can upload an image right like this and bada bing bada bang it's going to remove the background and allow them to download the new image with the background removed and you might be saying well Marcus whoop-de-doo there's a bunch of sites that do that welcome to 2008 but what you might not notice is the power of these types of businesses you see I was able to create this in Bolt in just a matter of minutes as you can see here the image background removal tool these are all the files script and codes that make this thing work so it's actually pretty simple but there's one little phrase you need to pay attention to to make this whole thing work otherwise the script is going to break you're going to get frustrated and you won't make any money we'll get to that in just a minute first of all we need to understand the power of these types of businesses in doing some research we can see that which is a popular background remover that makes millions of dollars each and every year and it's a pretty basic business much like my script you upload the image and it removes the background so right here we see a business that's making millions of dollars a year and right over here in bolt.
New I created the exact same thing so basically using bolt. new you can do things that used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of effort time and programmers in literally a few minutes and the way these businesses make money is actually pretty simple you have the freemium model they give the tool away for free and they sell ad space then you have the premium with a premium tier where you can charge access for the $9 version which is the one I pay for I've been paying for for many many years then we have the pricing model where you can do pay as you go where they pay a dollar and do one image or different subscriptions where you can pay for a month or a year or whatever it is and the reason they work is actually very simple they are targeting customers who want a background removed from an image and while most of us might think oh well this is easy it's simple nobody's going to pay for it well that's where you'd be wrong because this business is raking it in like crazy and looking at the keyword searches we can see that over 5 million people a month are looking for a background remover for images so we already know there's a lot of customers that want this tool all we need to do is create it and get paid next we can see that lots of tools have an API integration much like the background one where you could purchase access to the API or use a free API where available then we have the value proposition what is it that we are offering this one is actually very simple it's Saving Time accuracy and scalability it's something where I can upload a bunch of files and get the output instantly so paying a little bit of money yeah I don't even miss it and it provides a value to me as a customer then they have Partnerships and marketing strategies often times what you'll see these businesses do is SEO content marketing or even going out there and using social media to Market their business that way and if you're to look at some similar businesses you have pixler photo removal.
A photo scissors photo room canva and countless other tools many of them are actually very simple and they're making money every single day some other tools are like grammarly Trello kendly Loom zapier and on and on we go and all of these tools are based on simple things that do what one thing very well so all we need to do is figure out something to make use bolt. new to make it and get paid so if I was to come over here like this to bolt. new and I type in something like create a simple image upscaler that doubles the resolution we're going to go through and see that bolt. new is going to create this in a matter of minutes now it's very important to look at the different files as they're being created because sometimes it's going to use this react script that doesn't run on our server very well so we're going to need to convert it with this magic little phrase and that phrase can be something like please make this a simple web tool for my cpanel server and this will convert it over to a simple tool that we can upload one and done ready to go so that we can start making money right away and then when it's done you can click on preview and see exactly how the tool is going to work once it's all done and you have it the way you like it we're going to go ahead and click on export download this is going to download that zip file I told you about earlier we're going to navigate to the folder right like this and keep it as a zip file then we need to get it to our web server this is where we're going to have a web host which I'll have instructions for in the description but any host will do we use the one over at gohub then all we need to do is drag and drop that zip file right over here like this when we reload the folder over here you're going to see it adds that new folder right here then we click on extract extract files and it's going to take all those files and put them on our server as you can see here they are now loaded in the project folder and now we have our image upscaler on our website right like this ready to go and this is where we can actually lock it and charge access or have ads on it or charge people to get bigger files or whatever it is we can use this to make money in a super simple way and I actually went through with bolt.
