Has Google Sold Out – Killing Small Blogs – AI Update IO News Update!

[Music] March 14 2024 Google iio we watch as the Google execs have parties virtually throwing Stacks in the air about how much money they're making and how their profits have soared on the other side of the internet World things look quite different bloggers are scrambling to get that traffic that they once had taken from Google and seemingly given to big companies and big media like Reddit and these 16 companies that are dominating the search results things don't look good take for example this screenshot here from retro dodo once having tens of thousands of dollars a month in search traffic free from Google now completely decimated and scrambling to make ends meat but whose fault is this is it as Google says the fault of the Blogger did they do something wrong or were they simply playing a game and Google change the rules in effort to make more money those are the questions we're going to answer today and I got to tell you I've been spending years compiling this data what you're about to see is based on fact some might find it controversial bloggers might not like what I'm about to say Google might not like what what I'm about to say but I found what I believe is the biggest loophole for making money online using AI blogging and search engine traffic so today we're going to look at the data in detail we're going to take a look at these 16 companies that are supposedly dominating Google we're going to see one little thing they have in common we're going to take a look at the websites and blogs that were decimated in the latest Google update and we're going to see what they have in common and more importantly I'm going to show you this loophole for making money super fast this is the same kind of thing I've been doing where we can get Google rankings in as little as a few hours sometimes virtually instantly and since we know Google Powers trillions and trillions of dollars worth of Revenue to companies every single year yeah this is something you're going to want to pay close attention to because if we can crack the code and figure out what Google is ranking what they like and what they don't like then my friends we can pocket tons of money but you got to watch this entire video because what you're about to see is cold hard facts we are going to go through the data of thousands of websites we're going to look at some of the top gurus see how they did with the latest Google update we're going to take a look at some sites that are doing well some sites that are struggling and even a list of sites that Google wants praised that have been almost obliterated in the latest updates so what's the truth here can you actually build a business blogging in 2024 with AI and make profit the answer is 100% absolutely but first you need to look at the data and see what actually works and what stands the test of time and if you're excited for this training smash a like button because we're going to head over to the live set and I'm going to show you everything step by step we're going to tear these sites apart and show you what it really takes to make money online no fluff no filler just cold hard facts because let's face it you only need a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of Google's traffic to make a really good living online and I should know I've been doing this for over 25 years so if you're excited let me know in the chat box and in the comments because we're starting right now [Music] all right are we working all right we got the sound did sound work would be nice if we didn't have the 20 second delay all right guys welcome to the show hopefully you guys can hear me okay uh we are ready to rock as you can see behind me we have lots of paperwork coffee water the whole nine yards if you can hear me okay let me know and we'll get the show on the road now we got a lot of stuff to go over today talking about do these 16 businesses these 16 companies are they dominating Google is there a chance for the little guy to still make money with blogs and websites or did Google sell out how many of you guys feel like Google has sold out you're like yeah you know what Marcus I got a Google I searched for something and like readit and all these companies come up first and foremost and there's no chance for the little guy to get started a lot of people think that they sold out a lot of people think that there are no there's no way to make money with Niche blogs anymore a lot people are saying Niche blogs are dead are they in fact dead well that's what we're going to answer today and I think there's going to be some surprising information I know some people might not like this information because it goes against what they think however I've been doing this business for 25 years and I've found some interesting things here first of all we're going to go over did Google sell out is blogging dead what did we learn with the Google IO 2024 AI update super super important now if you were to take a look at some Google searches here in terms of the news and in terms of what's going on with Google we want to look at this and say well what is going on a lot of people are saying that Google is getting worse their dominance is slipping they went from like 97 down to 86% also Gizmodo says you're not imagining it Google search results are getting worse also the tragedy of Google Search now Jim said to be fair Reddit often has the answer I want without a 3,000-word essay first Jim I like your comment because that is very very in line with what I'm thinking what Google wants is something that is going to be helpful to the user now what I think might be helpful and profitable for me as a blogger might not necessarily be helpful for the user does that mean Reddit should get all the search queries well we're going to talk about that and we're going to talk about how a lot of blogs and a lot of websites have kind of shot themselves in their own foot by trying to monetize a one-size fits-all answer now if you are excited about this show up uh give us a thumbs up here and and we're going to get this thing going now very very important we can also see that Google's profits are soaring right Google's profits are through the roof it's going crazy however for the last two years they've been a lot of people have been saying that Google searchers have drastically decreased in quality meaning if I want to search I'm not finding what I'm looking for very very important also we're going to be looking at retro dodo this guy put out a fantastic video his website is excellent but watch what happened ladies and gentlemen in the latest Google update he was making lots of money now he has literally tanked over 101,000 VIs visitors according to the ah's tool have gone away meaning dude ain't making any money or very little money we're going to look at this and get to the bottom of what's going on because if you can get to the bottom of what's going on you are on the precipice of a trillion dooll Marketplace the amount of money going on here the amount of money going to these 16 companies which we are going to go through in a minute 16 companies I think it's like 100 20 sites or something like that dominating the search results I guarantee you've seen one of these uh R says that retro dodo video was great I I agree his video was fantastic however I think there are some glaring things that we need to look at because if you're going to be a blogger and you're going to make money online you need to be honest with yourself you need to be honest about whether you fit the query case in point one of the top keywords that retro Doo ranked for that they lost a lot of traffic on I think was a good move by Google yes I know a lot of people are not going to like that but we're going to take a look at why that is also a lot of blogs that got obliterated have one thing in common and guys we are going to get to the bottom here if you want to make money online smash that like button because this is what it takes very important all right next up we could see this one electric rid lab again boom tanked after the latest Google update so they had 4,900 searches uh keywords in Google they had traffic they had everything overnight the thing was gone why did this happen here's another one value of stocks I mean you got 5,000 visitors a month in the stock market keywords you're making major money Ed says what they have in common is Spam I disagree a lot of these sites had helpful content as per Google's guidelines and what we're going to do as we go along here is we are going to map this out and we're going to chart it out with the help of SpongeBob over here that is actually SpongeBob I couldn't just have a boring sponge right we're going to map it out and we're going to take a look at the do's yes and the NOS what is it that keeps people ranking what is it that keeps everything going we are going to map these out so that by the end of this call training live show you will know exactly what's going on and sit with me we're going to go through a lot here right this is months and years of data that we're coming through so bear with me could try my best to be entertaining and informative all right value of stocks tanked I mean if you had 5,000 keywords in the stock market type stuff you'd be making money big money right it says 942 a month but I know in this market $3 click Norms are are pretty normal here's another one gramar how lost over 2/3 of the rankings overnight end cutting tools overnight 4,000 rankings gone what's going on how many of you guys look at this and you are ready to one second for dramatic effect throw in the towel you give up it's over you feel like BL blogging no longer works you feel like the gurus have sold you a bill of goods you feel like Google is against the little guy and you feel like there's no way to make money anymore I have I've been there 2003 the same thing happened back then I wasn't prepared today I was prepared cuz I'm 10 years sober back then I was still drinking which you're never prepared for anything if you are an alcoholic so you know but at any rate we're going through and we're looking at this and the preparation is something important and what we're going to do is we're going to look at this because back in the day I think I have it in my chat GPT here uh back in the day there was something very very important okay and that important thing is in the MFA what is MFA in the early 2000s if you take a look at this data here there was a thing called MFA or made for AdSense websites back then we had Google AdWords and Google ad sense came out now Google adword let's map this out so that you understand exactly what's going on okay Google add words let's see we'll put this we'll put a line here for our notes all right add words words is where we pay Google pay Google okay so you could go on Google you can take a keyword let's say I want to be at the top for mortgage you give Google Google a credit card and B a bing within minutes you're on the top of Google for mortgage however you are paying a certain amount per click in the mortgage Market it's probably in the neighborhood of4 to $20 per click yes ladies and gentlemen that's one click on your website for like 20 bucks Google AdSense is the opposite AdSense takes these ads that the people are paying puts them on your website and ladies and gentlemen as if by Magic I you get money when they click on the ads this was the dream of every blogger in 203 right and still today because if I could just put a code on my site the Google engine feeds money to me it is game over I win and what happened was you had a bunch of people out there and we are going to do this for dramatic effect you had a bunch of people out there and smash a like button cuz we're going to have to clean this up after you had a bunch of people and they made content like it was going out of style and they spammed the search engines with content after content after content and ladies and gentlemen what happened was Google done got mad they said all these people and all these Publishers are making junk content with garbage with garbage there's no good stuff they're just made for AdSense the entire purpose of the blog the website or whatever is to get AdSense money and Google said well hey you know what if you remember this show Homie don't play that and they went out there with their little thing that homie had in the the movie right and they blasted all the sites down including some of mine and including some of yours now fast forward now we have ai so now we got chat GPT and it's a lot faster and a lot bigger and you don't have to know anything about your Market to be able to make money nothing at all nothing and you can make content and now it's made for AdSense and now people are making money but what gives well what gives is the content was not seem viable it's not good okay value is in the eye of the beholder not my value not even Google's value not even the algorithm has to do with what people are clicking on and what people want because no matter what at the end of the day there we go In Living Color great show at the end