[Music] the coming AI financial crash today we got a lot to talk about we're going to go over what this entails how to prepare yourself and how you can actually get rich on the coming changes that are going to happen with AI this is one you're going to want to pay close attention to so make sure you smash that like button because we're going to dive in and we're going to go through literally everything I printed out tons of notes we got lots of PDFs and opinions to go through on what is actually happening now when we went through we were going and looking at the different news reports that were going on we had Steve Forbes CEO said AI is the Y2K crisis only this time it's real and so we're looking at this stuff and here's Julian Goldie from Julian Goldie SEO talking about failures in the Google search and we've seen that Google has been shaken to the core this year where they're talking about AI content what's good what's bad what can you use what's going to happen is AI going to replace the way we search because after all there's over8 billion searches done every single day on Google yes that's about 999,000 searches every single second that's a lot of searches and so what we're going to do is we're going to dive in and look at this Forbes is saying that Goldman Sachs predicts 300 million jobs will be lost or degraded because of artificial intelligence and a lot of this stuff looks like utter Doom and Gloom and a lot of people might be saying well Marcus this year has gone by fast it's over a year since chat GPT came out and I don't know what to do I feel like I might be getting left behind in the AI race and if you feel like that smash a like button and let me know in the comments below because we are going to go through and we're going to get you up to speed on what it takes to actually turn a profit we're going to talk about the downturns the upturns and trends that you're going to notice online I've been doing this business for about 23 years now and I've learned a lot of things and one thing I've learned is that gloom and doom and bad news cells so you're going to see a lot of hype you're going to see a lot of junk but today we're going to get to the truth of what you need to know now as we look even further we could see all the different things that are going on my prediction is that the internet was full of content before and after AI it's full of even more content I don't know about you but searching around on YouTube trying to find video ideas I have noticed AI channels popping up like like crazy and a lot of them have really junky or poor information and nothing really that good so what we know for a fact is that AI content is showing up everywhere but the big question is is it going to last is this truly the way to profit and we're going to show you that right now so we can see that a lot of shakeups have happened we've seen Reddit gain in search engine rankings we've seen lot of sites lose search engine rankings some huge news outlets have completely gotten their traffic obliterated by the Google helpful content update and the questions are is blogging dead a lot of videos I watched in preparation for this we're saying blogging is dead hang up your coat blogging is out Google's taken over everything with AI and Reddit and we got to look at this and understand exactly what's going on because when things change there's a small window of opportunity a gap where people paying attention can put a lot of money in their pocket and that's what we're going to talk about today is how to find that Gap how many of you guys are ready for that Gap and you want to know and you're like wait a minute I'm in IT smash that like button if you're ready to go so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at some of the data here all right we see here a AI will be at the center of the next financial crisis that's like from the SEC chair himself we also have meta AI scientist reportedly warned Mark Zuckerberg that Facebook and Instagram could go extinct we're talking like dinosaur catastrophic extinct if they don't catch up with AI so even the top billionaires are being warned of this we can also see different social media stat statistics and different things going on another one is the rise of chat GPT generated content the rise of AI generated content how do we detect this how do we know what's real what is fake we're going to see a lot of things happen now that there's video AI cloning Ai and all different things like this where it's really difficult to know if there's actually someone talking is this actually me here on the webinar in this fancy suit more about that in just a minute we can also see that the data overview this is something I really wanted to look at in a real way because we were looking at data reportal and they are showing the 2022 Global overview report and the 2023 and what we're doing is we're comparing what happened then and what's happening now this is super important because when we look at these statistics we're seeing an amount of content grow and grow and grow in a way that is unprecedented and like nothing you've ever ever seen so what does this mean for us does this mean you're going to be left by the wayside and only the people who know how to get search IND rankings are going to make this stuff work well not exactly and we got a lot of notes here that we're going to go through and we're going to talk about in just a second and I want you to pay close attention because what we're going to talk about today is super super important and some of the stuff that I have been teaching you over the years and months or however long you've been following me is going to Poise you to be successful in 2024 now a lot of people are going to look at 2024 and and they're going to look back and say what happened maybe I lost my savings maybe I wasn't able to invest maybe I missed this whole AI boat like I did in 2023 how many of you guys feel like this year came by so fast AI was going so quick I mean there was literally like a tool every day or three tools every day for those paying attention where AI came out it's like I I can't even keep up right and I do this for a living I probably have the worst case of ADHD in the world and I still couldn't keep up with those rapid changes and we need to look at this and say how are we going to stay focused and I'm going to give you one little tip before we dive in even more and I'm going to talk to you about how to stay focused and the way to stay focused is one thing well all right we're gonna focus on one thing and we're going to do it well and we're not going to get distracted this is super important because so many people online are are showing you different directions and different ways to go and it's it's taking your attention and every time you take your attention and you divide it up what's happening is the slices of the pie are getting smaller and smaller and smaller and I'll never forget a story that I learned early on in business back when I was about 20 years old I was trying to start a business this business I I think it did pretty well what do you think and I was trying to start this business and I had a friend who was in the automotive industry and this guy we were pitching an idea to this guy and if he bought on it it probably would have gone really well but since nobody bid on it I went on to do something else and I haven't talked to that guy in years but at any rate we were talking to this guy and I was new to business I didn't understand Concepts I read a couple of books but I was kind of winging it and he said to me he's like hey wait a minute would you rather have a giant piece of a small pie or a sliver of a big pie and what happens is this sliver actually ends up being more money even though people get funny and they're like well you know Marcus I'd rather have the whole thing I need to own it for my ego purposes for me I don't really care I mean we look at it and it's like okay how much of Amazon does Jeff ozos actually own like less than 20% and yet he's got money to like put planes on top of yachts and probably put him on a spaceship and go to the Moon all of the above and we look at that and we're like okay well what did he do he got a small piece of a gigantic pie and so what we're going to do is we're going to start to understand that we can't dilute our our attention trying to focus on all this stuff is going to get you distracted and it's not going to make you anything trying to focus on hey I'm going to do one little thing and I'm going to do it right and that one little thing is going to be a small slice of a giant pie and that's what we're going to look at here because The Times They Are a change in and when we look at Ai and we look at all this stuff we see that things are changing rapidly now I mentioned this in a previous video and someone kind of put an interesting comment about it and I was talking about how the SEO industry is a trillion dollar industry because when you look at this you have to look at people searching Google leads to so many things and so much money that it's not even funny if we were to go over here and go to spyfu okay we're going to take a look at spyfu right like this and we are going to take a look at something like plumber okay if you have a local plumber all right this let me come on in here let me show you the magnitude of what we're talking about because a lot of people think that when you search Google you're just looking something up on Google and Google's like this great wonderful resource of information and it's free and it's great but somehow they get hundreds of billions of dollars a lot of people think oh well Amazon came out and they just opened a store and magically it got rich although a lot