How This Boring Niche + Ai Influencers Makes $16K A Month!

today I'm going to reveal a super boring Niche that makes tons of money with AI influencers just like this one right here hi there my name is Kimo and I was programmed to make money yeah and these can make you money all day every day and of course I got receipts here's one that's actually making tons of money using this exact same business model here's another one in the same Niche getting over 600,000 visitors of month and one I unfortunately passed up on last week which I should have bought with flying colors that's getting close to 60,000 visitors a month and these guys are making money online all day every day you can have hundreds of out there making you money online all day every just imagine if each of us you $1 day every day how fast would that add up to real money for you and it's actually super simple so let's not over complicated in fact what you're going to learn today is a step-by-step system to use boring Niche markets Ai and AI influencers to make tons of money online and I'm going to show you everything right here right now so if you're excited smash a like button and I'll show you this secret Niche and exactly how to use these AI influencers to get rich so what we're going over is a very boring niche that anyone can use with AI and make lots of money and we're going to get into that niche in just a minute but first I want to show you the big mistake I made last week this domain was on sale I think it ended up selling for about $3,000 although the bidder wasn't really letting up so it probably would have gone well into five or $6,000 and I'll show you why in just a minute and I'm kind of mad that I didn't get the domain I probably should have but I'm actually glad because a lot of people watching my videos don't have f $6,000 to spend on a domain so this is forcing me to have to teach you this based on something we know works with something that doesn't cost that much money so the domain I bought was substantially less coming in at a whopping $11 so let me first go over the idea and how this works and proof that it actually works in real world terms with the affiliate offers and everything you need to make money first of all we have the idea the idea was the Japanese language niche which is much like any Niche you can go into learning Brazilian you can go into like learning Spanish French Chinese or whatever it is this pretty much works for anything and it's not just limited to language but the domain that I got was Visual and I thought this was perfect for using an AI influencer because we can actually make these influencers and have them teach languages in a very very simple way this is content that literally anyone can make it is not difficult to do I'm going to show you how to do do it right here right now and I'm going to show you what to make that actually puts money in your pocket so we have the domain here this I'm going to use I thought it was a pretty good one visual Japanese we're visualizing the language I think it's pretty cool now the idea comes from that big domain that actually ranked for over 11,000 different keywords in Google and got over 9200 visitors a month from Google Now not only that but we're going to see where it was actually getting closer to 60,000 visitors a month which is why I'm kind of kicking myself for not buying it however let's take a look at where the profit is going to come from because anyone can go out there and make language videos and language posts and images and things like that but how are we going to get paid and that's where you can go over to ClickBank and see an offer like this one that pays $103 per conversion which means if you get a sale on average you're going to get like $103 the cool part is is you get $94 on The Upfront so that's what you're going to get right away once you get a sale we could see that this is the rocket language course it actually does get sales it's one of their bigger offers and we are getting paid commission when we sell a course and this one is like a a software language program and we could see that it does do Japanese which is important because that's what our Niche is we got to have one that actually fits we can also see that Rosetta Stone pays about $37 per lead language Master pays $40 CPA which I think is like on a free trial they just click and add it to their phone however that one does cap at 50 conversions a day meaning you can tap out right around $75 and then of course down here we have the prom mova which is 56% of a sale and the sales are about $2.99 meaning you'll get right around $165 per sale which is pretty good so there's lots of money in this market we can also go over to spy Fu and see what the average cost per click is for advertisers to see what we would make if we were monetizing the videos or running ads on our website and we could see that learn Japanese is actually a very very popular keyword with almost 25,000 searches a month we can also see that the advertisers are paying on average 80 cents per click which might not seem like a lot but 80 cents times all of this traffic is quite a bit now again remember the results are not typical implied or guaranteed we don't know if we're going to get 80 cents that's just saying what the market has chances are you'll get much less and actually if we get down to it the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so take this with a grain of salt we're looking this as data and we want to find people who are actually doing this so we could see here there are advertisers paying one two three and then down at the bottom of Google I'm sure there's other advertisers paying as well not to mention there's videos different social media posts and different things like that so there's lots of stuff here including learn Japanese PDF Reddit book app all kinds of different things here this is a huge huge huge niche market with lots of money also we can see there's money in the form of paid ads there's money in the form of these affiliate offers now to get these