How to Convert Text to Video Using AI in 1 Minute!

here is how to convert text to video with AI in just 1 minute I entered this prompt clicked generate 1 minute later I had this stop quality video with unique high quality footage captions and voice over a legendary Haven for cyclists here is how you can do the same the craziest thing is that you don't even need to have a laptop or a desktop computer for these all you need is just your mobile phone we're going to be using the app called invid AI click the link in the description below to download that app or just search for in video AI on your app store this app is probably the easiest app that I've seen so far that helps you convert text to video or generate a complete video with just a simple prompt just click create AI video and it will generate a full video for you complete with a good script background music captions of any type you want high quality relevant footage as well as probably the most realistic human sounding voice over that I've heard so far in an AI tool nid AI also has a desktop browser vers version that you can see here but in this video today I'm going to focus on how to do this on the mobile app so first of all after you log in you'll see yourself on the home screen that will look like this and from here you can tap create AI video and you'll see a prompt box into which you can put very detailed instructions the more detailed the instructions the better your final result will be all right so here is the prompt that I'm going to use create a 5 minute YouTube video about top 10 cities in the world for cyclists make it a documentary style give it a voice over that sounds like David atenor here's a bit of a challenge include inspiring music now let's click generate video and in video will start doing its job and then actually creating the video we'll need to enter a few more details so first of all we'll need to Define our audience whether it's for cycling enthusiasts Travelers or documentary lovers it makes sense to go with cycling enthusiasts next look and feel whether we want it inspiring clean or professional let's go with the inspiring style and platform whether we want it more in the style of YouTube Facebook or LinkedIn so here we want a YouTube video and let's now click continue so now the actual video creation process is underway it will take about a minute to get ready and while it's doing its work let's just talk about the pricing options for this you can safely get back to the main screen from here you won't lose anything you can always go back to it in history if you now go into your account and then tap on subscription you will see your current plan if you just downloaded via the link in the description below you will probably find yourself on the nid AI free plan if you now click manage under nid AI free you will see the difference between the plans the free plan is really good if you want to give invid AI a try you get 10 minutes per week of AI generation you get 10 GB of storage in the cloud you get four video exports per week as well as access to 2 and a half million different standard media files so that's your included images and stock footage if you're serious about your video production and want to take it to the next level you've got the plus and and the max plans and the best price will be if you go for yearly because then you save about 20% on the price of the subscription so if you go for the plus plan you get higher allowances so you get 50 minutes per month of included AI generation you get 80 super high quality I stock assets so images and footage per month from iock you get 100 Gig of included storage and unlimited export of your videos if you need even more limits you can go for the max subscription so then all of the limits are just bumped up now I've actually got a special coupon for you guys if you click this button here apply coupon and then enter c b 5 like this and click apply you're going to get a bonus for the first month instead of getting 50 minutes per month of Air Generation included you're going to get 100 minutes in that first month all right so let's go and see if our video got generated so here in the history I'm just going to click on this most recent one all right so the video is ready I'm actually really curious to see how it's turned out let's take a look ever pondered which city ities around the globe offer the most exhilarating experience for cycling enthusiasts cycling a captivating blend of sport and transportation has been embraced by cities worldwide so this sounds really good and it does have that David atmor voice which is amazing but what we need is we want to have captions on our video so we can give it a Quick Command using this built-in menu which says give me a command to edit this video you can actually interact with the app using this command hand line you can ask it to literally do anything and it will do it for you you don't need to click or drag and drop anything you can just type it in and it'll do it for you so I'm actually going to ask you to add captions with the style of current word being highlighted in yellow and I'm going to hit enter okay so it's now finished let's preview it again ever pondered which cities around the globe offer the most exhilarating experience for cycling enthusiasts cycling a captivating this is looking awesome it's got that engaging animated captions which are very popular right now on YouTube as well as on other types of social media let's just keep ahead and see how it's looking somewhere around this Mark taking the eighth spot right we return to the United States and head to Boulder Colorado nestled amidst the Rocky Mountains Boulder is a Haven for Mountain bik guys let me know in the comments what you think I think this is really awesome because with very little effort you're able to create a very engaging video and it's all literally done for you with a cool voiceover as well as with some really good animated captions now one thing to remember here is that if at any time you're not happy with the actual video that has been generated for you you can click regenerate just in the bottom left this button over here and it will regenerate the whole video for you so it's a good way to just get a completely brand new video if you'd like there are a couple of other ways to edit this as well you can simply just click the edit Button as well and here you've got two options either edit Media or edit script you can switch them over at the top and by edit media if you're unhappy with any of this media that has been included you can simply search for an alternative media and replace it in that scene so for example if we don't like this first media that was uh inserted here I can replace it so I can see that it corresponds to this text that's highlighted here and then I can basically just go into stock and search something like woman cycling let's hit search and any of this media that now comes up I can just simply ask in video to replace let's say I want to use this one instead I'm just going to click it and say replace and it's going to get reinserted into the timeline if I'm happy with this I'm just going to click apply and that will replace the previous one with a new one if we preview this now ever pondered which cities around we can see that this new footage has been inserted another thing that you can do is if you click edit you can also just edit the script so if you're unhappy with any of the script you can literally just go in here and manually edit it any way that you'd like you can copy and paste the script from somewhere else for example from chat GPT or from another program into one of these sections over here and it will get replaced and after you update the text the video will get regenerated based on that text so that's really cool that it gives you that option and flexibility as well once you're happy with how your video looks you can click the export button then choose the required option and click the export button at the bottom well let me know what you thought of this video I think it's a really cool app that allows you to very quickly and easily convert text into video using some cool AI technology it can actually in fact generate a whole video for you just based on a short prompt and I'm going to leave you here with a small sample of the video that we've generated so that you can enjoy it so here it comes for your watching pleasure the video that we've just created ever pondered which cities around the globe offer the most exhilarating EXP experience for cycling enthusiasts cycling a captivating blend of sport and transportation has been embraced by cities worldwide revolutionizing Urban Mobility these bicycle friendly Havens have gone to Great Lengths creating an environment where cyclists can Thrive pedaling their way through picturesque Landscapes and bustling city streets from dedicated cycling Lanes to bike sharing programs their efforts are truly commendable join us as we pedal our way through the top 10 cities in the world for cyclists starting our countdown at number 10 we venture Into the Heart of the United States Portland a city that boasts an impressive network of bike Lanes intertwining like veins through its Urban Body add to this a robust bike sharing program and you have a city that truly Embraces the two- wheeled lifestyle a Vibrant Community of cyclists thrives here pedaling their way through the city's bustling streets and Serene parks with its well-developed cycling infrastructure Portland certainly sets the pace moving North we find ourselves in Montreal Canada standing at number nine this vibrant city is a Haven for cyclists boasting an extensive network of bike paths that crisscross its diverse neighborhoods add to this Montreal's robust bike sharing program bigi which further fuels the city's thriving cycling culture as you pedal through Montreal streets the blend of Modern Skyscrapers and Old World charm provides a backdrop like no other Montreal with its blend of modernity and Old World charm offers a unique cycling experience

As found on YouTube


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