of people don't realize Amazon was built on the back of Google searches if there was no Google i' dare dare say there probably wouldn't be an Amazon unless there was some other search engine in which case they would have used that so bear with me a second and look at this very important all right apparently we triggered something with the camera to zoom in on me that was pretty cool but I now I got to stand way back here we'll see if we could fix it here let's see where did our our button go bear with me one second gotta love the AI robot cameraman there we go that's nice and pretty all good all right so when we look at this we look at plumber right and we're going to go and we would look at um something like plumber okay so I'll go to Google and we'll type in Plumber plumber got to sound it out that's that's a weird word okay so if we were to look at plumber in Google we're going to see um sponsored results we're going to see some more sponsored results a map and some information about plumbers now a lot of people people think oh well you know this is just some plumbers trying to get some business no big deal what does this have to do with AI what does it have to do with the changes happening online and how is this going to make me Rich well let's take a look here if we were to go to spiu and type something in like plumber we're going to see that the average cost per click is $15 so let's map this out and let's show it in a real world way okay so if the average click is 15 bucks all right let's get this here so the average click is $15 for the word plumber all right now on that plumber we have to look and say well what is an average plumber charge every time they look at my house even if they just drive by and look at my house somehow magically I get a bill and it's usually in the range of like $300 to $500 okay that's pretty expensive so what the plumber is doing is he's taking this and saying well if I get 20 people at 15 bucks that's going to be $300 which means I can break even to get a new customer now what is that customer worth over time right it might be worth you know 3,000 or maybe you redo your bathroom and maybe you do 10,000 or whatever it is so what they're doing is they're looking at this and saying okay we are going to play the odds now usually what it looks like is one out of 10 if they know what they're doing they can close those so what's happening is this little $15 by Google is turning into this giant money all right this is where we get that SEO is a trillion dooll industry because there are so many people doing so many things and there plumbers you got uh termite people you got stores you got all kinds of stuff and what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to get in front of them because there's going to be a gap in the marketplace in 2024 there is going to be the other people Gap the other people Gap is going to be the people that are complaining about loss of search rankings and the people that know how to fix it this is going to be a huge industry there's going to be a lot of money for those paying attention also we're going to talk about how to do this on your own and I'm going to show you exactly what you need to know now looking at this we need to understand okay this is great but again how does it work how do we go from a plumber to like okay here some content here by Yelp Reliance plumber Shamrocks and all these other ones Orlando Das plumbing services and you know all these other ones okay where does it go and why why would Wikipedia show up for plumber right that's a $15 click I I don't think like I really don't think the intent of looking up plumber is like what is a plumber I don't think so okay this is another thing we're going to look at where with the shakeup as I've seen over the last 23 years Google always gets something wrong there's always something where there's there's room for improvement there's something wrong there's always things that slip through the cracks and as we saw this year with AI if you were paying attention or not paying attention we saw that lots of people got extremely wealthy in very short P per periods of time based on this they found a gap they exploited it now was it eth was it good white hat SEO no but did it make people Rich it did so we have to look at it and say well for me what what are my ethics what do I want to do and how can I do this in a way that that does really good stuff so what we're seeing AI is definitely going to be a big thing when we look at what AI can do it is astronomical like tax accountants get ready because AI can do tax accounting better than most accountants so you know maybe the bookkeeper might be worried about a job writing a lot of writers are worried about their jobs because AI is doing really really good A lot of people who do data entry or research or different things like that for example at the beginning of the year I had three people on staff taking notes for me from these videos so for these videos and now I had one person and Ai and this was a really heavy note video like we went through a lot of stuff to create this and so we're looking at that and saying okay now I can get that with one people which means two people are out of a job so this is what we're seeing here there is a fear there is a worry that things are changing if you were to look at the Twitter landscape right um here we're talking about SEO and AI Google is releasing uh different platforms they push back one of their platforms to next year Microsoft early on this year dumped 10 billion into open Ai and we're looking at all these different things and a lot of people are worried about what are the changes what is going to happen a lot of people are saying hey my rankings are dropping the search con console is is shaken up things are happening to this trillion doll industry how many of you guys want to be on the winning side of this industry type Winning Side and smash that like button and and let's go over what are the changes going to look like like now again when we look at some of these sites okay yes new Bing co-pilot is coming soon we are going to have a demo on that um because I did get it was a pain in the neck but I did get uh access to their Enterprise um a AI co-pilot stuff uh we're reviewing it we will have a video on that uh coming up very soon now what we're seeing here is people like this guy says AI could cause catastrophic financial crisis catastrophic we like I don't know how to act that word out maybe we need to make the camera like zoom in or something there we go catastrophic um there that's pretty cool I got the AI camera man there you go what are you g to do right um and we look at that we're like okay this is pretty cool we are looking at that now I got to find the uh the thing to make it not zoom in where did that program go let's see I think it's over on this screen it's on one of these screens somewhere but we will we will find it uh later on I don't know maybe I'll just stand back or something but what we're seeing is um this stuff is really really making a big change right and so we're looking at this here where did my camera go hold on one second we're going to find this thing and we will fix it here I know it is over here under O Come on robot camera I don't know how maybe it zooms out if you do that maybe like that Ed oh now it's following me okay does it follow me now okay let's see here we're going to go over here bear with our Tech difficulties okay come on where'd it go I know it's over here somewhere over here there it is okay cool all right now okay we're going to put this smart camera thing over here that way if I trigger it we will be able to fix it all right how you guys enjoying this smash that like button if you're enjoying it so here we have uh this catastrophic financial crisis he's talking about testing sa safety testing um you know a lot of a lot of things about plagiarism um different stuff like that AI induced financial crisis AI will be at the center of the next Crisis they're talking about um different papers trading algorithms um when we get into trading algorithms who knows what AI is going to do like this is all new so we have to look at that uh we also have can artificial int intelligence prevent the next financial crisis well we shall see um a lot of stuff there where we're using AI to do predictive modeling which is really good financial institutions are forecast to double their spending on AI double their spending which they probably already did but financial institutions that's interesting like your bank is going to invest in AI all right well my question would be what for interesting okay and when these companies start others are going to follow suit uh how to prevent AI from provoking the next Crisis economic business impacts of artificial intelligence um Elon Musk is saying that he's warning of AI triggering all kinds of crazy stuff mass unemployment this is a big fear right A lot of people are afraid how many of you guys right now are afraid that AI might take your job you're like hey I do this this task and AI might take it just like in the old days when people would do Factory stuff and all of a sudden some magical you know uh AI bot came in and and took that over uh just like if you were to look at videos of the Amazon store right where they do the Amazon shipping you're going to see hey it's all done by robot like that took out a lot of $15 an hour jobs and a lot of $20 an hour jobs and things like that and what's going to happen with the trucking industry goes Ai and we're looking at this and saying okay this is looking pretty crazy what are we going to do okay what are we going to do here well I'll tell you what we're going to do how many of you guys are like yes I I I see