affiliate offers for this one you just go to ClickBank sign up for an account you would register for this offer boom you can promote it instantly Rosetta Stone is over at Max Bounty so you go to sign up for an account and you can start promoting that so it's actually very simple this one over here You' go to mob idea or mob idea and this one also is at Max Bounty now sometimes you do have to get approved for these so it might take a little bit but it's not that hard most of the time the affiliate networks just want to know that you're not pulling some kind of scheme that you're actually getting legit traffic so now that we know there is money in this market we need to look at the content how are we going to make money with this well there's lots of ways to get traffic online the whole point of making content is so that we get traffic and we can get traffic in many different ways one of the ways would be using SEO for example if you were to buy a domain like this you could see it ranks for $1,000 keywords almost 12,000 all we would have to do is make content about these things make good content that serves the market and we would rank very very quick now if you can't afford a giant domain like this we could just go through and make Con we could just go through and make content about how to say dragon in Japanese it's actually very simple we could say write a little article on how to say dragon in Japanese now what this is going to do is it's going to make us what's called templated content when we do templated content what's going to happen is we're going to have something where it's like okay here's the word here's the meaning of the word here's similar words here's words people can misconceive for the word and here's some other things you need to know so it's going to be like a little note card which I went through in one of my other videos I'll link to in the description now going through this it's actually doing a good job of templating it saying here's how to say this context matters other related words now I could say great now make this a template for any word in Japanese to get the content and it'll actually go through and make you a little template that you can use we're going to save this template and we can use it basically on all of these words again focus on the intent why someone would search for it and then bada bing bada bang you're Off to the Races using this template is actually going to be a really really good idea right cuz now we can go through we can take this template here right like this and we can say okay now do one now use this for hello something like that and it'll go through and it'll say hello and here's similar words and different things like that and it actually types it out which is really cool we're going to use that in just a minute now to show you how this works if you wanted to do SEO that's the idea of ranking in Google which can take some time even though these are not that competitive this is a pretty powerful domain so we would have to work up to it so if you don't like SEO don't worry that's not my favorite method for this Niche some other ways that we can go about this is by going out there and doing Pinterest now if we're going to do SEO we would want to have a Blog which is why ibought Visual and then we can go through and we can actually use other methods to get traffic as well so having that blog we might as well do SEO since we're doing the other stuff but we don't have to one of the other ways we can get traffic here is using Pinterest if you're to go over to Pinterest you can see that there's lots of people doing different Japanese uh language type things where it's like here's the word here's the phrase here's what it means you can see that these people are actually getting a lot of traffic there was one that I went through over here in our notes where we could see that the traffic was mostly coming from Pinterest right here like this right we could see that uh this is the one that had the SEO this is the one with the Pinterest so the Pinterest one is actually getting more traffic using Pinterest strategy and getting traffic just making these little pins about the Japanese language and one of the cool things is we can go through and we can use canva we can use PowerPoint with uh co-pilot in PowerPoint where we went through and actually made one that's talking about the different words in Japanese now we can go through and we can use these in a very simple way and the key would be to Brand them and get them to link to our website that's why we have a website you could do this with just an affiliate link but having a website's going to be a lot better because you're going to Brand it they're going to remember it it's going to build and grow and of course you're going to have something where your traffic is coming back to all the time you could build a mailing list all kinds of stuff like that definitely a big fan of having a website for that and I'll put a link in the description to set up a website it's actually very easy very inexpensive um and it works like crazy now going through with this we can go with a Pinterest strategy obviously the strategy is very simple we are going to take the words the categories of words and we're going to put them together maybe I could go through and chat GPT we'll open a new one and I can say categorize the top 100 words you need to learn in Japanese and it'll go through and do this and again it works for any language if you want to do French or whatever or you could do it for math if people want to learn math I find that this one's actually pretty easy because the content literally writes itself and it ties into the fact that they're looking this up means they should probably learn the language and we have offers for that which fits very very very nicely and so now going through it's like okay here's the pronouns here's the greetings here's the numbers dates and times questions and these would be perfect Pinterest pins I mean you literally just take the content have some images that display