I Found The EASIEST Ai Side Hustle EVER – $7,134/mo – New Method!

today we're going to be talking about a brand new AI side hustle that is so easy you literally just copy and paste this one is so simple that literally anyone can do it yep I'm talking about you you don't need any skills you don't need a lot of money you kind of don't really even need to know what you're doing because in this training we're going to break down this AI side hustle step by step with nothing left out so that by the end of this video you can go out and do the step and make some money it really is copy and paste simple so if you're excited smash that like button because we're going to go through this whole thing together in fact just a couple weeks ago I found this book on Amazon which was like a little note guide book to another book wait a minute is this about selling stuff on Amazon nope you don't have to put anything on Amazon Etsy Shopify or anything like that this is actually a whole lot more cut and dry and and this little workbook and these cliffnotes has everything to do with how we're going to use AI to profit for free now there are some things you can use to make your business more profitable that might cost you a little bit of money we'll talk about those and where to get them and all the stuff combined is like $100 so we're not talking anything crazy in fact you can even do this 100% free if you want to I'll show both methods right here right now but first I want to preface this because what you are about to see is based on actual realworld results from my own business and a business that a friend of mine runs in fact he's making hundreds of thousands of dollars each and every year using the same exact strategy only he started before AI so what they're doing takes a whole lot more work and what I'm going to show you is going to seem so simple that you're probably going to think it's too good to be true but don't worry I'm not going to ask ask you for any money or anything like that I just want you to watch this video and get the results and learn how this strategy works because if this makes sense to you and you can see how to copy and paste and use AI to profit well then I've done my job in teaching you a side hustle that you can use and actually get results and before we get started we're going to be looking at some big numbers people making as much as $7,000 a month $100,000 a month some of them making even more and and I don't want you to think that at the end of this video You're magically going to get money for doing nothing no this does take work and even if you do the work exactly as lined up I mean the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so what we need to do is we need to understand the principles we need to get back to reality and understand exactly how and why this strategy works if you do it because it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and yes by the end of this you're going to be wondering why you didn't think of this side hustle yourself because it's so diabolically simple so get ready because I'm going to lay out this side hustle step by step with nothing left out and not only that but I'm going to show you also for those of you who are in it to win it I'm going to show you how to turn this s hustle into a full-fledged business that can put passive income in your pocket month after month year after year like clockwork and this is ex actly the same kind of things I've been doing for many many years so sit back relax smash a like button and get ready to learn what I believe is the easiest s hustle of 2024 where you can copy and paste use Ai and make money online come on let's get started all right so let's go ahead and Dive Right In what we're going to do here is look at how this works with 100% Aid driven content it's actually very simple if you can copy and paste based you can do this first what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to gather information we want to gather information about something specific maybe we're going out there and we're doing like the cliff notes people did or like this book did where we are going through and gathering information on a certain speaker or author or YouTuber or whatever it is what we're going to do is we are going to go out there and look at what is in the market we're going to take a market like say people that are talking about financial advice or people that are talking about Florida housing prices or something like that you could see here if we were to look at a speaker like Alex horos we could see he's got a lot of videos we can also see that in another Market maybe there's people talking about the housing crash in Florida yeah this is actually a very popular topic and we can use AI to make money with this topic and I'm going to show you how in just a minute so what we're going to do is we're going to pick our specific area of expertise we're going to go into chat PT or any other AI again you can use 3.5 or you can use 4.0 whichever one you want if you want to use the free version go ahead it's not going to make that much difference then we're going to go through and we're going to ask the AI to get us a list of things pertaining to whatever it is we're going to use to make money for this example I said make some trigger words about notes and different things like that I also went through and used Ai and said you know get me a list of the top Bible teachers in the USA if you wanted to go into the Bible teacher Market we'll show you how to make money with that as well or we can go through and get different financial advisers and different speakers and stuff