How to Start Affiliate Marketing In 2024 – FREE STEP BY STEP COURSE!

[Music] back when I first started affili marketing it was the year 1999 and remember back then we didn't have a whole lot of information like we do today it was more or less MLM schemes network marketing ssome Herbal Life phone company stuff or get into this new thing called affiliate marketing and there was a lot of confusion around what affiliate marketing actually was a lot of people thought it was a scam some people thought it didn't work but I knew beyond a shadow a doubt it was probably the biggest way for ordinary people to make money that the world has ever seen and I remember sitting there in the living room of a rundown mobile home that later got bulldozed that I lived in with my brother and some friends and I was thinking to myself here I am sitting in this junk yet I have one of the most powerful ways to make money in all of history right at my fingertips and I remember making my first affiliate commission for $10 I rushed home to show my dad what I had been doing and I said dad this internet thing called ClickBank sent me a check for $10 and he would laugh and say well what is a click Bank how is that even real are you sure this stuff is legit fast forward to the year 2004 when I started promoting smiley faces online those little programs that you can send in Skype and text messages that make cute little smiley faces back then I promoted those and got 70 cents every time someone downloaded this giant pack of smilees that they could use for whatever they wanted I thought hey maybe I'll give this a shot and that year from October to December I made over $70,000 promoting smiley faces I later went on to make millions of dollars promoting very similar products and some other types of products like web hosting pet insurance video game software phone services internet lead offers you name it at one time I probably made money with it and you've probably heard of the one affiliate offer that I had on Myspace years ago on the music page actually took a screenshot here and saved it yep that little ad got me about 20 million impressions a day and was responsible for my first year making over 1 million in affiliate commissions now back then I was 24 years old we had just moved to Northern California bought our first house and this affiliate marketing thing was paying off really well and in just a minute I'm going to show you what makes this whole thing work plus I'm going to show you how affiliate marketing made me over $6,000 yesterday alone plus I'm going to show you how to get started in affiliate marketing in a super simple way but first a story remember how I said my dad was laughing at ClickBank and wondering how I was making money online and if it was even legit and real well a couple years ago when he got really sick he had asked me to take him on a motor home trip from California to Alabama I can't stand motor homes they make me sick they make me feel confined I just don't like being in them let alone living in one for like 3 weeks however he was sick he needed some help and since I had the time because my affiliate marketing business was automated I decided to take that trip and I sure am glad I did and I remember on that trip we were driving somewhere around Texas that state takes like 5 months to drive through and he asked me to run in and get some things that he needed to make himself more comfortable on the trip and so I ran in and he said oh hey hey how much was it and I said Dad don't worry about it he said no son how much how much did you spend in the store I want to I want to reimburse you and I said Dad don't worry about it now keep in mind my dad taught me a lot about business and I owe a lot of My Success to the things that he taught me and we always had this ongoing joke about how much people were making or what this website did or how his business was doing and different things like that and so after he pestered me several times I said dad I made like $20,000 today and he turned to me and he said Marcus you made $20,000 riding around in a motor home I mean I didn't even see you crack open your computer today and finally he relented and let me pay for the items that I got in the store and that goes to show the the power of what this business can do for you never before in history have we been able to share a link to practically the entire world and get paid when they click it fill out a form buy something try out a product download something or whatever it is I mean just think about the power here right now where you're sitting you're watching me on the internet billions of other people are going to be on the internet today too and there's these companies that are willing to pay you when people click a link and perform an action as Oxford dictionary says affiliate marketing is an arrangement in which Affiliates receive a commission for each visit sign up or sale they generate for a merchant this Arrangement allows businesses to Outsource part of the sales process so what's in it for these big businesses and how does does it work if I'm a business and I want to generate customers but I don't want to run expensive ads or do anything crazy all I want is people who are interested in something well then I can put a lead capture formb up and tell you I'll pay you A1 $5 or even $100 when someone fills out that form or let's say I want to generate some sales for my new fancy coffee mug I could go out there and tell Affiliates well this mug costs $20 if you make the sale I'll give you five or 10 or if you're Amazon one more about that in just a minute but I want you to realize that affiliate marketing has made lots of people Millionaires and I know there's a lot of misinformation going on in this affiliate marketing space so today clear your schedule we're going to get down to the Brass tax of how affiliate marketing Works what you need to do if you want to make money with affiliate marketing some super easy ways to start affiliate marketing even if you're broke and some ways to get started that you can shortcut If You Don't Mind Investing a little bit that's right this is going to be an entire course and somewhere along the way I'm going to show you not only where to get the downloads of the notes that I have on this video but also a free copy of my affiliate marketing manual that's right we're going to send this out I'm going to tell you where to get it in just a little bit so if you're excited and you're ready to learn how to make affiliate marketing work for you smash a like button your old buddy the affiliate marketing dude has got your back come on let's get started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is a full-on affiliate marketing course showing you what you need to know to be able to make money online as an affiliate now I'm going to try to do the best I can been a little under the weather this week but we're going to have the show anyway way so let's dive in now what we have over here we got our whiteboard set up so we're going to go over and map everything out so you understand exactly what's going on we got the main set set up and everything ready to go now you're going to be able to get notes from this video at download as you can see the notes are gigantic I mean this is probably like the biggest blog post in the history of of the world well maybe one of the biggest and we're going to go through and talk about how this works and we're also going to have some Q&A uh what I did is before this training I went through and I asked uh my subscribers I said hey guys do you have any questions about affiliate marketing and stuff like that so we're going to go through that if we have time towards the end we will take some questions live from the audience that's you and get through that as well now first of all what we need to do is we need to understand how affiliate marketing works when we're looking at affiliate marketing we need to understand the basic concept because there's a lot of people out there that are talking about affiliate marketing in different way ways and they're actually charging you for affiliate marketing now this is something that started I think it was like 2003 as when I really saw this got popular where they would charge you to be an affiliate of a program which is not affiliate marketing that's more of a racket so be wary of that there's a lot of them out there uh that I was looking at and if you guys saw the video I did on Tik Tock affiliate marketing you will have seen this search that we did for uh don't forget to watch Dave's Video on the next page if you were to search for that in quotes like this you're going to see there's like literally hundreds of sites promoting the same exact thing where they charge to become affiliate marketers and stuff like that that is not a representation of what the affiliate marketing industry is the affiliate marketing industry started long before some of these guys that are doing all kinds of different things now when we look at affiliate marketing what we have to do is we have to understand as a whole what this is about it's actually very very very simple affiliate marketing we'll put AFF for short right affiliate marketing is where you have a business okay this is your business here he's got his business and he's doing all kinds of stuff maybe he is a pest control business maybe he has software maybe he's a lead generation firm maybe they are generating paid traffic or something like that now when you have the big business like this they want to get customers all right over here we have all of our customers that want to buy stuff all right we'll put some money in their hands so that they can buy stuff now when we look at this this customer wants or this business wants to be linked with these customers but he doesn't want to go out there and and spend a fortune and hope that it works think about this for a minute how many times have you watched TV and maybe you're like me you're not feeling good the other day and you watch TV during the day just to take your mind off things and you might have seen an ad for like hey if you were in a a car accident call Bob the attorney or maybe you saw hey here's this thing going on or here you could buy the snuggy blanket or whatever it is okay Those ads are very expensive and these businesses know that those ads are very expensive I'm talking millions and millions of dollars so what they do is they say what if we went to affiliate marketers and we were to find people that maybe can get in touch with these customers that are interested in a snuggie or maybe just got a car accident have a claim to make or whatever it is so they take their money and they are paying for what's called an action an action okay the action can be a sale a download a click a lead a phone call anything anything that drives people to this person because what's happening and you might have seen it where I think years ago they had that add- on TV for hey if you are part of this thing get this free book that's going to teach you about a loss suit or something like that all right they were generating leads using TV and when they come here online with affiliate marketing they might pay someone like me and you $100 to get them to fill out that form yes ladies and gentlemen I did just say you can get up to $100 when people fill out a simple form online we are going to break that up now I want you to know the results we're going to talk about I've made close to or maybe over I haven't done last year's numbers yet but I've made close to about $15 million online now a lot of that was with affiliate marketing and most of it was because of affiliate marketing and so we look at this and we're like okay how does this work and we need to remember that the results are not typical implied or guaranteed while there are lots of people that have made millions of dollars online the vast majority of people trying to make money online make nothing so keep that in mind as we go through this is a business I am going to treat you guys like business people and we're going to look at this in a real world way because I think that once you get it you'll be able to do it in a simple way now when we look at affiliate marketing we need to understand how it works first you have three parties in affiliate marketing the