like what an adjective is or maybe question marks or something like that or maybe days and times have like little clocks and things like that very very simple content to make and right here in a matter of seconds we literally made 10 pins that would work really well and we could just keep saying hey keep going there's 11 there's 12 and we could say keep going maybe travel words and money ECT 100 more and it's just going to keep going and going and going and I don't even need to understand the language however I probably would it would be nice to have someone who speaks Japanese to check up on this just to make sure it's legit but looking at these is actually pretty good and I'm sure there's a program out there that you can fact check these words as well you can probably even just type this in Google and it'll tell you what that means so very simple you can fact check it and work these in a simple way so as you can see we already have 16 pins we can use super simple and don't over complicated obviously in each pin we would want to Brand it with our URL much like this guy's doing here for the Japanese pod uh website very simple right this is not difficult these people get tons and tons of traffic you can see if you're going to go even to this simple one right here that has a website you could see that even them that's not even doing a whole lot is at 100,000 views a month and you could see free Japanese lessons different things like that and you could see that this works like crazy and I'm going to show you the influencer method that's going to blow your socks off because it's going to take this to another level which means now we're going to have SEO now we're we're going to have Pinterest then we're going to have videos Tik toks everything like that and it's actually very easy to make I will make one here live for you we could see here lots of keywords they're ranking for and I don't think the website's super popular or super old I mean it looks like it's not too big yeah not that many backlinks nothing super huge but it is in fact getting traffic now it did take a little bit of a hit we're not going to rely just on SEO I think that's probably going to be one of our least traffic methods as you're going to see in just a minute next up we can do Instagram where we'll do like images and reals simple little reals here's how to say this word this word that word very simple next up we can actually do videos which are explainer vocab videos now what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to take the words so I could say um colors and descriptions or let's say something like uh directions and places this would be perfect so I would take this here and I would say over here let's say something like like let's learn about directions and places and then what I would do I can actually go through like this let's go through like this and I'm going to have it put dots so we're going to go like this this will help us out quite a bit so I'm going to open a new chat gbt and I'm going to say replace the dash with four dots okay let's see if this does it here and then I don't know what the stuff in quotes is let's let's take a look at how it comes out and then we'll try to make a really simple video like this so now we have directions and places looking good uh let's say what is the stuff in the let's see how this comes out let's see what what it tells us the text inside is the reading which shows how to pronounce it okay cool so let's do remove the that that and replace with dot dot dot let's see how this does that way it comes through and it'll actually say it which should work really good and it it seems like it's doing pretty good so we'll do like this and we'll do let's learn about directions and places let's learn about directions and places and then it has this so let's preview the audio and then we have this here and I'm using the Japanese voice because that's going to pronounce it better than if we had it in a different language and then we're going to go through and we will do create and then it'll create the video right here and I'll show you how to turn this into a video now while we're waiting we're going to click generate video right like this while we're waiting we can go to something like video blocks or we can even go to open AI Sora and get images and videos for the background so if I wanted to go like this and say uh cartoonish Japanese scene with cars on a road in Japan and I'm doing the cars on the road cuz I think this one was about travel if I remember correctly let's see here directions and places yeah um so this one will work pretty good so we'll go like this and we will create this in Sora and I'm going to create this in 1080 just so it's a little bit nicer looking and we could do like let's do 10 seconds I think that's the max there and we'll just hit create and this will create a video which we can use with our hedra video and put it behind there with the stuff on the screen and then when you go through on the screen we can actually have something like if we were to go over to um The Profit we're going to click on the um video caption maker right like this and then we'll put this in right like this but instead of the dots we're going to just put them on a new line okay and then you'll see this is what it's going to look like we'll do aerial black we'll do uh white color there we'll do a little background there just so it stands out good make a little bit bigger of a background right like that and there we go we can go download this this will download three of the um of the things here the files right three images and we can actually go through if you wanted to make it even simpler we can say now where there are three make a new log line let's see how this works it should make them all on a new line like this and now watch how easy this is now I could go through and I could literally just do all these at once in the profit scoop and it'll make them as their own image now it's going to download a bunch of images but you'll see how easy this is this is why I