like that here I went through and got the list of the top 100 self-help speakers and authors here's another one I did where we went through and got like gurus I think it was which is kind of funny apparently I didn't make the top 100 list but here's a list here of the top copywriters and gurus that teach copyrighting here's another one for financial gurus you got Pat Flynn Neil Patel Gary ve all kinds of different people that are teaching making money things now this is super important and to show you why let me bring up another example if I was to go to chat GPT right like this and say please find 25 people that are experts on the Florida housing market and crash look on YouTube and other places this is going to go through and it's going to get me all the different people that are talking about the Florida Market real estate crash and different things like that we can see the list of people here and we can see what they're about now this is very important because this is our information gathering stage what we're going to do is we are going to gather information about whatever it is we want to go into and this is super important when we're Gathering in the info okay gather the info that says gather there when we're Gathering the info what we're going to do is we're going to think a step ahead if I was going out there and getting information on the Florida housing crisis obviously that links to like refi that links to realtors that links to house sales a lot of expensive stuff over here that makes a lot of money now over here on this side when we're Gathering the info this is more or less like pennies right this traffic is super cheap it's inexpensive because not a lot of people know what to do with it but over here you have lots of money in the same type of Market much like if you were to do the Bible Market in and of itself like Joel ostein sermon ideas isn't super profitable but there are things it ties into or if we're doing copywriting maybe you have a bunch of copywriters a list of copywriters or ads not worth that much money but copywriting which is what those people want to learn anyway is worth lots and lots of money if you're following type following along awesome as a comment below to let me know so we're going to gather this information in a real world way we're going to go find YouTube videos we're going to find different channels we're going to find all kinds of crazy stuff and you could see here on Amazon yes people are selling derivatives of other books this one is a summary on the highly effective habits or something like that very popular book you can see is getting reviews here's another summary and you could see lots and lots of different summaries that people are selling this is important because we know that summaries of information is worth money case in point the cliffnotes guy made a small fortune taking notes on different things so that you don't have to and we're also going to look at an example in just a minute of a friend of mine from years ago that started a business all about taking notes now they take the notes in person and make lots of money we're going to do a very simple AI version of the same type of process so when we're going through we are going to gather our info we're going to make a list let's say we go out there and we say yes I want a list of the Realtors or the gurus or whatever it is we're going to take that list of gurus right like this and we're going to copy and paste it into our keyword tool if you don't have a keyword tool don't worry you could do this one at a time with uh a free keyword tool like a atrs tool or whatever free tool you want to use it's just going to take a little bit more time now doing this you're going to see that there's lots and lots of traffic like right here you can see that cliffnotes docomo on Google it gets a lot of traffic you can see here the traffic is worth quite a bit of money a lot of good stuff happening here it's a doozy this thing makes Crazy money we can also see that there are some other examples like this one here Champion speakers which talks about all the different things that speakers say very cool very easy stuff you can break it down I mean even in the AI world if you were to get a list of the top YouTube channels talking about AI you could compile all kinds of information from those and lead them to AI programs and different things like that very very simple here's another one where we're looking at people looking up Ted Talks people are looking up all kinds of cool TED talks and different things like that very cool cool now what we're going to do is we're going to go over to keyword Explorer and I'm going to paste that list of all the gurus right in here like this what you're going to see is nothing short of amazing we are going to have a gigantic list of all these gurus that are talking about a specific topic and as you can see a lot of these are green which means the competition is very low and not only that but if you scroll up here we can see that the total monthly search volume for the these guys alone just their names is 228,000 searches each and every month and we could take it a step further and let's say we wanted to do something like Graham Stefan Steven something like that and we were to look up the keywords associated with his name you have net worth height age how tall is Graham Stefan and all kinds of different keywords related to this one person I mean even if we're to go for something like Grant Cardone who alone gets 40,000 searches a month we can see all kinds of different things here that are about Grant Cardone so about an undercover