here is how this store has made over $800,000 if you go to Etsy you will see that this store sells t-shirts for gamers like this this store has had 33,000 reviews which means that they've made over 100,000 sales at $8 per sale that works out to be over $800,000 in Revenue you can sell these kind of shirts for as much as $17 to $18 per shirt and you can use a service called printify to make these shirts for you for as little as8 or9 first open canva the T-shirt design design a similar shirt all right so this is looking decent let's just go ahead and download this now let's now go into Printery and then go into t-shirts and Design One let's go ahead and click Start designing now okay so this is our mockup here and let's now click print preview and this has turned out really really good so go ahead and list it on Etsy printy will charge you $10 if you sell it for $759 you will make over $7 profit