How To Earn $100 With Snapchat

397 million daily users that's how many people use Snapchat and it's an absolute gold mine when it comes to making money on the internet uh but but like actual gold you're going to have to dig deep and actually like you know to get the money out of the platform and I'm going to explain six ways that you can actually do this uh for yourself from you know using affiliate promotions to inapp kind of Revenue sharing programs in this video so if you're like passionate about making money like I am you know I love making internet money this video is going to be really good for you and make sure you watch the end and I'm going to show you how you can make at least $100 daily from Snapchat so let's get down to business um a little bit about me my name is John cristani I've earned over $25 million from the internet I got started in my early 20s became a millionaire by my uh mid 20s multi-millionaire by my mid 20s and uh yeah currently living out the life of my dreams I have uh two wives two kids and um yeah you know interested in really helping people you know I've been creating lives but I'm also passionate about changing lives so let's go over how you can get this $100 daily from Snapchat's platform so number one right is affiliate marketing okay and if you haven't heard about affiliate marketing it's where you earn commissions sell other people's products now for one promoting affiliate products on your handle is a great can be a great source of passive income so you're posting videos people are finding your links but you might be wondering how do you go about it specifically right well the first step is you want to join an affiliate Network there's tons of them out there but the one I recommend the highest there's there's really two one is ClickBank and the other is Digi store okay both of these Affiliates networks will accept folks from around the world and they'll they don't cost anything to join and they'll be paying you money within a week if you're promoting products you you can get really creative with affiliate Pro Promotions on your Snapchat Channel you can have a series of videos that builds into a product that you know you you want people to get uh another way you can do about is just always talking about a specific sort of topic maybe you're you're always talking about beauty right well sell a beauty product or relationship product on your channel include a link to it include a short link you know get like a really short domain like you know like skinquest do you know I you know skinquest doxyz you know like go to skinquest dox you know stuff like that you could shout it out and get people going to wherever the product page is now the second way to earn money on Snapchat is what we call sponsored content so if you build a big enough following uh and let me just write this down if you build a big enough following by posting consistently then you should be able to you you'll be able to get Brands to actually sponsor you to put out content and if you want to see a list of companies that actually sponsor uh you know content content creators you can go to Advan pay.

And look at the top brands or sorry the top advertisers list and this will show the companies that are working with the most creators and sponsoring the most creators content on um on the internet so you and you can work with these companies uh just go to advanc pay. and click on the advertisers button I'll also include a link down in the description to see who these companies are how much they're paying and who they're paying money to now the third way you can make money with Snapchat is selling your own products or Services right own prods and what this means is you know you can sell let's say you talk about relationships in your Snapchat Channel and you have a really happy relationship with your husband right you can create a a booking link for people to book time with you to learn how to create a beautiful fantastic long-term relationship how they can create it there a lot of people struggling with relationships in the world so if you're good at making a relationship right in California the divorce rate is 75% so if you're good at making a relationship that's a rare skill and you could sell information you can sell coaching you can sell Consulting on that simply by just creating a link or asking people to uh talk with you right but you got to talk about in your content you got to say hey if you want me to help you learn how you can create that good relationship another way you can create money using Snapchat is sort of using SnapChat as what I call a uh you know a lead magnet right and uh let me just write this down now what I mean by this is you may not necessarily know what you want to sell to people yet um but you can use your handle to get people to subscribe to an email list of yours one of the most powerful ways to do this uh you know one of my buddies was doing this on Tik Tok and earn Millions is create a really simple short like website you know just get a really short website and have it link to a opt-in form you know I'd suggest using clickfunnels to do this uh clickfunnels is great software I've been using it for years and years and years now I pay them happily 3,000 bucks a year uh you can sign up for as little as 97 bucks a month and and it's fantastic it really helps you create websites and Lead magnets really easily uh I just say get it if you're looking to do this and what you do is you create an email list you get people to opt into your email list so you can send them emails every week or every day or every month depending on the frequency that you're interested in emailing them and you can set you can you can sell them products you can say hey I just started using this really cool new skin care product and you should check it out or like hey you know here's you know I'm using these great markers you know this uh Sharpie pen and you know it's uh it's really great hey and uh you know I have an affiliate my Amazon affiliate link uh that you can sign up and buy it and you can post it you know you can post these sort of promotions in your email list right whatever your audience is based around now the fifth way to make money with Snapchat is called Snapchat Spotlight and uh you know Snapchat decided to launch a new feature that will rival streaming apps such as Tik Tok and Instagram called Spotlight and what it is is basically gives creators the opportunity to upload short engaging videos on the platform to compete for a piece of a $1 million kind of like money prize pool that's available to creators every day um this is kind of like a sure way to get a few bucks from Snapchat it's also a highly competitive leaderboard for creators right to survive the competition you need to play by certain rules which are like always changing and obey certain guidelines uh beyond that you also have to create like a certain level of quality videos uh that will attract views in like certain numbers I don't you know the guidelines are always changing but basically it's it's a place it's a competition where you can earn money so let's go over a few tips about what what to actually do to actually you know make good videos on Snapchat so one is post daily okay uh post multiple times a day if possible second is make sure that you fit the screen size with your videos you know don't do like portrait don't do what is it landscape Style videos because people are watching in portrait mode okay the next thing is to make you know you really want to make your videos stand out and be unique uh so you know create something that's different from other people's videos and the last tip is you know according to the higher earners on the spotlight right stickers and texts are you know stickers text Etc is really important to creating a successful video on Snapchat now here's a quote from some uh you know I was looking up some success stories of these guys and here's a 22-year-old kid uh content creator he said originally I did the spotlight for more more exposure I wasn't sure how much money was in there right and he did a quick video of his girlfriend and him at dinner one night he posted on Spotlight and boom right two weeks later he received a check for $94,000 from Snapchat now you can imagine what a freaking surprise this was when he got this check and it goes to show that you know you know anybody can do this right you know it can be a video of you and your girlfriend at dinner now the very last way to earn money from snap Snapchat is what's called their their revenue sharing program okay I'm just going to abbreviate it rev share and the revenue sharing program is a way of saying thank you to the established creators so if you have at least 50,000 followers and 25 million views in a 28-day period you can qualify for a share of the revenue sharing of the whole Snapchat platform um but there there's one more thing is Snapchat requires you to post at least 20 snaps daily to qualify for this payout so if it wasn't already clear by now that making it on Snapchat is a game of numbers I hope you believe it now right because you know I said minimum daily right for the Rev share you have to post 20 times a day minimum okay just to give you an idea it's a full you know like being a content creator is a full-time thing as you see so hopefully that gives you some ideas of exactly the specific ways that you can make money with Snapchat now the way I been able to make money on the internet was through affiliate marketing and uh and also eBay um so and and selling information products all three of these were you know my first I'd say $50 00,000 I made from selling products on eBay okay my first million dollars I made from doing doing affiliate marketing my first 10 million came from affiliate marketing and uh you know I've been doing multiple businesses multiple types of online businesses over the course of the last 10 years if you're interested in learning more about how you can create your own business and how you can actually get rid of your job and and have a true step by step by step plan from me and work with my coaching team make sure to check out the link for my mentorship in the description other than that like the video comment below what what your favorite one of these six tips were and I look forward to seeing you in future videos subscribe like you know all that all all that stuff see you soon bye

As found on YouTube


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