of the day if Google doesn't provide good results Google doesn't exist if people stop using Google go it's over game over I don't care how much money they make per search if nobody searches they're making nothing so let's first take a look at this batch of sites as per Niche Pursuits Niche Pursuits came out with a really good video it was a fantastic video on Niche websites that were done by Google it was actually very very brilliant so when we're looking at this and we're like okay according to Google IO 2024 what is going on and how does this work well according to Google let me see if I can find his video Niche Pursuits um according to his video he went through and found these sites that got a ton of Praise from Google so Google was like we love these websites they are so great come on in here sit on the king's seat we'll Pat you on the head and give you some tea and then what happened well let's take a look if you were to take all 107 those websites put them into you can put them into semrush or into um the a HS Tool let's see batch analysis bulk analysis okay we're going to go here we're going to put these in and hit compare we're going to go over to AHS and we're going to do a batch analysis over here and we're going to take a look at what is going on now as per his studies he found that it was right under half of the sites that Google once praised are now not showing up at all so it's does Google like say oh well you know we like you today and tomorrow we don't is is Google like the neurotic significant other that's like I love you today and I hate you tomorrow kind of thing only it plays with our income and our viability and all this stuff what's going on so what we're doing is we're looking at these now some of them still have rankings like this one at the top yeah like 5 million keywords almost some of these down here got obliterated so if we were to take a look at something like backyard assist let's take a look at what they have now if you do a search for backyard assist you're going to see that Google was like hey this is an example of a great wonderful site so what did they do wrong what was wrong here and why did other sites survive what is going on and while Google's having its party at its AI conference about AI a lot of people are struggling okay let's take a look at this how much to pay someone to pull weeds they had a high ranking they were number three now they're gone do you tip landscapers high ranking gone if you were to take a look here and look at the overview it tanked literally from 2,000 searches a month for backyard stuff 2,000 visitors a month down to 28 what did they do wrong I mean Google praised them take a look at some others we say okay well what about um the of life in Lisa or city Scopes or team unwind what about all of these that are just struggling why did they get hit and the ones up here did not and let's take a look at some of these up here let's say we go up here to Crazy Games all right how did he do because retro dodo is a Gaming website yet this guy's actually gaining traffic he has more pluses than negatives since the latest updates why why did he do good and a seemingly valuable site like retro dodo why is he doing bad how many of you guys would like the answer to this question you're like hey what is going on here why did this guy who's got good content I mean you look at it if I was looking for a Wii Emulator right best Nintendo Wii emulators I mean it's good you look at it you say well this looks like good content he did what Google told him to do how many of you guys are confused and you're like wait a minute GPT gold rush says make it fun engaging memorable and relatable and have emotional connection that's not it at all not it at all it's helpful you should have those things but that is not the sing signal that gives Google what they want if I'm looking for a Wii Emulator and yes it's going to anger a lot of bloggers but we need to get to the facts because I'm here to give you honesty whether you like it or not Based on data because if we can look at it honestly and without emotion then we can go in and fix things we're going to take a look at some other examples from the income School bloggers guy's got great content teaches you to make good content but a lot of sites that are in the similar vein are tanking why I believe we have something super important that no one's talking about something that these 16 companies have in common and you might say it's backlinks it's the power of the site I mean let's face it you want to make money online look at- Meredith Das Meredith is a company that makes a living with Google rankings ladies and gentlemen Amazon makes a living with Google rankings Amazon wouldn't exist if Google wasn't around plain and simple do the math biggest company one of the biggest companies on planet Earth would not exist if it weren't for Google trillion dollar company would not exist so- Meredith here is a company that has quite a few websites I think they're here on the list we'll provide this list at download my notes.com for you um and if you want to follow me and learn about blogging and you love this stuff check out um blog profit network.com really cool all right so we see- Meredith they have quite a few my eyes are kind of small and struggling here but they have lots and lots of rankings in Google we can see that they bought one of the sites was acquired for .7 billion billion with a B from Google rankings ladies and gentlemen that's the same thing you can do now are you going to make 2.7 billion probably not doubt it I haven't yet but can you make 50,000 a 100,000 million a couple million a year I think it is possible is it guaranteed no the average person makes nothing most people doing this make nothing because most people don't go through the data they put one blog post up and it doesn't work and they wonder why however when we're looking at- Meredith we're seeing hey this is a company that's huge and I actually used to work with um a subsect of IAC back in the day um where we were talking about oh hey you know it was like the smiley faces and all that that was part of this business and you can see okay here's all their sites Investopedia Southern Living so we look at this and we're like okay well let let let's see Marcus so retro dodo plain old guy just trying to make a living good old boy but over here we look at Investopedia right here and we'll get rid of the word terms Investopedia okay well wait a minute Marcus their keywords went down but their traffic jumped by 10% weird doesn't make any sense okay very important 45 million visitors a month in Google pay close attention 45 million visitors a month from Google how much did they pay for them visitors Marcus nothing they just made content wait so you're saying I could make content and make money yeah but Marcus all these other bloggers are saying that the little guy can't make money anymore that's cuz the little guy ain't paying attention and the little guy needs to focus on the thing that I've been saying for many many many years very important so we look at this and we're like okay 45 million rankings in Google what are these worth ladies and gentlemen this is what I call as a business person in the content business this is what I call inventory okay you go into a store all right let's bring our our notes over over here and try not to drop the coffee on the floor you go into the store right and the store has things on the Shelf you got coffee you got water you got whatever else some bananas right got to have the bananas and those are all inventory that is money that the store has in the way of stock on the Shelf stock same thing with Google this here is inventory the word Y2K is worth a certain amount of money the word options for stock options is worth a bit more money because it's about that Dow Jones Industrial Average uh Property Management I mean they rank number four for property management that is a term that makes a lot of money people are paying to be at the top of Google they are paying right now through the nose and a lot of people are missing out on what's going on how many of you guys want to get an unfair Advantage here and be like wait a minute okay so this is inventory so even if I was only to rank for a term like Property Management you're telling me I can make a living yeah probably a really good living 62,000 searches a month I would think results not typical implied to guaranteed I would think that that ranking is worth at least $100,000 a month to whoever holds it $100,000 a month all you got to do is get the ranking they rank for affiliate marketing wait a minute margus how is Investopedia more related to affiliate marketing than the affiliate marketing dude himself I mean it's on my wall how because of relevancy and power very important what would the word affiliate marketing be worth for me to have a top ranking well he's got a top ranking and he's getting 50,000 visitors a month I would say based on my data that would be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of approximately $150,000 a month interesting all right let's take some other looks um we got Bitcoin mining right there's there's one that's big passive income so we're seeing that they rank for all different kinds of things and this is just one oft Das Meredith sites they have a lot of them so then how do we compete with these why are sites like this tanking and why are other sites doing really well we'll get to that in just a minute we're going to talk about some random sites we're going to talk about some other sites and we are also going to go through the Google IO update what did they say at Google IO 2024 that pertains to us with search they said a lot of things but there's some things that pertain to search that are super important first of all this has a bearing on you getting traffic you getting traffic equals you getting money airgo you understand this you understand money and can go get it very important so when we look at this Google search what did they say yesterday about Google search search will be more helpful for complex questions with multi-step reasoning what sounds like a lot of big words there let's see what they say for example you can ask search to find you the best yoga or pilates studio in Boston so for GPT Gold Rush he says could you please touch on ways we can use tips for ranking for local demographic near me searches right here here's the answer the answer is you probably can't if you're a yoga studio in Boston you're probably not going to beat them because if I was going to look up Pilatus Pilates studios in Boston not only am I going to get local results uh for Boston but I'm also going to see like Boston bodies class and then we're going to go down and we'll probably see a lot of like Yelp and other sites like that so what is happening what's Happening Here is Google is getting smarter they're getting smarter okay what are they getting smarter for a lot of people think they're getting smarter to kick the blogs out and put the big guys in at risk of sounding like a a Google lover which I do like the old Google I don't think that's the case I really don't we look at the Reddit stuff I think in most terms it's helpful and let me show why so here the first update we heard yesterday was Google search search will be more helpful for complex questions with multi-step reasoning Pilatus studios in Boston it'll show you the details their intro offers the walking time you can also search to create a three-day meal plan for a group so what they're doing is they're using Ai and this is where search is headed and if you get it you will have a very lucrative career hypothetically we don't know the average person makes nothing but understanding this Google AI is getting smarter and it's being baked into search and if you understand this ladies and gentlemen where you're sitting at home with AI tools and Google getting billions of searches every single day you can make money let me show you the first major flaw when we look at a site like retro Doo great site wonderful content you would think everything is great however if if we were to look at the nature of the keywords that dropped and the nature of the keywords that still exist let me see if I can pull this open here so there's the ones that dropped let's open a new one and we're going to take a look at the nature of the words that still exist you're going to see a glaring loophole all right so we're seeing here they have like very very basic stuff related to the actual games and info about the games so retro Doo is more or less an infos site should an infos site rank for Wii Emulator or should people who actually have a Wii Emulator rank for Wii Emulator if I'm looking for a way to search for a domain name do I want info on a list of domain name providers that have searches or do I just want a search box for domains interesting this is where we got a get real honest about our content so like hey you want to do that you want to rank for that and get the 3,000 searches a month figure out if it's viable and figure out how expensive it would be to make your own Wii Emulator that that