How to Get Rich This Christmas

let's talk about how to get rich this Christmas so the festive season is about spreading joy and marryt but there's no spreading extra joy and marryt without some extra change right so if you want to be spread spreading all that when the time comes it's the best time to think about increasing your income and the best way to do that is getting that money online so I'm going to give you some income tips for how you can utilize Christmas and this amazing time of spending money so you can make some money in your pocket now if you're interested make sure you watch to the end end of the video my name is John cristani I've been running an internet business making M made over $20 million uh and I'm going to talk to you about how you can do the same thing you know I've got time Freedom I've got location Freedom I've got Financial Freedom and my goal is to help others that felt similarly underserved by the 9 to5 like I did create an online income so you know blame it on capitalism or whatever right but people spend a lot of money on Christmas and most of that money is spent online so what can you do you know the simple answer is to sell like Christmasy related items through e-commerce or Drop Shipping or whatever um you know but you know one of them is to sign up with Amazon's fulfillment by Amazon program and post things on there and the reason why uh working with Amazon and their FBA program is what it's called is so good is because Amazon sells the products for you you don't need to worry about like what to write in the product description or what to Market or anything because Amazon has the customers Amazon gets the customers Amazon does the marketing and they you know they get the people coming to your website you know your product and buying it and the easiest way to do this is actually buy products on a site like Alibaba and then sell them on Amazon okay does that make sense you buy them cheaper you sell them more expensive Buy Low sell high now you don't just want to buy something anything and hope that it will sell you want to buy things that are sure to sell and you know depending on how close we are to Christmas you want to sell some some Christmasy sort of stuff now the first thing is you can sell like Christmas related attire like like uh clothing shirts scarves hats you know pants whatever now the thing is it doesn't have to be pretty it can be ugly uh you know sweater ugly sweaters are actually really popular you can also do like Santa costumes and like sweaters um uh Christmas hair accessories you know those those uh beard ornaments were actually a really big selling thing last year and you can find a lot of these products on sites like Alibaba and then sell them on Amazon for more okay so so about gift packs you know other ideas is you could be like Moroccan Christmas gift pack or like Indian Christmas gift pack or like African Christmas gift pack you know Filipino Christmas gift pack there's so many people you know like grandmas and stuff living in different countries you know I sure they appreciate stuff from their own local areas you know so you can you know Halloween Christmas gift pack right you know Nightmare Before Christmas gift pack right so you you can come up with endless amounts of ideas just taking a few items bundling them selling them for a markup and sending it to Amazon to sell for you you know it doesn't get much harder uh than that and you can make some serious dough it doesn't get much easier than that now third thing you can sell is Christmas decorations you know people love putting up wreaths and ornaments and you know fake trees and all this other sort of stuff I mean go on alib Baba buy it cheap from China sell it online right like easy easy money that's easy money people you know LED string lights things that blink you know uh Inflatables uh stockings uh little fake Christmas trees mistletoe right all these things you can find on Oli Baba which is like basically like a Chinese wholesaler and you sell it on Amazon list it um great now also miscellaneous Christmas stuff I mean this isn't really a category name but there's just so many random odds and ends you know cookie cutters Christmas you know dut shapes gift wraps Christmas cards you know there's so much random stuff around holidays you can find it on Alibaba sell it for cheap on Amazon you can find it on Alibaba bundle it you know and create a unique product and sell it for cheap either way make you know just just go out there and make money try things out and you'll when you find a winner the way it works on the Internet is you might try one time and you make nothing you might try two times and you make nothing you might try three times nothing nothing nothing but that 10th time you try to create an online business or you try to put a product on on e-commerce or whatever you make hundreds of thousands millions tens of millions of dollars and think about it right ugly sweaters typically go for let's say $15 on Amazon but you can find them you they can be a lot more expensive on that now you could find ugly sweaters at a at a at a you know a garage sale for you know three bucks you know five bucks you know my boy Gary ve you know he regularly goes out trash talking you know negotiating at garage sales he finds item for cheap makes makes huge markups you know he's buy he's getting a lot of Collectibles you know like Boy Scout old you know coins old boy scout stuff old Pokemon cards and stuff but you could do the same stuff for Christmasy items and make Bank okay so here's another example for instance if you want you could buy a 7t tree that's about as tall as Shack uh on Alibaba for $10 and you could sell it on Amazon for $30 now that's a $20 profit margin it reduces the amount of products you need to sell to make that coveted $110,000 a month now if I pull out my calculator and I do the math here and we got $10,000 we want to make divided by $20 profit per item that means we have to sell 500 trees I'm sure there's 500 people buying Christmas trees out there for Christmas and we just made $10,000 now the reality is there's tens of millions of people buying fake Christmas trees every single year and if you're you know you could be the one buying it and spending money and losing or you could be the one selling it and getting the freaking money let's go now that said if you don't want to sell on Amazon there are many other avenues you can sell products online and most of them are on social media you know Gary vaynerchuk uh often talks about how you know he goes to just garage sales or like thrift shops and he'll buy products and sell them on eBay and eBay is a fantastic way to sell products you could sell anything now if you're going to use Facebook or Instagram or Tik Tok right there's people making money every day talking about products and selling you know gift packs on uh Christmasy stuff Halloween stuff Etc it's not difficult at all to make money selling products if you're making content right and really hyping it up again the internet is for selling things not