that there is change happening I see that there's a huge huge shift much like in the in the days where you know we had a Yellow Pages book and then all of a sudden the internet came out and there's this multiple trillion dollar industry just shaken to the core and now money's being shifted right again this is important a lot of people are going to talk to you about making money and getting money and money disappearing right in the 2008 financial crisis they talked about money disappearing as if it just you know as if the money just went I don't know if I could still do a magic trick but if the money just went nowhere right but the fact is money doesn't go nowhere it just changes hands and if you want to get money we need to understand exactly how this works cuz it's about to change hands and we want to keep that in our hand and we're going to talk about how to get that so what we're seeing here is that there is a lot of stuff going on when it comes to AI now we are seeing that the internet is a huge money maker I mean you can't really debate this this is like 2024 the internet makes a lot of money I don't think anyone argues with that so what we're going to do is we're going to look at what we need to do do all right if you are a blogger if you're out there and you're blogging or you're an influencer or whatever it is all right good the magic trick went over good if you are a blogger or influencer what you need to do is you need to diversify all right stop relying on one traffic Source build a Blog build a mailing list right mailing list building will keep you going a lot of people have said oh it's the death of email marketing oh my gosh email marketing's been around for 23 years I've made actually more than that um I've been doing it for 23 years I've made millions of dollars on mailing list marketing and what it does is it provides you an audience that's always there again remember how we talked about people are willing to pay $15 for some clicks if I can generate clicks on demand using my mailing list well then I'm kind of insulated against whatever changes happen which means when I diversify I can go out there and I can do something that would work really really quick case in point last year I didn't know much about AI I will tell you AI kind of blindsided me I didn't see it coming I saw Jasper and I was like yeah I tested it out back in the early days and I was like okay this yeah it's not very good now it's gotten better I haven't tested it recently but back then that was my take on AI and December 2022 rolled around and everyone started talking about chat gbt I went into my little backyard office and I said I better do a video on how to make money with chat GPT and the video took off right what was that well that was me diversifying I made a video drove people back to the mailing list and even though that video isn't doing that great now that drove over 600,000 people to my websites my blogs and my mailing list which allows me to Market to them again some of you guys might be watching this today because you watched that video last year very important so if we can do list building all right that's a big deal a lot of social media people are going to need to keep up with the trends because the algorithms are going to change all this stuff is going to change AI is going to get smart and what these companies are doing like Facebook and Instagram is they are trying to predict what you want to consume because let's face it it's a little evil but this is the goal of these companies all right you got Instagram Tik Tok YouTube the goal of these companies is right like this we're going to try to draw this okay all right screen the goal of these companies is to get you to watch the screen as much as possible why because that makes the money plain and simple the longer you're on YouTube the more money Money YouTube makes the more you search Google the more money Google makes the more you're addicted to Facebook and all the interesting stuff that's on Facebook the more money Facebook is going to make so when we see this they want you to look at the screen a lot now when AI comes in okay they already have some models that are that are doing this and it's only going to get bigger what AI is doing is it's saying how do we feed this person what it wants and to give you guys an idea of this if you've ever researched a topic and watched a video you might wonder why YouTube shows you 50 other videos in this topic okay what they're doing is they're trying to predict what you want to watch predict what is going to keep you there okay very important now when AI comes in the algorithms are going to change when the algorith Ms change lots of people lose lots of money and there's an old adage in business that says when business is good you ought to advertise when business is bad you've got to advertise so what does all this mean Market there's a lot of talk here you know people need to see things they need to click ads Google's big AI is huge what does all this mean well what this means is there is now a huge huge opportunity and this is an opportunity that I am taking advantage of right now as you're watching this and that opportunity is to diversify to build a mailing list to add a human element to AI this is what is going to get weeded out the people that are just using AI posting it as is without any interaction to try to game the search engine to get some traffic to make some money with Spam that's going to go away plain and simple Google has said it other people have alluded to it it is the fact this is what we are seeing okay so if we can add a human element right maybe a a Persona maybe a human review maybe something that you know about okay also another thing we need to adapt we need to be able to roll with the punches watch what Google does find what's happening and be able to act fast now a lot of you might be saying well Marcus I don't know how to act fast what am I going to do well what you're going to do is you are going to use AI to act fast you are going to go out there and you are going to find the gaps and I'm going to show you all you got to do is smash that like button follow me and watch my videos throughout 2024 and the rest of 2023 and I guarantee you are going to learn a lot of good stuff we have a lot of people here in the audience who have tried Snippets of the things I have taught and have made money if you're there feel free to share that you've made money from some things that I've taught I know we had some people that made money on Black Friday with a very small thing that I taught and that is an example of spotting the gaps how can I spot gaps online whether it's a trend whether it's creating something of value that I can give away to build a mailing list to sell other stuff and promote other things or whatever it is okay another one is we need to stay vigilant and it doesn't mean you have to like check your computer every 5 minutes like I do it means we want to stay on top of things now with AI there's going to be two Trends one for apps that will do this for you right you can go out there and watch my video on RSS feeds pair it with AI it works people make money with it I make money with it another thing you can do is using AI to stay on top of these and follow follow the news and look at things just this morning I was able to look at you know 50 different websites get notes from them in a split second using the Google Bing tool very simple this is something I couldn't do before but now I'm able to stay on top of this in a simple way and when you look at it again we are talking about okay I don't need to parse the entire internet of all the information that's kind of what Google does so what I can do is find something small and focus on that and direct it right there do one thing well whether you're like Matt who's doing his drones expert in the drones use AI to figure it out go out there and find places where you can tackle onto this are there AI drones are there different softwares and tools what is there that we can do whether you're in that Niche whether you're going into a niche of finding coupons AI can find coupons like crazy AI can find this stuff for you and I think what is missing is a lot of people don't understand the power of what AI does okay it's been around a year and for me I'm pretty much dumbfounded by how powerful this is now a lot of people know well you know it just writes a 100 articles on a bunch of BS topics and yay that's not the strong suit and if you're focusing on the wrong thing you're going to build content you might make a little bit of money maybe you'll make a bunch of money but it's going to phase out and again it's all about bucking the system what we want to do is we want to focus and look at this and say what can I do how can I have this help me with what I need to accomplish and when we look at this it's like okay I can make this happen again with the other people Gap how can I watch Ai and maybe help plumbers or help uh liit mazine company owners or local businesses or even broad businesses very important another thing we're going to look out for which is going to be on Friday's video Friday or Monday depending on my timing um is prompt engineering jobs if you were to go to Google right now and search for prompt engineering jobs you are going to see they're paying anywhere from like 100 Grand to 300 Grand to 500 Grand a year or more for prompt engineering AI development type jobs now some of these entry level jobs you don't really need that many skills or experience because hey there's a very few people that have a lot of experience with AI because it hasn't been around that long but if we understand that wait a minute it's about searching differently it's about