New and I created a fullon learning pack where you can go through and learn all about files you can see here we were able to actually load it with our logo so I just gave it the link to the logo and I had it create all kinds of different files that you can use to learn how these files folders scripts and codes work it's actually very simple so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and Export this right like this and we are going to load this on the server right over here we'll just go into our file manager right like this www or public HTML and then we're going to choose the folder learn I'm going to go ahead and upload the file I just created right like this then once it's loaded right like this we're going to hit extract then I'm going to extract all the files again right like this this and you'll notice it's going to create a project folder which is kind of like a placeholder so we don't really need that and all we need to do to change that is locate the project folder select all files right like this click on move and then we're just going to Simply remove this project folder right like that so they all show up on learn this is super simple because now we can actually go to AI profit sarn and you can see the entire web development learning pack that I put together for in Bolt it has our logo here down here it has our copyright and our disclaimer and you can see here all kinds of different tools that you can use to learn about code this is actually really simple really cool and I made it in a matter of minutes and you can see colors backgrounds all kinds of stuff that's going to help you learn how to use code so you can make money and don't worry this isn't like a college level class we're just learning enough so that we can interpret what the AI gives us so that we could build something that makes money now using bolt AI we can create simple tools that don't require outside input or we can create complicated tools like keyword tools or data analyzers where we're actually going out there and getting an API an API is a file or a login on another system that allows you to get something from their system and put it into yours and this tool here is actually using an API key from the background removal site and that is what makes it work most of the tools will not require require an API but if you do need to get one they are super inexpensive and you can do pretty much anything with them you can actually make your own tools based on like chat GPT or bolt using their API and having your own custom tool I have friends that are doing this and they're making millions and millions of dollars in a super simple way by adding something to the AI and making it more user friendly like an article generator or something like that it's super easy and in order to make this for our page all we would need to do is get our image right like this we can just click on copy image address right here and say please Brand this with my logo and it'll actually brand it with your logo and give you a new preview that you can use you can actually create an entire website with tons of tools in a matter of minutes using bolt Ai and now you can see it's branded with my logo you can also have like powered by AI profit scoop or whatever you want to make it your own then when you're done again you're just going to export it right like this upload it right over here like this extract now we can navigate to airofit sbackground and bada boom bada bang our branded background remover is now up and this is something up until now we weren't able to really do with AI unless we knew a lot of coding and files and saving and all kinds of things which allow for lots of Errors which made most people give up now we can create these in a super simple way and some of the tools that you can get apis from are like this IP address one different tools based on your name IP locations exchange rates and on and on we go just imagine if you were able to take something like this crypto trading platform and get upto-date info on cryptos and have your own custom calculators using these apis as an absolute GameChanger because now I can use something like bolt.
New and say something like please make 10 different calculators using this API key and it'll know what this API key does and it'll create these in a matter of minutes and now you can see we have tons of different crypto trading calculators that we can use make videos on and share with people to make money this is something that leads into a market that makes a lot of money so it's going to be very easy and we can use all these different API Keys like Fitness human API and all kinds of different things to make different tools that will work for what we want them to do so that we can make money and it's actually very simple all we need to do is figure out what is going to work for us now I went ahead and put an entire list of different idea jogging keywords that you can use over at airofit this list of keywords actually goes through and shows you different ideas that you can use for example let's say you wanted to use the keyword translate you can make a translator that is for something specific and of course if you want to make money with it just link to some language course or something that fits very nicely or let's say we wanted to go through and take a look at at something like a scheduler or maybe splitting files a lot of times people want to split PDFs into multiple files we can go through and do this in a very simple way as you can see here over 57,000 people a month are looking for how to split a PDF and we can go to bolt and create this without an API in minutes then all we need to do is lead to a PDF program or something that is similar and the ability to just download these and upload them and have them work right out of the gate is a game changer you can go through and look at this keyword list and make tools till your heart's content and this is exactly what I've been doing for years to build little businesses only up until now we had to have programmers and codes and all kinds of complicated things to make it work now all you really need is a subscription to bolt.
new and a little bit of training which is why I put all the training stuff over at airofit and if you want to learn more about this method check out the videos in the description that go into more detail on how to create little software programs in a simple way to make money online thanks again for watching smash that like button and I'll see you in the next video.