would save that ranking PSP 2023 that is something about the PlayStation all right I would venture to say without Googling it I've never googled this because I is that PlayStation I I think that's what it is I don't know I'm not a gamer I still after owning Nintendo for most of my life I can't save the princess the poor princess is still there in the castle and I can't save her from the big turtle guy I suck at video games but at any rate I'm going to think that this has to do with actual stuff all right the actual psp3 so they have sponsored actual products a news site Reddit video and then some other news sites because this is a newsworthy term okay does their content match what it was latest Retro Gaming news teases PS it in my opinion it does not that that doesn't fit okay again we got to get real honest there's another emulator so a lot of the keywords that they had that dropped are changing not so much the game of search is as far as content but the game of what should rank where if someone is searching for Pilates studios in Boston and I have a Blog reviewing Pilates studios in Boston I don't care how good my blog is that's not what they want like when I search for food near me I want a map that says here's some food and it's near you that's what I want AI is going to help this get smarter which is going to take a lot of the junk out now with that said I think what's going on here because this site has a lot they still have 60,000 visitors a month the problem very important the problem is this is our first no MFA or one fits all ads I've been preaching this since the beginning of probably 2003 when I learned the lesson the hard way with made for AdSense had my biggest day with AdSense alone $1,800 just with AdSense I was 20 years old and I was like hey it's 23 hey 1,800 bucks just on AdSense couple thousand and on other stuff I'm the king of the world and then I wasn't the king of the world because I wasn't making good content and I was only relying on one size fits-all ads how many of you guys have been to a site and if anyone knows the plugin that does this I was trying to find it all night I don't know what it's called because I would never put that Gastly thing on my website ever it puts the ad blocks on the side and the ad block on the bottom and they scroll with you basically like blankets your site with ads now back in the day with the made for AdSense stuff I got my traffic obliterated and I had to go to paid traffic and I had to take money out and pay for every visitor to my site and if you're paying a dollar $10 30 cents ow 5 cents or whatever you got to make your stuff convert you can't rely on this so learning to make stuff convert was key and what you're going to notice ladies and gentlemen follow along with me this is very very important all right watch this one of the lists up here is Niche sites example that run aoic does anyone know that plugin by the way it's the one that literally it makes the ads on the site I think I can probably show it let me see if I can show what what it looks like cuz I think it'll be important if you guys see what the plugin looks like uh let's see I know it's on one of well you know what we'll just do this list so we'll go through this list right like this okay and we're going to open up another batch analysis and focus this is if you want to make money online this is important stuff I know it's a little tedious and and and boring at times but I love this stuff is there anyone else that loves this stuff like I like reverse engineering it I think it's very interesting okay so what we're going to look at is these rankings here and I think let's see if this one has it I I want to emulate this so that you see the first flaw because I guarantee when you see these sites like I think value of stocks is one um when you see these sites you're going to notice this right away and you're going to notice that this is often times what literally tanked the site let me see I know there's one in here grammar how does he have it bear with me I I definitely want you guys to see this this is an example I think this one has it so what you're going to see is like this this is this is the site like I didn't do anything I just came here ads ads and and more ads and it was literally crazy we go to grammar how it's like ads ads on the side and then ads in the bottom here's more ads more ad I mean you just get inundated with ads so much that the site literally slows down right how many of you guys have seen that and you're like well wait a minute dude what the heck now watch watch watch watch watch ladies and gentlemen pay close attention Okay one siiz fits-all advertising and we look at what happened to their traffic interesting interesting stuff so one siiz fits-all now not only does one siiz fits-all have a big common denominator in these sites that tanked but also you are literally throwing money out the window because you could convert your traffic way better are you telling me if you had traffic for something like Wii Emulator you couldn't make more than the three or less average that this thing makes forget about it look at it this way if you literally focus on the right words this guy even though he got obliterated he's still got some traffic he's still got 10,000 visitors a month and probably more than that I would venture to say that most of these people that lost the traffic could still make the same amount of money because here this guy grammar how what if he went out there and did the grammarly affiliate program which actually fits what his people want it's actually fits it um HS or hjs says can you give us a brief summary download my notes.com there will be a summary of this entire video with the replay however as hard as it is to sit through an entire hour training do it because it's going to teach you things in the way I want you to learn them if I just say this stuff you'll be like oh yeah I got it yeah whatever but you're not coming to the conclusion the way that I want you that's why it's so important to look at this right so now we're like oh okay so all of this noise in the blog world it's one about keywords okay so we're noticing the grammar site was info keywords if you are doing info keywords AI is going to kick your butt why because info keyw how do you spell grammar okay yeah AI is going to do that it's going to figure it out you're going to get this looking like this here okay very important so nature of keyword we're looking at retro gamer nature of keyword what was it what are the things that drw dropped what are the things that stayed here's another one this is a ebike site right electric ebike something or other ebikes are great I have one I love it how long does it take for a hover barard to charge info keyword where are whatever bikes made info keyword we're looking at this and we're like wait a minute okay what did he stay for very little this guy he got tanked quite a bit um 51 keywords okay what do they think are relevant these are probably just L lingering ones um that are eventually going to tank as well all right what does the site look like well again guess what ladies and gentlemen I am seeing those same exact ads how many of you guys are like wait a minute is there something bigger going on does Google just hate blogs does Google hate the independent publisher I don't think so is Google putting profits over quality maybe maybe but that's different from this right it's different they're not getting paid to promote these sites in fact a lot of them are not if Google wanted to just make profit they just put ads on the search engine right I mean let's face it if they wanted to make money they could make trillions of dollars and they will burn out their business in about a month and a half by not serving good results okay so now we're looking at this and we're like wait a minute this is interesting okay very interesting a lot of people commenting in um let's see they tank because those who try to use it get frustrated the yes exactly the user experience is bad very very very important okay um real estate scoop says are you guys confused I am so are you saying the title doesn't match the content no no no I'm saying the content doesn't match the reason someone searched so you're a real estate guy if I was searching for why did house prices lower in Orlando Florida okay what do I want do I want Zillow okay let's see what happens why are house prices dropping in Orlando I don't know if they are they're probably Rising but at any rate okay what do we want we want investment sites news sites here's news news news Reddit right that's that's actually a good result now it's a little dated I would rather have uh the one- month one but it's a little dated also we have YouTube news redin see how these are all related to the actual search query if I'm looking for why are house prices dropping in Orlando what do I want does your site match it and does it have a back experience a lot of people think that their content is valuable and all they're doing is selling something right here on this channel I give you valuable content I hope you find Value in it because at the end of the day you're the king if you don't find my stuff valuable and I love it then I ain't going to get any traction I'm going be making videos for myself and so we have to look at this and understand what's going on so we are seeing the Google success stories here they are okay retro Doo we looked at him we also looked at um some of these others so we'll do batch analysis here and if you guys don't have HRS it's a fantastic tool um you don't need it but it is a great tool to have so we see like City Scopes a lot of these just completely got obliterated and again look at why right what did they have and what went away wealth of Geeks all right let's see how wealthy the Geeks are there we go um Despicable Me movies in order okay let's see so that there he had a ranking let see what shows up for that ranking and if it's MFA is it made for ads or is it made for human consumption well if I look at it now that that page is now gone which means they are probably trying to recover from something that hit them and again ladies and gentlemen look at the ads ads everywhere terrible user experience um good website they got some good stuff but looking at this it's like okay what is more if I wanted to rank for Despicable Me movies in order okay Screen Rant that's literally what that guy does all right um different news sites Wikipedia IMDb This is relevant I would say Google thumbs up good job this is what we want for Despicable Me movies in order okay very important okay how many of you guys are following along you're like okay makes sense for him did it work well it's not there anymore but you know to each his own if we take a look at what he still ranks for uh catalog bu now pay later interesting rating of movies and theaters again he's straggling I mean that this this got a big hit oh ouch 252,000 keywords gone 126,000 searches a month gone all right I think I think we're looking at this and we're like wait a minute yeah so made for AdSense no real value of content other than ranking doesn't really fit why the person is searching ladies and gentlemen this is where Google's getting smarter and people are getting mad because they're looking at the keywords now is there always some room for irritation of course are there some blogs that got obliterated for no apparent reason yes I think so but I think overall there is kind of a reason here there is a method to the madness and if we figure it out we can get rid of the Nos and build up the yeses all right backyard assist same thing why did he tank again um made for AdSense will look at it does will can do let's take a look at uh compare with a year ago uh above ground pool heater okay he ranked number five now that ladies and gentlemen pay close attention how many of you guys are paying atten smash a like button if you're paying attention because what I'm about to show you is very very very very very important this guy in my opinion probably lost a bunch of money actually it's not an opinion I'm pretty damn sure he lost a bunch of money here um so let's look at it these are product related keywords above ground pool heater I'm guessing I'm going to see Amazon I'm going to see um all kinds of product type things maybe some high-end review sites but if I'm looking for above ground pool heater what do I want there's 23,000 searches a month he was getting a thousand of them it's a product oriented search I know I have an inground pool but the heater was like not cheap so this is something that's a lot of money there's money if you were to rank for that I'd be shocked if you were making less than $5,000 a month just with that one this one line how many of you guys are getting type 5K on line if you get this it's game over you win because now instead of trying to rank for everything everything in the backyard what if all I did was focus in on above ground pool heaters and that's all I did for my I got obsessed with it and I focused and I did research and all I did was that could you make a living I think you can disclaimer results