understanding what's going on in the marketplace and how to use it just like a couple weeks ago or I think it was last week I did a video about how to search Google different ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you paid attention to that video but over the last 23 years of making money online I can say there's one thing that I know that has made me the money all right am I a good video editor maybe I don't know not really takes me forever and I can't stand doing it um am I a great content writer no I suck like I I write like I never went to school right um am I great at all these things email marketing not really I'm okay but one thing I'm good at is being able to find information using Google in a unique way where most people would search and give up I'm able to do that that's the one skill that I'm like I'm glad I got that because everything else I'm not that great at so if you could learn how to search Google the right way and again look for that video it was a live stream I believe where we talked about it and we were talking about you know how to use search uh colon with a website and then a query how to use quotes and I think it was yeah it was the one about the the Google Google search shortcuts this one here right make money with these Google shortcuts so you can watch this video it's on my blog um and it shows you the different shortcuts and these are what made me money now I'm going to tell you well let me show you there do that off screen okay it's right here so you go to affiliatemarketing dude.com and it's right over here uh the Google search hacks you can watch the video right like this and then it's got the different search um things here now when you pair this right because searching Google with the little Google hacks is cute and wonderful and great but when we pair this with AI it gets ridiculous it gets into the level of like oh my gosh I can make so much money it's not even funny like this is this is next level stuff and this is what people don't get I can use AI to learn some something extremely fast I can use AI to literally watch a thousand YouTube videos and get notes from them without even watching them it'll just go get the notes it's something that I did um last night for this right I was going out there and um I had my outsourcers do the same thing because I'm training people to do this as well we have a team here that that builds content and we can see here um we went through like Google versus blogging and we were looking at the notes and you can see at a glance AI when used properly is absurdly powerful like watch this I literally put in the notes the transcript which is free into chat GPT and then it's going to spit out some notes for me once we get to the end here there we go um and it says here's the notes right and it'll parse it in a way that makes sense now one of the things that people also don't get is when when you're doing a session with AI I can give it the notes and then I can say well now what did you think about the last 10 videos what did you learn and this is something extremely important and this is something where if you don't learn this you will get left behind but we could see here okay it's got the notes here then I did the second one let's use this scroll bar here right got the second one here it did these notes okay talked about Google lawsuit and different things like that where um they revealed different search things that they they the criteria right and then we're like okay here's video three and then it did that and then once this is all loaded into a session what are and then I could say based on this what are some concerns for AI the future of Finance okay and this will go through and it'll talk about hey this is how this is going to work and what people don't get is when using AI a lot of people let's let let's have a little talk here come on in let's talk to your old buddy Markus here years ago in 20 2008 2009 um a lot of people in the industry were talking about this thing called Outsourcing and they were like hey you know you can go get employees from other countries to work for you extremely cheap because of the exchange rate and the amount of money and what it costs to live in different places and so everyone got hyped up on it it was the the 4-Hour Work Week you know kind of revolutionized this and everyone got obsessed with it and I had a lot of friends in the industry that were like yes hey Outsourcing is the key but the problem was is that most people were looking at Outsourcing as I'm going to hire these people and they're going to make me Rich and and they would hire people and they' wonder why these people aren't making them Rich right I mean I'm paying them money I pay them $100 a week or whatever it is and you know you can get them uh that inexpensive in some some areas but why are they not making me Rich I mean you would think Amazon has a bazillion employees that's why they're rich quote unquote and that's not why they're rich they're not rich because they have a bunch of employees if you opened up a shop and you got 2 million employees the only thing you would have is a giant big payroll bill that's what you'd have so all these people were looking at Outsourcing in a way of I'm going to hire people to make me Rich and they didn't really know the task to give them that would in fact make that happen and the same thing's happening with AI people don't know how to use it AI right now can and is making lots of people lots of money I'm about we've already passed our best year ever this year because of AI and it wasn't even like a small pass it was a big pass and I can't stress to you enough the value of what you have like we think about it and a lot of people think it's this cute thing that's going to somehow create articles no that's not what it's about you're missing the point if if that's what you think you're thinking like the people that probably hired a bunch of outsourcers and didn't make anything because they didn't know the power of what they had like it's Human Resources using people's resources and using people's time to be able to make money and when you understand this things start to change there needs to be a shift in your brain and it needs to happen now how many you guys are feeling it and you're like okay I'm starting to get it I'm this is making sense it's it's like all the gurus talk about mindset and they're talking about sitting on a mountain and singing Kumbaya and manifesting money all right great fine wonderful when you have enough people following a certain thing there's going to be proof that it works just because of the sheer numbers right if everyone tries to manifest something someone's going to get something naturally right if everyone who plays the lottery is a manifestor the one guy who wins is going to say look it works no doesn't matter if manifesting was around or not there's one lottery winner for every winning ticket right it's just a fact and a lot of people are looking at this and they're talking about mindset the wrong way I will tell you there are billionaires that have shitty mindsets there are there's millionaires that have crappy mindsets there some of the people you're like wow that guy's greedy and miserable and I thought the Law of Attraction stuff was where it's at it's not where it's at what it's about is understanding what you have because you can manifest till you're blue in the face you can wish and want and desire till you're blue in the face but if you get all that out of the way and you say wait a minute this tool this stupid chat GPT for 20 silly dollars a month can make me Rich if I shift my mind in that way stop trying to manifest and start learning how this is going to help you because right here right now you have the ability to get information so fast it's not even funny this is like if the internet was this big of a cable all right AI is like my entire house right and when we think about it you have to look at Aro says in order to make money you have to to spend money that is a myth you do not need to spend money to make money case in point when I was about 7 years old or 11 or something like that it's hard to tell cuz when I was 11 I look like I was seven hopefully now I don't look like I'm my age I don't know you could be the judge of that but when I was about 11 years old I wanted a new skateboard and skateboards were expensive to an 11-year-old I mean it was like the ones that we wanted were like the fancy ones it was like 150 bucks and I didn't have 50 bucks I didn't even have money to do anything and so what I did is I got a a jug of soap and I went around to the neighbors and I was like how many of you guys would like me to wash your car and I went and washed cars and we learned hey if we did good and we were nice to the people they would tip us more than we even charged and we were able to make about aund I think we made $170 each which was more than the skateboards and it was me and my brother in about a week didn't cost me anything we had the soap already right and if you're watching this we have to look at this and say hey wait a minute I can use what I have right now Marcus I can't afford $20 on chat gbt fine go over to to MSN and ladies and gentlemen I just all right we got the dramatic zoom in ladies and gentlemen I just found a tool we're going to have on the channel That does this with PDFs but I I was messing around with it here as well um and what happens is you can use the B AI tool for free I can go here and it can do all the notes and it can research and it could do pretty much anything it's free doesn't cost anything and it's more powerful than anything in history in terms of finding and parsing information so let me let me get this straight you have