and I really like kind of to to reverse engineer what's working for other people in different spaces and I I feel like that's kind of one of the main reasons why my wife and I have been been so successful is we we take what's just dominating over here in in the the supplement space right like like supplements on on clickfunnels and and just they just have scaled it and I'm like okay well I don't want to do that and I don't want to play on clickbait I don't want anything to do with that Marketplace or the product but I'm gonna go in I'm gonna go in here what are they doing why is this working so well and then from there I kind of get these ideas like you know what they're actually selling something different right they're actually selling they're actually selling ah okay and I start to kind of see what I think is um the psychological or the kind of emotional reason the thing is working and then it's like okay well how do I where's my version of that where's where's my next what what can I do um in my little world of the things I'm interested in that would that would replicate a bit of that
How To Reverse Engineer What’s Working in Different Industries