created this tool for you download bada bing bada bang it's going to download a ton of these images here and you'll see they go right in there there they go it's it's going see there they go so now you can see there they are and now we have this in a super super simple way and it's actually giving us all of these different characters here okay super simple now when we're waiting on this we should have our video right about done here he is here let's to learn about directions and places you right straight to so this sounds like it's actually doing pretty good we can generate it that way it fits better and let's see how this works here and it looks like our Sora video is almost done too let's see how this is coming out and then what we're going to do is we're going to use a video creator like Camtasia to put this together and you can see I'm actually making this video in Camtasia here while we're watching it so you could see everything that's going on in real time now let's see how hedra is doing and we could see here what the cars look like looks like they're not really moving so it might have uh missed it let's see here edit prompt make them moving let's see if this does better it didn't really make them moving but that could work I mean it's kind of kind of a cool little image there hopefully it does a better job now making a move I mean it does eat up some of your credits but hey what are you gonna do I forgot to tell it to make him move uh let's see how hedra is doing here so now we have this let's learn about directions and places you Mig right Zak LIF the so we could go like this we're going to download this video here and you can do HD or you could upscale it if you want to make it nicer looking I don't think it'll be too bad once we have it like this because he's going to be down in the corner here so we'll have this like that and if you wanted to make it like the gurus do with the with the circle we could just do like a circle like this and then cut him out a little bit right like this right there like this and then to do that effect you'll just do alpha and it'll make like a little circle like that very simple very easy so we're going to have that there and then we're going to get the background from Sora and we're going to have the words come on the screen as well so when we have the words on the screen what we're going to do is we are going to go right like this and get those words let's say we wanted to have the right logo right the right the word right rather and we'll just do insert track above and what we're going to do is take this over here zoom in a little bit and we'll just get our words right up here so right like this let's learn about directions and places you so let's learn about directions and places and you're just going to chop it up dire and places you direction directions and places so directions and places and you would chop it there you and then you can have like the directions and places or whatever or you could even put text where it's like oh hey now we're learning about directions and places super easy right directions and places and then like for the first one you could say okay what is what is the first one actually mean I think it was like a hospital or something like that you could if you wanted to you could put a picture of a hospital so look like this's Le let's learn about directions and places and then obviously we would make this a little bit longer just to get that little s if you wanted to tidy that up we would just um put dot dot dot after so that would tidy up a little makes a little bit easier and then we'll have directions and places you migy right so you migy right you would have those words there and I know I probably said that wrong so right let's go like this and we could do all this while we're waiting for the Sora to finish too so you would put whichever one is is the right one okay obviously look it up if you don't speak the language if you do speak the language bonus right um and if you want to do this in a language that you do speak hey that's going to be pretty pretty easy and you'll be able to do a better job uh let's get that other one right here actually I think that one meant right if I remember correctly so it would go through directions and places you you and then we would have those there right super simple right we just go through we make the whole thing like that you might be able to let's test this out in Camtasia because I know they do the captions but I don't know if it's going to get the other language if it did that's going to make our life way easier and it actually looks like it did do it let's see the auto was not actually that bad obviously I would need to double check it but it's looking okay that's kind of cool because it makes our life a lot easier then what we're going to do is we're going to add that background that we had from Sora hopefully it'll finish here uh this century and and while we're waiting on that we'll go through and talk about the tools we're using we're using hedra 11 labs for voice if you can't find the right voice 11 Labs does have more uh we are using Sora and of course the traffic we're going to use is a a big deal we could see that this one here that is doing a lot of uh this was the SEO one 57,000 visitors a month even after this thing went on um expired auction status here's another one that was doing Pinterest this one's getting 76,000 a month um there's a lot of things we can do there and when we do this what we're going to do is we're going to take a Playbook from uh what they're doing here which is having a URL in the description on our pins on our video so as you're making the video you can actually go through and you can put the URL in the video so I would just go through and say okay let's put uh the URL right here like this and we will put it at the bottom right like this and I would just have it say uh visual right like this or whatever your url is right uh and then I would I would have a brand too like get your free Japanese word guide and then I would have www.

