How to Make 10K a Month In Only 1 Hour Per Day

if I only had one hour per day and the goal to grow a $10,000 per month online business this video reveals exactly what I would build and specifically you're going to learn the seven-step business plan that I would use you'll also learn the five tasks that I would do over and over and over to grow this business plus I'm going to get into some Niche examples where this works really well and then we'll wrap up with one full example kind of Flesh it all out top to bottom so you can see exactly how this comes together now what I like to summarize this as is what call The Authority list business model okay it's all based around email so essentially you're building an email-based business from home that you can run from your laptop and you can run it from anywhere in the world now what you need to do first the step one is to figure out who you're going to be of service to and what you're going to help them with this is called choosing your Niche if you need help with this I do have some YouTube videos on this I do have a $9 premium training called Niche Navigator the link to that is down below but you got to figure out who you're going to be of service service to and I recommend that you look for something you have a story in or you have affinity for meaning you think it'd be fun to read about to listen to podcasts about to watch YouTube videos on this subject matter so if you're a copyrighting geek and you love copyrighting and you love persuasion you love the world of sales that's kind of like your internal guide to tell you to nudge you in the direction of if that feels fun follow the fun because the truth is with this business and every business you're going to be engaged reading writing talking about it creating emails looking for helpful resources on the topic to share so since you're going to be all in on this topic subject matter for the next several years you might as well enjoy it so that's the first big key second is you're going all in on list growth at a bare minimum you need a landing page and an email service provider now on the top navigation of my website miles there is a post that says how to grow your email list it shows you how to get everything going for free that is $0 and you can grow up to your first thousand subscribers for $0 in this scenario so please use that tutorial as you're going through this as your actual stepbystep framework to help you build this all out ultimately you're going to need some sort of a lead magnet whether that's a virtual Summit whether that's a 7day um challenge or whether that's like a free MP3 or a free ebook or a free video then I do recommend when possible to have a onetime offer that you show after they opt in and or have some of your own low ticket offers that you sell whether it's as an Oto or selling it directly but you got to grow your list right if it's an email based business that's the real key to everything so once you have your landing page and your email system set up then it's on to traffic and you essentially have two choices or there's a there's a really big divide in the traffic game there's paid traffic and then there's earned traffic some people call that free traffic it just takes time and energy to earn it so with paid traffic I'd be using Facebook ads first and foremost if I couldn't get Facebook ads to dial and I love my offers and I love my Niche I would also try YouTube ads as well you could even go into Google ads I think starting at $5 a day is a really smart way to grow but if you're on a tight budget of time I'm assuming that you have a full-time job or two you've got good cash flow coming in from elsewhere and that's why you're strapped for time which is great so let's reinvest some of this income that you're earning elsewhere into testing to finding the landing page the lead magnet the offers that work so you can then scale your list without spending a bunch of money out of pocket which is exactly what we do when we build out sales funnels the other side of traffic is going to be organic traffic now at 1 hour per day I don't think you have that much time and I don't think you'll have enough patience to go into blogging or creating a fullon YouTube channel like we have here it just takes more time than that so if you're in the position where you're like miles I don't have a lot of money but I have a bunch of free time go down the path of content marketing right if you spend two or three hours per day you can use a Blog and or a YouTube channel to really grow this thing if you're in it for the long term but on the short term if you're focusing in on free organic traffic strategies I would focus on vertical videos this would be YouTube shorts I would get that same YouTube short that would be 60 seconds up on Instagram reals and I would also be creating and Publishing it to Tik Tok and I believe when you focus your bio right the link in BIO is leading them to your lead magnet that you already built out here when you focus all of your energy on helping people in these short form vertical video content you can make one two or three of those per day in an hour's time which is what you need to do to really build that wave of momentum on the free strategy so for traffic are you going to go paid five bucks a day is where you start on Facebook ads or are you going to do a free approach that's up to you it's what fits you best the fourth part of the plan is doing research so you need to find a lot of great content to share a big part of your job if you're you're really limited by time is being a curator of information so in that copywriting example you're listening to copyrighting podcasts you're watching copyrighting videos you're finding the best copyrighting free content out there and that is the majority of what you are going to share in your email so you become someone who really helps summarize a bunch of the different resources out there to help your email list subscribers get the best of the best of the best you don't have to create this content but you're gonna have to find it now this is where I think we're probably going to go a little over an hour per day because I want you to turn the time that you're spending cleaning the kitchen doing yard work doing laundry you should have earbuds in and you should be listening to content when you're driving when you're commuting when you're walking the dog through the neighborhood you should have earbuds in and you should be listening to the newest Niche content that's relevant to your audience so you can keep finding those gems that you're going to share okay so I don't consider that to be a part of the one hour of work but I think it's something that you are need to you're going to need to add on then obviously