merchant the business we drew up there the affiliate that's me and then your customers very simple okay so you have those three parts of the affiliate marketing equation if anyone tries to add to that right if they're like hey wait a minute I got an idea we have party number one which is the business who wants customers we got party number three who is the customers and we have party number two which is me the affiliate all right when people get creative and they start to say hey wait a minute what if you get Affiliates under you all right that's not affiliate marketing that's a racket all right you should never be charged to be an affiliate all right and you should never have a downline or something like that that is not affiliate marketing I know right now on Tik Tok and everything there's all kinds of misconception about affiliate marketing but if you look at it in a real world way I want you to understand that the possibility of what you have right now right where you're sitting for free right I'm not asking you to pay me anything the real affiliate companies aren't asking you to pay anything they want customers so you can go get customers and make a living in an easy way so you have three main places or three main parties to the affiliate marketing equation number one is the merchant that's your business the business that you're promoting number two the affiliate that's us and three the consumer now when you're an affiliate there's two different things to look at there's what's known as a publisher and a merchant okay we are Publishers we are publishing content to get people to do different things now to show you what this looks like we're going to look at a bunch of different sites here we're going to be looking at offer vault which is an affiliate Network we use often it's not a network it's a search engine ClickBank we use them quite a bit digistore 24 Which is popular uh jvzoo here Amazon and several others now we're also going to be looking at like Pest and stuff like that because a lot of people say well Marcus can you do affiliate marketing without a website without money without anything yes you can it's actually extremely simple now is it recommended to do this without a website no it's not because what you're going to do is you're going to build a huge thing it's going to be huge when something changes it's going to be gone I've been there done that learned that the hard way in about 2006 I was promoting um cursors the little uh like a mouse cursor you know you could turn your cursor from an arrow to a baseball bat or a basketball and I got paid when they downloaded it and I noticed that I was promoting all of this stuff and my affiliate link were ranking in the search engines and you might be saying well Marcus isn't that amazing you got your affiliate links to rank in the search engines and it was pretty cool right I was like hey this is great I'm getting uh lots of traffic and I was making about six figures a month at that time and then all of a sudden they were like we're going to change our affiliate link structure everything I had built was gone overnight I mean imagine that you're like hey I'm making six figures a month and overnight I got to figure out something and change this because a lot of it's gone now Pinterest can you do that yes you can um Tik Tok can you do that yes you can YouTube all of this stuff everything that you're going to see online hinges on two main things it's either affiliate marketing or selling of your own products or merchants or Shopify or whatever it is right what we're looking at is two main things and there are two sides to the coin and there are not three sides there's just two all right side number one is traffic if you are an affiliate and you don't know how to get traffic news flash you're not an affiliate that is the job of the affiliate plain and simple the job is to get traffic so while we talked about those those people on Tik Tok that were making terrible videos they were like literally like snapping around and pointing at stuff and driving traffic to MLM type kind of thing all right while I don't agree with what they're promoting the video style is working for them it is getting traffic so on one side of the coin what they're doing is they are Affiliates now the scheme that they're promoting is a little bit different so as an affiliate there's either traffic or the other side which is conversion or money okay now as a basic affiliate marketer most of you guys are not going to have much control over conversion other than what you do in your traffic right what you do in your traffic that sends them over to the offer is going to help convert like if I say hey click here to win a prize and then I send them to buy something that's not going to convert good but if I say hey check it out you could get X Y and Z over here when you buy this product okay that's going to convert a little bit better so we have traffic and conversion if you are not working on either of these you're wasting your time all right I got people all the time they're like oh hey I'm going to learn how to make you know Alex horoi videos okay well first you need to get traffic if you are not focusing on this you are not an affiliate this is what an affiliate is the basic idea case in point let's talk about Oprah all right Oprah has this same kind of model A lot of people have in business what they call the Oprah effect now it's being called the Tik Tock effect which we'll talk about in a minute the Oprah effect was that Oprah I think she had curly hair all right draw Oprah here pardon me Oprah terrible drawing but if you have Oprah over here what people would say is hey if I go on the Oprah show and talk about my new book right I just got this book I'm going to be reading this looks like a good book right um if I have this book and I go on Oprah it's going to be an instant bestseller I am instantly going to have a business she was responsible for making the Law of Attraction as popular as it is today we won't falter for that she might not have known but at any rate we look at it and we're like okay so literally she was like the affiliate she had the audience they had the product audience product two sides of the coin that is what affiliate marketing is about now when we look at this there are different sides to the coin because if you can learn how to get traffic if that's all you learn if you're like Marcus I just want to learn how to get traffic because basically you are the affiliate marketing dude which is the traffic dude if I had no traffic I'd just be the marketing dude with nobody to Market to and just be the dude right and so we look at that we're like okay what types of things can we promote now can I go and build a following on Pinterest Tik Tok YouTube and these other platforms absolutely 1,000% it is not hard to do the problem is people aren't focused on what they're promoting they are not getting a tight-knit group of people interested in something when we look at the GS that were on Tik Tok that were promoting the stuff that was not my favorite kind of stuff to promote it was a bizop kind of thing that I I didn't really agree with um they are getting a following in a tight-knit group of mostly uh stay-at-home moms that want to make money that's what they're doing so in that aspect that is something that you can do now do you have to be in that type of Market no is that the most profitable Market no is that the most profitable product no I look at their traffic stats and my earnings per click again if you're an affiliate you need to know this stuff EPC is our Bible this is our Bible a lot of people say Marcus you know if I'm doing videos on YouTube how do I get monetized well you're not going to focus on monetization because that it's okay I mean you know I get a decent amount of money basically the money I make mon izing this channel goes back into making good videos for you so that I could teach you I don't I don't really take much of a profit there but how I monetize on the back end is important because what we need to know is once someone watches a video or looks at a Tik Tok or looks at your Pinterest okay once this happens how much am I getting for every visitor who goes to the link I'm sending them EPC is earnings per click excuse me getting over a cold earnings per click is super super important because if I know this number overall I am going to win okay if I know this number overall I'm going to win if I don't I'm going to lose so write that down EPC is super important all right when we're looking at our EPC over here we need to know what this is going to look like what are the products we can promote we're going to need to get our other board over here because we're running out of space all right we're going to try our best here to get you guys all the info to be good affiliate marketers all right so now when we're looking at this we're going to look at various types of affiliate marketing we have payer sale okay paper sale is obvious this is like uh ClickBank okay if I go to ClickBank and I promote an offer what am I going to make or if I go to offervault and I do cooking right if I do cooking I can see here we have some kind of coffee we have Teflon pans uh we have organic snack bars this stuff here okay what I'm looking at is what is the EPC now the EPC is broken down into a very very simple equation okay when we're looking at the EPC are we on this camera I think so one of them all right we'll try Okay EPC is broken down into what you make earnings Commission on commission okay so if you get $10 per lead $50 per sale you're going to take the amount you earn on the conversion let's say it's $100 and you are going to divide it by the number of clicks you got pretty simple now I remember years ago um I was talking to a buddy of mine Nick nimon and he has a great Channel about how to grow YouTube fantastic guy him and his brother are just great good people all around and I was talking to him and we did a video and he had said Marcus you know I noticed that you you tell people to go to the website a lot which is good but how did that work out and I had told him well of the people who watched the video 10% went to the website 7% of the total video people actually put their name in email and I was like he's like wow you know all these numbers and I'm like yes this is what I do for a living I'm an affiliate marketer I need to know these numbers if you don't like numbers get a calculator start liking numbers because like I mean what is money money is numbers so if you don't like numbers it's pretty clear why you're not getting a lot of money because you know is what that is what money is so we're looking at this and we're like okay I need to see what is going to make me the most and also be within my ethics wheelhouse as affiliate marketers it is your job to take care of Ethics just like we talked about with the Tik Tock people Affiliates that promoted the mob online income scheme right it was my online business Empire the dude got sued so did some Affiliates because they were promoting something that at the end of the day if they didn't know it was shady then they probably shouldn't be business people because that was like as plain as is day and so we got to look at that at the end of the day you are responsible if you're worried about it pre good stuff promote a pan or a a steak Knife Set or or something that is good and awesome and honest right like I can go out there and I can do um I can promote Norton just the other day um I got a new computer and I had to get Norton on it and you know it was a pain in the neck to order it because it was like oh you have to have LifeLock and I'm like I don't want LifeLock I just want Norton this one here um $70 a sale $110 a sale now with this you you are piggybacking on that brand right like everybody knows Norton so it's going to be easy to convert now you might be saying well Marcus how would I get traffic for this how would this work well ladies and gentlemen that is where affiliate marketing comes into play okay when we're looking at affiliate marketing we're going to go out there and we're going to say okay so what my job is is to get a targeted Audi okay this is where we're going to separate the big players from the people who don't know what they're doing or think they