billionaire Grant Cardone quotes net worth and on and on we go and I guarantee like right here where it says Grant Cardone real estate there's people that are looking up his take on the Florida housing crisis so this part's very important what we're going to do is we're going to start to gather info and we are going to gather now this part super important because when we're Gathering info we're going to get names we're going to get channels because some of them might be faceless channels and we're going to get different ideas about a topic and that topic is going to lead to things that make lots of money if we were to go out there and do the same thing let's say we go to chat GPT and we say open up a new chat GPT please find the top YouTube channels talking about AI news list 100 what you're going to see is there's lots of different channels that this is going to find that are talking about AI news and AI leads to expensive stuff business software all kinds of crazy stuff and you're going to see that here we go here's tons and tons of different channels then I can say now please list the names it's going to put the names in right like this very simple it does it very very fast and then when we're done I could just take the entire list right like this put it into a keyword tool right over here and see exactly how much search volume there is for these different people and what we're going to do is we're going to do like a accumulation a compilation of what these people are talking about now we could see that obviously open AI gets a lot of searches we're not going to use that but we can also see that Matt wolf gets like 2,300 searches a month Jeremy Howard 2100 you have ai explained 700 2-minute papers 300 West Roth and on and on we go so this is super important I want you to remember this for when we get deeper into where we're going to make money with it then what we're going to do once we get these lists and gathers and things like that is we are going to find a video that we want to utilize or a couple of videos so I could go through right like this go to the video I'm going to go down to more and then I'm going to find the transcript right here like this I'm going to take this transcript right like this and I'm going to throw this into Ai and I'm going to get a summary of what this guy's talking about now this video is like 50 minutes long which I mean if you're in the market is probably a great video to watch I would recommend watching these videos because as a side note you're going to learn a lot about your market and you're going to be able to make a lot more money the more you learn pay close attention next what I'm going to do is I'm going to go into my AI right like this I'm going to click a new one and I'm going to say please summarize this video and you can use different AIS that all they do is summarize videos and it'll make it easier although I like to go with the raw transcript that way chat GPT has something to work off of and it's going to go through and it's going to summarize exactly what's going on so I could say hey Bob the Florida real estate guy here's what he says about the crisis here's what this guy says here's what that guy says and what's going to happen is not only am I going to get a lot of traffic because this is a popular topic with popular people but I'm also going to get some notes that I can share with these people very very cool then I would go to video number two maybe i' do something like Florida inventory right like this put house in there too so that it's not like Florida Walmart inventory and I can go through and I could look at what these people are talking about and since they're getting tons and tons of views I could say here's what the expert are saying here's what the data says here's what I think very very simple and since it ties to something that makes money it's a doozy we could do this with AI you could do it with recipes you could do it with chefs you could do it with literally anything and you are going to piggyback on the traffic that these other people are getting this is known as commentary for example if we were to look something up like Grant Cardone and then add something like maybe meet Kevin or Graham Stefan we can see like these people legit got famous by talking about what other people are saying if you were to go back and look at Meek Kevin and look at how he got big he was a realtor he started looking at these people that were popular giving his opinion and skyrocketed now he's making a fortune also same kind of thing with graham Stefan you can see here Graham Stefan confronting Grant Cardone problem with Grant Cardone they are utilizing this stuff to get traffic now in order to avoid lawsuits we don't want to downt talk people unless that's what you're really trying to do and have an actual story remember you can actually get sued for bad reviews online if they're not true or not founded in facts or anything like that so be very careful I know a lot of people like to say oh this product bad my product good they do it all the time with my products where they make fake reviews to sell their own product it is not a legit way to run a business and can get you soon so what we're going to do is we're going to keep this above board we're going to talk about Concepts and ideas what does Grant Cardone say about real estate what does Mr Wonderful say about real estate what does this guy say about Florida real estate all the different things we are going to focus focus focus if you're paying attention let me know by Smashing the like button now to look at this we're also going to look at like cliffnotes