Visual and we'll just make sure we spell this right word guide and then of course on the site I'm going to have an opt-in box where they can put their name and email to get the free guide and then of course we just promote all the stuff that we want to promote that makes money as we showed you earlier with the affiliate links so now I can move him down line him up over here very simple and then what I would do is with our Sora I would put this in the background and have a nice video when we're doing Pinterest stuff obviously we could go through and make pins with uh canva we can use Pinterest we can also turn these into blog post highly recommended very simple just here's the word here's the stuff just like we did over here where this would be our blog post about the word Dragon okay very simple or or hello or whatever it is obviously when you're doing this make sure you're using a tool like grammarly where you're going to go through and check plagiarism so that you know the AI is not getting stuff it shouldn't be getting and then we're good to go and again the idea is you want to get all of these people over to whatever it is you're promoting which is the language programs which is going to make you money very very simple now we're going to go through and we're going to check for plagiarism right like this shouldn't take too long it'll check and make sure this isn't anywhere else I'm guessing there will be some plagiarism because obviously hello in Japanese is I'm sure that's on other websites that's not really plagiarism that's just saying something it's like Marcus went to the store yeah that's a phrase that lots of people use so we can use this this in a very simple way and actually surprisingly no plagiarism or AI text detected so this is looking pretty good and you can even turn this into a video if you wanted to we would just go over to our hedra right like this put this text in here preview audio it's going to do the audio create it boom now we have the person we can put the stuff behind it and when going through here we can see how Sora looks this is pretty cool so for the um for the places and and stuff like that traveling words we would just download this as a video how toes say hello in Japanese introduction the word for the word for hello in Japanese is Konichi you can it's doing really really good we'll hit generate and it'll generate the video with him I'll show you what that looks like in another minute and then with Sora we'll download this and we can put this behind our video and now we got something really cool and then you could even take screenshots from your video and make those your Pinterest pins it's actually super super simple so what it would look like is this right and I would probably add a little darkening to it so we'll just do opacity like that so the stuff stands out better LIF super simple I mean this is something that literally anyone can do you can do the Pinterest method you could do the video method you could see this one's got like a bazillion subscribers um that is using real people but we can do this in a simple way to have words that are paired together that other people might not have thought about very simple or we could have full lessons like it did here with the hello here's other words variations stuff like that very very good stuff obviously make good content do good things that people actually want to consume things that will help them learn the language or whatever it is and then boom there go and you could see that people are looking this stuff up all the time I mean these words get tons and tons of traffic hi no hi yes cat all these other things here that people are looking up very cool very easy don't overthink it this is something we can all do automatic tools are generating this stuff for us this is the age of AI you can use AI with these little influencers to make money like crazy and again while we're waiting for this to load I want to reiterate the power of domain names when it comes to finding Niche markets a lot of times what I do is I'll buy domain names with an idea so you have like artists Hair Studio you could do a Channel or a Pinterest about hair styles right we could go through and we can find anything and everything here's one about guitars or if we were to sort these by positions you can see the ones that already have rankings and we could use these to get all kinds of traffic like here we have some kind of Genius info uh banking guide right you can have a a whole Channel dedicated to to banking um you have something about birds if you wanted to have a site about bird watching now ones about bird watching isn't going to make that much money the reason I like this one with the language is those offers are exactly what we want um you can see here all kinds of different things code one um Scout my trip probably something to do