know what they're doing we are going to build something of value that they want so what would people of value want well first of all we ask we have to ask oursel well who would want this Norton thing right who who would want that well I'll tell you who would want that lots of people would want it all right maybe we could go over here and we can look on P or Tik Tok or whatever or even YouTube let me pull up YouTube in another Tab and I'll show you exactly what this looks like and if you guys are digging this smash a like button my head's a little foggy from being sick and we got a lot of stuff that I have to keep track of here so if you appreciate it uh let me know all right so we're going to go over here and we are going to do um let's do Windows virus Okay so if we go to YouTube and we look at like Windows viruses okay so like this guy here I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses he got 373,000 views in one month how many of you guys watching this are like oh Norton would probably work really well on something like that now again as affiliate marketers we need to be in it to win it if I wanted to be in that market which I have been in markets like that before what I did is I got a junker computer I tested did it out I documented what worked and I sold virus programs very simple right antivirus and Norton and things like that you can also see all kinds of other stuff where they are getting like here's one clean any mware off any computer free simple program okay good you teach the free program you point them to the other stuff so that they don't get viruses or whatever so your job would be going out there and finding people who would be interested in this stuff now I like to use tools like the AA F's keyword tool or sem rush to find out what people are looking for that way I'm not just guessing right I want to go out there and I want to say okay well maybe they're looking for remove exe all right exe is a a common type of uh file that commonly has viruses in it how to remove different exes you could even do remove from Windows right people looking to remove things from Windows or maybe even you can do something like um Windows 11 won't what won't their computer do um Windows 11 doesn't and now your job plain and simple in addition to spelling correctly does int there we go I think I got it right in addition to okay Windows 11 errors or something like that okay and you could do this in an easy way if we open up chat GPT you can ask it for the most common window Windows errors you could do Windows error right like this and bada bing bada boom there you go so now your job as an affiliate is like okay so what am I going to do if I'm going to do that Norton thing what am I going to do every day all day as an affiliate marketer let's say I wanted to make $100,000 a year promoting the Norton affiliate program okay first let's see I think it was $70 was was it something like that Norton yeah so $70 $110 so let's call it let's call it $100 okay so $100 per sale all right so now let's break out the math all right again Norton doesn't charge me anything I don't need to sign up and pay some fancy fee to some guy who whatever what I'm going to do is I'm going to sign up and I'm going to start promoting this so $100 all I need to do is get 1,000 signups a year okay Norton sells like probably 80 million people a year so me getting a thousand isn't going to really be that big of a deal okay now when we look at that that is about three people a day do you not think that if you spent time effort and did it like you mean it you can't get three people a day to sign up to Norton like how many of you guys are like what smash a like button type three sales in the box if you're like oh okay so now three sales now again ladies and gentlemen remember that number we talked about over here I'm going to try really hard to remember that this is a permanent pen and that is a whiteboard one we're going to try very hard all right whiteboard pen because that' be a pain I'd have to get a whole new whiteboard we're going to look at this number again the EPC all right so EPC if we have a 100 per sale on Norton let's say I get one out of 250 to sign up that means I send 250 people to my link and one signs up okay that would be about 25 cents EPC earnings per click people click I get 25 cents that would mean that I would know and that's pretty concern conservative I could probably get better than a 1% conversion rate this is like a 5% conversion rate or something like that but I could probably get 1% or higher especially since Norton is good but let's just make the math easy here that would mean that all I would need to do all day every day is focus on how am I going to get my 750 people okay so that's what you'd have to do you'd have to get 750 people at that conversion rate every day so you're letting 750 people stop you from $100,000 a year technically okay now I think I can convert better I could probably Whittle that down to about 200 and get three conversions I don't think that'd be too difficult Norton's a huge name so now my job would be well marus I don't know about viruses I don't know about computers I don't figure it out you want to be a good affiliate you got to figure it out it's not that difficult Adam says how would you get permission from Norton excellent question so what we're doing is we are actually looking at offervault over here which has the offer so I could go to V commission 2 by two media Max Bounty gur media all of these affiliate networks have this offer so what happens is there's there's a a kind of like a second partyish person okay so where we talked about this here where you have the affiliate you also have affiliate networks now affiliate networks make our job easy because they will have a bunch of offers we can use so if you sign up at Max Bounty you're going to get thousands of offers you can promote right now and get paid and you get one check or wire um every week depending on how much money you make for all the stuff you're doing impact radius Commission Junction rutin all of these are giant affiliate networks you have the relationship with them it's not like you have to go and talk to the CEO of Norton or something like that they do all this for you um back when I promoted mea which is a huge company um I didn't meet people in mea till I hit seven figures like after I hit seven figures are like can we fly you out and like take you out on the town we we like you making us money um but it wasn't until then that I even knew who these people were I actually didn't really know it was meva until later when I figured out the parent companies and stuff like that so affiliate networks are a big big part in this equation a lot of people get confused with offervault offervault is a search engine that's all it is they say how do you make money with offervault you don't offervault is a search engine where you find offers I could go here and I could say I want gardening offers and it'll find gardening offers and stuff like that okay so very very simple so now let's take a look at some of the other methods of getting paid very very important uh what if you're you're new to aler Vault and don't have any traffic or anything what you're going to do is you're going to focus on your following this is a great question if you are new and you're like Marcus I I don't know anything I don't have any traffic I just watched your video I've never been an affiliate marketer a day in my life well what you're going to do is you are going to get your following nobody ignores a following all right I get busy I get emails all the time I get emails every day hey you want to promote my stuff hey you want to promote my stuff hey you want no I don't want to promote your stuff I don't even want your email right I get them all day every day however if someone said Marcus go over here this is my Tik Tok I got a million people on Tik Tok and they all watch me talk about money and I'd like to have you share your stuff now I'm going to listen if you have a following people were listen now a following can be a Blog with traffic it could be a a medium post with traffic it could be a Pinterest account that has a lot of people looking at it it could be a Tik Tok it could be a an Instagram or a Facebook it could be literally anything that's the following and a following costs nothing to get you just have to stay the course and stay one Niche specific and if you said hey I got a thousand people a day watching my videos about about how to remove vir is bada boom bada bang I am now doing very well they're going to listen Norton's not going to ignore that my affiliate marketer manager over at Max Bounty is not going to ignore that this is a tip if you want to sign up for an affiliate Network don't just sign up ask them and tell them what you want to promote say hey I got this Pinterest it's all about tiny houses I want to promote this tiny house offer that's going to going to get you in like Flynn all right so some of the other ways to get paid pay per sale which is obvious this is one very popular with like ClickBank different things like that where you sell a product and you get paid on the sale I do this all the time with web hosting with software um all different kinds of things like that that work extremely well all you got to do is set something up now you can see here if you were to go to affiliatemarketing host this is my hosting affiliate sales page this page has made me somewhere close to $500,000 and this one here right like this is just showing them how to sign up for web hosting to start a blog and as you see here I am redirecting my affiliate links however some people put raw affiliate links it's up to you I I like to have my own links that way I remember everything which we'll talk about in um a very simple way as well so this is an example another one I did one for um domains for a domain software keyword software all kinds of stuff like that that's where I'm getting paid per sale someone signs up I get paid now there are several affiliate models that will do payer sale but it's on a different basis right so you might get paid $100 when they buy a $20 product more about that in just a minute another one is paperclick now paperclick is going to be kind of like an AdSense model yes ladies and gentlemen Google does do affiliate marketing yes ladies and gentlemen Amazon does do affiliate marketing fa these big companies do affiliate marketing so if you're wondering if affiliate marketing is legit it's 2024 you need to ask a different question it's legit it just ma it depends on the manner in which you're doing it and there is a big change coming to affiliate marketing we'll talk about in a little bit another one would be like pay per lead all right pay per lead would be like if you go to offer Vault and maybe you do something like um let's say refinance refinance okay sometimes with refinance all right this wants to freeze on us apparently let's open it over here come on hold on one second so over here what we're going to do is we're going to open up offervault and we're going to type in refinance refinance not Garden refinance refinance we don't need to refinance our garden I think the garden's going to be okay without an influx of cash all right there we go okay so we'll do something like this and we have refinance now on the refinance ones again watch out for stuff that's shady sometimes there are shady ones things like that okay um this one here is debt settlement this is a phone call this is a credit card submit so technically the offer is free however you would be paid $35 when they sign up for the free credit score these are great offers they work well and ladies and gentlemen if you go to Tik Tok and you look at like uh let me do this over here just make sure it's clean we'll do credit score okay what you will see is a lot of people talking about credit scores 300,000 25 on and on we go and so now we're like oh wait a minute so these people are talking about how to do their credit score these are lead offers for credit score credit score okay and now we're like oh so I could literally be like step one check your credit score see where you're at step two maybe check out the identity uh protection or whatever it is and now you're like oh okay again what you are going to do