and we can see this guy here business news publishing he's literally summarizing different books also a friend of mine from years ago I haven't talked to him in years I'm going to try to get him on here for an interview hopefully uh his name was Tim and Tim went out there years ago and he would go to marketing conferences and he'd take notes on what he learned at the conference and then he would compile his notes and sell the notes which is great now he has a full team they go to all the marketing conferences they make notes and they sell the notes now be careful because if you're selling notes from a product as notes from just that product yeah that gets kind of dicey because you didn't get the right to do that however what we're talking about is a lot of stuff that's in the public domain I mean Grant Cardone and all these gurus are saying things all day every day it's public domain it's not part of a product we can use that to say oh here's what Guru 1 says Guru 2 says Guru 3 says that story of Tim and the funnel hacking he's literally making thousands hundreds of thousands of dollars every year with his notes he's gotten interviews with the top gurus all kinds of stuff and also years ago there was a friend of mine named Harris who did a very similar thing where he would make notes on what a particular person is saying much like this copyrighting site over here um I did a little overview of this copywriting site let me see if I can find it here yeah right here it's called swiped.co what they do is they put different ads and different things like David ogal ads you can see he found some old David ogal ads and things like that now again when we look at this you're going to see that they get quite a bit of traffic and also you're going to see that the traffic shows on the radar that it's not worth much money according to ahfs it says that the traffic is only worth about $700 a month now I I know different because copywriting courses and different tools for copywriting and even copywriters are worth lots and lots of money so we have to look bigger picture whereas you know David Ogie ads might not be worth that much money however the only person looking up David Ogo ads is a student of advertising who probably wants courses in copywriting got it if it makes sense let me know in the comments below and you could see all the different people um that they talk about and they're just literally finding ads and things like that now we could go through and we can also take notes on different ads I don't know yeah they're not they don't have a whole bunch of notes on the ads but using AI we can make notes on the ads in a super super simple way it's not that hard at all so what we're going to do is we're going to pick the market stick with it stick with public info focus on what people are saying and just commentary on what they're saying you could do this via text you could do this via a video all kinds of stuff it works like crazy and again like I mentioned as a byproduct you are going to be forced to learn about your market so if you're doing this for Florida real estate not only do I believe you can make a very good living doing just that market over and over and over again but you're also going to learn so much about Florida real estate and real estate as a whole that you're going to have something that can make lots of money when used correctly now again remember result results not typical implied or guaranteed this needs to be used in a way that's actually going to work and get you money and you know it's a business it's not something where you watch a video and get rich again I will say um before we get into the step by step watch out for legal issues don't go out there and you know use a product and a book or whatever something you don't have the rights to use public domain stuff and make it easy now when we're getting into this we can also use notes as lead mag and interpretation what we need to do is look at this here and say okay well if I was to go out there and let's say I want to do the Florida real estate example okay what I can do here is I could say well let's compile the opinions on the top 50 real estate gurus in Florida and let's turn that into a guide on what they say okay so now you have a guide on what the gurus say that's going to save people time teach them about Florida real estate or copywriting or gurus or whatever it is you're doing maybe even Bible teachers here's what the top Bible teachers say about AI get this guide right now the time is of the essence or whatever right and we have that guide that AI creates based on just putting transcripts in getting understanding of what's going on compiling it and bada boom bada bang we have something that can work then what we're going to do is we're going to use that as a lead magnet to get people to put their name in email much like I do here on all of my videos you're going to notice I say go to download my notes.com for the notes that way you get the notes and I get a lead and hopefully you want to work with me and you go to blog profit network.com and join our team or whatever it is right we can look at this and say our note can our Note Block our notes that we create can be a lead magnet build a mailing list and make lots of money a mailing list is something that is super profitable when used correctly and this is something where you're utilizing traffic from other stuff to get that lead and my buddy Harris did this years ago wonderfully I think they made like $120,000 in 12 weeks just literally going to the gurus getting the little lists having the guru promote them that got him