with like you know traveling or something here's cartoons you can show them how to make cartoons with AI and and do that um all kinds of different things here I would highly recommend going through and looking in the description actually have a lot of things that you can use videos on how I find domains and niches and things like that and you could just go through and look at what they rank for and now you know what content to make like this one here was all about sustainable Windows why are the house windows fogging up and this one actually has right now 1,00 rank in Google back in the day 3,000 rankings 5 years ago let's try 6 months ago 3800 and you could see toxic black mold window I mean you think about a word like this if you were to have a good video about toxic black mold window right like this okay when you go through and you look at like offervault or whatever affiliate program you're looking for watch what happens if you type in mold mold remediation $160 a lead here's one mold remover $60 a lead 42 and on and on we go so having just these many views you might say Oh Marcus you know there's not that many views this adds up to a lot of money if you do it correct and looking at a domain like this we could go through and we can make video content Pinterest content all kinds of different things for these markets and let's take a look at what this one's going for looks like it's going to be on sale on the 3D and it's like 25 bucks it could go higher again the Japanese one went higher um but you know watching these I have gotten really good domains very very inexpensive and use them or if you don't want to bid on domains use this as your idea say hey yeah I'm going to go through and do all this stuff about mold on Windows that's all my channel is going to be about and if you do this tight knit you're going to have a faceless Channel that's going to blow you out of the water in terms of what you can make with it is absolutely profitable when you're doing the direct match method now let's go over to hedra and see how the big video came out how to how to say hello in Japanese introduction word the word for hello in Japanese is konich konich pronounce kicha this word is commonly used in Japanese language and culture standard but I mean you can use anything you could see we've had videos where we actually use my own face and they've actually come out pretty good I've generated a bunch these are some that we did here 50 websites every affiliate marketer needs to know and it's actually pretty simple so we could go through and make one about languages or uh something very very specific and then of course having our URL I'm not a big fan of using tiny URL or link tree or anything like that use your own domain that way people get used to it remember it and then next time they have mold they'll be like hey I remember the mold or whatever it is your site is it's actually very very simple and what we're doing please don't over complicate it I'm going to have the notes at airofit it's very simple we're going to find a domain or a market that has a direct offer tied to it much like this one where you have the language and the languages then we're going to go through and we're going to make content if we're using a domain that we bought that has SEO we might as well build it up if not very highly recommended you watch the video in the description learn how to get a website start a website and get a URL or a domain name that fits what you're doing and then use it for SEO because you're making the content anyway you might as well do SEO then we can create simple little Pinterest pins about this stuff again think systematically what are the different words much like we did over here where we had all the different words that could fit different things right like this very very simple we can make these as pins and I think it was one of these there it is this one here we can make each of these pins very simple again tying into something direct the mold Windows is going to tie to the mold we don't want to do something like how to cook an egg because there's not really that much we can directly sell we want to have something that has a more commercial viability we can put content on Instagram Tik Tok we can make explainer videos about the mold or about the languages or whatever it is we're going to use the tools to make it work and then we're going to drive the traffic to our website in the description and by having the URL on the video right like this this works if you do it so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it makes a lot of sense let me know your thoughts and questions as a comment below smash a like button and as always be sure to check out the videos in the description to learn more about how to make money online

As found on YouTube


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