is you are going to be very very one track don't go all over the place pick one market and stick to it and do it well and you could do two or three but but stay very focused okay um Al says how do you promote your affiliate link the freeway they're doing it right here so when you look at these videos on credit score these people are getting traffic you could put your raw affiliate link there do I advise doing that no spend the nine bucks get a website go to gohub learn how to do it the right way all right but you can do it there are people that do it now one of the downsides to using the free version uh where you're going to just do an affiliate link is you can't really do an affiliate disclaimer because you don't own that link and by law you do need to disclose you are an affiliate if you don't do that you can get in hot water don't mess with it right always tell people you're an affiliate so paper lead is one of the good ones now sometimes there are offers that are called email submit okay and email submit might pay you when someone puts their email in and clicks a button to get a free thing right so like you guys know that every week on my videos I tell you to go to download to put your name and email in now I know that people that put their name and email in are interested in my stuff they want to work with me it works well so what if I paid for people to fill this out I know it's profitable that would be an example okay now when you're dealing with email submits sometimes you'll go down usually in like the the four3 range all right like this Experian one get your free credit score $2.90 now this one here let's see what it converts on usually it'll tell you but if it says email submit chances are they're paying $2.90 when someone puts their email hits submit and gets a free credit score they don't even need to get the they just email submit I get 290 I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars probably a million but I haven't promoted them in a while so I haven't done the numbers but I've made a lot of money with email submit offers and they work extremely well when done right and ladies and gentlemen these are the best thing to put on your thank you page let me show you how it works all right A lot of people out there are going to say well Marcus you know I'm just going to go out there and I'm going to do the free Tik Tok method okay fine great wonderful but I know a lot of people on Tik Tok and I know they get a lot of traffic and I know they don't make a lot of money and I know people that have 500,000 a million Tik Tock subs or or likes or whatever the heck Tik Tok has right followers something like that and they making like $1,000 a month and I'm like what are you doing what are you doing yeah please pay attention to your old buddy Marcus here right so what you have here is let's say you have a bunch of videos on credit score all right you go down the list use your aweber or your your um use your a see what happens when Marcus has a sick brain right sick I was ill for the last couple days I got asthma really bad and I couldn't sleep because they gave me medicine and it was a mess but let's say you go out there and you're like okay uh Windows updates or maybe you're going to do something for like uh credit repair okay how many of you guys want a little hack right here right now that will make you money if you do it okay I can't guarantee it because I don't know what you're going to do but it's pretty darn close to guarantee right you guys want to hack tell me say Marcus show me the money if you guys want to see that so here we see like credit repair credit score and what you're going to do is you're going to go down the list and you make videos on credit score 600 credit score 500 credit score 532 credit score this how to improve your credit score what all things credit score okay now to show you the money let me show you a little tip what I'm going to do is I'm going to go credit score glossery credit score glossery I type this in I take some of the top sites I'm going to put these in my keyword tool okay yes there are some things I'm going to teach that are going to cost a little money right you need a good keyword tool if you're trying to make it without it you can but I mean literally it's like a hamburger come on it's not that that big of a deal you got to be in it to win it okay and I don't get nothing when you sign up so I ain't got nothing in this game here I'm just showing you exactly what you need to do if you were to do credit education glossery you're going to find all different kinds of keywords that people search for related to it so you could literally go hi there I'm on Tik Tok today and I'm gonna talk about the credit bureau definition video number two today we're going to talk about loan terms and what they mean tomorrow the definition of a credit report okay and it's going to get even deeper than that because we can actually go up a level and just do the credit education all right now here's how to use a loan calculator here's how to understand what a credit freeze is and you just teach things literally you go out there and you teach stuff and you're like Hey we're going to show you this let's say you're in the uh the weight loss Niche all right you go out there and you're like intermittent fasting glossery and this is what you're going to do your videos on now is every video going to be a Zinger get you a million views you're going to be sitting on a hill with your feet clicked up having a nice day of course not it's going to take some work it's going to take some work everyone's going to pay their dues you got to do the stuff it's not that hard to do we talk about how to jump start this with domains we got a lot of people that are in blog profit Network that are doing this on a daily basis and they're getting tons and tons of traffic they're getting results they're making money and it works uh Matt did a press release and he you got paid like the second day put it up second day you got paid again you got to learn the the basics of how this works so when you're looking at this okay let's take intermittent fasting glossery all right and we will take let's just do glossery and we're going to take this and put this in here and I gu guarantee you're going to get all kinds of content ideas in one main deal ah ref is a lot of hamburgers well depends on what you want like I I would venture to say that you know people that are complaining about the cost of a keyword tool they probably could afford it if they really wanted to if not there are free versions if you're willing to do the work it's not that hard so here we have like uh Push Pull legs uh upper lower drop sets put so this all about workouts so you could go out there right you don't have to be on camera you could use stock footage you can use animated videos whatever you want talking about hey here's 10 things to eat post-workout here's what to eat pre-workout you're going to drive people to a common theme what you are as an affiliate marketer is you are taking people in a common theme and you're helping them okay now you can get people that are basic in the the process of understanding oh I want to work out what do I need to learn all right now what you're going to do is you're going to build up your group your traffic around this yes it can be free yes you can use free tools to do everything if you wanted to use the Hoth keyword tool okay the Hoth I don't know if it does like the URL types but you could do that the Hoth freaky word tool right here okay so you could go to the ho free keyword tool and use something like this let's turn the screen on so you can see there we go the ho keyword tool like this and you can see hey check it out this is what people are searching for this will give me the ideas and it' be nice if the ho decided to work but you know oh wait there we go I think we got to do the domain there we go keyword extraction or it might be SEO Checker tool one of these not that one okay come on tools SEO rankings Checker something like this yeah there we go right and you could put this in here no it's still free here it is right there right um and you can see actually yeah it did it did do a good job of of getting those keywords now you only get 50 on this so you're going to have to use it sparingly what I would do is I would go to something like chat GPT okay and I would ask it what are some things what are some good video topics for people who like to work out and use supplements and eating Styles okay and if you pick a niche that you're interested in it's going to be a lot easier very very simple right and now we're there and we're like okay now scx says what about the Google Keyword Planner Google Keyword Planner is for paid traffic specifically so what Google Keyword Planner is not going to do is it's not going to isolate plurals singulars longtail it's m mainly for payperclick which is a more broad type way of marketing so here we see now you have your your list out for you and if you go out there and you're like okay uh maybe I can go do workout stuff or pre-workout or um different things like that or maybe budgeting and these are types of affiliate um marketing things that people don't talk about because they're not like pretty wonderful examples Everyone likes the the juicy examples but there's a gal I think she's called Miss Excel and this gal literally makes videos on how to like do stuff in Excel she's making a million dollars a year plus that's what she's doing we saw the example of the gal on Tik Tok I talked about it you guys should watch you got to be binge watching my videos I talk about this stuff all the time there was a gal on Tik Tok that sold pickles she had like old pickle jars and here's all the pickle things now she did it wrong because she thought oh what a good idea I'll sell pickles out of my garage and it's like yeah your garage isn't really a kitchen and chipping pickles is like dangerous and you don't have a license to ship them so you know maybe you want to do that stuff first but had she been affiliate marketer what does she have she has a bunch of people interested in pickling what would happen if she's like oh here's the list of all the things I use to do my pickles on Amazon and you got the jars and the lids and the sealers and the vinegars and whatever else it is and she literally made 300K in sales for her pickles which she had to give a lot of it back but if she did the affiliate thing she did the work of getting the audience that's where the money came from Oprah did the work of getting our audience that's where the money came from if you build an audience in a specific need and you follow along and you do not get sidetracked and you say what I'm going to do is keep on the theme I'm GNA talk about Excel until I'm tired of excel I'm GNA talk about spreadsheets till I'm tired of this I'm gonna talk about planning or gift wrapping or whatever it is in your Niche then every everything else is gravy because once you understand now I have these people now I have this stuff maybe you're talking about ways to speed up internet speed up internet check this out all right we' say speed up internet here's how to get faster Wi-Fi uh how to fix slow internet 16 million views you got 630,000 7 million on and on we go how to get faster internet that's what they're talking about all right let's go over to offerall let's see if we can make money with this internet let's do um cable or what do you call it what is it Spectrum Spectrum internet all right so Spectrum pays $20 on a 120 second phone call you can even do um internet okay so you got internet fiber Broadband all right people come around every day asking me to sign up for fiber I'm probably gonna sign up for it but and anyway they they're always wanting me to sign up for fiber and they came to the door the other day and they're like hey we'll give you a $300 gift card if you sign up for fiber I'm like I'll probably do it anyway but sure I'll take some free money and uh why would the company give them 300 bucks why why would they do that so think about this for a minute this company was literally out here digging holes and putting fiber in the ground which cost a lot of money then they're going to pay someone 300 bucks to get me to sign up why why because they know if I sign up