not typical implier guaranteed the average person makes nothing all that but I think you can so now we look at this and let's take a look at what ranks so he's gone and yes he did have the ad thing I'm pretty sure let's let's uh see what this looks like here um okay put this in here so he did have the ad Jung it looks like he removed or no he still has some ads it's about a year old 10 best above ground pool heater of 2023 it doesn't even make grammatical sense let's see what took over that spot because that spot is money that is money right there that's inventory much like you see the coffee on the Shelf you go to the grocery store our grocery store makes about 100K a day probably the same as yours if you're in a pretty busy area and of that they probably sell $1,000 a day worth of coffee or 2,000 or whatever it is okay inventory you look at the whole story like 100 Grand oh my God that's insane y but you know 500 of it's mayonnaise right so that's this is a mayonnaise right above ground pool heater we searched this in Google and we're like okay products interesting YouTube interesting Home Depot makes sense Amazon makes sense pool Factory a place to buy them makes sense actual heat pump manufacturers make sense Reddit discussions in Forum does make sense right I know a lot of people are very angry at the Google Reddit partnership however in some things it does make sense here's heat pumps four pools looks like a store yes I can see why this is not valuable how many of you guys see it let's get honest here say if if you don't be like yeah I think he's valuable I think that is valuable blog content markets I think it's valuable and if you do think this is valuable remember value is in the eye of the beholder okay also ladies and gentlemen this is where we think like businessmen and women and everyone rather than just let's get traffic and make money because it's free this is has my been my pet peeve for years people get free traffic and they're like Yay I'm making $10,000 a month go me and it's like dude do you not know that that one line is worth more than you're making on your entire site I mean above ground pool heater it looks like they're not too expensive which means come on let's have a little loophole here you could literally be a Drop Shipping Company and now you're a store and now you can probably rank that's where Drop Shipping comes in we start to realize very important stuff because if I was D drop shipper now I'm in a different playing field and it looks like they're not super expensive like my pool heater was like 8 Grand uh these are pretty inexpensive okay also YouTube YouTube is a big player look at the views look at what they got so I'm thinking yeah Google did a pretty good job with that I think that's good okay uh affiliate marketer William says well to me user uh Reddit has an awful user experience and I never like visiting there depends on what you're looking for right if you were back in the day and you were looking up the GameStop stock Reddit would have been viable if I'm looking for people who are complaining or praising something or giving opinion discussions and forums yes yes yes yes yes yes good okay now the eoic list the ones using aoic and that branded ad thing I showed you earlier these were the ones hit the hardest okay so we're seeing this now can you recover some of them yes some of them no all right there's some that yeah probably not we saw some that just got obliterated again if you got completely obliterated you were probably not serving the market you were probably doing some kind of garbage or whatever very important okay so we're looking at that and we're like okay that's pretty cool um how can we do that all right outdoor all these things again a lot of them got hit there are some that still exists let's take a look at the top one so whatever this guy is even grammar uh how which was one of the bigger ones okay this is mostly India traffic so that's not going to be super relevant um I want to do apples to apples Robo Fitness robore Fitness something like that um okay okay so this one's actually doing okay he he did better so what is he doing okay he's actually doing better he was on the aoic list so let's see if he actually has aoic no his site is not bombarded with Theo oh yeah actually it is okay there's one on the bottom and one on the side not a fan I would get rid of that because you know on a fitness site do you really want like Old Spice cologne or would you rather sell like serious Fitness stuff also they are a a a sales site right so they do have products interesting so if we were to look at their keywords and how many you guys dig this stuff smash a like button if you dig this let me know um again these types of streams are very very difficult um B stance RDL looks like some kind of workout stance okay YouTube Pi Jim and a couple others so back muscle so I'm seeing here small bloggers are doing okay on this keyword there he is right um some bigger bloggers too glute Focus leg press ranking number three okay again the nature of the keyword he's got an image he's got a number one there's videos here again we're seeing okay this is interesting Reddit yeah his leg press enough to build the glutes that's a good good uh Reddit and again I'm not a fan of Reddit either I hardly ever use them um but it's something we need to pay attention to Tik Tok and lots of other stuff so we are seeing on top of Business Insider because if the other bloggers are true and Google sold out and it's only about big companies then ladies and gentlemen Business Insider should be at the top with the ranking I venture to say they're probably at the top because they had a good image game going right I bet you that image is on that thing here five leg presses yeah that's where it is multi stuff all right again I want to look at things realistically I want to look at this and understand Lauren says how can we do the research without ahrs you could use free tools um but at the end of the day if you want to do research at this level yes you are going to need to pay for tools I do trainings all the time and and we give data I use all kinds of tools and we give you guys all kinds of data and all you got to do is is smash a like button I think that's a pretty fair trade maybe buy some stuff get a high ticket Niche down the road if you want me to help you but you know we provide this info free and for those that are wondering I will probably get like 900 bucks total on the ads for this video so it's not huge I would make more sitting over there doing other stuff but I do this because one it funnels a lot of people into my business two it makes money and three I want to educate the market just yesterday I was on one of my calls with our blog profit network members and I've seen a trend recently of people paying $30,000 for websites that are pieces of junk literally I would I would have an Ethics problem charging $100 for those websites that's how bad they are and these students have come to me and they're like what a lady came to me yesterday she's like I bought this site um I'm like how much was it 30,000 I I tried to not fall on the floor because it was I just it makes me mad because they're charging for Just Junk and uh she's like I I want to pay you and I think we might run out of battery here bear with me one second all right like a pit stop fast battery change all right um and she came to me and is our audio still good and she came to me um and she was talking about this website that she bought for 30 grand and it was terrible and she's like I want to pay pay you to help me with this website and I'm like you know as much as I'd like to charge you for something I I I can't help you with that it's she's like well what if you got this what if I bought your highest package I'm like I I can't do anything with it like I would rather you buy the highest package and I'll give you one of my sites because I can't do anything with that and there's a lot of misinformation and a lot of junk and a lot of people giving you information that will not work and selling you sites that will not work and what we want to do is we want to look at stuff that does work Based on data even if I say it don't just take me at face value go look it up see if it's true see if the stuff works um as Tony Robbins once said success leaves Clues and it does I think Jim Ron said that before he did but at any rate I like Jim rone a lot better great guy good stuff however looking at this we're starting to realize okay this is worth money this leg press one worth money B stance worth money this is inventory he is doing good why I think it's the of the keyword and I also think that it is because of the fact that he has a store right very important now if we were to go through I think ahus has has a has a thing where we can see a keyword and go to the history I think let me just see here a position history there we go so you could see the position history you could see what what came and went and you can kind of see what Google is is deeming relevant okay hopefully it'll be a little bit faster here okay let's do this one and we should be able yes so now we can do what the search engine look like and I think we can compare yeah so let's compare with a year ago what would that be May 5th May close enough all right so if we compare with a year ago we can see what used to rank and what ranks now and what the differences are so mylife.com dropped nine positions to the bottom all right um Tik Tock gained position they just popped out of nowhere discussions and forums gained that's the Reddit zoom out there we go come on supposed to zoom out I'll go like this so I could be in the frame um but looking at that we're starting to realize okay um Tik Tok came up discussions came up back muscle Solutions he came up okay a simple gym he came up and we're starting to see okay what does he have he's got a store and he doesn't have those terrible ads interesting so Rober Fitness did good back muscle Solutions doing fantastic interesting all right so we're seeing he's not a big fish he's good right but we're seeing that this stuff actually does work where are we going down there there we go come on all right let's turn on the robot camera here bear with me one second uh how many of you guys dig this stuff let me know and uh we'll get to the other things that they said in the Google IO as well I think this stuff is super super super super important um and if you're looking to make money online it's going to show you what the real deal is all right there we go there we go robot come on Old robot not that high I'm not that tall other way come on robot Gotta Love AI ah there we are pretty good right all right so we're the jokes are free calm down so here we have all this stuff here with keywords traffic and everything like that they gained pretty good you could see they started um 2021 and just kept growing pretty good had a little peaks in valleys but overall pretty solid stuff smaller site so we're seeing smaller sites are doing good there is a common theme with sites that are tanking and that's what we're here to look at because if we can understand why they're tanking like this guy obliterated right look at that obliterated right there boom why what's the nature of the keywords well um back in the day so now he's got Junk back in the day uh per Peru Monument okay nature of the keyword does everyone see it here like I shouldn't even need to to go through it like Peru monuments I'm thinking Wikipedia I'm thinking Peru government site I'm thinking images videos and uh sites of The Monuments like oh hey here's Statue of Liberty whatever right I know that's not in Peru but you get the idea Peru monuments what's good for it Trip Advisor uhhuh that's a good one good job Google uh match you travel Peru that's a t per that's a Peru travel site um on and on we go World Monuments monuments very very focused okay pretty cool his not so focused I don't know if he's still up but let's take a look here let's see all right so if I wanted to do that wow okay yeah where's my Peru Monument apparently I need to buy a keyword tool to visit Peru all right Mor it wouldn't even let me in the site it's like okay well I guess we're not looking at that website apparently all right so we're looking at that we're like junk uh Paul says if I'm following your logic correctly within the travel Niche one would have better relevance in success as a travel agent and being a travel blogger yes but that's not the only way to do it right you can do it without being that there's just other modalities that you're going to use in other mediums um if I was going to do something in the neighborhood of these types of travel blogs I would go through and do that okay um I would do Pinterest YouTube different things like that but looking at the nature of the keyword like it is to me it's glaringly obvious right it's glaringly obvious what was Athens known for Las Vegas beat Las Vegas doesn't have a beach I mean if you consider like me but I don't know uh things to buy and Korea City this is all info stuff what happened was in the MFA made for AdSense we got a bunch