Google SEO Document Leak – Exposed FAST Free Traffic Ranking Secrets!

a couple of days ago it was confirmed that the leaked Google documents were in fact true and this led many people to think has Google been caught in a Web of Lies and what do these leaked documents mean for the future of websites blogging and getting traffic from Google has anything changed has everything changed well today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be combing through these leak documents based on 25 years of doing SEO ranking on Google and making money online and not only that but we're going to take a look at some of the key points of these leaked documents from Google talk about how they affect your ranking how they can help you actually rank faster and not only that but we're going to put this whole helpful content thing to the test that's right in today's training not only are we're going to show you what stands out in these leaked documents and what they mean for you and your ability to make money online but we're also going to go through the rankings of one of my websites yes we're going to do this live in an age where nobody really wants to do that and we're going to get honest about what helpful content is based on search engine keywords and the intent behind them this is super important if you understand this you are going to learn the secrets behind the multi-trillion doll in industry that is Google search results so smash a like button buckle up because this is going to be a crazy ride we're going to take a look at some of the myths some of the true stuff and some of the downright wait a minute what yeah that stuff too because let's face it if you've been trying to do SEO or rank your site on Google for longer than 5 minutes you've probably noticed that everyone has a different opinion one SEO guy says this another one says this Google says everything but this so the question is who do we trust how does Google actually rank sites and how am I getting huge increases with some of the AI content I've been posting very recently so I'm going to do something that very few SEO people do I'm going to put my ego aside because my goal is to help you and myself get results and results have nothing to do with what kind of car I drive how good of an SEO person I think I am what Google says what Google wants it all has to do with serving the end user because let's face it if Google stops sharing results that you want to search for you're going to stop searching and there will be no Google that's the beauty of capitalism even though capitalism is quite a bit rigged a lot of these things are still affected by what the consumer wants and you are the consumer of Google even though you might not pay Google for anything every single search you perform is proof that you are a consumer of the Google search product and this search product makes them hundreds of billions of dollars each and every year not to mention the trillions of dollars that are funneled to all the businesses that get traffic from Google so yeah what you're about to learn right here right now is big money and in just a minute I'm going to hop over to the computer we're going to take a look at some of the things people are saying we're going to look at one of my blog posts and we're actually going to use AI right now live to boost that post up by providing helpful quality content getting honest about what people are searching for and what work providing and boost this thing up in the rankings super fast Yep this is something I've been doing for a long time and it's all based 100% on data I mean let's face it we can have all the Google leak documents all we want we can comeb through these day in and day out but the fact remains Google tells you what they want in plain sight every every search you perform on Google for any keyword is showing you what they think in this moment in history is the most relevant and if we provide the most relevant content that not only answers the question but also helps the user out then my friends we can make tons of money online so let's jump in the computer we'll talk about these changes we'll talk about these leaked documents and I'll show you live start to finish how I take a page that's ranking like number 9,000 and boost it up to the top of Google super fast come on let's get started today we are going to look at some of the things that were included in the Google leak some of the things that I think are important some of the things that I think are just kind of fluff that don't really need to be paid attention to and what you need to do if you want to make money with Google traffic get Google rent ings or anything like that again I've been doing this for over 25 years I've seen a lot of Pie in the Sky Doom and Gloom all kinds of crazy stuff and it kind of seems like no matter what everyone's just kind of doing the rain dance hoping that it'll rain so that they can say yes it's because of my dance when in fact we know that the truth is much different now some of the things that stood out to me in the Google leak were the use of Chrome data now this was kind of a well duh where we're looking at it and it's like do you think Google is using Chrome data to influence their rankings based on what people click on sites that are popular and the answer of course is yes they're probably using data from all different types of sources and rightly so it helps them give a better result saying that they're not going to use data from all of the sources they have is kind of like saying yeah Facebook and meta are just after helping us All Connect they're not doing anything creepy at all and to that I would give it a big bah so looking at Chrome data I don't think is much of a game changer but it will tell them likely what's going on again I don't know if they're actually using it they say they don't the report says they