hey John cristani here so you want to start a trucking business without uh driving well guess what it's possible and you can make a good amount of money you can become rich doing it it's called Logistics is a over 700 billion doll industry billion billion moving stuff from point A to point B there's so much money in it and I love d driving you know so let's go over the step by step of how you exactly start a truck driving Business Without [Music] driving now Step One is obvious you you got to get a truck okay now a truck a truck costs maybe anywhere from like I'm talking a semi right anywhere from 70k to $200,000 like fully loaded like you know that big big freaking bed and you know stuff like that so you got to get a truck now in order to pay for a truck you can get away with putting 10% down so if you're talking about a 10 $100,000 truck you can get away with putting down $10,000 but you got to pay that off in 6 years 72 months that's usually I think the longest you can actually pay off these uh auto loans now a $100,000 truck is about with 10% is about $1,500 a month if you go for a $200,000 truck that's about 3,000 a month so that's kind of the Baseline you're going to have to make in Step number two now step number two is you got to find somebody to lease it out to you got to either find a company that you can lease your truck out to or an owner what's called an owner operator that you can bit lease your truck to because there's a lot of companies that are looking for for more trucks but they just want to rent them you know maybe maybe they got a lot of orders in the month of September and October and November so they just want to lease trucks during this period instead of buying them for the rest of the year you know or maybe you know and then there's a lot of truck drivers that would love to be driving trucks they just don't have the money to put down on a truck and they don't want to maintain the insurance or you know liabilities and all that sort of stuff so you got a lot of people who will lease the truck from you and you make your money when you actually collect the money so depending on your contract with the trucking company or the owner operator you're going to have to you know the third step is collecting the money and unfortunately there is a little bit of driving you have to do you have to drive to the bank you know to cash your checks but let's go over into some of the the real Logistics here and of how much you can be charging and how much you can make but also go over some of the pros and cons so let me refresh you on some of those numbers once again so that you know exactly what it takes to get started with a trucking company now one of the cons is you know you have high startup costs you know High startup costs but let me break those down so that you know if this is an opportunity for you so we spoke about how you have to spend you know let's say 60 to uh 200k for a truck now let's just go at the high end so a 200k truck is about you're you're spending you're putting about 20K down and then what you're doing is you're paying off on your loan about 3K a month so when you're you're going to have to have 20K plop cash and then you're going to have to you're going to have to make more than 3K a month or else you're losing money in this no driving trucking business so we got that now the average truck driver earns between 2 to 5,000 a week okay 2 to 5,000 a week now keep in mind truck drivers have to have their costs of fuel usually to come out of that but 2 to 5,000 a week and you know that's 8 to 20,000 k a month now I was with my wife over in a Brighton Beach which is a Russian neighborhood in in uh New York a few weeks ago and I was hanging out with my boy Sergey who's a truck driver he's got a 84t truck he was brag he he he was talking about how lazy the Americans are he says Americans they take uh 4 days to go from New York to Los Angeles uh it only take me two days you say $10,000 two days you know wow so you know some interesting stuff from Sergey here who is a truck drive you know he does well you know he does pretty well but he makes $10,000 from an LA to New York run so that's about the amount of money you can make from an LA to New York run now that might be a little high but still you're looking at somewhere over $5,000 from an LA to New York New York to LA run now that typically takes four days that's four days of 10 hours of driving it's 40 hours from LA to New York Sergey you know I guess he's got a lot of caffeine going on to do that drive in a 48 hours but the point being is there's a lot of money in truck driving and you know you multip you know if if you did if you did those runs for a month you know basically not sleeping you you're making uh you're making over a 100,000 in a month as a truck driver think about that you know so there's a lot of money here now how you actually charge is what you're actually doing is you're leasing out your truck to a company or owner operator and with a $200,000 truck you're trying 100 uh one 1,250 a week is what you lease that puppy out for we do the math here and you're making 5K you know 5K a month minus your lease 3K so you're making a passive income of $2,000 a month which is about $24,000 a year just by owning a truck and not even driving it that's $2,000 a month just owning a truck and you're building an asset so let's talk about that in a PR it is passive income you are building an asset those are huge things and you have something you have a sellable you have sellable assets you you are you are paying off a truck that you could sell at a later date and just pocket the pocket the money or you're also and also the company itself the the the relationships you'll make doing this business with the owners you know with the truck drivers and with the uh with um you know possibly even clients that want you to uh move this stuff you are building a sellable asset so you're making money in three different ways you're paying off your truck you're earning active income you're paying off your truck and you're building an asset okay now the cons are the high startup costs the cons are also that it can be difficult I'm just going to abbreviate everything it can be difficult to find Le leases or leses I don't know the proper English people to actually lease your truck you know the truck drivers that you know got some contracts they can drive or the companies that are going to be own or operate that can be difficult now if you're if you're just finding an owner operator of the truck the difficulty there can be you also have to write up a contract and collect the money and who knows you know if Sergey goes on a you know is driving that truck to the Bone for a month you know maybe goes off and parties in Thailand you know the next month I don't know but truck drivers are known as a rambunctious Surly bunch of PE nuts or whatever you know like you know and so you you have to collect that money every week you know truck drivers don't have crazy Lifestyles like surgey so you have to get a legal contract with the owner operator and make sure you collect on the money but I'd really say the most difficult part here is the high startup cost and difficult to find let Le people lease the truck so that's how you build a truck driving Business Without driving a truck now I personally prefer doing internet businesses I've made tens of millions of dollars running an internet business I've been running my own internet businesses since 2008 and make over a million dollars you know profit in my pocket everything a year I have a nice little ranch out in Malibu California and I teach it all in my book there's a link in the description it's free and you can check it out you know I also come out with a monthly you you'll put in your email I also come out with a little Weekly Newsletter where you can keep you know I just packet full of information and freebies to help other people with what I didn't have when I started in 2008 which was you know videos and like a stepbystep program of how to actually start an internet business many of my students about two dozen have become millionaires you know I was hanging out with one student last week who made over $2 million he owns his own products now uh over $20 million last year alone in his business so if you want to learn more about that check out the link in the description or just go straight we have a you know a mentorship program and you can look up more information on that there should be also a link in the description subscribe to the channel like this video comment let me know are you thinking of starting a truck driving business yay nay let me know if you're going deeper on it or if you maybe uh you have some pointers on it maybe you are a truck driver and you can uh correct me or add some information uh in the chat below we're building a community of a a Christian uh space colonizing cyborgs here on this channel and uh you know the goal is to go to space but first we all have to get rich so let's freaking go John cristani see you in the next video subscribe