buying things come on folks you know so creating eye-catching and engaging videos with relevant hashtags such as hash Christmas gift ideas hash xmus gift ideas that can drive traffic and sales and what you can do to monitor that is you talk about some gift ideas and then you include a link in your bio your link tree or description that goes to maybe Amazon's a you know your your affiliate link on Amazon or something like that and you can make money being an affiliate so you don't even have to buy the products from Alibaba what you don't even have to buy the products from Alibaba and sell them you know you because of course you have to spend money to buy products on alib Baba you could sell other people's products you know on Amazon and make a little cut of that money of course you're only making 5% but that's better than 0% okay come here come here so the absolute best idea to make money in Christmas is setting up gift idea compilations 10 best Christmas gifts for kids 10 best Christmas gifts for a daughter or for a mother or for parents or for Filipinos or for Moroccans or whatever that is you take a list of ideas because because people love browsing people love looking around and making their own decisions and stuff like that so you give them a list of ideas and then you also have a chance of not just making money selling one item you have money a chance to make money selling 10 or 17 or 21 items however many your talk of the gift ideas you give now another way to bank this Christmas is festive do it-yourself projects now if you're a little bit more creative than the average person you have that creative bug you're good at like you know I don't know like Jerry rigging things you can create you can create videos or guides that show a doityourself way of creating your own Christmas gifts and this is great because people love doing things themselves they love saving money and stuff like that now if I was in your shoes what I would do is I would actually create a guide of you know I would create an ebook uh you know 101 Chris do it-yourself Christmas gifts and I'd sell that sucker for you know 20 bucks 50 bucks a 100 bucks whatever it is right whatever you can sell it for you know and just to give you an idea of where I got started right I got started in college uh I think 19 years old it was selling information products I sold PDF files of my study notes for $400 okay that's how I made my first $10,000 a month now no it wasn't online uh it was literally I put up Flyers around my college asking people or you know saying I will help you pass your class you know in this specific class I have all the notes of what you need to do and people bought them and they worked I guaranteed them a good grade and what I was able to do is by learning marketing I was able to go from selling my my notes my class notes from $40 in fact the first time I was selling my class notes I wasn't trying to sell them I just said I have you know I have all all the answers and some you know this guy my friend said dude let me give you money I said oh you could just have the notes he said dude I'm giving you 40 bucks you know this these work and you just gave me money because it was so good uh now what I moved into was I just kept increasing the price until it was $400 and I started just I met people at the coffee shop across the street from my school and uh you know I made a lot of money uh you know I was making over $10,000 a month just by selling guides that helped people with a solution to something and the great thing about doing a do-it-yourself Christmas gift guide is that you're saving people money you're giving them an activity you're giving them a family activity and all this other stuff but again let's forget that let's say you don't want to do anything you want to sit sit back you want to post some content you want to put up a link the number one way is to join an affiliate program so you could get a commission by just linking to other people's products and the best way to do that is to visit Amazon Associates website right now and sign up for an account when they ask for a company you can just put your name when they ask for a website you can put a social media profile okay wherever you'll be talking about Amazon products basically is what you can put up now of course you can use these links and text mess Mees and emails and whatnot but once you're approved for your affiliate application you can generate affiliate links for products there's just a little widget that shows up and you'll earn a commission each time somebody buys products from Amazon now second place you can sign up to sell other people's products is Walmart Affiliates so go to Walmart Affiliates website and register for an account but you have to fill out all this information people are like why do I have to fill you know it's they're they're sending you money you know there's like finan cial laws for like the transfer of money but these Walmart's going to send you money Amazon's going to send you money you know but for Walmart you need to bear in mind you need to have an active website or a Blog to be approved for their program you can't just post a social media you know like your Facebook profile link now you can set up a Blog for free online very easily and I'm going to link you know the easiest way is using WordPress if you want to set up a website I have a great deal on websites you can go to Blu host and I'm going to include a link down in the description where you can sign up for a for a for a free website but but you have to pay like four bucks a month for hosting fees again getting a website is one of the most important things to getting into affiliate programs getting paid uh getting SEO and there's so many other things a website is really like one of those first Stepping Stones it's kind of like like if you're going to go out to a restaurant you got to put on clothes you know so it's get a website if you want to start an internet business now let's talk about how much you can earn right and let's calculate really the numbers that you need to get to $10,000 in money in your pocket using Amazon Associates for example now if we have to sell 4,000 products to earn $110,000 that means if we're creating content on social media we have to reach at least four 100,000 people with our posts right no easy task but again it's free to create content it's free to get views and you earn real money um also there's nothing that says you can't sign up for more than one affiliate program at a time you can sign up for a bun you know a bunch of affiliate programs and mix and match the products that you recommend from different things so go ahead head and remember don't put all of your eggs in one basket go out there let's make some freaking money online and Have Yourself A Merry Christmas this is John cristani standing for freedom and family let's freaking go see you in the next video subscribe like and let me know what your favorite idea was for making Christmas money

As found on YouTube


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