do they're probably at some way shape or form using the data from searches and behavior and different things like that when you have a company that big they are going to use multiple data sources and use that to put out the best product possible that of course makes them the most money and looking at Google I think that there's a lot of things that play here and I don't think they're just out to get the little guy I think really what's Happening Here is Google had to respond to an AI problem that they found out existed after the damage was already done so trying to play catchup and get rid of the junk reminds me of a lot of 2003 in 2003 there was a bunch of dirty sites that ranked for pizza terms so you would look for Pizza in Miami and you would not be looking at a pizza I mean maybe sausage but yeah no so looking at that I think that Google had to adjust and change their algorithms cuz there was just a bunch of junk a couple of months ago I'll link to it in the description I made a video showing some of these AI sites that were just regurgitating garbage gaming the system and getting lots of traffic some times when Google responds it is a baby out with the bathwater kind of thing and I think that is what we are seeing a lot of now so Chrome data was one of the big ones and I would say yeah of course they're going to be using that and second clickthrough rate seos have known for a long time I think I first figured it out in like 2001 back when I was about 22 years old that clickthrough rate does have a factor in the ranking if you rank number one on Google but nobody clicks your link and they're clicking number two of course that is going to send a signal to Google that number two is more relevant and something people want to read so they're probably going to rank it higher than number one so I think that is something again that is like of course they're going to promote the stuff that gets the clicks even if it's not as quality of content because it's doing a good job of providing the content and it is something people want unfortunately in the world of content creation we have to submit to the fact fact that what we think is good might not be what the vast majority of people think is good for example on this channel I have to be entertaining I'd really rather just go through data and help you make money but that's not what people want to watch unfortunately there are many channels that get way more traffic than me that are sharing in my opinion less than good information when it comes to making money online so the question is which content is good I'm I mean look at the news cable TV news gets much more viewers than local news but local news is actually more true to what actual news is again the viewer is the one that decides and ultimately if you stop clicking on things Google won't rank them and we've known that for a long time the next thing we want to look at is what's known as a Sandbox ever since about 2002 Google has been accused of having this sandbox which is basically like a penalty box for for new websites if you come out with a new website go to the Penalty Box till we figure out what you're about and then you will rank while some of these reports are saying that Google has a Sandbox and there is some kind of waiting period I think that that might be something new in regards to AI because let's face it if I was to put up good content on a domain name and get one good backlink I'm talking like from the CNN homepage from Wikipedia or some gigantic site in your Niche you will get picked up and ranked within minutes so the sandbox doesn't apply there and also I've seen lots of sites that come up with no backlinks with nothing that are standing on their own ranking in Google with AI content or human written content as long as it's good they're going to rank whether they're new registered 20 years ago it doesn't seem to matter again what we're going to do is we're going to look at the data and separate feelings when we get feelings out of this and we get emotion out of it which I know is really hard to do luckily I learned this in rehab 10 years ago and yesterday was my 10th year sober so I've known that for about 10 years unfortunately I had to learn it the hard way but emotion and money have nothing to do with each other we just connect them because our society connects them when we look at this stuff it's not like Google's out there saying your site is bad we don't like you now it's not personal except except in the case of the people that were out in the open trying to game the system that's much different that might be personal however when we look at a Sandbox I don't think that is the case now when getting to domain Authority what does this mean well as I mentioned a minute ago a second ago when we have domain Authority or a new website right so let's say you have a new website and you're wondering is there a Sandbox can I rank can I make money when looking at this if we have a new website let's say it's called fork money okay it's fork money whatever they're they're making money for food or something like that if you were to go out there and get a link on a gigantic recipe or food website let's say you get a link on Gordon Ramsey website or something like that what's going to happen is Google is going to look at that rank they're going to say this site is important so this one must be important too and they're going to rank it literally instantly will you get a number one ranking depends on the keyword depends on the link and depends on your content but a brand new domain should get ranked right away I remember this years ago when I started a company to help people get indexed faster I inadvertently found out that by putting my link on the ClickBank login page that link and all links associated with it which at the time were brand new sites and at that time people were talking