traffic and it was a big self-serving funnel that made lots of money now the second thing I want to do before we get into the step by step is looking at interpreting notes for a purpose we want to say why would someone want these notes why would they want these opinions why would they want these quotes why would they want this stuff well think bigger picture the real estate people are probably people in Florida freaked out about their house prices freaked out about what to do things are going crazy they want the advice they want the tips very simple okay much like other YouTubers do where they're talking about like oh here's what the FED did with rates here's what this guy thinks about it here's what that guy does what we need to do is we need to say why would someone listen to the notes why would someone listen to Tony Robbins and Grant Cardone and Alex horos why would they listen to these people well they would listen to them because they want an outcome people listen to Bible tapes because they want to be spiritual people look at listen to AA speaker tapes that's something I do all the time having been in recovery for over 10 years I like to listen to the tapes and you can make notes on those here's what this guy says about being sober here's what this guy says about being sober if you're having trouble getting sober maybe you should go to rehab and yes if you go over to offervault and type in rehab bada bing bada boom they pay lots of money for Rehab calls so hopefully you're starting to see how this will work and now we're going to we're going to build it and we're going to grow so what we want to do here is number one choose our Market are we going to do AA speaker tapes and just to show you how big these are if I was to look up AA speaker tapes you can see that there's tons of people with different speaker tapes and things like that there's even websites where they talk about recovery audio speaker tapes different things like that and you're going to see that what they're doing is legit just copying and pasting different things and there are people in every Niche that will follow I know there's a guy called Sandy B who's an AA speaker there you go Sandy Beach AA 300 searches a month we also have uh father something or other I forgot who the father guy is but we could see here recovery audio if we're to look at this I think it was Father Tim or something like that if we were to look at this one here for Recovery audio we could see it's ranking for various different things related to speaker tapes and AA and stuff like that which is really cool and again a lot of this stuff's public domain I could say here's what the top five speakers say about step six get all the things put it in there have ai help me read it over maybe listen to some of them get an overview of how it works wash rinse repeat so what we're going to do first is we're going to choose our Market I have a list of things you can use to choose the market it's actually a list of the different keywords that we had right down here and it's got all kinds of different notes and learning resources and stuff like this I will include this over at download notes.com with a list of 100 niches you can do this in so first what we're going to do is we're going to choose our Market real estate AA speaker tap gurus make money people therapists whatever it is think about what they would want to do then we're going to pick the flip so AA speaker tapes flips into rehab self-help might flip into law of attraction something like that or maybe selfhelp maybe you'll find something for self-help or maybe there's a course or something like that we're going to go through and we're going to find what is going to make us money you can you can even do business where we're talking about like business loans and things like that think a step ahead what are these people going to want maybe if I'm going for uh the religious guys and the bible stuff maybe I'll find some kind of Bible offer or something related to Christian right like this okay you got Christian t-shirts prepping different things like that that Christians are interested in then what we're going to do this is step three this will cost money to do however if you want to do it for free you can use a site like uh maybe like medium or you could use blog spot or a free blogging software whatever it is what we're going to do for those of us who are starting a business about it highly recommended we're going to go over to go hub.com we're going to follow the instructions to start our first website with hosting it should only cost like $100 a year at the most it's like a couple bucks a month it's well worth it you'll get your own domain name and what we're going to do is we're going to get a domain name about what we want Florida housing updates or something like that or maybe the best preachers or sermon notes or recovery audio tapes or recovery audio notes or whatever it is make it simple make it easy then we are going to structure our content after the searches this is super important because if I take this giant list of all of these preachers and I put that into my keyword tool right like this we're going to go through and we are going to see that lots and lots of people are searching for this stuff we got tons and tons of traffic from Joel ostein with 173,000 a month Billy Graham David Jeremiah and we could even compare what these people say about the end times and you'll see like Joel ostein if you were to go in here and do something like Joel ostein end time or end times or whatever it is you're going to see that they do talk about different things what does