you're going to need to log in and email a minimum of two times per week all the way up to seven times per week I think most um people operating this model emailing two to three times two to four times per week is going to be best and then there's the monetization right you got to make money off of this thing so you're going to have to go find affiliate offers to promote inside of your emails I teach that in my offer Recon course which there's a link to below it's only like 199 bucks but then you can also go find advertisers who may want to actually put display ads inside of your emails you just need to know that one day per week that one hour that you're working on each and every week you need to be focused or one day one hour of the seven hours per week that you're putting into this business model needs to be all in focused in on finding monetization whether that's finding new ad Partners whether that's finding new offers whether that's creating and selling your own offers doesn't really matter but you need to be focusing sometime on creating those monetization systems built inside of there and obviously you can have a little note down in the bottom of every email that says hey if you want to advertise on this reply and let me know you want to advertise and I'll give you my rates so the emails that you're sending out to your Niche audience may actually become the marketing for the advertisers inside of said email so it can really work together very well but the more creative that you get when it comes to uh running your uh monetization strategy inside of those emails the more money that you're going to make and the more opportunities that you're going to have and then number seven on the actual plan is growth hacking okay so once you get your system built you're going to need to find ways whether it's doing list swaps with other people who have email lists that you can Market to and they can Market your list whether you create low ticket products that other people mail as Affiliates whether you use a tool like upv viral that gives your subscribers a free ebook a free video course when they refer you five or 10 subscribers um you can put together and Run online Summits there's a whole world of growth hacking but in this seven-step plan right Niche list growth traffic research email monetize and growth hacking um several of those things you're not going to have to work on week after week after week once you choose your Niche you're done with that one right once you get your opt-in page working and dialed in your email list system working you're pretty much done with that once your Facebook ads are working I mean it's maybe an hour of work per week to keep up on those ads to make sure they're all working appropriately so all of that extra time that you yet once your basic minimum viable system is built that's where you apply it into growth hacking to really start to scale this quickly so ongoing tasks okay five ongoing tests number one you got to be growing your list all the time so I'm constantly creating and testing new lead magnets I'm creating and testing new offers for my Oto and I'm also creating and testing new ad copy to see what gets me the highest return on my efforts there number two is traffic okay so the ads is the least timec consuming as we mentioned or you're going to be doing the uh vertical videos obviously there's way more opportunities to drive traffic organically and paid than those but these are the ones I would use if I was forced to only be working on this for one hour per day um and then obviously the ongoing task of curating and finding content to share this can be done through earbuds um there are some AI tools that can help you summarize a lot of these podcasts but I think when you are actually listening to them as an Enthusiast in the space and you find that at man at minute 16 they go on this 4minute rant and wow that's the whole power of the entire podcast and that's what you share with your email list they're going to love you for saving them 56 minutes so they don't have to watch the whole or they don't have to listen to the whole podcast you zero them in on the most important part they're going to love you for that so that's a part of the job sending emails super quick and easy once you get a framework we will talk about a specific framework that you can follow here later and then that monetization you always got to be looking for and or creating new monetization systems there's never a business in this world where you build it once and then you're just done forever um the passive income lies from those greedy gurus are unfortunately just that they are lies there's always you need to be working on improving what's working for you um if you're not working to render what's working for you obsolete your competitors are and this is why you need to stay engaged with the game and stay on top of it so what kind of niches does this work with um number one Fitness and Wellness right the whole world of weight loss of gaining muscle whatever it is right from yoga to Runners to biohackers to people who want to meditate to people who want to lose weight people want to bulk up all of those are longterm games that they're playing so they need helpful reminders they need motivation they need accountability they need consistent emails coming into their inbox to help them remember why they're doing what they're doing to help them you know find new recipes to help them find new ways of getting the goals that they want to make their lives easier while they they on that journey of whatever it is so like yoga Runners biohackers meditators people who uh want to really improve their health lose weight gain weight bulk up gain muscles all of these are perfect niches for this business model uh number two is for Foodies and people who love food and people who love cooking or people who are building the skill of cooking this can go all the way from a save money approach which is in the uh meal prep and meal planning type approach but it can go all the way to you know wine connoisseurs and people who want to be specific about Vegan Cooking or keto cooking etc etc anybody who's into cooking is always looking for a new Fresh awesome recipe we're always looking for new kitchen gadgets that'll make our lives easier if you could teach me how to use an instant pot that's got the uh air fryer attachment to it to save time on cooking my breakfast potatoes every day bingo I want to know about that and this business model lends itself to that Niche idea number three is relationships uh parenting family dating everything from dealing with toddler Tantrums and kids to dating for single parents homeschooling hacks um no screen how to un addict your children to screen time how to