about a Google sandbox yet all of those ranked within minutes yes I'm talking the exact same day so as we see domain Authority is important it might not be important in terms of like what ahre says or what this says or what that says but the entire Google system was built on the idea of college papers if you were to write a college paper and I'm ad living here because I never went to college but when you wrote a college paper you would have to have what is called references or resources what are the places you got your data from and these references or resources would link to like okay I wrote an article on the history of AI right and this goes to Ray kerswell because he's talking about it and if you have a stack of a thousand College papers and they're all about Ai and all of them mention Ray kwell well then chances are Google's going to be like hey Ray kwell must know what he's talking about when it comes to AI this is the nature of what a backlink is only instead of being on paper it's on your blog your website and all over the Internet and the more people that are saying you are about what you're about the better you look to Google the higher you rank and the more domain Authority you have what we want to do is be so good in our Niche that Google can't help but pay attention to us this is why it's super important to Niche down and Niche down really really really well instead of being a Blog about sleeping maybe be a Blog about a certain type of mattress or why people can't sleep or insomnia or something like that but looking at these backlinks they have and always will be super important we are seeing that they're important right now so much so that even websites that don't exist maybe the site's offline maybe the hosting doesn't work maybe the domain is gone they are actually still ranking with zero content so yes domain Authority and backlinks are always going to be important another thing that they mentioned is authorship they want to know that there's actually someone behind there someone who's in charge of what's going on this could be like a pen name it could be an author name it could be someone that works for you whatever it is they want to know that there's some kind of authorship and also we're seeing a lot of change with factors as uh having a store having things to buy having Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest different things like that are all adding up showing Google hey this is a legit thing it's not just some guy trying to rank so that he can make money with AI by giving spammy results that's all that's going on here and of course the number one factor that Google has been saying forever and that all the seos agree on is that good content is key and I'll say good content stands alone why because if you have a piece of good content that should stand on its own in your Niche whether you get Google traffic or not you should be able to share that in your Niche on Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube and get traffic like that when we have a good piece of content it will stand out on its own and if you optimize it properly which I'm going to show you in just a minute you should be able to boost that up and get rankings and lots of traffic let me show you exactly how that works because what we want to do as seos even when our traffic drops our content drops we want to look at the data and do better case in point the example we're going to do today is a post I have about the GoDaddy appraisal tool my thinking behind this and this should always be the thinking is how am I going to do this get the traffic and what am I going to do with the traffic once I get it well I know that people looking up the GoDaddy appraisal tool want to know the value of domain names and since I've been doing domaining for a long time what we're going to do is we're going to provide some value to these people and then get them into courses or have do domain name stuff or whatever it is either way they're looking to make money by selling or buying domain names which is what I do we can see here that for GoDaddy free appraisal we're ranking number 15 and that gets 800 searches a month which means I probably get 13 searches a month now because this has a long list of related keywords there's probably a lot of traffic going to this and I know because I track everything and I know I'm getting a lot of traffic but I want do better I'd like to rank for some of these terms like GoDaddy appraisal domain appraisal godaddy domain value and all of these ones here we could see that for GoDaddy appraisal tool that's probably my best one right now if you don't count that other one we looked at where we're at a number 19 so the question is if I was looking up GoDaddy appraisal which gets 5,000 searches a month which would add a lot of money to my business here then that would be good so let's go ahead and take a look at what value would be what would a good post about the GoDaddy appraisal tool be how would I make something that people actually want to look at well first I have to get honest with myself and realize that I will never be as good as the GoDaddy appraisal tool itself so no matter what I do they are always going to be better I talked about this a couple weeks ago when we were looking at the results from a popular gaming site their traffic had dropped and I brought the case being Devil's Advocate saying hey look they ranked for um a term that was nes emulators a game emulator and they talked about the emulators and now the number one result is an emulator people wanting an emulator want an emulator people wanting an appraisal want an appraisal now we do see that Reddit name pros and other domain sites pop up we also see medium down here digity marketing and lots of other people in the SEO industry so the question is what are they doing do they have domain Authority