Joel oin say about end times or Joel oin Romans what does he say about the Book of Romans uh what does Joel ostein say about love all kinds of different things and you can see all kinds of crazy stuff that these people will talk about and since you're piggybacking on multiple people making notes this is going to work extremely well I could say okay what does what does um Chuck Smith say about end times there we go we can do Chuck Smith and times you can do Chuck Smith rapture different things like that um and you're going to see that there are searches now even if you see a low volume here don't worry we're piggybacking on the bigger topic with the names that's why this works so well because Rapture I mean that's got a lot of traffic so piggybacking with these is going to work really good and you can even go like okay maybe you say something like David Jeremiah or whatever it is D David Jeremiah Rapture um different things like that and you'll see that they will pay obviously we need to spell their names right it doesn't look like I did but you could go through and piggyback them is this starting to make sense to you let me know in the comments type makes sense and I I want to make sure you're getting it same thing with like AA stuff you could do step six step five step 12 whatever it is and help people with these speaker tapes and you will see that these do get lots of traffic so even while this one isn't ranking for a ton of stuff if we were to go to similar web and type it in right like this you're going to see that they get quite a bit of traffic because people are coming back for more over and over and that's what your notes are going to do so we're going to structure after the searches and we're going to make content here's what the top Bible teachers say about the Rapture here's what the speakers say about step four very cool then we're going to go through in step five and we're going to find the angles what are they doing this for why would they look at speaker tapes why would they look at the Florida real estate why would they look at this stuff we're going to go through and we're going to find the Angles and figure out how we're going to make money if we're in the Florida real estate we can do refinance right like this Spell correctly refinance like this $180 a lead or we can do home prices or something like that right house prices sell house different stuff like that Realtor something like this a real estate and we can find all kinds of stuff you can find offers on ClickBank you can find offers pretty much anywhere here's another one for Real Estate mle fool a cash offer for Real Estate $63 a lead and on and on we go I mean there's so many ways to make money here it's not even funny and so when we understand the angles now we understand why we're making the content then what we're going to do is we're going to create a juicy lead magnet that all of these people would want if I was going to go out there and do notes on Alex horoi Frank Kar this guy that guy and the other those are all money-making copyrighting business people what would they ultimately want well they're probably looking to start a business that's exactly why people would look at it just like you're watching this because you want to do side hustles and make money online same kind of thing here we're going to make that lead magnet to be very generic and it's going to drive them in just like I showed you here where that lead magnet is going to be what the guys are saying about Florida real estate what they're saying about this that or the other very important this is going to build your mailing list and that is Step seven we're going to use aweber and WordPress I'll link to some videos in the description to get people in to put their name and email every page of notes you create on a topic is based on a keyword and we'll have the link that says click here to opt in it's very simple let me map it out for you so you can see how it works if we were to go here and say this is our website maybe it's something about the best recovery books and your making notes on recovery books and speaker tapes and all the stuff like that on your site you are going to go through and say okay let's keyword load this maybe we'll do like Sandy B link to it stuff do good work if you do a good job people are going to like this stuff and they're going to want to come back for more so I'll say here's the top speaker tapes here they are here's the notes from them here's what to learn from them here's where to listen to them here's where to download them different things like that we're going to use AI to help us out it's going to be very simple on every page that we create or every post we make on our blog we are going to have a banner and this Banner is going to say download the free guide here it'll have a little picture of the guide you can go to canva and make a picture and it'll say here's a guide based on the top 10 realtors in Florida and what they're saying about the crash and what you need to do now they're going to click that and that is going to take them to a page page that is going to get them to opt in okay so we're going to go through here they're going to click this so we'll go like this they click the banner that is on all your notes pages and then they're going to go here and they're going to opt in let's see here text field they put their name right like that make it a little bit bigger here they put their name and their email and they hit submit I don't know if I have a button on here I think I do we'll make some kind of button right and then they're going to click that button and that