How to Make Money with a Website (Without Selling Anything)

hey everyone GRE and anko here and today I want to show you various ways to make money with your website it takes some work to make money with your website it's not an overnight get rich scheme but if you put in the work the rewards can be substantial so step one is to set up your base which is your website and for that I highly recommend my favorite hosting provider you can find the discounted link to cloudways just in the description of this video cloudways is the fastest hosting provider that I've personally used I run all of my websites on cloudways and the cool thing is that they actually give you a completely free trial for 3 days you don't even need to enter a credit card cloudways is all about performance you also get instant chat support really really good high quality and fast support which is important and the other thing that's really really good is that cloudways is actually a dedicated Cloud hosting which means that you get your own Cloud Server which is not shared with any other website so it's extremely fast and you get it for a really good price which starts at just $1 per month but if you use my discount link you're actually going to get a discount even off that price so to make sure that you get the discount just click the link in the description below you'll land on a page like this if you're not sure which plan you need just go for the cheapest one you can always upgrade later and then on this page just make sure for promo code you enter my promo code check the links in the description below uh at the moment the best promo code that I've got is cb25 so that'll get you a 25% discount for the first 3 months you'll need to verify the account via email once you've done that you land an a page like this if you're not sure about the configuration as I mentioned just go for 1 GB digital ocean that'll give you the cheapest plan about the location if you're not sure just go for New York that's totally fine and click launch now while this is happening let's register our domain this is the actual address that people will see in their browser such as or you need your own domain address so you can go to name CH and just check if aom domain is available try to find a cool unique domain you don't need to stuff keyword into it so for example my domain name I chose as dsh you can try to see if something like dond is available it actually is and you can see that you can get it for 598 if you use this coupon newom 598 so go through the checkout steps once you land on this page just click manage to go into the settings for your new domain okay so now let's connect our cloudway server to The Domain that we've just bought in your domain settings in name chip click on Advanced DNS if you see any existing record feel free to just delete them then click add new record and choose cname record under host enter www and for Value enter the actual domain name and click save changes then add a new record select a record under host type in this symbol here and under value we'll need the IP address so let's get it from our cloudways account so go back to the server and you will see something here that says public IP we will just need to copy copy this public IP this is your individual server IP and paste it into the value over here and where it says automatic also click save changes okay perfect now in the cloudway dashboard go back to the dashboard and go to flexible apps and here you've already got a shell of your website installed if you click the preview button you'll see here the actual template of the website but you'll just notice that the address for it right now is coming up on cloudways domain so we'll need to change that so go back make sure you're not on servers but on applications because application is your actual website on your server click on that and go to domain management over on the left and then we will need to add a domain here so add two versions of your domain with www and without let's click save changes let's make the domain without www your default so click here make primary set primary so now let's move on to SSL certificate enter all the details here your email address as well as two domains dond and the one with a www.