yes they do and how can we do better so we see here they have Alternatives other tools estimating the value 10 Appraisal Services how can I do better so let's think here someone is looking up the word GoDaddy appraisal they want the tool they want to look up the amount their domain is worth now I actually went through because I know and this is where knowing your Niche comes in handy over at the profit scoop I know that people are frustrated because GoDaddy made it to where you can only look up three domains a day and for the vast majority of people buying and selling domains that's like yeah not enough so I made a tool here and we actually created it based on the GoDaddy API and people can go here and do the GoDaddy appraisal they can put in their domain right like this affiliat and it'll appraise the value of their domain and it looks like I spelled it wrong there we go I spell that wrong about 400 times a day and we can see here it says that the value of the domain alone is $1,800 now I can also go through and do affiliat and I can do more than three which means this is actually valuable so quick question for those of you who look up domains would it be more valuable to go to the GoDaddy site and be timed out at three domains or would this tool that's giving the same results and allows you to search in bulk be better ah okay now you're starting to see the picture here good content would be having the perfect tool and now that I'm doing this I'm actually thinking a step ahead I'm sure I can have my programmer create little links here that would appraise it at other sites as well that would mean even more value for my Searchers because how easy would it be to be like Okay now click to see see what it is over at esot now click to see what it is over here I mean that would be kind of a GameChanger right yep I thought so too so the idea here is let's look at the keywords and let's see if we're doing a good job GoDaddy appraisal tool hidden profit secret okay so I am ranking but hidden profit secret that's not really what they want that might be what my audience wants but that's not necessarily what a Google Searcher wants also do they want a video about this maybe maybe not that could help and it might even help if I had a YouTube hosted video here then I go into GoDaddy appraisal tool is it accurate strengths comparisons and different things like that so what I would do to make this a better piece of content I could actually go through I could take this content right like this okay right there I can go over to chat GPT and I can start to boost this up so what we're going to do is we are going to say what is the intent of someone searching for the GoDaddy appraisal tool this is going to get the intent so that it knows what we're starting value the domain making informed decisions portfolios all this stuff here okay great excellent great now what would be a good title if if I had an actual tool they can use that is not limited so something like GoDaddy appraisal tool unlimited search here that's going to get clicks and we saw that yes CTR is key with Google ranking so again notice how we're doing this so now it has ultimate domain appraisal get the accurate great now add the word GoDaddy since my tool uses GoDaddy appraisal tool okay so we'll go like this see what we come up with get the ultimate best title free unlimited top domain valuation okay so I'm going to say something like this GoDaddy powered appraisal tool GoDaddy tool so what I'm going to do is say let's try GoDaddy appraisal tool unlimited version here plus value tips something like that now if you wanted to get even better you could take one of the other things like plus free estimator that might also get you plus uh estimat tool that would probably get you some other combinations of the keyword by having it see how we have estimator in here appraisal value something like that press plus value estimator now I got two different keywords right so I got go Dy appraisal tool unlimited version that's for the clicks plus value estimator I like that okay so something like that it'll tweak it make it a little bit better we can choose which one we want later this actually without the word ultimate I like that boom that's what I want that would get the clicks okay then I'm going to go through and I'm going to say now let's use now based on that please rework this content and let's see what it does when it reworks the content from my page because now what we're going to do is we're going to actually have the link there now it's showing limitations different things like that shows the strength and it's going to show some comparisons in a table so what it did is it made my stuff much more concise it's giving examples and it's actually doing a pretty good job of making this a better piece of content based on this stuff right so now it's got some examples which I don't know if those are examples I had it might have actually made those up I don't know let's see okay so yeah Carri your cars so it did make this much more concise because what we did here this is just the transcript of the video so it's actually turning it into notes which is going to be a better experience for the people searching which should boost me up in the rankings pretty good and there we go right so now I can go through and I can rework the content here and we can see the different comparisons and everything like that now of course when using AI make certain that you are checking these in grammarly because sometimes AI will copy senten from other places and we want to make sure that it's thinking on its own now when doing stuff like this it's probably not going to show much and if it does it might be like affiliate marketing dude or something because obviously this is already on my website so we'll ignore the ones from my website when doing a refresh so here we see this is