get your kids off of sugar and on and on and on it goes there can be a holistic slant there can be a weight loss slant for this there's a million in one different angles you can take into this space then pets animal care right so we're not talking like broad you're not going to be the be all end all um I'm the pet person for All Pets in the world you're going to get super specific down to specific types of lizards or people who love certain types of rodents and yes people do keep rodents as pets um all the way to like hairless cats right people who have hairless cats they have very specific and unique needs compared to the rest of the worlds of cats or French bulldogs and on and on and on there's literally thousands of subn niches under that World um all these people who like pets and animals they want pet stories they want animal stories they want to see pet videos they want this kind of engaging content and you can curate that and put it right in their inbox and they're going to love opening your emails which means they're going to see the ads they're going to see the links to the chewes and to those affiliate programs that you're a part of to get all their pet supplies and on and on and on number five is Travel and Adventure you got luxury you got budget right we can break it down in a bunch of different ways um trip ideas trip itineraries all the way down to the packing lists and the gear there's a million and one places that you can promote as an affiliate there's a million and one places that would love to advertise on a great Niche travel email list um number six is hobbies and crafts knitting woodworking gardening tarot numerology astrology if people are stoked on it and they spend their spare time on it they're going to want to read about it they're going to want to learn about it they're going to want to get better at it they're going to want to engage with it that is your opportunity and then number seven is you know money everything money from investing to personal finance okay from eliminating debt to trading nfts and meme coins if you want uh dividend stocks passive investing the F movement all the way down to real estate investing and when you get to real estate investing there's everything from bird dogging to wholesaling to commercial to uh residential to short-term residential to airbnbs and on and on and on it goes so you find that kind of Niche that you have an overlap for so let's say you want to become a real estate investor in your life you've been studying it you've been playing it you're working on your first deal you're co-hosting for a few people locally in the Airbnb game and you just want to be all about real estate investing for the rest of your life perfect this is your opport to constantly geek out on the information to find the best tidbits and then to share it with those other Airbnb hosts out there in the world boy you could grow affiliate Revenue ad Revenue you could grow a really big Property Management business if you were leveraging this approach right here and here's one fun example to kind of wrap this all up together so you could run one called the daily tarot okay um if you do tarot readings tarot cards you can offer daily tarot readings you can do astrological updates you're going to see immediately how you could apply this to a dozen or two different spaces um but you know the stars are always changing the planets are always changing the astrolog is already always changing and people who love Tarot readings would always love to get a quick one card tarot reading into their inbox so your structure of your email could be it starts out with a quote every day it's got a quote then you have a little advertisement section this could be a paid ad right somebody who's just paying per impression or this could be an ad for something like a tarot card deck that you love and it could be inside of there the next one is the one card tarot reading you got a nice little image you got a little 300 words about that tarot card right there then you got another ad space then you got a Tarot deck review that would obviously be an affiliate link and then you've got another ad then you can do an astrological update and below that you can have a share with friend kind of a call to action using something like upv viral to where if they share it with 10 of their friends or 20 of their friends and they get you 20 subscribers you'll send them a deck of tarot cards or something you find a $8 deck of tarot cards that you can drop drop ship from Amazon or wherever and you start to incentivize these folks growth hacking your way to getting your readers who love your content to promote your opin and they get a prize for doing it there's a million in one ways to build this out now I learned and really mastered the game of email marketing through my friend named Terry and if you want someone who's going to walk you through the process and to really hold your hand and help you put together a even more specific game plan than this to grow an authority list yourself I highly recommend you go to Miles athority list and you learn from Terry he's the person I learned the game of email marketing from currently we have almost 300,000 active subscribers on all of our email lists and it's pretty amazing we go send an email we queue up an email we put together a new offer we send it out even if it's a$1 $11 $15 $17 offer and we can see tens of thousands of dollars come in from just a few emails when we put these pieces together it all starts with one you get your first subscriber then it's 10 then it's 100 then it's a th000 then it's 100,000 and on and on and on and on from there um this business works it does not take all that much time for you to build this out when you really stay focused in and once again a recap on the plan figure out who you're going to help right choose a niche grow your list get traffic to your opt-in pages research really good things to share with your list email two to four times per week at least monetize with ads and affiliate offers and then growth hack your way to a big old honken list and you'll be amazed at the business the lifestyle you can generate and the income that you can generate because the truth is when you're mailing 100,000 people at a clip or you're mailing 200,000 people at a clip it still only takes 15 20 30 minutes to write that email but you just get so much leverage you can earn so much revenue from taking these few five little daily tasks um you can do it all in an hour a day I hope this has been helpful if you like this give me a thumbs up if you have questions for me get at me in the comments and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video till then be well

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