And click install certificate this is necessary to ensure secure access from the browsers to your website after this is done you can go and open a new tab and preview your new website and congratulations we've got our site set up here we go Dad SC dance and we've got the shell of our website it was very quick only took a couple of minutes now you should go back to access details and just take note of this admin panel URL as well as your username and password you can change it from here but this is how you log into the actual Administration area of your website so just open up this link and and then enter your username and password the password once again is this password over here and you land into the WordPress admin area that looks like this so first of all just go into settings and under general settings you'll be able to change the site title so just change it to the normal title and click save changes next go into permal links and make sure that you've got the post name option selected usually cloudways does that for you by default but it's just very important to make sure that the links on your site work correctly make sure it's post name and click save changes okay next you'll want to go into posts and this is where we're going to be creating our posts for the content on our website which is going to be those actual reviews so to create a new post click add new post and you land onto a wizzywig so what you see is what you get visual editing type interface where you can add the title type in the actual content and you can add different what's called content blocks so this is where you can add images galleries lists and other types of content into your WordPress post and the first method to make money with your website is to place ads you can see there is this ad over here this is on my travel blog there is another ad there is an ad in the bottom and ads throughout the whole content these are automated ads that appear by themselves I don't need to do anything to actually place these ads on my website and they come from this service called media Vine you can see that I get paid about $16 for 1,000 sessions or about $14 per th page views so basically if I get a th000 visitors to my website I get paid about $16 us for those thousand visitors and that is just by them browsing my website which is an awesome side income and it can be substantial if you get a high trffic website you can get hundreds of dollars just from people browsing your website I run three websites using this model and those websites get substantial traffic just from Google search from people looking for information in Google and then landing on my website and just to show you one quick idea on how you can find really profitable article ideas to publish about see these best coffee shops in Austin so people search for best coffee shops basically everywhere and if you just Target best coffee shops and you research in a keyword research tools such as SC Rush the link to that by the way is in the description below you'll be able to filter by keyword difficulty so here we can say that we want maximum 29% difficulty so we only want easy and very easy keywords over here and that will give us a ton of keyword that you can write on and look you can sort them by keyword difficulty or you can check out the keyword difficulty and many of them are so so easy to rank best coffee shops in Tampa keyword difficulty is 10 so basically if you write an article about this you'll have a super high chance of ranking on page one of Google just getting a ton of free traffic and making money from the ads placed onto your website by mediavine and as I mentioned to before mediavine pay $6 per 1,000 sessions and just so you know that a lot of people are making really good money with Med see there is an IPM of 20 that someone reported there are a lot of people that are reporting even higher IPM so 46 42 so it's absolutely possible to earn a lot of money with just these automated ads on your site next way of making money with a website is to publish reviews of products let's say you're considering buying a new microphone for your business or perhaps a new mouse or a new DES what do you do most of you will go on to Google and do what I do type in the name of the product and review for example Blue Yeti X review so there are reviews of the microphone and if we read any of these reviews let's say we click on this blue jtx review you'll see of course the actual review of the microphone but you will also see here today's best deals and these are affiliate links this is for people who are reading this review and they decide that they love this product they love the review information they will generally click the link because they are already in the buying mode they'll click the link and they will just make a purchase through the link of the website on which they're run and this is a great way to earn commissions because each of the purchases that is made via these links on this site will generate commissions to the owner of the website and by the way check this out they've also got a lot of ads on their site as well so they're earning in more than one way which is very very smart so I do this on my websites you can do this on your website the other types of reviews that I publish are reviews of the individual products but digital products for example this is a review that I published almost 6 years ago now it's still getting traffic for printly review and if you type in printly review now into Google you'll find that I'm still ranking as number one on my website with this printly review and check this out you can look at the stats I've made $5,295 in commissions just from publishing that review if you want me to publish a dedicated video explaining this method to you then just please drop me a comment below and let me know that you would like me to do that and I'll prepare a full length video about this method next method is indirect selling and by indirect selling I mean that you can publish content on your website that is just pure informational content and you can insert a affiliate links into that content let's say we're Google for what to pack for traveling which is kind of like a very common thing that people search for and if we click on this link here the ultimate packing list you will see that this is a really cool informational article so no one is selling anything it's just an info article but as we are reading through this and you know it's a high quality article which you need to do but let's say we're just reading through this and we decide to see oh this Marino wool layers I wonder what this actually is so now if I click on this you might notice in the bottom left there is an link so this is an Amazon affiliate link if I click it it will open up Amazon via the affiliate link of the owner of this website and anything that I buy now from Amazon is going to generate commissions for the owner of this site so if you insert affiliate links into your content even just informational content it's a really great idea and a really good way to make passive income through affiliate sales and there are hundreds of opport opportunities thousands of opportunities for super easy keywords that are informational uh content keywords that are very easy to create articles about so if we search for what to pack for and then we look at the keyword magic tool and we again just filter for everything up to a maximum keyword difficulty of 29 you'll see that there are so so many keywords that you could Target with this look at this there is a keyword what to pack for canun with just five keyword difficulty so pretty much any piece of content that you can create as long as it's half decent you're going to have a really good chance to rank next way to make money with a website is through selling this website many people don't know it but a website is actually a real estate asset and it can be sold for multiple of its earnings if you jump onto and you take a look at the recently sold websites which you can by the way can do just by using this filter at the bottom it says recently sold so we're just looking at sold websites only you can see that multiple websites sell for tens of thousands of dollars look at this $62,000 and this website was only making $1,895 per month there was another website that was sold for $144,000 and this website was only making $2,400 per month so it might not seem like that much you know like it's not a life-changing income if if you're making $2,000 a month with your website but if you build up your website to make that much you can actually potentially sell it for 100 grand or more which is like life-changing money because you can achieve this net profit on a website reasonably easy maybe I don't know within 6 months to a year if you really put your effort into it other websites that are getting sold look 527,000 496 481 th000 and so forth so you can see that you can actually make serious serious money by selling your site next awesome way to make money with your website is to collect emails and build an email list you can see that I do this on my cafee blogger website I also do this on my other websites I collect email leads and this is one of my convertkit accounts which is my autoresponder where I collect the leads you can see that on one of the accounts I've got 9 4,829 subscribers and at the moment I get anywhere between 20 to kind of 40 subscribers per day that are getting added to my email list and every time I email them I can make an offer or email them about something I can make a sale or make an affiliate commission which makes it super cool to have these email list because it's like instant audience and instant traffic and instant money that you can generate every single day or every single week if you want in your niche in all businesses it's super important to collect a customer list and it's not different in internet marketing the email addresses are the most valuable asset that you can build online so I highly recommend that you also build an email list for your website well these were all the different ways that you can make money with your WordPress website if you want any further information and in-depth tutorial on any of these methods then make sure to leave me a comment just below let me know which one and I'll create a full tutorial for you hit the like button below subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this video next this video will show you another way to get traffic using your website I really hope you enjoy it thank you so much for watching once again and I'll see you in the next video

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