access to the internet okay fact you might not have money a lot of people say it takes money to make money those people are trying to sell you courses that's that's where that line came from right there's a lot of sales jargons and lines that are basically hidden versions of yeah come buy my stuff all right but I'm going to tell you like it is because I know that people want information they want it straight up and if I give it to you straight up those of you who want to work with me will come find me right you'll be like okay I'm going to find your website I'm going to learn I'm going to make this work all right and those that have money will pay for it and they will work for me or work with me and and so we're going to look at that and be like okay very important but right now you have the ability to use this and make money there are so many ways to make money with AI it's not even funny doesn't cost anything doesn't take a lot of effort you just go use it and the way you're going to use it is in a very very specific way okay we can't get sidetracked you're going to be you're going to be tempted to be sidetracked how many of you guys in 2023 you're like dude I was sidetracked I I did not know what was going on and you know how many of you guys made nothing right how many of you guys are like I made nothing okay sucks but that's a fact why' you make nothing because you got sidetracked you got sidetracked and you didn't realize that it was about this stuff it's about diversifying and it's about understanding what's going on right like there's so many ways to make money it's not even funny and they're here on this Channel smash a like button subscribe and and watch those now the last thing we're going to look at before we get into the real world nitty-gritty of how to survive this change and how to thrive is going to be domains now early in 2021 one I started getting back into uh domain buying and lo and behold one day I get this call on my cell phone and no one ever calls my cell phone because I don't even know what the number is right like my family texts me and that's about it I'm not a big cell phone person and I get this call on my cell phone and it says GoDaddy and I'm like wait a minute why is GoDaddy calling me and this guy calls me from GoDaddy and he's like hey how you doing I'm like I'm doing all right how you doing why you calling he's like well I just wanted to reach out to you because you're one of our top domain buyers I'm like wait a minute I'm in an office in my backyard did did you know that he's like yeah yeah you're one of our top buyers like wait a minute okay cool but I got into domain buying because domain buying is really powerful and when you P pair domain buying with AI you get something Unstoppable because a lot of people right now they're freaking out about the Google back in the old days we called it the Google slap right Google would come on and hey buddy you need to clean up your actor we're not going to rank you on the old search engines and now in 2023 and 2024 we are seeing this as well now what Google says they do like is Authority we like Authority we like people who know what they're talking about that's what we want right which translate they want things other people want to look at because all of this hinges on bear with me this if you stop using Google they're going to change the way that they serve results why because they want you to use Google if you stopped watching things on YouTube they're going to change to adapt to you because you are the king right when they say the customer is always right in this instance yes it is okay in other instances not really I've worked customers support and sometimes some customers are not right but at any right what you're going to look at here is Google has an algorithm and if we can keep people on our websites and our blogs it'll work and if we can get a domain to jump start the process bada boom bada bang and a lot of people they watch my channel and they say Marcus I need some proof you need to prove to me it works one guy this morning literally was like you need to send me money or I don't believe you and I'm like wait a minute that sounds a little weird like so now we got to give away money to get people I mean I thought giving away knowledge on how to make money was good but what are you going to do right and so we look at this and we're like okay when we focus it has to do with giving it what it wants and we're going to show you some proof here because when AI started and the whole point of my domain Ty raade there is the fact that I actually did a video live uh let me see where I could find it it was something about like emojis let's see here uh um affiliate marketing dude all you can always search the old affiliate marketing dude there and you will find me all right there I am right there but we did a a a live video a couple of months ago about the smiley face Niche okay and I sold this website to a student of mine and he's he's doing phenomenal with it um and we set the site up live it was one of these like right around here somewhere somewhere somewhere somewhere and we bought the domain and we actually set it up live and we were showing how to do it was a smiley face domain where did it go mugs is like right around here this one incident traffic this one here um and what we did is we talked about um getting instant traffic with AI and we built this site we're zoomed in again I'm gigantic all right here we go we will fix this come on zoom out do there we go all right I don't know which hand command makes it zoom in but at anyway so we had this video here and uh we did a ranking and and and so with this one um a lot of people got hammered with the Google algorithm change right we saw uh like Outlook India which was a big news site that got tanked Outlook India and we cover this stuff all the time if you're new Smash a like button subscribe look at this they lost half of their traffic in six months half that means like if they were so they were making they had an estimated $7 million a month worth of free traffic and it went down to 3.7 now a lot of you guys might be saying well I'd like 3.7 million you know that'd be nice making $50 million a year would be pretty cool but for this company they lost it overnight all right now with me we're going to see Moji edit.com which actually gained look at this this site ladies and gentlemen was set up live on this channel live right in front of you I was like Hey here I am buying the domain I bought the domain it cost me $2,000 I've done this with $10 domain so calm down if you don't got to Grand it's okay and watch my videos on domain buying they are going to be so important for 2024 it's going to be crazy so we're looking at this and we're like okay um 11,000 keywords 30,000 visitors gaining right other ones we did um I don't know how our SUV ones done I know we transferred it new SUV um and this one had some new scv.org that was it um it's gaining a little bit now the value here is a little subjective I don't think the person has worked on it much since we transferred it but it does rank it's actually climbing in rankings this one was like a number 10 or whatever and when we look at this it's like okay pay attention this and the Emoji site ladies and gentlemen come on in let's let's have a chat here 100% AI content 100% % this one here best SUVs for visibility 200 searches a month we look over here and we have uh new SUV I think we're right around here there we are right there okay so what we're doing is we're tackling things that are working and since we know Google makes hundreds of billions of dollars because of search rankings well then I think well correct me if I'm wrong if I had search engine ranking I would probably make some money what what do you guys think you guys uh Hey that hairlight camera is doing its job pretty good but how many you guys are like wait a minute that totally makes sense I get it and all I would need to do is focus on key wordss that get traffic luxury midsize SUV I'm ranking number 23 okay or whoever owns the blog now I did sell it right and we look at this and we're like hey that's looking pretty good now some things did tank actually my own personal affiliate marketing dude website the traffic totally tanked but that's not my main traffic Source because if you look at it the traffic overall to the website didn't tank because I'm doing like I said diversifying and we need to understand there we go it zoomed in on me again let's let's see if we can get these right we need to understand that diversification is key I think there's like a let's see does that follow me something it's blinking is no one something I don't know um but what we're doing is we're looking at the fact that we need to uh diversify now excellent question let's let's take some question you guys want to do Q&A let's do some Q&A let's talk about hey what are your questions and concerns about AI in 2024 the financial crash that could be happening because of AI the job loss what are you guys's questions throw them at me let's get this thing rocking and rolling let's let's dive in and and talk about this because when we look at okay why did Outlook India uh lose traffic Outlook India was a press release website and it was a popular press release website that people would just go put press releases up on and it wouldn't necessarily be relevant to what people were searching for Google rewards relevant and about the topic right if people search we want good info like if they're searching for what are the best SUVs with visibility and I give them SUVs are cool they have bad visibility click here to get an SUV loan people are going to be like wait what that don't make any sense I don't I didn't come here