I'll probably be with them like 10 years and $100 a month times 10 years is more than $300 if you understand this type 100x if you understand this because this is the essence of affiliate marketing and whenever you're getting involved in something to make money online it needs to make sense if this does not make sense you should go do something else and not be an affiliate marketer if a business model that someone is pitching does not make sense and you don't know how you're going to get paid or why then you don't know what you're doing don't sign up okay this needs to make sense it must make sense and we need to look at this and say okay with this what are we going to do okay we got all these different things we got all these different products we can do I can go out there and do okay how to speed up internet faster internet okay years ago someone made a site that allows you to check your internet speed do you know how much money they've made by creating that site probably more than like all of us watching this combined maybe not that much but it's a lot and what they have is a speed test internet speed test and it tests the speed and it made a ton of money why because they are promoting these offers well not those ones where' they go these offers these internet offers right there that's how they make money they are affiliate marketers and when you understand it's about getting to that now we have paper sale the obvious one paper click paper lead paper call paper call is like this one T-Mobile customer calls the number so instead in affiliate link you get a phone number it's a custom phone number that only you have that when someone calls it and stays on for 90 seconds you get 16 bucks as long as they're interested in Direct TV Spectrum T-Mobile like if they call and they're like trying to order a pizza you're not g to get paid obviously right um or you might get paid on that one and then they'll be like hey get rid of this affiliate but it has to be legit and it has to be good stuff so those are the ways to get paid now when you get into two-tier and multi-tier programs this is where you get into hot water this is something clickfunnels did years ago and I believe they stopped because the agencies were like hey you know what this is look in a little pyramid because if I do here's me promoting to customers that's one level let me go over here or we'll draw it over here me promoting to customers that's one level if I now promote people and get paid on those people's sales now we're getting into ail we're getting into network marketing MLM category what happens with these is it becomes less about the main product and more about promoting to other people that is in my opinion not a good business model right I mean it can be like there were some companies that did it right very few and very far between I will say that most of them you see popping up in your feed are probably junk when you see hey sign up to be an affiliate and then sign these people up to be an affiliate and then get more Affiliates it's all about recruiting it doesn't even matter what the product is which means it's probably on the Shady Side so we got to look at that because as affiliate marketers if you want to make money you need to be able to be in it to win it and understand what's going on so multi-tier um that's what we're looking at we went over affiliate networks okay now here are some of the major affiliate networks okay um affiliate marketing with Williams says how is mlms are still considered legit probably because of lobbying I'm gonna guess there's someone with a big fat wallet that lobbies and that's why they continually are business models but again I've never in my life and I've been doing this 25 years I've never seen an MLM that is mostly focused on the product never seen it um and a lot of them with affiliate marketing you know they try detach affiliate marketing with their MLM scheme it's not right like some things that got me like when I saw that Sam bankman freed thing the dude was literally paying people to promote his stuff and claiming you're going to get an investment like how are people so convinced by this guy right you see like um these other people every day I see these people the defi people we're going to do defi we're going to do crypto and every week they're promoting a new crypto as an affiliate and it's like it goes bust and then they promote the next one and it goes busted it's like you're just ripping people off like you know these are not good cryptos and you're promoting them that's not affiliate marketing that's shady all right we need to understand that now some legit programs you got Amazon Associates share of sale CJ affiliate ClickBank rutin a lot of these have things like you can go and be an affiliate for Nike or you can be an affiliate for coffee companies or literally anything there are affiliate networks for everything now the benefits of joining a network as we mentioned earlier is you get under their umbrella they are there to help you and get you stuff now be careful because not everyone is as ethical and honest as we would like and I have had people blatantly rip off some of my affiliate sites it's rare but it can happen so keep your cards close to your chest now when you're choosing affiliate programs what we're going to look at is again the EPC what is going to make us the most and be the most ethical how am I going to do this I can go to Amazon and I can promote let's say um steak Knife uh let's do pans pans okay if I was going to promote pans let's say I want to do tfal okay this is a lesson in affiliate marketing 101 this is important pay close attention when we look at something like tal $199 on Amazon Amazon pays 1% commission to sell that now Amazon converts like crazy because all you have to do is look at Amazon and they ship it to your door and charge you that was a joke calm down it just means it's easy to order um so when we look at tfal like this I would get $2 to sell this $200 set I don't like that that is too low you need a lot of traffic to make money so instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to say well maybe there's a t foul over here or or uh pans pans pots um something like that uh let's see now we don't want that let's do cookware cookware cookware there we go tfou cookware cookware we will spell this correctly tou cookware okay so tfal cookware this one pays $35 to sell the same thing here's some other one cast iron $21 to say to do the same thing and so we're starting to look at that and do that um only one ever AER plan yes I did promote AER plan I have a beef with them because I was one of their first um online promoters and I didn't do any recruiting I never recruited one person um but with with a mar plan I had a website that outranked them and I got too many sales and back in like 2002 that is why they changed their their um their amounts like you had to have a certain amount of offline sales and I was like man you guys literally just took money from me but there you go um but yeah the product wasn't that great like it was okay um but it didn't really it wasn't it wasn't what I thought it was cracked up to be but at any rate um aerl was an interesting one again that was an MLM so you know take it with a grain of salt but I think I I don't think I promoted that since like 2002 um yeah that one and a lot of people did um prepaid legal and stuff like that with all kinds of stuff but again A lot of it was was based on uh recruiting okay so types of commission instructions you have percentage fixed tiered or bonuses uh much like anything else what we're focusing on is the percentage and the fixed rate that's what we're looking at okay now when we're looking at that what we want to do is look at earning potential again if I promote this tfal $45 a sale versus getting $2 at Amazon do you see the difference right like all I need is a good landing page and if this landing page is good which it looks like it is okay and it converts then I should be able to make a heck of a lot more money very very very important so we're going to look at that and be like okay this is good this makes sense okay again it is your job to make sure you make the most money possible now when you create an affiliate link it's actually extremely easy let me see if we can go and create one now um let's see let's go to uh which one do I have open here let's do impact so if I go to like impact radius or something I'll show you how to create an affiliate link it's actually super super easy actually do I need might have two Factor on this one yes I do bear with me a second here I want to give give you guys the real deal so you guys could see everything back office so we'll just pull this up here and okay so if we were to do impact which is actually pretty easy H let's see here something like this okay so if I did impact and I did generate all I'm going to do is choose what I want to promote click create there's my link I promote that link people click I get paid now I'm going to want to run that through a link shortener um I like to use my own domain link shortener that way it's in conjunction with whatever I'm doing so I bought the domain affiliat because that's an easy one I could do like affiliat hosting this or if you were like the cooking guy or whatever you can use that it makes it way way easier and everything goes to your uh domain now some key components of affiliate tracking this is important pay attention this is about to change right now Google and other browsers are looking at doing a way with thirdparty cookies what does that mean a thirdparty cookie is like this and we'll try to explain it as best we can let's use the this here okay a third party cookie so right now what happens is this okay if you are an affiliate marketer what happens is you have an affiliate link just like I showed you with impact so here's your affiliate link do whatever there's your affiliate link when this is clicked okay the minute it's clicked it drops what's called a cookie here's our cookie it's an oatmeal raisin cookie just so we could pretend we're healthy today right that cookie goes on the user's computer Boop downloads to their computer it's like a little file okay that cookie then follows them around and eventually when they go to the website and buy it says hey Marcus sent this guy give him a check okay that's how it works now a thirdparty cookie a first-party cookie would be Amazon if you use an Amazon cookie and they go to the Amazon site that is a first-party cookie okay if you're using impact impact radius is what's called a second party cookie okay some other networks might use what's called a third-party cookie okay thirdparty cookies are like okay Facebook's going to put this pixel on your site that's going to talk to my website that's going to follow you on this website and eventually when you order we're going to know where it came from okay that is known as more invasive type things okay more invasive cookies most of us are not going to need to worry unless you're using a lot of different networks and things like that okay so that's how cookies work that's how all this stuff works not too difficult not too much to worry about um the networks are going to catch up like if it affects it they will catch up because they like money very important now when we're talking about using link shorteners if you're a part of blog profit I have my custom plugins one of them is a link shortener you can get that and use it a lot of our our students use that all the time that is the one that I use on um my site here like if you go in here you can see affiliate marketing nud tracker that's the old version um and you can see okay when I did the the Tik Tok video there's that one here's my hosting and what it does is it actually shortens the URL so here let's say we're using ihost affiliatemarketing host is where I can send them here's where it's actually taking them right here okay and see how it's partners. that is a first-party cookie it is on the domain they are going to be ordering on everyone follow along you guys digging this uh piece just go to gohub okay if someone declines all cookies does it mean we lose the ability to get commissions depends on the site they're on because chances are you're not going to see it like if I go here okay