of info junk Chinese food California really you're telling me that your blog is going to be the best for Chinese food California do you even live in California and I will tell you Chinese food in California is pretty good very good better than Chinese food in Florida not a fan um but at any rate when we look at this here again ads everywhere exploration travel inspiration ads everywhere 10 vacation spots California where's my Chinese food I don't know I'm hungry where is it it's not there looking at this stuff you have to start to understand okay well what what would be relevant for that okay well they're going for Norwalk LA and up here so they got it the basis of it covered you got Yelp you got La eater Mitchell and star this is way more relevant than what we just saw okay uh why is timu beating the system because they have the products it's guys if you look at this what they're doing is they are basically losing money because they are losing hemorrhaging money but if you were to look at this what are they doing okay let's take a look so you're saying why is Teemu doing so so well let's take a look okay so this one here nature of the word Beach what is Athens known for this is encyclopedia if you had an encyclopedia site maybe but again is this really going to put money in your bottom line what 4 cents you know you want a quarter how don't know so looking at that we're like okay how does that work now let's look at Teemu let's go to the dashboard emu.com all right u.com got so much traffic it's got to wait which is good we get coffee 8 mlion keyword they dropped a little bit but they gained traffic let's look at what the keywords Are All Right coupon so most of them are branded which means they're doing well at their marketing uh next up we're going to look for I'm going to do this offscreen because sometimes places rank for non-f familyfriendly Stuff I don't it is the internet you never know what you're going to get all right so we're going to do volume see what the volume is okay I think we're okay yeah this looks pretty clean okay so let's take a look at what Teemu ranks for shop Easter wreaths 47 braids fidget toys spider hoodie on and on we go more or less stuff that is product oriented if you look at alarm clock you're going to get guess what alarm clocks there you go you also get digital right so again if you wanted to rank for alarm clock you could make a little digital alarm clock for you know 100 bucks or whatever and get that traffic it's not that hard to do but understanding okay the nature of the keyword is everything um skin care uh different things like that you could take a look okay uh sundress shark slides okay so they're number 15 for shark slides I think these are slippers all right there you go fancy fancy I don't know you know um Cloud sharks which is an actual place Amazon other places here we might even have Teemu up here not seeing it but you do have Cloud sharks there and they are in the top non-ad spot interesting um it is a trademark okay uh let's see Hello slippers shark slides Cloud Amazon Walmart more more more and then we have teu why because Teemu has them cheap people like cheap stuff that's what they that's what they like so Google's like yeah okay that that should rank very important so looking at this what we're doing is we're understanding the nature now when teu went out there they did a strategy that Amazon did and they basically said okay we want to rank for all kinds of keywords that sells product okay and they they lose money like they literally do this and and lose money because same as Amazon you lose in the beginning you win in the end now for us we don't do that what we're doing is we're like okay can we rank for this stuff and and make money with it now having a store like Teemu whether it's good teu that says teu whether it's good or not does not matter their quality is irrelevant um it is the nature of the store right Google is a ranking search engine not necessarily a quality place which by the way was a problem which is probably why Reddit is now introduced because if I search for Teemu and I see Reddit I'm going to see people that are like I bought this on teu and it's bad right or whatever or maybe it's good I don't know never bought anything on teu have no desire to but at any rate that's what they're doing why serps equal money search engine rankings are worth money now what if you were a blogger and you blogged about all the productss on teu and you put that explic of here um blasted plugin that just put the ads everywhere and made a bad user experience you'd probably make three cents a click and you'd probably make a lot with it and you might make some Amazon commissions as well but that's not what we're after I'm after making big money timu makes more than those ads because timu is paying for those ads so obviously they make more so if I said obviously don't step on trademarks my only job is to sell shark slides that's all I'm going to do I will drop ship them I'll affiliate them I'm going to be an expert in shark slides that's all I'm going to do can I make a living at it well 150,000 people a month are searching for them yes I can ladies and gentlemen what we are talking about is not making content for the purpose of just running ads you will not make that much money what we're talking about is making targeted content for the user for a specific person purpose whether it's Google whether it's yahoo yes ladies and gentlemen Yahoo being they got a lot of traffic over there a lot of people ignore it sites are still ranking YouTube Pinterest direct targeting watch this ladies and gentlemen if we were to go to uh look up shark slides on Pinterest you are going to see it is there this is a strategy this is what I've been doing for many years the last time I did made for AdSense stuff was back before the first crash I mean that's a long time ago and people didn't get the message now they're starting to right check it out we go to the old Pinterest shark slides what do we got here there's Amazon whatever site another site Amazon why are they doing this because it works could you not dance around and in you know shark slides and and sell them why are they doing it it works instead of going out there and being like well you know Marcus what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a site about slippers slippers yeah let's do slippers and you go and you get all the traffic for all the slippers and it's going to be junk content because you're not an expert in them it's harder to be an expert in 50 different types of slippers than it is just shark slippers is everyone getting this and then you go through and you're like hey all I got to do like shoot I'll drop ship it so I could start a store I'll pinterested I'll do this I'll do that now when it comes to info sites when you're looking at info sites let's take a look at some of those so we got uh mindful mom the modern mindful Mom okay probably an info site nugget couch what is a nugget couch I'm just I'm baffled the things people search I I don't know right but we're looking at like configurations different things like that car seats stuff like that okay so they did drop in some stuff they have some so Evan Flow versus Duna versus keywords are fantastic right if you were to go out there and type in the word verses this is a trigger word that works really well because if you actually review Shark slippers versus elephant slippers you got some game and you're going to see that the word verses I'm going to do it off screen because you might get some weird stuff you never know people on the internet be searching some weird stuff I'll tell you that um okay so now you see like um different things like okay uh the sports teams different products verses um and on and on we go but the word versus has 800,000 searches a month just for the Victoria Secret one you also have all these others as well if you were to do like uh Cloud versus whatever excuse me I need some water Where's My Water ah man something got my throat water versus coffee better for webinars um so you got like Hokah versus oncloud this is shoes Hoka versus oncloud let's see what ranks for it this fantastic word very little competition this should be a good one um Trail and kale Gear reviews okay are they a store they do have a shop yes they do have a shop with shoes Okay um Runners World probably a big site it do not they might have a a store uh Reddit the mom edit okay good good good um pure wow men's health videos good it's not that hard to turn blog content into a video um and on and on we go right uh Lanford says do you review sites yes in blog profit Network and in our high ticket niches we review sites every week um so now we're seeing the verses word and we're seeing that there are things that rank pretty good Disney food bog apparently ranks for that um and now we're saying Okay cool so that that can work and they are still ranking for some stuff I would venture to say the content's not on point and the ads are one siiz fits-all what I'm saying here guys is that if you were to have a ranking for the word um or was it Hoka versus whatever where' it go let's go over here Hoka versus if you were to have a ranking for this yes she has the the the mom site has the ads that are terrible and the site doesn't even yeah it's just it's not doing a good job uh a lot of ads a lot of junk bad user experience if all I did was talk about Hokah versus if that's all I did right I know like my family loves these shoes I don't think they make them in my size though I got to buy weird sizes uh but at any rate there's like 66,000 visitors I a month like if you sold a thousand hoca shoes a month that's 200 Grand worth of shoes right so we're like wait a minute dude what seriously that's where the money's at if you were to put ads on it like the people were doing you're going to make cents if you sell those as a drop shipper or an affiliate you're going to make a lot more and you can review the shoes right if you don't have money review stuff that's free there's lots of things like you know um WordPress versus that's a free tool you get WordPress free you test it out or even um chat GPT versus right these kind of things work well and you're going to see that the nature of the keyword is really key I'm I'm sure there's going to be YouTube and stuff here course um you got discussions water form interesting a year ago interesting that that ranks um a tech site Tech zapier The Verge videos okay um what else we got zenes so this one probably wouldn't be that hard I think it's something that can be done here's some GPT site and you can take a look at at what's going on now what we're doing is we're looking at this stuff as a whole in terms of how can I do a good job and give the visitor what they want this is a smalltime blogger he's got the ranking right he has the ranking he's getting the traffic he's not a big site case in point do you got how many of you guys are seeing it's the nature of the word and the value of the site there are certain words that will not serve your stuff no matter how good you write content for no matter how many backlinks you have no matter what you're doing in today's AI day and age that doesn't matter what matters is is is it going to fit what the people are looking for chat GPT examples that's a damn good ranking dude is doing a good job right now I don't know what his monetization strategy is but I think I'm pretty sure I could do better that's like what I do for a living is monetize sites he does have a product he has a couple of products which is cool um he does have some examples there and he's got actual content examples which looks good so yeah I mean it's a smaller Business site and it looks pretty solid um springboard videos are always good and you don't have to be on camera you just have to do a good job of this versus that um here's some other stuff here as well so starting to look at that we're like oh here's one awesome screenshot what's this guy doing legit.com um and on and on we go so now we're seeing Oh this is really making sense Anonymous says sites blogs which idea how can we feed the algorithm so what you're going to do is you're going to give the algorithm What It Wants first and foremost if I'm going for a keyword how do I give it something helpful if we're going for chat GPT examples what is a helpful search well apparently this is is helpful here's an example here's another example and another one so it's actually looking pretty on point okay gbt 4 API so this is people looking for the API all right so obviously the first results are going to be chat gbt because that therein is where the API is so your article about what the IP API is is not going to outrank them it's not going to happen all right um can you do something like how to access it sure you can he's doing okay I don't know how big of a site this is but you can kind of go through and see what is working what is not and what is tanking I'm seeing that the stuff that is tanking is more or less made for AdSense not targeted stuff another one we're going to look at again over at um the other stuff here we see here income