affiliate marketing dude affiliate marketing dude affiliate marketing dude so no problems there there is no plagiarism other than on my website which is normal because this is my website okay so now we have a better piece of content it's laid out better and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this video down Okay so let's go ahead and change the title right like this and our title was uh what was it right here God daddy appraisal tool hidden profit secret we don't want that so we're going to do up here go daddy appraisal tool unlimited version plus value estimator I'm going to do this go down the appraisal tool unlimited access value estimator okay boom right there all right then I'm going to go through I'm going to move the video down because people don't really care about the video so let's move that video way down here somewhere we'll just put this on the very bottom right like this okay then we're going to go to visual and will start reworking the content in a very simple way so here is the transcript don't really care about that since we changed it up a little and the button Voodoo that's one of our plugins we give you with blog profit Network that makes those little buttons and those buttons convert like crazy all the stuff that we create and all the stuff that we build for you is based on stuff that I've done after having hundreds and hundreds of millions of visitors to my websites and what I've learned by spending money on traffic generating traffic and everything like that so now we're going to go through and we'll do GoDaddy appraisal is it accurate let's see where this starts so here we're starting with is it accurate okay so we'll go like this we'll just copy all this here okay well let's see if we can copy it better let's do like this there we go all right so we'll put that here now I am also going to go through and I'm going to put the UN unlimited version in here okay so let's do up here try our GoDaddy appraisal tool here unlimited version so right here I'm going to iframe that tool so I'm just going to go through on the profit scoop I'm going to get an iframe of this my programmer is actually working on it right now which will make this tool work in the post right here right so first thing they're going to see is hey here's the post bada bing bada boom now we're ready to go right so now we could see it's a much nicer cleaner experience it's got some examples here and everything's looking pretty good and of course it's a lot shorter concise to the point which I think is going to work and you can take a look at some of the other sites here and see exactly how many words they have and see if it's important so here we could see these guys are talking about so at the top of Google as of March 22 this is important they're saying hey they're monetizing the domain appraisal tool you got to pay to get it okay so we're coming out one with like hey this has a free unlimited version there you go right then we could see here go daddy appraisal uh three Alternatives this has quite a bit of content not as big as what I had with the transcript but it does have some stuff and in my opinion the user experience here isn't that great because of all the ads and the things blocking so you know we'll see how that does but then we have some other stuff here it looks like short unique content is what is key here and I think ours is going to be super unique because we're actually providing the tool and this is something I teach in a video in the description where making tools and little things for your audience is a it's kind of like a free pass to getting rankings because you can post them on different places you can share them on forums I mean think about it if I had that tool I could go over here to this forum and say Hey you know you guys are are all irritated why don't you try my free tool right I could literally just post right here and say Here's my free tool bada bing bada bing there you go right super easy and it will Rank and you can see people are interested in this this is a key looking at your keywords looking at your data and saying how can I do better what else is out there and how do I serve the market in a big way because when I look at Search terms what we are looking at is this is inventory this is Google inventory of people searching thousands of people searching every month interested in appraising the value of their domain that is worth money to me we look at this some people say oh well 5,000 clicks whatever okay but that's not whatever to me same as videos how many views this video gets is not whatever to me that puts money into my pocket and so my incentive is to do a good job so going through this looking at it I'm going to update this post as we see fit here and go through and talk about here's the tool here's the link to the tool here's what I learned with the tool here's some examples and show them all the other stuff so again using this in a very very strategic way is key now one of the other things that was mentioned in the Google le was what we call demo things that are going to get you you know demoted or like the opposite of a promotion right that was anchor mismatch this is something I see all the time when people build sites and the link does not match what is on the page if you have a backlink out there that says read this for the Google tool there better be a Google tool there otherwise it's not going to fit uh Ser demotion this is signaling uh where people are not happy with the search right maybe mine dropped because people weren't happy with what they were reading maybe they didn't want to read a transcript maybe they actually wanted the tool and the Alternatives navigation demotion exact match domains now I haven't seen this be a big thing I know in the old days people thought having an exact match domain was like come right here sir to the front