let's say I go to ihost Boom cookie already dropped right so that cookie is dropped already whether they do this or not okay so now except all cookies there's probably one in here performance functional necessary targeting so this is all third party okay so I would be fine got it cool um and this is stuff that a lot of people don't talk about because not everyone's got as much gray hair as I got in the affiliate industry kind of been around since the dawn of time but you know you learn a few things along the way all right best practices link shortening Uh custom tracking checking your links regularly deep linking deep linking is big deep linking is super big on um in motion and stuff like that sometimes to get a better conversion what I'm going to do is I'm going to say hey I want them to go to the page where they sign up for WordPress hosting at $7 that's going to convert way better because if I'm out there talking let's say you're doing Norton okay you're out there and you're promoting Norton Norton all right and you're like like here's this virus video here's this registry video here's this one here's all these videos and in all the videos you're saying hey the Norton that I use is the $47 XYZ plan okay so if you send them to Norton and they have to go find the XYZ plan your conversions are going to go in the toilet literally flush that thing they're out of there so what we need to do is we need to say hey Norton give us a deep link this is the same kind of thing if if I was to say hey guys check it out I got this new webcam this is actually a good webcam it's the ones that we use now I bought like five of them all right go to Amazon and get it you're going to go to Amazon you're going to search for it you're be like Marcus I can find it okay I'm not going to buy it and you'll forget how many times have you forgot to buy something that you really wanted and then later you were reminded same thing so what we need to do whether we're using Amazon or hosting we need to use the exact link to the exact thing that we are promoting okay uh ClickBank are first level cookies I believe ClickBank falls under second uh no that would be first yeah because they are ordering on ClickBank eventually so that would be a first level correct yes um yeah because if the order page was hosted on your site then it would be different but it is hosted on the same domain that the cookies are from so I think you're good to go all right so we need to use the exact link same with ClickBank uh years ago there were people that would just link to one page rather than deeper pages that are about what we're talking about your job is to to make sure your stuff converts um in the world of affiliate marketing it is it is a big world it is your job to make sure hey I need to find the one that's converting I need to put them right to the the to the tfal thing I need to figure out who's going to pay me more I need to do the work you got to do the work if you want to get the paycheck right there you go um and by paycheck I mean commissions and by commissions I mean even though people have made millions of dollars with affiliate marketing the results are not typical implier guaranteed the average person makes nothing but when we look at this we need to understand okay what are we going to do how is it going to work I'm going to show you a couple little hacks some of them were based on that thing we searched what was it I think I have it up here right remember how earlier I said if you search for quote don't forget to watch today's video on the next page you're going to find like all those Tik tockies that are promoting that interesting not my favorite type of offer all right there's another little thing you can do check this out this was something I did years ago I'll put on the notes I'm going to see if I can find it U affiliate dude joggers I think it was called check this out this is a gold mine I use this all the time um to find niches this and my domain strategy is is off the hook um and I don't toot my own horn on stuff but those trainings are a little off the hook the hooks over here they're off the hook they're they're pretty good ones right and so what we're going to do is we're going to look at this and we are going to use what's called a search jogger it is time as an affiliate marketer that you learn how to use the internet in a different way super super important okay so what we're going to do is we're going to type things in like affiliate marketing disclosure in quot Amazon affiliate disclosure in quotes what is this going to do this is going to show you all the people that are selling stuff on Amazon okay I just scroll down here I can take a look at what these sites are about you guys ready for another hack this is really cool okay what I can do and this this tool is over there's a version of this tool it's not my version mine's custom maybe we'll make it available someday uh but it it's similar okay over at TH profits what we're going to do is we're going to load up a bunch of sites like this preference preferably like 200 I'm going to click the tool it's going to take all the domains watch this you want to find niches in seconds type that in go to your favorite keyword tool a hre semrush whatever you like all right we're going to put all those URLs under bulk analysis right this is why I pay for tools like literally for those that are complaining about tools I probably pay like $20,000 a month for certain tools maybe even more okay so we're going to go here now do you have to do that no when I started out I got a keyword tool and web hosting okay you could start with that you could start this for a couple bik you can even use free tools if you're willing to do the work this makes it easier though because Boop watch this here we go bada bing bada boom and you can see like coffee approach uh all kinds of different things here so now now I can see at a glance okay these people are Amazon Affiliates they're still in business which means they're probably making money they're probably only relying on Amazon which means we can do even better and I can see niches at a glance and say Hey There we go just uh the other day a client of mine found me a domain it was nice of him he's like hey check out this domain I think it was let's see it was a HS it was called candle making okay I bought this one at auction let me show you why what I teach is so different than what so much of the market is doing when you look at something like candle making fun not only is an e easy domain I could go out there I could do videos on candle making all over right you go out there you're like Tik Tok okay uh candle making okay candl making boom there's people making candles 3 million views 2 million views on and on we go I mean come on this is huge candle making fun easy domain easy to do if I was in it to win it and I got the domain it wasn't even that expensive it was like 500 bucks all right some of them you can get for 10 some you can get for five it doesn't matter but the reason I bought this one and the reason it was like 500 bucks is because it ranked for let's go back I think it was 2000 a year ago 3,000 words related to candle making so I'm starting my affiliate business with a domain that has traffic that I can rank for super easy that I could build up that is easy to remember that I could put on Tik Tok that I can make videos faceless videos on YouTube and I can build it up now what I'm going to do is I'm going to say okay maybe maybe there's like candl making stuff over here on Amazon yeah there's all kinds of stuff cool maybe there is a candl making course on ClickBank maybe there is something on offervault for arts and craft stores all right how many of you guys are getting this and you're like oh so what I do is I forget about all the noise in the market I go and I pick something like candles internet speed viruses cooking pots and pans and I go out there and I make content in a simple way in a simple way that makes it work okay very very cool so now we're looking at this and we're like okay this is great now I can go out there and make this work in a very simple way Claudia says I'll give it I'll give you 550 for it what we're doing on that what I do is I do this all the time and since I know affiliate marketing I know the sites I want to buy and we sell them here with content so like we take the domain that's probably worth a good penny we put 100 pieces of content based on what it ranked for we walk you through the whole affiliate plan bada bing bada boom there you go here's one here green roof guide why did I buy this solar solar roofing leads $90 $60 on and on we go and this one ranked for all kinds of stuff around solar and when you start to learn the proofs in the pudding I can look at what people are doing like look at this green roof one green roofguard indoor living wall kits I mean this is an affiliate dream how many of you guys are like oh my God that's so all I do is make videos and content I don't have to be in them I can use AI around this stuff and I stick to the niche stick to the niche watch this let's do uh vertical garden watch what happens if you go to Pinterest and you type in vertical garden hopefully it's clean I don't know okay good we're we're good sometimes you know they got new phrases for all kinds of things and I'm like that didn't mean what it meant when I was a kid and that has a different meaning now and you gota you got to be careful with these things right and we're like oh check it out here's these people doing all different stuff about vertical gardening I now have a domain in this market that's ready to go I could do Hydroponics I can do ClickBank I could sell the W the wall plants decorate I mean how many of you guys are getting it uh someone says why are people selling good ranking domains instead of using them themselves good question so what we're doing is we're buying them at auction which means they got expired people lost them could be all kinds of things you guys probably saw the one we had for Moji edit this was a student of mine um we bought this one back like a year ago and then we took it over and it got the traffic now watch what happened right watch what happens if you go to I think if we go to overview so we took it over in I'm going to say June is so right here is when we took it over look what happened to this guy's site he bought a domain from us we walked him through it look at his traffic skyrocketed and all he's doing is following the plan here's the deal ladies and gentlemen hear me and hear me good pause for dramatic effect pay close attention to this 99% and this is an opportunity that if you want to make money with affiliate marketing helping businesses social media whatever it is pay close attention 99% of affiliate marketers and influencers are completely oblivious to what their traffic is worth why because most affiliate marketers and influencers do not know the difference or that it's even out there what I just showed you with the pans right you could sell these pans and get $2 on Amazon or 45 using what I'm teaching you so they try with the two bucks and they're like dude bro that affiliate marketing guy don't know what he's talking about how am I going to get rich selling pans and getting two bucks well you'd have to sell like more pans than are probably made to make a good living that was a joke calm down so they're stuck over here and they're like oh man I'm only getting a penny EPC remember that number what gives if he came to me and I said use the conversion strategies use the mailing list stuff I teach you use this link instead of that link he's going to take his 200 bucks a month and he probably turn it into like 5K a month at 200k $200 a month yeah they're just going to forget about their domain whatever they're probably breaking even 5,000 a month that's a different story and I've seen it time and time again someone comes to me Marcus I don't understand why my traffic's not making money because you're not focusing on EPC you're not focusing on conversion you're not listening to your Market you're not a business person you're good at getting traffic sure but what are you going to do with that traffic and there's lots of blogging courses that teach this stuff and I look at the stuff because I'm nosy when it comes to other