School uh Ricky and the guys at I think his name is Ricky and the guys at in income school they give out good content um there's been some controversy about them lately but overall I think their content is good but a little too narrow on like their monetization strategy not a fan their content good they teach you how to write stuff do blogs whatever most of the sites I see are having trouble when it comes to monetization if Google sees that all you're doing is making a site and putting ads on it like do you think they're going to just be like oh sure go ahead yeah bro you know more to marrier they used to if you did it right back links and stuff like that they still do if you do it right however we are seeing that stuff is starting to tank okay very important there's another set of data I did this one was for did I do this right I think I might need to find the one here let's see here I had it in chat GPT because I wanted to go through through those big sites which was where' they go bear with me smash a like button while you're waiting um it is the sites names Niche site this one so these are the 16 companies that are dominating Google let's see what they are doing okay a lot of them are big sites yet they're going to rank is going to happen Okay some of them you will see what the difference is and looking at this data is going to teach us to be smarter teach us to be better and teach us to monetize way better um let's see here income School sites review I know I had them here okay this was the 35 best affiliate sites we also had some I told you guys I got a lot of notes here um so the 35 best affiliate sites these were like nerd wallet and stuff like that multi-million dollar sites this was the Retro dodo we went through that one there was one that went for specifically income School type sites um and they're you know for the most part looking at it we kind of want to see here let's see I gotta find those let's see here I'll see if I can find them here I know I had them a minute ago on the other site and I went through the ones that started to drop uh let's see I think it was under that just bear with me one second I will find these for you I think I just found it yes I did okay cool um so what we're going to do we're going to go to uh the profit scoop if you have not used the profit scoop dude those tools kick butt I made them for myself like these tools were all made for me and I put them here for you guys to use too cuz I you guys to be able to make money and if you like this stuff check out download myot notes.com and um also check out High ticket niches and blog profit Network and all that our high tiet Niche program is focused at getting you into a niche that is based on this like I go through and I look at these niches we buy domains that have value like one of them we have right now um is a salon website and it's a good domain it's a very good domain with value um and it's Salon brush haven't started building it yet um but it has good value it had some rankings back in the day um and the value GoDaddy appraisal um the the value on GoDaddy appraisal is pretty good the value on uh EST Toot's pretty good I think overall it's a good domain and I want you guys to tell me what you okay I know it was 3,800 but it's being I think I have to log in or whatever um but I think it had 30 3800 was the value of just the name alone not the niche if we go to din do um same kind of thing here now din do it's kind of a little weird they rank them funny um but we went through this yesterday and I my estimate on the value of the domain was 5,000 again results not typical implier guaranteed most people make nothing the domain is worth nothing until you have a buyer however there are certain things if you have income.com that's worth money whether you have a buyer or not you just need to find your right buyer however looking at this I valued it at a 5,000 based on my data my one of my students who does domaining as his sole online business um he valued at 8,000 so I was a little bit lower and it's mine to sell I believe in giving an honest result um not that his wasn't I just want to be fair based on my data and kind of lowball it he said it was worth 8,000 this says 12,000 so what would you say that this domain is probably worth I you know on a on a bad day 3,000 on a good day maybe 10,000 it's a good domain so what we would do in high ticket niches is I would build this out for you and show you how to make money now let's take a look at the alternative because like I said a lot of people out there are paying $30,000 $18,000 or more for sites and they may or may not be you know worth it that much you have to look at it now these ones some of them look good and they did look good when they were bought if I saw the hamper one here and back in the day was it worth money yeah did it tank yeah is it salvageable again let's look at the nature of the keywords a lot of people are saying that one's worth $5,000 yeah we have it for sale now with content with a niche with a year training for 2750 I think we're being more than fair we try to do a really good job based on what we think is going to last this the the the test of time now looking at this one he still has 11,000 keywords how much does a 24t camper weigh not a keyword that I would want right he actually did average weight of a 24 travel trailer with 10 examples I think that content is not what I would want follow with me how much does a 24 foot camper way okay let's go back to the board Focus is this content I'm sitting down out of the goodness of my heart because I'm interested in campers and what they weigh or is it hey a lot of people are looking for this I want to game the system put some junky ads on and make a little bit of money if we're honest with oursel I think it's number two I think so made for AdSense nature of the keyword how many of you guys are getting it nature of the keyword made for AdSense what does it do good the content is is good if I want a dissertation on how much my 24t camper is going to weigh his Encyclopedia Britannica article is fantastic content but guess what that's not what I want I want 5400 lb loaded 10,000 lb do not exceed 2500 onew answer it's not what I'm looking for these sites are going for things that are not what people are looking for camper report okay they're looking for that Co-op prices he's still ranking for that so that's okay it's probably good let's see what's better he's number 10 COA prices all right this guy there they are boom RV sites okay COA Kaa Kaa COA Reddit wanderly COA and it looks like he dropped from number 10 there he is he's like number 18 or something 17 so again here's what I'm saying let's go previous year compare it teardrop camper I had a site that was all about teardrop campers and it was about specifically that kind of stuff and it was a good domain and everything like that focusing on this alone can work good so teardrop tailor 2023 okay what does Google think is relevant now all right new camp are selling they think a guy that is looking up teardrop camper is looking for prices and sales info not necessarily info about the best how many different models blah blah blah okay so that is something that is is interesting and again ladies and gentlemen look at the ads time and time again this is what we're seeing on sites like this why because they are looking to monetize in a weird way I guarantee you teardrop campers are probably something a lot of people get loans for I would make more money getting one guy to get a loan every month then all the ads that he has that are making his site look terrible just saying or maybe I can find the teardrop camper and and drop ship it or joint venture with one that is what the nature of the keywords I'm seeing this as a trend over and over and over again where it is the nature of the keywords and in this sense Google did switch the game right it used to be backlinks and uh this and that now it's more what is this what is an X whatever price I don't even know what that is or the copperhead snake or whatever what is this about again what I'm seeing is a lot of people are teaching low value traffic to low value ads which means I need a bazillion of searches a month to make money do you want to go get a billion searches a month or do you want to focus on things that work what if I focus on a specific part of the travel trailer Teardrop trailer type stuff this is what we're seeing here's one about dirt bikes okay nature of the keyword can these be salvageable I I think so this it's buying I want to buy a 50cc dirt bike Google nailed it this here uh dirt bike for don't do that wait till he can like think properly you know I don't know I wouldn't put a six-year-old on that uh 5cc again top speed that's info Wikipedia F Sports Kora nailed it are you guys seeing this make make sense YouTube Tik Tok pretty good like you could make a Youtube and you know like this top speed okay show what the top speed would be you can get stock footage or whatever and it can work because even these 50 cc it's not specific to the type right now but these got lots and lots of stuff and so we're starting to look at this and be like okay well what about forums well let's see how forums fared I think forums actually did pretty good in this update again nature of the keyword why would I want to go to a forum and we'll share the screen there we go um I was looking at at these ones here for the dirt bikes right very cool um very awesome so now we got the 500cc when we're looking at forums okay this this Warrior Forum has been around forever it's controversial in my opinion because they do have a lot of junk and a lot of we'll just say junk that's what we'll say um but they also have some good stuff I've used them I've made some money with it too um that's why I don't use WordPress WordPress is fantastic WordPress is awesome um so looking at this here they gained a lot of keywords a lot of traffic in the last update for what compare with let's get out of here compare with a year ago AI website builder boom they shot up on that that's a good ranking if you had the ranking for AI website builder ladies and gentlemen you'd be making money if you put the stupid ads on like those other sites have no you wouldn't be making money what do you do in this example if I owned the top ranking for AI website builder I would run web hosting ads because they would pay a fortune and I would think with what I know and I do that in this type of Market that is easily even at number seven that would probably bring me 15 to 30,000 a month in hosting commissions if Done Right disclaimer results not typical implied or guaranteed some people have that ranking and make nothing some people have that ranking and make nothing okay um a lot of people use that ranking and put those stupid ads on it and make nothing or next to nothing or Worse two cents the only thing worse than making nothing is making two cents on traffic you could make a lot with um best time to post on Instagram that's a good one uh you have Tik Tok business so these are rankings that the Forum are doing good with and you can go in and you can post on the Forum and you can get traffic instantly instantly like you go here and you're like okay what is this about um not that many comments not a ton like I could comment on this and ladies and gentlemen I will literally be on a page that is number seven on Google like that don't abuse it right this guy he said very interesting and now you can go to his links looks like he had some kind of uh link to his uh his website Services here's another one linking here's another one we're linking on and on we go um is this helpful I don't know is there any AI tool to make websites I don't know this guy's promoting his system.io um this guy's promoting Buddha trees something like that um and on know I go I don't find that helpful let's see what shows up here and find out what would be helpful AI website builder create a website so that's Wix an app Reddit yes Reddit Nails it on this one I hate to say it because I would rather have that ranking for my site but at the end of the day I tested the most most popular AI website design tools that's a damn good piece of content it's is great um here's another one Reddit here I just made an AI generated website so you could do this for for Reddit I don't know if you you could probably link I'm pretty sure you can um so you know looking at that is like okay that's pretty cool that works it is helpful best AI YouTube helpful um hosting or 10 web 10 best code design I would think with Forum stuff and with um press releases and things like that that can work again when using press releases make sure you're doing them for news type stuff very important Elementor uh let's see ah I like this does anyone see something on this page that I just love I'm going to wait a minute let it sink in and while that happens I'm going to get some coffee I don't even know if it's warm anymore but you know it's been a long training if you appreciate this training smash that like button and let me know it's a lot of work goes into this so one of the things I love on this is chat.