is going to put them on the list so the button would say you know download guide here okay and they're going to download the guide so name email and this is all controlled a third party use something like awe or or whatever autoresponder again the links in the description will describe this so we'll put name and email and then once they put their name in email they'll go to a thank you post says hey thanks for signing up glad you're here by the way Florida real estate is tanking click here to refinance by the way if you're interested in speaker tapes here's a cool recovery list of books use your Amazon affiliate link or whatever it is okay this is going to have the thank you it's going to have some resources and it's going to have your money magnet your way that you're going to make money okay then you're going to watch rinse repeat well Marcus what do I do next well next you're going to go through you're going to find another speaker oh here's this guy and all these people talking about step six or uh Florida refinance or whatever okay each of these pages of notes is going to have the thing to get them to opt in you can also have banners and stuff that'll make you money as you see fit maybe if you're talking about one of my favorite speakers is Anthony Dello maybe you're making notes on Anthony deo's talks and you link to his audible right he has lots of books on Audible audible pays like 10 $10 when someone signs up or maybe you can link to the books on Amazon if they want the physical book or whatever it is and each of these is going to get you traffic over and over and once you have them you can even share them maybe you go to maybe you're doing lav attraction and you got all the speakers about lav attraction and you find lav attraction groups on Facebook you join them and you say hey I made notes on the top lav attraction people and what they say to get you the manifestation of your dreams or whatever it is right wash rinse repeat if you were to go through and do the same thing and say Now list the now please list just the names of the top 50 Law of Attraction speakers and what you're going to see is the traffic literally goes off the charts and we could go through and do okay here's a list we'll just take the first 11 just to show you how big this is and we go to keyword Explorer right like this boom boom put that one on a new line just so it catches that and now we're saying okay check it out people are looking this stuff up the competition is nothing all I need to do is summarize make notes talk about helpful stuff don't plagiarize don't give away the farm if you're doing a book you don't want to give away all the stuff just talk about what it is and how it helped you use AI to do that and again worst case scenario you learn so much about this Market you can now become the guru yourself either being behind the scenes without your face and your voice or be in front of the scenes and and and do that again we can go through and we can do summaries of what BR Bob Proctor says right A lot of people don't like the fact that my videos are really long we're at almost 40 minutes of recording so far this one's going to be kind of long a lot of people don't like that they want short concise stuff what if you were to go out there and say here's some notes the takeaways from Marcus's video by the way check out his products here and then you use an affiliate link or whatever it is it's actually super super simple and so what we're going to do is this process of building a list making content selling stuff and running ads and when you do this right as I've done over and over as we saw the notes guy who's making hundreds of thousands a year just taking notes and selling them we can do this in a way that is super super simple we can make Pinterest pins about what the top people say about XY Y and Z we can do X we can do this we can do that and there's tons and tons of money note taking is a huge business as we've seen here cliffnotes made a small fortune they just got acquired a few years ago they get a lot of traffic what are they doing they're taking notes that's it so what if you were out there helping people understand things faster using AI to make things concise and easy so that they can digest it in a very very simple way much like I do if you are tempted right now to get the notes from this video over at download my notes.com it is 100% proof that this method works again it is a business it takes time it takes effort but I think it could be very rewarding if you're willing to do the work and if you're using some of the social media traffic tactics you can actually make this work super fast and let's say you were doing it in law of attraction there's tons of op offers out there let's say you were doing it for safety or this or that there's all kinds of things that you can make this work for and make a living in a very simple way and make sure you check out the video in the description about my other side hustle with AI notes it's a doozy it did really well and of course download my notes.com for the notes if you want to work with me personally and ask questions and be on group calls each and every week we have two calls every week where I get on there answer your questions we go through the tech we go through the money we look at your niches we look at your sites we help you every step of the way then go over to blog profit network.com and I'll see you in the Tuesday and Friday calls thanks again for watching check out the links in the description and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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