Affiliates I got to I got to admit it I got to see see what people are doing it's half of my business here right and so I'm going to look at it and say what are they doing what are they making why how would I make more and this is something you can do you can go to Flippa if you want a affiliate marketing course in addition to the one I'm going to give you free today right in addition to what you're watching Here If You Dig It smash the like button um do this do yourself a favor take a day don't watch webinars go over to Flippa okay and open offer Vault and ClickBank and I want you to pretend that your job is to go to websites content blog your job do this for a day you will learn more than most courses teach you just saying it like it is you probably learn more than most courses just by being here today thank you I appreciate you look at this so we're going to go through and say okay this guy's making $5,000 a month month and he generates a lot of traffic how would I do better all right what you do you take his URL you put it in the keyword tool you look at where his traffic's coming from and you say what would I do to do better this guy here is making $190 a month how would you make more than that because if you could crack that code oh buddy it is game over you win if you crack that code it is over over here's another one shopping 2600 a month and if you can do better that's the key now again remember we took this list of URLs from the Google search with Amazon disclosure which I'll get you guys in the notes we'll have the full list of them don't worry and we're going to go in and see so like soundshock audio looks like some audio thing we're going to get past all these bigger guys and we're going to go to robot cleaner store okay here's a guy reviewing and talking about robot cleaner ERS could you not go on Tik Tok okay I'll tell you a little story my wife got one of those uh roombas can't stand the thing I think it like literally wants to attack my feet like I wake up in the morning and it's like feet and it like I trip over it and I just hate the thing I can't stand it but at any rate you can make videos about your how many of you guys have a Roomba or one of those robot vacuums right I'll bet you there are people on Tik Tok with robot vacuums and one of the things you want to get views what we do is we put my dog's toys on the Roomba and they go around and she's scared of it so she'll just watch her toys and She'll follow it around watching her toys yes I know it's cruel but she does it's a fun game she likes it she wags her tail and everything but at any rate that would be a fun little thing that you can do it's actually very simple and you're like okay that can work um and that is how you can do affili marketing then you go over here and you're like okay okay maybe there's a um vacuum uh let's do what would we do let's do it over here just in case um vacuum Roomba I think it's called yeah there we go so Roomba has affiliate programs right there you go Roomba $26 $13 again the difference is going to be here's a um a lead one so this is a sweep Stakes to win a Roomba they put their email maybe their phone or something like that in and I get 250 here's another sweep Stakes one um so I could I could literally just generate leads for it which is really cool which is cool they're saying that she program it she probably did program it to come after my feed I don't know maybe I don't know but at any rate uh when we're looking at this we want to look at the different things that are out there because that guy has all that traffic around best uh litter for litter robot um pool vacuum all this guy's doing is talking about vacuum and cleaners and we could see um WordPress kitchen uh you have fly fishing so this one's about fly fishing right and I got let me let me find something for you one minute you guys will dig this story I I actually collect old books and magazines from old advertisements of crazy things that made money and years ago I was talking um and I and I found this one which is a book of a guy who sold fishing lures in the Great Depression and the dude was making like the equivalent of like 500 Grand a day or not a day 500 Grand a year back in the depression right which is crazy it's like everyone was struggling this guy was running lure ads which here you have this one which is about fly fishing and it's like hey check it out that's a niche that can work fly fishing different flies different stuff like that and you could do you know I'm sure there's stuff for fishing or or whatever um and different things like that and when you understand wow this is super super big this is cool right and and this is a great way here's the pool guy fly fishing and you can see oh hey what what gets most traffic because like if you can do different stuff here and say oh maybe I could go for words that he doesn't get like the reals um then you can do this in a really really easy way we also have uh history so that looks like a history site where they're teaching history you want to do an AI faceless Channel you can do this kind of stuff again what's going to happen is people don't know how to convert it let me give you another tip right you guys digging this smash that like button if you're digging it um another tip look for big websites that run tabula tabula and other AD networks or like contextual ad networks are like click baity type ads whenever those are ran it usually means that the person running them doesn't know how to monetize their traffic the best way they can we can go out there and look at what they're doing and saying what keywords are they using how can we do better we always want to do better and maximize every click I learned this the hard way when the first Google crash happened in I think it was 2006 or 2005 um I had to learn how to buy traffic fast and I to date I've spent over $2 million on paid traffic and when you pay for clicks you have to convert them like when I was doing the Myspace ad I showed you in the beginning I had to pay 5 cents two to 5 cents per visitor you might say well two cents Marcus what's your problem dude well we were doing that like 20,000 times a day yeah it starts to add up when you're paying that I needed to make sure I was making five cents a click because if I wasn't I was losing money and so we had to look at that and understand okay how do I do this if I'm doing celebrity stuff is there an offer that I can use uh the same guy who got the mooji site got a fact site we're doing a lot of videos for him right now we have a full service marketing agency uh that I started in August and it's our video stuff with AI is crazy good and so we're looking at that we're like what can I do to get them in and he has fact videos how fast does a moose swim you know how many you know lives does cat have or whatever it is all kinds of facts and the goal is okay how can we be creative and make more money on that rather than the normal 1 cent per click and we start to look at this and you will find niches here's a guy with a parrot website about parrots right um here's genius link which is a link shortener all right let's see what they link shortening and see what people are clicking there Walgreens affiliate program right so like this here I could see there's a lot of good keywords that I would probably use okay very cool um someone remind me to talk about email marketing I'll just put em here because there's a little hack that I use with email marketing that's very important if you're using networks okay so uh keyword tools Google planner semrush ahrs the Hoth lots of keyword tools there now when you're looking at SEO what you're doing is you're talking about ranking on Google like these guys are ranking on Google so the fly fishing guy or the parrot can parrots have grapes what he's doing is he's ranking on Google for parrot words okay here he is here and he's leading them to offers okay okay now a lot of these people aren't going to get the big money offers like I'll go here he probably has some good stuff he can do it looks like a shopping place um but what I'm going to do is I'm going to say well does pet insurance work for Birds because if it does then I'm in the I'm in the clear I can get $100 a sale that's going to look really good all right very cool lots of stuff you can do here uh we talk about SEO here on the Channel all the time now again remember with the FDC guidelines you do need to post that you are an affiliate got disclosed hey I'm an affiliate of this offer I get paid why do we need to do that you might be saying man that FTC you know what's why do they make us do that well the reason they make you do that is because I if I come on here and I tell you I'm just a nice guy talking about a product I like case in point you want to learn about why the FTC is big on affiliate disclosures because of one guy it's not because of but this will make sense Sam bankman freed Sam bankman freed went out there and got influencers to promote his crypto scheme biggest scheme scam ever guy built tons of money now what happened one second is he got influencers to promote it but the influencers didn't tell people they were paid so you thought oh hey he invest in that that's probably pretty good if there's no clear line that you are being compensated then your review is going to be seen as nonbiased but it is biased your review is biased because you are getting paid as an affiliate all the people who promoted Sam bankman freed that's the deal they were biased because hey they they were being paid that is why that is in place it is a good thing to have in place another one that a lot of people ignore you know you hear me say it all the time the results are not typical implied or guaranteed whenever you are sharing a result hey this guy used my fishing lure and caught 40 fish okay what does the average person do well the average person catches one fish or zero you have to State the average and if you don't know the average you need to say the average person gets nothing or we don't know what it is this is exceptional results very very important and you have to look at that because hey this is a business it's not very difficult it's not very hard a lot of people can do it but you have to be on the up and up here okay um another one is privacy policy and stuff like that now with email marketing I have made millions of dollars with email as an affiliate there are several things you need to look at what there is is one when doing email marketing okay so let's say you're out there and you're on the Tik Tok and you got traffic like the the fly guy or the parrot site and you decide to build a mailing list hey guys opt in put your name in email to get my fly fishing newsletter okay if you are an affiliate and you want to send an offer let's say Frank abgas comes out with a new lure or whatever I don't think so I think the guy's been gone a while but if he did come out with one and you promoted it let's say you send an email and you say hey my buddy Frank has this new lure click here to buy it you send them right to Frank's website as an affiliate and you make money now this is subject to what's called a suppression list pay close attention I'm going to teach you something very important a suppression list means if anyone anywhere on the planet said I don't want emails from Frank you need to respect that because technically you are sending an email that is about Frank's offer they are opting out of an offer wait a minute so they opt out of an offer which means if you send it you are now a spammer and can be subject to all that junk didn't think about that did you a lot of the other people don't teach you this stuff what's the way around this well if any of you guys have ever been to download myy and you got my notes you'll notice that in my email list all I do is send helpful stuff I never send click here and buy this thing maybe once every 10 years do I do that right what do I do instead I send hey guys this morning you got an email for this webinar or here's an email for this so what you would do is you make a blog post hey guys here's 10 tips for your next fly fishing trick send them that tip number five get the lure that way your email is about your content this makes the amount of people who click go up this makes your email list love you this