open.com because you could go in there you could make a little AI website builder just like this and it ranks because of the power of chat GPT and so now we can look at this and say wait a minute so that guy literally made a free AI website builder in the chat GPT store for I cost $30 a month I know I've gotten a lot of comments that are like it's not really free to make them it's not free to make them it's free to use them so that means your customer database is a lot more but I think if you're not really willing to spend a dollar a day for a tool like this yeah not really I really can't help you there uh you could see here this ranks for a lot of stuff if you were to do just that website builder check it out dude's getting 3,500 visitors a month to his chat GPT tool that is something you can do a press release just announced affiliate marketing dude comes out with a new AI website builder in chat GPT guys are you seeing how this is about a strategy cuz that traffic is worth money does a teardrop trailer weigh more than my Aunt Betty that's not content I can monetize right we got to look at that and start to understand Jill says are more experienced marketing marketers using your type of experience and crushing it unethically I mean can you make money unethically sure is it ethical no um there are lots of things out there that that are in the gray area there are certain programs that a lot of people want me to look at that are basically uh what I call circle jerk programs where it's like I promote this thing to get you to promote this thing to promote this that's where those $330,000 websites come in where they're charging and they pay like 10,000 commission for a piece of junk but at the end of the day as Tommy Boy says all they sold you was a guaranteed piece of junk paraphrased right we all know the quote and looking at this we don't need to be unethical all we need to do is is really give people what they want are there any ethics around an AI website builder no just make an AI website builder or link to them or whatever it is and you do stuff in a way that's very deliberate I don't want to see a lot of people going out there and saying okay well let's just rank for all this stuff about fences just because and again this is what is going to go by by the wayside Jeep privacy fence is that a good viable keyword yes is it monetizable the best way possible no is it our best if I'm going to sit down and write content for an hour or 30 minutes right what can we do there well is this my best use of time doing the fences probably not probably not and here's one of those 16 big websites probably not so what I want to do is I want to focus on good stuff so let's get to the yes column yes I want keywords that are natural and have good monetization writing a two-hour blog post for two hours on teardrop cancer uh campers and on mortgage refinance tips I think the mortgage is going to be a better use of my time unless of course I am in love with teardrop tamper campers and that is my lot in life but I'm going to go for keywords and I'm going to get rid of the junk a lot of people are like let's get more the merrier AI made more the merrier let's get 5,000 pieces of content 10,000 pieces of content a million pieces of content and Google was like h no because it's not good at the end end of the day is it good contextually turn it into Mrs Lippy in third grade and get an A sure you're going to get an A congratulations pat on the head but that isn't what people searching want like if I'm looking for restaurants near me restaurants near me the best way to find restaurants near me is to find restaurants that are near you the best thing to do is look at a map find out where you are and then find out where the restaurant are what you want to do is figure out the one that is in closest proximity to you via gas mileage stop that's not what people want they want hey I want to go to the sushi place which ones are near me does that make sense that is the change we're seeing that's what I've been saying for a long time and when we do that and say yeah maybe let's not go for the near me there was a time and a place for it but now not so much unless of course you're going to have an actual storefront let's go for something that is more of valuable get less info that is everywhere else and more what can you do Google says they want unique content unique content what is unique well for restaurants near me if you had a PL if you had a website just for Orlando restaurant restaurants that could work you live in Orlando you test the restaurants that could work that's good content for that type of term restaurants near me right or even a subsec like in San Francisco you could do restaurants in the uh Knob Hill area or whatever and you start to realize okay we're looking at this different we need to focus on why people are reading why people are searching unique content with value also Direct path to money I don't want something that the best monetization is to run those ads I will never put that plugin on my site because it makes it look terrible it makes it work terrible and it screams to the search engines you don't know what you're doing you're making content and you just want as much possible per click well those big ad companies are making a fortune shoot I would rather have click baity style ads than those at least then you got to scroll down to get them and they don't pop in your face very important this is the shift that's happening and it's something people have wanted for a long time where we're look at it and we're like okay for the fence stuff the dollar stretcher fenes on the cheap okay it's got some ads I think they could make more how could they make more Marcus do tell well you go over to offervault and you find a company that sells leads for vences and you put that there okay um dear dollar stretch so it's like a a Dear Abby okay how to conquer debt N I would do how to get a fence and save money right uh install fence on your own F seal your wooden fence that's helpful content on a site that is helpfully about the fences why does this not rank probably because it's not unique there's is unique someone wrote in they're answering the question okay very important now if I was to go out there and do something like inexpensive privacy fence ideas I'm going to do Pinterest okay does that make sense are you guys starting to see oh blogging is not dead crappy blogging is dead blogging for the purpose made for AdSense it's been dead since 2003 it just got smarter and then they were like okay what are we going to do about this there's so much content on the internet how do we give good things Focus uh I'm getting better results on my sub Niche posts and product review Pages now from just changing my prompts to transact and persuasive excellent and I think that the key is like how can I do this DIY chicken wire fence is that really like is that really making that much money probably not can I do better can I focus and if I can make more by having less ads that's good like a lot of people will notice with our high ticket Niche program we don't put any ads on it when you start out and a lot of them survived the updates a lot of sites I don't talk about that are doing really really well we focus on good content in something that's working well with AI content it's still working well so when we start to look at that and understand oh okay I see fences do it yourself fences again what kind of things I'm going to do YouTube If I want to do this Niche right I'm going to do YouTube there you go I said do Pinterest there it is okay very important and this is what we do in our high tiet Niche program where we go through and build these with you and show you exactly where everything fits all right let's get to our other notes because we got a lot of stuff we're covering a lot um if you like this join blog profit Network I think you guys will love it it's like a dollar a day um Google AI 2024 update another thing we saw that is on mobile that I think will probably roll out to other stuff is circle search where you could be reading something you could Circle it and Google will search it okay again that's looking at like quick quality of results um next up Gemini on Android so we are seeing that AI is being rolled out in search for some queries okay a lot of queries that a lot of these people abused are now being uh corrected okay uh how often would you put ads I I so the best way to make money with ads is not having ads wait a minute Marcus what do you mean that doesn't make any sense what do you mean the best way to make money with ads is by not having ads you want ads that do not read or look like ads years ago in magazines when we would do magazine advertising you do thing called an advertorial an advertorial was a piece of content designed to get people to think a different way and buy a product right maybe looking at a pet magazine and it says 10 Way 10 reasons you need pet insurance good great that that's getting them to something else so what I would do is this and let me I don't think we have enough room there let's get the Whiteboard here and my pen over here okay so what we're going to do is we are going to have our blog content like this content focused on good words content in our content let's say we are going to do the fence content most people are going to out there and be like let's put a big ad here let's put a big ad here let's put some big ads here let's put a big popup and you can't even read the content that's what most people do it's not what I'm showing you that's what I'm showing you there it is right there it is that's what most people do next we're going to go through and we're gonna say what what would Marcus do all right Marcus would make content that that is good based on what people are searching for okay so ads bad content DIY fence ideas okay I'm gonna have some Pinterest I'm gonna have some YouTube I might even have press releases or something related okay I'm gonna have content down in the content I'm going to say five mistakes people make that makes them get overcharged for fences five mistakes that make your fence more money or I wish I knew this before putting up a fence I wish I knew this before hiring a fence company this got to have sound effects is going to lead to a post about how to hire a fence company and not get ripped off guess what's going to happen if instead of having all these ads over here I have one little regular old asynchronous AdSense Block it's going to show ads for fencing companies in their local area which are paying way more than Home Depot pays but Markus Home Depot is a huge company and it makes I I know they are but they're also paying a penny a click for a bazillion keywords so this is going and I know this I had a mortgage site and on my mortgage site we went for the word mortgage calculator cheap word I put ads on it I got a couple pennies a click I took the ads off of it and I said oh click here for my report on refinance now they're on a report about refinance now it's showing refinance ads some of the clicks it was rare but some of them were $9 a click the average was about a dollar most people's average are like pennies and they're sacrificing the power and the look and the usability of their website for pennies literally