row of Google that never was the case but here's what I would submit to you if you want to learn about exact match domain s then maybe you would want to go through and look at Google searches and see if they exist very important if you're looking up a key word like how to start juggling does how to start juggling dcom come up does juggling domcom best way to juggle are there domains that match the query and the answer nine times out of 10 is like yes there are so I think either it's because they're Niche sites or whatever it is but it doesn't seem to be a negative effect so more about that in a minute next we have the product review demotion where there was a bunch of AI reviewing products and they're looking at that more strict they want people who actually use the product try the product and have tested the product location this is a big one because if you watch a video below from a couple months ago we talked about Safeway near me looking up Safeway near me showed a bunch of AI sites let's see how they're doing now if we were to do Safeway near me and we scroll down back a couple months ago we would get a bunch of AI garbage sites and these AI garbage sites basically they went against everything we think was important and you know here's one here 10 hours ago on a website that looks like it was started a couple days [Music] ago domain was register registered 4 days ago so this flies in the face of anything we thought we knew about some Google sandbox because hey there they are that's a pretty competitive term he's ranking with Safeway here's another one right there and some others here so it looks like yeah their act really didn't clean up and we're seeing a bunch of junk Rank and that's in the location Niche so often times what you see ranking on Google and what Google says or what the leak comes out with isn't always fact now again always use SEO ethically always focus on the user don't spam don't use AI to generate tons of content just to make money those things are coming with much heftier penalties as time goes on then there's other demotions and things like that as well and I found this on ipol so when looking at this the best thing to do is look at your data see what didn't rank why see what does rank why how can I do better because what happens here is the search results page is a barometer for what Google thinks your site is about so it somewhat thinks that I'm about GoDaddy appraisal tools and things like that all I got to do is do a better job now that I know that and boom I'm off to the races this is what we do all the time with our students in blog profit Network in high ticket niches and different things like that where we're helping you guys Rank and understanding things at a level of well what happens here how do we adjust that's the nature of business if you expect to open a business and just be successful out of the get-go well then you're probably better off buying some expensive franchise where everyone's going to tell you what to do starting your own business like this is completely different now is there a lot less risk involved than other things well there might be and it is actually pretty simple and now with AI I think that anyone can make good content super fast all you got to do is focus on what people want focus on the keywords you know you can get and make a good piece of content that will stand alone when I make that GoDaddy tool the thing's going to go nuts because people are going to want to use it which means it doesn't matter if I rank on Google or not I have a good piece of content for people that are interested in using a tool to find the value of a domain name which again for me is super valuable traffic in the world of SEO and using this strategy you can get your rankings to Skyrocket if done correctly just watch what ranks do better tweak do better focus on the user get that traffic and make it work I mean once I'm done with this tool I can now use it to generate a mailing list of people interested in buying and selling and valuing domain names I mean think about the value of that years ago when I started one of my teaching businesses in 2008 I paid $250,000 for my mailing list in the way of Google ads I ran Google ads to it built a mailing list I still make money on that list today so it's very important that you treat this like a business not just here's my blog let's hope it ranks oh no it didn't rank what do I do no we want to focus we want to look at the facts and look at the data when leaks and things like this come out we got to realize Google is getting smarter because they have to if they don't get smarter we are going to see more of this junk when we search for Safeway yeah that doesn't make Google look good so they need to adjust so what we need to do is help them out by giving good content and be objective with why our content is good why it might not be good and how do we make it better and to learn to make it better get the notes from download myn check out blog profit which is where we go through and teach you all this stuff each and every week we have two calls one on Tuesday where we answer all your questions about Niche marketing make money online affiliate marketing and everything like that and then what we just started recently is a weekly call on Fridays that starts next week where we're going to talk to you about WordPress rankings SEO themes plugins and how to make money with WordPress you can see I converted an entire spot of my office house over here into the WordPress City section where our WordPress expert Jesse and myself are going to be hosting that call each and every week and make sure you check out the links in the description so that you can learn more about SEO and how to make money online thanks again for watching I'm Marcus and I'll see you in the next video

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