makes you way more money in the long run and your list is going to be much happier why because you're like hey got another tip hey the other day I fly fished with this crazy thing I found in the fridge and the fish were biting like crazy you want to learn what it is go to my blog oh hey by the way on the blog I'm going to have a link for this new lure does that make sense very cool um Roger said Frank ker had a parrot site when he got started yes uh fun fact I was the one who promoted that site uh he called me out of the blue in 2003 and we got to talking uh you know became friends talked about family and stuff this is before he he moved to California um and we promoted that site there's actually an audio floating around somewhere that uh we recorded his testimonial of it because he loved the way that we did SEO back then actually Frank was the reason I got really big into affiliate marketing because he was like dude the traffic you're getting me for my parrot book is outs selling traffic I'm buying and then you know I was like oh cool and he's like well why don't you try some affiliate stuff and that's what got me into it big time was he was like why why deal with customers if you can do this uh which is really cool and you start to understand hey this is a big big business this makes a lot of money so again looking at this it's very important to understand exactly how you're going to build this now with me I highly recommend that you get a website like every affiliate should have a website should have a mailing list I mean literally you could get a website for free or you could go to gohub and start one for like $100 a year um we'll have some links in the course uh which we'll have over at download myn um some email list stuff you can use very simp Le very easy and what you're going to want to do is really focus on getting that getting that following getting those people that are interested in whatever it is whether it's something like a um SEO like this here's an entrepreneur one or Smarty And crafty right this is one that I could use like like the candle one we're building up um very simple and what we're doing is we're utilizing traffic that would work in a simple way so like this like something like this okay they're doing uh Disney characters that start with an x or an r or an M um again thinking about this my specialty has and always is I'm not good at a lot of things I'm not that great on camera my video editing skills are lacking I'm not great at SEO there is one thing I'm really really good at and that is taking traffic that people don't know how to convert and making it convert and what we want to do here is we want to think okay if the these people are doing Disney characters what do they want ladies and gentlemen this is important this is what we call intent based marketing what is the intent maybe they're looking to play a game maybe they are interested in Disney obviously they are so what can we do with it we're going to go over to our offer Vault our ClickBank we're going to try to find offers that would work for them maybe there's like a Disney credit card that gives them all kinds of Rewards or something we can do maybe there's a a thing where they can get Disney plus maybe maybe Disney plus has an affiliate program um and lots of stuff like that and when we start to realize my job is to get as much because if I can make money on this traffic there ain't no competition there's none I can do AI I can do videos it's insane you see them everywhere right like there smiley faces videos and stuff like that um and if I can find the right offer that makes sense like this here okay maybe I could do Disney Disney um streaming Disney Paris trip sweep Stakes that would work well right so Disneyland four tickets sweep Stakes obviously make sure these are good offers Disney Cruise email submit hey while you're getting your list of Disney princesses that start with an R is there one Rapunzel there we go I get an A for effort right um and you're like okay while you're doing that why don't you put your name and email in to win a Disney trip I get $2.50 or $3.50 for that again we're looking at the EPC how am I going to earn the most money on this traffic and going through this it's like okay could I duplicate that could I get that traffic yeah that ain't hard to do at all right characters that start with this and then you can even do hopefully it's clean yeah easy drawings uh different games ice breakers I mean how many of you guys are like okay I'm getting it this totally makes sense and I don't even have to do su uh SEO I can do um origami on uh on uh Tik Tok right you just show how to do or go get a bunch of origami for $9 on Amazon fold a bunch of stuff and make videos with some music in the background you will get traffic if you do it enough and you look at your data you will get traffic it's not hard to do then you just take them to your site and you're like hey here we go here's a origami set thinking differently is key I remember years ago when I was doing affiliate marketing for gas powerered scooters um the affiliate companies paid like 3% commission they were terrible I made I don't even think I made a sale as an affiliate for for those and so what I did is I'm like well I have traffic it's not selling let me do Drop Shipping again when you look at this what is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is nothing more than a profit Center affiliate marketing and Drop Shipping and selling your own products and e-commerce and software as a service and all of these fun little buzzwords are fancy ways of saying that's how you're going to get paid remember in the beginning of this training where I said one traffic conversion traffic conversion conversion the scooters as a drop shipper the affiliate programs the this the that the whatever traffic if you focus on getting traffic and you focus on converting it game over you win that's what you are an affiliate marketer is a glorified traffic getter all right directing traffic where we need to get money uh very simple so we look at this and we're like oh hey I can go through I can look at all these niches um and see all this stuff gluten-free kitchen you can talk about gluten-free kitchen stuff um soap time soap uh interior design tips rings for women there you go rings for women those are expensive there it is right and you can do all kinds of stuff show all kinds of different things like that very very very simple and what we're doing is we're looking at where the traffic is we're looking at the data and we're making very simple stuff um Ed how do you build your WordPress Simple Sites so we use WordPress and I use Simple blog over at simple blog you get the themes that we create um that's ours we made for you we got lots of free stuff I mean I got tons of giveaways for you guys um but all kinds of different stuff like that and when you're looking at affiliate marketing you just need to understand that if you can drive the traffic you are going to win game over now you're going to see some huge huge examples over there right huge examples but all we need to do is do a good job and focus on traffic you get the traffic then you can make the money if you're not focusing on building up an audience or building up a Blog with traffic you need to be focusing on that 90% of your effort needs to be there very important um and you look at that and you're like hey this is really cool and so now you just go through and you find your Niche and you make it work now make sure that your Niche has money uh that glorified traffic getter part is what I've I've been understood haven't quite mastered well let me tell you I did a video years ago people think that getting traffic is the hard part of internet marketing it's a hard part of affiliate marketing it's not it's consistency and deliberateness if you can be deliberate I'm going to talk about a fishing lure every day and I'm G base it on data so what I'm going to do I'm going to go out there I'm going to look at the data of the keywords people are looking up and I'm going to go down the list I'm not going to go out and and and make up my own stuff I'm going to do something very specific and over time like if you were out there and you're like today's video is about can parrots have grapes can they blueberries and we're going to talk about all this stuff and you just keep going your people will find you why a lot of people say oh there's the algorithm dun dun dun dun Marcus the algorithm doesn't like me the algorithm exists for one purpose on Tik Tok on YouTube on Facebook it exists for one purpose and one alone to find people that want to watch the content that is created that's it like this video right now YouTube's out there trying to find people who might want to watch this content it's what they're doing why did I make this how to start affiliate marketing step by step because I want to teach it again not really I I wasn't feeling good today I probably would have rather just stayed home today but I did this because I know people are searching for it other videos that have similar titles are getting traction so I put mine in there and the algorithm is going to go and try to find it and if you keep doing this you'll get better and better and people will find you um Ty says the people that made the most money in the gold rush in the US History were people who sold all the mining tools that's incorrect actually more money and gold was gotten out of the ground than people who sold shovels that's a common misconception but you know nonetheless it is not the truest of things um that's like saying shovels and and pig Pi are worth more than all the gold in the world I I disagree I mean I don't know I'm I'm pretty good with numbers but uh you know you do them out there and look at that now is that to say that you can't go out there like there's a a big blogger um he's got some pretty good videos what's his name um something with an a what's that guy's name my brain is tired today Adam Adam enroy Adam enroy he does a lot of uh internet marketing blogging and stuff like that and um his main Niche is is tools and tips for for bloggers and things like that uh which is cool you know he's got quite a few things does he make a good living at it yeah but I will tell you for every person that's talking about how to make money online you get this all the time people are like oh the only money is in teaching how to make money that is so not true Amazon makes a lot of money and they don't teach people how to make money and they do have an affiliate program uh when you look at stuff like this okay there are people doing this but look at the data we just took a snapshot of random Affiliates that are doing Amazon right you have like um let's see p you have a robot cleaner store you have uh the last stitch in case in point there was a you want a good affiliate training there was a video I did like 3 years ago maybe four years ago on the honey app the honey app make it got sold to PayPal for $4 billion and guess what it was it was an affiliate link tool that's all it was and when people understand that it's like oh my God there's people in this industry that are doing big that have nothing to do with making money or this or that and you start to understand this is so much bigger than us and you can literally make money sharing links in a very simple way and you see hey this is pretty cool this works and you start to understand here's standup paddle board reviews here's one here that's talking about standup paddle boards there you go and literally you just look at what they're doing and you say okay how can I do a good job how can I make a following in a similar Niche like this and make a lot of money because there is so much money out there it is not even funny now we are going to have the notes we're going to have the giveaway and all that other stuff over at uh download myot if you guys have watched this and you're like I want to learn affiliate marketing from you check out blog profit or highet we got a lot of tools and resources uh we have calls every Tuesday to help you guys out we are here to help you make this stuff work so check out download myot Smash a like button and I'll see you in the next video

As found on YouTube


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