today I want to show you how to go viral on YouTube shorts and seven ways that I recommend to make a viral YouTube short video I've had a lot of my YouTube shorts that I've had over 1 million views just like the one that you see here I've added 5.3 th000 subscribers and it's still getting 4,000 views every 48 Hours even a year after I've posted it I've had a lot of YouTube shorts videos that have been getting hundreds of thousands of views for the video today I'm going to be using a tool called submic it's actually really useful and helps you a lot with creating fire YouTube shorts so you can grab your free account just click the link in the description below so go ahead sign up and then you can follow this tutorial along with me and for this first of all we're going to create a new project so I'm going to go here project create new video here I'm just going to upload my draft video that I sh it's like a video where I'm telling how to grow tomatoes we're going to be working through this video together using this as an example so let's click upload the video is uploaded so let's go ahead and change the size of the video to Grand portrait like this next let's go to trim the video and this is a really cool feature that I love so you've got the full breakdown of exactly what I'm saying in the video because submic automatically transcribes the video for you into these captions and you can see there are pauses there is a 99sec pause 3 and 1/2 second pause so there is a feature that actually removes the silences for you automatically so I can just click here and say remove six silence for 28.6 seconds all right like this and it's done it's just cut out all that silence instantly for you so we can now go ahead and play it and you'll see that it's actually skipping all the silence here is how you can grow awesome Tomatoes step one you need to make so you can see it's automatically cut out and chopped out all the silences which is really good next you'll see that there is a portion here where I'm starting to say something and then it's just a bad take if you want to learn exactly how I did that okay so it's just a bad take all I really need to do is just click delete it like this and it's instantly gone okay so you can just skim through everything make sure that what is left is only the stuff that you really need so I'm happy with that let's just click save and we can move to the next step next you've got captions very very important good captions can really boost your video and help you go viral on YouTube shorts and there are several pre-made styles of captions that you can use so you can use homoi 1 homoi 2 homoi 3 or any of these other ones you can use Mr Beast style captions which is really cool cuz it's just one click to set it up so let's go with homoi 3 for this video and then you can adjust the settings you can adjust the position if you wanted to appear a little bit higher you can do that just change position y over here you can add highlight colors and then from here we can just go to captions and basically from here you can control exactly how your captions appear and if you want to change something and bring it to the next line for example you can do that from here very easily so just skim through everything make sure you're happy with this like for example if I want awesome tomatoes to be on the same screen I can just do that I can click on awesome and then just say move to the next line and just like that it's done it so let's preview this here is how you can grow awesome Tomatoes step one you need to make sure that you buy okay so you can see just like that we've created really highly engaging captions which is really really good and quick cool so this is all looking really nice next I'll show you how to quickly add B- rolls which is really powerful let's go to B- rolls over here you've got a couple of options the first is to use magic b-rolls so everything's done for you automatically so let's just say I want 40% of my footage to be b rolls okay I can just click magic b rolls and it'll do it automatically you can see where it has added the B- rolls it added it here and then here at the end it's also actually going to add auto zoom for you video as well so let's preview how it looks like now here is how you can grow awesome Tomatoes step one you need to make sure that you buy the best high quality or getting tomato seeds step two I mean this is looking pretty good already because it's looking a lot more lively and it's just automatically found relevant footage for you of course you can also have got manual control over this so you can add b-rolls very quickly like this if you want to add a b-roll but just to a part of this here you can just highlight this say split into new line and then you can just add Boll manual into this portion only so we want a B- roll we want the video and then here we can say tomato and let's just take this bit of footage over here okay and click apply step two make sure that you get awesome soil so this was pretty cool and wasn't too hard so it's a nice feature and I really love these controls that you get because they're better than a lot of other editors that I've personally used because you can create these transition animations just from here and they all look really nice a very good selection of transitions to really make your videos Dynamic there's also a couple of other features for example submic will analyze the content of your video and will create the hook for you so it's understood that you've got three steps so it's actually created the title to say three steps to grow awesome tomatoes and it's even inserted the little Emoji Mark likewise you can use with the AI description and hashtags feature all right so it's gone ahead and chosen the hashtags for you to use so for example if you wanted to upload it to Instagram all you need to do is just copy and paste or you can regenerate so go and regenerate this and you'll get a new version you can also add music with one click which is pretty cool so I'm going to play these for you and you'll see what we've created together here is how you can grow awesome Tomatoes step one you need to make sure that you buy the best high quality or getting tomato seeds step two make sure that you get awesome soil step three you can see the Transitions and it just keeps it very Dynamic and much more enjoyable and much more viewable so it should definitely help you go viral so next a very important and Powerful tip is to check your analytics and go into this new inspiration tab because it will help you find some good ideas for your videos it'll show you what kind of shorts your viewers are already watching so that you can get some ideas and create similar content for example you can see here I've got some suggestions about what kind of uh things my viewers are searching for right now so these are what people are looking for okay and this gives me some ideas for the videos but I want to scroll down and where it says make a short uh it's suggesting to me to make shorts about these types of videos and I can click show all and YouTube is actually telling telling you that these are good ideas for you to make videos about because your audience is interested in them and there is little competition next in the audience tab check this out if you scroll down and you'll see here that it says what your audience watches in the last seven days you can then go to shorts and you will see what kind of shorts they've been watching so that means that your audience loves these shorts and you can create a similar short it will suggest you the ideas and you'll definitely get inspiration from this and get some ideas if your audience is already watching these shorts if you create a similar short then it's very likely that you're going to be able to get high views from your audience and that'll give your video a push and help you create a viral short video next make sure that you utilize YouTube search capability and insert good keywords into the titles of your shorts look at this my best viewed shorts are all targeting Search terms if I go into here you'll see that this is still getting 4,000 views every 48 hours and all of the traffic basic is coming from YouTube search and if we look at the analytics for this you will see these are the keywords that people are typing in YouTube shorts earnings YouTube shorts monetization how to make money on YouTube I've made sure that I'm inserting all of these keywords into the title and the description of my YouTube short so YouTube shorts earnings let's check the details okay and there we go it's right here I've decided to share my shorts earnings with you this is how YouTube knows that if someone searches for this my video will be likely to come up in YouTube search and sure enough if I take this and I search for it in a incognito tab YouTube shorts earnings let's see and then we'll look for shorts here at the top yep my video is right there it's ranking and it's getting ongoing Evergreen views which is awesome let me know what you guys thought of this submic tool I mean I think it just makes the process of creating a good engaging video a lot simpler and faster it's got a lot of functions packed into one package if you want to grab your free account just go and click the link in the description below if you then decide to upgrade there is a coupon cb10 which will give you a 10% discount on the paid plans and if you want to get my free guide where I show how I make about $11,000 a day online over the last 12 months by simply posting these very short clips on YouTube and Instagram you can go to faster you'll land at this page we've got a special at the moment where you can get $0 access for a 7-Day trial so you can check it out and see if it's something that you would like to continue with or not we've got a ton of proof and results so just go to fast and you'll be able to access this thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you next video