for a loan I wanted SUVs with the best visibility and I know from experience I'm not that tall of a person and I have an SUV that has crazy blind spots and it's difficult I wish I would have had an article back then before we got it but you know at any rate we'll probably get something else down the road but I do like my van that was made for men of my stature and so we look at this and we're like okay um they lost keywords why because it's not relevant and look at the DraStic decline 12 million value down to three a fourth of what it was why junk content I'll tell you right now one of the big caveats for this was the fake reports on ClickBank supplements right they were like here's all these reviews and whatever um about ClickBank supplements now a lot of people are saying what evidence do you have that AI is causing folks to lose their job well here um I'm doing the work I have about we have like five people on staff here in the US and about 10 um outsourcers and the 10 outsourcers are getting the job done that would have taken about I'm going to say about a 100 before now using AI I don't have to have a 100 okay same thing here like you're going to see a lot of data stuff a lot of mundane tasks people who make money with Excel sheets and taxes and things like that the the facts are if you look at these news reports by these people um AI will be at the center says SEC chair so you can listen to me or or you can listen to the guy that apparently uh America trusts with financial advice uh again take everything with a grain of salt and and only make financial decisions based on your stuff and I I would also venture to say you know don't like look at things objectively with me even when I'm buying domain names I'm very very keen that I need to know I can get my money back now so when I spent two grand on that domain name I'm like okay what are the odds I could sell it for two grand and it was 100% I'm like okay I'm buying it for two grand at auction which means like the guy below me was willing to pay $1,900 99 which okay so I know I could at least sell it for that and also looking at the value of it because when you look at something like mooji edit okay you're going to see why did it work well because of the back links that were important like Wiki how talks about the eggplant Emoji uh Sparkle Emoji so what we're doing is we're building this up right we're building this up in a very very simple way uh let's see Tim timi what uh oh you're talking about um yeah you're talking about the uh Outlook India yeah it was a parasite SEO parasite SEO is what is explained as trying to rank just for the purpose of ranking and not providing value we want to provide value so when I go through and we're looking at like okay the thinking Emoji okay is this about the thinking Emoji yeah it is okay um is is other stuff about other things and we start to look at that and start to understand okay that's what we want to do now when I buy domains there's lots of of videos I have here on buying and selling domains which again it's going to be huge in 2024 just like it was last year I made a fortune um over the last over a long time buying domains and what I'm doing is I'm usually looking at the GoDaddy auctions the name cheap auctions the expired ones like I can go and I can look at okay I want domains for like n bucks go to to um this here scrapbook warehouse.
Net and get that for n bucks um all these other ones right and auction Riot yeah I could probably sell that for more than 10 bucks classifi um different things like that or I can go to GoDaddy where they cost a little bit more uh spam Zilla is not free um you can look up expired and auction domains like I mean you can go to Google auctions I think auctions.com will show you the auctions um and then you can put those in a free keyword tool it does take longer like having a program like this which um you know I have some instructions for this on my website as well but this will help you buy domains and understand okay well what what do I want what can I use um and and what has rankings and what has back links right you could do this by backlinks rankings um all kinds of things traffic you could see which have the most traffic it's like okay so I could take a look at these and see what's out there okay okay some of them I buy some of them I don't but I can build these up in a simple way because what it's doing is it's really piggybacking on something that already has Authority um affiliate says if all the bloggers give up there would be an avalanche of available domains that's what's going to happen right like whenever there's a crash people ditch their domains and I buy them right that's what we do it's kind of like uh buying businesses that that uh struggle because they don't know what they're doing like the couple months ago there was a ice cream store that went out of business and we liked their ice cream it was good and um you know I I my wife told me she's like hey they went out of business I was like well that's a bummer I wish they would have called me because I know how to make those businesses Survive and Thrive and it all has to do with marketing and I remember you know I got into this talk with my family and I'm like you know it's all marketing they're like no it's it's the quality of the The Ice Cream and the product I'm like no it's not as much as I think we should have good products and good quality it's all marketing right case in point McDonald's is the most successful restaurant in history you think it's about food quality it ain't about food quality it's about their marketing they had clowns and stuff that made our parents buy it when we were kids and it Associated the memories and now it makes billions of dollars and is like a big strain on the health industry but we look at and we're like okay it is about marketing and if you learn the skill of marketing and you pair it with AI you are unst if you know what you're doing um melon I'm trying to locate about Facebook memes you had two guests on uh yeah so we deleted some of those we do have I am still working on that with Leonard um probably after the first of the year I I've gotten so busy I haven't contacted the poor guy about doing it um but that's at meme profits.com um let's see what are some ways someone new to learning AI can start learning and profiting okay here's what I'm going to do how many you guys want to learn a simple way to profit with AI and McDonald's is a real estate business yes and no like they do own the real estate under it but most of their money is made in different ways do they hold a lot of real estate yes but without marketing they'd have nothing um so yeah let's take a look at this so if you were to go to chat gbt and you start new or you could do this with with Bing chat GPT is going to be better because it has a longer uh um longer memory like I can keep a chat GPT going for hours Bing is going to time out after like 30 okay so what I can do here is I'm gonna what I'm going to do is I'm going to do something important okay you want to make money with AI I'm going to give you one word and we're going to put the one word on the board so we got to go over to the board here all right what we're going to do is we are going to get our pen because our board is useless without the pen right and I'm going to write this word down which is super important curious we are going to remain curious this is super super important if you don't remain curious you're going to be at of business probably most likely and what I mean by that is like okay when things happened in restaurant Industries got crashed like two or three years ago workout companies I remember we we went to a gym and they didn't adapt and now they're out of business I mean you think about it like the ice cream guy dude probably sunk his life savings into that place marketing could have saved him but he wasn't curious enough to learn marketing the skill of marketing will always beat the skill of making good ice cream the skill of marketing will always beat the skill of restaurants case in point Applebee's has commercials all the time and I watch their commercials and I'm like who took pictures of that food because that's the one I would have thrown out that's my own personal preference not a fan of the food but again they're making lots of money I'm not can I cook better than them I like to think I can but when we look at it it comes down to marketing and we need to understand that so now when we come here we're going to be curious what are some ways I can make money helping local businesses with a a I okay here's what you're going to do you are going to practice practice makes perfect they say that to be a master of a craft you need about 2,000 hours practice now luckily we can make money as we're going along but if you want to get good at this use it I have used AI more than I'd care to admit I've worked more this year than I've ever worked before I've also made a lot of money but we need to understand I'm going to be curious I'm going to learn what are some ways I can make money helping local businesses okay customize marketing strategies Inventory management so we're going to look at this and I'm going to be curious about this okay I'm going to say now please expand on part one like this okay always say please and thank you because if Terminator tells us anything we want to be nice to the robots I I learned that growing up in the 80s be nice to the robots just trust me on that right exactly like Jose says Ben and Jerry's was all about marketing all right and the AI cameraman is now he's following us around let's see how good he does let's see he follow us around here we are over here there's my desk over there somewhere and I can walk over