like what are you doing I can sell one fence and make more than the entire s's making right that's what we're looking at and if we do this right and we think about the nature our ads need to be in our Market's best interest if they're not don't put them on your site because you're not going to make as much and you're going to scream to the search engines that you don't know what you're doing and your content's terrible and all you got to do is put some crappy ads on and hope you make money ain't going to happen ain't going to happen you might make some but it's not going to be as much it's going to be three cents versus more than three cents a lot more and so looking at this it's like okay well what would the best ad be for a fence site or a pet site or whatever it is uh fence picket spacing okay that could work maybe I'll have a book about how to install your own fence right very very important how to integrate the links to sale content make sale content make a good link that leads to it right if I'm going out there and I'm like okay here's this wire fence or whatever um here's why not to use a wire fence or here's where to buy the wire okay are you guys getting this exactly Jill still big money for us to grab if done properly and it's easier it's easier to create one kick butt post with AI in 5 hours than it is to make 10,000 in five hours just doing garbage right I mean is it easier to push a button get junk cond sure are you going to make more on the stuff I'm doing yeah because it's very focused and I would rather see you rank for one or two or three keywords that do really well because it's the 9020 rule how many or 9010 rule there we go can count I promise you I can count uh the 9010 rule says that 90% of what you do is going to produce 10% of the income and 10% of what you do is going to produce 90% of the income most people are focusing on this because they don't know how to find this what if 90% of what we did focused on the 10% and got us the 90% return and we do a good job and everyone's happy and all the ads fit and everything is good and all is right with the world that's what we're looking at if you can do a really good job of that and honestly think about what would the people want if I was to go out there and look at some of these sites okay what can I do what what is the best one I guarantee there's probably a word in here that's doing really really well and making most money right um maybe something like lowcost fence designs um how do Electrify that's probably a good one right so for this 250 searches a month okay if he can get 92 it probably get more like if you did let's do how to Electrify a fence hopefully it's not weird stuff I think it's dog fences yeah this is mostly dog fences so looking at this okay if I was to rank for this there's Wiki how Kora the doing uh other stuff so there are little guys in here here's some chicken site um there are some little places in here when looking at this electric fences are probably expensive to have installed that's where the market is uh Marcus what's the fastest you've ranked U I want to say instant but it took me a minute to search it and it said the site was put up 43 seconds ago so somewhere in the neighborhood of 0 to 43 seconds however I have ranked instantly um by building up old businesses and old sites that does work um that's what we do in our high ticket niches and it works really well and again we want to look at them as a whole how do we provide good info for our visitors that is going to help them and also the ads a lot of people don't teach this I'm the old affiliate marketing dude as it says back there um and thus I am focused on ads that are going to help a lot of people ads are the secondary part they're focused on content why why would you do that you do good content and good ads match made in heaven bulk content bad keywords bad ads Match Made In Hell hence the screen uh thumbnail for this show right and we're starting to look at that we're like hey that is how it works that's how the cookie crumbles if you focus and you're looking at this stuff the right way it is game over you win right and if you have good content that good content doesn't go away if I have a good report on the five ways to not get ripped off buying a fence and it's got direct targeted money a guide about fences a lead to Angie's List a lead to something else this is worth money whether it ranks or not that's the key that is where the money is and when we go through in our training and again if you want notes links from this video check out download myn notes.com and we also give you all kinds of cool stuff if you're not on that list yeah should probably be there um but when we look at this we're like okay now I can repurpose this content for lots of different things and when we do this in our high TI Niche program we're doing this based on the domain hiti nit.com if you want to get that it will end o info overload guaranteed if you're confused if you're struggling tiet nit.com ends info overload today why because I focus you I get you in on one thing and we set it up the right way then we go through with content we're like okay what kind of ads will fit this what kind of things can we do how can we make this work very important to look at rather than just putting up content for Content sake now when you look at that report of the 16 companies that are dominating Google uh what's the other site blog profit Network so if you're on a budget and you like my stuff and you want help blog profit Network um you can go sign up there so you go to blogr docomo just started this week really excited about those the gal who sets up the high ticket niches is going to be the one teaching them um she really cool she's super smart um High ticket niches is our best program though because we will get you started you get a domain you get content sometimes depending on how you order you could get pins for Pinterest um we focus you on a business not just let's write content and hope that Google ranks you um very very important paper call offers are fantastic SEO to paper call is great if done right but again you know how like have you guys ever heard of a pay wall a pay wall is a wall that you have to pay to get behind right not to be confused with fences a pay wall is where it's like okay here's money and then I give you the content we're doing kind of the same thing but not paid we're hiding or positioning our offers behind a pay wall type content so you come to my site you read the content the content has a link hey if X Y and Z happens you need to call an exterminator click here to learn how to call an exterminator and not get ripped off or whatever you have your report on that page that page has no desire to rank I'm not going to rank for exterminator the goal of that content is to get people to buy right very very important is she J from content at scale no who's who's that Julia's cool though she's got content at scale which is pretty cool um I like her stuff she does a good job uh so we're going through and we're like okay we're going to have our content behind something else and our ads behind something else so that it works very very important and it's going to get more people to click um we teach that in high ticket niches and in blog profit network if you like my stuff and you think I know what I'm talking about after doing this 25 years and you want help with your business and you want to make it work that's the key like sun absorb says how could I do this for travel well I don't know because I don't know what kind of travel you're talking about travel is a verb it is a market it's not a niche so what I would do is you'd come in you go in through the high ticket niches you'd say this is the kind of travel I want I would do my research I'd say here's what I think here's a domain I would get and the domain will have a value it'll have some rankings and stuff and we'll say what do you think of that you'll say yeah I like that you focused me I I'm ready to go and then we'll go through and build it with you which is really cool very very cool uh can you get a domain and forward it to an existing domain can you still rank with that forwarding a domain is a is a a waste of a domain um who was it I think it was the people who had um the honey app was it I think so I think it was honey.com and capital on shopping.com they took the honey honey domain after buying it for $4 billion and they did a redirect on it and it just decimated it um which was stupid like why would you do that what are you doing right you buy a site for $4 million and then you tank it um I think let's see let's do five years it might catch it it might be older than that what was their site was it honey.com but that's not a good idea and I mean if you're you know if you're Capital One chopping I'm pretty sure you got some money so you probably don't care that much um but you know to each his own I think that was the one that bought it yeah here it is so um they took joinhoney.com it it was a Powerhouse of a site this thing was just awesome and they're like oh hey now that Capital One bought it let's put it over on Capital One yeah Whoever thought of that like really you got paid to to tell people that advice okay whatever I I I digress um and and so they switched it and now they're trying to get it back and it was like why would you do that why would you redirect something that worked you know why would you do that you know whatever um but Capital one's got a little bit more money than me it's had bit so I have to yield to that GoDaddy bought content Samurai and killed it yeah very very interesting you know redirects are pointless if you're going to use a domain use it for the purpose it was build it for what it was don't spam don't you know try to cheat the system use it for what it what it was for like these sites here um for these 16 companies that dominate Google um they dominate because they are good powerful sites and they're built for the purpose they're built for they're not taking a site about you know yoga instructing and turning it into mortgages it's not what it was intended for um so you got to look at that and focus so so looking at that we want to start making sense of this stuff again I'm going to have links to the sites and um all kinds of notes over at download myy notes.com if you do want to work with me check out blog profit network.com it's super cheap it's less than a dollar a day you can hop on the calls and get help if you want to really work with me and have us set it up high tiet nes.

if you enjoyed this smash a like button come on these every week we're here every Wednesday and uh giving you the real deal of what actually works um how can I get started today build a website do the stuff I talked to you about um or check out blog profit Network and we have a video on how to get started today starting from nothing um and we're going to help you with everything every step of the way we have a support team that is unlike any other they're great they're awesome we got Tina Jesse and the whole clan uh whole group uh helping you out here um and everything like that so it's really good we're here to help thanks for joining smash a like button and we will see you in the next video.

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