here and I think it follows me too but it looks pretty cool right uh AI is pretty much everywhere it's in the camera it's everywhere I don't know how to make it stop track in there I think is that cool all right but pretty cool stuff um and so we're looking at it and we're like okay now I can say now please expand on part one it'll expand on it for me right like this and by the way while you're waiting smash that like button let other people know that this is where the good stuff is okay osmo 3 um obsbot obsbot AI something like that good camera I I got one for that computer and then I instantly went and got three more cuz they're just they're fantastic they're really clear which is what I wanted my other obsbot was not that clear right and by the way there's a guy reviewing these right if you go out there and you're like obsbot tiny 2 I think that's what it called the tiny two um and there's people reviewing them and selling them I mean look at that 157,000 views 20,000 on and on we go and reviewing products again firsthand experience is going to win right that's what's going to win when it comes to um ranking right and we look at it what is Google saying they're saying video firsthand experience is it like could you go and buy a couple of obsbot cameras for 300 bucks each and make videos on them and run this reminds let's have another story you guys want Story Time type story time if you're liking story time we'll have another story all right back in the old days when I used to be a preacher uh there was this buddy who I preached with the guy ended up being like not a nice guy uh but you know to each his own and this guy um he made good money before he became a preacher reviewing products for the uh UL listing right so like if you have an electronic device and let me see if I have one here here there's like a UL listing on them which says basically this thing is safe for people to use right so like I think this one I think that's what that eel is right there um and so what happened is is he would test them and and I'd go to his lab and it was it was fun right I liked hanging out with him when he was working because we would go and basically you'd take this camera and you would you know put it in hot water you had drop it off a off a stool you'd do all kinds of things to see if it would withstand what kind of damage you it went through obviously make sure you do this in a safe way and know what you're doing um but you know you can do the same thing with the camera like we could go through and test it out much like I did today plug it in test it out see how it works and you can see people are doing this here and that's what that guy did and he was doing it for the UL listing but we can do the same kind of thing where we're testing a product in a really really easy way exactly underwriter uh labs and you know it was something that worked and it was it was fun to watch like wow this is worth money this is worth money testing these products and making it work and this is the kind of thing you can do here right like you can go and even if you have no money you know take the last thing you bought on Amazon review it go put the video on Amazon you will get paid when the thing sells it's insane they literally pay you to review a product on Amazon you get the traffic from Amazon they host the video on Amazon and you get paid when they buy it it's so simple and now will you make a ton of money I don't know I mean I have some friends I think one friend was doing like 6K a month with that again results not typical implier guaranteed but there are so many ways to make money and can you do this with AI well yeah I probably could okay so back to our our test here we can learn about this stuff right so here we go now I can go through and say okay cool um let's do expand on great if I wanted to do what would that look like as a business right and so I could go and say okay well maybe I'll create emails or content for businesses right now um we made a good amount of money this year we actually had to shut it off because it was so popular my AI content business and we're turning it on right now as we speak um but it it was so popular because people want content and strategy and this is telling us how to do it so what you would do is you would go through and allow AI to help you in a simple way and if you guys want to stay on top of this check out blog profit network.com it's literally like a hundred bucks and then $37 a month and we have calls every week I have like a bunch of AI Tools in there we got plugins you can ask questions we're there to help you you can watch all the replays of all the calls which is pretty much like the biggest course ever if you want and all kinds of good stuff but it's it's a a community where we're helping each other and when we look at this okay here's our business structure we can even go in and say okay I want to make review videos on webcam that fall that track your face what are some top cameras okay okay again AI is going to do this I don't have to do the research I literally sit back have tea and here we go Joey says what is the best way to find gaps in a saturated lucrative Market using AI it's going to be helping helping them Heather says I look spiffy today thank you I found this in the closet I don't know if it's mine might have just been a random one I think it might be an older jacket but I was like hey you know what better way to look serious than having this there and we got our our fancy little like button right there and this surprisingly this was on the fridge when I when I got this house as my office I was like hey that's kind of cool pretty cool um spiritual says where do we find the replays for the bpn calls so last night's will be posted like later today it usually takes about 24 hours for it to be posted but they're right where you post your questions in the Forum uh which is cool okay so really cool stuff now what we see is this is doing the work here okay and actually found obsp spot which is cool so Watch What Happens we're going to get a a business plan from this it's literally insane it's so easy all right one second so now we have these give me one second all right so now we have all the different cameras here and now all I need to do is say okay now with these cameras so I mean theoretically like people spend thousands of dollars on crazy gigantic courses and they don't spend anything on on stuff that really works that's why with me with our high ticket niches and with our domains we're selling you something value okay I give you training too but we're giving you something of value so like forget about a guru course you could go out there and buy these webcams for probably let's say they're 100 to 300 each that be like two grand okay most people would just spend two grand on a guru course with the hope that maybe it'll teach them something or a thousand or whatever right what we're going to do is we're going to be like okay I'm going to buy the products that way I have something to use now I could say now outline a process I could use to rigorously test a camera to make a good review blog article and video okay we're going to do both we're going to do blog article and video we want to double double um double end it okay so now we have this Unboxing Setup and installation image and video quality testing there's your map like there you go now will you rank number one on Google with your first video probably not but what if you also paired this with a domain about webcams well hey wait a minute that would make us even bigger or what if we went through and took each of these okay so now we got OBS spot OBS spot I I don't know how you say that it's a weird one but we could see here if I wanted traffic from this OBS spot uh 1,500 searches a month 6,400 Global let's try obsbot I'm sure a lot of people probably spell that wrong okay or uh tracking webcam okay webcam tracking uh best webcam for streaming best webcam so here we have for Zoom meetings very specific stuff right and and here we have our map this is going to do the job of teaching us what to do we put it together bada bing bada boom there we go how many of you guys are looking at this and you're like okay I didn't think about that before that totally makes sense how did the call with GoDaddy end up did you purchase the domain he offered you no he didn't he actually uh just wanted to introduce himself as my rep a nice guy he helps me out with all kinds I actually have to call him today I think um I use free chat gbt and free Bing AI yes you can use free tools if you know how to use the tools it's key it's much like like this let's have another story all right come on in let's have another story here if I was out there and I had something like this and I was like hey I got this tool and I barely know how to use it I was able to put the blue light up back there so I I am getting better at using the old tools but if I know how to use that tool I can get the right stuff and I could build something of value right case in point um Let me let me show you guys something this is pretty cool I think it's was um Tiki Bar uh Etsy okay this will blow your mind I am probably the world's most terrible woodcrafting person however I did build all the furniture that is not all of it but a lot of the furniture that is here in the office so like right over here let's see I think I got to switch over here there is a point trust me so right over here I built this desk right there okay and we have another one over here we got lots of money on the ground too but we had that desk and I built that and one day I was actually looking on Etsy over here and I found out that there is a huge business of people building tiki bars and now again I want to point out to you that I am in fact the world's worst Woodcraft person okay and so here I can actually make these because this is how I make them you get 2x4s and you make them and when you look at this 20 views in the last 24 hours you look at how they're built and they are literally super super simple to build like if I can do it anyone can do it and the fact is all I need is to know how to use this it's all put together with this I don't I mean if you don't have saws and stuff Home Depot will do all that for you if you're nice enough and you give them a tip sometimes they'll help you out with that or you could get a saw and learn how to use that too and so what we're looking at is wait a minute I can do if I knew how to use the tool that would work ladies and gentlemen when you see here they're using a tool and probably 50 bucks worth of wood to make 400 bucks and you see they got tons of them like they ship them all the time 778 sales times that by 500 bucks that's some good cash right now how does he do it he's got a tool he's got the things he does a good job right here you have a tool with chat GPT if you know how to use the tool which is free you could build something that will make money does everyone get that smash the like button and let me know if you guys get that super super important if you get it things are about to change H head says what does this have to do with the 2024 and AI causing a crash well you're coming in a little late probably watch at the beginning we talked about that what we're talking about now is how to actually profit in 2024 with the changes that are happening very important right and so now we're looking at this and we're like okay I can build something now Jeff says imagine the shipping charges okay great so let me let me let you in on a secret I actually have a business over at content profit strategy.com and what we do is we create human directed AI content with a profit strategy so let me show you how I'm using this okay A lot of people are like well Marcus do you practice what you preach all the time I've been doing this for a long time what we do is we take some so you'd come to me and you'd say here's a ClickBank offer I want to promote it and you say I want 25 content or 50 what we do is we go through and we structure it and find what kind of content is going to help you sell okay so I'll go through and I'll be like okay here's the content if you put this together with the keyword searches it'll work okay very cool I want to get that question real quick but now we look at it and we build that now what we're doing there are no shipping charges because it's all delivered via email and websites right I'm able to create 50 pieces of content The Profit mark is ridiculous because a lot of it is just leg work right much like blogging and stuff back in the day a lot of it's just the the mindset work just like building the the tables okay those have a big shipping charge but this it's mostly labor right like when you go and you get your car fixed it's like well this part was $2 and to have them put it in was like four grand all right to having him put it in didn't cost that much like he he learned it but once he learned it it's over so once you learn learn to create stuff that people want with AI now you can start a business on it and that's what we're doing here is we have a system where we go through and we create content to sell pretty much anything whether it's you know Tik Tok videos whether it's blog posts whether it's social media whatever it is the skill that is worth the money is not content on paper it's what the content on paper is used for and this will change the way you think about making money because so many people think it's about the content or it's about the actual wood in the tiki bar or it's about the actual food no it's about marketing and the end result that you're giving someone which is what they want it's the old adage nobody wants a drill they want a hole in the wall that's what they want and if you understand that things will change drastically Andrew says I understand your point about being curious and I understand how how you use AI to draw out a conversation with AI but when you say If you think AI is only for articles you're not getting it yes so article marketing is basically glorified SEO we're trying to make articles for SEO okay that's one tip of the iceberg we can actually have ai help us think about an itch we can have it extract different things to create content for example it extracted a lot of the stuff that we went over on this call super important and so now we're looking at it in a different way okay very very important let's see here Christmas marketing advice we might have some I'm not sure yet if you want Christmas marketing advice Etsy is a great place for that uh TJ says been trying to get in ClickBank is the membership of yours promoting ClickBank it is not um I mean what we teach is how to promote anything if you want to use it for ClickBank that's fine if you want to use it for your own product that's fine too how do you get clients to your cont content profit strategy product I make webinars on how to make good content plain and simple right if you want um people to come to your marketing show them how it works it's like the late Cory rle uh said educate inform and sell more if I want people to buy my SUV I'm going to talk to them about all the questions people have about SUVs okay so I could do which SUV which SUV is best for this most reliable should I buy so now I can go through and say okay which SUV is is the most reliable talk about them oh by the way this one I want you to buy happens to be reliable or this one here does this if you if you teach and you look at things different like what's the best way to sell this webcam well the best way to sell the webcam is follow this unbox it show how it works I have literally bought $2,000 camera equipments based on a YouTube video and I'll never forget uh years ago when I first started doing YouTube I'll tell you this story this was a fun story I first started doing YouTube and I was you know I got like what 30 views a day or something and um I have live chat on my websites and this guy comes on live chat and he's like I've been watching your YouTube videos and you know what you're talking about I want to I want to learn from you and I'm like okay well here's our course and he's like well I don't want to buy a course I want to learn from you and so I'm like okay how do I how do I nicely tell this guy I don't want to you know I don't want to teach him oneon-one because it's timec consuming and so I'm like okay I'll just say hey $20,000 I'll teach you in person for two days and I'm figuring the guy's going to be like nope I'm out 20 grand get out of here the guy's like send me your your link and he paid right there on the spot and I started to realize so I made a video teaching something simple and a guy watched the video and wanted to buy something big and I was like wait a minute okay there's a light switch here where educating and helping people with content sells product and it sells product unlike anything you've ever seen before and when you look at this this is where people get silly and they have ideas in their head about what works and what doesn't work and they said well you know Marcus all your money is made from from just ads well no that's about like 8% the rest of it is other things and when you understand that okay if you have a video about the OBS spot camera right and you get 50,000 views all right maybe you'll make you know I don't know a th000 bucks if you're lucky maybe 500 maybe 200 I don't know but the amount of camera you'll sell is worth a lot and this is key because if you understand the flow this is this is what I'm all about I'm all about the flow and the money and when we looked at this earlier and we talked about the value of SEO right we had talked about okay here's this plumber who pays $15 to get traffic on Google but this is a huge industry so what I'm looking at is how many many OBS spot cameras were sold from YouTube videos and the answer is a crap ton a lot of them there have been businesses built on YouTube videos on Tik Tok there have been businesses that have been astronomically successful just by videos about the product and when you start to understand that it's like oh now I see that this is in fact the key to the kingdom understanding how to sell this and when we look at that it's like there really is no limit you just go out there and you do the stuff that's good Based on data we need to be focused on data and that is going to be the key uh yes Bing is on Microsoft browser you don't need chat gbt just go to Bing Edge I think is what it's called and you can use that right away um but yeah these things are going to change and we need to look at this in a real world way and understand that a lot of money is going to be made and if you're standing around like maybe you did for 2023 maybe you stood around and you're like well I saw AI come and go and some people got rich but I didn't and if you want that to change smash a like button subscribe and watch the videos in the description and if you want join blog profit Network or high ticket nit.com and we'll teach you how all this stuff works which is very very simple and straightforward and when we start to look at that it all adds up and if you follow the path and you do it long enough and you do it right and you look at the data you can be successful but again results not typical implier guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing but I think you're starting to understand that this can work in a real world way so smash that like button check out the videos in the description and I'll see you